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S15.E06: There's No “I” in “Team”

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I didn't like either groups designs. Is screaming bright yellow a trending color now? I never see anyone wearing it where I live. And Team Unity useing metallic gray and that ugly print was their downfall. Nothing looked like work wear, it was night wear. The judges were right on that point.

The only looks I liked on button team (bouton was a dumb name) was the kick ass black leather jacket Laurance made and the pant outfit. I didn't like the blousey yellow coat or the sparkly embellishment they put on the other outfits. I don't remember what Dexter made to win and I thought Laurance should have won for her jacket. The guest judge was wearing yellow too, so that was an advantage for them I think.

I liked that these people all got along and worked well together, usually team challenges are back stabbing and throwing each other under the bus. I felt bad Alex went home, I thought he was talented, smart and well spoken even though he spoke in that monotone voice that fascinated me for some reason.

I was hoping Tim would have saved him with a Tim Gunn save but then I remembered they aren't doing that anymore. 

  • Love 11

 I hate the ridiculous "who should go home?" nonsense more than words can express, but all the falling on your own sword drama in this episode's version made it even more excruciating. I desperately needed Santino to come along and start singing "Lighten Up, It's Just Fashion."

No real argument with Alex going home--that dress was pretty terrible--but pretty much anyone on that team except Mah Jing would have been an equally good choice. That said, there were parts of the collection that I liked. My problem with it was that it was so, so boring. The other team's collection had its flaws (Brik and Jenni's dress, mainly), but it at least had some life and fun to it.

Edited by mauras
  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I'm pretty sure they still have it.  For some reason, they don't mention it every week, but I remember Heidi saying it a couple of weeks ago.

Heidi mentioned it this week right before the runway when she said Tim was there but was not a judge.

Did Cornelius really call Mah-Jing what's-his-name? Shouldn't they all know each other's names now?

  • Love 18

My dvr cut off so I was sure that I missed Alex getting the Tim Gunn save but I guess not.  I agree that the dramatics and tears are over the top and completely tedious.  The up side is that I can fast forward through so much of an episode that I can knock it off in about 20 minutes.

I had to laugh when this week's underage guest judge talked about appropriate clothes for working women.  She looked like off-brand Chloe Grace Moretz.  And undoubtedly has never set foot in an office.

I really need everyone on this show to stop talking about making clothes that empower women and painfully trying to describe who their "girl" is.  Just make pretty clothes that people want to wear, okay?

Edited by avecsans
  • Love 19

Heidi also mentioned the Tim Gunn Save tonight.

I agreed with the judges pretty much across the board:  Bouton was more interesting, the beige dress was unfortunate, other team's collection was also pretty good, just not as good.  Alex's dress was the most boring of the less interesting collection, so he was the right choice.  I really did like Maj Jing's vest and Nathalia's coat.

Good on everyone.

  • Love 8

Ok, so how many people think Alex's closing speech was made to persuade Tim to use his Tim Gunn Save???

29 minutes ago, kat165 said:

I wonder if Alex was hoping Tim would save him when he went on about how meeting Tim yrs ago inspired him to continue his education (buttering Tim up). Which also makes me wonder if Tim feels pressured to use the save when maybe he's not ready to. It kind of puts him on the spot.


Oh, ok, sorry... didn't see this. :)

Edited by nb360
saw earlier post
  • Love 3

I wouldn't give up on the Tim Gunn save just yet. I remember the time he bade the auf'd contestant good-bye, returned the next day to tell the designers he had been up all night feeling terrible about it and used his save then. (I just can't remember which season/designer it was!) But I don't really think that will happen this time.

  • Love 13
48 minutes ago, buttersister said:

Why does whoever dresses Heidi hate her?

No idea why but if that person also dresses Milano on the All Stars series, that is some serious hate.  Though in compare I don't think Heidi has to worry about the coffee that person might offer her.  Milano on the other hand?  That is some serious hate.

Boring show.  Boring designs almost across the board.  Boring guest judge.  Can you tell?  I was bored.

I think in this field Alex might well be worthy of the 'save'.  It has been so poorly used in the past that I don't think the duration of the competition has added to Tim's wisdom when he uses it so much as going to emotional currying or dramatic effect.  And if Tim ever feels uncomfortable he can always go to the produers and refuse to participate in the whole "save" process and give up his extra camera time and perceived influence on the show....what do you say TIm? 



  • Love 7

Well, that was a whole lot of nothing IMO.  I wasn't inspired by anything I saw on the runway.  Sigh.  For $2200 budget "Bouton" produced some pretty meh clothes.  I'm sure the fabric looked more "lux" up close and I could see the yellow swing coat was made from some pretty up-market cloth but otherwise "whatever".   And I'm sorry, Laurence's jacket looks like the same jacket we see over and over and over and over and .... Yeah it's ok but hardly innovative....

Team Unity was just such an eye roll effort AND I really wanted them to win, despite the paucity of $$s...I AM glad Roberi was safe and count me in as a "Tim Save" probability.  I think Alex is one of the more talented folks cast this season so I hope he isn't gone gone.

  • Love 5

Why would anyone think big bird yellow and beige (mauve, lol) would go well together?   Didn't like that yellow coat with the grandma trim, nor that stupid Star Trek bib-neck dress that Jenni and Brik made.

Everything in the other team's collection seemed misshapen to me, and was laughable as "work wear."

ETA:  Whoops - it's not a Star Trek bib-neck...I was thinking of Lost in Space bib-necks, and oh, boy, there's that yellow and mauve inspiration!


Edited by izabella
  • Love 10
6 hours ago, bookrat said:

OMG The ugliest clothes I have ever seen won. Wtf. So very very ugly. I Hate everything in that collection.HATE.

who the he'll would wear 5hat God awful yellow coat? I dare Nina to wear that awful thing. She counderstands wear ithe wear that horrid nude dress or ghastly panto with the sequins on the bottom.

  • Love 6

Two bad collections. The editors really did build the Unity bunch up for the fall by airing only their critiques of Bouton. I am sure both teams say both good and bad about the others, but only one side got aired. But they worked on me, because I wanted Cornelius gone for those nasty TH. 

  • Love 1

I don't remember which season, but there has been a time (or two???) that the judges didn't auf anyone. This should have been one of those times. Six per team was too many; the pitch concept to earn the money for Mood was meh (if that was the back door pilot for the new show, count me out); and the overall judging was off. I may be done for this season. 

  • Love 13

I really liked this episode.  I agreed with the judgments of the winning and losing teams although I didn't love or hate either collection.  What I actually liked was that the discussion and critiques were completely design-focused.  There was no interpersonal bullshit or diva behavior to dissect.  I really like how professional everyone is this season.  Even the somewhat annoying designers (Cornelius, Natalia) seem like ok people.  Nothing like past villains.

I was kind of hoping for either no elimination or the Tim Gunn Save.  Alex was deservedly the one to go if someone had to go but it seems like a shame to have him take the fall for something that really wasn't that bad.  He also worked very hard for the team and seemed to have some talent so I wouldn't have minded him getting another shot.

  • Love 17

Further thoughts: Wiki defines mauve as a pale purple or violet, and other examples look lavender-ish. If the yellow coat had true mauve accents, the yellow + purple could be thought of as complementary colors. The mauve I saw on my tv wasn't a variation of violet, however, but a sickly, nondescript pinky-beige.

Edited by roguery
  • Love 22

My stupid DVR cut off as Alex was telling Tim how happy he was to meet him, did Tim save him?

This was a promo for the new PR show & I'm pretty sure it's going to be crap.

I LOVED Laurence’s jacket, but Brik was really lucky his team won because that beige dress sucked.

What bullshit that was making Team Unity stand up there & turn on each other. I hate that kind of crap.

  • Love 11

Hmm...  I liked this episode.  Like that the teams worked well together.  I felt the right team won.  I was kind of hoping they would send no one home because I don't think Alex is a clueless designer, but I get why he's gone.  

They were hawking clothes for a woman during the day.  They were doing it on a runway so I thought Erin's yellow was a smart choice, especially compared to black and blue.  On my TV, the simple dress looked more beige and than mauve and I thought it would look pretty under the yellow coat with the same fur.  Thought the black leather jacket was nice but nothing new, until it was put with the bright yellow skirt.  I wasn't into the baubles hanging off the suit but loved the suit and the style/tailoring was amazing.  I thought the collection was well thought out and well matched.  I was a little surprised Erin didn't win because the collection would've been a different animal without her, but good on Dexter for distinguishing himself among the herd.   

I didn't think the other teams creations were horrific except for Roberi's pants and top.  Their fabric choices didn't seem to be working out so well for them nor some of their choices of design if they were going for day wear. 

I don't mind the who should win/who should go questions because the designers learn more about each other while on teams and we learn more about them.  They were surprisingly noble this time around.  

All jmho, of course.  

  • Love 5

I was rooting for Tim to use his save on Alex and it really seemed like he was about to, but I agree with some posters here that it's too early. I was shocked to see the Queen of Shadelandia aka Cornelious nominate himeself to be auf'd.

I'm glad Mah-Jing explained the origins of his name. I wasn't sure if he was actually Blasian or if it was a "stage" name.

I ship Dexter (I know, I know) and Laurence. Skin that gorgeous should be touching. They would be like a Reeces peanut butter cup together.

Edited by Negritude
  • Love 3

Loved Dexter casually cleaning his shoes in the morning before they left for the workroom.

Is this the first time that we had a team challenge where all the teams got along? Usually there's at least one person bullying their team or someone whining about their team. This season the most drama we got was from Mah-Jing and I felt the few complaints he had were valid. I don't blame him for being concerned that he was the outsider and therefore most likely to be thrown under the bus if his team lost since everyone else was already roommates or BFFs. And yes, he suggested using color (which he was correct to do, as evidenced by Zac's comments during their team's critique) and they ignored him (I also found it hilarious that Nathalia specifically hated the "hideous" fuchsia fabric that was the same color as her own hair).

And for crying out loud, it's the sixth episode and people are still mispronouncing Mah-Jing's name incorrectly? That would have made me really mad too. Philosophic question: was it worse for Alex it mispronounce Mah-Jing's name ("May-Jong") or for Cornelius to refer to him as "what's his name"? 

For the record, ITA with Heidi about Mah-Jing's vest/top being the best piece that Team Unity made. It was the only thing I would want to buy/wear and the only thing that really fit the professional clothing pitch described to the investors.

I hated that speckled looking blue and lime green print they used, especially on the pants. It just looked like a paint accident. The metallic fabric looked very cheap, like something I would expect to find at Wet Seal.  Nathalia's jacket was forgettable.

The dress that Alex made was not fit for an office (the style, length, material, or straplessness). I really disliked all the seaming which made it look even cheaper but on top of the aesthetics of it, I felt like it also made the dress look less polished. Plus it looked so wrinkled and you could see every lump of the model's bra through the fabric.

I hated the loose shapeless shirt that Roberi made. How was that supposed to be a tuxedo shirt? The shirt (or dress?) underneath the patterned jacket had this weird blousey shape that wasn't very flattering on the model so I can't imagine how it would look on someone who wears a size 6 or 8.

House of Bouton was so scattered and disorganized at their initial meeting that I thought they were doomed. They were lucky to have Dexter steer them in the right direction during their discussion and then pull their ideas together into a decent pitch.

I didn't love Erin's bright yellow coat (and I really didn't like it with that light pinkish color that they kept referring to as mauve), but I get that it had impact on the runway.

The denim blazer and cigarette pants were not something I would wear but it was a nice twist on a business suit that had a flattering silhouette and could be worn to work as well as outside the office. Although I wasn't as crazy about the embellishments on the cuffs as the judges were, I agree that they added a little extra something because, as Heidi pointed out, it gets boring to wear suits all the time. At one of my first jobs, I had to wear professional clothes so I had blazers and skirts in several colors and I got bored of my wardrobe.

The dress that Jennie and Brik made was so boring and blah, partly because of the anemic color and partly because there was really nothing to the design. Laurence's black leather jacket was gorgeous.

As sweet as it was for so many people on Team Unity to say they should be the one eliminated (as opposed to the usual ganging up on whichever designer the team hates), I had to laugh at Nathalia's answer: "If my jacket is what you hate the most, I should go home." That was very different from what Roberi and Alex said when they said they should go home.

I don't think that Team Unity's loss was Alex's fault. There was nothing wrong with his pitch. The problem with the pitch was the concept, not how Alex presented it. The garments that were created were not entirely his fault either since they collaborated to come up with their collection. The only thing that was his fault was the wrinkly strapless metallic dress that he made which looked messy.

ITA that the problem with team challenges is that we get outcomes like this where Alex is eliminated even though he's far more talented than Brik who has somehow managed to make it to the seventh challenge.

I cringed when Erin said that Dexter "leaded" their team.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 24

I thought it was very ominous when Mah-Jing said no one was listening to him when he suggested use of color and some "fresher" pieces for their line.  The trip to Mood confirmed what he was saying.  Choosing between a black/gray palette and black/brown is asking to go home.  Anyone who has seen Project Runway knows that the judges practically beg for color on the runway week after week. 

I was glad that Alex was not saved.  His clothes are well-made and stylish but they are very safe.  While he may not have deserved to go home so early, he would not be around in the end.  He is one of the vast middle and does it really matter what week he is aufed?

Where do they get these judges?  Does no person in the fashion world want to be associated with Project Runway anymore?

  • Love 9

Am I the only one who believes that Erin can already be crowned the season's winner? When Nina made the comment about how she can always tell when one of her designs comes down the runway (with fawning, smiling, benign and motherly pride) it was a done deal as far as I'm concerned.

Okay, the girl isn't awful (if a bit smug) but that yellow coat? Aside from a fashionista, who would be caught dead? I thought the color had limited appeal and that the design itself was blocky, bulky and unattractive in a welcome to a sci-fi movie kind of way.

  • Love 13

The language wench in me wanted Erin aufed for talking about who "leaded" their team.  Picky, I know.

My eyes must be going bad because I didn't see mauve fabric.  That would mean that coat was yellow & mauve (ick).  

Neither collection wowed me and I would've been ok with a no elimination week.  That said, I thought, too, that Alex's good bye was a build up for a Tim Gunn save.

  • Love 11

That wasn't really mauve, haha. Mauve is definitely more of a darker pink. Idk why any of those designers definitely thought that was mauve. That was a colour bordering on Rose Quartz....but like lighter...

I'm trying to say I hated that shade of pink. very weak vomit. 

I hated that yellow/not mauve jacket in the workroom, but it didn't look too bad on the runway, I guess. It just didn't seem very wearable. like who is wearing that? (I also like hate yellow, though. it's the one colour I refuse to touch) (well that and green) (but thats a different thing.)

Team Unions line sucked, though, lets be real. It was so dark. I hate the mindset that dark automatically=chic or whatever because it gets so monotonous. 

I hate when people why on the runway. So embarrasing. like stop. It's never endearing or whatever. Just cringey. (I say this but I am a hypocrite because I cry at everything but really! Show a bit of professionalism.)

In the end, the right person went home, I think, and it was very big of Alex to be like "yeah it should be me I really messed up" instead of throwing someone under the bus.

Mah-Jing needs to go tbh. 

  • Love 1

For whatever reason, this feels a lot like season 10. Which is a good thing. Except it sort of ended on a sour note for me when Dmitry, who I otherwise loved, won with an awful collection. Nope, still not over it.

Anywho, I'm still completely loving Erin, Dexter, and Laurence, and was very happy with those three being pointed out as the main contributors to their team's win. Erin is clearly the frontrunner, but I think the other two are still serious contenders. And it seems like they all like eachother a lot as well. If they make it to the end together, this could be a season of bold colors, fierce jackets and good vibes. I'm all for that.

Could've done without the tears and dramatics on the runway. I thought it was pretty clear Alex was leaving - just kindly throw him under the bus and be done with it. 

  • Love 2
32 minutes ago, allonsyalice said:

I hated that yellow/not mauve jacket in the workroom, but it didn't look too bad on the runway, I guess. It just didn't seem very wearable. like who is wearing that? (I also like hate yellow, though. it's the one colour I refuse to touch) (well that and green) (but thats a different thing.)

I think the guest judge - who was dressed all in yellow - would be the first to buy that coat.  Coincidence that she just happened to be on this episode???

  • Love 3

I have seen mauve, I have owned mauve items.  That hoochie length "dress" was not mauve.  It was Nearly Nudey Naked.  And until I read the recap, I had no idea that the triangle bib patch was FUR.  OMG, that whole outfit was a travesty.  The judges were correct that the other 3 pieces saved Jenii & Brik's asses. 

The coat shape, color and style was interesting, but I didn't like the sleeves, especially the NOT mauve secondary color.  I still think Erin has the best designs and is the most original.

Laurence's jacket was super cool and chic, but we've seen some really good moto jackets in the past, no? 

The losing team didn't have a single thing I liked.  I thought Alex's dress looked like a Hefty bag.  The shiny metallic (denim?) wasn't working in any of their looks, but if I had to pick one outfit as the best of the worst, it would be Mah-Jing's.  BFF's Nathalia and Cornelius can leave at any time.  I haven't seen anything memorable from either of them.  And even though they are both from my home state, I think Mass/Boston has had enough shitty representation on reality shows over the years. 

Yet another guest judge I have never heard of (or ever expect to again).  I thought she was a Child of the Corn who got lost and wandered into the studio.  The stylist did her no favors by over flat ironing her hair.  It looked so limp and greasy.  That shade of yellow she was wearing is hard for a pale person to pull off IMO, but she matched up with Erin's coat.

  • Love 4

When I saw the title of the show (There Is No I in Team) (but there is a ME) I was scared it would be Wretchen all over again.  How refreshing that the designers got along.  No drama was needed.  I loved the design of Erin's coat but hated the color and the embellishments.  That dress was not mauve, it was beige. And Laurence's jacket was sheer perfection.  I hated Team Unity's designs except for Mah-Jing's, and loved that Dexter got the win mainly for his leadership.  I really like him--he would be fun to hang around with.

  • Love 8

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