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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

At the risk of sounding like something out of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", I use Windex. Only on flies, though. But when I get a bunch of flies in the house which like to congregate on windows, a few well-aimed blasts of Windex will kill them pretty rapidly even if they manage to fly off at first. And I get clean windows into the bargain. Works well if they land on the counters, too.

Windex also kills ants in seconds.   Learned from my uncle who owns a pest control company. 

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Jill is getting murdered on her instagram post, and this is her response.    


Seriously???   Crawling around and using crutches for 3 days after a bee sting??!!   Dramatic much?

Edited by tabloidlover
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28 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

I’ve Windexed ants for years! 

I guess it's good to have a hobby? 🤣

5 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Jill is getting murdered on her instagram post, and this is her response.    


Seriously???   Crawling around and using crutches for 3 days after a bee sting??!!   Dramatic much?

What a wuss. And yes, a drama queen.

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I actually have a bee/wasp phobia so I kind of empathize with Jill. What annoys me about her posts (and Jessa’s) are the “who else?” questions at the end   To me those questions just seem like they are just trying to get people to comment to raise their social media profiles and potentially make more money off of them. 

Disclaimer:  I am barely on fb, so I have no idea if social media really works that way, but it seems like they want comments for some reason. I posted my opinion on fundies and social media in the “sweet fellowship” thread. 

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1 minute ago, EVS said:

I actually have a bee/wasp phobia so I kind of empathize with Jill. What annoys me about her posts (and Jessa’s) are the “who else?” questions at the end   To me those questions just seem like they are just trying to get people to comment to raise their social media profiles and potentially make more money off of them. 

Disclaimer:  I am barely on fb, so I have no idea if social media really works that way, but it seems like they want comments for some reason. I posted my opinion on fundies and social media in the “sweet fellowship” thread. 

I hate those desperate “who else” comments too. Are they so desperate for validation? Trying to convince the public they are just like them? Because for years they claimed to be so very different and superior.

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28 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Jill is getting murdered on her instagram post, and this is her response.    


Seriously???   Crawling around and using crutches for 3 days after a bee sting??!!   Dramatic much?

 It’s one thing to say you have  a bee phobia, it’s another to go on an overly dramatic rant how she has the right to kill them because she got stung once and it hurt y’all!! And trespassing! How dare they fly in her air!  

She needs to either stop posting about every minor detail of her life, or ignore the criticism. This rebuttal is not going to help her case. Perhaps she needs to go to a few more classes with #bestlawstudentandhubbyever.  

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13 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I hate those desperate “who else” comments too. Are they so desperate for validation? Trying to convince the public they are just like them? Because for years they claimed to be so very different and superior.

Exactly. Suddenly they want to be relatable, but because they are so sheltered, they just aren’t to most people, like this post of Jill’s or Jessa with the dirty diaper pile on the dresser. Jill seems to miss with the majority of her posts, including her awful recipes, yet she keeps trying.  She’s kind of like the definition of insanity, lol. Jessa just gets defensive and now posts preemptive snarky comments on her posts. 

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10 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I seriously doubt getting stung by a bee would cause a person to use crutches unless the person had a serious allergic reaction. She is so full of herself trying to attention and sympathy.

I was dying on a toe by a bumblebee when I was about 16. I was on vacation without my parents visiting family friends. My foot swole up like a balloon so that the only shoes I could wear were flip-flops. We had to scale back  the sightseeing because there were no crutches in the house or visits to a doctor for a shot. So yeah, I'm skittish around certain flying insects, but they don't get in my place, so it's not a high level of concern. I bet Jilly Muffin had Derelict looking for the wasp nest the second he got home from school.

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Every year, like clockwork, we start seeing the first wasps of the year.  I had one in the master bedroom wake me up (it was stuck in the window), so I made all three cats get out and closed the door.  Mr. Six took a peek when he went up earlier, but our little friend wasn't around.  I was stung by a wasp last summer, and that is so horrific pain.  I called the on-call nurse associated with our insurance, and she assured me that I would probably be ok, but I had to look for the signs of anaphylaxis for 4 hours.  I've been stung by bumblebees, but Mr. Six has never been stung by anything.  With three cats in the house, I take no chances with any type of bee/wasp/hornet.  They break and enter, I kill.  Everything else gets take outside to continue living.  

With Jill having two small kids, I can't say I would have done anything differently. I know they are a vital part of our ecology system, but I wouldn't take that risk with kids who may or may not be allergic.  

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6 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

If nothing else, I wish Jill was aware that killing bees is not a good thing. They will never sting unless they are threatened or provoked (they themselves will die if they do), and this planet needs every bee it can get right now. 😢

But, she’s welcome to kill every d@mn wasp she can find. Those things are a plague on humanity. (Can you tell it’s spring in the south?)

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

I seriously doubt getting stung by a bee would cause a person to use crutches unless the person had a serious allergic reaction. She is so full of herself trying to attention and sympathy.

I am severally allergic to bees and had a very bad reaction when I was 4. My foot swole to the size it is now and I couldn’t walk. It was awful. A bee sting could be fatal to me- of all things I don’t blame Jill for how she reacted here. Bees or wasps are not to be fucked with they are dangerous. 


46 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I was dying on a toe by a bumblebee when I was about 16. I was on vacation without my parents visiting family friends. My foot swole up like a balloon so that the only shoes I could wear were flip-flops. We had to scale back  the sightseeing because there were no crutches in the house or visits to a doctor for a shot. So yeah, I'm skittish around certain flying insects, but they don't get in my place, so it's not a high level of concern. I bet Jilly Muffin had Derelict looking for the wasp nest the second he got home from school.

I wouldn’t have a bee/wasp nest on my property. I would call the exterminator ASAP to get rid of it. I think that’s reasonable. 


30 minutes ago, sixlets said:

With three cats in the house, I take no chances with any type of bee/wasp/hornet.  They break and enter, I kill.  Everything else gets take outside to continue living.  


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59 minutes ago, sixlets said:

Every year, like clockwork, we start seeing the first wasps of the year.  I had one in the master bedroom wake me up (it was stuck in the window), so I made all three cats get out and closed the door.  Mr. Six took a peek when he went up earlier, but our little friend wasn't around.  I was stung by a wasp last summer, and that is so horrific pain.  I called the on-call nurse associated with our insurance, and she assured me that I would probably be ok, but I had to look for the signs of anaphylaxis for 4 hours.  I've been stung by bumblebees, but Mr. Six has never been stung by anything.  With three cats in the house, I take no chances with any type of bee/wasp/hornet.  They break and enter, I kill.  Everything else gets take outside to continue living.  

With Jill having two small kids, I can't say I would have done anything differently. I know they are a vital part of our ecology system, but I wouldn't take that risk with kids who may or may not be allergic.  

Yeah, I mean, there's plenty of legitimate things to criticize Jill over, but IMO, swatting a few insects isn't one of them.

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2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I was dying on a toe by a bumblebee when I was about 16. I was on vacation without my parents visiting family friends. My foot swole up like a balloon so that the only shoes I could wear were flip-flops. We had to scale back  the sightseeing because there were no crutches in the house or visits to a doctor for a shot. So yeah, I'm skittish around certain flying insects, but they don't get in my place, so it's not a high level of concern. I bet Jilly Muffin had Derelict looking for the wasp nest the second he got home from school.

But were you crawling everywhere??  Cuz otherwise it wasn’t nearly as serious as poor Jill’s incident.    😂

Edited by tabloidlover
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12 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

That my dear would make too much sense. You would think with all the babies in the house before Izzy and Sam along she would have learn how to deal with rashes and weird pimply things by now.

well Derrick is a weird pimply thing and she handles him okay  😄

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I've noticed the uptick in posts from Jill where she is trying to solicit comments and feedback. Some of the others in the family are doing it, too. 

I think this has got to be guided by a social media specialist, but they're too inept to implement it properly.

I handle some social media stuff for one of my jobs (and a past job) and wording things to get people to respond is basic advice across most platforms to increase engagement.

But the way they're going about it is just foolish because they ask about things that make them look bad or are super obvious. 

I guess whoever is advising them doesn't get to craft the questions and has just given them general advice--or is just as inept. LOL

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Since their media person is like-minded (would they even hire a mainstream Christian?), how in-touch would this person be with what, 99.5% of society?

Not very!

I once worked for a Christian company. It wasn't my department, but I did some work in their marketing department. In many ways, the marketing director was a savvy guy about things like social media, but I was floored by how STUPID he could be about basic shit. And it boiled down to him never getting outside his bubble.

So, even though he understood the theory behind it, he would always get frightened and confused when stuff blew up in his face. And he couldn't figure out how to put out the dumpster fires. He'd respond, thinking he was containing it, and it was like he was pouring gasoline on it. 

If he had ever stepped out of his own box, I think he would have gotten it. But he was incapable of doing that. 

If I didn't know better, I'd think he might be their consultant. . . .

Edited by Zella
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14 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

If nothing else, I wish Jill was aware that killing bees is not a good thing. They will never sting unless they are threatened or provoked (they themselves will die if they do), and this planet needs every bee it can get right now. 😢

I was coming to say this  

I’m busy planting bee attracting plants and flowers to bring more bees to my tiny part if the world

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To be clear I don’t  mind she killed the bees and I get that she’s scared of them, it’s her theatrics that annoy. From telling Iz that she wishes #besthubbyever was there to save them, and the Trespassing!, she’s making this such a big deal. Girl, kill them and move on. 

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6 hours ago, Zella said:

I've noticed the uptick in posts from Jill where she is trying to solicit comments and feedback. Some of the others in the family are doing it, too. 

I think this has got to be guided by a social media specialist, but they're too inept to implement it properly.

I handle some social media stuff for one of my jobs (and a past job) and wording things to get people to respond is basic advice across most platforms to increase engagement.

But the way they're going about it is just foolish because they ask about things that make them look bad or are super obvious. 

I guess whoever is advising them doesn't get to craft the questions and has just given them general advice--or is just as inept. LOL

I was going to say something like this ^^^. I see a lot of SM posts which end with a question that invites comments, but they aren't nearly as inept as the things Jill and Jessa post.

Of course, on my social media feeds I follow people whom I know and respect and/or whose work I admire. And I don't follow religious cult members, TV stahs or not. So there's that. 😀

ETA: I'm against slaughtering bees, and even wasps. Although wasps are more aggressive and less efficient at pollinating plants than bees, they do beneficial things in the ecosytem like eating crop pests. However, I draw the line at having them in my personal ecosystem (house), and I once destroyed a wasp nest that had been built on my dog's house in my backyard (they were huge wasps and stung the hell out of my poor dog). I agree - I'm not bugged by Jill's killing the bug but she needs to dial back the "crawling on the floor" drah-mah. Like, there wasn't anybody else in that house teeming with siblings to fetch things for her or lend her a supporting arm if she needed to move around? She was, you know, home alone? 🙄

Edited by Jeeves
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When did she get stung and end up crawling/on crutches? Must have been before the cameras, because if it wasn't, you know they would have shown that! It would have been something different. And if it happened since her marriage, SHE would have taken pictures, videos and posted about it herself. I don't believe it happened. She's just dramatic because she loves the attention.

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2 hours ago, Totally said:

I was coming to say this  

I’m busy planting bee attracting plants and flowers to bring more bees to my tiny part if the world

Same here. Everyone I know (here in Germany) is changing their garden to make it  more attractive to bees and insects which our earth so desperately needs. And here someone posts proudly about killing a bee. I will never understand how people can be so careless with our environment. I just changed a part of my lawn from grass to a flower meadow to bring more bees and insects into my garden and I can't wait to see all the colorful flowers and to listen to all the bees flying around this summer.

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Best diaper rash fix:  On a CLEAN TUSH, put some olive oil on the rash, followed by a small squirt of Desitin. Then sprinkle some corn-starched base baby powder. Worked for my children like magic. Especially over night. The next morning, it was gone. (hint from my Italian mother).

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1 hour ago, beckie said:

When did she get stung and end up crawling/on crutches? Must have been before the cameras, because if it wasn't, you know they would have shown that! It would have been something different. And if it happened since her marriage, SHE would have taken pictures, videos and posted about it herself. I don't believe it happened. She's just dramatic because she loves the attention.

If she had a reaction that bad, she should have been taken to a hospital. If she had a severe allergic reaction, she should have seen an allergy specialist to be checked out and be given an epi-pen to use if she got stung again. I got an epi-pen when I got my first allergy shot to use in case I had a bad reaction. I only got one shot because I got sick after taking my night time meds and the blasted Acid Reflux Disease decided to come back for some reason.

We had a wasp nest in front of our house a few years ago. My husband found a way to take it down. I was nervous wasps were going to get in the house, but I was not as dramatic as Jill was about the whole thing. I was more worried about my husband or Sassy getting stung because I heard wasp stings can be painful. My husband and I are not allergic to bee stings, but with our medical issues I do not want to take any chances.

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12 hours ago, Trillium said:

 It’s one thing to say you have  a bee phobia, it’s another to go on an overly dramatic rant how she has the right to kill them because she got stung once and it hurt y’all!! And trespassing! How dare they fly in her air!  

She needs to either stop posting about every minor detail of her life, or ignore the criticism. This rebuttal is not going to help her case. Perhaps she needs to go to a few more classes with #bestlawstudentandhubbyever.  

I have a snake phobia.  Mr. lookeyloo recently found one in a bush outside our house.  Kindly, he put gloves on and carried it to the lake (he said it was a water snake).  Lucky for me he is not afraid.  I am terrified.  But I don't want them dead.  If one got in the house, I'd go stay with the son across town til it was cleared out.  Certified and verified!!

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21 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

I had that once. 

I was 45.

(Doctor, in tone of wonder, “Adults hardly EVER get this!”)

I hope this isn’t what the poor kid has, because I was pretty miserable.

Same with me. I was diagnosed by a pediatrician in the ER. 

Jill probably has Izzy change Sam's diapers.

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7 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

I have a snake phobia.  Mr. lookeyloo recently found one in a bush outside our house.  Kindly, he put gloves on and carried it to the lake (he said it was a water snake).  Lucky for me he is not afraid.  I am terrified.  But I don't want them dead.  If one got in the house, I'd go stay with the son across town til it was cleared out.  Certified and verified!!

When I was a little kid I saw a snake on our back fence and ran SCREAMING into the house "there's a snake, there's a snake!!!!"  My dad went out and told me "it's just a little garden/green snake" and tried to get me to take it.  A few years later he got mad at me when we went to the zoo and I refused to walk into the reptile house. He was screaming at me that we had to stay together as a family.  He never could understand my snake phobia. 

Edited by Lisa418722
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52 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

It’s official...People has jumped the shark, turned around and jumped it again and then dove in with it.

A new low for total dreck has been reached, ya’ll!


Oh good grief. 🙄 I think Jill had to know that her post would stir up a lot of controversy, and that's what she wanted. The other day Jessa got attention for being a little bitchy on the Instagram photo with her boys barefoot in a "farm truck" with barbed wire and nails. Some commenters were impressed with Jessa's attitude and encouraged her ("you go girl"). I think Jill wanted the same attention with this post. She knew a lot of people would disagree but that a lot of other people would come to her defense. But I never would have thought it'd make People magazine. Jill must be ecstatic. 

Edited by OpieTaylor
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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

It’s official...People has jumped the shark, turned around and jumped it again and then dove in with it.

A new low for total dreck has been reached, ya’ll!


A question?  I never click on any links just because.  Is this article online content only or will this article be a couple of paragraphs in the actual magazine?

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57 minutes ago, Lisa418722 said:

When I was a little kid I saw a snake on our back fence and ran SCREAMING into the house "there's a snake, there's a snake!!!!"  My dad went out and told me "it's just a little garden/green snake" and tried to get me to take it.  A few years later he got mad at me when we went to the zoo and I refused to walk into the reptile house. He was screaming at me that we had to stay together as a family.  He never could understand my snake phobia. 

Brings me back to the Bronx zoo reptile house a very long time ago. Terrifying. I am thankful that Mr lookeyloo never minimizes my fear and “protects” me from even scenes on TV. I am too scared to get desensitized because that first step seems unsurmountable. 

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I’m totally ok with bees and wasps. I had a large nest of wasps on the back porch of my last place. I could go out and they’d leave me alone. I even have a video of myself putting my hand in their nest, telling them to brawl on me (they did). Then I asked them to go back and again they complied with no issue. I allowed this to be videotaped for all the naysayers. I think they were used to me talking to them and never knew me as a threat. Best year for cherry tomatoes too. I guess we all experience different critters in many ways. No bee hate please people. They pollinate our food and we’d all starve if they went extinct. 

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21 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

Jill is getting murdered on her instagram post, and this is her response.    


Seriously???   Crawling around and using crutches for 3 days after a bee sting??!!   Dramatic much?

I stepped on a bee once. Know what I did for three days? Favored my other foot. Know what I do now? Respect the role bees play in our ecosystem and let them live. Grow up Jill.

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21 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Yeah, I mean, there's plenty of legitimate things to criticize Jill over, but IMO, swatting a few insects isn't one of them.

Exactly my thought. If they get in my house, they are gone.  They are welcome to the outside, where I leave them alone.   

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2 hours ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

I stepped on a bee once. Know what I did for three days? Favored my other foot. Know what I do now? Respect the role bees play in our ecosystem and let them live. Grow up Jill.

Bee's don't bother me. If they wind up in my house I shoo them out. Wasps are mean and we had a nest in the garage and my husband dealt with it. I feel bad but I didn't want them attacking my dog.

I had a wasp fly in my car once, and It landed on my steering wheel. I was going 60 -70 mph on 294S ( Chicago burbs) and I gripped the wheel and the wasp and it stung the hell out of my finger and kept stinging me. I kept calm and just kept bashing my hand against my window to get the effer off me!!  Could you imagine Jilly muffin in that situation, she would have caused a major accident.

But yeah, if she doesn't want other peoples opinions, she shouldn't post controversial shit on instagram. not that hard JIll. 

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It seems like all Citrus and Lemon clothes all look like bags. They have no definition. They all just drape over the bust and then fall to a hem. They're awful.

Maybe that's the style? I lost a bunch of weight over seven years, and now it's hard to find things that don't make me still look big. I'd like my tops to be tapered, but most of the fast-fashion clothes are boho and drapey. (*first world problem, I know.)

Maybe ... Jill is just on trend (-ish)?

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51 minutes ago, SoupyShoes said:

Phew, for a minute there I thought we weren't going to get our daily dose of Citrus and Lemon. Thanks for saving us from another day of second-hand shirts, Jilly!


In this picture of Jill, with the shadows on her face, she is starting to look like Terri Maxwell!

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1 hour ago, SoupyShoes said:

Phew, for a minute there I thought we weren't going to get our daily dose of Citrus and Lemon. Thanks for saving us from another day of second-hand shirts, Jilly!


To each their own on makeup, etc., but I really just want to give Jill some moisturizer with SPF and some undereye cream.  She's too young to have such dried out looking skin.  Ok, I also would cut off about 18 inches of her hair

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