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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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10 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

That’s some way to celebrate getting raided.

"Getting an early start to celebrating Christmas" and getting "some walking in." 

Perhaps they envision the possibility of a less than holly-jolly Christmas and a more confining future for some. 😁 

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10 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Anna's Insta post reminds me of this--

explosion nothing to see here GIF

Bahahaha I love you for posting that! It's what I have been thinking of every time they have posted anything since the raid rumors popped up over the weekend. 

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27 minutes ago, Zella said:

Bahahaha I love you for posting that! It's what I have been thinking of every time they have posted anything since the raid rumors popped up over the weekend. 

I honestly thought I was going to find a gif of Rowan Atkinson for this theme, I completely forgot about Frank Dreben.

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I honestly thought I was going to find a gif of Rowan Atkinson for this theme, I completely forgot about Frank Dreben.

Haha Mr. Bean makes so many faces that one could use on the Duggars.


Edited by Zella
phrasing. . . . ;)
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34 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

She willfully turns a blind eye, that's for sure.

But to keep popping out babies? Ugh. Its one thing to not believe in divorce its another to go on as if nothing has ever happened. He isn't a king who needs royal heirs to inherit a throne, she doesn't need to keep having babies. My aunt and her husband remained married for about 50+ years despite being separated (and living in two different countries for over half of that. Staunch Catholics, you didn't divorce but nothing was going to force you to live together. 

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2 minutes ago, Zella said:

Haha Mr. Bean makes so many faces that one could turn on the Duggars.


Hee.  My daughter called him Mister Beany Baby.

1 minute ago, libgirl2 said:

But to keep popping out babies? Ugh. Its one thing to not believe in divorce its another to go on as if nothing has ever happened. He isn't a king who needs royal heirs to inherit a throne, she doesn't need to keep having babies. My aunt and her husband remained married for about 50+ years despite being separated (and living in two different countries for over half of that. Staunch Catholics, you didn't divorce but nothing was going to force you to live together. 

Very true.  Living apart doesn't require a divorce.

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By how would Anna support herself and six kids living apart from Smuggar? She certainly wouldn't be a beneficiary of the Duggar teat. That's what keeps her where she is, turning a blind eye to Smuggar's shortcomings.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Just now, Sew Sumi said:

By how would Anna support herself and six kids living apart from Smuggar? She certainly wouldn't be a beneficiary of the Duggars teat.

Right.  She would have to take her brother up on his offer.  With that many kids, she's stuck.  Turd's Ma & Pa would cut her off without any problem, I'm sure.

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8 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Right.  She would have to take her brother up on his offer.  With that many kids, she's stuck.  Turd's Ma & Pa would cut her off without any problem, I'm sure.

There are plenty of women who managed to climb out of situations like that. Problem is she has never seen the real world. It also doesn't help that she has drank the kool-aid, she would fear for her mortal soul if she even thought to leave. 

Edited by libgirl2
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6 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Right.  She would have to take her brother up on his offer.  With that many kids, she's stuck.  Turd's Ma & Pa would cut her off without any problem, I'm sure.

Anna "only" had 3, going on 4 kids then. Would he make the same offer today? 

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25 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Right.  She would have to take her brother up on his offer.  With that many kids, she's stuck.  Turd's Ma & Pa would cut her off without any problem, I'm sure.

Both sides of parents would, her parents suck as much as his do. 

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Anna doesn't have any marketable skills and doesn't want them. She bought into this lifestyle so she could stay home and play with her kids all day. Plus, she may not think things are all that bad. Her husband got help for his problems, they've had more kids so he's still into her, she has a nice place to live and good food to eat. If she left she'd be in abject poverty, relying on social programs and/or her family to support her family, and she'd be alone in a world with no coping skills.

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I can't believe Anna went to amusement park (even a little local one) days away from giving birth!!! What if she went into labor at the park!!! She must be do a little later than we thought, but she did say November.  At best it's ten days before she's due (if due Nov. 30), but still that's nuts and a baby ten days early is completely normal and full term! WTF! Is she hoping to have strangers deliver her baby in an area where strangers (including men and her own children) could watch! This is the same woman who gave birth at home rather than let a male doctor look at her! Maybe she thought having a ride attendant deliver her baby was still better than Jill and Michelle! But still! How far is Silver Dollar from their house? (According to FJ, Josh and Anna are probably living in the guest house of the TTH.) 

I know women even those 9 months pregnant should be allowed to move as they please, but I still would stick closer to home if I was about to give birth!!!

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7 minutes ago, Temperance said:

 How far is Silver Dollar from their house? (According to FJ, Josh and Anna are probably living in the guest house of the TTH.) 

About a 2 hour drive from Tontitown. I can't imagine any of that was very comfortable for a woman who is going to give birth in about a week. I have no experience with being pregnant but have been to SDC enough times. One can do a fair amount of walking there, and it is a bit hilly. 

Also can say from personal experience, the seats on the rides can be a tight fit if your ass has gained mass. LOL 

Edited by Zella
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3 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I can't believe Anna went to amusement park (even a little local one) days away from giving birth!!! What if she went into labor at the park!!! She must be do a little later than we thought, but she did say November.  At best it's ten days before she's due (if due Nov. 30), but still that's nuts and a baby ten days early is completely normal and full term! WTF! Is she hoping to have strangers deliver her baby in an area where strangers (including men and her own children) could watch! This is the same woman who gave birth at home rather than let a male doctor look at her! Maybe she thought having a ride attendant deliver her baby was still better than Jill and Michelle! But still! How far is Silver Dollar from their house? (According to FJ, Josh and Anna are probably living in the guest house of the TTH.) 

I know women even those 9 months pregnant should be allowed to move as they please, but I still would stick closer to home if I was about to give birth!!!

I've always worked until the day I went into labor (4 pregnancies), and I was up to 45 minutes away from my home/hospital. Precipitous labor exists, but isn't all that common. I always had several hours, sometimes even days, feom the start of labor to delivery. Unless Anna has some history of fast births that I'm not aware of, it doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

1 minute ago, Zella said:

About a 2 hour drive from Tontitown. I can't imagine any of that was very comfortable for a woman who is going to give birth in about a week. I have no experience with being pregnant but have been to SDC enough times. One can do a fair amount of walking there, and it is a bit hilly. 

She could be trying to kick-start labor with that much walking.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

By how would Anna support herself and six kids living apart from Smuggar? She certainly wouldn't be a beneficiary of the Duggar teat. That's what keeps her where she is, turning a blind eye to Smuggar's shortcomings.

I think this too.  And her brother's offer way back when probably meant a lowering level of lifestyle and some judgement which she wasn't willing to accept.  Just guessing.  Who knows about the brother and what was offered.  And women stay with not good men for all sorts of reasons.

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Oh,  Anna didn't want to give up her cush lifestyle. They went on what, three werk-long vacations during the summer/early fall? Weekday trips to an expensive amusement park? No problemo, even though your spouse has no visible means of support for any of it.

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Oh,  Anna didn't want to give up her cush lifestyle. They went on what, three werk-long vacations during the summer/early fall? Weekday trips to an expensive amusement park? No problemo, even though your spouse has no visible means of support for any of it.

Yes. I'd like to hear her explain where the money is coming from now that the Carlot closed.

Edited by JoanArc
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2 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Yes. I'd like to hear her explain where the money is coming from now that the Carlot closed.

I want to know where the cars were? I seriously doubt the car lot could support a family of nearly 8. Especially a deserted one.

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I seriously think that Anna believes her ultimate redemption will happen when she becomes Michelle 2.0 and has over a dozen kids.  hashtag littleduggars anyone?   Unfortunately nothing will erase her husbands past.  In my mind all she's doing is setting herself up for more stress and heartache.  I just hope she has enough common sense to make sure there is something they can all fall back on once the gravy-train derails once and for all.  

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9 minutes ago, BigBingerBro said:

I just hope she has enough common sense to make sure there is something they can all fall back on once the gravy-train derails once and for all.  

The Tell-All.

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I forgot that Smuggar's property is held in a trust with a weird name. If someone can remember the name, we can look up the records. 

Until then, he's back at the tin guesthouse (not to be confused with the pool house, which is a real house).  😁

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On 11/20/2019 at 12:25 PM, BradandJanet said:

Whatever is going down, it's going to be expensive. It's a good thing JB put his kids on TV at an early age and kept the money. 

"Whatever is going down, it's going to be expensive. It's a good thing JB pimped his kids on TV at an early age and kept the money."


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6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I forgot that Smuggar's property is held in a trust with a weird name. If someone can remember the name, we can look up the records. 

Josh and Anna Duggar sold 5-bedroom Siloam Springs, Arkansas home to ALB Investments, LLC

ALB Investments was registered by Duggar family attorney and longtime friend Travis Story, who is also member of family's Cross Church

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7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I forgot that Smuggar's property is held in a trust with a weird name. If someone can remember the name, we can look up the records. 

Until then, he's back at the tin guesthouse (not to be confused with the pool house, which is a real house).  😁

What is the tin guesthouse?  I'm so out of touch with all these properties.  I know one son lives in the log cabin and I remember a huge home Jill and Derrick were living in.  Then out pops grandma Duggers home with a swimming pool.

My head is spinning!

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16 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Right.  She would have to take her brother up on his offer.  With that many kids, she's stuck.  Turd's Ma & Pa would cut her off without any problem, I'm sure.

How Christ like of them 

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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

What is the tin guesthouse?  I'm so out of touch with all these properties.  I know one son lives in the log cabin and I remember a huge home Jill and Derrick were living in.  Then out pops grandma Duggers home with a swimming pool.

My head is spinning!

Me too! I think the tin guesthouse is right next to main house. This is where Ben stayed pre marriage. So we saw bits of it then. Gramma Duggar house is separate, The Dullards stayed there with Mary on return from Danger America, different house from where they lived when first married. I think JB sold that property. Not sure about pool house, that is where they used to film on occasion. All very confusing.

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13 minutes ago, Zahdii said:

The huge home Jill and Derek lived in was sold after the Dillard's wandered off to scary Central America.

Don't remember who lives in the log cabin, or if it even is a cabin.  Maybe Josiah and the drama llama live there now, maybe it's JD and the giggler.

Grandma Duggar lived in the house across the road from the Dugga'rs for a few years until her death.  Before that, a family friend who was, I believe a midwife and delivered a few of the Duggar grandchildren, lived there.  Jill and Derek lived there for a time after they returned from CA, don't know if Grandma lived there at the same time.

The tin guest house is attached to a warehouse that JB keeps his extra stuff in.  JB seems to be a bit of a hoarder, and the warehouse has old cribs, car seats, furniture, tools, etc in it.  I don't know how many bedrooms the guest house has in it, or if it has a separate entrance to it.  Some people think that Josh and Anna live there now.  Ben lived there for a time when JB convinced his family to let him stay there before the wedding.

The mold house was first lived in by Josh and Anna.  It's small and the show had fun showing how crowded it was when J&A had a couple of siblings over for dinner, and once everyone was seated at the table, Anna had to crawl out of her chair and under the table to get more butter or something.  Josh could have stood up and let her through, but no one seemed to think that he should be forced to inconvenience himself.  

Then it was lived in by Grandma Duggar a few years ago.  She owned it at the time, but it's thought that JB bought it for her.  She 'sold' the house to JB for a pittance after she left to go live with her daughter, Deanna (who is Amy's mother), after Deanna divorced her husband.  Amy may have lived there for a time before she got married to Dillon King.  The mold house was rented out for a year or two to a non family member.  The renter moved out when it was discovered that a leaky roof and windows had allowed mold to grow and JB was slow to fix the issue.  JB finally had the house properly renovated when he decided to let Jessa and Ben move in.  A couple of years later they 'bought' it from JB for a small amount of money.

Joy and Austin lived in a travel trailer, but they have bought a derelict home, again, from JimBob for an astoundingly low price.  They've been working hard to fix it up, and I think they may have already moved in.

Jill and Derek recently bought a small three or four bedroom house in a recently built subdivision, and it appears that they actually bought it, although where they got the money is up to debate.  I hope they don't have many more kids, because Jill and Derek have one bedroom, Derek has another one to use as an office/study room/man cave, and the two boys share another one.  If there is a forth bedroom, it's considered a guest room, but to my knowledge they've never had a guest stay over.

Jinger and Jeremy are living in California in a very nice large home provided for them by The Master’s Seminary, where he is said to attend.  TMS has a checkered past, but Jeremy doesn't seem to mind.  Although he has posted pictures of him studying for exams, the couple and their infant daughter spend an inordinate amount of time posting about events they attend, restaurants they eat at, people they hang out with, day trips, and frequent trips to visit their relatives.  Jeremy also spends a lot of time and money honing his wardrobe, liking European menswear sites online and collecting pocket squares (fancy handkerchiefs).  He's very excited about the recent interest in Kanye West's 'spiritual awakening', attending services at his church, and posting a lengthy video informing us that Kanye is the real thing and we should all believe that West's well-known mental health issues have nothing to do with his instance that he is "greatest artist that God has ever created".  In addition to their shared religious views, perhaps Jeremy also feels a connection to West because they both have professed a love of fashion.  I bet Jeremy is eagerly awaiting the day he can get West's attention by buying a pair of West's leather jogging pants.  He could use them, too, as Jeremy appears to have put on the dreaded 'freshman 15' in recent months.

Jed is renting a house in the district he's running for Arkansas House of Representatives, but no one knows if he's actually living there.  He has to live in the district he's running in, but he's also supposed to live there for a year and there was no mention of him living away from home until very recently.  He put out a statement saying he doesn't know what's going on with the Homeland Security thing the rest of his family are dealing with, because he doesn't live there.  I guess everyone is supposed to think that no longer living with your parents means that you never talk to them or other siblings, even when they make the news because Federal Agents are wandering around asking questions about who knows what.

I think that's all the so-called adult Duggar's that have flown the coop.  I may have left someone out, and I'm pulling all of this information from memory, so I don't know how accurate it is.  If anyone has better information, I'm sure they'll chime in.


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