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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Just random wondering, she dresses him in regular clothing that doesn't look like he's from a fundamentalist family. Is Jessa bucking the system with her kid? I mean, with other Gothard families, is there an approved outfit for male toddlers to wear before they graduate to polo shirts and khaki pants?

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

Just random wondering, she dresses him in regular clothing that doesn't look like he's from a fundamentalist family. Is Jessa bucking the system with her kid? I mean, with other Gothard families, is there an approved outfit for male toddlers to wear before they graduate to polo shirts and khaki pants?

When Derick and Ben arrived on the scene, the Howler Monkeys started wear more mainstream t-shirts and jeans. Those khakis and buttoned up polos were awful for everyday wear.

  • Love 2

My husband is 57. He just transitioned to polo shirts as "everyday" wear maybe three years ago. Of course, now he works nights and has very few opportuities to even go out in his nice shirts, but he's still in jeans (he REFUSES to wear the khakis I got for those "just in case" times. We have a wedding in June. He hasn't worn a suit in 10 years, but this is a rustic place, so I'm hoping to get away with just having to buy him a shirt and sport coat with khakis.  Did anyone else notice that Jessa now has a BLACK rose shirt? Ugh. Girls in their 20's should not be wearing Rose Nyland stuff, probably worn by Betty White. 

45 minutes ago, Marigold said:

After watching Jessa rudely boss around Jeremy in his own home, I just want to say that Jessa is NOT submissive and clearly missed a WisDumb Lesson Booklet. Her tone was not sweet at all. 

Does GotHard have a 911 # to call to report this? 

I know a lot of women like Jessa...well, not really like Jessa because they are otherwise educated, intelligent people, but they have a strong personality that makes you assume that they don't take any shit from anyone.  The thing is, though, that many of them  still "fall in line" when it comes to their husbands/boyfriends, and it has nothing to do with religion. I've always thought that Jessa is like that so I've never believed that Ben is some poor henpecked husband. What seems more likely to me is that Jessa is on the verge of suffering a ruptured aneurysm from all the repressed rage towards that nitwit she married. I think she spends a lot of time and mental energy bending to what Ben wants at all times with a smile on her face. Don't forget, this is the girl who said, "but where would I put all of them?" when that corny fool said he wanted to give her all the flowers in the world, and was promptly slapped down by Michelle because one must never be anything but impressed with what men do for them. Her bossing the other men in her family around is probably the only outlet she has for not having to agree with male nonsense. 

I haven't watched the latest episodes so I could be off base with this, but there were moments during their courtship when Jessa would tease him for something and Ben would look annoyed, and in the first Counting On episodes, Ben looked outright pissed at Jessa a lot of time, and my interpretation then was that it wasn't because he's tired of Jessa's "bossiness," it's that he's not at all used to her arguing or contradicting him ever, so when she does it on camera because she's smart enough to know that something he said is not going to play well for the non-leghumping audience, he's taken aback and angry about it. 

  • Love 1

Maybe Jessa is confident and assertive. She is somewhat toned down when she is in a new environment, the scavenger hunt and the first visit with Flame, but this second Flame interaction she was more relaxed. Bin seems more like his son, an easy going type of person, so although, I make fun of Beta Bin, he is a good fit in this relationship.

Her 'aggressive decorating' at Babe's house really bothered me because Babe didn't choose to have a Jessa in his life, he obviously prefers the meek Jinger, and I can't believe he allowed that episode when he had other options to get that free furniture without looking like a dweeb. Then again, Jeremy also looks foolish with his exaggerated greetings to Jinger so, maybe Jessa has to have the leadership role for everyone in her little circle because everyone else has lost their mind, or soul to TLC.

My opinion is likely to flip flop with each episode.

  • Love 6
Just now, Marigold said:


jessa is the only sane one left!??!!!

She's consistent. Haha, omg, what did I say. Maybe she is just less annoying to me. Jill, Jinger (just recently) and Joy are annoying. Jana just makes me sad. It's strange that the reaction of the people around her, bothers me more than her actions.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, sometimesy said:

She's consistent. Haha, omg, what did I say. Maybe she is just less annoying to me. Jill, Jinger (just recently) and Joy are annoying. Jana just makes me sad. It's strange that the reaction of the people around her, bothers me more than her actions.

Totally agree.

Jill and Jinger are highly annoying.

Joy is just not bright.

Jessa is the only one who has some normal in her. 

  • Love 11
19 hours ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

Just random wondering, she dresses him in regular clothing that doesn't look like he's from a fundamentalist family. Is Jessa bucking the system with her kid? I mean, with other Gothard families, is there an approved outfit for male toddlers to wear before they graduate to polo shirts and khaki pants?

Based on little Philip Waller's experience, they go straight from the womb to polos and khakis.

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:


Yeah, it's an awful name for a girl. It's meaning in Hebrew is quite nice...it means "the delight of the Lord is in her".

Then there's Hepzibah House, which was a house of horrors and abuse where Fundy girls who went astray or wouldn't fall in line were sent. It's OT, but No Longer Quivering or Patheos has plenty to say about the place.

  • Love 1

Hepzibah C Seewald

I had a dream about Ben. Less strange than my Jinger dream. But still:


My subconscious thinks Ben masturbates all day, and cleans his dick on the curtains. 

Dream Ben is a good Christian boy, so he wasn't jerkin it to porn. He jerked off to a Wikipedia tourist guide to Bavaria. 

I'm nuts. 

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I was just thinking that it wouldn't surprise me if Jessa publicly announced and earlier due date just to draw more attention to herself and her show's ratings..For all we know she may not be due for another 10 days!  She's a sly one!

I thought of that too.  She is hustling for the bucks now and truthfully, she really is carrying most of the show. So a little date drama is good for her publicity! 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

He's one of the best-natured babies I've ever seen!  The new baby will probably be hell on wheels! (Colicky, fussy, poor sleeper/eater, etc.)

Jessa lucked out with Spurgie being such an easy, happy baby.She's in for a rude awakening. 

Wondering if they will do the baby's first photo op in Brown Towel or this time will s/he be presented in a Dooooo-vet...

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, sometimesy said:

Maybe Jessa is confident and assertive. She is somewhat toned down when she is in a new environment, the scavenger hunt and the first visit with Flame, but this second Flame interaction she was more relaxed.

 Jessa appears to be leery of outsiders.  Jinger didn't seem to have any problem interacting with "outsiders" during the scavenger hunt. 

1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Jessa lucked out with Spurgie being such an easy, happy baby.She's in for a rude awakening. 

She won't know what hit her.  Based on my personal experience, the first child is usually easy going and the second a bit more challenging. 

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I was just thinking that it wouldn't surprise me if Jessa publicly announced and earlier due date just to draw more attention to herself and her show's ratings..For all we know she may not be due for another 10 days!  She's a sly one!

Ben's birthday lines up with a Feb 9 due date.  I would bet heavily that Feb 2 was based on LMP.

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

 Jessa appears to be leery of outsiders.  Jinger didn't seem to have any problem interacting with "outsiders" during the scavenger hunt. 


Jinger seems to be the type who's happy with new people and large groups but there's probably not much there once you get to know her...a vapid extrovert like Jill, basically. While Jessa takes a while to feel comfortable with new people.  Whether she's any less vapid is anyone's guess. She lacks the education, intellectual curiosity, and hobbies/interests to be at all interesting,but she's assertive, which is a positive sign and a hell of a lot better than meek.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

 Jessa appears to be leery of outsiders.  Jinger didn't seem to have any problem interacting with "outsiders" during the scavenger hunt. 

She won't know what hit her.  Based on my personal experience, the first child is usually easy going and the second a bit more challenging. 

Mine were completely the other way around, My son, first baby, fussed about everything, and was not even happy to be held unless it came with walking around, giving him a change of scenery every few minutes. He lay like dead weight in my arms, only interested in what he could watch and figure out. I had not had a whole lot of experience with babies before that, and it literally took until my daughter was born 22 months later that I realized that babies did NOT all automatically wake up screaming bloody murder every morning.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Mine were completely the other way around, My son, first baby, fussed about everything, and was not even happy to be held unless it came with walking around, giving him a change of scenery every few minutes. He lay like dead weight in my arms, only interested in what he could watch and figure out. I had not had a whole lot of experience with babies before that, and it literally took until my daughter was born 22 months later that I realized that babies did NOT all automatically wake up screaming bloody murder every morning.

Mine were that way too.  Number one puked the first bottle I ever fed him in the hospital and puked regularly for 20 months til we moved him out of the crib because Number two was due.  He gained weight normally, had normal developmental milestones, and pediatrician determined no underlying cause.  He was a bad sleeper too.  He was a happy cute baby, but I was exhausted.  This was in the way back days and no one encouraged me to breast feed.  Back then formula was the rage.  Anyway, number two came and he did not puke and was a good sleeper - made life with two babies much easier.  

I hope Jessa has the good fortune to have a second easy baby, because her skills do not seem great,  and don't want either baby to get the brunt of Jessa being sleep deprived and too many sister helpers over annoying her and Ben pawing at her to be "joyfully available".

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, louannems said:

An ugly,  but godly girl name could be Dorcus. When I was a Seventh Day Adventist, every church had a Dorcus Club or Society, whatever.  Dorcus did good works for poor people, if I remember correctly.

Good works? They know nothing about those.

  • Love 3

Aaaaand no name announcement. I bet Jessa holds off on that until a commercial break during next week's show, just as they did with Spurgeon. 

People can still run Joy's engagement announcement in the morning. 

I'm sure Jessa would have loved to have held off announcing this birth, but it's a show day during Sweeps! Anything for ratings! People will add pics as the day goes on. 

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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