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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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October 31st is also Reformation Day (the anniversary of Martin Luther posting 95 theses to a church door in 1517, sparking the protestant reformation). I imagine if baby is born on Halloween, THAT will be what they focus on, since we know s/he will never get to dress up in a fun costume and trick-or-treat.

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So with that new picture you guys are making me change my whole outlook of her having a Baby Pebbles to Baby Bam Bam.


I just don't know how I feel about that. I think Jessa would have loved a girl to dress up. Boys just aren't as much fun to dress up. I imagined Baby Pebbles in cute dresses all the while her nails being painted to match her outfits, etc. lol We all know that Jessa would have put her missioncation skills to good use with a girl.


Now with a boy will she just leave him to be taken care of by Bin while she gets busy posing for more selfies? Remains to be seen!

I'm getting the feeling from Jessa that a girl would be like competition to her.  Maybe for most of us dressing up a girl is great but for Jessa the attention would be off of her and on her daughter and I think of what she did after Amy's wedding, all of a sudden posting 100 never before seen photos of her own wedding.  That said I think she's having a girl - but I'm usually wrong in my gender guesses.  

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I just saw a Life & Style cover at the supermarket that said Jessa had delivery drama, sought marriage counseling days before birth, etc. It's amazing how the tabloids stretch things. It was made to look like she'd already had the baby. I'm sure the counseling was the Fort Rock retreat event. Crazy.


It also said Josh was banned from the birth and Jill cried. Yes, Jill was crying on the cover.

Edited by JoanArc
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I just saw a Life & Style cover at the supermarket that said Jessa had delivery drama, sought marriage counseling days before birth, etc. It's amazing how the tabloids stretch things. It was made to look like she'd already had the baby. I'm sure the counseling was the Fort Rock retreat event. Crazy.


It also said Josh was banned from the birth and Jill cried. Yes, Jill was crying on the cover.

Is everyone just as surprised as me that Boob isn't suing all these rags for their false stories? He would make a killing.

So with that new picture you guys are making me change my whole outlook of her having a Baby Pebbles to Baby Bam Bam.


I just don't know how I feel about that. I think Jessa would have loved a girl to dress up. Boys just aren't as much fun to dress up. I imagined Baby Pebbles in cute dresses all the while her nails being painted to match her outfits, etc. lol We all know that Jessa would have put her missioncation skills to good use with a girl.


Now with a boy will she just leave him to be taken care of by Bin while she gets busy posing for more selfies? Remains to be seen!

Boys are fun to dress too!  I have 2 grandsons and there are adorable boy outfits that keep falling into my shopping cart.

  • Love 7

More form fitting is the norm today, but that doesn't mean stretched to the max a la Jessa.  She takes ti to the extreme and doesn't look very good, IMO, as a result.  For all the Duggars are supposed to know about sewing and other household arts, Jessa didn't get the lesson about "ease" in garments.


I think Kim Kardashian is Jessa's idol:




Jessa copies the mouth expression, too!

Edited by Mollie
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Jessa's latest (and last?) pregnancy selfie. IMO, it looks like the crib bedding in the lower left quadrant of the picture is for a boy.  



ETA: Is she not wearing her wedding ring? I'm assuming her pregnancy fingers have become too swollen... or the cheap gum ball ring fell apart. 



I think Kim Kardashian is Jessa's idol:




Jessa copies the mouth expression, too!

Jessa is the clear winner here.

  • Love 4

Jessa'll get a tummy tuck between every pregnancy.

They did amazing work on Kate Gosselin and Octomom. I just hope this doesn't happen, I don't think Jessa could cope WARNING! Stretch marks like Freddie Krueger within spoiler!


I'm not a doctor, but anyone who wants stretch marks to fade should ask their doctor about tropical tretinoin cream.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Wait until Jessa sees the condition of her stomach once the baby is born. She ain't gonna like that!

I have wondered how long it will take for Bin to want her back to her pre pregnancy body. The only thing he might miss are the boobs. I hope they don't disappear on her after 2-3 pregnancies.

ETA: I know someone who after having 2 kids needed a boob job. From what I was told, she just had skin and no/little fat in her boobs.

Edited by kellylovessnark

I have wondered how long it will take for Bin to want her back to her pre pregnancy body. The only thing he might miss are the boobs. I hope they don't disappear on her after 2-3 pregnancies.

Lol, they might. I was my mom's third kid and she used to joke that she was able to maintain decent looking cleavage until I was born. I really hope Jessa lets her body heal and doesn't try to start doing crazy workouts too soon. Bin is a complete moron, I can see him encouraging her to go for three mile jogs a week after she delivers. 

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Hmm, I wonder if Jessa will start shilling waist trainers on Instagram, like every other D-List reality celebrity.

I think she'll get pregnant again too quickly for that.  She may never have a waist again.  (That's why Michelle never tucks in her blouse and always looks like she's wearing maternity tops.)

  • Love 3

Hannie is starting to look a lot like Jessa. Jordyn is Michelle's doppelganger. Meredith is a beautiful little chubbers. She looks more like a Keller than a Duggar at this stage.

I'm surprised Jessa wasn't sick to her stomach after eating a whole pineapple. That's a very sugary fruit.

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Wow. Jordyn is a sister-mom? I guess Josiah and Jinger went on the lam.

Suck it Jessa, Johannah will be way prettier than you, and Jenny will make you look like a pile of puke.

Pineapple that's not out of a can practically inverts your face.

That look on her face, I'd swear someone told her to insert the pineapple somewhere.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 4

Earlier I was going to come out in defense of form fitting maternity wear but after seeing that picture of KK?

I'm not sure which element of that get-up is, to me, the most disturbing. The color? The netting? The nips? All of the above and more.

She makes Jessa look cute!

Posed. But cute.

eta: and maybe winsome?

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 6

Bin is a complete moron, I can see him encouraging her to go for three mile jogs a week after she delivers. 

He won't rest until she's back to pre-pregnancy form. We're talking about Bin here. He's not going to want a wife he can't brag about.

And I'll do my best to not vomit over the Instagram "advice" for Benessa of "special time with the hubby" starting labor.

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He won't rest until she's back to pre-pregnancy form. We're talking about Bin here. He's not going to want a wife he can't brag about.

And vice versa. Can you see Jessa with a guy that's overweight, or has Dillard tier looks? They're gonna be in for a shock when their looks naturally fade.

Edited by JoanArc
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Jessa tries to induce labor by eating an entire pineapple!

An adorable picture of Jordyn and Meredith!

Is this pineapple advice from in-house expert Dr. Jill? What's next? A needle dangling by a thread over the pregnant belly to determine the sex of the baby? Old-wives tales, circa 1947.


And the shocker of the Meredith pic....she's wearing PANTS  !!!!!! and there's no giant-sized Hobby Lobby blossom on her head.

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BJ over the bed. Teehee.

...Reminds me of when my dad used to call for the cat, "Here pussy, pussy..." 


My dad used a lot of old fashioned words and phrases.  When he was really aggravated he'd say "You want me to lick your butt?"  One day that suddenly stopped being the threat of a spanking, and my teenaged mind went...there.


I just stared at him and then said "Uh, no."

  • Love 3

In defense of Jessa, I just remembered a few years back that when I needed new thermal shirts, I went off to Old Navy and bought a batch of sizes, from small men's to large women's.


At one point, when I wanted brown, I was trying on a medium maternity.


It fit just like any other shirt, except there was extra gut room, but not so much gut that anyone would know *gasp! OMG, you have a maternity top on!* if I'd cut the tag out.


Moral of the story:  while you can still find frumpers I suppose, since fancy maternity stores still exist:  it's eminently possible I think, that peer pressure from other girls who have quibbled and carped about wanting to "still be sexy while pregnant", has harangued the clothing designers into making maternity lines more form fitting and, in fact, only slightly different from regularly cut clothes.

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i'm sure that you're right, but I still think that both Jill and Jessa see pregnancy as a mark of Godly favor and their skin tight maternity clothing is a form of showing off their pregnancies. I could be wrong, but these are people who think that the shoulder of a four year old child and the knee of a 40 year old woman are overly sexual, and who go out of their way to alter every bit of clothing they buy for the sake of "modesty," so I don't think that they are just shrugging their shoulders and saying "oh well, this is the current trend in maternity wear."

  • Love 17

I don't like the tight maternity wear either. In my ever-so-humble opinion, the top curve of the bump is fine but no one needs to see the contours of the lower curve and crotch. It's like she's saying, "Look, here's where the baby came in and here's where the baby comes out! And it's beautiful and godly because we're breeding for Jesus!" It's been eons since I was pregnant but I have to admit I dressed more like Michelle than like Jessa, in loose smock-style tops and dresses. And they were so comfy! 

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The Duggar piano playing Jessa posted on her twitter would be enough to send me into labor.  Maybe she's hanging around the compound to give birth.  Alone with Ben in their house giving birth probably wouldn't be the best idea.  Ben delivering a baby on his own would be tricky.  

The Duggar piano playing Jessa posted on her twitter would be enough to send me into labor. Maybe she's hanging around the compound to give birth. Alone with Ben in their house giving birth probably wouldn't be the best idea. Ben delivering a baby on his own would be tricky.

There's also more room, so less chance of having a toilet birth.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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