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S11.E03: Lies In The Air, Sand In My Hair

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3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Instead of asking why Vicki had Brianna driving on their 20 hour car trip, we should be asking why Brianna, who is a medical professional, chose to take a lengthy car trip while experiencing complications from surgery and having a pain level of 8 out of 10? ( as a nurse, Brianna should be familiar with the Pain Scale, and understand that someone at an 8 out of ten would be incapacitated)

Why was it necessary to pack up her kids and move them away from their home and father, when Brianna's husband is still completing his military commitment and their home is not sold yet? If she needed to consult with her previous physicians she could have flown back to California for a few days for some medical consultations. The whole storyline has producer fingerprints all over it. The car trip, and moving back to Orange County is because they were offered an opportunity to be on RHOC and didn't want to pass it up.

Because she's as much of a control freak and martyr as her mother.

Shes an ass if she really did drive two small children halfway across the country while is great pain.

i don't know why it bothers me when Briana whines there is nothing to do in OKC, but I googled and found that the metro is over a half million people, and that there are the usual largish city amenities.  Anyway, she works and takes care of her kids and seems to be inactive regardless of her health, so she probably doesn't even want to get out.  My guess is she didn't do any more in Cali, and is probably housebound most of the time in either locale.

if bravo thinks she's the next HW after they sack Kelly, they have another think coming.  I would rather clean fish all day in 95 degree heat than watch that negative nancy drag around bitching about her health.  She seems to enjoy being ill.  Probably her way of getting attention and sympathy.  She won't get casseroles, though.

Every time I do something in life, I want Shannon to pop up in a talking head and make some grumpy old lady comment.   Don't ever change Shannon.   

  • Love 20

I like Heather's frivolousness, everyone else's "stories" are heavy and boring.  She could talk about ice and BBQ's all day.  I know she's thin, but really, she never eats pizza?

Kelly lives in a marriage of convenience?  Fine, who cares?  The man appears to pay for everything including her mother and brother.

Shannon's moving out of her affair house due to financial difficulties?  Fine, moving won't change your husband's wandering eye and it's apparently hurt their business.

Meghan's doing IVF because her husband had a vasectomy?  Perfect!  At least that way she'll have someone to hang out with when they break up!

Brianna's willing to risk her life to be on reality tv?  Great!  Stop whining about a road trip, when it could've been postponed for a week.  Or maybe even postpone the surgery until you're back in the OC with your doctors!  I don't believe for a minute that she was really be left alone with the kids straight out of the hospital, someone must've come over to help.

Ryan and Sarah need to be fixed?  No they don't, it's a toxic relationship, which she knew but went along with because of the grandbaby.

  • Love 5

Shannon has said they are not moving because of financial difficulties.  David's business is thriving his contracts are primarily with Cal-Trans and local  municipalities who really don't weigh in on the contractor's sex life.  I can appreciate what Shannon said about wanting to build a 7,500 square foot home and how it grew to over 13,000 square feet.  It sounds as if she and David can get it right this time and perhaps have a location closer to the water.  There is just something so much more satisfying watching people or remodel new lux homes than having them worry over money or promote some BS product. 

3 minutes ago, Thumper said:

So the Bravo cameras are there, filming the OKC-to-OC drive from hell ... And no one helps the ailing Brianna?  I can't help but think there must have been a hired driver in there.

I think it is a dash mounted camera and was set up in OKC by local talent.  I get the impression Bravo said not more Oklahoma trips-the show is about OC.

  • Love 8

I've been thinking about this Bri roadtrip (boring day at work) and I'm convinced that this move back to the OC right at this inconvenient time is so 1. Vicki has a storyline & 2. Vicki has support. Vicki has absolutely nothing going on. All of a sudden, Bri needs to be back in the OC w her doctors? Couldn't they have been the ones to do the surgery if it was so important to have "her" team? She needed to be in the OC when she discovered an infection?

Her deep sadness at leaving Ryan behind, attitude in the car (yes, I know she was in pain but I smelled resentment), and comments about how she's also coming back so her mom wouldn't be alone speaks volumes to me. She was convinced to come back at that time, she didn't want to, no matter how much she hated OKC. 

  • Love 11
27 minutes ago, Thumper said:

So the Bravo cameras are there, filming the OKC-to-OC drive from hell ... And no one helps the ailing Brianna?  I can't help but think there must have been a hired driver in there.

I thought that the reason they picked that vehicle was the second bench. That way Vicki or another person could ride in the back. I know they probably filled it up for the move but there could have been room for Briana to lay in the back and have a driver and/or Vicki in the front. Vicki said Briana gets carsick but laying down helps and so do drugs. The whole thing didn't make any sense because they have the means to hire help to make it more comfortable or travel another way.

eta: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/exclusive-vicki-gunvalson-vows-seek-175800427.html


"I flew there at night, picked her up in Oklahoma and drove her across the country to get her to California," Vicki recalls. "We went immediately into the hospital. She was admitted three weeks in isolation. She had a cross-contamination, hospital-acquired infection from a hospital in Oklahoma. Very, very sick."

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, Thumper said:

So the Bravo cameras are there, filming the OKC-to-OC drive from hell ... And no one helps the ailing Brianna?  I can't help but think there must have been a hired driver in there.

No, no driver, just a mounted camera. I think Brianna thought she was doing better than she really was and got worse as the trip progressed. If you look at her coloring during the trip, she got paler and paler as time went on. By the time they got to Vicki's house, her temp was up to 103*, she was getting weaker and she still had to carry in their luggage because Vicki's "back hurt"! Typical Vicki move!

  • Love 1

I don't believe for one minute that either Vicki and Briana, who grew up in a very car oriented culture, suffer from car sickness .  Vicki is a known liar, and Briana is a frumpy, boring drama queen.   They both suffer a pathological need to control, and I am so sick of both Of them that I am suffering from Gunvslson sickness.  Heathers pizza oven and designer ice were far more scintillating that watching two charmless, unnactractive, bitter women make each other and two innocent children miserable.   I know people don't like Ryan, but I feel for the guy, as Briana is just as toxic as Vicki, IMO.   Fuck it, Brooks could do better than that hag. 

  • Love 13

He's only 2, that was typical toddler, lol.

Yeah, but still, he was trippin' out over practically nothing, and blaming the baby for his actions. (Not really surprising, though, given his parents and grandmother.)


She was convinced to come back at that time, she didn't want to, no matter how much she hated OKC. 

Maybe, but she's a grown ass woman, so it was ultimately her decision to disrupt her recovery and home life for a Bravo paycheck.

I had no idea Sonic ice was a thing, lol.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, jaync said:

Yeah, but still, he was trippin' out over practically nothing, and blaming the baby for his actions. (Not really surprising, though, given his parents and grandmother.)

Maybe, but she's a grown ass woman, so it was ultimately her decision to disrupt her recovery and home life for a Bravo paycheck.

I had no idea Sonic ice was a thing, lol.

We'll have to agree to disagree then. My 2 year old just flipped his shit because he's blankie didn't cover him the "right way" and he's well adjusted and normal. Toddlers overreact to stupid things, that's what they do. I didn't see anything unusual about Troy's behavior, based on my experiences and what I've seen with many other toddlers as well. There are stories, memes, and parenting boards full of things like this.

  • Love 17

Mu Shu, I grew up in a car-oriented culture, and I get carsick if I sit in the back seat on long drives.  So does my sister.  Another sister prefers to drive because even riding up front, she gets nauseated and dizzy.  She developed this later in life.  So it is a real thing.  Some of us are more susceptible to it.

  • Love 8

Another carsick victim here.  I can't read or look at my phone, so yes, I typically offer to drive.  Plus, some people just prefer to be driving when in a car.  I c an see Briana feeling that would make the trip go by faster than if she were a passenger.  Still, I do wonder why they didn't just fly and have their car/items inside shipped to them.

Vicki's never going to apologize so part of me was impressed with Tamra understanding that and accepting Vicki for who she is.  Probably first and last time Tamra impressed me.  The other part wonders why these ladies feel they're due an apology at all.  Why do they even care who Vicki is dating?

Heather's house.  Yeah, we get it, you're rich.  Anything else?

I love Kelly's house.  Probably my favorite OC gouse since Lynne's beach rental.

  • Love 3

Ice is ice and pizza is good out of any oven.

Matter of fact -people that don't eat pizza are Communist Assholes. 

Most of us would like to walk into a house and fire up a 7k stove, but wouldn't a 2k stove and a 5k vacation sound better?

Bag ice is the best. You manhandle it out of the freezer and crack it on the floor to get enough small pieces for you to use.

I was wondering what the price - per month - it's going to be to run casa/villa doo brow?

  • Love 13

I may be in the minority  here but I love Kelly's beach house.  Beautiful beachfront property with ocean views -- please sign me up.  I thought the beach party looked really cute -- Kelly did a good job. What is troubling is her marriage -- those two snap at each other and he often looks wounded, so no bueno.  They also seem to drink a lot -- or least the camera is trying to tell us that.  Well, time will tell if that's real or the editing folks at work.

I can't believe I finally like Tamra. Since the "Naked Wasted" episode, I have had a hard time with her but now she seems...almost...human and less vile.  Agree that sweet, reasonable Eddie is a good influence on her and I am glad that she is with him.  

I know Brianna isn't perfect but I still like her -- I can't help it. She seems like she would be fun to hang out with, even if she is a bit on the Eyeore side (the sad Donkey from Winnie the Pooh).  She does love her mom -- I think that's real. She took on an awful lot at once --- think she's overwhelmed. I agree she lets Vicki spoil  her but there is a decent side to Brianna that I have always liked.  

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, Gaily said:


I can't believe I finally like Tamra. Since the "Naked Wasted" episode, I have had a hard time with her but now she seems...almost...human and less vile.  Agree that sweet, reasonable Eddie is a good influence on her and I am glad that she is with him. 

Naked wasted was when lots of viewers stopped liking Tamra. 

Episode 5 of this season will start to explain Kelly's mean spirited comments toward tamra and shannon..i think.


After sitting though that episode, I think Bravo owes me a casserole. I totally concur with those who have said that the only reason Brianna has returned to OC now (or during the filming of this epi) is that Vicki needs a storyline. That, and Brianna is her mother's daughter and likes both the camera and the money being on the show brings. And I don't for one minute think that Vicki left Brianna alone with two little kids and went off to work. Bravo is well known for producer manipulation and letting the audience think that one thing has happened when reality (aside from being a 'reality show')  is quite different. In any case though I have no interest in seeing Brianna or her children (and Troy is not a toddler - he is 4 - Owen is the toddler at 2) on my screen.

I was disgusted by Kelly when David and Shannon showed up at the beach party and she purposely turned her head when David was greeting her so that his mouth would land near or on her mouth. And then went on to say that is the most action she has received in ages. She is a bitch to her husband, and on top of that acting way too friendly to the husband of a fellow HW that she has just met. And a fellow HW who has managed to put her marriage back together. And I don't for a minute believe she doesn't know that. I detest Kelly and this is only the second epi I have seen.

Heather (or Pleather - love that!) is 2.5 years into a storyline that features building a house. That is 17.5 years in dog years and it feels like it. I acutally nodded off during the appliance shopping segment so was amused to read here that the highlight seemed to be deciding what shape of ice cubes she wants. I am surprised that she hasn't ordered a custom made fridge that produces bow shaped cubes.

I am totally bored with Vicki and her family, Tamra and her family, Kelly and her family, Meghan and her attempts to have a family, and Heather and her mansion. That leaves Shannon and David and they aren't enough to keep me around for much longer.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, snarts said:

Another carsick victim here.  I can't read or look at my phone, so yes, I typically offer to drive.  Plus, some people just prefer to be driving when in a car.  I c an see Briana feeling that would make the trip go by faster than if she were a passenger.  Still, I do wonder why they didn't just fly and have their car/items inside shipped to them.

Vicki's never going to apologize so part of me was impressed with Tamra understanding that and accepting Vicki for who she is.  Probably first and last time Tamra impressed me.  The other part wonders why these ladies feel they're due an apology at all.  Why do they even care who Vicki is dating?

Heather's house.  Yeah, we get it, you're rich.  Anything else?

I love Kelly's house.  Probably my favorite OC gouse since Lynne's beach rental.

I don't think they care who Vicki dates.  I think they do care about listening to Vicki make stuff up and dragging Brooks in their presence.  A party at Shannon's was cut short because once again Brooks and Tamra got into to it.  My the end of the season I think it had more to do with Brooks manipulating documents and he and Vicki having such umbrage at anyone questioning either of them.

Where I think it works against Vicki, is she desperately wants to be a victim, and now this season she has uprooted ill Briana, to return back to the OC.  Although these shows are reality based there are just some storylines that really don't flow well for the viewers.  Sadly, I have no interest in Briana and her illness.  I never know if Vicki is telling the truth when she claims Briana was in the hospital for three weeks.  I guess I need receipts.   

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, Gaily said:

I may be in the minority  here but I love Kelly's beach house.  Beautiful beachfront property with ocean views -- please sign me up.  I thought the beach party looked really cute -- Kelly did a good job. What is troubling is her marriage -- those two snap at each other and he often looks wounded, so no bueno.  They also seem to drink a lot -- or least the camera is trying to tell us that.  Well, time will tell if that's real or the editing folks at work.

I can't believe I finally like Tamra. Since the "Naked Wasted" episode, I have had a hard time with her but now she seems...almost...human and less vile.  Agree that sweet, reasonable Eddie is a good influence on her and I am glad that she is with him.  

I know Brianna isn't perfect but I still like her -- I can't help it. She seems like she would be fun to hang out with, even if she is a bit on the Eyeore side (the sad Donkey from Winnie the Pooh).  She does love her mom -- I think that's real. She took on an awful lot at once --- think she's overwhelmed. I agree she lets Vicki spoil  her but there is a decent side to Brianna that I have always liked.  


Agree with your first and third paragraphs -- but I feel like Tamballs is playing what she thinks befits a Good Christian Woman -- calm, centered, devout, walkin' the walk and so on. An interesting s/l but I'm not convinced how sincere it is. Last season's baptism-by-chlorine was with a non-denom Protestant church (was it Mission Viejo Christian?) and I think if she'd elected to embrace Catholicism instead, she'd have dropped to her knees at that beach picnic and intoned wistfully with outstretched arms O! who is that beautiful Lady on the rock draped in blue and surrounded by light? The Miracle of Our Lady of Laguna Beach.

  • Love 6

Pee-yoo, eh, Vicks?  You know what really stinks now, Vicks -- other than your lying sack of shit presence?  The ratings for this show, that's what.  They're way down from last season.  Not exactly a big surprise.  Vicks shoulda been dumped from the show for her part in that piece of shit boyfriend of hers faking cancer to us.

And now instead of Vicks being dumped, we're stuck with a season of Vicks' redemption tour (blech) & a more prominent role for Briana (bigger blech)  So we get season of Briana's illness?  I don't care about her or illness.  I always thought Briana was pretty charmless, so I give zero fucks about her.  And I really don't wanna see that fugly asshole plug of a husband of hers.

And of course Vicks ain't gonna ever admit to shit.  Sure, when anyone brings it up, she wants to change the subject quick and avoid any talk about Brooks faking cancer & her part in that despicable shit.  I see her ploy.  She's hiding behind wah-wah-ing over Briana & her illness.  Eh, seriously, I can't even watch Vicks anymore cuz I'm just so disgusted with her.  And I have no interest in ANYONE connected to her.  I'm done with you, Vicks.  DONE!

But I'm not quite done with the show yet.  The prob is with this cast.  The poor ratings aren't only because of Vicks -- altho I bet she & her bullshit are a big factor.  OK, so I'm hardly the only one completely & thoroughly disgusted by her.  The real prob here is there is a lotta dead weight in this cast besides Vicks.  I don't hate or even dislike Meghan.  But I find absolutely nothing interesting about her.  And I'd be fine & dandy if I never laid eyes on asshole Jimmy & his blubber lips ever again.  And Kelly has been a kinda nothing addition.  Her marriage was pretty much dead on arrival -- way before she started on this thing.  Whatever.  I care nothing about her.

So who's left?  Well, Shannon has always been reality TV gold & she continues to be.  I so wanna see her build a new place from scratch.  Heather has always bugged me & yet she sometimes gives me a giggle -- whether intentional or not.  And while I'm sorta shocking myself saying this, I don't even mind Tams lately.  Altho when her asshole son comes on cam, it makes shudder, but I actually kinda like Eddie.

So I'm still watching, but only for Shannon really.  Maybe a bit for Heather too, but I still can't stomach Miss Terry & that nasally whine.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 12
15 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

[Meghan's] smile after she gave the shot was one the most real, honest moments I have seen on a Housevives show.

That's exactly how I reacted.  She looked scared, and then she looked proud, and it seemed real.

But now I wonder if that's just because everybody else's faces don't move, so when one does, it's remarkable.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
fixed my misspelling of Meghan's name because I may be snarky and rude, but I try not to be thoughtless.
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Lisin said:

That's exactly the one I want!! It's a bit crazy to spend that much on an ice maker but maaaaan do I want it!

Naw.  I would have felt that way too once.  But, now that I'm older than dirt, I say go for it!  It may seem like a lot now, but, over time as you make more money, enjoying it,and,looking in the rear view mirror, you'll be glad you did it.    Do it!

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Nanny pants said:

Sorry.  Not interested in fat Brianna and her 2 ugly toddlers.   (I can get that any day of the week at my local grocery store.)


Agreed, although I think Owen is sorta cute. More importantly, he's petty. My kind of petty. He knew what he was doing slowly dragging the other one's bag out of the room while he screamed and whined about it. More petty Owen please!

  • Love 5

Yeah, but still, he was trippin' out over practically nothing, and blaming the baby for his actions. (Not really surprising, though, given his parents and grandmother.)

I was a nanny throughout college and this was pretty standard behavior for toddlers. I had a three year old girl flip out over her baby sister touching her stuff. She was very territorial with her new younger sibling. I have also had toddlers and kids flip out over a seemingly insignificant thing. So I did not see Troy's behavior as anything new. I was more surprised that Vicki watched them overnight or however long Brianna was in the hospital for, because when Vicki is not working she seems so scattered.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 1

Well....Vicks came into this season with 'everyone' being pissed off at her.  Vicks has/had no one.  No one to film with, etc.   No surprise that Brianna is going to get more air time.  And IMO one of the reasons why her move back OC was pushed up as far as possible. 

Vicks to Brianna:  You have to move back now.  I need someone to film with.  "I'll buy the 'f'ing house in OC.  Just get back here.  Ryan can stay back in god awful OK and take care of business but you have to be here NOW.  I've given you everything.  That's the least you can do for me.  Of course you're going to pay me back."   Brianna has ongoing med problems.  It does sound serious.  Better off to get care from a place she's well familiar with and worked at.  She's on board.  And then there's the supplemental income from Bravo.  But....

Obviously, the trip from OK to CA was on the storyboard.  Vicks had it on her calendar and we all know how valuable Vick's time is.  I can just imagine that discussion.  I don't think Brianna really wanted to go but her condition at the time wasn't what it was when she arrived in OC.  So she did it.  In retrospective?  Bad decision.  Vick's decision to leave her with the two kids at the OC house?  We got to see the true 'Vicky' in action.  Sorry Vicks, the only person you truly love is yourself.  You just didn't want to deal with it anymore so you made your escape.  You could have worked from home.  I really felt for Brianna in that instance.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 13
28 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Well....Vicks came into this season with 'everyone' being pissed off at her.  Vicks has/had no one.  No one to film with, etc.   No surprise that Brianna is going to get more air time.  And IMO one of the reasons why her move back OC was pushed up as far as possible. 

Vicks to Brianna:  You have to move back now.  I need someone to film with.  "I'll buy the 'f'ing house in OC.  Just get back here.  Ryan can stay back in god awful OK and take care of business but you have to be here NOW.  I've given you everything.  That's the least you can do for me.  Of course you're going to pay me back."   Brianna has ongoing med problems.  It does sound serious.  Better off to get care from a place she's well familiar with and worked at.  She's on board.  And then there's the supplemental income from Bravo.  But....

Obviously, the trip from OK to CA was on the storyboard.  Vicks had it on her calendar and we all know how valuable Vick's time is.  I can just imagine that discussion.  I don't think Brianna really wanted to go but her condition at the time wasn't what it was when she arrived in OC.  So she did it.  In retrospective?  Bad decision.  Vick's decision to leave her with the two kids at the OC house?  We got to see the true 'Vicky' in action.  Sorry Vicks, the only person you truly love is yourself.  You just didn't want to deal with it anymore so you made your escape.  You could have worked from home.  I really felt for Brianna in that instance.

ITA that Vicks is totally using Briana -- because she so desperately needs someone to film with.  It's her extremely desperate attempt to stay on the show & keep the Bravo dough rolling in.  But even more vile, she's using Briana to showcase her actual illness to contrast the fake cancer Vicks was a party to all of last season.  Yech!  You are a vile woman, Vicks, to use your own daughter this way, especially at a time when she is truly & seriously ill.

The HBIC of the show should be Shannon.  Buh-bye, Vicks & Briana.  If Satan Andy keeps on refusing to boot Vicks & her clan, I predict the ratings will plummet.  And if they do, that would be his only motivation to finally boot Vicks -- not necessarily because viewers are completely & thoroughly disgusted by her & continue to be even more so this season.  Yup, that's how Satan Andy rolls.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

On rewatch I thought about something... When did Heather and Shannon become buddies? Heather used to snap at Shannon... And I don't recall any of that thus far this season. Is it a case of being united in their disdain for Miss Vicki? Or did they come to terms with one another over something else and I've just forgotten? Any help is appreciated! 

  • Love 1

Scoobie doobs, you win a casserole.  Briana is there as a shield to protect Vicki and using her medical conditions to gain sympathy for Vicki.  Tamra seems to like her, so it will be easier for Vicki to worm her way back in.   If Tamra softens, they all will follow suit.  Vicki only had the story of a cancer lie and scrambling to befriend Kelly.   How I wish to never see either of these Gunvslson heifers on my TV again.  

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

I have previously stated my dislike of Meghan, but I truly felt very sorry for her as she attempted to give herself her injection. All alone in her bathroom, struggling with a fear, finally being successful and no one, NO ONE, there to help or celebrate with her. Her smile after she gave the shot was one the most real, honest moments I have seen on a Housevives show. Now, I don't want to see any more of these injection struggles, but this one this once, softened me a bit towards her. 

She wasn't alone; the film crew was there, as always.

  • Love 2

Seriously, giving yourself a needle is not easy, I have to use Humira every two weeks, been doing it for almost 2 years and it still gives me pause and it still hurts every time but I do it sans camera crew but sometimes in front of my cat which is not the same, lol.

Does Meghan realize she will have to actually eat food once she is pregnant? 

I think Kelly could easily be a little cray cray but not nearly as mean and dangerous as Brandi or Kelly from Scary Island, I will be happy to sit and wait for her to snap or try to get in David's pants.

So now I am obsessed with crushed ice and I think I gave my ice crusher to Goodwill :(

  • Love 1

I find myself wondering:

Had someone actually shown up with a casserole during this time, a real casserole, wouldn't Vicky have flipped out the provided meal was just beneath her?  Has she ever really been grateful for anything anyone has done for her, outside of filling her Love tank (ewww...)?

Edited by b2H
  • Love 7

So far the only thing i am enjoying this season is Shannon when she does her talking heads. She is hilarious, love them. 

It was nice to see Nana Vicki get driven a little crazy by her grand children. I thought it was funny, yes I am a mean person!

Vicki stop whining about money and sell off a few things in your ridiculously overly large, overly stocked closet and you would have plenty of money for whatever help ya'll need for child care or home health care for Briana. Not that I give a rats ass about their situation. 

  • Love 1

I just thought about something--thanks largely to the insightful comments I've read here about Shannon's new house. Oh, how I PRAY that Shannon completely subverts Madame Puppet's inane s/l about their new, (and potentially lamer) mausoleum/Quality Inn. Shannon seems to be working actively with a builder and critically thinking about a number of possibilities, including the environment, and, to me, that's far more interesting to watch. IMHO, all Madame Puppet is doing is essentially looking at a catalog, scouring it for the most expensive crap, and pointing to it like a crazed, wild-eyed ape, so she can brag that she's "gettin' da biggest ____ dey got." Ew!  I'm almost a little embarrassed when I see her picking out stuff. To me, she doesn't look "rich" at all. It reminds me of someone like MC Hammer, who, bless his heart, got ahold of a little money and pissed it away in no time flat. I just don't care for Madame Puppet and Miss Terry's sensibilities. They come across like a couple of hillbillies with more money than sense. I don't perceive them as wealthy; they don't seem to have any meaningful friendships with people, don't appear to have interests in culture or causes, and, don't get me started on how these trashy apes treated those poor baby dogs. I pray that the dogs are in loving homes now, happily getting yummy, grilled treats from a tiny little hibachi, far, far away from the shit-stained playpen the gross DuBrows kept them caged in. 

I think it would be a lovely contrast to see Madame Puppet 'buyin' shit versus Shannon thoughtfully going through the process of building a new home. <shrug> 

  • Love 10

No, no driver, just a mounted camera. I think Brianna thought she was doing better than she really was and got worse as the trip progressed. If you look at her coloring during the trip, she got paler and paler as time went on. By the time they got to Vicki's house, her temp was up to 103*, she was getting weaker and she still had to carry in their luggage because Vicki's "back hurt"! Typical Vicki move!

I agree - because when she was leaving and saying goodbye to Ryan she did not seem that sick or uncomfortable. I think the driving, being in a small contained space with Vicki, and the length of the trip with no rest made it worse.  I also sensed some major resentment from her too.  All Brianna really has ever wanted was to fly the coop and branch out away from her mom and here she is right back with her.  I do believe as a mother/daughter they are close, and have a strong bond, and clearly she loves her mom, but I am sure she feels some mixed resentment.

  • Love 8

Is OKC really that bad? What does she not like about it? I feel like Vicki should give some reasons for panning an entire city.

We saw the footage of last season and the reunion and the numerous times Vicki was caught lying. She seems to think that if she just says Brooks lied to her and says it loud enough and repeatedly, that people will accept that and forget the other details. Remember the video Shannon and David did going through the lies? Vicki must think everyone is stupid.

Still don't like Kelly.

Why does Meghan stay with that complete loser Jimmy? He has no personality and is just a total dud.

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1 hour ago, Beden said:

She wasn't alone; the film crew was there, as always.

I'm pretty sure she was shooting a home video.  So the film crew would not have been there.

I don't mind Megan. I just find her IVF storyline uninteresting.  I may be a party of one but I preferred her as Megan PI, Seeker of Truth and Protector of Justice. 

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4 hours ago, ivygirl said:

On rewatch I thought about something... When did Heather and Shannon become buddies? Heather used to snap at Shannon... And I don't recall any of that thus far this season. Is it a case of being united in their disdain for Miss Vicki? Or did they come to terms with one another over something else and I've just forgotten? Any help is appreciated! 

All the drama between Shannon and Heather went down two seasons ago. They actually spent a good deal of last season being friends. Both said last season in the media that they had grown very close, although Shannon is much closer to Tamra. She has said they talk everyday and spend a lot of time off camera together. 

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23 minutes ago, Pepperminty said:

Is OKC really that bad? What does she not like about it? I feel like Vicki should give some reasons for panning an entire city.

We saw the footage of last season and the reunion and the numerous times Vicki was caught lying. She seems to think that if she just says Brooks lied to her and says it loud enough and repeatedly, that people will accept that and forget the other details. Remember the video Shannon and David did going through the lies? Vicki must think everyone is stupid.

Still don't like Kelly.

Why does Meghan stay with that complete loser Jimmy? He has no personality and is just a total dud.

Opinions will vary, but for the most part, I would say it is that bad. I lived there until my mid-20's, went to college there, got married and had my kids in the area. Most all of my family still lives there. I went back two weeks ago for a family reunion and tensed up as soon as the plane landed, per usual. My husband had to coax me off the plane by showing me our return tickets home to Michigan. For the most part, people that are born, raised, and stay there probably love it because it is home. Most people I know who move away and experience something different, or move to OK from someplace else don't like it (obviously there are exceptions - lots of them). Especially if you moved there from a place that had access to beaches, beautiful water, mountains, etc. Or if you are use to a different political/social climate. In particular California tends to be very progressive and liberal, where Ok could not be more conservative. For me, the political and social climate just makes me cringe. 

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Heather (or Pleather - love that!) is 2.5 years into a storyline that features building a house. That is 17.5 years in dog years and it feels like it. I acutally nodded off during the appliance shopping segment so was amused to read here that the highlight seemed to be deciding what shape of ice cubes she wants. I am surprised that she hasn't ordered a custom made fridge that produces bow shaped cubes

Ugh totally - how long ago was it that they announced to their kids that they would be moving - was that 4 seasons ago? I am doing the Vicki head tilt & snore zzzzzz...


We saw the footage of last season and the reunion and the numerous times Vicki was caught lying. She seems to think that if she just says Brooks lied to her and says it loud enough and repeatedly, that people will accept that and forget the other details.

Vicki lied many times.  She lied about going to Dr. appts, she lies about going to chemo appts, she lied about getting Terry to come over with an IV bag, and this is only what I can remember off the top of my head!  Someone posted earlier that what is offensive is how Vicki took such umbrage with people questioning her.  I think there should be some humbling from all this but even now she is still saying no one was "there" for her enough.  I am glad Tamra pushed back on that particular comment.  To me Vicki came off so phony in that scene (at the beach).  The little girl voice and puppy dog eyes "It's been harrrrd", the fake tears, she knows how to play to the cameras.  Get over yourself Vicki.

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