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S03.E12: Founder's Brawl

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30 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I think part of Kathryn's problem, aside from the insanity thing she's got going, is that she thinks she is in some kind of exclusive relationship with Thomas, whereas he sees their relationship is that of co-parents.  Not that he doesn't play along, but, he definitely doesn't see himself as exclusive with Kathryn.


True.  I'm not sure why she's focused her ire only on Landon, though. Thomas is constantly checking out and chasing other women...most likely the same ones Shep's attracted to.  Landon hasn't wrecked their relationship, broken up their home, or stolen her man away. He wasn't hers alone to begin with.

  • Love 16

Kathryn's Founders Ball dress looked liked so matronly it only added to her whole cray cray way about her.  No sane woman would have chosen that gown.

So we learned that Thomas actually slept with Landon, this means that Kathryn was right, yikes.

I thought the Founders Ball would have been a bit more lux, harsh lighting, no frills, did they have folding chairs? Maybe I have to re watch.

Thomas running around and apologizing to everyone was funny since he was so sure about how he was defending his family, he did a complete flip, I wonder if Kathryn knew he was back peddling on her.

  • Love 14

Ugh, ok I've had about enough of deluded, crazed Kathryn and her theatre of insane expressions. When Landon said, "I'm afraid of you right now" to Kathryn, I was like, "Heck yes, I'm sitting here in my living room and I'M afraid of her!" 

Kathryn looked so demented and creepy in that TH where she put her arms behind her back and sort of cracked them. What the hell?!

So much of her act is probably played up for the cameras, but even dialing it back 10 knotches still leaves her in the crazy zone. 

  • Love 19

Yes, reptiles have vertebrae.

Shep thinks Landon is no different from/better than T-Rav and Kathryn. I think that's going to be a "no" on the relationShep.

Whoa, Kathryn, you are the original "Tarzan bitch" "monkey branching" from guy to guy trying to get one to take! But it's the circle of life. Kathryn  doesn't like Landon for the worst parts of herself she sees reflected back, just like Patricia does with Kathryn--judging her for trying to lock down a rich husband.

Naomi has two evening gowns plus a back up arriving in the mail and a robe you've never seen. I think this girl likes to shop and won't be too keen on you not having a job, Craig. IRL, he still hasn't taken the bar, right?

T-Rav admits to being drunk at his dinner party. His life is more Thriller than Man in the Mirror. Although the rest of the cast thinks he should be singing Billie Jean.

^^^See! Patricia even admits she knows how to get men to marry her! Kathryn just doesn't have the charm, but apparently she wants to mold Landon in her ways to take on the sophisticated gold digger legacy.

Well, I guess Naomi's dress arrived in the mail.

Landon, Shep is not interested and NEVER will be.

Kathryn looks like a demented super hero with that cape and gold hand band thing.

Wait, did that just end with Shep's date dropping the bombshell that Landon slept with Thomas?! (Now we know why she was casted as Shep's date!) I thought this was the finale since they had a commercial for the reunion. Is that it?! It's the reality of the reality that's unveiling a veil! Now it all makes sense. Or to quote Michael Jackson, ABC, it's as easy as 123.

  • Love 14

I think this is my second, maybe third episode ever, but it all seemed very contrived. 

The Real Housewives shows seem set up but in a way that its believable that these people hate each other or have specific gripes with each other.

This thing seems like really bad acting to the point that the editing is choppy to fix breaking the fourth wall or hysterical laughter in the middle of fights because they can't stay in character.  Kathryn has the bug eyed, flaring nostril of cartoon villain rage. Landon was smiling through the whole confrontation like a demented simpleton.

Oh so convenient that Shep brought a friend of Landon's that can reveal she slept with Thomas in the final moments after professing her love for him and contrived blow ups with Thomas and Katherine at each other and everyone around them. 

There is a stink of desperation and willingness to do any stupid thing to be the center of attention.

13 minutes ago, Southernbelle55 said:

After watching Kathryn this episode, I'm not surprised she failed her drug test. Although I feel bad for her, watching Thomas play her. Asking her to sleep over, telling her he's done with Landon and then calling her. I think he was bad mouthing Jennifer so Kathryn would reject her and not hear the gossip about Thomas.

Shep was so right when he said that Landon and Kathryn are at each others throats because of Thomas. It's clear that Thomas has been gaslighting and isolating Kathryn for quite some time. He doesn't want to marry her. I don't know why he can't sit down like an adult and explain that to her. Instead, he asks her to stay over, talks about them being together, and doesn't correct Kathryn when she talks about being his girlfriend.

Kathryn's behavior is not acceptable, but it was really gross to see Landon walk out of Thomas' house after he screamed and insulted his guests and make excuses for Thomas. He really is just as awful as Kathryn, but for the most part these awful people refuse to acknowledge it. Cameran gets it and stays far away. I actually think Whitney mostly gets it too.

  • Love 12

My DVR cut off the big revelation that Landon and Thomas slept together.  DAMN IT!  I've got to catch the reairing.

I love how TRav went from 'raising the roof' dancing last season to Little Kicks a la Elaine Benes. 

And yeah, that party was low rent.  There's a shot of some guy sucking down a chicken wing at one of the cast tables.  Look, chicken wings are great, tasty, and whatnot, but not finger food for people in gowns and tuxes.  So they should chuck the pretext of gowns and tuxes and just dress casual for the fight that is undoubtedly going to ensue.  Mud wrestling indeed.

  • Love 14

What a weird season finale.

Naomi looked gorgeous at the Ball.  The others?  Kind of meh.  I think Kathryn is trying to hide the left over baby weight. 

Landon's voice just grates.  She's playing a game.  TRav is playing a game.  Kathryn is playing a game but I think Landon's and TRav's is much worst than Kathryn's.  The editing at the Ball was so disjointed. 

I kind of loved Shep bringing a date. 

Hm.  Maybe there is some truth regarding Kathryn is a younger version of Pat in some ways....at least regarding men.  Just Sayin.

  • Love 14

Was there any dancing at this Ball? 

Kathryn was really freaky in her TH's.  I don't know what kind of act she thought she was putting on. 

I thought Landon looked very pretty in that dress, and with her hair done.  Kathryn had too much eye make-up on, as usual, competing with a very red lip and dress. 

Craig has to quit JD's to study the bar, lol.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, RedHawk said:

Ugh, ok I've had about enough of deluded, crazed Kathryn and her theatre of insane expressions. When Landon said, "I'm afraid of you right now" to Kathryn, I was like, "Heck yes, I'm sitting here in my living room and I'M afraid of her!" 

Kathryn looked so demented and creepy in that TH where she put her arms behind her back and sort of cracked them. What the hell?!

So much of her act is probably played up for the cameras, but even dialing it back 10 knotches still leaves her in the crazy zone. 

All I could think of when seeing Kathryn go b.s. crazy at the Founders' Ball was Cruella DeVille.  She seemed much taller and imposing than the rest of the women, and at times, she seemed like she was ready to pounce. 

Thank God there were no little dalmatian puppies around!!   ;-)

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

As much as I think Kathryn is immature and crazy she's spot on in saying Landon sounds like a dolphin.  I'm sorry but I just can't anymore with her voice and that nervous laugh.

It's too bad Kathryn has to dial everything up to 11n because I do think she is somewhat spot on in her assessment of people. She's way immature and really shouldn't have hitched the Baby Wagon up to Thomas... And yet, especially after this episode, I definitely see Landon as the more conniving of the two. She does that maddening fake-calm smirk thing that I can't stand. 

1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

Next year it would be nice is there was some new blood. 

That's what Vampire Whitney was just saying! ;)

  • Love 20

Didn't Landon deny on WWHL last week that she slept with Thomas?  She even said it would be creepy with a guy so old.

Maybe Robyn is twisting the knife after stabbing her in the back by dating Shep.


Kathryns eyes litterally bugged out of the sockets when she saw Thomas patting Landon in the back.  The confrontation was staged and they're hamming it up but Kathryn is either the greates method actor or she really is bat-shit at the way she furiously tweets.


And JD got dissed again with his bourbon when Whitney ordered something else.

  • Love 7

Yeah, JD and Whitney--The Brotherhood of  the Prattling Prats--show us that 52(!)yr.old tHOmas needs to be coddled, reassured, and ever so gently reminded that he 'wasn't raised that way' WHEREAS, 3 DECADES(!)  younger Kathryn... well,...                                                                                   ...Such piggish hypocrites.

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, luleetuni said:

Regardless of who is wrong or right, I am so sick of these people treating Kathryn like a pariah for having kids.  At some point those kids will watch this and hear what is being said about them being pawns or how she shouldn't have had a second. It is disgusting.  

I don't think they have treated her like a pariah for having kids. They have treated her like a pariah because she keeps assuming having those kids means everyone has to be nice to her and when they don't she can go batshit.

  • Love 19

Everyone on this show is a p uss y. Why can't they be adults and say what they have to say?

Landon needs to grow a pair. and tell Kathryn to kiss her ass.

Kathryn only thinks she's hot shit because she hasn't met any Basketball Wives. Landon should go Evelyn Lozada on Kathryn's ass. Landon tries to get all bold and says let's talk…and then she says "you're scaring me" and yells "Thomas tell her." I'm done with her pitiful punk ass….who has Patricia as a role model. Good God.

And I'm tired of these folks -- and all Bravo shows really -- throwing around the word "friend." How the hell and Landon and a FIREND going to the same event, and Landon not know before hand the Robin is going with Shep.

A minor thing -- but I loved Shep's reaction to Karthyn, when he first came up to her and asked how she is, and she cursed and said something like her life is "fucking fine." His facial reaction was like -- "alrighty then, we're hyped up already are we?" It's like he was schocked that she cursed  and came out with the answer so strong. "whoa nelly."

Can't wait for the reunion. I'd like to see at least ONE person take no prisoners.

The ladies on Housewives of Atlanta or Married to Medicine could give lessons.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 6

Am I missing something? I don't understand why the final seconds constitute a big revelation; Thomas already more or less spelled out on camera in the third or fourth episode of the season that he had sampled Landon's oral talents when he promised his ponytailed porn performer friend that pursuing her would be worth his while. Didn't he also greasily wink in one of his talking heads as well when hammily insisting that he and Landon were "just friends"?

All of which makes Lanndon's real-time apologism for his coke-fueled outburst and vilification of Kathryn practically deviant. How sick do you have to be as a woman to promote the old standard slut-shaming and "bitches be craz" misogyny when it's been videographically documented that Kathryn is behaving as she does in this specific context because Thomas is going around talking about *your* sexual skills? 

  • Love 12

Kathryn's TH's, where she's staring crazily & silently into the cam, were just so dopey & looked so staged.  Sheesh, producers, fail on this too obviously manufactured fake shit.  OK, I know this is Bravo & we're gotta get screaming cat fights thrown at us, but at least let it be somewhat organic.  This was dumb.  Really, really, really dumb.  

I'm still not believing poor widdle Snowflake is so gaga over Horseteeth.  Then again, I can't see how anyone would be.  And what about that TH where poor widdle Snowflake is cryin' her eyes out cuz ole Horseteeth just happened to bring her friend?  Fake, fake, fakety-fake fake.  Does Snowflake actually have any friends?  She does?  Well, bust my buttons!  Maybe this gal is her only friend?

Hey, Count Chocula, the unshaven look is not a good look for you.  Creepy, creepy, creepy.  Oh & smarmy too.  Good God, Whit truly is a charmless character.  Maybe it's just as well he didn't have much to do this season.  I can't stand lookin' at him.

Cams and that fakety-fake therapy session kinda made me choke back some vomit.  Who made up this shit, Cams?  The producers, and you went along with this crapola?  Oy, more shit I didn't believe for a second.  OK, so you want us to believe you don't wanna have kids cuz you have a problem with control?   What the fuckety fuck, hun?  How about -- you don't wanna have kids cuz you don't wanna have kids, Cams?  Man, I hate fake therapy sessions on Bravo shows.

  • Love 13

Kathryn looked like a 45-year-old wannabe Wonder Woman in that ball get-up. I'm sure a lot of her behavior is amped up for the cameras, but I'm also pretty sure she indulged in some pharmaceuticals while she was in the limo. And her talking head devolved into some crazy exorcist stuff too.

You could just see the rest of the cast sitting bored around the low-rent tables, waiting for the scenes to commence.

The most obvious pairing in this gang could be Patricia teaching Kathryn the finer points of snaring rich old men, but I guess we're never gonna see that.

Shep's dropping hints about Landon's character. He said something about how Landon can be as difficult as Kathryn.

Do you suppose Thomas is gonna go Bill Clinton on us about his history with Landon? "I did not have sex with that woman!" while smarmily hinting that they had oral sex.

Craig's spinning out the attorney story while anxiously hoping that an entertainment career happens instead.

JD, quit trying to make Gentry happen. I also noticed that he managed to insert a comment that Sermet's catered Thomas' dinner party. He's so far up Thomas' hind end that he hasn't seen the sun shine for days.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 5

So Kathryn and Thomas were "together"  from the non dinner from hell to the founders ball? Kathryn said something like be thankful you have a gorgeous girlfriend. 


Thomas and Kathryn are just terrible people. They really are a  black hole of gross trying to drag everyone else along with them. 

Who cares if Landon slept with grody old Thomas,  is there a rule against it?  They were both single.   If Landon says she hasn't,  maybe she hasn't.  The whole discussion is ridiculous. 

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I can't stand Landon and her squeaky voice and nervous giggle, but I'd watch a show that was just Patricia teaching her how to be a successful gold digger.

I always need to point out that Patricia didn't marry a wealthy man until she was in her mid fifties, married Whitney's dad at twenty when he was 22/23 and not wealthy. Her wealth came not from her second husband (who had a famous uncle) her third husband which she married in her mid 50s and he was very wealthy. She met Fleming and Auetschul because she was a successful art dealer selling them artt!

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 13

Kathryn is in her early twenties, has a drug situation and is most likely afflicted with some kind of post pregnancy hormones going haywire but for fuck sake what is the deal with the rest of them all?

Ravenel is just such an heinous individual, his years of boozing are catching up with him as he acts and looks utterly disgusting. It is a miracle their two kids came out healthy with those two as parents.

Whit and his mama are just as pathetic as the rest of the bunch, they are just surrounded by prettier decors.

Her contempt for Kathryn is a joke, isn't she an old golddigger herself?

The red head dude appealing to Ravenel and his storied name cracked me up. A mess....

  • Love 11
55 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I always need to point out that Patricia didn't marry a wealthy man until she was in her mid fifties, married Whitney's dad at twenty when he was 22/23 and not wealthy. Her wealth came not from her second husband (who had a famous uncle) her third husband which she married in her mid 50s and he was very wealthy. She met Fleming and Auetschul because she was a successful art dealer selling them artt!

Thank you!! So many people put Patricia and Kathryn in the same box, and Patricia is so far ahead of her it's ridiculous. Kathryn has no idea what she's doing, in any aspect of her life. This show is only going to harm her attempts to marry well. It ain't happening!

  • Love 3
50 minutes ago, Suck It Trebek said:

I just rewatched the final few minutes (couldn't bear to watch anything more than that) and saw what Robyn said about Landon. The best was Shep's, "Wait. What?" 

Yes, Shep either was truly surprised or did a great acting job. That reaction plus the spit-take when Landon confessed her love earned him the SoCharm Best Actor in my awards book. 

But yeah, so what if Thomas and Landon got their freak on? Both are and were single, and neither pledged Kathryn fidelity. If Kathryn is angry about it, she should be angry with Thomas.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 17

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