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  1. Yay! We made it through the Tell Too Much! Ok I don't need to see the reactions to it on PT tonight. Probably have one, or two hours left of Oscars, so there I will go. Enjoy if you're staying to watch! Have a good night, and a great week, everyone. See you soon! ☮️💟
  2. I think Justigor is enjoying on the panel's hot seat. Ashley, Jasmine and Mom Nikki are all on Nikki's side, and yelling at him, and he's egging them on!
  3. Poor Nick. If only he'd seen the Family Feud ad (at least in NJ/NY area on channel My9) where Steve Harvey warns us to never call a woman, "Piggy," he'd not have that to live down now.
  4. I expect Clayton to have a tantrum, run backstage and have a panic attack any second now.
  5. You know, she's talking with people who still use hand gestures to describe sex, she has to speak on their level.
  6. I sure hope she changed into something else that actually fit in an Oscar seat, or she'd need several. Pretty color tho.
  7. They just keep giving me more reasons to stay away from HEA.
  8. Shaun better watch out, Ashley's coming for her hosting gig, as well as couples' relationship counselor.
  9. Right? They're all dressed up and have to eat food from containers on their laps. Guess tables, or even tv trays weren't in the reunion budget.
  10. Good evening, all! I hear you. I was watching it as well, but gladly ran away at 8p to watch the Tell Nothing.
  11. Ooh next week we get Nikki's histrionics! Something to not look forward to in Part 2! See y'all then, if I'm not still sleeping from the time change... Good night! Wishing you all peace, love, and a great week!
  12. Wait. We bringing in ladies from the clubs to the show now? We didn't need to talk any of them. Ahh I see now, it helped que Jasmine's crying and flouncing bit.
  13. Oh my... Gino wasn't just making it rain, he gave money to the strippers in strategic places!
  14. Seeing Gino's hat removal clip again- his head is practically translucent from never getting exposed to the sun. He's been wearing a hat for a loooong time now.
  15. Bleh. I do good to do what I'm supposed to do in public restrooms, forget about extra activities. I hope they at least wash their hands afterwards. 😒
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