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S32.E10: I'm Not Here To Make Good Friends

Tara Ariano

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Such a satisfying boot. I did find it odd though when Jeffy said "the __th person voted out of Survivor Kaoh Rong is Scott". Usually he says "you need to bring me your torch". I don't think he said it this time, did he? If he did, I was distracted by all of those glanced between Scott and Kyle and Tai. I wonder if the girls figured something was supposed to happen based on all of that and Scott's "you're not gonna?" and Tai's "no, sorry"

So happy that Kyle has lost his jackass douchebro.

  • Love 6

Since last week sucked so hard, I waited until after the show and read the comments here to see who was booted. Then I watched it. And it was glorious.

Every gloating confessional Scot and Jason gave, I laughed. Them dismissing Tai wanting to work with Aubry, and immediately deciding to target Aubrey, I laughed. Those two asshats rejoicing so hard when Jason won immunity over Aubrey, I laughed and laughed and laughed. Those two asshats being so giddy at tribal council about how they dictated everything and everyone, and if people would just shut up and do what they say, it would go better for them, because CLEARLY, none of them were going that night, with those big shit-eating grins on their faces? y'all, I'm still laughing.

Tai was in a screwed if he does, screwed if doesn't place. The thing is, if he agreed to boot Aubrey, the vote would be 3-3-2. Three Scot, three Aubrey, two Tai. How would that work? I guess he would give Scot his idol, and both idols are gone. Tai will now have Joe, Cydney, Julia and Michele against him. With this vote he only has Julia and Jason against him. Michele I'm sure is perfectly happy with Scot and that Idol gone.

  • Love 23

I must have missed the part where she was trying to use her boobs to get Tai to play his idol.

shakes head.

Exactly. Besides that, as far as she knew, he was getting the votes. If he doesn't play it, he is gone as far as she knows. Or they play the SI after the votes, and the alliance is out both idols.

As for the idea that the guys were going to take Julia to FTC rather than Tai, I see no proof of that. The same final three promise was made to both Julia and Tai. Scot's Ponderosa video indicates he was thinking it was the three guys; Julia was the one they would toss aside.

That was the best TC ever, and I thank Tai for that. Still don't like the way he threw in with the petty destruction and crowing last week. Hope he doesn't win, and I don't think he will.

Rooting for Cydney and Aubry. Loved Cydney talking about traitor Julia. Cool with Michele. Of course she trusts Julia, her original ally. Pretty okay with Julia, too. I will be fine with any of the women winning the game.

Edited by azshadowwalker
  • Love 2

Ah Tai you are off my hate list. I was laughing my ass off with all those deep, meaningful glances between Scot, Jason, & Tai, it reminded me of the movie "Soapdish" where they had a scene in the soap opera with everybody staring at each other. 


Is there a rule that says Scot couldn't have given Jason his idol before he left? Or is it considered void because he was already voted out? Sorry if this has been asked already, there are too many pages to get through.

  • Love 6

Scot was one of the main instigators of his own downfall with his arrogance. Tai might have broken off with the guy's alliance because of the treatment he got when he went to them with news that he talked to Aubrey and she  might be open to ideas. Even though she was clearly only thinking about Tai to ally with, the way he brought up the conversation he made it sound like she might be open to working with all of them. BUT, barely before he even finishes speaking, Scot immediately is "HOW ABOUT THIS IDEA"  (Aubrey) and shuts him down totally in such an overhanded way by not even deigning to listen to him. It was truly insufferable to watch. Go Tai.

Edited by PerfidiousAmber
  • Love 17


Is there a rule that says Scot couldn't have given Jason his idol before he left? Or is it considered void because he was already voted out? Sorry if this has been asked already, there are too many pages to get through.

It’s not that the idol is void. It's that Scot is not in the game anymore, so he can't give it to anyone. I seem to remember that is the rule.

  • Love 6

Scot's ouster is up on Youtube (it gets better and better with each viewing).  But did Jason flip Tai the bird when Scot went to get his torch?


Seriously, that TC was every bit delicious.  I think that has to be one for the books.  And, I'm assuming we don't see the super idol resurrected in the future.  Since there are going to be idols, hopefully they just keep the rules the same and have it played before the vote.  No special powers, no playing it after the vote, no combining it.  This season it bombed.  I liked what they did in SC, with the idols being hidden at the challenges.

  • Love 6

While the Lurch blindside was undeniably Favorite Survivor Moment worthy, the thing that elicited a double-take from me this episode was this exchange from Aubrey to Bounty:  "I'm smelling what you're stepping in."  Is . . . is that a thing?


I really, really didn't think Tai would deny the smug twins in the end, and I'm still smiling that he did.

  • Love 5

Ah, thanks. I knew there had to be a reason. Now I wonder if you're officially eliminated when Jeff pulls the final vote out, or when your fire is doused. If there's actually a small window between having your name called & being eliminated.


Nope.  As Jeff makes clear every at every tribal council, once the votes have been read (if there's no Superidol in play), the decision is final, and the person who has been voted out must leave the tribal area immediately.  There simply isn't any window of opportunity to do anything other than to say "goodbye" (or, as Jud so memorably put it, "I hope you all get eaten by crocodiles!") after the votes have been read.

  • Love 6

I knew exactly what I was going to find here when I finished the episode but I must admit that I'm not super excited.  It is great, certainly, that Scot went home and Cupcake is in the doghouse.  It is not great that for that to happen, we needed bad play instead of good.  I mean, I'm not upset with the outcome, but I just don't feel like it's a Great Survivor Moment.  Tai continues to play erratically, basically at random; that's not fun for me.  To me a great Survivor moment is a great play.  You can make a case that this was a great play by Aubry, I suppose...but I don't know how much I can believe it was her that flipped Tai, rather than him just doing what he has done all game and played like John Cage, just chance operations.  Not going to the end with Scot and Cupcake is very dumb for Tai.  That was a guaranteed win for him, and I like him in a final immunity challenge against Julia.


Oh well!  No more Scot!  Hooray!


riverheightsnancy, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:13 PM, said:

It was Tai, at the very end of the episode, right before tribal I think. I really got the vibe that he might flip because of that statement. My ears perked up when I heard it. 


That doesn't really make sense though, unless you mean that they always go for the fake out before tribal.  Not wanting to make friends, but wanting to win (pulling out the oldest cliche in reality TV) should have meant getting rid of Aubry (who he likes) and keeping the pair of jackass losers (who he can beat.)


Machiabelly, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:14 PM, said:

Is it my imagination or is Scot out just because they wanted to make a big play? They knew they were going to have to use the Super Idol, which used both idols. Why not just have both of them play the idol they had when Jeff called for idols pre tally?


Because they didn't want to use any idols.  That was the whole point of all their bluster, to get the women to vote out one of their own so they wouldn't have to use it.  This is how to best use the Super Idol (they aren't very subtle about it, but still), you threaten and get people to flip.


seacliffsal, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:19 PM, said:

That was fabulous! However, even if Tai wavered on the super idol, the reality is he couldn't...if Scot were safe, Tai and Aubrey were tied with two votes each. Everyone would have revoted and Tai could have been voted out. So, it was actually a tough position for Tai as he could have given away his idol to save Scott and then have been voted out himself.


As others have said, if he had voted Aubry he could have played the idol no problem.  But it's certainly true that Scot shouldn't have been surprised, once the votes were read.


Haleth, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:19 PM, said:Haleth, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:19 PM, said:

Because the two goons were basking in their own glory and greed. Julia told them the girls were voting for Tai (which is why she urged him to play it) and the goons never considered that they might switch their vote to Scot. Such arrogance!


No, they were hoping to not have to play it, and switching the vote from what Julia said wouldn't have mattered at all, that's the whole point of the Super Idol.  I assume Julia told him to play it in order to a) flush the idol and take out someone who's not her or b) get his vote at FTC by saying "I tried to save you but you didn't listen to me".  But maybe we'll hear more about this next week or in her exit interviews.


riley702, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:21 PM, said:

I saw that, so there was never a chance Tai would use the Super Idol on him. The man has a brain after all! I think he turned on the gruesome twosome when he went to them about including Aubry in their alliance and they promptly said they'd vote Aubry out. What was the point of that - to make sure Tai had no one to rely on but them? Because it backfired big time.


Getting rid of your goats because you don't like them is not having a brain but the opposite.  Playing with your heart and not your head.  Who cares if they're treating you badly--bring goats, win game, collect million.


LadyChatts, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:35 PM, said:

They wouldn't have any use for him after his idol was played.  They'd use him for the numbers if they needed him, then cut him loose.


Tai probably can't win now, though I think he'll get booted more because he helped make a big move and is back to being one of the more likable people there.  He isn't a challenge beast, unless he's been holding out, so his time is probably limited.  And I fully believe Jason/Julia will be gunning for him.


Since there were only 3 of them, 4 if you count Julia, they would have needed him the entire game!  I also disagree that Tai is not a challenge beast--that's exactly what he is, he has been the overall best in the challenges since the merge, I would say by a large margin.  He's done well in every challenge.


cuphead, on 20 Apr 2016 - 7:33 PM, said:

Ugh...Julia is using a Connect Four strategy while everyone else is trying to play Survivor.

Come back after you get your degree and a couple of life experience notches on your belt.


Julia is playing Survivor!  Who else is?  Aubry maybe, but she played double-backwards-vote-your-alliance-out-for-no-reason last episode.  She has Joe, at least, for her trivally easy to beat goat at F3 but who else?  Julia made a play for pretty much the best imaginable final 3 you could ever hope for in this game.  That is 100% correct of her.

Edited by SnideAsides
  • Love 3

It became painfully clear that the women had no idea how the two idols work to form a superidol, during their chats pre-TC. Y'all need to start paying better attention, as it was pretty much spelled out during the previous TC.

That was a perfect tribal council, the next time I see Tai I hope he's using his extra vote to get rid of Jason.

  • Love 13

Jason was such a douchebag in the confessional when he claimed the sabotage "worked" and caused the members of the other alliance to crumble.

Actually, they laughed it off and adapted, troll boy. It also made it absolutely impossible for you or Scot to get any votes at FTC, except from eachother.

They voted out Debbie because she had a big mouth and was too trusting and because of the threat of the 2 idols and the super idol. The sabotage was not only childish and boorish, but is was totally ineffective and counterproductive. I imagine it also made it easier for Tai to blindside them, since he was uncomfortable with it from the start.

  • Love 19

I did NOT see that coming. I don't think it was a smart move for Tai, but it was a GREAT move by Aubry. Tai probably should have convinced them to vote out Julia, thereby cementing his place as the #3 in the douche alliance. (3 votes Aubry, 4 votes Julia, bye bye Julia!)


But he DID end up with the only idol and an extra vote, so he didn't come out too badly. Kyle Jason is hosed. He's only got Julia as an "ally" and she's not particularly reliable. And no idol! Unless he goes on an immunity run, he's a goner. And even if he stays, he'd only get Scott's jury vote at FTC. He can't win.


Julia is only slightly better off. She'll probably try to worm her way back into the girls + Joe alliance, but only Michelle seems likely to take her back. And they don't need her any more, so why would they bother.


Aubry has Joe in her pocket, and can probably get Tai to do anything she asks. So Julia and Michelle are no longer needed. Even if J+M team up with Kyle Jason, that's at best a 3/3 tie, which is probably 4/3 with Tai's extra vote. (If they kill his chicken next episode, he'll definitely use it to take one of them out.)

  • Love 2

Yes! Yes! Yes! Such satisfaction!!! I was hoping that would happen, but not believing it really would. Oh the yelling in my house. My husband thought I had lost my mind. Thank God I decided to watch before putting the kids to bed. 


The looks on Scot and Jason's faces. Priceless. I was laughing so hard. They were soooo arrogant. "Where is the super idol?" Nope. Not happening. 


Oh man, that was just soooo good. I don't know if this will help Tai's game any going forward, but I don't really care.He needed to realize he was just being used, that his input was not welcome.  I am just glad that one half of the Bully Brothers is gone, and Aubry is safe. I'm also glad the other half of that stupid Super Idol is gone. Tai can play his like a regular Idol, so he has some options. All around, just great ending. 


I can't wait to see how Jason reacts to being out there without his backup. Oooooh, I can't wait. 


They were just so damn arrogant. So cocky. I loved the opening scene with Scot and Aubry. "We're going to be the bigger people and start providing for you again, if you just vote out who we say". Ohhh, is that what you're going to do? Wow, thank you so much. We'd be so honored. NOT! Did he not see how the girls+Joe were perfectly capable of re-starting the fire and cooking coconuts without your stupid machete. They don't need you!


I loved Michelle beating Jason and getting the food. Booyah!


Aubry has proved to be a very worthy competitor as well. She has come in second in a lot of the physical challenges. And, looking at her, she's not very fit, so you wouldn't necessarily expect that. But I think a lot of it IS her brain, sheer will. I FLOVED when she spit, right after Jason spit. She really gave him a run for his money. 


Aubry also cracks me up a lot. I thought it was hilarious when she said she and Tai were like "Missed Connections" on Craigslist. Her deranged llama comment was pretty funny too. I've liked her from the start, but officially rooting for her now. 


Sorry my post is so scattered, too many thoughts competing in my head. Overall, great ending to a show that had me feeling so pessimistic for the first 3/4 of it. 

  • Love 20

I think that Aubrey's move with Tai is the result and part motivation for voting Debbie out last week. Yes, Debbie was too trusting of Julia and told her the other alliance' plans, BUT, Debbie also pushed Tai away rather than enticed him to join their alliance when they first merged. Tai was obviously uncomfortable around Debbie and hesitant to work with them. By eliminating Debbie last week, Aubrey accomplished two important objectives-she ended the pipeline of info to Julia (hence the false info given to Julia about voting Tai) and she made is easier for Tai to work with her. In hindsight, Debbie's boot last episode makes even more sense to me after the beautiful ouster of Scot last night.

  • Love 21

Okay, one more thing (for now...) I think this episode really showed that the SuperIdol is not necessarily so as someone has to willingly give up an idol to help someone else thus negating their own use of the idol. I know that there have been some Survivors who have given up an idol for an alliance mate, but that is really a small minority of players. It also shows some hubris of players in thinking that the superidol would be played for their own interests and not those of others. Scot had always insisted the Superidol would be played for any of the three of them which is quite interesting in that he was the only one of the three who did not have his own idol. Yet, he expected it to be played for his own safety. So, the strategy involved is much more complex as was demonstrated by Tai who wanted to use his own idol for his own game rather than give it up for someone else.

  • Love 13
I liked this move for Aubry, because she was the one who made the masterful pitch to Tai and played on his conflicting emotions to convince him to flip.


Absolutely. I think she planted the seeds, and when Tai had his next conversation with the boys and saw how they dismissed his opinions, he realized she was right. It worked out beautifully. 


As for Tai, I was basically over him as a player before this, and this move didn't do anything to change my mind. His move made for great TV and a nice feel good ending with Scot being voted out, but in the end, I don't think this move will actually help him. It's not like I think he is on the top of the alliance he flipped to, and I think he will be viewed as expendable soon enough or a jury threat and voted out.


I totally agree with you on this as well. It made me happy, because Scot was gone and Aubry was safe. But it doesn't change my mind on Tai, and I don't think it will for others either. I see this move kind of like Cochran 1.0. He really helped the girls's side, but he's not going to be warmly welcomed into the fold. I doubt anyone really trusts him. He does have his Idol, so that will help him for a bit, but I bet he will get voted out as soon as they can. 


I was hoping to see 'Debbie - jury member' onscreen when they first showed the jury.


LOL, that would have been awesome. Was I the only one who saw Debbie and thought, "Wow, she actually looks pretty nice"?

  • Love 12

she was trying to use her boobs 

Do you mean Scot and Jason?

Until tonight, I wasn't a fan of Aubrey. In earlier episodes, she'd sometimes get an expression on her face that made me think she was the love child of a younger Neville Longbottom and Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter. That's unfortunate, because she seems to be the best player of the season. Her skillful persuasion of Tai was incredible. And when she copied Jason's nasty spitting during the challenge, I busted out laughing. She's earned my respect if not my vote to win. Plus, I loved her spitting llama joke at TC. She's obviously a nerdy fan, but isn't annoying about it like Cockrun was.

I wasn't a fan because earlier we had Aubry sitting passively on a log with Joe, not doing much to play the game, or we had her running around like Mark the chicken, overthinking boot strategy.  With the editing for this episode she seems to have come  into her own.  Turning Tai was masterful and engineering Scot's boot without the guys or Julia (or Michelle) getting suspicious was perfection.  Plus no one can deny she's performed well at challenges.  If she gets to the finale she will probably give a heck of a speech to the jury.  Aubry for the win!

  • Love 14

Good riddance you fucking obnoxious asshat. So much for that free ride to the Final 3 with the two assholes huh Julia? And why was she telling Tai to play his idol? If he played it they couldn't do a super idol at the end. Honestly this moment almost, almost makes up for this boring ass season. I may actually stick around to the end because get rid of the other asshole and I'm fine with every other person left even if most of them are boring. Tai plays the naive, bumbling innocent but I think he's more manipulative than the players realize. 


I think - in a sense - Julia's thinking "Play the Idol." (because it would be gone, and who knows if Scot would play his - Im not sure she knows Jason gave it to him but again, use a little common sense, and think that it would esp. that Jason's immune). and it gets rid of Super Idol threat. (and even if Scot WERE to play his. Aubrey goes home anyway - both idols are gone) so in Julia's mind: win win win. 


I don't think someone voted out could hand the idol back to another person. That was played perfectly.

So Michele voted for Tai. Do Aubry and Cyd not trust her?


No - they can't. the minute you are voted out, you are no longer in play - and the idol "dies" with you. everything has to happen while you are in play. Which is probably why now thinking about it Neal couldn't be all "hey Aubrey let me talk to you while i say good bye." by that time, Neal's "dead" in the game. 


I believe they trust Michelle - I am thinking that it was more than likely a contingency plan. 


Is it my imagination or is Scot out just because they wanted to make a big play? They knew they were going to have to use the Super Idol, which used both idols. Why not just have both of them play the idol they had when Jeff called for idols pre tally?



That's exactly what it was. These two morons wanted to do the big play - which would have been the "Wonder-Twins, Activate!" Idol. this way they are "cemented" into Survivor-lore as being big movers and shakers (and to be fair to them, they would). and it helps that "theoretically" no one knows how this works. (which is a dumb assumption. I am sure some of them might have figured it out, but just haven't told the cameras, ala Danni Boatwright never telling the cameras more than she wanted to let them know). 

And that thought cost Scot the game. which - I have to say

Ohh.. yesss... 

this in my top five tribals for sure now. #1 will forever be Edguardo being voted out (it is always the look, and Earl's shiteating grin that gets me. EVERY. TIME). Wentworth's Idol Play, Cirie's 3-2-1 play and this. (I'm missing one. I know I'm missing one (or like several) but this will stand the test of time (or at least until next season). The looks were just awesome, like. "Jason." Go, on... "Scot. "Come onn..."


and Tai's like nope, I'm good, bye Scot. 

and again, Scot's safe - if he just didn't think about being the star.  He had to have known some of the votes would have been split off. 

  • Love 4

I think Tai did what was best for Tai. Sure he threw away a certain win if he made it to final three with Scot and Cupcake, but he would need to get there first, without his idol.  There's no guarantee that Cupcake and Scot would even try to keep Tai safe and the two votes against him at tribal showed his position is precarious. He's not totally safe as it is, but with the idol and extra vote in his pocket, his position is less precarious than it would be without the idol. He's played the game all along with his own "survival" as top priority. (With his background, I imagine playing along with bullies and acting like a naïve sweet little boy is something he's had to do before to literally survive.)


I've liked Aubry since the first episode when she had her breakdown, but then overcame her nerves and dominated her part of the immunity challenge. She wanted to show everyone that she was here to play. I'm glad she's doing so well and keeping her spirit strong.


I need to rewatch this episode. It's like having a pint of Haagen-Daz: satisfying.

  • Love 12

Since last week sucked so hard, I waited until after the show and read the comments here to see who was booted. Then I watched it. And it was glorious.

Every gloating confessional Scot and Jason gave, I laughed. Them dismissing Tai wanting to work with Aubry, and immediately deciding to target Aubrey, I laughed. Those two asshats rejoicing so hard when Jason won immunity over Aubrey, I laughed and laughed and laughed. Those two asshats being so giddy at tribal council about how they dictated everything and everyone, and if people would just shut up and do what they say, it would go better for them, because CLEARLY, none of them were going that night, with those big shit-eating grins on their faces? y'all, I'm still laughing.

Tai was in a screwed if he does, screwed if doesn't place. The thing is, if he agreed to boot Aubrey, the vote would be 3-3-2. Three Scot, three Aubrey, two Tai. How would that work? I guess he would give Scot his idol, and both idols are gone. Tai will now have Joe, Cydney, Julia and Michele against him. With this vote he only has Julia and Jason against him. Michele I'm sure is perfectly happy with Scot and that Idol gone.

Exactly, those two asshats never gave one lick of thought or consideration for the position it would put Tai in. Maybe Tai finally saw that?

It was quite glorious! Seeing that grin wiped of Scots smug mug.

  • Love 9


One thing I noticed is that Aubry appeared to have her entire hands on the discs and no one else did. I thought for sure she was going to get called out for it.


It did appear that way at times but I looked closer and her palms seems to be elevated a little bit.  She spread out her fingers more while others cupped their fingers.  One way you apply more finger pressure (harder) and the other the pressure point moves further up to your wrist and arm.


Side note:  The idol that went home in Scott's pocket is the one that should have belonged to Cydney.  The "awesome war hero" and "NBA star" pushed her out of the way and grabbed it for themselves.  Mwaaaahhhhaaaa .... the idol's gone; the NBA star is gone; the war hero had a rude awakening.

  • Love 5

Side note:  The idol that went home in Scott's pocket is the one that should have belonged to Cydney.  The "awesome war hero" and "NBA star" pushed her out of the way and grabbed it for themselves.  Mwaaaahhhhaaaa .... the idol's gone; the NBA star is gone; the war hero had a rude awakening.


If anyone, it should have belonged to Alecia.  She's the one who was pushed out of the way.


All Cydney did was tattle on her to the BoUT. 

  • Love 20

What an amazing episode. I loved seeing Scot go home. I loved watching him sit there and try and convince Tai to give him the second idol to make the super idol when Tai would have been tied with Aubry for votes. I love that Scot was trying to convince Tai when Scot had four votes and Aubry only had two. Clearly Tai had not voted for Aubrey and had flipped. Yet Scot sat there thinking that Tai would give him the second idol to save Scot while risking being voted out himself.


I am assuming that the lack of food and the stress of the game caused Scot to have a massive brain fart.


Then again, this is the same idiot who claimed that he was a good guy and the mature one after stealing all the camp tools and putting out the fire. The same idiot who went to Aubrey to talk about how Tai, Kyle, and Scot loved to provide for everyone and that he wanted to get work with her. Never mind that the others figured out how to open coconuts and take care of themselves without the douche brothers.


I have no clue who is aligned with whom. Michelle and Julia voted for Tai and I am not convinced that they knew that Aubrey, Tai, Cydney and Joe were voting for Scot. Cydney, Joe and Aubrey are aligned, I think Julia and Michelle might be aligned. Kyle and Tai are outsiders. I think Aubrey will work to keep Tai long enough to get rid of Kyle and maybe Julia.


I think this game is set for Aubrey to win.

  • Love 8

I think the thing of beauty was to put Tai is a situation where he had to choose between saving an ally next to whom he could ultimately win AND risking being eliminated right there and then, OR keeping his safety for himself, with much reduced chances of making it to the end. 


Not surprised that Tai folded. He must be crap at poker :)


I'm happy with the outcome, because it opens up new possibilities and reshuffles positions in a game where they seemed likely to get sticky.  

  • Love 4
One thing I noticed is that Aubry appeared to have her entire hands on the discs and no one else did. I thought for sure she was going to get called out for it.



I don't think that would've been illegal.  Jeff explained that the uprights were set at a distance such that a player would have to have their fingers extended.  It looked to me like several players realized that by leaning a little farther to one side they could get their palms flat on that side.  The trade-off would be that on the other side they'd be supporting the disc with the very tips of their fingers.  But for purposes of re-adjusting, that risk was probably worth taking.  And it didn't appear to be illegal.


By contrast, one of the women who dropped out early (Julia, maybe?) just appeared to let her disks go and as she was walking to the bench just said "my thumbs".  That suggested to me that she might've inadvertently or reflexively used wrapped her thumb joints around the bottom of the disks to push them back up, and that that was something they'd been instructed was illegal.


As far as Tai:  While I don't know what his exact rationale was, of course, I don't see this as the fatal move that some others do.  While the players' perceptions of their competitors is not always the same as our viewer perception, let's assume that most of these players would prefer to not sit next to Tai at FTC.  That means he's, at best, a useful vote up until F5 or F4.  Scot and Jason said as much to Julia, and I don't think they were bullshitting her.  And I think Aubrey is game-smart enough to have the same calculation.  


So, for Tai, who does he stand a better chance against at F5 and F4 IC?  I'd say it's some combination of Joe/Aubrey/Cydney/Julia/Other Woman than Scot and Jason.


In terms of who he'd be putting on the jury, I actually thing Scot and Jason would be more likely to give Tai their FTC votes than to vote for a female (or Joe).  By contrast, historically I don't think Jurors have been kind to players who they perceive to have allowed themselves to be carried along by more obvious game-players.  So I think the females (and Joe) might be more likely to grudgingly reward Scot and/or Jason for gameplay and punish Tai for failing to "make a big move".

  • Love 7

Editors need to tone it down a notch. I figured one of the douchebros was going before the first commercial break. Just way too heavy handed.

Scot should have realized Tai flipped after the votes were read. If Tai gave Scot the idol he would have been voted out on the re-vote. Probably too much for Scot's brain to process at that moment.

  • Love 3

I knew exactly what I was going to find here when I finished the episode but I must admit that I'm not super excited.  It is great, certainly, that Scot went home and Cupcake is in the doghouse.  It is not great that for that to happen, we needed bad play instead of good.  I mean, I'm not upset with the outcome, but I just don't feel like it's a Great Survivor Moment.  Tai continues to play erratically, basically at random; that's not fun for me.  To me a great Survivor moment is a great play.  You can make a case that this was a great play by Aubry, I suppose...but I don't know how much I can believe it was her that flipped Tai, rather than him just doing what he has done all game and played like John Cage, just chance operations.  Not going to the end with Scot and Cupcake is very dumb for Tai.  That was a guaranteed win for him, and I like him in a final immunity challenge against Julia.


Oh well!  No more Scot!  Hooray!



That doesn't really make sense though, unless you mean that they always go for the fake out before tribal.  Not wanting to make friends, but wanting to win (pulling out the oldest cliche in reality TV) should have meant getting rid of Aubry (who he likes) and keeping the pair of jackass losers (who he can beat.)



Because they didn't want to use any idols.  That was the whole point of all their bluster, to get the women to vote out one of their own so they wouldn't have to use it.  This is how to best use the Super Idol (they aren't very subtle about it, but still), you threaten and get people to flip.



As others have said, if he had voted Aubry he could have played the idol no problem.  But it's certainly true that Scot shouldn't have been surprised, once the votes were read.



No, they were hoping to not have to play it, and switching the vote from what Julia said wouldn't have mattered at all, that's the whole point of the Super Idol.  I assume Julia told him to play it in order to a) flush the idol and take out someone who's not her or b) get his vote at FTC by saying "I tried to save you but you didn't listen to me".  But maybe we'll hear more about this next week or in her exit interviews.



Getting rid of your goats because you don't like them is not having a brain but the opposite.  Playing with your heart and not your head.  Who cares if they're treating you badly--bring goats, win game, collect million.



Since there were only 3 of them, 4 if you count Julia, they would have needed him the entire game!  I also disagree that Tai is not a challenge beast--that's exactly what he is, he has been the overall best in the challenges since the merge, I would say by a large margin.  He's done well in every challenge.



Julia is playing Survivor!  Who else is?  Aubry maybe, but she played double-backwards-vote-your-alliance-out-for-no-reason last episode.  She has Joe, at least, for her trivally easy to beat goat at F3 but who else?  Julia made a play for pretty much the best imaginable final 3 you could ever hope for in this game.  That is 100% correct of her.

Oh please Scot and Jason were planning on cutting Tai soon and Idiot Julia who they would've cut before then ate it up. Michelle even points out in a secret scene that stupid Julia shouldn't assume She could beat those two assholes cause they actually put in work unless previous "goats" . Plus I really hate that strategy . Reward pieces of shit for shitty behavior with a F3 FUCK THAT. Those two were/Are fucking bullies who could drive someone to vote them out for their own sanity. Glad Scot is gone and Fuck Julia acting like a bitter little Bitch in the preview next week.

  • Love 8

Wow the attitude in this thread sure changed in a hurry halfway thru page 1 :-)<br /><br />I've liked this season. Three great tribals in a row and it's all still very unpredictable. I think this is an underrated season and will be thought of much better down the road.


You may be right.  There have been some very good tribals and now that at least one of the tattoo brothers went out in awesome fashion.  I think there could be some good maneuvering going on from here on out.


I did NOT see that coming. I don't think it was a smart move for Tai, but it was a GREAT move by Aubry. Tai probably should have convinced them to vote out Julia, thereby cementing his place as the #3 in the douche alliance. (3 votes Aubry, 4 votes Julia, bye bye Julia!)


But he DID end up with the only idol and an extra vote, so he didn't come out too badly. Kyle Jason is hosed. He's only got Julia as an "ally" and she's not particularly reliable. And no idol! Unless he goes on an immunity run, he's a goner. And even if he stays, he'd only get Scott's jury vote at FTC. He can't win.


Tai had zero input in the tattoo brothers strategy (which is why he let Scot go home).  He had no more chance of convincing them to vote out Julie at this stage in the game then he does of dunking a basketball over Scot.


But he did improve his position.  He made a move that favored the remaining players (except Kyle and Julie), the jury liked it (because they know he could have given Scot the super idol activate code) and he's got an idol and an extra vote.  He can claim he made moves and that he did what was best for him in a FTC.  As a follower of the tattoo brothers he had no chance of winning and could well have been sent home by them before Julie.

  • Love 6

Partly off-topic:

While watching, my son said "I would play for food", and I replied "I would play for the advantage". Of course, it was all in theory, as neither of us is a contestant and it was not in relation to any player, but I'm happy that he feels he has that safety in life, whereas I still feel I need the extra advantage ;)

  • Love 10

Even though I've been surprised by almost every TC and I've looked forward to every episode, people keep saying this is the season they shelved for suckitude.  So I figured the rest of the season would be the prick brigade eliminating the good people one after another, and a finale you could hardly bear to watch.


But TC was so remarkable, we're not even discussing things that would be central topics any other time--like the wisdom of choosing a burger or a support letter over AN ADVANTAGE IN THE GAME.


Or how weird it was that Tai interpreted Craig's-List-soulmate Aubry's overture as "she wants to defect to the men's alliance."


The yummy chocolatey goodness of someone going home with someone else's idol in his pocket.  Hey, that's new.


They must have spent hours setting up that fingertip challenge--fitting each station to the individual's height and reach, finessing the pressure.  But what a payoff--an hour and a quarter of fingertip stress looked like sheer torture.


Anyway, my official position is:  I like this season.  I think it's good!

Edited by candall
  • Love 17

I loved when Scot looks at Tai - and Tai immediately turns to see what Scot wants from Jason.  I thought for certain Tai would cave under the intense staring pressure from the boys and hand over his idol.  But when I saw that he had written Scot's name I laughed even harder.


I am happy for the rest of the tribe, if Scot had the SI save him - it would have been a nightmare in camp for the next few days.  If you thought he was bad last week I think it would have been at least 50 x worse if he had been saved.  I don't think Jason will take action - I think he will just be a big talker that rants around camp lashing out at the closest person for a few hours.   But he'll really have to watch it since he really only has Julia.   I suppose the buttski kissing will replace rage pretty quick.

  • Love 10

Jason and Scott really had horrible game play. I mean this is the third straight tribal council that they were blindsided.  They were blindsided when Nick went home, they tried to get rid of Cydney but they were blindsided by Debbie going home and now Tai blindsided them both sending Scott to ponderosa.


They weren't blindsided by Debbie going home, they were simply better at psychological warfare than they realized.

  • Love 5

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