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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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On 12/25/2016 at 9:56 PM, Constantinople said:

I can't link but apparently Sarah Michelle Gellar tweeted

"Do you really want to hurt me?  I guess you do 2016 - #ripboygeorge I was truly one of your biggest fans."

She has since corrected her error.

Luckily, I hate Sarah Michelle Gellar and don't follow her on Twitter, because if I did and I had seen that?  It would've been full-on emotional collapse/nervous breakdown city in Taraland.

On 12/25/2016 at 10:41 PM, MargeGunderson said:

Well, if 2016 claims Boy George we know who to blame. 

And who will be next if anything does happen to him, because I will choke her myself.

But RIP George Michael - such a brilliant talent and literally one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen in my life.  Him standing against the jukebox in the opening of the Faith video? Wow.

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19 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

Richard Adams, author of 'Watership Down' has died at age 96.


While I was talking to a friend about this, he just casually dropped the news that one of our favorite college professors died this morning. Death needs to go to the time-out corner for a little while.

25 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

Richard Adams, author of 'Watership Down' has died at age 96.


The article includes this passage from his best-known book:  

"It seemed to Hazel that he would not be needing his body any more, so he left it lying on the edge of the ditch, but stopped for a moment to watch his rabbits and to try to get used to the extraordinary feeling that strength and speed were flowing inexhaustibly out of him into their sleek young bodies and healthy senses.

"You needn't worry about them," said his companion. "They'll be alright - and thousands like them."'


:( I was reading somewhere recently that the book was being adapted by the BBC for Netflix.

28 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

But RIP George Michael - such a brilliant talent and literally one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen in my life.  Him standing against the jukebox in the opening of the Faith video? Wow.

I'm surprised now by how much I've gotten emotional about this particular death. I didn't follow George Michael's career, nor did I know much about his personal life. I knew his songs, sure, but that's about it. But yesterday, while looking at some of his videos, I did get invested. Faith, as it turns out, is one of the few feel good songs that I listen to when I'm down. I didn't realize it until I was watching the music video last night. It makes me wish that I had been a bigger fan of his while he was alive. 

I never read Watership Down but I know that a few of my friends absolutely love the book so I'm sad about that. But hey, 96 years old! That's a pretty long life! 

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I recognize George Michael's talent and like many of his songs. By no means was he my favorite performer though. With that said, I have always thought he was classy (even in some unclassy situations). There is a song by him that is one of my favorite melancholy songs. I can never remember the name of it or even the words. Right now, I am trying desperately to find it.

Damn! RIP, Miss Fisher.

Edited by Enigma X
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3 minutes ago, navelgazer said:

I literally gasped at that news! I was hoping she'd survive to write about somehow finding humor in having a heart attack on a plane.


Her poor family- especially her mother and daughter! No parent should have to bury a child!That's just too sad.

  • Love 14

RIP Carrie.

I loved her sense of humor: quirky, real and sometimes dark.  Postcards from the Edge had all of those qualities.  And in some interview, from long ago, I cracked up at an exchange regarding her marriage to Paul Simon:

Reporter: It was a short marriage.
Carrie:  Well, we're short people.


  • Love 21

I've always been pretty vocal about the fact that I've never seen the Star Wars movies, and have always had very little interest in seeing them (and much of anything sci-fi/action hero related, for that matter--I prefer realistic fiction overall), but now I feel a little guilty/weird that if I ever do see them, it will be after Carrie Fisher has died.

But she's great in When Harry Met Sally. And that's how I will always remember her. RIP.

  • Love 12

Princess Leia wasn't just a damsel in distress.   She helped with her own escape.   She was a GENERAL and a Senator in her own right.   At a time when seeing a woman be anything but the "love interest" was rare.   

On that note, let me just say I hate that one of the pictures they kept showing over the weekend was her in the leather bikini.   

RIP Carrie Fisher.  

  • Love 21
1 minute ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Prince was a shock, but Alan Rickman was my gut-punch. That one just hurt.

Alan Rickman's death was also shit.  Snape was/is my favorite HP character, and I thought he played the role perfectly.  He was brilliant before that, as well.

I feel like I should have been sadder about David Bowie's death than I was, but while I really like his music a lot, I didn't grow up listening to it.  I did grow up listening to Prince.  I think that makes a huge difference.

I thought Garry Shandling was one of the funniest people to ever exist and that "The Larry Sanders Show" was one of the best TV shows of all time, so that one also hit me hard.  Gene Wilder was sad, but since he had suffered for a while, I wasn't *as* sad when he died.  It's the sudden deaths of relatively young people that did me in; Prince dying before the age of 60 all because of stupid pain meds, George Michael dying at 53 because of a bad heart, and now Carrie Fisher dying at 60 because of the same.  Seriously, this year has been absolute BALLS when it comes to super talented, colorful, witty people dying WAY before their time.  Enough, already.

  • Love 10
37 minutes ago, navelgazer said:


32 minutes ago, Blergh said:

I literally gasped at that news! I was hoping she'd survive to write about somehow finding humor in having a heart attack on a plane.

Her poor family- especially her mother and daughter! No parent should have to bury a child!That's just too sad.

Her passing is terrible, but particularly for her mother.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, amaranta said:

RIP Carrie.

I loved her sense of humor: quirky, real and sometimes dark.  Postcards from the Edge had all of those qualities.  And in some interview, from long ago, I cracked up at an exchange regarding her marriage to Paul Simon:

Reporter: It was a short marriage.
Carrie:  Well, we're short people.


For a while, Carrie was an in demand script doctor who punched up the jokes in Hook, Sister Act, Lethal Weapon 3, the Wedding Singer, and more.

  • Love 13
8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I loved Carrie in everything I saw with her. And I also remember just squeeing when she guest starred in Smallville as the editor at The Daily Planet when Chloe was applying for an internship.

Thx much very for the Smallville info.  I will look for that ep.  ;(

Throws papers in air, burns shit up, grabs a 40 and chain smokes like a mofo all day.  This kittykat is officially OUT!

This one hurts aside from being a badass female lead on a franchise where they were scant, she guest started on one of the best episodes of 30 rock.  Pouring one out for my lady Carrie :-(

  • Love 4

Man, I didn't think she'd pull through based on how long she was without oxygen, but fuck me, it still hurt to see that Carrie Fisher died.  I think I was Princess Leia for three Halloween's straight as a kid, and I can't tell you how many times I went to school with my hair in those cinnamon bun braids because I thought she was just the coolest ever.  And her in The Blues Brothers?  Perfection.  

When I read Wishful Drinking a few years back, she mentions in there that when she died, she wanted it reported that she, "... I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.", so I can only hope that at least a few obituaries obliged.

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

"An actress! Really? How nice for you! I'm Betsy Faye Sharon, and I'm a bitch. Now get out of here."

I'm literally smiling through my tears.

I've never seen a Star Wars film, but this is my favorite Carrie Fisher movie moment. Between her and Garry Marshall, I might not be able to make it through Soapdish anymore.

RIP Miss Fisher, you truly were spectacular.

  • Love 5

Loved Carrie Fisher. I loved that she didn't let herself spend her whole life defined as Princess Leia. Funny and fearless. Took what life threw at her and kicked its ass. I have a good friend who used to work for Debbie Reynolds when she had her hotel in Vegas. I invited him to spend Thanksgiving with us this year, which he has a few times, but he already had plans to attend Carrie Fisher's 60th birthday party in LA. 

The one that hid me hardest this year was Glenn Frey. Hotel California was the first album I ever got, and I listened to it over and over again. The day after he died, I heard Hotel California on the radio on my way to work, and I sat in the parking lot and cried when I got to the office. 

  • Love 9

I feel so sorry for Carrie Fisher's family.  (Plenty of non-famous people spent the holidays in the same horrible way, I know, and I feel sorry for them, too; I just don't know them by name.)

I'm one of the three people in the world who has never seen Star Wars in its entirety (I've tried a few times, and just can't get through it - sci-fi is not my bag, and that one is decidedly not an exception), but I loved her in Soapdish, Scream 3, and When Harry Met Sally.  I think Postcards From the Edge is fantastic, and I even like the episode of Roseanne she wrote (with Debbie Reynolds as Dan's mom).  And, as noted above, she was highly regarded as a script doctor, including several films that make me laugh.

Basically, my distaste at her joking about having had an affair with a married man aside, I liked Carrie Fisher as Carrie Fisher; her sense of humor - especially about herself - really clicked with me.

Edited by Bastet
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Alan Rickman at the beginning of the year and Carrie Fisher now.  What a year. 

One of my favourite stories to tell about seeing Stars Wars (I never call it "A New Hope") is sitting in the theatre with about 8 people in the first showing in my home city at 2:00 in the afternoon.  Visually stunning and I won't say how many more times I saw it that year.

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Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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