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S03.E01: HashtagNewCraig

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Craig throws himself a welcome back party and invites the gang to get back together again; Thomas and Kathryn have officially called it quits, and their tumultuous relationship continues to create a wedge between them and their friends.
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I'm sorry but Patricia was right. If it didn't work the first time, why do it again? They are both morons.

Katheryn is like one of those women from Love and Hip Hop, who keeps getting pregnant by some rapper who has about 545677 other girls.

All the women look the same in this show, same build, same coloring, same hair, it's like, "Look, the cloning experiment worked!"

Edited by Neurochick
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Oh Katherine honey, if some Supreme Being decided you were going to spawn yet another poor unfortunate, you would have gotten pregnant out in bumfuck Monk's Corner without benefit of partner. I hear that's been done already a few thousand years ago.

If I were her parents....ugh.

Cameron makes me laugh- Craig dressed like an italian drug dealer lol.

How many of these people actually like each other? Most of them like Cameron, I think that's about it isn't it?

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Ooh, I love how they show us how the season will end in a big blow-up in yet another T-Rav lecture dinner party. But even better was the quick montage of all the Charmers getting ready for the day, with T-Rav brushing his hair with a black eye...and then we have to wait a half hour to see him again. Boring Shep and Cameron, even more boring Craig and girlfriend, okay Patricia and Whitney, pretty entertaining Kathryn and Cooper, some decent drama exposition with T-Rav talking to Landon. It sounds like none of these people are friends anymore, with the exception of Cameron and Shep, and I suppose Landon and T-Rav (which is an odd pairing), so I guess this is just the getting acquainted again awkwardness before they REALLY tell each other what they think after being forced to spend 3 months together. The big take-away this episode: Do NOT say "periwinkle" to Kathryn. In the split-second you could see her completely construct an entire story in her mind casting some new periwinkle-loving strumpet coming into what "should" be "her" house and taking over decorating it. (Commercial break) Oh, snap! Landon is wearing periwinkle! Da-da-dum! Lol!

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Ooh, I love how they show us how the season will end in a big blow-up in yet another T-Rav lecture dinner party. But even better was the quick montage of all the Charmers getting ready for the day, with T-Rav brushing his hair with a black eye...and then we have to wait a half hour to see him again. Boring Shep and Cameron, even more boring Craig and girlfriend, okay Patricia and Whitney, pretty entertaining Kathryn and Cooper, some decent drama exposition with T-Rav talking to Landon. It sounds like none of these people are friends anymore, with the exception of Cameron and Shep, and I suppose Landon and T-Rav (which is an odd pairing), so I guess this is just the getting acquainted again awkwardness before they REALLY tell each other what they think after being forced to spend 3 months together. The big take-away this episode: Do NOT say "periwinkle" to Kathryn. In the split-second you could see her completely construct an entire story in her mind casting some new periwinkle-loving strumpet coming into what "should" be "her" house and taking over decorating it. (Commercial break) Oh, snap! Landon is wearing periwinkle! Da-da-dum! Lol!

Periwinkle gate indeed!

This is where Kathryn shows her 22 year old self.

Thomas is a moron for sleeping her again (which in her young mind equates to a relationship) let alone not using any type of birth control, gheesh guy they are called condoms, use them!

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When Patricia was walking down the steps in the previews, I thought it was Caitlyn Jenner. But then, I also assumed Craig going back to Delaware to get himself together meant he had quit drinking. Wrong on both counts.

I think all the years of being a drunk are catching up with Thomas.

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Craig's shirt was really dumb. Why did the collar have flowery polka-dots on it? Ick.

Shep needs a haircut real bad.

A periwinkle-related conspiracy in which Landon wears certain sack dresses to secretly taunt Kathryn? Sure! Sounds plausible to me!

I missed this show, ha.

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Whitney and Patricia are so creepy to watch, I wish they had left. I like Danni and would even watch Cooper over them. 


I am in for the Landon/Thomas/Kathryn drama.


So glad this show is back.

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I kinda feel sorry for Kathryn but at the same time, I don't. Thomas obviously could not care less about their relationship (or lack thereof).

Also, why does Kathryn care so much about what Patricia thinks about her relationship?

Generalissimo will never see the light of day.

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Whitney. Shep. Bitter party of two. I'm sure Whitney feels like it's bad enough that TRav knocked up Kathryn once, but twice??!?! It's too bad Whitney, you'll never give TRav his heir. Whitney could be wifing up his Austrian girlfriend who is exactly Kathryn's age, but girl clearly wants nothing to do with him. Plus Whitney can't leave his busy life and career in L.A.

Shep seemed especially bitter tonight. I wonder if the people in his life have let him know that the commitment phobic Peter Pan is not a good look on him.

Kathryn and TRav are far too juvenile to let their genitals near each other. These two are going to be off and on and sniping at each other for decades. They'll probably have two more.

Craig, take and pass the bar. Marry the rich girl. Tell Whitney and Shep to get fucked. Your new father in law will find you a job that you like and pays well. In 5 years, you'll be married with a lovely wife and child and a good job. You'll have it all over the geriatric diletante never was, Whitney, and the aging playboy, Shep.

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I really liked Shep last season, but I think it's because I forgot how sanctimonious he was towards the end with Craig. And I don't even like Craig! Did he lose weight or have those teeth always been that goofy looking?

I just think Cameran is adorable. Pot stirring, sure, but adorable all the same!

Kathryn is really so pretty, but pretty doesn't fix stupid and young acting! Grow UP. Be a good role model for your child(ren.)

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Landon's nose looked weird in the talking head.

I'm loving all this ridiculous drama. Kathryn getting knocked up, T-Rav's black eye, Craig's Italian mafia shirt, Shep the bitter hag.

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Hooray this show is back! I love it so much I actually watched it in real time.  


Kathryn should not film without her makeup on.  Landon's periwinkle sack dress was odd...plus she's looking like a young version of Martha Stewart to me. Anyone else see it, or is it just me? Well at least Landon is moving on from the sad sack young divorcee persona of last year.  


My husband watched--he thinks Craig is gay.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  He said that before Craig put the pink shirt on.  T-Rav's black eye wasn't from Kathryn?  I'm surprised.  Anyway, hopefully T-Rav's home will be finished as part of the season, kind of a combo home renovation show with all the baby mamma drama.  



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Landon helping select paint colors is a joke. I've said it before. This is a girl who can't set dress a pop up without guidance. And I cannot stand the way she articulates. She looks like an otter when she talks.

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Gosh, I have loved this show but I'm not feeling it so far. 


Patricia is 'interesting' and I enjoy her pompous ways but the truth is your son ain't all that.  He's not even close to all that.  He's pretty lazy and full of himself.  The only thing successful he's done is coming up with this show.  So, Patricia, who are you to criticize and call people morons?  No Southern 'charm' or class there. 


I think Whitney has had a thing for Kathryn and but didn't 'catch' her.  Not like T Rav.  He hates her because he wasn't successful. 


Shep has gotten really boring.  The frat boy is getting old.  It's not working because guess what Shep, you're getting too old to pull it off.


Landon is just boring. 


I've loved Cameron but it's starting to fade.  I still enjoy her but she was better when she was mostly the Greek chorus.


T Rav is just f'd up.  Everyone is down on Kathryn for getting pregnant again.  Hm.  It takes two to tango and it's pretty apparent that T Rav didn't take any precaution either time.  He's just as responsible.  You want to play, you have to pay.  Kathryn is certainly paying by having responsibility for her two children.  Say what you will about Kathryn but I think she's loves her children and cares about them.  


I hope Craig has gotten his life straightened out.  I hold judgement.  We'll see what happens.  Does he want to make something of himself or will he live off his rich girlfriend.

Edited by breezy424
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Enjoyed tonight's episode and man, did Kathryn spill some tea tonight on WWHL.  I'm really sad that Craig has a serious GF.  I really liked the friendship he and Kathryn shared when they were both single.  Well, its official. Like an OP said up thread seems like most of the cast are not really friends anymore while the show's on hiatus.  T-Rav is still a hot mess.  Whitney's still as pretentious as ever, I see.  I'm not loving Shep so much this episode.  He seems mean-spirited, bitter, and jealous of Craig now that Craig's gotten sober, settled down, etc.  Despite what Shep says publically I do think deep down he does want Craig to fail (just a teeny weeny bit) so he can feel superior.


For some reason (surprisingly) Landon's voice does not grate/make me as stabby as it did last season.  Landon only said "like" once or twice so she must be reading the boards! :)  The T-Rav, Landon, and Kathryn triangle is going to be interesting.   And lastly, that black eye Ravenel was sporting tonight made me physically hurt every time they showed it.  The group is really freezing Katheryn out, ouch!  except Craig.  Cameran disappointed me because she gave Katheryn the cold shoulder as well.  Last year she was empathetic to Kathryn.  This season she doesn't have two effs to rub together.


Pssst .... And lastly, for the love of God DO NOT say periwinkle !!

Edited by beesknees
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Kathryn should not film without her makeup on.  Landon's periwinkle sack dress was odd...plus she's looking like a young version of Martha Stewart to me. Anyone else see it, or is it just me?

TOTALLY got that, too. I've never seen it before, either. And it was weird because one minute, she was Martha, then the next shot, no.

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I'm sorry but Patricia was right. If it didn't work the first time, why do it again? They are both morons.

Katheryn is like one of those women from Love and Hip Hop, who keeps getting pregnant by some rapper who has about 545677 other girls.

All the women look the same in this show, same build, same coloring, same hair, it's like, "Look, the cloning experiment worked!"

I know it was a hypothetical question, but when Patricia asked that, I was like, 'She's trying for the heir, Patricia!' Obviously Kensington wasn't the key to the kingdom; she's gotta cough up a boy. It's all so gross. Those poor kids.

And yeah, I can't tell any of the blondes apart. Including you, Cooper.

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All the women look the same in this show, same build, same coloring, same hair, it's like, "Look, the cloning experiment worked!"

It's funny: I read your comment and I was not sure I agreed... but then, I saw a woman running to meet Craig in the airport. I thought it was Landon and I was like... wait what? When did THAT happen? Then they showed that it was Naomie. So yeah. ;)


My favorite line was from Shep. "He's so broke, he can't even pay attention." If he said it about someone REALLY broke I'd be kinda angry, but he was talking about Craig, so... LOL

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Agree with all of the above sentiments. Also want to add (besides the Landon/T-Rav/Kathryn triangle story) it looks like from the preview and initial T-Rav dinner party that they are trying to show that Shep belongs with Landon, but honestly I always liked him with Dani. I think she's either in or was in a relationship with someone else in real life now, but I always rooted for them deep down. Am I alone in that? LOL! Anyway, I'm thrilled the show is back! I was born in Charleston and have always lived in SC, so maybe I'm biased, but I do love this show! Having said that, what a train wreck this season will be!

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Ok, while Kathryn is an idiot, she's 22?  I just can't with TRav?  What 50 something calls themselves that stupid nickname?  He's a hot mess.  I think it's just not booze but drugs, too.  In ten years, he'll be even worse, and probably begging for Kathryn's attention.  If she had a brain, she'd just walk away, far away from this train wreck.


Shep, what exactly do you do?  You're not some pilar of society?  Party and live off your trust.  I don't see you doing a damned thing.  I agree the old frat boy partier is getting old.  


As someone said, Craig get your shit together, pass the bar if that's what you want, or get some steady job.  Get with a decent woman or man, whatever your choice.  I don't think any of these guys are worth your time.  They're certainly not a role model.  They are all either on the road of being drunks, druggies or bitter old men.


Patricia is a poser, along with her son.  She's laying on the southern accent hard, at least in this episode.  I believe she was born & raised in the north, so yeah.  She & Whitney strike me as grifters.  


Whitney - I'm always just shocked he doesn't burst into flames when he's in the daylight.


Landon - bleh.  Cameran is the only common denominator between them all.  They do not seem to be friends at all, merely co-workers at this point.


Cannot wait for the fight they showed in the first scene.

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Still watching this on the west coast but just have to say that I'm delighted that neither TRav nor Kathryn managed to gather four good brain cells between the two of them during the hiatus.   Kathryn, God didn't get you pregnant; a boner and no condom got you pregnant.  And if you're so unhappy living out on TRav's plantation house, there's this amazing new contraption called an automobile that will actually get you into town in no time.  I hear there's even indoor plumbing in town! 


Patricia is a snob but I love her catty remarks. 

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Kathryn, God didn't get you pregnant; a boner and no condom got you pregnant.

So much WORD! When I heard that I said "I don't think God was part of you and T-Rav's drunk sex. Sorry!" GMAFB.

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Oh, I want Patricia to join the Cast of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  Not only would she give Lisa Vander Pump a run for her money but she has more caftans than the entire BH cast put together!  Landon looks like she's trying very hard to be the next Mrs. Thomas Ravanel.  Kathryn mentioned in tonight's episode that Landon actually hit on Thomas/propositioned him after he and Kathryn got together.


What cracked me up was when they showed the opening montage of things to come there was a scene where Landon confesses her love for Shep and the distressed look of, i dunno, abject fear on Shep's face had me literally laughing out loud.  Effing stupid Whitney.  When he was putting Craig down "for throwing himself a Welcome Back Party like some kind of Dignitary" I was literally yelling at the TV going "It's called house warming party you moron."  Also, when Whitney said he hoped Craig cleared his head and was ready to focus on ... something - I was thinking "Yeah, just like you did with Generalissimo, your French-Mexican themed restaurant that has yet to materialize?"


Like Kathryn said "Whitney has a failed restaurant, a failed rock band, and a non-existent long-distance relationship."

Edited by beesknees
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God, I adore this show.  Thank goodness for all of you on here.  I have nobody in my life who understands why I adore this show, but I do, I do, I do.  My bf is from Texas & he loathes it, so I kinda have to be a closet watcher.  Poor me, eh?


I have not kept up with any of these people since the reunion aired last year, and I have heard absolutely nothing about ANY of them since.  So I was completely shocked to see that Kathryn was preggers by Thomas.  So I immediately googled Kathryn & was even more shocked to see she had her son in November.  Um, what the what???


So here's my question to everyone here -- am I alone in being shocked about all of this?  Was anybody/everybody aware of this?  Or was Kathryn's pregnancy & the birth of her son purposely kept secret for the sake of the show?  Hmmmmm.


Btw, if I didn't think so before (which I didn't, but I should have, given his looney tunes campaign last year), Thomas Ravenol is fuckin' nuts!!!!  And yet, watching him is a hoot.  Well, to me anyway.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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So here's my question to everyone here -- am I alone in being shocked about all of this? Was anybody/everybody aware of this? Or was Kathryn's pregnancy & the birth of her son purposely kept secret for the sake of the show? Hmmmmm.

They have been public or rather as public as two people from a lower tiered Bravo show can be about the pregnancy and birth, plus acting like fools on social media but it was most definitely not a secret.

Also, Thomas when Whitney is distancing himself from you because he thinks your batshit and you are showing up places with a black eye at your age, it's time to reevaluate your life.

Thomas and Kathryn are beyond tedious.

Edited by biakbiak
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As I was gazing at Whitney, looking more creepy than ever (with an odd Trumpy orange glow), & Shep, with those big goony wooden horseteeth, I kept thinking how these 2 are morphing more & more into Norman Bates.


So wait, does Craig actually have a job?  Or is being on the show his job?  Cuz if being on the show is his job, they probably won't break the 4th wall and say that, right?  Or is his job trying to get this rich chick to marry him so he doesn't have to get a job.  Well, you found yourself a really sweet deal, Craig, marrying the rich girl, so you don't have to get a job.  Ah, but nothing surprising, given what we've seen of Craig's personality.  But it did give me a giggle.  Thanks for the giggle, Craig & show producers!

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As I was gazing at Whitney, looking more creepy than ever (with an odd Trumpy orange glow), & Shep, with those big goony wooden horseteeth, I kept thinking how these 2 are morphing more & more into Norman Bates.


So wait, does Craig actually have a job?  Or is being on the show his job?  Cuz if being on the show is his job, they probably won't break the 4th wall and say that, right?  Or is his job trying to get this rich chick to marry him so he doesn't have to get a job.  Well, you found yourself a really sweet deal, Craig, marrying the rich girl, so you don't have to get a job.  Ah, but nothing surprising, given what we've seen of Craig's personality.  But it did give me a giggle.  Thanks for the giggle, Craig & show producers!

Wooden teeth indeed.  Whitney just looked so ...smooth and shiny.  Too much botox perhaps?

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From what I've gathered, Craig doesn't have a job, just a rich girlfriend.   Oh, BTW, I thought the 'outfit' he was wearing for the party was just....  And I don't think if he hasn't passed it by now, he's never going to pass the bar unless..... he devotes a whole lot of time into effort.


Whitney's comment about what was a housewarming party tells us all about Whitney.  He just tries to be above it all but he just isn't.  His mother's money just thinks he is.  Imagine if he didn't have that.  Or Shep didn't have his trust fund.


I also think that Kathryn's parent's house is quite a distance from Charleston because of what was said last season.  It's about a 45 minute drive.


Kathryn is 24.  Thomas is 53.  If anyone has no excuse about getting their shit together, IMO that would be Thomas. 

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I kinda feel sorry for Kathryn but at the same time, I don't. Thomas obviously could not care less about their relationship (or lack thereof).

Also, why does Kathryn care so much about what Patricia thinks about her relationship?

Generalissimo will never see the light of day.


 Also, when Whitney said he hoped Craig cleared his head and was ready to focus on ... something - I was thinking "Yeah, just like you did with Generalissimo, your French-Mexican themed restaurant that has yet to materialize?"

For those interested in the ultimate status of Generalissimo, the answer can be found here:


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Patricia is a poser, along with her son.  She's laying on the southern accent hard, at least in this episode.  I believe she was born & raised in the north, so yeah.  She & Whitney strike me as grifters.  



Nope - Patricia was born in Jacksonville, FL and raised in Richmond, VA - later lived in DC

Edited by sheetmoss
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They either filmed this several months after season 2 or they are pretending that the events in S2 wasn't that long ago.

Yet most of the cast here look noticeably older than in S2.

They're made up and lit well for the talking head sequences but in other scenes, they look older.

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Craig's shirt was really dumb. Why did the collar have flowery polka-dots on it? Ick.

Shep needs a haircut real bad.

A periwinkle-related conspiracy in which Landon wears certain sack dresses to secretly taunt Kathryn? Sure! Sounds plausible to me!

I missed this show, ha.



Too bad Craig's shirt wasn't periwinkle.


I think Craig was still part of the secret joke/evil plot against Kathryn, wasn't pink the other color option for the nursery?  He had to be wearing that Italian drug dealer shirt for a reason.

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Poor Craig.  Lacking in talent and skills he has to rub up against people for a Bravo-check that will never really let him into their little meager club.  But is he to be pitied or scorned.  He hasn't figured out by now how to manage the line that Cameron still seems able to to some degree.  So I'm going with scorned.  It was pretty clear that he was coming back from Delaware even before he left last season unless the show got cancelled.  Of he did.  I'm guessing even if he actually planned to return home to stop being a drunken shiftless rapidly aging, not tall enough model with patchy skin and a body that is oddly flaccid as a whole, he would have crawled back if he had to to get back in front of a camera.  What else does he have?  A rich girlfriend?  Wonder how rich and how long that will last? 


I think Shep is a bit bitter at his fame-run already having gone through a second wind and not seeing a third in sight.  I'm guessing he has swaggered into one too many local watering spots to flash those horse teeth of his and finding the numbers of twenty something women flocking to them are starting to thin.   But for all his purported intelligence he seems almost as shiftless as Craig.  Or Whitney.  Or Teabag Ravenal (I refuse to ever type the nickname that suggests he is some kind of dominating force -- he is a man who likely stands in front of the mirror and has cheered every non-viagra induced erection he has had for the last ten years) who would probably be the worst if he hadn't been born on third base.


Kathryn is crazy.  But I think that is part of what drew Ravenal to her.  He thought the crazy made it easy to control her.  But its like Dick Cheney cloned himself before going out hunting.  Shots in the face are the least worries with these two though.


Stupid always seems to breed so easily doesn't it?  

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I don't think that getting married and having children is for everybody, that's what seems to be wrong with a lot of the folks on this show, they're like people trying on shoes that are two sizes too small.  I don't think Thomas will ever settle down, not really and Katheryn should get on the clue bus, and if she wants to have sex with him, use birth control.


I was brought up to NEVER depend on a guy to use a condom, the woman is the one who carries the baby and who is usually responsible for most of the child care, she's the one who needs to protect herself, sure the man should be responsible, but why take that chance? 


Whitney and Shep need to find something to do with their lives besides this show, sure they might not need to work, but even if you have the means to do nothing all day, it doesn't mean you should do nothing all day.


I wouldn't be surprised if Craig were gay and was also trying to fit into a pair of shoes two sizes too small.

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I just cant with these people not using condoms! I am not talking just about pregnancies (let's not forget that K/T also had a pregnancy scare before she actually got pregnant with Kensie) a ton of these people are doing casual hookups without condoms. I would not be surprised if many of these folk were part of a part of an STD cluster the department of health was tracking (probably not byt only because of lack of fuding for such things in SC.). I straight up find it unfathomable.

Edited by biakbiak
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Ohhhh how I've missed this glorious show! Brilliantly bitchy start to what appears to be a somewhat bitchy season.

Although where was the jazzy, zippy opening theme? I guess that was forsaken in order to preview yet another drunkenly sanctimonious dinner party host from Hell, or maybe I missed it while attempting to fix myself the perfect martini??

Speaking of martinis, oh how I've mainly missed bitchy Lady Patricia of Martini Manor, aka Drunkie O! The kaftan, the decor excess, the condescending attitude, it was all there in its full glory---loved her intentionally regal, nearly slow-mo opening scene as she dramatically descended from her winding staircase...Laurence of Arabia indeed!!

Whitney is still as creepy as ever---looks like he got a few extra Botox/filler treatments while in LA. He appears to still be randomly cavorting with his young German beard though, according to his/his mom's Instagram...I'm in disbelief that it's being hinted around that he finds Kathryn still worthy of a drunken romp or three given his obvious disgust with her entire lifestyle---I thought he considered her to be a hillbilly femme fatale?

Oh Kathryn...she's such a gross mess on so many levels.

Yes, everyone is freezing her out---can you blame them??

First of all, she's only 22 and everyone else is aged in their 30's-50's; what does she have in common with all the others beyond just drunken romps with the males? I think Craig only still keeps in touch because he's the closest in age and still thinks of her as a fun fellow outsider he can commiserate with when necessary.

Second of all, I don't mean to slut-shame, but she's wrecklessly bringing unwanted children in the world to entrap this team's star player. I wouldn't be down with that either, quite frankly.

Yes, it does take two to tango and Thomas is just as much to blame, but still, she's the one who ultimately carries and raises these children---I firmly agree that as the baby carrier, it's a woman's ultimate responsibility to be on birth control to protect herself, not idiotically claim that "God wanted us to have a child."

Thirdly, sorry, but she acts like common white trash, from the way she acts to just the way she carries herself. Sleeping around within 3 weeks with 3 different guys in one social circle, flipping off people in these social circles and telling them to fuck themselves, and getting hammered while preggers or not ain't exactly how I would consider a proper "scion" to act.

I find it interesting that her onscreen bestie Jennifer is preggers now too---does she even have a man or is she yet another Fertile Myrtle looking for her Baby Mealticket a'la Miss Kiki??

I can't help but like Craig, underdog that he may be. Hope all works out with his lovely new girlfriend, even if she is the definition of basic.

Also can't help but like Cooper in all his gentile Old Southern fairy grandeur.

Cameron is still obscenely perfect. Surely there's a chink in her armor somewhere??

Shep's original sparkle/luster is indeed fading...maybe he's even starting to realize that he'll turn into T-Rav 2.0 if he's not more careful.

T-Rav...that black eye...that gaudy new downtown house...I'm sorry, he is such a hot mess but he ultimately makes this show for me due to his sheer obliviousness...I think his self-awareness truly fades with every new season.

And Landon, I love trapeze dresses too, but I would NEVER wear one on national TV---they make even the skinniest of gals look like she's got at least 3 buns in the oven. Onwards to Periwinklegate though: she and T-Rav in a love triangle with Kuckoo Kathryn though? Oh yuck...

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I spent a good 2 minutes laughing at Craig's hideous pink party shirt. WTF? Is Craig still working? The way people kept bringing up Craig's wealthy girlfriend and her family, were they implying that he is living off of the girlfriend?


Kathryn claims God wanted her to have another baby. Oh, okay. You idiots keep having unprotected sex and you're a 22 year old who is probably very fertile, but let's say that God wants you to keep having babies. She mentioned on WWHL that she's not getting back together with Thomas. I just feel so bad for the kids.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I think Whitney has had a thing for Kathryn.

Did you watch WWHL? I stayed up past my bedtime because I was not going to miss Kathryn unleashed, er, unedited! She said how what she and Whitney had was "MUCH" bigger than what it seemed. It wasn't a one-night stand but a FULL WEEK! Maybe even a week and a half! Of course Andy was snickering behind his cue cards about the length of this serious relationship. But Kathryn just double-downed that it was so serious that she stayed with Whitney that whole week and even had breakfast with Patricia. Then Patricia tweeted to Andy that she never had breakfast with Kathryn and they went back and forth with Patricia tweeting back a second time. I wonder whether those were Kathryn's Anne Taylor clothes on Whitney's floor in season 1? If she was staying there for a week, it would explain the pile of clothes. But did she really like Whitney or just didn't want to drive all the way back to Monk's Corner or whatever her town is called?

I have to say, she looked fantastic on WWHL for only having the baby 4 months ago--or just regardless baby or not! But even during SC, she looked thin for 7 months pregnant! Usually the second pregnancy takes a bigger toll on a woman's body than the first. But she looked so skinny with this pregnancy/post-pregnancy that it made me a little worried that maybe she didn't like how she looked on TV with Kensington that she wasn't healthy for Saint. Anyway, definitely NOT meaning to body shame or "pregnancy shame" the girl or anything--just struck by the vast difference.

It's funny: I read your comment and I was not sure I agreed... but then, I saw a woman running to meet Craig in the airport. I thought it was Landon and I was like... wait what? When did THAT happen?

And I thought it was Cameran!

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Craig's shirt was just fine to me; he's just metro like the guys on VPR. It's Shep and Whitney dress that confuses me. They both look unshaven and unpressed. Fifty year old men in skull tee shirts and baggy jeans is a thing in the high caste South?

"Product" or not, at least Craig combs his hair!

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Ahhh it's back.  At first I was bummed to see that Kathryn was pregnant because I thought that meant she wouldn't be drinking and being the hot mess we know she can be. Alas, I was wrong on both accounts.  She was drinking (I'm not suggesting she was getting drunk- but the cameraman made sure to focus in on that wine glass when  she was getting ready at Jen's house) and she's still a messy fool.  Bless her heart!


She looked pretty great though. Seems to not have gained the weight she gained with Kensie (sp?).  Loved that red dress she wore to Craig's party. 


I'm confused though.  Is she living at Thomas's plantation or at her parent's house?  Did they clarify that?


I thought that was Cameron running to greet Craigster at the airport too.  She and his new girlfriend look shockingly similar, at least from the back!


I don't mind Landon, she would seriously be dead to me if she were to get together with Thomas.  I agree that she seems to be making an effort to articulate more and use less "umms" and "likes" --- she's definitely been reading the boards! ;)


Thomas is ridiculous. I thought he was applying eye makeup in that first scene, and was like...WTH! That black eye looked terribly painful.  And the reason he acquired it is beyond embarrassing.


mbaywife123, on 04 Apr 2016 - 10:10 PM, said:mbaywife123, on 04 Apr 2016 - 10:10 PM, said:mbaywife123, on 04 Apr 2016 - 10:10 PM, said:

Periwinkle gate indeed!
This is where Kathryn shows her 22 year old self.
Thomas is a moron for sleeping her again (which in her young mind equates to a relationship) let alone not using any type of birth control, gheesh guy they are called condoms, use them!


Damn the girl has been 22 for 3 seasons now.  Does she not age like the rest of us?!  I know Cameron referred to her as 22 as well.  But she's gotta be at least 23 or 24 now right?




Kathryn should not film without her makeup on.  Landon's periwinkle sack dress was odd



YES I had these exact 2 thoughts. Like whoa, Kathryn is seriously scary ghost face white without her makeup! And Landon looked ridiculous in that dress. There was nothing flattering about it whatsoever. 

Edited by Duke2801
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Bummed I missed WWHL last night. I'll have to search for a rerun. 

I hoped Craig would come back older and wiser, more determined to succeed in taking the bar and getting his actual career (not modeling or "acting" on a reality TV show) started. 


So what was the story again about how he and new girlfriend (Naiomi?) got together? The were friends with the same groups of friends, he was a senior in college when she was a freshman but they never really met there, she texted him sometime after he returned to Delaware last fall, and then they started dating? Sounded like she very very much wanted to 1) date Craig Conover, and 2) join the cast of "Southern Charm". Not sure which was most important to her. It all seems like a big act, down to the conveniently empty nice house owned by her parents that the little couple will have to move out of "when it sells".

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