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S20.E07: Week 7


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I don't think Ben "always wanted to go behind the counter"  at McD's.   it was all part of a promotion, there's  Mcdonald's  commercial  about all day breakfast featuring Ben and Amanda.

I knew McDonald's was a sponsor last night during the Wrigley Field date when the camera pulled back on Ben and Jojo at the end of the evening and the golden arches were shining brightly in the background.  That's probably why they didn't go to a nice restaurant for dinner, too, so Mickey D could get their big after-dark money shot.  Hell, that dinner was probably catered by Ronald McDonald.


I thought it was funny at the beginning when all the girls got to Warsaw and were talking about how they could live there.  Uh, ladies, Ben lives in Denver.  At least Emily got that part right when she said she'd happily be a cheerleader for the Denver Broncos.  Not surprising at all was that Lauren B got the "meaningful" date, Jojo got the "fun" date, and Amanda got the "soccer mom hustling through the drive-thru" date.  

  • Love 10

Please, please, please don't let Amanda become the Bachelorette. I'd have to learn to lip read and watch it on mute.

I feel like they figured out Ben is reasonably articulate and pretty good at these dumping speeches, so the show is like - go ahead, break up with them whenever you want! No need to wait for a rose ceremony!

I actually felt a little sorry for Emily. She struck me as a cute kid (more than the others anyway), and while she sounded so immature when talking to his mom, she also seemed so earnest.

Sounds like we've replaced the word "connection" with "validation." Thanks for that JoJo.

  • Love 6

Did I hear Ben say "my Dad and I's" and then minutes later "Jojo and I's" during the baseball date? That phrase needs to be put to rest indefinitely on this show.

Yep.   This phrase has become a mainstay on the Bachelor/ette shows, and has spread to other reality shows.   I am dreading when it becomes so common it is acceptable usage.  (like "literally", which has come to mean the opposite of the intended meaning)

I don't want English grammar to be subject to reality TV changes.

  • Love 6

Since I watched the Westminster Dog Show at the same time, I couldn't help noticing:

Caila has, hands down, the most beautiful, thick, shiny coat ever on either show.

Becca is one of those gorgeous breeds, like the Afghan Hound, originally bred for their coats. Too much personality would be considered a fault.

Emily has the joie de vivre of a young Irish Setter and is just as silly. Owners should just love her and not expect too much.

Amanda is an almost perfect example of Whippet breed-specifics and has already proven herself with an early litter. Her only fault is a slight nostril deviation that makes her look permanently angry, but that might be useful in guard dog duty.

Lauren is one of the two contenders for Best-of-Show. She has the height and grace of a Borzoi, but her coat is sadly out of condition and it could hurt her in the finals.

JoJo is a prize winner of the push-faced breeds like the Pug and Pekinese, I think she's on track for Best-of-Show, but I don't trust her right-reasons and think she might just rack up her win and then go home and pee in her trophy.



One thing....I hope they all had their shots!!

  • Love 4

Since I watched the Westminster Dog Show at the same time, I couldn't help noticing:

Caila has, hands down, the most beautiful, thick, shiny coat ever on either show.

Becca is one of those gorgeous breeds, like the Afghan Hound, originally bred for their coats. Too much personality would be considered a fault.

Emily has the joie de vivre of a young Irish Setter and is just as silly. Owners should just love her and not expect too much.

Amanda is an almost perfect example of Whippet breed-specifics and has already proven herself with an early litter. Her only fault is a slight nostril deviation that makes her look permanently angry, but that might be useful in guard dog duty.

Lauren is one of the two contenders for Best-of-Show. She has the height and grace of a Borzoi, but her coat is sadly out of condition and it could hurt her in the finals.

JoJo is a prize winner of the push-faced breeds like the Pug and Pekinese, I think she's on track for Best-of-Show, but I don't trust her right-reasons and think she might just rack up her win and then go home and pee in her trophy.


OMG, YES to all of this.


And did he really describe Amanda as "shockingly beautiful"?  I mean, the girl's nose looks like it's made out of silly putty and she looks nearly cross eyed.

  • Love 7

Yep.   This phrase has become a mainstay on the Bachelor/ette shows, and has spread to other reality shows.   I am dreading when it becomes so common it is acceptable usage.  (like "literally", which has come to mean the opposite of the intended meaning)

I don't want English grammar to be subject to reality TV changes.

Episode 3: I literally jumped over the moon when me and Ben went on a one on one date.

  • Love 10

Love the Westminster Bachelor mashup, JudyObscure!  lol! But isn't the real "Best in Show" supposed to be our Ben? I still can't figure out if he's a over-eager Labradoodle puppy who loves everyone, or a cool self contained Rottweiler who can cut you without looking back.


He's definitely good at eliminations. I couldn't tell if Emily's was kind or cruel--maybe nice to have the girls there to comfort her about it. But maybe cruel to have to go back in and rehash the disappointment with everyone on camera. (And, really, Mom. I can see thinking "She's sweet but way too young and immature for Ben", but ...crying over it? I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was just stressed by the anxiety over him being on this show to begin with, but in a way, given some of the trainwrecks who've made it to the end, I would think Emily--whom he obviously wasn't serious about--would be a great relief, not cause for a breakdown.)

  • Love 4

I personally think Emily was put in an awkward situation and handled the best she personally could.  She hardly knows Ben, and when he finally takes her on a one on one date, he takes her to meet his parents--without even warning her?  She hasn't had time to form a relationship where she knows a lot about him, but has to talk to each of his parents individually about why she could be good for him?  I found it odd.  I can see Lauren or Jojo, as they obviously have more of a relationship with him and will most likely be doing this later on, but it made no sense to me to put Emily through that.  I can't fault her for how she came across as chatty...I am sure she was nervous as heck and had no idea what she was supposed to say.

  • Love 13
And I am not feeling Caila for the Bachelorette. She is so unrelatable and I would have zero interest in watching her try and find someone.  I guess I would rather see Becca at this point, although she is so low key. However, I think she's so beautiful I would have no problem watching her. She has a better backstory than Caila and I would actually enjoy seeing her try and find a great guy.


I'm getting serious Britt vibes from Caila. Very bubbly and makes a nice first impression but then there's not much else underneath the veneer. Britt also talked a lot without actually saying much of substance.


Emily chattering on and on to Ben's parents had me laughing.  She never stopped talking.  And she was talking about herself.  She didn't ask questions about Ben.  She didn't let the parents talk.  It was especially hilarious when Ben was talking to his mother and you could still hear Emily chattering away to Ben's dad in the background.  Did she even take a breath?


I rewatched last week's episode and that really stood out to me on the 2-1 date. She went on and on about herself and all of things she wanted to experience while basically saying "hey, you can be there too to watch me..." It was a really bad sell and if not for the fact that the show really wanted Olivia to get her comeuppance while rewarding the tattler (Emily), I think Emily would have gone home too. 


She did take her exit graciously and the other girls watching from the window trying to figure out if she was happy or sad was cracking me up.  

  • Love 7

Part of the magic of Wrigley Field is being there for a game--everything that goes along with the experience. Being on the field would be cool but it would be even more special to be there for a game, drink an Old Style, sing "Take me Out to the Ballgame", interact with Bleacher Bums and loyal fans....


I would not have enjoyed the McDonald's date, can you imagine how her hair must've smelled spending any length of time behind the counter? Ew.


Emily completely crashed and burned with the parents, it was hard to watch. Ben's dad's face when she was talking about her lofty dreams of watching movies all day was hysterical. 


So their only travel destinations were LA, Vegas, Mexico and Warsaw (NotPoland) and their own hometowns?

  • Love 3

When Emily told Ben's mom her life goal was to be an NFL cheerleader I almost choked. What a moron. Does she have an actual career goal or does she think that's a career? Don't those cheerleaders all have actual jobs? I didn't think that gig actually paid well. What mother wants to hear that about a woman her son might marry? So dim.

It doesn't at all. Like sometimes not-even-minimum-wage level bad. There was a lawsuit against the Oakland Raiders about it a couple years ago. IIRC, the outcome was that now the Raiderettes actually get paid minimum wage... Yeehaw, can't wait to get into that career!

  • Love 5

Part of the magic of Wrigley Field is being there for a game--everything that goes along with the experience. Being on the field would be cool but it would be even more special to be there for a game, drink an Old Style, sing "Take me Out to the Ballgame", interact with Bleacher Bums and loyal fans....

Actually, being allowed onto a major league baseball field is magic, and huge, especially to someone who loves the game and loves the home team, which Ben apparently does. Those fields are meticulously cared for, and groomed almost daily, to ensure they're pristine for games. Even if you rent a major league park for a wedding (and you can in my town), they make sure the participants remain in the home plate area, and guests are in the stands. No one steps foot on the grass, the mound, or the baseline. I went to one of those weddings. The guests were allowed onto the field for photo ops after the ceremony. We were allowed *only* on home plate and the warm-up circle. They had the personnel there to back up the restrictions. So, the fact that Ben and date were able to pitch, hit and run is pretty special.

  • Love 9

Hey Judy, did you see the PBGV last night? (Avatar!)


Which ties in well with my description of: Meet Jo Jo, The Dog Faced Girl. Hokey smokes, is she homely. But Ben and she are well-suited, since right after she said "Ben and I's relationship," Ben said "My dad and I's favorite ball team." As noted by others. Yes, the Bachelor Lexicon is alive and well. As if it ever won't be!


I was gobsmacked at the show renting Wrigley Field for a night. Man, that was an achievement, as pointed out by previous posters. I was wondering if the Rooftop Seats were being sold for that evening, or has that new display board and outfield bleachers now completely blocked their view? Anyway, Ben was a cr*ppy pitcher, lobbing the ball to Jo, but Jo managed a pretty good softball underhand pitch. Wrigley Field date ... okay, I AM jealous of that one. Just getting inside that scoreboard, one of the few, or maybe now the only one that has scores put out by hand. That ROCKED!


I did like the kids-in-the-auditorium date too. It made me like Ben. Maybe he isn't just a famewhore and tool, and is a nice guy after all.


I object to the farm life vs. small town living vs. million dollar lake homes shade TPTB are tossing us though. And all the women can see themselves living in Warsaw (as opposed to Podunk, Iowa)? Have fun ladies, while Ben goes back to DENVER after filming.


TPTB really made fun of Emily, and edited her to look a foolish child. I'm sure she is humiliated after watching last night. That, plus there goes your big chance to be a cheerleader for the Broncos.


Becca ... thank the gods she is gone. I couldn't take any more of her Grumpy Cat down lips, then her constant pushing her lips out on top of that ... GAH! It's that stuff that drives people crazy once they notice. And I have noticed! I did get a kick out of her not wanting to be "blindsided." I mean really, girl, what does that even mean on a show like this? I hope Becca is off Bachelor Nation radar for good.


Caila has my vote for prettiest. And also my vote in the next election since she can talk for ages and when she is done, no one knows what she just got done saying. The perfect politician! Or maybe even the perfect next B-ette! Not a single guy will know if she's into them or not. Heck, maybe SHE doesn't even know.


Got a kick out of Ben screaming like a little girl on the carny rides. Now that was some good stuff.


Next week looks hilarious. Can't wait for Amanda to introduce her kids to another man for the first time ever. Shades of Emily! (You guys know which one I mean, the Emily of One-Eff Jef.)

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 6

Captain Asshat no doubt it's magic, I've been on the field at Petco Park and Qualcomm in San Diego and it's very very cool and that's with teams with an iota of the Cubs history! I'm just saying if they got to take in a game or go to batting practice or something it would've been even MORE magical! When I went to Wrigley it was truly one of the best days of my life, not undercutting it at all! I also wish they would've given her a Cubs jersey with her name on it instead of Mrs. Higgins in case she's not the one. I'm very specific with the way my dream sports dates need to be, obviously. 


The other dates involved a rec center and McDonalds so she very clearly was the big winner!

Edited by Kbilly
  • Love 5

I wonder if Becca had any PTSD-style flashbacks when she was led into that barn, strung with twinkle lights and over-accessorized with cheap Michael's Crafts sale items.  It was a dead ringer for where Chris Soules didn't propose to her last year, and sent her on her walk of shame to her limo of regret.  But she was with other girls this time, so I'm sure she felt great about it.


I had to laugh at Emily talking about being a young mom and being a Broncos Cheerleader.  Right, because the knocked-up cheerleaders on the NFL sidelines are always such fan faves!  *LOL*

  • Love 10

So Ben is back in his "small town" in Indiana driving around in a Chevy pickup truck (of course). Cue the Johnny "Cougar" Mellencamp. He sure did spill the beans to his parents about each woman at the Waffle House or whatever folksy restaurant that was. Naturally he pulls up in a lake boat to welcome the ladies to Warsaw-in a leather jacket no less.


That segment with the boys and girls club was precious. Ronnie sinking half-court shots was the best part. Ben is at his best and probably most attractive to women when he is around kids. I remember him nailing the "Sex Ed" date last season with Kaitlyn, and he was incredibly sweet with that boy who was crying in the corner. I'm a guy, and I would've been in heaven if I got to hang out with Paul George and George Hill from the Indiana Pacers. That's my favorite NBA team. I also would've done anything to replace Jojo on that "Wrigley Field" date. I've made the pilgrimage to Wrigley many times. The Cubs are my favorite sports team, and Wrigley is my favorite stadium. It would be a dream come true to take an at-bat, run around the bases, and play with the hand-operated scoreboard at Wrigley. Ben being a Cubs fan makes me like him a little more.


Here are my impressions about each woman in this episode now that I finally know who's who:


Emily: I can't fault her honesty and she certainly took the rejection like a champ, but, for goodness sake, she needs to work on interviewing skills. I understand that it's her dream to be a Denver Broncos cheerleader and there's nothing wrong with that. But it's not a career goal. NFL cheerleaders get paid very little. They make like 9 bucks an hour. That's less than the concession workers. Ben's mom obviously wasn't impressed given she cried at the prospect of Ben marrying Emily. While she didn't say anything bad about Emily, I think Ben read the cryptic message from his mom loud and clear. Telling Ben's dad that she likes to watch movies all day was an honest answer, but a more correct one from a strategic standpoint would've been volunteer work. Even a generic "I like to help people" would've painted her as more selfless. And instead of saying she didn't like vegetables, she should've stepped outside of herself and inserted a cause of some type like the mistreatment of the humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean, for example, or anything not related to herself. Emily is a delightful woman and she's going to do fine in life. The worst case scenario for her is trophy wife. I just think that she could use some coaching so she has some canned answers the next time she gets grilled. Of course the way it was edited she didn't know she was going to be meeting Ben's parents that day, so she might have been caught unprepared. I look forward to seeing her and her twin on BIP. Fleiss seems to really love that twins gimmick.


Becca: I can't stand Becca, so I'm glad to see her go. I think her shock over being eliminated was primarily because she felt entitled to make it to hometown dates since she was runner-up last season. She probably figured she'd just cruise through based on experience and virginity alone. But she's no Nick Viall, and there was zero chemistry between Becca and Ben. She may have really liked him, but he clearly didn't reciprocate those feelings. I can't feel sorry for her because she got an additional 15 minutes of fame. She needs to get away from TB and try to find love in real life. She'll be a great catch for someone.


Caila: She's my favorite just because she's my type physically. She's kinda got a weird personality though. She was my pick to win this at the beginning, but I don't see it happening now. I don't see her getting awarded The Bachelorette either. She hasn't really stood out enough for that. Her final 4 finish,"sex panther" status, and the fact that she is an ethnic minority have definitely solidified a BIP appearance, but I think she'll be done with the show after that.


Amanda: I'm so annoyed that Amanda is still on the show. Yes, she's gorgeous, but I wish Ben would've eliminated her weeks ago so she could go home to her kids and so I wouldn't have to listen to her needlebutt voice. I'm sure Amanda is glad to have a vacation from her kids and maybe Ben is keeping her around to give her a break. Many women have commented that Ben would be great father material. I agree, but I don't see him wanting to take on that responsibility yet. Based on the previews, it seems Ben has met his match with Amanda's kids. But who knows? Whitney won last season with an annoying voice. I'm not sure how Ben and Chris can look past those voices. They're better men than I am.


Jojo: Because Fleiss likes to recycle old story lines, I'm pretty sure Jojo will be the next Bachelorette. I remember Desiree's brother acting like a fool during hometown dates gave her The Bachelorette gig, and I can see that happening again with Jojo since we see Jojo's brother verbally attacking Ben in the previews. I'm pretty indifferent about Jojo. I'm just jealous she got to do the Wrigley Field date.


Lauren: With so many Laurens on this season, there was bound to be a Lauren winner and I think Lauren B. will win this season. The producers planted a seed of doubt when Leah suggested Lauren wasn't being herself with Ben. They had to create a barrier for her to overcome (just like with Shawn getting over Kaitlyn and Nick banging). They're trying to deke the audience in believing that Ben might not be able to overcome what he heard. But it seems like Ben is over it and that they really like each other. I'm all in favor of her winning because I don't want her to be the next Bachelorette.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 9

Part of the magic of Wrigley Field is being there for a game--everything that goes along with the experience. Being on the field would be cool but it would be even more special to be there for a game, drink an Old Style, sing "Take me Out to the Ballgame", interact with Bleacher Bums and loyal fans....


I would not have enjoyed the McDonald's date, can you imagine how her hair must've smelled spending any length of time behind the counter? Ew.


Emily completely crashed and burned with the parents, it was hard to watch. Ben's dad's face when she was talking about her lofty dreams of watching movies all day was hysterical. 


So their only travel destinations were LA, Vegas, Mexico and Warsaw (NotPoland) and their own hometowns?

They also went to the Bahamas.

  • Love 3

The Cubs probably have granted some exclusive broadcasting rights during game days had there even been one during that week of filming--not to mention anyone caught on camera would have to be chased down to sign a release (or Ben and Jojo would have been surrounded by thousands of blurred faces). Playoff games have been few and far between recently for the Cubs so there probably was no chance of a game day date anyway. The scene would have been utter chaos.


I was thinking it was also very easy to keep the hoi polloi away from the filming within the empty friendly confines of Wrigley.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 1

At this point I think it's time to chuck the previous season finalists and reach back into the hopper for a decent Bachelorette. I think it's time for Clare from Juan Pablo's season to get the lead. She'd be a kick.


I'm thinking Lauren B or JoJo whoever isn't F1 (assuming they are the final 2 but I'm not spoiled).  Can't see any of the rest captivating 28 men or whatever the number is these days. Caila is too out there and don't think it would be that easy to find enough guys wanting to be an instant dad for Amanda to be the one.  I would love Clare as well but it seems like after you have appeared on BiP or BP that they don't bring you back (in most cases that is a very good thing). Do they ever have F2 as the Bachelorette or do they need to announce the lead while the final rose ceremony is being played out?

Edited by Palomar

I think Becca would be a good bachelorette. She's a virgin so it won't be full of drunken sex, which really turned me off to Kaitlin which I thought ruined the show.

I was scared at how excited Ben was to be working at McDonald's. I told myself he was really just excited to see people he knew in the window, but I think that he really did love working the drive thru with his giggles of glee and joy. He was also completely happy eating the egg mcMuffin, which was strange to me (and scary) to see a grown man so excited about a sandwich.

  • Love 1
I would love Clare as well but it seems like after you have appeared on BiP or BP that they don't bring you back (in most cases that is a very good thing). Do they ever have F2 as the Bachelorette or do they need to announce the lead while the final rose ceremony is being played out?



I think Clare's stock went down after 2 appearances on BIP, particularly this last one where she was labeled the old lady that no one really wanted. 


Emily completely crashed and burned with the parents, it was hard to watch. Ben's dad's face when she was talking about her lofty dreams of watching movies all day was hysterical.


That was so awkward. Agreed with everyone else who posted about Emily being such an odd choice for that date. Not only was their relationship not strong enough to warrant a big step like that, she was easily the least equipped to handle adult conversation. His mom was extremely gracious to her, which in a way almost makes it more embarrassing to watch. She clearly had no idea how she was coming across and his mom smoothed the awkwardness so well that it's gotta sting watching it back and seeing what she was really thinking. 

  • Love 2

I think as much as Ben knew Becca was dunzo during the group date, he couldn't let go of her just because he already knew he will be letting Emily go during the one-on-one date, and therefore, if he let Becca go too there would be no rose ceremony. And Chris Harrison can't have that, of course! Letting Emily go after the one-on-one date is more dramatic anyway, so let Becca string along for a couple more hours even though he knew she's a goner.


I think Becca would have left on her own had Ben indicated something more verbally during that group date, but he was probably asked to string her along for the rose ceremony, and so he didn't really say anything that would ring alarm bells in her head. And Becca played perfectly into TPTB's plans with that "Just don't blindside me..." line. 



I think Clare's stock went down after 2 appearances on BIP, particularly this last one where she was labeled the old lady that no one really wanted.


I think this franchise treats BiPers as damaged goods, the way they get made fun of by Fleiss and Co in whatever Bachelor specials they can throw them to, and so I think that's why there's no way any BiP alumni would be a Bachelor/ette lead anytime soon.

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 3

I was scared at how excited Ben was to be working at McDonald's. I told myself he was really just excited to see people he knew in the window, but I think that he really did love working the drive thru with his giggles of glee and joy. He was also completely happy eating the egg mcMuffin, which was strange to me (and scary) to see a grown man so excited about a sandwich.

I thought it was weird too until I remembered he's doing ads for them now (or at least one that I've seen). He's probably excited for the commercials.

I'm a big fan of Clare, but this show (both TB and BiP) treats her very rudely so I don't see her coming back again. Personally, I'd think she'd have made a great B-ette coming off of JP's season though. And it would be refreshing to have a lead in her thirties--and maybe men aged from thirty to forty, for a change. I guess we'll never have another season like Byron and Mary, though.


Becca is far too boring (and I think also just not very smart) to be the lead. Caila, pretty as she is, also seems too introverted to convincingly engage and lead on 25 different men.  It's probably either JoJo or Lauren (whichever doesn't win). I wondered if the tacky "Mrs. Higgins" jersey was because when they made them up, Ben still hadn't decided which woman was on the date. Should have been something different though--even a heart or something--so she could have it as a keepsake. If would be cool to have Cubs memorabilia, but not that, if you lose.


I guess Ben's mom and dad will be very relieved when they meet the women he is -really- choosing. Maybe that was why he brought Emily there, to set it up for them to like the other four --all more mature-- more (I don't think there's a chance in Hell that Mom will approve of him choosing a seemingly sweet but unserious mother of two. Just saying. And Caila still doesn't seem that into him. I think Lauren and JoJo will be F2, with parental approval.)

Random Thoughts


Becca is just a void.  There's no "there there".  No discernible personality and no backstory except that she's a virgin and recently had veneers.  No career (ok, she's a chiropractor's assistant, which requires a high school degree and is basically a medical receptionist), no real emotions--I personally think she may be a robot or alien.  Glad she's gone. 


A little beauty talk--ok, there's ombre (which JoJo has beautifully and expensively achieved) and there's grown-out-overdyed mess, which our resident ferret-faced aesthetician, Amanda, is rocking.  She also has some bad skin covered by too much foundation.  Would you go to see her for your beauty needs?  I think not.


Finally--WTF is up with the vast amounts of contouring powder and cheek bronzer going on here?  JoJo had such dark stripes on her cheeks she looked like she used dirt.  A little color might help, ladies!  Contouring is on its way out! 


Caila or whatever her name is has amazing hair that is incapable of looking bad.  I feel I must hate her a little bit for this.


I have a heart as cold as ice and I smiled all the way through Ben's date with Lauren.  Not sure what that means.  I think he's a good man.  I wish he had done this show when he was a little older, though--26 seems so young to know what you want in a life partner, especially when he's being supplied with such such young and relatively unformed candidates.

  • Love 9

It's been a long time since I was in Warsaw/Winona Lake, IN, but I still remember walking down a tree-lined street along the canal when a huge bird decided to take a gigantic dump on my shoulder.  But, to stay on topic, I enjoyed the more "small-town" type dates on this episode.  They were much more representative of real life than the usual elaborate Bachelor dates in European destination cities.  I actually live near Denver now but loved the years I spent in a small, Midwestern town.  Nothing like it.


I truly want to thank the poster who made the Westminster comparison.  Genius stuff.


Becca, Becca, Becca...stop trying to make it happen on a cheesy reality show.  Go home and live your life.

  • Love 7

Thank you JudyObscure for one of the funniest posts I have ever seen - here or on any other forum. If you are not a comedy writer IRL you have missed your calling. I would love to know which pedigreed dog you see in Olivia.


And I agree with a poster upthread - I wish Olivia had met Ben's parents (except of course that we would have been subjected to her even longer than we already were). I can just picture her explaining to them how deep she is, jam wise.

  • Love 4

They were much more representative of real life than the usual elaborate Bachelor dates in European destination cities.


I loved the European trips.  Such beautiful eye-candy.  I agree they aren't representative of what the people's lives would be like after the show, but they added a great travel porn dimension to the show that made me more excited to watch it.  I wonder why they stopped.  Budget cuts? 


Emily's trip to Prague inspired me to plan a trip there.  Maybe I was hoping to find Arie in a dark alley . . .  Oh, Arie (sigh)




Speaking of Arie, he still cares about the show:


Edited by WhoAmIReally
  • Love 4

So, the final four are the final four I picked way back at the start of the season - with Jubilee being the only real but unlikely hope of that not being the case. The boot orders are so obvious I can predict them before the episodes start, each time - who needs spoilers! So I guess I know who is going to be the winner. Quel suprise!


I just hope the show lashes out on some quality product for the deep-fried hair and maybe a few streaks of root touch-up. I can't see Mom approving of the skank-hair, no matter how demure and polished the facade. She stays calm and smiles at people for a living, for dog's sake! Mind you, she's very prim in her demeanor, so that may score points.


I'd be a lot happier with JoJo being the final choice, but I think at heart Ben is just too dull a man for her, long-term. And by long-term, I mean for the three months after the show.


Ugh, what a disappointing 'journey' and it's all over bar the shouting - bring on the Women Tell All and After the Final Rose!

  • Love 2

When Emily told Ben's mom her life goal was to be an NFL cheerleader I almost choked. What a moron. Does she have an actual career goal or does she think that's a career? Don't those cheerleaders all have actual jobs? I didn't think that gig actually paid well. What mother wants to hear that about a woman her son might marry? So dim.

I saw the audition episodes of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader show the season the twins tried out, and trust me, they were C+ cheerleaders too. One was noticeably better than the other, but I don't remember which, and the judges straight up acknowledged that without the twin gimmick they didn't have much going in their favor. They didn't make the finals.

I'm finding it hard to believe Ben grew up on the lake the way he handled that pontoon. I cringed when he tried to dock it at an angle, but did chuckle when he almost took out a few of the women! Pontoons are easy enough to handle once you're out on the lake, but they can be a bitch to dock if there's any wind.

  • Love 2

Ben and Lauren are sweet. Honestly, I don't know that they've scratched beneath the surface enough to determine whether or not they're really compatible in the long run. Not much opening up or real honesty between them just yet. I rather suspect that both Lauren and (especially) Jojo are a bit too sophisticated for Ben, who I don't see as marriage-ready. But there is hope for a relationship with both of them, as I see it. (In contrast to Chris/Whitney, who were pretty clearly doomed from the start.)


Ben doesn't want a ready-made family, so Amanda is out, and he's clearly over Caila as well, although he remains physically attracted to both.


Becca is ridiculous. Clearly she was "trying harder" to show a full complement of emotions to snag that Bachelorette spot. But I don't believe she ever liked Ben, either, and only cried because her pride was hurt.


The scene with Emily was hilarious. The father was so clearly judging Emily (and his son for bringing her in), and the mother actually weeping was the icing on the cake.


Of the remaining girls, I would only want to see Jojo as the Bachelorette. (I would be THRILLED if there were both women and men contestants, given the strong suggestion that Jojo is bi/pan, although that happening in this franchise is obviously too much to hope for.) But honestly she, along with all the other girls left besides Caila, have the problem of being not particularly attractive. Why not reach back into previous seasons for a Bachelorette? I'm kind of over the bias in favor of the final 2-3 anyway.

Edited by DriveInSaturday
The week of the Warsaw visits the Cubs were losing in the NLCS to the Mets so they got what they could. And it was pretty darn fantastic.

The Wrigley visit was Oct. 24 and they lost the last game Oct. 21.



 Sigh. I had successfully submerged the memory of that painful week deep deep down into my subconscious, until your post made it float back up.  :(


Emily's trip to Prague inspired me to plan a trip there.  Maybe I was hoping to find Arie in a dark alley . . .  Oh, Arie (sigh)





I was more of a Jef fan, but her season was great travel-wise, and date wise. Remember the date on the London eye, the puppet show with the marionettes and the Highland-Games in the hills of Dubrovnik?  Good times. 

  • Love 3



The Cubs probably have granted some exclusive broadcasting rights during game days had there even been one during that week of filming--not to mention anyone caught on camera would have to be chased down to sign a release (or Ben and Jojo would have been surrounded by thousands of blurred faces). Playoff games have been few and far between recently for the Cubs so there probably was no chance of a game day date anyway. The scene would have been utter chaos.

I was thinking it was also very easy to keep the hoi polloi away from the filming within the empty friendly confines of Wrigley.


A game date wouldn't have permitted the sort of shots/activities that are typical of the Bachelor late-stage dates, for better or worse.  The Fair Use Doctrine might have applied to brief shots of action on camera and I'm sure that PR types in MLB and the Cubs would have facilitated more extensive coverage if so desired.  The rights contracts are, obviously, mean to ensure exclusivity in broadcasting the game itself and, by extension, to sell advertising.  But you are correct that thousands of strange faces/people might have been a logistic impossibility although they did get hundreds of Warsawans (?) on camera with the carnival without much blurring visible.  It's worth noting that each MLB baseball ticket includes a disclaimer on the back that fans' likenesses may be used without permission or compensation in any live, taped or filmed coverage of games.


Despite the famous namesake, the Wrigleyville neighborhood is like many other residential Chicago neighborhoods although it's relatively upscale and in-demand.  Non-game weekdays/weeknights are rather quiet and humdrum outside commuting hours especially after baseball season has concluded.

Edited by Rainsong

So Ben is back in his "small town" in Indiana driving around in a Chevy pickup truck (of course). Cue the Johnny "Cougar" Mellencamp. He sure did spill the beans to his parents about each woman at the Waffle House or whatever folksy restaurant that was. Naturally he pulls up in a lake boat to welcome the ladies to Warsaw-in a leather jacket no less.


That segment with the boys and girls club was precious. Ronnie sinking half-court shots was the best part. Ben is at his best and probably most attractive to women when he is around kids. I remember him nailing the "Sex Ed" date last season with Kaitlyn, and he was incredibly sweet with that boy who was crying in the corner. I'm a guy, and I would've been in heaven if I got to hang out with Paul George and George Hill from the Indiana Pacers. That's my favorite NBA team. I also would've done anything to replace Jojo on that "Wrigley Field" date. I've made the pilgrimage to Wrigley many times. The Cubs are my favorite sports team, and Wrigley is my favorite stadium. It would be a dream come true to take an at-bat, run around the bases, and play with the hand-operated scoreboard at Wrigley. Ben being a Cubs fan makes me like him a little more.


Here are my impressions about each woman in this episode now that I finally know who's who:


Emily: I can't fault her honesty and she certainly took the rejection like a champ, but, for goodness sake, she needs to work on interviewing skills. I understand that it's her dream to be a Denver Broncos cheerleader and there's nothing wrong with that. But it's not a career goal. NFL cheerleaders get paid very little. They make like 9 bucks an hour. That's less than the concession workers. Ben's mom obviously wasn't impressed given she cried at the prospect of Ben marrying Emily. While she didn't say anything bad about Emily, I think Ben read the cryptic message from his mom loud and clear. Telling Ben's dad that she likes to watch movies all day was an honest answer, but a more correct one from a strategic standpoint would've been volunteer work. Even a generic "I like to help people" would've painted her as more selfless. And instead of saying she didn't like vegetables, she should've stepped outside of herself and inserted a cause of some type like the mistreatment of the humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean, for example, or anything not related to herself. Emily is a delightful woman and she's going to do fine in life. The worst case scenario for her is trophy wife. I just think that she could use some coaching so she has some canned answers the next time she gets grilled. Of course the way it was edited she didn't know she was going to be meeting Ben's parents that day, so she might have been caught unprepared. I look forward to seeing her and her twin on BIP. Fleiss seems to really love that twins gimmick.


Becca: I can't stand Becca, so I'm glad to see her go. I think her shock over being eliminated was primarily because she felt entitled to make it to hometown dates since she was runner-up last season. She probably figured she'd just cruise through based on experience and virginity alone. But she's no Nick Viall, and there was zero chemistry between Becca and Ben. She may have really liked him, but he clearly didn't reciprocate those feelings. I can't feel sorry for her because she got an additional 15 minutes of fame. She needs to get away from TB and try to find love in real life. She'll be a great catch for someone.


Caila: She's my favorite just because she's my type physically. She's kinda got a weird personality though. She was my pick to win this at the beginning, but I don't see it happening now. I don't see her getting awarded The Bachelorette either. She hasn't really stood out enough for that. Her final 4 finish,"sex panther" status, and the fact that she is an ethnic minority have definitely solidified a BIP appearance, but I think she'll be done with the show after that.


Amanda: I'm so annoyed that Amanda is still on the show. Yes, she's gorgeous, but I wish Ben would've eliminated her weeks ago so she could go home to her kids and so I wouldn't have to listen to her needlebutt voice. I'm sure Amanda is glad to have a vacation from her kids and maybe Ben is keeping her around to give her a break. Many women have commented that Ben would be great father material. I agree, but I don't see him wanting to take on that responsibility yet. Based on the previews, it seems Ben has met his match with Amanda's kids. But who knows? Whitney won last season with an annoying voice. I'm not sure how Ben and Chris can look past those voices. They're better men than I am.


Jojo: Because Fleiss likes to recycle old story lines, I'm pretty sure Jojo will be the next Bachelorette. I remember Desiree's brother acting like a fool during hometown dates gave her The Bachelorette gig, and I can see that happening again with Jojo since we see Jojo's brother verbally attacking Ben in the previews. I'm pretty indifferent about Jojo. I'm just jealous she got to do the Wrigley Field date.


Lauren: With so many Laurens on this season, there was bound to be a Lauren winner and I think Lauren B. will win this season. The producers planted a seed of doubt when Leah suggested Lauren wasn't being herself with Ben. They had to create a barrier for her to overcome (just like with Shawn getting over Kaitlyn and Nick banging). They're trying to deke the audience in believing that Ben might not be able to overcome what he heard. But it seems like Ben is over it and that they really like each other. I'm all in favor of her winning because I don't want her to be the next Bachelorette.

Great summary JMonkey. I agree with almost everything you said.


I think Caila is the prettiest also but almost certainly is not going to win and although of the choices she's in my top 2 for next b'ette I don't think she'll get it.


I can't stand Amanda either. She's pretty yes but to me she comes across as sort of fake. No matter how much she says she loves and misses her children I can't get past the fact that if she loved them that much she wouldn't have left them in the first place. And that voice...enough said.


Becca to me was a non factor. I would have been shocked to see her go any farther. She has no personality and I saw no connection with her and Ben. She was obviously kept around because the producers wanted it for whatever reason.


Emily obviously has a lot of growing up to do and I hope this show goes a long way towards that. I too felt kind of sorry for her. One thing I did like about her is that there seemed to be not one ounce of deception about her. She was honest and genuine. Immature and silly yes, but I can't help but think of some comedy where the woman is socially inept and clumsy but with a heart of gold and enduring. I think with time she's do just fine.


I think JoJo is probably the best fit for the b'ette. I just hope if she's chosen that she loosens up some so we can see a softer side of her.


I too hope Lauren B gets it because I wouldn't want to see her as the b'ette either. I don't think she would be interesting enough.

Edited by yorklee2
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