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  1. Clare looks a LOT different. And Nick just hit the nail on the head. And Michelle seems like she got bland, I expected her to say something more real.
  2. I don’t think Shenae’s career as a recruiter is being helped by her performance here.
  3. Just watched Number One Fan and truly enjoyed it!
  4. I liked the detective's tech person. I liked the detective better than I expected. I don't think Rachel Bilson has much (any?) depth as an actress, very much the same in all roles, yet I still enjoy her. When I watched Hart of Dixie I repeatedly thought she resembled Stana Katic which brings me to my 'Straight From Castle' commentary: 1. I will handcuff you to the steering wheel next time (but I don't see her doing the awesome cop theme riff NF pulled off). 2. Last detective show you were in with 5 inch heels and runway clothes (little meta anyone?). 3. Cell phone ringing at inopportune moment Actually, we could have a fun time with a Straight from Castle topic and not bring down those who weren't Castle-watchers...overall, nowhere near the same chemistry out of the gate, but fun enough to DVR for the summer.
  5. Have just finished watching the first season of Hart of Dixie and I understand the casting of Rachel Bilson for sure!
  6. But it totally was in line with her family being left out of the wedding, too.
  7. My hope is that it is fun in the clever writing sense, not just physical comedy. And development of the other characters. And continuity.
  8. If that represents Raven's take on sex, it's no wonder she never had the big O before she ended up frolicking in Finland...
  9. So we don't even get to see the proposal before they declare the winner? What is up with this editing?!
  10. If I were Bryan watching this scene with Peter I would throw up in my mouth a little bit.
  11. Didn't know if he wanted the same things/ready for same things as she does. He was relatively stoic as he was driven off to BIP.
  12. So far, yawn. I would not be able to cope with Bryan's mom for sure. Can just imagine the first holiday they aren't with her! Missed part of Eric's visit but he seems generous. Going into Dean's house now. WHY doesn't she just go the other way?!
  13. The eyelashes are gross and I kind of feel like her desperation for Bryan to kiss her is, too.
  14. It's the credits, but apparently Nick and Vanessa have already left the building.
  15. Pretty safe to assume he never saw When Harry Met Sally....I'll have what she's having...
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