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S06.E11: Please Welcome Erika Jayne!

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Yolanda hates Lisa Vanderpump and tried to take her down again using her children as weapons. It was fascinating watching her play the victim. Notice how she didn't have any Lyme fog in that convo. She was firm and relentless. She didn't use her "I'm sick baby voice" either. I cannot stand her. Lisa handled that the best she could keeping calm and sipping her tea. I'm sure that wasn't the reaction Yolanda wanted.

I really hope this is Lemonlymes last season. She's a pain in the ass and a boring watch when she's frontburn.

  • Love 22

 And I can do cryotherapy for free too Bronzedog, It's 16 degrees here, all I have to do is strip and walk outside.



I can see why Yo is so busy.  Her various "therapies" and "medial treatments" take up a lot of her time.


Yes, it was Kyle that asked Lisa about Mohamed/kids both times. She asked Lisa when Yolanda first dropped that bomb on them a few episodes ago and asked Lisa to find out what was going on with their father. Then she asked Lisa again at her BBQ party what Mohamed said.


Absolutely right - Erika was not the only one who didn't own her shit.  I didn't see Kyle stepping up and telling Yo that SHE was the one who brought it up and kept asking LisaV about the non-Gigi's.

  • Love 22

Erika Jayne is bull!  Give me Vanity 6 back in the day.  Give me Apollonia 6 back in the day.  Those girls were sexy!  Erika Jayne is meh.  I would have been bored out of my mind at that show.  And all of the prep from her vagina obsessed assistant didn't need to be shown on camera.  Up close, her body is very doughy.  She should have tried to keep the illusion that she was at least a little toned.  And I know there will be a lot of people who disagree, so let me say that this is just MY opinion. 


Count me as someone else who is tired of Brook's storyline 2.0.  I couldn't give a fat rat's ass about Yolanda and her mutha fukin damned ass lyme's disease.  BRAVO!  WE JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT!  PLEASE HEAR US!!!  Damn!


Shame on Vanderpump and Kyle for making that huge mustard/ketchup mess and leaving it for someone else to have to clean up.  Grow up.  I lost a lot of respect for them because of that.  smdh

  • Love 24

All these women showing out about who said what to Lemonlymes but guess what ladies Lemonlymes at home right now getting the biggest fucking LOL seeing you all fight about her, her kids and her Lymes.

I remember people speculating here that Yolanda had been plotting to take over the show - seems to me she has done it.  Amazingly, she has done it while simultaneously getting rid of anything about herself that was interesting!


And I know these gals are supposed to "bring the drama" but when it's nothing more than who said what to/about whom, on the same beaten-into-the-ground topic, over and over and over - blah.  Which is why I don't really give a care about Erika "owning her shit" (that makes her just like the rest of them.)  I always take the side of the housewife whose supposed-to-be-fun evening was hijacked by the "you said blahbedy blah" police :)

  • Love 8

Again, another episode that I loved and hated.....


Loved Eileen and the purse conversations!!  I loved when the camera zoomed in on her purse at lunch with Kathryn and there were no visible logo's or identifying branding.  I loved that she called the rest of women "superficial bitches" for the types of purses they carry, and wasn't ashamed or embarrassed about it.  


Loved the scene at the elevator with Lisa, Kyle and LisaR - Lisa and Kyle are really two women who like to have fun and be mischievous!!  


Loved that Lisa and Kyle were good sports about getting in the cryo machines with Yolanda.  I don't care how good a "friend" I am, I don't think anyone could talk me into freezing my ass off for the sake of some quackery.  


And now - the hates:


Hated all that cryo-stupidity with Yolanda - as I said - more quackery.  I really think that "health advisor" or whatever she is-- is either slowly drugging Yolanda or brainwashing her to try all these ridiculous health gimmicks, and she is getting a kickback from every single one of them.  Or, Yolanda's Lyme "brain" has gone completely around the bend and she is really out of her mind.


Hated the discussion at lunch with Yolanda, Lisa and Kyle.  Yolanda was trying to maintain her relevancy with the five and half minutes she is allocating for filming - she's trying to keep herself relevant so that she will be asked back next season.  She learned well, though, from RHOC, and is prepared with medical documents and everything.  So glad that Lisa kept her calm and refused to accept the packet.


Hated Erica Jayne's performance - so boring and so self-absorbing.  I don't know, it didn't even seem like the audience was as in love with her as she thinks they were.  A lot of men looked bored, or were not really paying attention to her.


Hated Erica's word necklace - I am one of those people who absolutely despise the c-word, so her explanations were bullshit to me.  She wore that necklace to intentionally get a rise out of Kathryn, because Kathryn chided her about that word at Kyle and Lisa's party.  Her stupid comment about "YOU'RE in my world now" (or words to that effect) sounded like a lame excuse.


Hated that Erica wouldn't admit to being the one who outed the "do they or don't they" story about Bella and Anwar to Yolanda.  She's not as forthright, honest and upstanding as she gave the impression to be in earlier episodes.


Hated the red slash of lipstick on Kyle.  I thought it was very harsh and made her look older and very hard and haggard.  I've seen her wear other reds before, and wear them well - this red just didn't work, imo.  (Loved her dress, though!)


I'm sure I'll have more thoughts later - just a few things that came to mind tonight!  :-)

I applause everything you've stated except....Kyle's lipstick.  Small detail in the big picture.  I know....

  • Love 10

LisaR comes off to me as someone that doesn't believe Yolanda for the most part, probably picked up on inconsistencies and everything that others have noticed, but then acts like 'others' are talking about it, when really, she is the one with strong doubts. Her blog comments show, to me, that she has been waiting for Yolanda to do something so she can say how she "really" feels. I noticed that Yolanda seemed very coherent at the lunch as did everyone probably. LisaR is letting her real feelings be known. Maybe Yolanda is milking and all that, but I think what LisaR does and gets away with is much worse. 

It would be awesome if someone tried to go after LisaR and out all her lies. Like that she "engaged in conversations about Munchasen" BS, she came up with that and spread the rumor herself single handedly while blaming non existent people. Why are people talking about doubts with LisaR? Why aren't "people" talking to anyone else about these doubts if it is such a gossip topic. I think LisaR is making it a gossip topic. It would also be awesome if someone tried to get into Harry and her relationship or expose it as fake. She would do that to someone if she doubted their marriage. 

  • Love 6

Loved this epi!  As far as Erika Jane - just say it girl, the c word means charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent!  If Kathyrn doesn't get it, she needs to get her ass out of the 1990's.  They didn't let us see enough of Erika Jane's show.  I'm sure she's a big ol' sloot, that's what they'd want at a gay show and we should have seen more of it.  We just got a tiny bit of the show.

Love Kyle and LisaV.  They keep bringing it.  Also, whatever Eileen was having, I'll have a double.  

  • Love 11

Well.  Erika's, um, singing was certainly given a polite edit tonight.  They showed, what, in her "act" the opening posturing, a few wiggles and the close? Not even an 8 count in sequence.  She's a hobbyist, not a performer.  Pay to play.  She's paying to play.  

Oh me oh my.   


That's exactly what I was thinking, especially when she called her husband "the boss." I even looked her up to see if she was actually signed to a label. Technically, she is. Although it's her own record label and from the looks of it, she's her only client. Good for her, finding a husband who will pay for her career!


I had my reservations when she showed up firmly in Yoyo's camp but I wanted to like her when she told off Kathryn for the lecture. I personally use cuntasaurus more frequently than any other word in my vocabulary (ETA: It usually comes out while I'm driving in traffic, and originates from a much funnier lost in translation story from my college years). But if she gets to use the word, then other people are allowed to be offended by it. Just because everyone showed up to her show and hitched a ride on the Jaynemobile, doesn't mean they can't be offended by her tacky-ass necklace. And Kathryn can kindly stfu. They already had this argument, no need to bring it up again. Literally no one had a problem with her necklace (maybe they were too sloshed to read it) until she pointed it out. 


Long story short, the new girls are a disappointment. Count me in as another who just wants to watch Eileen zip around the CBS lot and remodel her Malibu ivy manor.

Edited by rho
  • Love 8

"I thought it said candy!"  I love Eileen.  And she ROCKED that denim jumpsuit.  


Why can't Kyle get verbs right?  "She's been my friend since I'm 9 years old."  It's just like her tagline "I'm born and raised in Beverly Hills."  


I don't get why Yolanda said Lisa V and Kyle were her "homies" (wtf??) and they were supposed to stick up for her.  Kyle maybe, but I recall Lisa telling Kyle a few episodes ago she and Yo weren't even close.  

  • Love 14

I think the Girardi marriage is a business arrangement. She gets money and a lifestyle, he has a trophy wife. I don't think they have a sexual or romantic relationship and that it goes both ways. Love her bullshit about her husband constantly being away with the clients. Her husband is a senior partner at a personal injury plaintiff's firm. His clients are the severely injured or dead. Seriously doubt he is having evening client meetings with them.

I never understood denying shit when you're being taped and the truth will come out.

Yolanda is obnoxious and not in a good way. I don't believe her. In the span of a few minutes, she went from having the chyro therapy everyday to every week. Pathological liar.

Kathryn looks so much like Aviva.

Lol I love Eileen. Sometimes it is like she wants to say "ok guys, production already told us to discuss this issue and you guys are skirting around the issue so let's just get to it and film the scene!"

Erika's performance was so low key. Not good. She looks so much better with minimal makeup.

Kyle appeared to be pretty drunk.

  • Love 15

Between "candy" and purses Eileen was my MVP tonight.  She's not subtle in the shit-stirring, but that feels more like it's because she's over it than because she's desperate, like with some of the others. 


I'm going to pause now and talk directly to Bravo.  Bravo, sentient television network that sucks away much of my time and brain cells, please stop airing stories wherein people bust out envelopes with documentation about their health.  Especially if it doesn't look like the person walked in carrying said envelope- I didn't notice it and kept wondering who brought it to her.  In a post-Brooks world documentation means nothing, not that it ever would, really, because, y'know, doubters gonna doubt unless they receive the fax directly (with a coversheet/header).  Point is: it's tiring.  It's also minor children in this case.  There has to be something else. 


I'm not fully done with the health stuff in general, though, because I don't understand why you'd intentionally harm yourself- and love it- when you're the sickest sick person who ever lived.  Triggering your body's survival mechanism by freezing it as a form of treatment...really?  Maybe stop breaking it for a hot minute and see what it can do to recover.  Also, Yolanda's entire storyline since day 1 has been health, which makes this all feel planned to me.  That reminds me- am I still supposed to be doing lemon cleanses and whatnot?  


Erika and The Lie- I was down with her lying.  She had a long day having her vagina painted, getting shoved into a slightly-oversized pair of pantyhose, and performing for her gays (side note: you can usually get a discount on gays during President's Day weekend...look for a deal if you're in the market).  She was in no mood for a deep dive into the Housewives game.  On the one hand, that's the exchange for getting your performance featured (that was, what, 45 seconds of music...and the audience they showed kinda looked bored, but still it was on TV), so she should suck it up.  On a human level, I may have done the same thing.


She probably should've had her event earlier in the season.  Not right at the beginning when it's setup and there's a high risk of drama, but in that awkward middle part where it's OK if people sort of get along.

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 8

Love Eileen but she has terrible taste. Between the stripey highlights, terrible purses & dated shoes Idk what's worse. Oh yeah almost forgot the cluttered, 1999 time warp house. She's so pretty & has a great body but damn girl leave your 90's favorites at Goodwill. I don't care I'm a superficial bitch. I would be even more of one if I was on a television show that was all about flashing the cash. 

  • Love 9

Hey, I'm a dude & I'm not down with Eileen's thing about bags.  Look, I get that she's not into spending 3 thou or more on a bag.  She's right.  That's just stupid as hell.  BUT her bag looked like shit.  Absolute shit.  So she's going in the complete & total opposite direction.  And that, I don't agree with.  The thing is, forget about fucking designers.  Michael Kors is a copycat bullshit designer.  Some of his bags are nice, but most are meh.  I mean you can get some great bags, in leather, for between 200 to 500, and sometimes even less.


HA, don't look to Kyle's taste in bags for direction cuz she has THE shittiest, most uninspired, unoriginal taste in bags EVER.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, since the show first started, we've seen her hauling around various versions of that same fucking boring 2.55 Chanel bag that practically every teenager/college-girl/20-something/millennial-chick has a copy of everywhere.  Yawn-a-roo!!!  Now, don't get me wrong there are stunning & exceptionally unique bags in the 3 to 5 thou range in Chanel & Gucci & the like, but I've never seen Kyle with one.  Well, if Eileen isn't into it, it really is a waste to have one.  So I do say good for her not being shamed into complying with this nonsense of feeling forced to carry bags that cost 3 or 5 or even 10 thou (or more).  Still, people are into what they're into.  What about rich guys & their watches?


Kathryn, you need to pack up your shit & go home & get your ass off this show.  First off, what woman's husband knows anything about bags, let alone is gonna buy one for her?  OK, it happens, but pretty rarely.  Most dudes know nothing about bags & could care fucking less & would have no idea what their wife would like in a bag.  Now, for their mistress/girlfriend/hooker?  That's another story.  


Anyhoo, Eileen has been working as a successful actress for over 30 years.  She can buy her own fucking bag if she wants one.  Yeah, Kathryn, you don't have to talk to her lazy-ass gambling hubby about getting one for her.  It would probably be bought on one of her credit cards anyway -- at least until ole Dickie's dough ever passes down to Vince.  And even then I doubt Vince would ever get her an expensive bag.  He seems like a real cheapskate to me.  Didn't he give her a hard time about money she spent on a dress or shoes for herself (and she probably spent money she earned anyway)?


Ah, but Kathryn has the trophy wife mentality & likely has to ask or get approved by hubby for anything she buys.  And it's probably been years since she worked as a lazy model & earned her own money, so maybe she doesn't get that Eileen doesn't need her hubby's approval on any damn thing she wants to buy for herself.  Buh-bye, Kathryn.

  • Love 24

I was really starting to like Erika if not Erika Jayne, but she definitely showed her claws this episode. She "doesn't feel like talking" about the fact that she was the one who told Yo about Lisa's most reluctant mention of the kids, after being asked by others. Her idea that all that's necessary for the discussion is that she "feels like it" is completely lame. Everyone is supposed to forget that she's the stirrer. How convenient.


Next week, Erika goes on the offensive, rudely demanding that Rinna fess up about what she's only heard, not said. It's completely cowardly and disgusting for her to throw Rinna under the bus for what SHE has done.  I noticed that when she began her diatribe against Rinna, Yolanda was grinning. That was weird. First she's up in Rinna's face, the essence of anger, and as soon as Erika takes over, she's grinning. Bizarre.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 23

These women all signed up to do this show because they love attention. For most of them, the money is not a factor. But they are all greedy as hell. It's not enough to be extremely well off and be completely protected and pampered, they need fame as well. So they sell themselves to the devil to get it.  And that means needing ridiculous "storylines" to feed the fame monster. 


The truth of the matter is this...everyone gossips. Everyone has kiki-ed behind someone's back about something. These women, having no real problems, gossip more than most and create problems in their lives. The "she said, she said" of it all is irrelevant and they all know that but they have to do something to keep their spots on the show so we are left with this bullshit.


All of that said, there is NOTHING to be gained by tracing down who said what to whom. Because even if you found out, the person will do what Erika did tonight. Weasel out of it. And how Yolanda reacted to Lisa Rinna is exactly why! Instead of respecting Rinna for admiting to what she said and graciously accept her apology as a flawed human being who says and does dumb shit sometimes, she continues to harbor a grudge. So Rinna has prostrated herself and "owned her shit" for what? Her apology meant nothing and she will continue to be treated like shit by Yolanda. Erica's self-preservation instincts are too strong to travel down that path. Yes, it sucks to see someone's squirrelly behavior play out before you but she did what most people do when confronted and I can't blame her for it because admitting what you said and apologizing will not make the situation better. It's like people want you to hop in your time machine to unsay it and guess what? That ain't happening. So fuck 'em. 

Edited by PetuniaP
  • Love 9

Did you catch when Lemonlymes said she never been to an Erika concert...

I was like they are totally Hollywood friends because a real friend would at least see one concert.

I usually hate it when people try to make nicknames happen (usually because they're dumb) but LemonLymes is cracking my shit up tonight. Every time I read it I start laughing so hard I scare the cat on my lap.

Thanks for the giggles.

I agree with the poster above, Erica's "gays" didn't really seem that into her performance. I saw a lot of standing there and not much dancing or cheering.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

Did you catch when Lemonlymes said she never been to an Erika concert...

I was like they are totally Hollywood friends because a real friend would at least see one concert.


It's the same as when Erika claimed she never watched an episode of RHBH.  Your so-called close friend is participating in a reality show for 3 years now and you don't bother to watch one episode?   Really?!  These people use the term "friend" way too lightly.  I wonder if Erika even knows Yolanda's kids' names.


Ugh, just don't like Kathryn. Eileen doesn't need her husband's permission to buy a purse, and she certainly doesn't need his money to do it. You see Kathryn, Eileen isn't a trophy wife.



My goodness yes!  Kathryn is turning out to be a controlling little bish isn't she?  "You can't say this...you can't say that...you have to carry this bag...blah blah blah!"  STFU Kathryn!  Stop being such a pushy asshole!  You just got here. Damn!

  • Love 19

 These women all signed up to do this show because they love attention.For most of them, the money is not a factor. But they are all greedy as hell. It's not enough to be extremely well off and be completely protected and pampered, they need fame as well. So they sell themselves to the devil to get it.  And that means needing ridiculous "storylines" to feed the fame monster. 


The truth of the matter is this...everyone gossips. Everyone has kiki-ed behind someone's back about something. These women, having no real problems, gossip more than most and create problems in their lives. The "she said, she said" of it all is irrelevant and they all know that but they have to do something to keep their spots on the show so we are left with this bullshit.


All of that said, there is NOTHING to be gained by tracing down who said what to whom. Because even if you found out, the person will do what Erika did tonight. Weasel out of it. And how Yolanda reacted to Lisa Rinna is exactly why! Instead of respecting Rinna for admiting to what she said and graciously accept her apology as a flawed human being who says and does dumb shit sometimes, she continues to harbor a grudge. So Rinna has prostrated herself and "owned her shit" for what? Her apology meant nothing and she will continue to be treated like shit by Yolanda. Erica's self-preservation instincts are too strong to travel down that path. Yes, it sucks to see someone's squirrelly behavior play out before you but she did what most people do when confronted and I can't blame her for it because admitting what you said and apologizing will not make the situation better. It's like people want you to hop in your time machine to unsay it and guess what? That ain't happening. So fuck 'em. 

I totally agree with you on the first two paragraphs, but IMO there are a few things going on here that make it more of a priority for the question of who said it to be answered than in other situations.  There are several things to be gained, and if Erika was as smart as she likes to think she is, she'd realize that one of those things is her integrity and that owning it might be a good move in order to salvage her reputation as a respectable human being.  The fact that she's perfectly willing to feign innocence while letting someone else take the fall for what she did is beyond shitty, not to mention stupid - considering the fact that she said it on camera and it will be known soon, anyway.  No, she can't unsay it, but I don't believe that the fact that she did say it is any big deal - she is, of course, Yolanda's friend, and it's a loyal, protective move to tell her friend that others are saying things that may end up causing a bit of a mess for said friend.  I would think that may be something others would expect of her, or, at the very least, wouldn't be surprised by - Yo is the one who brought her into the group to begin with.  Why wouldn't Erika have some allegiance to her that is at least equal to that of the jet services with which she provides her?  ;)

So, to sum up my sleepy-eyed babble, I propose that there are at least two things to be gained by Erika fessing up: letting the innocent (in this instance), permanently puckered one off the hook, and saving her own "good" name.  Then there's that pesky little third thing about which many of these women don't give a shit - that old, tried and true "just not being an asshole" trick! 


Edited to add something I thought I'd included in an earlier post:  It seems to me that one HUGE reason Erika didn't fess up to telling Yolanda about all of the shit-talking was that she didn't want anything to steal her thunder or distract from her big moment.  Her night wasn't over....but my fandom now is.  (I'm sure this would just break her heart... ;))

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 10

Erika came out of nowhere and made her initial appearance on the show and I really liked her, what a breath of fresh air. Not anymore. Go back to Pasadena!

My nickname for Yolonda is Sprite. Lemons and lyme. ;) Too bad she cannot hide the fact that she's sharp when she wants to be and sickly when it suits her purpose -- in relation to her screentime on the show. I have no idea what she's like at home without the cameras.

Edited by cooksdelight
  • Love 14

I am mostly with Eileen on the handbag issue in that I have not been able to buy myself expensive handbags, even though I can afford them and there are a few Bottega Veneto and Chanel that I have eyed but could not bring myself to buy. I would feel very conflicted wearing something so expensive, but I have bought my sis and mom LV and Gucci bags for their milestone b-days because, they work hard and would never buy them for themselves, and I knew they would love them, which they do.

That said, I don't criticize Kyle and the other non-Katherine housewives for their handbags. Women love nice handbags. If they can afford them, and want to wear them, great. In their defense, they have never said anything about Eileen or how she doesn't have the right kind of anything this season or last.

Katherine however sucks for her remarks about Eileen's bag, as everyone mentioned above. Super sexist, plus her whole "you need to have the right bag to be worthy" attitude was laughable because you know she is the poorest of the HW, with her retired athlete money. Girl, be gone.

Edited by VanillaBeanne
  • Love 16

Of course YoFo freezes herself every week. Of course she does. Although, given Kyle's testimony about her knee being healed, and the fact that I have a bad knee, maybe I should find out if there's a cryo place out here in small town Iowa. 


We seriously need to do a drinking game where we take a shot each time Yo says "discrediting my journey of 4 years". Or "discrediting" anyone's "journey". We won't make it to the reunion. 


I get being pissed that you think people are talking about your children, but bringing the medical records just seemed a bit OTT to me. The whole thing is just so stupid to me. It seems like what was said was more innocent than it's being made out to be, there's a lot of miscommunication and finger pointing going on. Can't they ever just ask production, "Roll the tape!" and clear everything up? LOL


I'm just over talking about Lymes. Who has it, who doesn't, how long their journey has been. Over it. 


And this latest "he said, she said" is just validating Yo as a victim. I think that's what is driving me most crazy about it. She wants everyone to feel badly for her twice over. 


You know, I would feel badly for Rinna, for being falsely accused. But she gossips way too much. It's not out of the realm of possibility that she would have been the one to tell Yo what was said, especially when she's there to apologize for her own loose lips. She could have used that opportunity to make someone else look worse. Obviously it was Erica that told, but I can see why people might think for a minute that Lisar was the guilty person. 


I don't really see the big deal anyhow. Erika is closer to Yo than any of them. She knew her prior to the show, that's where her allegiance lies, of course she's going to tell her friend if she thinks people are talking about her/her family. Not a huge deal. I kind of wish she would have just owned it then and there, but I also think Rinna could have cooled her jets a bit and let everyone enjoy the night.


The real culprit here, IMO, is YoFo. She KNEW Erika was the one who relayed the info, but she makes it seem like it was Rinna. I'm sure she'll claim ___% brain function caused the slip up, so there's no point in trying to call her out. 


I love Eileen and her low maintenance purse ways. Look, if you have the money, spend it however you want. I personally just think $4000 for a purse is a bit silly. I have my own style and I love a cute bag, but I just received the most expensive purse I've ever owned for Christmas - and it was $60!!! So I get ya, girl. Eileen always looks stunning to me, so I never even notice her bag. But I love how she just owns it and has no shame. Never change, Eileen! 


Kathryn, on the other hand, still bugging. She just seems super aggressive and controlling. She basically ordered lunch for Eileen. And then there was telling Erika how to talk. Ugh. Just do not like. 


Kyle, I love ya, girl, but you can't just make a mess like that and run away!!! She should have cleaned that shit up, or alerted the staff so it could be dealt with before all the condiments dried. I really hope she paid for the items she broke/damaged. 

  • Love 9

Because I am a snob about things like this....LisaR, if you're going to quote Shakespeare repeatedly, get it right.  It's "doth protest too much" and "much ado about nothing."  Thank you!


And for the random thoughts....Kathryn reminds me (face only) a little bit of Aviva from NYHW.  And I don't care if she's boring, I have a big girl crush on Eileen.

  • Love 10


No, IMO, Erika didn't want to face the music, especially since she DIDN'T  tell the whole story, she wasn't even close to being honest with Yolanda or the other HWs. She is a coward IMO.


This 1000 times.   She just didn't want to take the rap, and she'd rather hang Lisa Rinna out to dry.  No matter how you cut it, Erika was wrong.   She can now officially take a seat. 


And why didn't Kyle admit to Yolanda that she was the one who asked Lisa V about the kids?  More than once IIRC - but Kyle never owns anything either. She can take the seat next to Erika.


Yolanda can take all the remaining seats.  She must have a file draw full of manila envelopes that she whips out whenever it suits her.  Why would you give your kids medical records to anyone?  Ever.


And Kathyrn is RICH and Kyle is RICH.  They spend THOUSANDS on handbags.   News Flash: Real money (LVP) doesn't talk about it.


And here's my topic list so far for what might be the dullest reunion in HW history:


1.  Yolanda's Lyme disease

2.  Yolanda's kids Lyme disease

3.  OJ and Faye Resnick

4.  Is the "C" word acceptable


Good luck making this one work Andy.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 20

Yea, Girardi/Jayne is definitely getting action somewhere else than from the elderly guy. I don't buy that for one second. She gets herself all hot and bothered doing her performances and then runs home to jump her husband's bones? Nah.


I adore Eileen, she can do almost no wrong in my mind. I am right with her on the bag thing. Listen, I love cute bags as much as any woman but I can find great ones for $30-$100. If I really wanted to splurge, $500 would get me something beautiful. Thousands is insane.





  • Love 11

Erika came out of nowhere and made her initial appearance on the show and I really liked her, what a breath of fresh air. Not anymore. Go back to Pasadena!

My nickname for Yolonda is Sprite. Lemons and lyme. ;) Too bad she cannot hide the fact that she's sharp when she wants to be and sickly when it suits her purpose -- in relation to her screentime on the show. I have no idea what she's like at home without the cameras.


Hahaha! The moment I saw the Lemonlymes, I thought of Sprite. Or, in Yoyo's case, Diet Sprite.

  • Love 7

Erika lied for the same reason that people usually lie: because she didn't want to deal with the consequences of telling the truth. I don't know why that is in any way a valid "excuse" and I lost a lot of respect for her.


The thing is, everything she says to their face from now on will be suspect, because she's made it very clear that she will lie in the moment if she feels like it. I think she fessed up in her talking head because while her initial impulse was to cover her track by lying, of course she eventually realized that since it's all on tape she can't avoid being called on it. Which makes her at least one level less shameless than Yolanda, who will keep lying even when confronted with VIDEO of reality. 

  • Love 12

I wish(like most of you) Erika would have said yeap I told her, she is my friend and Kyle you shouldn't have been asking about her children to anyone besides her. 

However I wonder if production told Yolanda before Erika said anything, or if the beach scene was filmed before the Rinna scene. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt until I see more.


Side note did you ladies notice Erika's makeup artist is THE SCOTT BARNES?!! He used to do Jlo's make up back when it was flawless! Then rumor has it she fired him because he was telling her secrets. He is GOOD.


I was super annoyed with Lisa R, It's gotten to the point where I was just thinking STFU. She ruined what could have been a fun time for us to see. Is anything she should confront Yolanda for lying, it wasn't Erika's fault Yolanda blamed her. She is like a dog with a bone, where were her balls when she was talking to Yolanda. Also I find her marriage sooo effing weird, I get actors spend alot of time apart but the vibe is weird. 


Good for Eileen not feeling the pressure to fit in with expensive purses and shoes, and for everyone laughing it off and her being a good sport. I like that she doesnt feel the need to compete, but part of me feels like she just doesn't have the best taste either. 

  • Love 7

If anything, this show has taught me that I, too, can be a Pop Star.  All I need is the KASS$$$H that Erika has to pay for a posse of gay men, tacky costumes, and concert venues.  Maybe a few dance classes here and there.  She's got less talent and stage presence than the Countess. Or even Melissa Gorga, ffs.


I like a nice handbag as much as any gal.  But, to me, you can buy a really nice-looking and well-made one for a few hundred dollars, not a few thousands. And Kathryn, honey: you can spend $50k on your handbags if you like, and you'll still never look 1/2 as attractive and chic as Eileen does. I'm not usually a jumpsuit fan, but my girl managed to make it work.


charming, on 09 Feb 2016 - 11:10 PM, said:

Yolanda hates Lisa Vanderpump and tried to take her down again using her children as weapons. It was fascinating watching her play the victim. Notice how she didn't have any Lyme fog in that convo. She was firm and relentless. She didn't use her "I'm sick baby voice" either. I cannot stand her. Lisa handled that the best she could keeping calm and sipping her tea. I'm sure that wasn't the reaction Yolanda wanted. 


Yes funny how that was, eh?  I think that in addition to Neurological Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme Disease, Yo also has Convenient Lyme Disease.


WireWrap, on 09 Feb 2016 - 11:18 PM, said:

I had to laugh when Yolanda was asked if she was going to Erika's show and said she wans't but would like to see her show someday as she had never seen her performe before. I thought Yolanda has know Erika for years, so why hasn't she ever been to an Erika Jayne show before? Are they REALLY friends or is this another example of Yolanda's friends MUST support her but don't expect her to return the support? LOL



nexxie, on 09 Feb 2016 - 11:38 PM, said:

I'm starting to think that the little couples' date at the Malibu house was one of few times the four of them ever hung out - maybe the only time.


Exactly. I believe that , in the world of Real Housewives, "friends for a long time" equates to "Oh we met at a party once 10 years ago, and we make polite chit-chat for 5 minutes if we run into each other at a party." No way that Yo and EJ have been really good, close friends for years. Just...no.


Pickles, on 10 Feb 2016 - 08:15 AM, said:

Kathryn's hair never looks good. She needs a good haircut and some conditioner. She really has a dated look.


There's one talking head where she's wearing blue and has her hair straightened. It looks pretty good to me there. But that wavy, off-the-face 'do she sports most of the time is really unflattering. 

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