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S20.E06: Week 6


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"I like to talk smart things." Ok, then, Olivia!

[spots unrecognizable girl with a halo braid.] Oh, THAT must be Leah.

Wow, next week looks good! Wait. We're only 15 minutes in. This is tonight! Many, many tears coming tonight! And Ben might be swept out to sea perched on that seaside ledge with crashing waves.

Caila gets a second 1:1 date and NOW Leah makes herself known...to the viewers. Ben probably still doesn't know whom she is. Leah, stop crying to the cameras that you won't allow Ben to make a fool of you on the 2:1--you're making a fool of yourself right this minute!

Ben kissing that fish gave me a flashback to Ben Flajnik's (spelling?) disgusting fishlike kisses.

Caila is saying she feels like she loves Ben but she also feels that she can never love anyone. Huh?! Her explanation that Ben wants people to feel loved and that makes her want to love him or something was even more confusing, but I guess it worked for Ben.

2:1 coming up! Will the loser be left on an iceberg? In a desert? On an aircraft carrier? Oh, yeah, they're in the Bahamas, so a deserted island for sure!

Swimming with pigs? This is giving me Flajnik flashbacks, too! There was also an underwater hot dog in that one. Wow! These pigs are insane! But being trampled by pigs was NOT the worst part of the date; that was EVERYONE (except for Lauren) being all pissy about the awkwardness of not being #1...or even feeling like they're on Ben's radar.

Emily and Olivia are the same age?! I guess now it makes a little more sense for as "sophisticated" as Olivia likes to act, she still comes off as a high school mean girl. But Emily is just like an insecure middle schooler.

Ok, now I AM starting to think the girls have targeted Olivia out of jealousy because now they're doing the same to Lauren! And she hasn't done anything to anyone. And now Leah is lying flat out to her face?! Oh, boy, Leah had nothing to say for 5 episodes because they were saving it up for her to be the new stealthy mean girl! She knows she has no chance, so she's going to take people down with her! Producer influence for sure.

Leah says she needs to do something extreme tonight and she's putting on makeup! She's totally going to pull a Courtney! I don't think this Ben will be up for a swim, though. I bet he'll send her packing on the spot.

Yes! I knew it! Lauren's a favorite. When will these girls EVER learn that if you feel like you're last then casting the scarlet WR (wrong reasons) on the favorite will get YOU sent home! It only works if you're held in high regard and he already has some questions about the girl in question.

"We've been writing our love story and it's beautiful." Yep, Olivia is the Kelsey and Emily is the KardAshley.

"I feel like we're in the middle of nowhere." Yup, and you're going to be left to die alone on this island! (See every 2:1 date ever.)

"Deep, intellectual things are just my jam." Oh, Olivia, that was even better than your first "smart thing" soliloquy.

Guessing Ben is grabbing the rose to "walk Olivia out"...of what, who knows, as they're already out and arrived via boat. I'm guessing to some dramatic cliffside from which she'll watch Ben and Emily zip away. ... Ok, having to stand still next to the rocks being pelted with wave spray is even better.. But here they go!! Off in the boat with aerial shot of Olivia all alone to die on the island!! Bwha-ha-ha! That will NEVER get old!

What was the point of walking out Lauren H? She just got a door open and an "I'm sorry." Granted, everyone saw that coming as he's into everyone else. Ooh, and everyone is into him! This season on The Bachelor, everyone loves Ben, and Ben loves two people. And he pulls a Mesnick at what appears to be the Beaches and Sandals resorts in Ochos Rios, Jamaica.

  • Love 11

How phony was the Olivia breakup editing? First Ben takes her hand and leads her away with the rose, then we see and hear Olivia talking about how she was so excited to be moving forward with Ben now that he has made his choice and walked away with Olivia and the rose, and then Ben dumps her ass. So when did they film that part where Olivia was happy? Editing failure! And of course they left Olivia behind alone to fend for herself in the hurricane. Sure thing guys. I buy ZERO of what happened with Olivia. She is the phoniest part of this entire show...and I'm not even sure Emily has any genuine aspects to her story either.


I have no idea what got into Leah, but all of that seemed off too. Is any of this real? Lauren B. is real, right?


And Caila...she can't string two sentences together that make any sense. She would infuriate me.


The pig date looked the opposite of fun. That's just a horrible activity, especially when dressed to lounge on a beach.

  • Love 5

I get that she's gone but I HAVE TO complain about this.  Olivia's manipulative personality making it seem like every single problem the other contestants have with her is their fault and not hers.


"Well, they like talking about like, painting their nails, and things.  I like .. thinking."  OMG

"They are all intimidated by me, because I'm so confident."  OMG


She managed to use every sentence to put down all the other women and put her up, and say it in that slithery, manipulative, Oh my god I'm just so innocent voice, and everyone hates me because they're just so jealous of me!  She is the typical Lacey Chabert in Mean Girls!  And then she puts down Emily for being too young -- which, okay, yeah -- but Olivia claims to be only 23.... is that not young?



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9

Well, now maybe  Olivia can find some people to talk smart things with.  I thought it was pretty astute of Emily to be saying that she knew Olivia was spending all her time with Ben bragging about herself, and the camera cut to Oliva saying going on and on listing all her own great qualities, then telling the camera how great the conversation went.


Leah, straight up lying.  Wow.  It didn't take them long to figure out she was the tattler either.


Too bad about Jenifer.  I really wanted to see more of her.  Now Ben's down to only one and a half brunettes.  Caila and JoJo.

  • Love 12

I see Ben picked up a play from Lowe's playbook.  As soon as he picked up that rose on the two-on-one and asked her to go with him, I knew she was gone.


Ben looked like he was on drugs when took Olivia aside before the rose ceremony at the beginning of the show.  Glassy eyed, wide stare, blinking a lot.  Are you OK, bruh?


Everyone icing out Ben on that group date really gave me a lot of joy.  Jubilee's irritation would have fit right in this week.  Ben trying to awkwardly make conversation and Leah giving him nothing?  Oh gosh.


Ben: Do you like pigs?

Leah: I like pigs.  I like to eat pigs.

Me: BWAAHAHAAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  BYE BEN!


Caila.  Hmm...  I don't know what she said, but I think it may have made sense.


Yo, that preview for the rest of the season was...intriguing.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 4

The theme for this episode was obviously "Confusion".  Everybody felt it, everybody talked about it and everybody obsessed over it.   I found it frustrating and incredibly boring.  It looked like everybody was having a crappy time from the moment they got there. 


Olivia, Leah, Jennifer and Lauren should be grateful they are done with that mess. 


Ben is coming off as not only bland and boring to me, but kinda dumb.  I didn't expect much from him, but he's even less than I thought he'd be.  Dud. 

  • Love 5

Poor Olivia, left on a jagged reef in a light to moderate chop, to be hunted down and eaten by feral pigs.

These women are not properly deferential. When Chris Harrison walks into a room, the only acceptable response is to gasp, clutch your bosom, and swoon. Show some respect for The Man. Ingrates. Though I did entertain myself for a couple of seconds imagining he was there to break the news that Ben was swept away in the light to moderate chop, and would be handing out the final rose to a volleyball.

I hate all pigs. Nasty aggressive things. No wonder everyone was so bitchy-the weaves were getting blown around, the light to moderate chop probably made them queasy, and they had to feed hot dogs to fucking feral pigs and keep themselves from being bitten by those foul creatures. I hate ALL pigs. Seriously have a pig phobia.

  • Love 21

I'm putting this in spoiler tags because I'm not sure what the rule is on preview talk in the episode thread.


So the preview at the end makes it seem like Ben pulls a Mesnick but I can't imagine why the show would give that away. Therefore I'm inclined to believe that this is all one big fake-our - or maybe that's what they want me to think, lol. Again, I just can't imagine the show giving away something that major in the finale. Of course they also totally gave it away that Amanda makes hometown based on Ben playing with her kids and JoJo is Final 3 because that dinner she and Ben are at clearly looks like the pre-Fantasy Date dinner.


I am surprised at how anti-climatic Olivia's exit was. After giving her so much screen time, I expected them to drag it out a lot more for maximum effect. But it was all over and done with in a heartbeat. Not that I'm complaining because I've had too much of Olivia to be honest at this point. Although frankly, I was hoping this would be one of those 2 on 1 dates where the lead picks no one because honestly, I've found Emily pretty annoying and I don't buy that Ben sees any future with her.


Interesting that they put it out there so clearly that Ben is completely gone for Lauren B. I guess this is where he'll start to "question" his feelings for her because even if he realized Leah was a nut, he's still going to let her words play in his mind, so viewers can question him picking Lauren which is bull because she's so clearly F1. That pig in the water date was freaking weird. I'm sorry, I am not swimming with a bunch of full sized pigs. 


So speaking of Leah, that shit was weird. The cynic in me is wondering if there was some major producer manipulation going on there. Like some producer came in her ear to let her know, "look, you are going home fast unless you do something drastic" and probably threw out a line, hoping she would catch the bait, along the lines of "who do you think is your biggest threat..." and she just ran with it. To be clear, I'm not completely absolving her of her own stupid actions but I just feel like there was producer hand in this. 


And I continue to not care for Caila. Still can't fully pinpoint why but I just find her suspect and that whole "I may hurt you but I really do love you but I'm really confusing and so complex..." felt kind of manipulative. 

  • Love 9


Ben looked like he was on drugs when took Olivia aside.  Glassy eyed, wide stare, blinking a lot.  Are you OK, bruh?

It was because he'd just spent several hours being rocked around on the ocean, then wind and ocean blown. That whole date was totally miserable because of the non-stop intense wind and ocean spray. Honestly, it makes you feel nauseous, hurts your face, massive headaches. I felt awful for all three of them. The producers really failed on this one. There's no way anyone had fun or could actually learn anything about each other during that time or feel sexy/romantic feelings.


That Leah take-down was swift and awesome. Say this about Ben... for the most part, he's excellent about seeing through the bullshit and cutting people as needed.

  • Love 7

I spent a summer learning how pigs are like dogs (smart, kind, loyal, etc.) so I might not have minded that date. And I really must use "Deep, intellectual things are my jam"--Olivia should put it on a tshirt before someone takes it.


Now that I know there's a Leah and which one she is, I'm not sure why she's still there. And Caila probably did in her chances to be b-ette with the "can't love" thing. I still think she's strange with that whole story about kismet with the guy on the plane (only not) and then leaving her boyfriend (whether it was that guy or a different one) to go on a reality television show and "date" Ben. I don't see her making a very good B-ette--it takes someone more stable. (I still think of this bunch Olivia or Lauren B are the only two possibilities--maybe JoJo although she fades into the background to me).

  • Love 3

My thoughts, in no particular order:


Emily (I think that's the name of the remaining twin) now reminds me of Taylor Swift. This is not a compliment.


Lauren B. is my favorite, and I finally figured out who she reminds me of. She is like a blonde, less-perfect looking (still beautiful) version of Leighton Meester. It's the shape of the face and the dimples. Leah came at her out of nowhere and it completely backfired - pretty funny. Amanda and Caila seem sweet, if dim. Caila sure has beautiful hair, though, and I was jealous at the end to see her pulling off bright yellow. Let me just say that I look ill in bright yellow. 


I didn't like Olivia, but I do think the show will be less entertaining with her gone. Maybe now it will turn into a "right reasons" romance with Ben and Lauren, who it seems will win unless she murders someone or quits. 

  • Love 3

I don't see her making a very good B-ette--it takes someone more stable. (I still think of this bunch Olivia or Lauren B are the only two possibilities--maybe JoJo although she fades into the background to me).

Wait, so you think that they need to choose someone stable as the Bachelorette... and then offered Olivia as an option? 

Also, how could we forget the line of the episode: "I like... thinking. I want to talk smart things." 

  • Love 8

I laughed at Ben and Emily getting on the boat and just leaving Olivia there alone standing on the beach. Glad she's gone, also glad Ben let Leah go after her tantrums and lies about Lauren.


It seems like this is Kaitlyn/Shawn all over again. All the girls know about Lauren B and Ben's connection and now it's just the rest of them going through the act/motions and distancing themselves because they see it with Lauren/Ben. Emily even talked about the connection Lauren has with Ben, being the reason Leah was talking about Lauren to Ben. 


I think at this point the girls left all have a close friendship to each other (like Ben/Shawn's bond last season and  Becca/Kaitlyn/Emily's bond in Chris's season) and are just happy the people they aren't close with like Leah and Olivia are gone.

  • Love 6

-It was the Gale Episode as appalling weather and appalling behavior from The Girlz spelled a miserable week for poor Ben.  People tend to forget that much of the Bahamas is on the same latitudes as Miami and the Keys.  It can certainly stay warm in the late fall but storms and wind from tropical lows are common.  Note that the producers weren’t willing to suspend filming even during a gale including multiple boat voyages where rolling seas are a quick ticket to seasickness.  It ruined most of the dramatic element of the 2-on-1 date as all concerned were strictly in survival mode.


-A Google search confirms that gale warnings were issued for the region in early November 2015.  Any chance the production team might check the weather forecast before flying out?


-Speaking of tight budgets, the mini bed crammed into a corner and literally covering a closet door screamed CHEAP!  Does an extra room really cost that much more especially when there is a large ‘promotional consideration’ being handed over to ABC?


-What can you say about Leah?  She fell into the death spiral of insecurity followed by cattiness followed by longwinded jailhouse lawyer diatribes to the Bachelor’s face about her allotment of time, the unfairness of it all, etc.  It all points to a ticket home even with a stealth visit to the Bachelor’s room.  Lauren B isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but from all appearances she has kept herself to herself in the company of the other women, pillow fights and outtakes notwithstanding.  This show’s editing is both haphazard and deceitful (the continuity errors on the 2-on-1 date were rife) but surely if Lauren B had committed any transgression the cameras would have caught it and the moment would have been replayed ad infinitum.


-Sorry to see Jennifer go, especially as she did very well in 1-on-1 situations.  As I suspected last week, she was largely a victim of timing and circumstance as the others got far more interaction with him.  Hopefully she views it as a lucky escape!


-Caila’s ‘deep’ self is as shallow as her regular self.  She’s sliding quickly down the charts, it seems, and I think he intimated as much despite the usual round of soul kisses.


-Ben thought feeding hot dogs to swimming pigs in salt water with rocks and coral all round to trip on and cut feet open would be ‘a fun day out?’  Either he’s dreaming or is extremely susceptible to suggestion by the producers.  As with the other dates, the weather started bad and got worse.  It’s always nice to see the parade of bikinis and skin, though.  Lauren B was fearless in her swimsuit, rightfully so, and JoJo has a dazzling array of curves in the right locations and proportions.  Ben was paying close attention to both LB and JoJo, as the other girls ruefully noted, but keen-eyed viewers will note that JoJo is the only one getting a sales pitch from Ben instead of vice versa.


-Amanda again?  ZZZZZZZ.  Unfortunately, the second-half-of-the-season trailer showed Ben playing with the kids which means a hometown visit.


-The 2-on-1 ‘date’ didn’t seem to involve much beyond being marooned on a sand bar with a bottle of wine.  I wouldn’t have been shocked to see a set of dueling pistols drawn from an old sea chest.  But the speechifying continued apace despite rain and sand being blown sideways at 40 mph.  When Emily failed to get or give a kiss at the appointed moment I thought Olivia might squeak through again but, thankfully and finally, Ben had heard enough.


-Lauren H’s fate was sealed weeks ago but she was inoffensive and lucky enough to skate through until tonight.


-Looks as though Ben will be playing catchup to the ladies in the crying jag department.  I do wish these SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) Bachelors would give a Patton-like speech to the full assembly of girls and tell them in no uncertain terms that he is uninterested in bitchy gossip.  Boredom, downtime, Stockholm Syndrome, whatever the reason or excuse.  Leave it at the house when you leave the house for a date.


-With the girls openly commenting on Lauren B’s frontrunner status are the producers sandbagging us vis-à-vis the result or are they simply airing what precious little usable footage they obtain?

  • Love 6

Ben to most favorite of the harem: "The other girls are saying you don't act around them like you do around me. Why would they say that?"

Favorite (being more intelligent than most): Of course I don't act around them like I do around you. Why would I behave the same way to a bunch of women that I don't know very well, as I do to a man I am falling in love with?"

Ben: "I don't think that's what they mean."

Favorite: "What do they mean, then?"

Ben: "Um, I'm not sure. No one said exactly. But they don't think you're the right one for me because of it."

Favorite: "Huh. Well, I don't know what they mean either, but I'm pretty sure none of them think anyone but them is the right one for you, ya know? It's that competition thing that's sort of built into the process?"

Ben: "I guess. Are you sure you didn't do anything to make them mad?"

Favorite, leaning in: "Oh, I'm sure I've done a lot of things that make them mad. [deep kiss] And I really hope I get a chance to do a lot more. [smiles]

Ben: "Well, okay then. Good talk."

  • Love 9

The group date looked awful and I had to laugh with Ben standing off with his arm crossed in the 'signal' while the women were trying to get away from the giant pigs. I would have hated every minute of that date. Then, Ben wanted to have a mini private date with Lauren B while the other women stood around 5 feet away. Then he wanted to know why things were so awkward.


Leah going to Ben's room and then saying zero about her self was just ridiculous-you want him to know you then spend all of your time talking about another girl. No bachelor/ette ever likes the gloomy messenger type-spend all of your time talking about yourself! Speaking of that Olivia and her vast intellectual capabilities; OMG. There is zero depth in that woman. The more she kept saying how deep, intellectual and confident she was, the more Ben couldn't wait to get rid of her. 


I have always wondered if the show provides gowns and cocktail dresses for the women to wear and I still remain convinced they do-if you notice the women will show up in vastly different styles week to week and some weeks like this it was mostly beaded lace. I know we have read they bring all their own clothes; but look at the suitcases they bring with them and their rooms sometimes. It would be impossible to fit 20 gowns/cocktail dresses, numerous bikinis, numerous different outfits including sun dresses, shorts, tanks, tees, jackets etc in those small cases. And when they show the rooms and them packing up, you never see 20-30 dresses on hangers waiting to be squeezed into those cases. So, I still think they provide dresses and the women bring the rest.


Knowing how everyone in the house thinks Lauren B has front runner status-I wonder how they can stretch out the interest over the next few dates. I see zero interest in Emily or Becca. Caila seems very confusing and i had no idea what she was talking about. Also don't see him with Amanda. 

  • Love 4



I felt bad, that did not seem like a fun week.  Confusing Caila, no idea what she was trying to say.  The pig date with all it's negativity.  The storm during the after party.  The nonstop wind during the 2:1 date and the constant crying and fighting from the women.  Definitely not paradise this week.  I thought Ben looked exhausted, sad, and sunburned the entire time.  


"Deep intellectual things are my jam" is what I will always remember from this episode.  Thank you, Olivia for that takeaway!  It was obvious she was going home, since they way overplayed her overconfidence.  Emily's speech to Ben about wanting him there to see her grow was incredibly practiced and scripted.  I felt bad about their hair blowing all over, and it seemed freezing, without much to do but sit there miserably.  


I can't imagine why Leah would spend her precious little time to let Ben get to know her, lying about other women, unless that was pure producer manipulation.  I thought she was going to his apt to have their own 1:1 since she was upset about missing one.....no, more complaining about Lauren B.  The first time she said it, at the after-party, it sounded like it was dubbed in when she said "Lauren B"- first she said to him she won't name names, and will only say "the person you have the strongest connection with" and the whole rest of the night she said she never did mention Lauren's name, but a strange voice cut in saying "Lauren B" during her talk with Ben.  


So funny how they showed him saying how much the women enjoyed the pigs, were picking them up, etc when they showed all this footage of them screaming and being chased and having anything but fun!  

  • Love 7

It was because he'd just spent several hours being rocked around on the ocean, then wind and ocean blown. That whole date was totally miserable because of the non-stop intense wind and ocean spray. Honestly, it makes you feel nauseous, hurts your face, massive headaches. I felt awful for all three of them. The producers really failed on this one. There's no way anyone had fun or could actually learn anything about each other during that time or feel sexy/romantic feelings.

That Leah take-down was swift and awesome. Say this about Ben... for the most part, he's excellent about seeing through the bullshit and cutting people as needed.

I don't think Ben is the one who decides to cut people as needed. Things like that are produce driven.

  • Love 2

I find Lauren B to be hideously ugly with a hot body. She is a real Butterface. I thought the Lauren H was prettier. I really am despising Lauren B for her constant use of "LITERALLY" improperly. She said her heart was literally broken. No, it isn't literally broken, you'd be dead. In the preview she says that Ben is literally the guy in her dreams. No he isn't the guy in your dreams literally- because that guy is a mirage.

Edited by operalover
  • Love 8

[quote name="leighdear" post="1940819" timestamp="1454987851"

Ben is coming off as not only bland and boring to me, but kinda dumb. I didn't expect much from him, but he's even less than I thought he'd be. Dud.

You are too kind. He's as dumb as a rock and speaks like a teenage girl. He also appears to be attracted to the dumbest Bachelorettes. Amanda? Emily? Lauren? Dumb asses!

The look of sheer annoyance when Olivia was talking about her interests in politics, news, etc., said it all.

Edited by Lemons
  • Love 6

Wow.  Pilates and Supergirl.  Came in just in time to see Olivia on a beach (what was the purpose of leaving her there while they rode off in the storm?) where it seemed no one was concerned for her safety. 


Not sure what happened with the other two girls, but I surmise from all of you someone was caught in a big lie?  I personally do not get the Lauren B love. Her hair is terrible, I think she is skinny with no real body and she looks old. She has also been on the fringe of a lot of drama, quietly encouraging. 


Missed the team date, but it sounds like a bust.  Saw somewhere else Ben took the rose with him when he dumped Olivia...what was the purpose of that?  Why is Emily still there?  Is there a rule about how many people they can cut in one episode? 


So someone got a classy walkout....my god if love is so hard at 24 where you have given up hope or are adopting cats, I can't image these girls at 30, or 44.  It's hard out there for a Bachelor reject!   The way some of them presented themselves on this show, they should get used to be alone and lonely. 


The previews were hilarious.  The more I see of Ben, instead of being "intrigued" I am just annoyed.  The crying and confusion does not bode well for the start of a relationship.  All of the girls had a narrow escape.  Lace and the other Lauren are looking like a genius right now. 


Can't wait to see the "spin" put on this episode. 

  • Love 2

Wow this episode was low budget, despite being abroad.


Did not see Olivia being eliminated coming, because she was up against Emily. I *almost* felt bad for Olivia. Emily is an interchangable background character. Ben seemed like he barely knew who she was. I wonder if the producers are keeping her around for the "drama" of her doing go-homes given her sister was cut.  Becca and Amanda are also forced storylines. There has never been anything there, either.


It's beyond clear that the final two are Lauren B and Jojo. He's just crazy about Lauren B, and Jojo is chill, always tells him what he wants to hear, and he's very attracted to her. I find it difficult to respect Ben giving his consistent balking at getting anything from the girls other than adulation.


Caila is not going to win. I don't know how far she'll go, but I don't see anything between her and Ben anymore. That date was awkward, and he seemed irritated. She also seemed thisclose to wanting to self-eliminate. I get the feeling she knows it's not going to happen. He doesn't want to hear about the girls and he definitely doesn't want to hear about their layers. Jubilee and Olivia were both cut for their (admittedly awkward and flawed) attempts at having two-way-street relationships with Ben, despite being early frontrunners. I feel like Ben was fishing for a reason not to like Caila. Too upbeat? When has he judged Lauren B or Jojo for being too positive and smiley? (Granted Caila seems faker than both of them, but that could very well be down to editing.)


I'm irritated because there is a clear "girl's club" going on, and Leah and Olivia weren't part of it. Neither is Caila (look at the physical gap between her and the rest at the rose ceremony). I suspect Jennifer was Caila's main friend in the house. Maybe what Leah was referring to in complaining about Lauren B is the cliqueyness. I don't think Lauren B was ever an aggressor against anyone, but there can be extra strong resentment against someone who is "winning" along with being Queen B of the house clique.

Edited by DriveInSaturday
  • Love 5

I liked this episode. So many different twists. Some thought it was boring. I disagree I thought it was pretty interesting. I think we got to see more raw, real emotions. Or at least some good acting.


Which in Olivia's case I think that's exactly what it was. That just looked so totally fake. Almost like you could read her mind standing there in the waves, "I wonder if that breakdown was convincing enough. Got to get that B'ette spot. Wish they would hurry this up my tears are starting to dry up".


Funny how your opinions can change from week to week as we see more of these women. Like others Caila just seems off to me. Can't put my finger on it. I guess I just didn't feel sincerity from her. I will give her props though for not naming names when Ben asked her who she felt was upset about her getting the date.


I hadn't really liked JoJo up to this episode. To me she finally seemed real. I know I use that term a lot but to me if they don't seem like someone I feel I could sit down with and have a fairly easy conversation and relate to than it's harder to like them. She voiced some legitimate concerns and I felt like I could understand why she was holding back.


Leah. Wow what a way to go from obscurity to infamy. I actually felt a little sorry for her at the beginning because she hadn't had any time with Ben. All I could think when she sat down with Ben was, for her to have just been complaining about no time with him you waste you time by talking about Lauren B. I don't know, for her to go from relative obscurity to that does sound like there was some producer manipulation going on. I don't think she would have thought twice about it either because she knew she was going home. Still I would rather go out with some dignity than forever be known as a backstabbing liar. Unless we saw something that was edited out I never saw Lauren B being anything but sweet and friendly with the other girls. Props to Ben for sensing something wasn't right about her and stopping it right there.


Wow that Bachelor bubble is intense. Why was Lauren H. crying? It was obvious her and Ben had friendship at best but you would think she was F2 or something. I guess for some of these women they actually think they feel something in this screwed up dating scenario and can only see it realistically when their out of the bubble.


The previews for the rest of the season were suspenseful. The producers like to play with our heads too but I admit I like the suspense.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 2

The ABC feed we get had 3 hours of NH primary coverage so this episode was preempted.

There is no indication on my listings that it's being shown at all :-(((. Is there anywhere else for us Canucks to see it??

Wait - so you live in Canada, but you have to suffer through US political coverage preemption?! I'm so sorry! That feels ridiculously unfair! I'm sure it I'll be On Demand starting tomorrow (cable), but if you don't have access to that, maybe ABC.com?

FYI - you didn't miss much - it wasn't a great episode. There's wasn't really any suspense with Olivia leaving, as I think they've been telegraphing that for awhile. And the Leah/Lauren B. stuff was ridiculous and so obviously producer-driven. I'm sure they realized that Ben's interest and infatuation with Lauren B. is so obvious and therefore great for them but had for the show, so they used Leah to pretend there's some sort of issue with Lauren. Though the "issue" came out of nowhere, and isn't anything anyone else has witnessed. Nice try, show.

  • Love 1

And Caila probably did in her chances to be b-ette with the "can't love" thing.


See, I actually thought that was totally her Bachelorette audition speech. She feels all this love, but she's not sure if she can give her heart 100% -- which of these 25 hot guys will finally win her over completely?


I don't know if it really worked because honestly, she just came off as incoherent, but I definitely felt like that's what she was going for.

  • Love 5

quick thoughts (will read the thread later):


Olivia is annoying but she didn't deserve Ben taking the rose with him (misleading her) when he was going to dump her. What a dick!


I can't stand Becca but I dislike Emily and Amanda 100x more than Becca.


Leah was horrible--lying about Lauren B---she deserves the hate more than Olivia who was just overconfident and delusional (and annoying).


Speaking of hate, Amanda & Emily are such haters---they hated Olivia who didn't even care about them enough to hate them. They remind me of mean high school girls. Emily grew up and mind your own business. Amanda, stop acting like your ex-husband, and go take care of your family and stop partying.


Caila (sp?) basically said I'm a mystery that you can't understand and then turned around and said, I like you because you get me. WTF?


I guess I just like Lauren B and JoJo (I forgive her for sliding up to Ben after he dumped Jubilee and making it all about poor lil' Ben--compared to the others she is great. Plus if she isn't F1 then she has the looks that Lauren B doesn't have and she has the personality/social skills that Becca doesn't have so I choose her for The Bachelorette).

  • Love 3

The shape of the bottom of Lauren B's bikini was odd, unflattering, and overall I was very bothered by it.


I agree.  it was very strange.


And speaking of strange ---  feeding pigs??????? while they chase you?

There was one point where some of the women were clearly frightened, with large pigs chasing them for food.   And the voice-over by Ben says that "the women  were having a blast!"  no, sweetie, they were running away in fear.

  • Love 10

What the hell was Caila blathering on about?  It's a good thing Ben is stupid, because her talking in circles seemed to make him believe she's a "deep" person.


Note to Leah:  Have you not seen this show before?  Don't talk shit about the favorite, or you will get sent home!  And I would think you'd prefer your "Who?" edit to the "Oh..that bitch." one you got tonight.


An idea for next year's 2 on 1:  go to Hawaii, leave them on an active volcano (preferably while it's erupting).

  • Love 5

How sweet LotusFlower! Thank you for understanding I think it's a huge drag too! I appreciate your suggestions and will check them out tomorrow. Good to know I didn't miss anything vital lol

No problem. Hope you find a replay somewhere, but if not, the recaps will fill you in. Speaking of eliminations, I think we'll likely see some eliminations after tomorrow's NH primary, too, so consider yourself more in-the-know than the rest of us on that front, right? Which candidates will get the rose? (Ok, bad joke, I'll stop)

  • Love 3

I don't like Olivia but have to give her props for actually putting her hair in a bun during that windstorm. As Emily matures, she'll learn never to go anywhere without a scrunchie...


Emily literally had a hair tie around her wrist! You can see it when she lifts her glass while talking to Ben. But she wouldn't be as pretty if her hair was up...??? 

  • Love 3


I guess I just like Lauren B and JoJo (I forgive her for sliding up to Ben after he dumped Jubilee and making it all about poor lil' Ben--compared to the others she is great. Plus if she isn't F1 then she has the looks that Lauren B doesn't have and she has the personality/social skills that Becca doesn't have so I choose her for The Bachelorette).

My thoughts exactly. I thought JoJo seemed much more relatable than they've showed her so far. You're right. I think she is more attractive than Lauren B. also and though I hadn't thought about it she most definitely has Becca beat in social skills. She does seem like the best choice to carry the B'ette lead at this point.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 2

Best moment of the episode, hands down: Leah getting all weepy and emotional on the beach talking to Ben, while a pig loudly grunts in the background. A porcine pin deflating Leah's drama balloon.


This whole episode reminded me of why I don't really mind eating pigs.  I worked as a docent on a lovely, little educational farm; you know, the kind of bucolic setting out of Charlotte's Web, where there is a representative of every kind of animal and a big communal barn.  The pigs were the meanest, least pleasant animals on the farm.  Even the piglets constantly bit and would mob attack your ankles.  (Boots were a requirement.)  I loved the goats.  LOVED the goats.  I would have stayed in their pen all day. They are smart and hilarious and affectionate.  But pigs? Horrible creatures that God somehow had the foresight to make delicious.  That scene of swimming with the pigs was straight out of my nightmares.

  • Love 17

Olivia is annoying but she didn't deserve Ben taking the rose with him (misleading her) when he was going to dump her. What a dick!


I can't stand Becca but I dislike Emily and Amanda 100x more than Becca.


Leah was horrible--lying about Lauren B---she deserves the hate more than Olivia who was just overconfident and delusional (and annoying).


Speaking of hate, Amanda & Emily are such haters---they hated Olivia who didn't even care about them enough to hate them. They remind me of mean high school girls. Emily grew up and mind your own business. Amanda, stop acting like your ex-husband, and go take care of your family and stop partying.


Caila (sp?) basically said I'm a mystery that you can't understand and then turned around and said, I like you because you get me. WTF?


I guess I just like Lauren B and JoJo (I forgive her for sliding up to Ben after he dumped Jubilee and making it all about poor lil' Ben--compared to the others she is great. Plus if she isn't F1 then she has the looks that Lauren B doesn't have and she has the personality/social skills that Becca doesn't have so I choose her for The Bachelorette).

Yeah, surprisingly, I found myself on Olivia's side for a bit. What did she ever do to Emily? Seemed like so much petty bullshit right there. I thought she did a good job defending herself to Ben against the attacks. And like, while I, like, enjoy intellectual conversation myself, over painting fingernails (because its more my jam), I, like, think Olivia could probably have ingratiated herself a little better with the group.


Caila is weird. I don't think she's going to make it much past next week.

I like Lauren B. She seems like a fun, natural girl-next-door type. I keep forgetting about JoJo -- she needs more personality to be a great bachelorette, but I agree she's very pretty.


I would have been miserable on that 2 on 1 date -- I wear hard contacts, so if the sand gets in my eyes, it's pure torture. They should have changed plans and gotten them a date in town in a restaurant. I could see the black storm clouds on the horizon for the group date -- it was just a matter of time.


The pig thing did seem scary. 

Edited by Andromeda
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