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Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne: Let them eat cake

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On 7/15/2021 at 7:32 PM, pasdetrois said:

I wondered too, but Tom has received a diagnosis of major neurocognitive disorder (e.g., dementia). There is also mild neurocognitive disorder; my family member progressed through both. There were eight hours of tests spread over two days. and I read the many pages of reports. In my family member's case, the decline was not gradual - there were sudden, sharp declines, followed by a kind of plateau, followed by another sharp decline.

Anything's possible, but I doubt this diagnosis can be faked , nor would a clinician be easily fooled. I haven't heard any plaintiff's attorneys challenge the diagnosis, but maybe I missed it.

It's possible Erika and Tom's colleagues hid and manipulated his disease in order to keep the billables going for him. Or to protect the firm from loss of clients.

My dad had Lewy Body dementia, which is similar to Alzheimer’s combined with Parkinson’s. (Same label as Tom. It was also referred to as a major neurocognitive disorder.) They diagnose by the symptoms using cognitive testing, so it is possible it could it be faked. My mother faked an Alzheimer’s diagnosis years ago (long story but she’s a clinical narcissistic and did it for sympathy and attention).

Years ago my aunt also faked a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s to receive benefits. (Yes, I know my family is crazy and some are criminals). 

The only way to tell for certain the person has Alzheimer’s or Lewy Body dementia is to do a brain scan after the person dies. 

My dad was diagnosed when he was 82, but he probably had had it a few years before. In his case, it was a gradual decline until he passed away in April 2021. It was very difficult to watch what this disease did to him. I miss him dearly. 

Who knows for sure about Tom but the timing is certainly convenient. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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19 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

So they are smarter than Tre and Juicy, doesn't make it right.

Who said it was right. I would argue that they are more morally corrupt than Tre and Juicy.

I was merely pointing out that Tre and Juicy actually committed a very easy provable case of bankruptcy fraud when they signed the petition which misstated their assets and concealed them. Very blank and white.

As of now there isn't any claim of bankruptcy fraud and I doubt there will be. But what Tom and Erika have done is far worse. Tom clearly embezzled money - no doubt of that. Whether Erika can be proved to have sufficient knowledge to be deemed to be a co-conspirator depends on the evidence.

There is no doubt that she is civilly liable and morally corrupt.

And that she is in worse shape than Tre who had a relatively small amount of restitution to pay for when she got out of jail. Her Bravo salary and side hustles were sufficient for her to hold on to her house, get back on her feet and retain what appears to be an upper middle class style of life. 

In the realm of money - even when Tre and Juicy were "flaunting" their wealth in the first seasons, they weren't really exhibiting the kind of wealth that Tom and Erika were pretending to have. Tre lived in a $2,000,000 home and drove leased luxury cars. I mean it was all pretty attainable on her BRAVO salary and her social media stuff plus her book sales. She was and remains a real hustler. 

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2 hours ago, izabella said:

Highly doubtful.  Tom has a doctor claiming he has dementia and his brother is now in charge of him/his assets.  That's all the court will do about it at this point.


37 minutes ago, amarante said:

Tre and Juicy signed bankruptcy papers under penalty of perjury in which they hid assets. I don't think Tom's conservators are going to do something like that.

It's equivalent to the difference between criminal tax fraud and just claiming a deduction that the IRS doesn't think is valid. 

Erika is claiming that her assets belong to her - the court will decide whether that is so.

It's quite tangled because of the "divorce" and whether it was a sham since the date of legal separation impacts rights. Also it is a "gray" area in terms of whether valuable gifts to a spouse are separate property or are part of the community property.

Thank you so very much! I am learning so much, and appreciate everything y'all are posting to explain, answer q's, and clarify what's really going on.

 In the other thread, janiema wrote that Erika and Tom etc, would've known all this was coming as long as two years ago. That's a lot of time for asset hiding, no? At least long enough to figure out a game plan? I still wonder if the break in at the house was an inside job as well. The divorce plus the bankruptcy plus the firm stuff, then add the state cover-ups, then now his dementia is all so convoluted, and there's just so much! I can't imagine this will be concluded very quickly.

(Tre and Joe's fraud was horrible, but isn't the same heinous level as this one, imo.)

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18 hours ago, WhatAmIWatching said:


Is that usual for partners not to know what is happening with the firm's finances? Is there only one signatory on the settlement accounts? Yeah, I agree, everything stinks to high Heaven, besides, as you pointed out, they were living like they had a bottomless money barrel.

I'd believe Erika not knowing before I believe partners being clueless -unless it's the usual way that's done?

It depends on what kind of partnership exists. 

Traditionally law firms really operated as partnerships in which each of the partners jointly managed the firm and divided the profits. 

Now there are all kinds of law firm organizations and some partners are partners in name only. Some partners are each separate corporations to limit their liability.

What Tom's SIL is claiming is that even though he was a partner in name, he effectively was just an employee and had no power and was not privy to the finances of the firm since he was paid a salary. Whether that is true of not - who knows but it would be pretty easily proven one way or another since people would be able to testify as to how the firm was run. 

At any rate, he is being sued and will have to prove that he didn't have knowledge of how funds were being not paid to the clients.

There is a LOT of moral guilt to pass around as I suspect that Tom's SIL at best had a don't see attitude as he just cashed his very large paychecks and took advantage of the perks of his employment. Tom was the rainmaker and none of what the other lawyers would have been doing would have needed great legal skills or knowledge. Any paralegal could have done their jobs.

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Listening to Kate Casey's podcast and she has the lawyer Jay Edelson on again (he's the one who sued the Girardi over the victims $$ and is doing it pro bono) and it's very interesting.  He said that the judge wants to see the medical records of Tom, which is a big deal.  So if he is faking, hopefully he won't get away with it.

Wasn't Reagan known to 'quietly' have Alzheimer in the beginning of his second term?  Or at least showing signs of it?  My grandmother had dementia and it was slooooow.  I realize everyone is different, just seems too convenient to me that Tom suddenly has it without a mention of it before.  Looks like Erika inherited her acting skills from him?!

Also Jay basically implied Erika has balls while pouring champagne in her home saying "poor me" with zero mention of those that were ACTUALLY victimized by Tom.  He said it's possible she's not using her own money to pay for luxury goods and that she also acknowledged that she knew about the spending freeze even while selling clothes online, using the glam squad and spending a bunch of money, which could cause her huge problems as she's violating a court order.  Basically her being on TV is allowing them to gather evidence and if she were his client, he would advise she'd try to help the case against Tom and how to get the victims paid.

Edited by KLJ
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3 hours ago, izabella said:

Wow, they're all ready to set Tom up with someone because he's a good guy, his mind is all there, 100%.  He is not a good guy.  And that these people continue promoting this fiction...they aren't good people, either. 

This Instagram post was made five days ago which was before the latest episode when everyone found out about Tom.  I think the scene was filmed right after they found out about the divorce but before stuff started trickling out. 

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6 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

My dad had Lewy Body dementia, which is similar to Alzheimer’s combined with Parkinson’s. (Same label as Tom. It was also referred to as a major neurocognitive disorder.) They diagnose by the symptoms using cognitive testing, so it is possible it could it be faked. My mother faked an Alzheimer’s diagnosis years ago (long story but she’s a clinical narcissistic and did it for sympathy and attention).

Years ago my aunt also faked a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s to receive benefits. (Yes, I know my family is crazy and some are criminals). 

The only way to tell for certain the person has Alzheimer’s or Lewy Body dementia is to do a brain scan after the person dies. 

My dad was diagnosed when he was 82, but he probably had had it a few years before. In his case, it was a gradual decline until he passed away in April 2021. It was very difficult to watch what this disease did to me. I miss him dearly. 

Who knows for sure about Tom but the timing is certainly convenient. 


5 hours ago, KLJ said:

Listening to Kate Casey's podcast and she has the lawyer Jay Edelson on again (he's the one who sued the Girardi over the victims $$ and is doing it pro bono) and it's very interesting.  He said that the judge wants to see the medical records of Tom, which is a big deal.  So if he is faking, hopefully he won't get away with it.

Wasn't Reagan known to 'quietly' have Alzheimer in the beginning of his second term?  Or at least showing signs of it?  My grandmother had dementia and it was slooooow.  I realize everyone is different, just seems too convenient to me that Tom suddenly has it without a mention of it before.  Looks like Erika inherited her acting skills from him?!

Also Jay basically implied Erika has balls while pouring champagne in her home saying "poor me" with zero mention of those that were ACTUALLY victimized by Tom.  He said it's possible she's not using her own money to pay for luxury goods and that she also acknowledged that she knew about the spending freeze even while selling clothes online, using the glam squad and spending a bunch of money, which could cause her huge problems as she's violating a court order.  Basically her being on TV is allowing them to gather evidence and if she were his client, he would advise she'd try to help the case against Tom and how to get the victims paid.

Erika said that all she has left is her name and the hope that she can continue working on what she's built up over the years when all this is said and done.

To this end, I totally understand her continuing with her alter ego stuff. She needs to keep that alive and the fans hopeful as she works through this. 

I also understand that she's likely been advised to limit what she says on TV including offering apologies or sympathy.  They can be tantamount to admissions of guilt so it's probably best not to even go there.

Still, Erika would be better served if she took down references to money and stopped flaunthing her wealth and luxury lifestyle. This lack of decency is not going to buy her any sympathy from the court or her fans.

Edited by Jextella
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On 6/27/2021 at 11:02 AM, psychoticstate said:

These are some of the victims they stole from, who lost loved ones in a plane crash.  The money these folks should have received for losing a loved one instead went to fund Erika's monthly $40K glam squad bill. 

I’m so horrified and outraged by this.  How can ANY of the other HW stand by her?  

  • Love 16
10 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I completely agree!

Plus Teresa is well and truly dumb as a post. Erika is not. I can totally see Teresa being basically clueless. Erik not so much. For the record, I detest Teresa, she is a self absorbed trouble maker, with the intellect and demeanor of a child. So, this isn't me defending a favorite. 

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9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I’m so horrified and outraged by this.  How can ANY of the other HW stand by her?  

The reunion will be interesting. Right now, they can still say a lot hadn't really come out at the time of filming, they were still absorbing it all, they were shocked, etc. That will be much more difficult to pull off in real time. Of course, it may just be priorities. Erika was a party to stealing from widows and orphans. It's not like she did something horrible like leaking a story to the press, or having sex with another consenting adult. RHOB priorities.

Edited by chlban
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17 hours ago, Jextella said:

Still, Erika would be better served if she took down references to money and stopped flaunthing her wealth and luxury lifestyle. This lack of decency is not going to buy her any sympathy from the court or her fans.

She would have been better served still if she'd just opted out of this season's show. But she can't because like most of these Ho's, she thinks she can get away with anything, and that her shit don't stink. Her entire persona and every sentence uttered on this seasons SMACKS of pre-rehearsed 'here's what we want you to say on the show to cover your ass' bullshit.

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4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

The whole thing is gross, and as someone shocked, I'm not sure what Erika knew.

However, my guess the reason the ladies are taking it easy on her so far . . .

Most of them have lawsuits or secrets. The stuff they went after Denise and LVP were different, so those situations were less likely to blow up in their faces. 

I don't think we ever got answers as far as Mauricio's shadiness. How much of Kyle's lifestyle was earned through honest, hard work? PK and Dorit may be living lux lifestyles while they owe money. They may not owe widows and orphans, but still. 

I don't think Rinna's been sued, but she certainly doesn't want to talk about the husband. LVP didn't have fight in her when they ganged up on her. Denise is too nice a person to out Rinna's secrets, but IDK that Erika is. 

These ladies go after stuff that isn't their business or not a huge deal with a vengeance. If they stand by Erika, it's not out of the goodness of their hearts. It's self-preservation. Most of them aren't saints, and Erika's got a temper on her. 

I think we might need a certain housewife back . . . 


This is true!  

So funny when Dorit confirmed that when your assets are frozen it means you can’t use your money… she knows all about that!  

Yessss bring back Camille!

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On 7/16/2021 at 4:11 PM, Sweet-tea said:

My dad had Lewy Body dementia, which is similar to Alzheimer’s combined with Parkinson’s. (Same label as Tom. It was also referred to as a major neurocognitive disorder.) They diagnose by the symptoms using cognitive testing, so it is possible it could it be faked. My mother faked an Alzheimer’s diagnosis years ago (long story but she’s a clinical narcissistic and did it for sympathy and attention).

Years ago my aunt also faked a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s to receive benefits. (Yes, I know my family is crazy and some are criminals). 

The only way to tell for certain the person has Alzheimer’s or Lewy Body dementia is to do a brain scan after the person dies. 

My dad was diagnosed when he was 82, but he probably had had it a few years before. In his case, it was a gradual decline until he passed away in April 2021. It was very difficult to watch what this disease did to him. I miss him dearly. 

Who knows for sure about Tom but the timing is certainly convenient. 

Damn girl.  You have been through it I’m sure 🙁

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Ron Richards, who is the attorney for the Bankruptcy Trustee hired to investigate where Erika has been squirreling away the assets had an interesting tweet today in which he alluded to Rinna's possible reasons for defending Erika. 

At this point the facts are out there regarding the embezzlement by Tom and at the very least Erika has shown herself to be morally repulsive in terms of her social media posts in which she continues to portray herself as a victim and her legal actions to attempt to keep all of the money that was stolen. At this point every single thing she owns was due solely to money stolen from victims.

At any rate Richards essentially provided a possible reason why Rinna is so vociferous in her defense of Erika even now. Erika and Rinna share the same business manager/accounting firm - who knows what kinds of bodies are buried. The accounting firm has been subpoenaed as well as Erika's current landlord since there might be something suspect in the lease of her "shack".

Also - FWIW - evidently Rinna has a huge mortgage. While there is no shame in having a mortgage, it is certainly strange that there is a mortgage on a home that Harry Hamlin bought more than 20 years ago. They must have taken out a sizable second mortgage or refinanced it at some point which means they are really essentially living beyond their means. Rinna and Harry need all the paychecks they can get.

ETA Ron Richards added this tweet in terms of what the mortgage is on Rinna’s house. That is a huge mortgage and while I am sure the house is worth more than that, it means they need a lot of money each month just for living expenses. At that stage of life, they should have no mortgage at all. People I know who aren’t *rich* who have lived in their homes for 25 years or so don’t have any mortgage. Again no shame in having a mortgage but only that they owe so much on a house that was bought years ago means they were living behind their means and  don’t have the ability to retire on their assets. 


We forgot the one of the biggest victims of the meanness by the others. LR has $3,450,000 recorded on a small home. It would have to sell for over 850 per square ft to clear it.

Edited by amarante
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42 minutes ago, amarante said:

Also - FWIW - evidently Rinna has a huge mortgage. While there is no shame in having a mortgage, it is certainly strange that there is a mortgage on a home that Harry Hamlin bought more than 20 years ago. They must have taken out a sizable second mortgage or refinanced it at some point which means they are really essentially living beyond their means. Rinna and Harry need all the paychecks they can get.

I've always thought Rinna lived beyond her means, mostly due to her girls. Remember when one of them was moving into a luxury apartment (one I thought was totally inappropriate for a 20 year old) and Rinna said she would pay for it?   That kind of stuff doesn't really track with someone who keeps vintage fashion in the garage.  Which by the way, why didn't she remake at least one of the daughters bedrooms into her storage?    Anyway, it's just a feeling I have more than anything.  


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I've posted in the past that I think LR is supporting her family. She definitely hustles, while HH fiddles about in his Canadian cabin. His wiki states that he makes "business investments," so I wondered if he was generating wealth all these years, quietly. But I kinda doubt it. The entire family has a ring of desperation.

Lots of people, way too many people, mortgage their equity because they can't resist the lure of easy money.

Erika is on the current season because she desperately needs the money. I don't see anything yet about her income being garnished. She needs to generate income while she still can.

And her naricissism and sociopathy are just shining through everything she does, every scene she appears in, everything she pushes out on IG. She's furious that she got caught and has no way out.

As someone said, she can be found civilly liable, like OJ. Her only hope now is to avoid prison and to land another sugar daddy. How will she do that at her age without utterly degrading herself? There are a gazillion fresh-faced and -bodied yacht girls out there who will do anything for cash. Who will want Erika?

Edited by pasdetrois
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On 7/13/2021 at 12:24 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m not familiar with CA law, but in my state, under the laws on equitable distribution, if the gift is given by one spouse to the other, during the marriage and purchased with marital funds, it remains marital and would be divided equitably between the parties at divorce.  Unless, it was the intent of the giver that the gift be separate property and the recipient can prove it....like a card that says, This ring is your separate property, darling.  Enjoy. Lol.  Of course there are rules and exceptions to rules.  I’d question if assets acquired with potentially misappropriated funds could qualify as martial or separate, since the possessor may not have have legal ownership.   

I noticed Erika carrying the Chegall painting from the car in to her new house. The painting that Tom “gifted” to her as one of her birthday presents a few years ago— that was done on camera— and she moved with the few belongings in her car— on camera— in to her new house. That painting is worth millions and she was not even happy when he gifted it to her years ago because it was “boring” compared to jewelry. Yet she is carrying it in to her new house with her 2 assistant me. Poor thing. They could sell that and immediately give money to the victims that were scammed and whom Tom stole tens and hundreds of MILLIONS from to buy Erika cars, jewelry, and fugly clothes.

Edited by Luckylondon
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

I've posted in the past that I think LR is supporting her family. She definitely hustles, while HH fiddles about in his Canadian cabin. His wiki states that he makes "business investments," so I wondered if he was generating wealth all these years, quietly. But I kinda doubt it. The entire family has a ring of desperation.

Lots of people, way too many people, mortgage their equity because they can't resist the lure of easy money.

IRC, Rinna said Harry supported her a lot earlier on, and that she now hustles so he doesn't take on acting projects he's not passionate about. Rinna's thing has always been just to be rich and famous. I think Harry has a genuine love of acting. I do applaud Rinna for her work ethic. That gal does not go without a job. I'm not sure about living beyond their means or not. I remember in one of those soap magazines I read many years ago, she said she had expensive taste and loved Gucci and Prada. But then compared to people like Erika and Dorit, her lifestyle looks more normal for a successful actress. She definitely lives well, but I don't get a faking rich vibe from the family.

Edited by RealHousewife
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Does anyone else remember a scene a few years ago where Erika and Tom were walking their property (by the pool maybe)  and she was pointing out some of the many places that needed maintenance/upgrades?  I remember this because  I was rather surprised she seemed to be ASKING him for the money/repairs.   Like it wasn't her house or her money.  

Clearly, she never felt that was her house - it was super dated and dark so I believed that part when she shared with the other HWs.   And from what I saw of that interaction Tom didn't see any need to spend the money on it either.  Still, asking your husband for money to fix up the house seems crazy to me. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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2 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Does anyone else remember a scene a few years ago where Erika and Tom were walking their property (by the pool maybe)  and she was pointing out some of the many places that needed maintenance/upgrades?  I remember this because  I was rather surprised she seemed to be ASKING him for the money/repairs.   Like it wasn't her house or her money.  

Clearly, she never felt that was her house - it was super dated and dark so I believed that part when she shared with the other HWs.   And from what I saw of that interaction Tom didn't see any need to spend the money on it either.  Still, asking your husband for money to fix up the house seems crazy to me. 

I remember this scene. She was walking him down the pool to look at an old tree that was dying that needed to be removed and she needed his approval to arrange to have it removed properly. I don’t think it is that odd to have that run by your spouse before you do a removal/improvement because it is an expense and they should know… however I did feel it was weird watching THEM do it because it did seem like she was really hoping he would agree and approve it to allow her to remove it. The dynamic was weird and seemed very unequal. If Kyle was showing Mauricio a tree and saying we have to remove it, it would make sense why she was saying we have to do this maintenance. In this instance, it seemed a bit like Ericka hoping her dad would allow her to make an expenditure that is basic house maintenance. Something was uncomfortable about her need for approval and unsure if she would get it. It was a glimpse in to the routine that was… odd.

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53 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

The dynamic was weird and seemed very unequal. If Kyle was showing Mauricio a tree and saying we have to remove it, it would make sense why she was saying we have to do this maintenance. In this instance, it seemed a bit like Ericka hoping her dad would allow her to make an expenditure that is basic house maintenance. Something was uncomfortable about her need for approval and unsure if she would get it. It was a glimpse in to the routine that was… odd.

Yes!  That's what I meant.  That scene has always stuck with me as far as Erika's marriage goes.  You explained it perfectly @Luckylondon - thanks!

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On 7/16/2021 at 4:39 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

Thank you so very much! I am learning so much, and appreciate everything y'all are posting to explain, answer q's, and clarify what's really going on.

I agree!  Thanks to all who know more than me and are willing to share!

On 7/16/2021 at 4:39 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

In the other thread, janiema wrote that Erika and Tom etc, would've known all this was coming as long as two years ago. That's a lot of time for asset hiding, no? At least long enough to figure out a game plan?

Was the talking head of Erika in which she said something like "the bigger your life is, the bigger your problems are" from this season or last season? 

Anyone have a sense of when she would have said this given filming schedules?

On 7/16/2021 at 4:42 PM, amarante said:

What Tom's SIL is claiming is that even though he was a partner in name, he effectively was just an employee and had no power and was not privy to the finances of the firm since he was paid a salary. Whether that is true of not - who knows but it would be pretty easily proven one way or another since people would be able to testify as to how the firm was run. 

At any rate, he is being sued and will have to prove that he didn't have knowledge of how funds were being not paid to the clients.

What is a SIL?

Edited by Jextella
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4 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Yes!  That's what I meant.  That scene has always stuck with me as far as Erika's marriage goes.  You explained it perfectly @Luckylondon - thanks!

I have thought of that scene often over the last few years and I saw it again when it was replayed recently that gave it context! I totally know what you mean… it was tense and… weird. On re-watch, I didn’t feel that he was as dismissive of her as it read in did in their first scenes together. More that she had to explain things to him and he didn’t have a lot of time for things like this or for her. He agreed to the work pretty easily… *She* was uneasy though… and it still confuses me what was happening there. It seemed like she was setting up the scene to show how she had to ask him for things. It was intentional… and I’m not sure to what end. 

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5 minutes ago, Jextella said:

I agree!  Thanks to all who know more than me and are willing to share!

Was the talking head of Erika in which she said something like "the bigger your life is, the bigger your problems are" from this season or last season? 

Anyone have a sense of when she would have said this given filming schedules?

What is a SIL?

Sil was the consigliere on the Sopranos.

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On 7/9/2021 at 8:49 AM, bosawks said:

The more and more I see Erika carry the brunt of the publicity for this the more suspicious I become.

I think she has the typical culpability of a third wife of an already established much older rich husband in not caring in how he got or keeps his money and will do what is told to keep the house of cards from tumbling down.  But she doesn't seem to suffer from a surfeit of curiosity so I doubt the ins and outs of the machinations was something she demanded.

But the more attention on her then the less on the California Bar and the specific people who allowed this to happen.  Their global mea culpa of "oops" means nothing to me.  What did that outside auditor discover.  Those are the names I want before we get to Erika.  Tom being the only one at the firm that knew what he was doing, please, I call bullshit.

Regarding dereliction of duty and culpability Erika is on that list but she is not on the top of that list and the more she drives the publicity train the more concerned I get that the truly guilty, beyond Tom, won't pay the appropriate price.

The only Malibu I want to see her in is a used Chevy on her way to her job at Target.

These others I want to see in jail.

Maybe, just maybe, there will be some reform.

On 6/18/2021 at 4:09 PM, endure said:

Here's a news magazine piece from ABC, ridiculous the State Bar has had complaints re Girardi for 40 years!



If I read this correctly, attorneys are in a wild west scenario.  They can do just about anything they want without impunity. Scary stuff for all the rest of us.


Edited by Jextella
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2 hours ago, Jextella said:


Maybe, just maybe, there will be some reform.


If I read this correctly, attorneys are in a wild west scenario.  They can do just about anything they want without impunity. Scary stuff for all the rest of us.


It really is just mind boggling, thanks for sharing.  I don't believe he has dementia, I believe their divorce is a sham, they disgust me.

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On 7/18/2021 at 9:35 AM, amarante said:

Also - FWIW - evidently Rinna has a huge mortgage. While there is no shame in having a mortgage, it is certainly strange that there is a mortgage on a home that Harry Hamlin bought more than 20 years ago. They must have taken out a sizable second mortgage or refinanced it at some point which means they are really essentially living beyond their means. Rinna and Harry need all the paychecks they can get.

ETA Ron Richards added this tweet in terms of what the mortgage is on Rinna’s house. That is a huge mortgage and while I am sure the house is worth more than that, it means they need a lot of money each month just for living expenses. At that stage of life, they should have no mortgage at all. People I know who aren’t *rich* who have lived in their homes for 25 years or so don’t have any mortgage. Again no shame in having a mortgage but only that they owe so much on a house that was bought years ago means they were living behind their means and  don’t have the ability to retire on their assets. 


We forgot the one of the biggest victims of the meanness by the others. LR has $3,450,000 recorded on a small home. It would have to sell for over 850 per square ft to clear it.

I don't know that $3.5M is that huge of a mortgage for LA, but it is huge for where they should be in terms of how long they have owned the house.  It could be that they did a cash out refi to fund some other business deal etc. because interest rates have been so low.  IDK, if that makes sense for rich people though because I'm not rich.  However, $850/sqft is not a big deal.  You've got crap shack tear downs in bad areas going for over $750/sqft and nice places in marginal neighborhoods going for over $1000/sqft.  I don't even want to look at the prices in nice area.  This house in South LA sold 3 days ago for $1008/sqft.  It is 3 doors away from a homeless encampment with plywood shacks and a problematic pot shop that has had multiple stabbings over the last few months, and there's currently a random mentally ill naked guy that keeps popping up right there too.  

3 hours ago, Jextella said:


Maybe, just maybe, there will be some reform.


If I read this correctly, attorneys are in a wild west scenario.  They can do just about anything they want without impunity. Scary stuff for all the rest of us.


Having interacted with the CA State Bar, I'm not shocked, but I will be shook if we actually see meaningful reforms.

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6 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I don't know that $3.5M is that huge of a mortgage for LA, but it is huge for where they should be in terms of how long they have owned the house.  It could be that they did a cash out refi to fund some other business deal etc. because interest rates have been so low.  IDK, if that makes sense for rich people though because I'm not rich.  However, $850/sqft is not a big deal.  You've got crap shack tear downs in bad areas going for over $750/sqft and nice places in marginal neighborhoods going for over $1000/sqft.  I don't even want to look at the prices in nice area.  This house in South LA sold 3 days ago for $1008/sqft.  It is 3 doors away from a homeless encampment with plywood shacks and a problematic pot shop that has had multiple stabbings over the last few months, and there's currently a random mentally ill naked guy that keeps popping up right there too.  

Having interacted with the CA State Bar, I'm not shocked, but I will be shook if we actually see meaningful reforms.

That's a cute little home but for that price hell no and in a undesirable location. Didn't Rinna make serious bank promoting adult diapers couldn't that of  paid off their mortgage?

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3 hours ago, Nicmar said:

That's a cute little home but for that price hell no and in a undesirable location. Didn't Rinna make serious bank promoting adult diapers couldn't that of  paid off their mortgage?

Why do you think it is an undesirable location? It is in Beverly Hills PO. The house is probably worth at least $5 million and it sits on almost an acre of prime acreage in the hills above Beverly Hills.

The issue isn't the size of the mortgage - it's that there is any mortgage at all for a house that was bought by Harry prior to the marriage. I think he bought it in 1987. At that point it should have been paid off rather than to have a mortgage which requires them to work.

Also people are talking as if this is some kind of modest home. I think it is five bedrooms with at least four bathrooms and isn’t modest by any normal standards. While it isn’t 10,000 square feet it was always a home for a relatively affluent person. 

While I find Erika’s narrative of now living in a hovel to be ridiculous, her current rental was originally built for a normal middle class family. It is just a three bedroom, two bathroom home and the neighborhood was originally inhabited by regular middle class families.  Because of the location, it has escalated in value ajd it was very nicely renovated including the addition of a pool which it wouldn’t have had when it was first built. 

Lisa’s home was always a home for a relatively wealthy person because of the size, the location and the enormous lot in prime hills above Beverly Hills. It is effectively in Beverly Hills although it is outside of the city limits which means you don’t get to use the Beverly  Hills public schools and you aren’t patrolled by the city police force but by Los Angeles city and county. They live in what is known as Beverly Hills Post Office and is still extremely desirable especially with acreage and a view.

Edited by amarante
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1 hour ago, Booger666 said:

There are people who believe it makes more financial sense to have a mortgage than to have their money tied up in one asset, and / or that with a mortgage they are essentially borrowing money at 3% and can get a better return investing it elsewhere.  

In my experience, wealthy people don’t have mortgages.  They don’t need to use their homes to fund  other investments. Most wealthy people pay cash for their homes. This is especially true because there is not even any tax deduction for interest payments above a relatively small amount. 

At any rate, it impacts Rinna because it indicates that she really needs that BRAVO paycheck to keep a roof over her head literally. 😂😂 She has no f you money unlike Kyle, Sutton, Kathy or Crystal. I would suspect she needs it more than Garcelle who seems to be more in demand with other entertainment gigs and also just generally seems to be shrewder in terms of her life in many ways. I don’t think Garceloee would sell her soul to stay on the show.  Of course it is moot since Rinna sold her soul long ago and there is nothing she wouldn’t do for fame or money. 

Edited by amarante
  • Love 12
4 hours ago, Nicmar said:

That's a cute little home but for that price hell no and in a undesirable location. Didn't Rinna make serious bank promoting adult diapers couldn't that of  paid off their mortgage?

Rinna has said she made a million dollars from that one commercial which is amazing but won't pay off a mortgage of that size. 

  • Useful 5
3 hours ago, amarante said:

Why do you think it is an undesirable location? It is in Beverly Hills PO.

I am pretty sure the poster was referring to the house that was linked in South Central not Rinna’s house.

The lawyer trying to find the victims money in the bankruptcy matter seems shady as hell and obsessed with the housewives. He also posts about Jen Shah and was Russell’s lawyer  before he died. That said he is clearly getting under her skin and I don’t really care if he is able to recover $ if she is hiding it.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

I am pretty sure the poster was referring to the house that was linked in South Central not Rinna’s house.

The lawyer trying to find the victims money in the bankruptcy matter seems shady as hell and obsessed with the housewives. He also posts about Jen Shah and was Russell’s lawyer  before he died. That said he is clearly getting under her skin and I don’t really care if he is able to recover $ if she is hiding it.

Andy ought to give him a diamond, snowflake, or whatever prop for whichever franchise HW he's going after, because surely he's drumming up some ratings 😆 


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17 hours ago, amarante said:

Why do you think it is an undesirable location? It is in Beverly Hills PO. The house is probably worth at least $5 million and it sits on almost an acre of prime acreage in the hills above Beverly Hills.

The issue isn't the size of the mortgage - it's that there is any mortgage at all for a house that was bought by Harry prior to the marriage. I think he bought it in 1987. At that point it should have been paid off rather than to have a mortgage which requires them to work.

Also people are talking as if this is some kind of modest home. I think it is five bedrooms with at least four bathrooms and isn’t modest by any normal standards. While it isn’t 10,000 square feet it was always a home for a relatively affluent person. 

While I find Erika’s narrative of now living in a hovel to be ridiculous, her current rental was originally built for a normal middle class family. It is just a three bedroom, two bathroom home and the neighborhood was originally inhabited by regular middle class families.  Because of the location, it has escalated in value ajd it was very nicely renovated including the addition of a pool which it wouldn’t have had when it was first built. 

Lisa’s home was always a home for a relatively wealthy person because of the size, the location and the enormous lot in prime hills above Beverly Hills. It is effectively in Beverly Hills although it is outside of the city limits which means you don’t get to use the Beverly  Hills public schools and you aren’t patrolled by the city police force but by Los Angeles city and county. They live in what is known as Beverly Hills Post Office and is still extremely desirable especially with acreage and a view.

I think the biggest issue with the Hamlin house is that it is very dated and cluttered but that is fine if they like it, I hope they are at least taking care of maintenance.  When it is sold whenever that might be it would likely be torn down, they do that a lot there now 😕 Do they really have a mortgage, that would be  incredible to me!?!

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, endure said:

I think the biggest issue with the Hamlin house is that it is very dated and cluttered but that is fine if they like it, I hope they are at least taking care of maintenance.  When it is sold whenever that might be it would likely be torn down, they do that a lot there now 😕 Do they really have a mortgage, that would be  incredible to me!?!

I do not like the tile in the kitchen in Erika's rental.

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On 7/20/2021 at 8:14 AM, amarante said:

Most wealthy people pay cash for their homes.

Indeed - how often on the Million Dollar Listing franchises have we heard the brokers saying "all cash - quick close" on the deals.  In fact, when was the last time any of their transactions even involved a mortgage or financing?

  • Love 3
On 7/16/2021 at 5:54 PM, KLJ said:

 He said that the judge wants to see the medical records of Tom, which is a big deal.  So if he is faking, hopefully he won't get away with it.

Wasn't Reagan known to 'quietly' have Alzheimer in the beginning of his second term?  Or at least showing signs of it?  My grandmother had dementia and it was slooooow.  I realize everyone is different, just seems too convenient to me that Tom suddenly has it without a mention of it before.  Looks like Erika inherited her acting skills from him?!

So far this season we have heard that he

1. is always at The Firm

2. brought home Morton's for dinner most nights during quarantine

3. she drove him to work, dropped him off and went home and moved out

4. she's afraid of what he'll do because he's mean and doesn't lose

5. he has dementia

One of these things is not like the others 😄

On 7/19/2021 at 8:48 PM, Jextella said:

Was the talking head of Erika in which she said something like "the bigger your life is, the bigger your problems are" from this season or last season? 

She said it at the beginning of this season referring to her Quarantine Depression.  I remember because I know little people with real problems and it annoyed me.

  • Love 23
17 minutes ago, princelina said:

So far this season we have heard that he

1. is always at The Firm

2. brought home Morton's for dinner most nights during quarantine

3. she drove him to work, dropped him off and went home and moved out

4. she's afraid of what he'll do because he's mean and doesn't lose

5. he has dementia

One of these things is not like the others

Actually, all of these things can be true in someone who has dementia. My grandmother, in the early stages, handled everything as normal and if you weren't looking too closely, you might never have known she was starting to experience cognitive issues. I think the routine helped keep her and it seems like the above might have been Tom's routine. Then as it progressed, she got really mean at times, which was so unlike her. And as it got worse, she had a sudden decline and had to be moved into assisted living and eventually memory care.

So while I'm still not sure Tom really has dementia, I don't think it's entirely fair to look at how he's acted and decide one way or the other. He could be really ill or he could be faking the whole thing, that's for his doctors to figure out. And I'm glad I'm not involved in any of that! I wouldn't want to touch Tom or Erika or any of it with a ten foot pole. 

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3 hours ago, Shauna said:

I dunno.  The kitchen seems dated to me.

Erika's rental kitchen is extremely dated. Lots of give aways as there is tile on the counters which means it hasn't had a full renovation since the 1980's. The home was originally built in 1925 and looks as though the 1980’s was when it was last remodeled - judging by the finishes.

Also the appliances are old as the wall oven has dials and isn't digital. Cabinets are also fairly old as there is a pull out cutting board which is pretty retro so it seems as though they just refinished or refaced the original boxes.

Bathrooms as well weren't given a full renovation as they also have tile counters and a small shower with a chromed framed enclosure. the tile work is also the cheapest 4" x 4" and doesn't extend to any of the walls. It also has really funky looking slate tiles in what is probably the master bath.

The Saltillo tile in the kitchen and dining area is probably the best part of the flooring although they did refinish what was the original wood floors. 

Ironically it is actually a more attractive home than the horrible mausoleum in Pasadena. The grounds of the Pasadena home are beautiful - like being in your own private park but the home itself is unappealing and the stuff that Erika seems to have done like the red silk bath tub and the beauty parlor is completely lacking in any charm.

The bones of the rental are really great - nothing as charming as a Spanish Colonial from this period.

Her rental is much more desirable in terms of the market than the Pasadena funeral parlor. It would be relatively easy to do some cosmetic work - FWIW it is worth more than the $1.5 million people cite as that was what it was sold for in 2014 and the market in Los Angeles as in most places is steaming hot. Given the location it would sell for well over $2 million at this point I would think. Whoever buys the Pasadena white elephant will have to spend millions in order to get it to any level of livability. 


Edited by amarante
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