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S06.E12: A Boy or a Girl

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The Browns are taking the biggest journey of their lives. They are all going to Alaska and they are bringing Logan's new girlfriend too. And Kody and Robyn reveal the sex of their new baby to the family!

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awww.  all the teasing on Meri revealing the catfish THIS week, and all along it was next week's promo.  Boo.


I'd rather have Garrison's advice about Solomon than Kody's.  You don't hit.  That needs to be taught.  The parents need to teach that, but it looks like they don't want to teach Solomon much of anything.  What is going to happen when Solomon is no longer the baby? 


How on Earth did they afford going to Alaska, which is expensive, PLUS that massive grocery bill?  And where did they store the food?  I know all that cold food did NOT store itself in one refrigerator.  Was there an outside cellar or something?

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I also agree with Garrison that the little boy should not have been coddled after making the punching motions.  'The parents' are going to let him become a spoiled little brat.


The grocery bill in Alaska was insane!  I noticed a lot of name brands when they were unloading, and did anyone else see Meri picking up many bottles of that wildly expensive Fiji water?  The Brown wives are certainly not as frugal as they used to be.

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I knew the Meri tease would not be for this week.  They always drag these things out to keep people tuning in.  She just wanted someone to talk to?  She knew that "he" was spewing BS? Yeah, I don't believe either of those things for a minute.  If she knew that it was BS, why did she go to meet "him"?  Then she mutters "bastard" under her breath?  Is she not even admitting the gender of this person?  Did she say she was trying to protect the family from this person?  WTF?  Does any of this make sense or square with any of the facts as we know them? 

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That whole grocery store escapade...yawn. We get it TLC, big families take a lot of groceries and money to pay for them. I was halfway hoping they would pull a Jim Bob Duggar and overload the bus. Boo to the stringing us along another week to get to the catfish story. I was pissed off at Solomon and the 5 parents non-reaction to his threat of a fist; the "Brownies" have every right to be upset about the crap that Robyn's kids get away with. They had to live under King Kody's thumb and beady eye craziness discipline. What a sad lot for all the kids.

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Maddy is adorable in this episode you can feel her happiness through her smile.

On another note I missed a few pieces of seasons past so I never noticed how they behave regarding Solomon. I was totally shocked at the "parenting" clearly even the teens have picked up on him being the golden child.

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How on Earth did they afford going to Alaska, which is expensive, PLUS that massive grocery bill?  And where did they store the food?  I know all that cold food did NOT store itself in one refrigerator.  Was there an outside cellar or something?


I'm sure TLC paid for the trip since it was being filmed for the show. And they showed the name of the grocery store ("Fred Meyer") so I would guess they got the food for free or at a big discount, and TLC paid for any difference. They also said the the house was meant to be rented out as 3 separate units, but they were taking the whole thing, so I would imagine there were 3 kitchens and refrigerators. If the house was near popular fishing places, I think they also have extra cold storage (fridge or freezer) for people to store the fish they catch.


Does anyone know what Caleb does for a living?

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Somehow I manage to hate Kody more with every episode that airs. Loved how Garrison called out his insufferable, arrogant prick of a "father."


Garrison is going to be a much better dad than Kody, just by doing the exact opposite. Same with Logan. 


Also, with that grocery bill, they were spending about $5 per person per meal. That strikes me as pretty expensive, at least for breakfast and lunch. But it wouldn't surprise me if grocery prices were high. I once went on vacation on the Kern River and the one grocery store was much more expensive than at home. Still, $3,000 over two weeks seems excessive. 

Edited by scrambled eggs
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The Garrison/Solomon thing was so weird. So the older kids can't help discipline the younger kids? Why not? What if they're babysitting, which I'm guessing they do a lot? I would think that would be one of the benefits for the over-extended wives of a large, plural family. I guess not. Not with King Kody in charge. Speaking of which, not only did Garrison openly bad-mouth his father ("Dad's all wise and powerful"/said sarcastically), but I noticed how the parents, as usual, made fun of him in their couch interviews, and honestly don't care about their kid's feelings.

As for Meri, I guess the season wrapped before they learned of the catfishing scandal, so they obviously slapped something together at the last minute for next week's finale. It also looks as if they're going to whitewash it as much as possible, ie. not disclosing the catfish was a woman - too embarrassing, I'm sure.

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You can sure tell Caleb didn't think much of Kodys courting story. Why in hell would he think Either of them would give a flying fuck about history between he and Sobbyn?!? Maybe if it was a story about him courting Maddys mom...

Dayun just got bumped on my fave list of kids. Garrison jumped right up there and solidified my thoughts about what Janelles kids truly think of him. To me, it looked like King Sol was swinging at Ysabel and Mariah corrected him first and then we get the scene about Garrison. Loved his use of the word narcissist too! Logan holding Savannahs hand was really cute. Janelles kids are my favorites. They are chill like her and seem very close.

Christine's kids are all outgoing and bubbly like her too..funny how that happens.

Anyone notice Aurora out on the deck trying to see Caleb when they were all told to let Maddie greet him first outside?

I can't stand that kid. Sorry. Not sorry.

And i could tell by the pissy look on Kodys face. .plus the heartrate. .they were having a girl.

I knew they wouldn't discuss the catfish tonight. Jesus someone better slap a bp cuff on Meri cus she looks incredibly hypertensive to me all the time.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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So many awkward conversations in this episode!

-- Kody's ramblings to Caleb about courting Robyn

-- Christine's verbal diarrhea to Caleb about Maddie's "dark side"

-- Mykelti's interviewing of Michelle, and Michelle's rehearsed, stilted responses


And Christine sure was loud and obnoxious on the couch today.

Janelle's hair was fabulous.

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I noticed how the parents, as usual, made fun of him in their couch interviews, and honestly don't care about their kid's feelings.

Unsurprising. Janelle panders to Kody. She refuses to stand up for her kids when the adults criticize or attack them. What mother does that? Meri and Robyn would never allow the adults to ridicule their children. Unsure about Christine.

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I wish they could just send the adults away and let us just watch the kids.  It's a miracle that they grew up relatively normal and actually quite charming.


Anyone playing the "take a slug every time Christine mentions polygamy" drinking game is probably passed out on their couch right now.

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I'm so mad! The more they drag this out, the more I lose sympathy for Meri, I'm not sure any of this was her idea (meaning if she was ok with going public with the catfish story) so I still have a little sympathy... But they are on thin ice on my lake of sympathy. And not only were we teased about the catfish episode, but we were baited into watching yet another Robyn-centric episode. She's probably looking at the ratings (which I imagine will be higher than normal since they teased the catfish story) and will think all those people were tuning in for the gender reveal.

I guess I'm actually kinda glad they don't want the older kids disciplining the younger for the simple fact that they aren't making them brother/sister moms... But I'm pretty sure they just don't want the males to parent, because the girls seem to frequently be in charge of the you see kids, but that whole freak out strikes me as odd. I just don't get it, was Garrison supposed to wait for him to actually hit someone to respond? We know who wears the pants in that family. This is just speculation, and I'm curious to see if anyone agrees or if I'm reading too much into things, but I kinda get the feeling that out of the boys Garrison is the least favorite. Obviously he's still favored above the girls (except maybe Robyn's) but it kinda seems like he's always in trouble. When I think about it, Logan is the original golden child, Hunter has wrestling in coming with Kody, Dayton is Robyn's child, Soloman runs the whole house, and I think that just leaves Garrison and Paedon (I may be forgetting someone) and Paedon we don't hear much about either way. It could be editing, so im not willing to say outright that Garrison is shunned or anything... But he definitely doesn't seem to be on the favored list. Well and then there's that they kept a saying this was the last time they'd be together as a family blah blah blah, but Hunter wasn't there.

Omg with the grocery shopping, wtf that they have never bought groceries for the whole family. I get that it's generally spilt between the wives, but I'm willing to guess that their regular grocery bills are similar, but since it gets split they don't notice, but how in the hell do they not realize that it takes that much to feed everyone, we see them go on vacation all the time, so do they expect us to believe they have been completely unaware how much it takes to feed the family on every other trip? Well, I guess on normal vacations they seem to find a house to mooch off of for a couple meals.

If I was Madison I would never bring my boyfriend around the family... What the hell was all of the drooling and Kody opening the door for Caleb to approach him about marriage, at their first meeting since he became Maddie's boyfriend. I know there is probably a different level of comfort since they did previously know him, but damn... I was starting to wonder if Kody wanted to add another element to their family wreath and make him a brother husband.

I know we always talk about Robyn clearly being his favorite, but Kody makes absolutely no effort to hide it. I remember they used to say how they don't show affection in front of each other, and I remember that MSWC photo shoot where they even had to rotate who stood next to Kody in the picture because fairness, but that is clearly out the window. If there is an opportunity to split up Kody automatically goes with Robyn.

Oh, sorry I forgot one more thing... When they had to specifically tell everyone not to bombard Caleb when he got there...who else thinks that was targeted toward our newest set of Brown girls.

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I've always loved how Janelle's boys have always kind of hated Kody. They got his number. When Garrison said he doesn't want Soloman to be a self-centered narcisstic kid, he knew he could turn out just like Kody.

This. Janelle's kids seem to have Kody's number. I also loved how Logan was the one who spoke up about letting Maddie be the person to great Caleb and for the others to relax about the whole thing. 


I loved Maddie giving her "shut the fuck up" look to Kody during his rambling about courting Robyn. Caleb's non-reaction to the story made me like him. He seems like a nice guy. I do not know what he does for a living, but at least he has a job. Maddie does look really happy too.


I did like the moment with the older kids on the couch laughing about the bride's cabin.


Oh by the way when Christine sees houses close together she thinks polygamists live there. She must think every subdivision, apartment building, campground, etc is filled with polygamists.


I am so sick of Robyn.

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I could never stand to be around such a huge group of people all the time; I like restful vacations. I was surprised to see Maddie and Logan were allowed to be so affectionate with their boyfriend/girlfriend. I agree I wouldn't bring in a love interest with this mob.

Kody continues to act like a teenager himself.

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I can't decide if Christine needs more meds or less.  She's absolutely manic.


Yea for Garrison.  I like that the teens at least seem to understand what an idiot their father is.

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Another 'shaking my head' moment on Sister Wives--Kody telling Janelle's daughter and her boyfriend about his courting of Robyn--enough already--we're on Robyn overload!  I'm grateful, however, that none of us had to sit through the "hormones through the mouth" talk again............


Was it just me or was the whole "is it a girl....or is it a boy?" a bit anticlimactic? And of course another of Janelle's kids had to have his phone call completely held hostage to another Robyn and Kody story.  I understand how they wanted to keep him informed of the family news but gee, he was just given his phone back after a period of not having one.  Let him talk to everybody and then email him the baby news!  Do ya think he really cares?  And when Hunter was telling everyone to send him whatever they could, I wanted to remind him to add the disclaimer "just not one of those damn picture quilts!"  Oops...I mean "pitcher" quilts!  lol

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I'd rather have Garrison's advice about Solomon than Kody's.  You don't hit.  That needs to be taught.  The parents need to teach that, but it looks like they don't want to teach Solomon much of anything.  What is going to happen when Solomon is no longer the baby? 


Welp, Solomon's middle name ain't Kody for nothing! I about died when Garrison said that Solomon would grow up to be a narcissistic. He will be no different than the man who failed to raise him. 


Kody ironic unintentional LOL moment of the episode saying: I am the parent and I will parent. Bwahhhh!!! 


Garrison, you are going on the list as one of the kids who seems to have their eyes wide open when it comes to daddy dearest. Good boy.


They don't have Costcos, BJs or SuperWalmarts in Alaska? Bulk or discount food shopping is the only way to go for this tribe. And seriously, Fiji water? And seriously, it looks ridiculous for them to be taking this big expensive vacays with all these people and inviting extra people to boot. 


Damn TLC and their bait and switch tactics!

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I obviously missed this part, but how did they get to Alaska? They didn't drive, did they? And I don't recall a scene about how the Brown family took up nearly all the seats on an airplane to get to Alaska. 

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I obviously missed this part, but how did they get to Alaska? They didn't drive, did they? And I don't recall a scene about how the Brown family took up nearly all the seats on an airplane to get to Alaska. 

If they drove and TLC decided not to film another motor home road trip, all I can say is...maybe there actually is a god.

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Garrison's reaction to Kody over Solomon was very telling.  It tells me that a) whether the Kodouche likes it or not, the kids do parent each other when he isn't around and b) that's the main reason they HAVEN'T turned out "self centered and narcissistic".  Considering how little time Kody spends around each of his kids he has some nerve all of a sudden swooping in like he's the only one who has any right to parent them.  And Janelle acted like a total suck up to him over it.  Thank goodness the kids have each other.  Caleb looked like he was meeting the family out of love for Maddie only and couldn't WAIT to get back to Montana.  I know just how he feels every week when the show ends and I turn the TV off.


ETA:  I can't help but think that the K-man is especially proprietary over "king" Solomon given that he's Robyn's and his, and this is why he reacted so strongly to Garrison.  I somehow have the feeling he couldn't care less who parents some of the other kids.  Thank goodness for Logan - Notice how it was OK for HIM to step in and lead/advise the other kids over Caleb's arrival.  As long as Kody has exclusive rights to Solomon, it's OK with him for the other kids to parent each other.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Christine needs a medication adjustment now. Chill, girl. During the TH on the sofa, Christine's description of panning for gold was manic. She was talking nonstop this episode and what the hell was her point when telling Caleb about Maddie's dark side?

Robin's two mini me's were front and center during Hunter's phone call. Something is off with those girls, especially the oldest.

The ultrasound and sex reveal reminded me of the Duggars. (In other words, boring.)

Love Janelle's kids. 

Meri's tears have gotten old, I have lost any sympathy I might have had for her.

That's all.

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So many awkward conversations in this episode!

-- Kody's ramblings to Caleb about courting Robyn

-- Christine's verbal diarrhea to Caleb about Maddie's "dark side"

-- Mykelti's interviewing of Michelle, and Michelle's rehearsed, stilted responses


And Christine sure was loud and obnoxious on the couch today.

Janelle's hair was fabulous.

When is Christine Not loud and obnoxious??? She gets on my nerves everytime she opens her mouth. Uggggh

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Garrison is going to be a much better dad than Kody, just by doing the exact opposite. Same with Logan. 


Also, with that grocery bill, they were spending about $5 per person per meal. That strikes me as pretty expensive, at least for breakfast and lunch. But it wouldn't surprise me if grocery prices were high. I once went on vacation on the Kern River and the one grocery store was much more expensive than at home. Still, $3,000 over two weeks seems excessive. 

when we were in Alaska this summer eating out was unbelievably expensive.  I get it...it's the tourist season so I accepted it.  Buying food as a local would and preparing it in would have been better.  We visited a WalMart (because you always forget something) and that was more in line with "normal" prices.  

Garrison cannot parent, but Logan can?   Hmmmm.....Perhaps it is only relevant WHO they are parenting.  

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It was really nice to see more of Logan, and his girlfriend is adorable. I loved how they were both, "Nope. No plural marriage for us!" 


Maddie and her beau were cute as well, but I felt so awful with them when Kody got all awkward. He really cannot read a room. Or he just doesn't care. 


I'm happy for Jenelle, and how well her kids are doing. It was touching seeing her get so misty about Hunter being away. 


So did they decide to do this trip totally last minute? Dayton seemed totally thrown for a loop by it. I know kids on the spectrum can struggle with any type of change, but I can just see them deciding - "Oh hey, we need more filler this season, let's go to Alaska!" 


LOVED seeing Fred Meyer! I miss that store. 


But did we really need to hear how "groundbreaking" it is for a plyg family to go shopping all together? Give it a rest. Also, here goes Christine with more "Positive of Plural Marriage". Hey, everyone, if you marry into a plural family, you get to choose between 4 different mother-in-laws!!! Really? Is that how that works? So if I married Logan, I could say, "Christine is my designated MIL, I will have nothing to do with the rest of you"? Somehow I don't think so. More like you have 5 adults in your business instead of 2. 


Why was Christine cutting up veggies on paper plates? Does that house not have a cutting board? 


My favorite part of the episode, hands down, was Garrison calling out the treatment of King Sol. Normally I find it very disrespectful when a child questions how his parents handle another child. But I am totally on board, because I see the special treatment Sobyn and her precious angel gets. Garrison, and the other kids, have been expected to act a certain way all these years and then he sees Sol getting a pass. I'm sure everyone thinks it's cute when he acts naughty. So you go with your, "He's going to turn into a narcissistic brat"! Right on board with ya, Garrison. 

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When is Christine Not loud and obnoxious??? She gets on my nerves everytime she opens her mouth. Uggggh

Me, too. She tries to hard to be heard and comes off as immature to me. 

Is an 18th baby really that exciting to these people? Do any of the other kids really care if its a boy or girl? They must have had a big family discussion and it went like this:


Look, kids, Robyns pregnancy announcement is going to be on camera so we want you to act real happy and excited cause last time she was pregnant with Sol you all weren't excited enough about it and you hurt poor Robyns feelings and made her cry.  Oh, and please get real excited about the adoption, too. Thanks, kids. Oh, and one more thing,  when she's pregnant again, get excited and make a big deal about that one, too. Because, you know, our livelihood depends on it. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Garrison is going to be a much better dad than Kody, just by doing the exact opposite. Same with Logan.


Mmmmmhmmm. Really, Logan already HAS been a dad. He was there daily, helping Jenelle with the younger kids. We've seen him making breakfast for his siblings, being there to give advice. He was the one holding Savannah's hand on the walk through the forest. I bet most of them look up to him more than Kodouche. 


You can sure tell Caleb didn't think much of Kodys courting story. Why in hell would he think Either of them would give a flying fuck about history between he and Sobbyn?!? Maybe if it was a story about him courting Maddys mom...


Yea, not only was it awkward because Robyn is not Maddy's mom, but also - she was a divorced, 30-something-mother-of-three when all this occurred!!! How is that relatable to a young girl who has fallen in love for the first time? Just so damn weird and uncomfortable. 


How on Earth did they afford going to Alaska, which is expensive, PLUS that massive grocery bill?


What was that bill? Almost $3000? Makes no sense to me. How long were they staying in Alaska? Let's just be generous and say a week. I feed my family of 5 for one week with about $125. They're family is five times our size, so their grocery bill should have been roughly $625. Now, I'm familiar with Fred Meyer (that's actually where I worked, as a pharmacy tech, when we lived out west), so I know they're a bit more expensive than Target, which is where I shop. So I can give them even up to $800 for that many people for one week. And let's be generous - when I shop I already have a lot of staples, like spices and condiments, on hand. So I'll be really nice and go up to $1,000. But seriously, there is no reason for a damn $3000 grocery bill! I bet the majority of that food gets thrown out. 


Oh by the way when Christine sees houses close together she thinks polygamists live there. She must think every subdivision, apartment building, campground, etc is filled with polygamists.


I like Christine, but Kody was actually right on this one - her world is very VERY small. Has she never heard of communal living? Does she not realize that long ago, before cars and city water, people had to live close together to pool their resources? She is crazy. 

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Even though I thought Garrison behaved like an absolute brat, I laughed out loud when he mouthed off to Kody!! It seems none of Janelle's kids are liking the Kody Brown Koolaid- I wonder if it has anything to do with Janelle having left the family for upwards of two years? I thought Caleb seemed smug, and Maddie crushes on him like a little fangirl- something about the two of them makes me uncomfortable. Had to laugh when Robyn decided the best time to announce the sex of their spawn was during Hunter's phone call- heaven forbid someone else gets any attention other than her! She really is bossing Kody around a lot! Why in the world did Janelle act like it was such a foreign idea that she would miss her son Hunter- and look forward to talking with him?! She cannot process any kind of emotion.

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So last night DH was watching the Cowboys play, and I had the choices of (1) recording this show, (2) watching on another tv, or (3) something else.  I ended up watching the game while working a samurai sudoku puzzle.  I did watch a little bit during halftime when DH went off to the kitchen to empty the dishwasher for me.

So the part I saw was some home movie about Maddie's dark and light sides?   WTH was that about?  

And I saw that Robyn is having a girl.  Robyn may be my least favorite person on the "reality shows" that I follow. I think I may dislike her more than Tamara from the OC or even Ma and Pa Duggar. 

I think Meri, like many of us, may just have made a lot or wrong decisions in the adult life, and she is stuck in Alaska with many of them. So she was from a poly family, but seemed to prefer a monogamous marriage to Kody, but he wasn't having it; she married him anyway.  Then along comes her SIL who becomes her sister wife, and then a third woman throws herself at Kody, and then there are three "wives" with eventually 12 more children. So Meri thinks they should have a 4th wife to balance everything out and/or get a tv show to make money. And now Robyn is pregnant with her #5 and is young enough to add at least one more.  So Meri who is now the empty nester is surrounded by 3 other women with lots of children.  And while she married Kody first, she has given up being Wife #1 and handed it to Robyn.  And then the catfish thing....

And the thought of 4 MILS, I hope Maddie and her fiance live far far away. 

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Wow, this episode was so incredibly awful, I practically watched it with my hands over my eyes.


Kody.  You're not a father.  You should get on your knees every single morning and be thankful that none of your boys are turning out like you (except Sol).


The grocery store and the stockpile of Fiji water...huh, I can pick up a 24-pack of bottled water at Sam's for about $5.  Meri loading bottled water into her arms to the point she couldn't carry any more made me furious.  This might be how the Kardashians shop for vacation food, but the Browns?  Sickening.  Even Logan pointed out that part of that mountain of food was probably going to get thrown away.  But hey - it's not as if the Browns actually scrimped and saved for this vacation like most families have to do - TLC is footing the bill so might as well throw in some lobster and caviar too!


I didn't know whether to laugh or throw my shoe through the television when Kody started telling the eskimo man that he has 4 wives, blah blah blah...Does literally EVERYONE he encounters have to sit through this crap?!  SHUT UP KODY.


Garrison is turning into a handsome, smart young man just like his older brothers.  Good for him.  Follow in their footsteps, Garrison.  Best of luck.


Christine is so over-the-top at this point, it's uncomfortable to watch.  Did anyone catch Kody kind of leaning away from her on the couch when she was yammering hysterically about the gold?  There's absolutely something not right there.


Kody's story to Maddie and Caleb, using that ridiculous voice...I didn't even understand what he was talking about.  What a jerk.


WHY did they have to bring up the incredibly stupid and extremely tasteless "Angry Maddie" play?  Maddie is happy now.  What on earth would possess them to blather on and on, in boring detail, about the time in Maddie's life when she was miserable?  I mean...????  GAH.


Meri and next week's previews...wow.  I am not sure if I feel sorry for her or not right now, but that woman is broken, and that's never nice to see when you sit down to be "entertained" on a Sunday night.  And did she say, "I don't ever talk to anyone?"  Um - how about those wonderful sister-wives that live a few feet from your McMansion?  I thought that was part of the draw of the lifestyle, having sister-wives to bond with?  Not so much in this crew, huh?


I actually felt gross after watching this show.  I'm sure next week will be 150 times worse.

Edited by laurakaye
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But seriously, there is no reason for a damn $3000 grocery bill! I bet the majority of that food gets thrown out.


You can make a hell of a lot of tater tot casseroles for three thousand bucks.  I wonder how many times they announced t workers and patrons that they were a polygamist family. Any native Alaskan would roll their eyes.  That state is made up of "off the grid" types.


I'm sure next week will be 150 times worse.


I predict it will be 55 minutes of rehashing crap nobody cares about (as if we care about ANY of it) and then a passing reference to Meri being catfished followed by "to be continued next season".

Edited by Kohola3
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I like Janelle's kids the best too. I think that they think that their father is a fool and they don't do a good job of hiding it.

There always seems to be a dust up with one or the other of the older boys on these full family outings. There was the time that Hunter corrected Ysabel on a trip. The incident with the sewer in the RV. The time Gabriel and Garrison got in a fight in the car at the movies. Now Garrison's views about Solomon.

Somebody has to be the adult male in the family and Kody isn't it. I guess that Janelle's sons realize that they have to step up and fill that role. I think that when Kody isn't around she lets them, then when they get around Kody, they can't turn it off and they butt heads. I think that Janelle's boys and Maddie have a look of contempt on their faces when Kody tries to act like the big boss dad.

I think this is spot-on.  Janelle's boys have shown time and time again that they are more than capable of stepping in as a person for the younger kids to look up to (remember when Logan took the whole brood of young kids to a craft store all by himself)?  So when Kody steps in and wants to play "dad" for a few minutes, the boys probably feel pretty resentful, and rightfully so.  Those kids are turning out pretty good, despite the lack of a real role model.

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On Investigation Discovery or ID had a special called The Wives Did It.  This featured the death of Rulon Alldred who I think is related to Christine.  And how I thought they would reveal one of his seven wives did it.  It turned out to be a rogue polygamist planned it and convinced two of his very young wives to do it.


One wife of polygamy -not his-talked about the rampant jealousy and financial hardships.  The two young wives were acquitted and one later wrote a book about it stating she was the killer.  Allred was a chiro and  seemed to be well respected in the community.

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This. Janelle's kids seem to have Kody's number. I also loved how Logan was the one who spoke up about letting Maddie be the person to great Caleb and for the others to relax about the whole thing. 


I loved Maddie giving her "shut the fuck up" look to Kody during his rambling about courting Robyn. Caleb's non-reaction to the story made me like him. He seems like a nice guy. I do not know what he does for a living, but at least he has a job. Maddie does look really happy too.


I did like the moment with the older kids on the couch laughing about the bride's cabin.


Oh by the way when Christine sees houses close together she thinks polygamists live there. She must think every subdivision, apartment building, campground, etc is filled with polygamists.


I am so sick of Robyn.

Caleb is a "mining equipment repairman".

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Christine needs a medication adjustment now. Chill, girl. During the TH on the sofa, Christine's description of panning for gold was manic. She was talking nonstop this episode and what the hell was her point when telling Caleb about Maddie's dark side?


Did you check Kody's face and him leaning away from her during that whole gold rush TH thing? That was the one time I didn't blame him for that.  I usually like Christine, but even I was like WTF lady?!?


The Browns food shopping looked more like a game show to load your cart with as much expensive shit as you could in order to be the winner.  Supermarket Sweep? 





Cole looks to me like young'ish, less buff Gerard Butler (in his prime) but with a case of the mumps. 


Kody can't get anymore oblivious can he? Instead of telling his possible future son-in-law how he met his daughter's mother, he tells the tale of how he met the Darth Sith, Robyn.  Maddy looked as if she wished Sasquatch was real and would come crashing through the bushes and carry her father off into the woods forever.


So just anyone with enough money can have one of Kody's daughters and he said that around them. Even jokingly this isn't funny to me. 


Someone other than Truly needs to be Solomon’s example of how to speak properly.


It is cute now but later down the road if it doesn't correct itself (unlikely) she will need speech therapy.  She isn't King Solomon or the in utero princess they are currently expecting, yet I hope she gets the care and attention she will possibly need in the future. 


I keep forgetting that Logan is Janelle's son.

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The $3k shopping bill didn't surprise me. Alaska has far more expensive groceries anyway (I used to be a board where people from all over compared prices on items. Couldn't believe how expensive some of it was up there) and they were shopping for 14 days, I think? I thought I heard someone say this trip was 2 weeks. The whole "family shops together" thing was clearly just for camera. There was NO reason it had to happen that way at all and it only made the bill higher, which I'm sure they liked anyway. I have 4 kids. If they go grocery shopping with me the bill will almost always be at least $20-30 higher because I get talked into this or that or something mysteriously appears in the cart. What's funny is that if my husband is with me? He raises it by that much all on his own :D


The gender reveal was dull. The Solomon thing didn't bother me too much. I mean, it is kinda what kids that age do sometimes and he was nowhere actually close to hitting anyone. It was a swing into mid-air. I did, however, love to see Garrison speak up. Kody is such an idiot. No one takes him seriously. 


Kody telling his weird-ass story about Robyn? Awkward. And totally not applicable. And not how you "roll out the carpet" for future talks with your future son-in law. Or set ground rules. Which means what anyway? Maddie doesn't live at home and Caleb is nearly 30. They are doing their own thing, Kodster. 


I feel next week will be full of revisionist history and boring. It would be too good if we actually got the truth presented in a compelling format. 

Edited by aulait
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In the previews they show Kody alone with Caleb and Caleb saying he wants to talk about Maddie.  Then Kody in a TH says he could see Caleb was nervous.  I really doubt it.   Caleb is what? 28?  If I were him I'd say be thinking ,"All I have to do is wait 1 year and then Maddie will be 18 and I can take her away from all this BS." 

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