yeswedo November 3, 2015 Share November 3, 2015 After a brutal critique with the judges, the finalists rush to retool their collections for New York Fashion Week; the winner is chosen. Link to comment
Popular Post dbell1 November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Crack smoking judges. Bucket o tears with the glue on tent dress won? This might be worse than when Wretchen won. 46 Link to comment
Popular Post Frost November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Candice's models were seriously emaciated. I was so distracted by the skeletons walking down the runway I couldn't pay attention to her clothes. I'm shocked Ashley won. I thought Kelly had it. 30 Link to comment
Popular Post The Cake is a Pie November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 I just deleted this show off my DVR. 32 Link to comment
Popular Post beaker73 November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 I got nothing other than that was a steaming pile of horse shit. Kelly was the winner as far as I am concerned. 26 Link to comment
Fishy November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Why do none of Tim Gunn's suits look like they fit?!?!? 12 Link to comment
Lamb18 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I liked Ashley's collection, but I would have put it second to Kelly's. But they had the top two collections. I'm happy for her. 16 Link to comment
Popular Post Oxy November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Definitely worse than Gretchen! Stunt casting and a pre-ordained win. Whatever happened to the curse of the matronly look? Apparently the judges think it's okay for plus size women to wear old lady clothes. I'm a size 18 old lady and I wouldn't be caught dead in any of Ashley's horrible rags. 53 Link to comment
Popular Post Lemons November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Ashley's collection was so cheap looking I think Forever 21 would reject it. Last week Zac talked about fit being so important. i guess that went out the window. Their minds were made up weeks before this. So current Project Runway! So on trend having a plus size collection! Hated it. 40 Link to comment
Popular Post Stella MD November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Fugliest collection in the history of the universe. Guess it was more important to push an agenda. No thanks! 38 Link to comment
Kitty Redstone November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Stupid fucking judges. I can not even believe they didn't give it to Kelly. She was the clear winner. 23 Link to comment
awaken November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 (edited) You were all right. Ashley was set up to win from day 1 with kelly a close second. That was by far not a winning collection, although I do like Ashley as a person. Edited November 6, 2015 by awaken 18 Link to comment
rustyspigot November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 (edited) So Carrie Underwood's acting skills from The Sound of Music couldn't save that choreographed outcome response . She hated it. I kind of like her for that. Not that Carrie Underwood has ever worn anything interesting. Unflattering outfits for everyone! Edited November 6, 2015 by rustyspigot 20 Link to comment
Popular Post kanona29 November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 (edited) I actually like Ashley....but helllllll NO. That collection was nowhere close to being a winner. And Kelly's collection looked like it belonged on the Project Runway Jr show or something. I just couldn't. Candace's was surprisingly uninteresting. I think she toned it down way too much. Edmond was the only who had several dresses I would want to wear or could see many types of women wearing. So, for me he should have been the winner. Oh well, hopefully Project Runway Jr. will have a better end result. Edited November 6, 2015 by kanona29 28 Link to comment
Guest November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I always find the editors willingness to make the judges look like morons hilarious. Show every flaw in Ashley's construction and then don't worry about there being not a bit mentioned about it in the judging. Link to comment
magpye29 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 The judges got to push their agenda and now they can congratulate themselves and (in their minds) absolve themselves of the fashion crime of size-ism, because they have crowned a designer who does plus-size and is plus-size herself. I think next season will go one of two ways: either there will be several designers focusing on plus size, or we'll be back to the how low can you(r model's weight) go designing. 22 Link to comment
Popular Post ExplainItAgain November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Even though there were three losers, the only one I felt bad for was Kelly. She truly looked crushed. I think she really thought she had a chance to win, but she didn't get that PR was pushing for the plus size story. Ugh. This might be my last season watching. 30 Link to comment
Popular Post backgroundnoise November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 OMG. They did it, they actually did it. I yelled "NOOOOOOO!" so loud I scared my dog. Terrible decision. 31 Link to comment
Popular Post Rhetorica November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 This still isn't as bad as Gretchen's win! 30 Link to comment
Popular Post Broderbits November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Here's a theory: for some reason the producers decided this season would have a "precedent-setting" plus-size collection win, and they instructed the judges to sock it to Candice & Edmond last week to throw them off their game, thus allowing the Mamie Eisenhower Collection to prevail. 44 Link to comment
Ikki November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 My roommates and I were flipping between HTGAWM and this (during the commercials), and we saw her at the very end when it was clear she had been picked as the winner. I told them, "People on the internet hate her." And they were all, "What?!" "No!" "Why?!" And I tried to explain, as well as explain why I liked her outfits the least of those left. But they all liked her a lot, so I guess she has some pull among 20-something girls. 5 Link to comment
terrymct November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I'm glad Ashley won if the choice was between her and Kelli. My order overall would have been: 1. Candice. Gorgeous and well made. I wish she'd gone full out and shown her wooden skirt. 2. Ashley. She still had some construction issues. The crotch of those purple shorts with the horizontal pattern stunk. Overall, though, her designs were beautiful. I loved the first one with the bandeau bra underneath. 3. Edmund. A couple of nice pieces but damn that was stuff we've seen many times before. The white ruffle dress has terrible. The black long dress with the train was horrible. More bad or boring than good. 4. Kelli. Jeeze louise, that was some nasty crap walking down the runway. Unflattering. Tacky. Significant construction problems. Fanny packs? Really? A few nice enough items. The wood pattern dress with the sheer long skirt that Heidi pointed out was lovely...if you removed the craptastic fanny pack. Thank heavens she didn't win. It was a big enough travesty that she came in second. 12 Link to comment
njbchlover November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I liked some of each of the designer's collections, (except Ashley's - I can honestly say there was not one thing I liked, at all). Unfortunately, I was not IN LOVE with anyone's total collection. I still think that Kelly should have won, though....or, maybe Edmond. 12 Link to comment
Popular Post farmgal4 November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 To say I'm royally pissed is a huge understatement; I AM LIVID! I cannot believe that I just wasted 2 hours of my life watching a 15 minute show. If you took away all of the previews for Kiddie PR and all of the commercials, that episode might have lasted a grand total of 15 fucking minutes. I fully believe the entire season was set up from the start for Ashley to win. I am done with this shit show. I have been a devoted fan of PR since day one, but no more. Stick a fork in me; this chick is DONE. 37 Link to comment
Popular Post sking24450 November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 I'm genuinely shocked. I for sure thought Kelly had the win in the bag. Her clothes were better than Ashley's in my opinion. Whatever, Swapnil for the win. 26 Link to comment
Popular Post DHDancer November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 reposting what I posted on the Live Chat: Sorry, but I can't support Ashley as being brave etc etc. The proof is in which of us plus size people would wear (let alone shell out cash) for any of those clothes. My hand is firmly by my side..... BUT I do applaud her for doing what she wanted: she just needs to get a very large dose of reality. Oh and she needs to get over her "gift" mentality, sorry.... 25 Link to comment
Straycat80 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 That was two hours of pure torture. An hour of commercials and promo's. I had a funny feeling right at the beginning that Ashley would win. They wanted a different type of designer to win, this time plus size, that they haven't had before. It was like the season Patricia won. Nothing against Ashley but I don't think her designs are flattering to plus size women. See thru lace, crop tops, shorts, rompers, and her muse piece...I have no words. All the designers this season were not that bad but not that good either. Not one of them blew me away at all. I was underwhelmed. Edmond, Candace and Kelly listened to the judges put downs last week , changed their collections to make the judges happy, and look what happened, they lost. This show has definitely jumped the shark. 24 Link to comment
AuntieDiane6 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Too late....I've seen fanny packs or "belt bags" from Gucci, LV, Prada and Coach.....all current collections, too!! Good. They're wonderful for when you're at outdoor festivals, walking the dog or on vacation. Next: Crocs coming to a runway near you. 18 Link to comment
Popular Post Calamity Jane November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 I actually like Ashely....but helllllll NO. That collection was nowhere close to being a winner. And Kelly's collection looked like it belonged on the Project Runway Jr show or something. I just couldn't. Candace's was surprisingly uninteresting. I think she toned it down way too much. Edmond was the only who had several dresses I would want to wear or could see many types of women wearing. So, for me he should have been the winner. Oh well, hopefully Project Runway Jr. will have a better end result. Re: Candice - I would actually have loved to see her original, full-out runway, weird hats and huge skirts and all. Might as well go down with your vision for the show intact. 29 Link to comment
Popular Post rustyspigot November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Mamie Eisenhower Collection May I take a moment to say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!. That is spot on. Bess Truman was all "lighten up Ashley". 33 Link to comment
farmgal4 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Candice's models were seriously emaciated. I was so distracted by the skeletons walking down the runway I couldn't pay attention to her clothes. I'm shocked Ashley won. I thought Kelly had it. I totally agree with you. Those anorexic-looking models were scary skinny. 13 Link to comment
Popular Post Knuckles November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 For the record, I loathe Ashley, I loathe her self-pitying persona, I loathe her smugness. Sure, design shorts with a floating crotch, send a quilted skirt down the runway with an uneven hem, matched with badly fitted crop-top with a misplaced, wonky zipper. Stick fruit baskets on your model's underline your Mexican theme. Eggplant lace with matching granny panties...who wouldn't want to wear that?? Luckily there were only 10 "looks"...any more and my eyeballs would be bleeding. Political correctness has now trumped fashion. This was a major, major failure for the show. Kelly should have won this hands down...she had a clear point of view, she can fit and design, and her vision will find a market. Edmond's black dresses, both short and long, were some of the best I have seen on PR...and he was so far ahead of Ashely and Candace, that I felt the contest was really between he and Kelly. Both Kelly and Edmond were robbed, big time. 67 Link to comment
njbchlover November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Re: Candice - I would actually have loved to see her original, full-out runway, weird hats and huge skirts and all. Might as well go down with your vision for the show intact. I think that Candice regrets toning her collection down, too....just based on her exit interview. 21 Link to comment
nolieblue November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 The hem on Ashley's first outfit was falling down and the flowers were sewn on to the finale dress. I assume that she worked on that skirt for weeks. That's not what I'd call a winning collection. What a joke. 13 Link to comment
AuntieDiane6 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I'm sure that you all noticed that NOT A SINGLE JUDGE said they'd wear an item from Ashley's collection. They would NEVER wear something created for fat women. Even if it came in size -1. Her collection looked better than I thought it would, but so much of it looked amateurish. Like they were created in a sewing class for women recovering from a stroke. 13 Link to comment
Popular Post Ketzel November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 No, Project Runway, I am not going to watch another of your stupid spin-offs, especially one based on precocious teenagers "designing" with Kelly Osbourne as a judge. And I resent your stuffing it down my throat over and over again when I was trying to watch the finale. Although I must say, that by the time I got to the end of this season, I was pretty much done with the mothership as well. Ashley? Really? Whatever. Take a walk, Project Runway, and don't trip over any sharks on your way out the door. 25 Link to comment
Popular Post Kitty Redstone November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 I'm still stunned. Poor Kelly. She looked absolutely gutted. And Edmond was a true gentleman. I will agree with the crack-smoking judges that Edmond respects women. Too many of the male contestants on this show have had such a disdain for women and it was nice to have one who was the complete opposite of that. I knew Candice would blame the judges for her loss (the "I let them water me down" bullshit). Her collection of leather corsets was uninteresting even with the wood armor piece, Carmen Sandiego Hat, and hoop skirt. Damn. Kelly should have had it all. 26 Link to comment
njbchlover November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I totally agree with you. Those anorexic-looking models were scary skinny. Plus, they looked like they couldn't walk in those shoes that Candice chose. There appeared to be a lot of wobbly ankles there. 10 Link to comment
njbchlover November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 The hem on Ashley's first outfit was falling down and the flowers were sewn on to the finale dress. I assume that she worked on that skirt for weeks. That's not what I'd call a winning collection. What a joke. Actually, a lot of those flowers were hot-glued to the bottom of that dress AT the runway show, behind the curtain. They showed a clip of Ashley doing that (I think while the model was in the dress), and Zac asked if the flowers were sewn on or glued, and she replied "glued". 15 Link to comment
DHDancer November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Ashley looks good on Rachel Zoe (for a change) but she really is delusional, and everyone is supporting that delusion while laughing behind their hands. Even Kelly Osborne, who's sitting there no longer a plus size gal.... 7 Link to comment
Popular Post LotusFlower November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 A travesty. Worse than Gretchen Von Furtsenburg, imo. Not only was Kelly's collection the best by far, but she was strong throughout the whole competition. In the past, they've mentioned this being a factor. Ashley sent some disasters down the runway throughout the season (and many times should have been eliminated), and tonight's collection was horrendous. Matronly lace? Shorts riding up the crotch? What an insult to plus-sized women. The fix was in, either from the beginning, or after one or two early challenges when Ashley did well. Now the show can congratulate themselves on pretending they don't ignore the plus-size market. 28 Link to comment
Dodginblue November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 No plus size woman will need to seek out Ashley's designs because you can already find what she put out there pretty much anywhere. Only better made and more stylish. I didn't see anything that pushed the envelope for plus size at all. And I cringed at the shorts outfits, there is no way that any self-respecting plus size woman would wear those. Which is really too bad because it's entirely possible that someone with real talent and ability could have put something truly fashionable and interesting out there. But that person wasn't Ashley. 24 Link to comment
CherryMalotte November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Poor Candace, I didn't want her to win but yeah - she was beat down. I think maybe she should have said fuck it, I'm doing what I want and if it's costumey so be it. I don't think she had a chance in hell to win anyway after her mini critique so yeah - screw the judges and I made this fab stuff and here you go. Edmond's didn't do a thing for me. Been there and done that. I think he has a great future, and I think he'll get a great boost from the show so I'm sure he'll do well. Oh Kelly from the Deli - it was way to glittery for me but boy she does have great ideas, she listens and she learns and she's going to go far. My daughter and her friends love the designs she she has a market out there just waiting for her, so she will do very well also. I have to say...I did like Ashley's collection walking much better than in still photos. Is it my slice of pizza, no - but I can see where the judges were going in those colors, she did them the right way instead of it being some pastel Easter egg horror show. Glad she held back on some of the flower hair bands, the styling then was nice. I got where she was going, even if it's not my aesthetic. Have to admit - I am happy that Ashley won. I thought it was cohesive and did look well for plus size, and I'm plus size. I understand where other viewers and fans of this show like me can smell the manipulation thru the screen - I totally get it, and yeah there was a step down or something off with this season, and I don't think it was necessarily that there were all coasting and lazy designers like Tim Gunn is hinting at. I think it's the show itself - it needs to freshen up, recalibrate the challenges, look into the judging process differently. I did have tears for her, and for Kelly as well because if there was one season where they could have two winners, this should have been it. I've been here all 14 seasons, though I played catch up with the first season because I started watching that one half way thru - I assure you if you go back and watch season 8 with the travesty that was Gretchen's win, really this is not as bad. Frankly - we could go back to the Season of Siriano, and if Chris March had made the cut, he should have won the whole thing with his collection. We'll live thru this season, just like we do the others. 20 Link to comment
Ororo Monroe November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I knew Ashley would win. It made me roll my eyes. I appreciate the inclusion of a plus-size collection but it needs to be...I don't know, actually good? Well-constructed, well-made, not so mumsy looking? I'm plus-size (I vacillate between "straight" size and plus size) and I wouldn't go for anything Ashley designed, not at all. Kelly's looks were...meh. Reminded me of stuff I've seen at Forever 21. Candace's collection looked too derivative. I was rooting for Edmond but...I don't know, his looks kind of fell flat for me. This is the first season I've watched since Anya won (the Trini woman, that was her name, yes?) and now I think I will go back to not paying attention to this show anymore. The real person I was rooting for was Swapnil and he was booted off before he could even get to NYFW. Le sigh. 24 Link to comment
njbchlover November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 (edited) I'm sure that you all noticed that NOT A SINGLE JUDGE said they'd wear an item from Ashley's collection. They would NEVER wear something created for fat women. Even if it came in size -1. Her collection looked better than I thought it would, but so much of it looked amateurish. Like they were created in a sewing class for women recovering from a stroke. No, but Heidi did say that "all women could wear Ashley's designs" - I don't think Carrie Underwood was buying that bullshit, though. I mentioned in the "live chat" thread that since Heidi thinks all women can wear Ashley's garment, I want to see Heidi wearing that "orchid organza schmata with the glued on flowers on the bottom" on a red carpet somewhere....(and, no, not at her annual Halloween party, either!!) And, yeah, maybe all women CAN wear them, but do all (or most, or even half) of all women WANT to? Edited November 6, 2015 by njbchlover 23 Link to comment
nolieblue November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Actually, a lot of those flowers were hot-glued to the bottom of that dress AT the runway show, behind the curtain. They showed a clip of Ashley doing that (I think while the model was in the dress), and Zac asked if the flowers were sewn on or glued, and she replied "glued". D'oh! Yes, I meant glued. You'd think she would have taken the time to sew them on given it was the finale piece! 4 Link to comment
Popular Post riverheightsnancy November 6, 2015 Popular Post Share November 6, 2015 Re: Candice - I would actually have loved to see her original, full-out runway, weird hats and huge skirts and all. Might as well go down with your vision for the show intact. So much this. They beat Candace's spirit down over the past weeks. I think that moment in the room after she lost she regretted not doing her show, her way. If she was gonna lose, she might as well lose showing what she wants to. Theatrical?! Do I have to remind that they had a collective orgasm over Christian Soriano's show (which was great), but hello, HATS! THEATRICAL! Hello! I liked Kelly's collection a lot too. Come on just admit it PR. You had an agenda. That muumuu skirt with GLUED ON FLOWERS. Sorry, but that is 4th place just for that. Kelly made textiles. Ashley's glues flowers. Cripes. 32 Link to comment
Lemons November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 You were all right. Ashley was set up to win from day 1 with kelly a close second. That was by far not a winning collection, although I do like Ashley as a person. I liked them all but it's not a Miss America contest. And what was up with the judges talking about how brave and risky Ashley was with the crop tops and skin showing on plus size. Nina, who has probably never stepped foot in a plus size store or department hasn't got a clue that all of Ashley's designs are out there already. high waisted skirts or pants with crop tops have been a trend for the last few years. yes, even the big girls! What you would have a harder time finding is anything similar to Kelleys designs and that should have given her the win along with her creativity in creating her own textiles. 18 Link to comment
Straycat80 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I'm sure that you all noticed that NOT A SINGLE JUDGE said they'd wear an item from Ashley's collection. They would NEVER wear something created for fat women. Even if it came in size -1. Her collection looked better than I thought it would, but so much of it looked amateurish. Like they were created in a sewing class for women recovering from a stroke. Well IIRC Heidi said something Re: Ashley. "I think there is something in her collection we would all wear". Oh really Heidi? I'd like to see you wear the pink romper with the long crotch out in public. Or better yet, wear that tent dress with the glued on flowers and see thru poncho with more glued on flowers to one of your red carpet events. I double dog dare you. 23 Link to comment
patty1h November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I wonder how many of Ashley 's outfits she would wear herself. I can't see her strutting down the avenue in that see through lace skirt with the purple panties or the blue dress with the mesh bands. I can't think of one plus size celebrity going for those looks. Okay, maybe the pink long tunic over the purple catsuit.... maybe. 6 Link to comment
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