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The Annual Academy Awards - General Discussion

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Amen.  I don't know why I was surprised, though.  The makeup of the Academy has been discussed (and discussed, and discussed...) since the nominees were announced.  Why should it be surprising that a cheesy song from a James Bond movie written by two men beat out a heartbreaking, thought-provoking song written by two women?

I think some of the changes that the Academy has made will probably help fix some of these issues. Kicking members out who haven't worked in a decade is going shake some old fogeys who aren't participants in the development of modern film and media.

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I don't care how much Public Enemy was played. Chris Rock has officially drank the kool-aid. I never expected him to really hand it to the Academy, but I was disappointed at how much he pandered to the audience for "applause" and (assumingly) future goodwill within the industry. I said this in another forum and thread, but his interview with The Hollywood Reporter last year was much more "in touch".


With that said, the only surprise, for me, was Mark Rylance's win. I'm glad Iñarritu and Leo got their Oscars. Bummed that Carol had a pretty much entire shutout this Awards season. Very happy about all of the women involved in non-acting professions who walked away with trophies, tonight. 

  • Love 5

My vote is for Lemonades. I could devour a box of those quite easily. 


So much yes.  Lemonades are seriously one of the best cookies they've ever had but I cannot find them anywhere. They were light and sweet, and fabulous with a cup of tea :(  


EDIT: Forgot the Thanks-a-Lot cookies, too.  So yummy, and they're not sold by me, either.

Edited by Amethyst

The only nominated movie I liked this year was Spotlight so am very glad it won.


I didn't hate Joy like some people. I normally can't stand JLaw but she was OK in it and the best thing was Bradley Cooper's character and performance. 


I'll never understand Room's appeal. I couldn't get through it. Brie is nice and bland so of course she's the new It girl. 

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My personal favorite Leo performance was in Catch Me If You Can. But he wasn't even nominated for that, so what do I know? I'm glad he's got his Oscar though. He's a good actor.


I thought Sly would win it too, but I wasn't too surprised about the upset. He wasn't even nominated at the SAG awards, so I guess in reality he was a long shot winner. He might have been the sentimental favorite, but not the actual favorite, if that makes sense.


Happy for Brie's win. I hope the industry doesn't Jennifer-Lawrence her eventually.


Sam Smith said that there was no openly gay person who's won the Oscars before, if I'm remembering his speech correctly. But wasn't that writer for Milk who won some years ago openly gay? And gawd, the worst Bond song wins. It doesn't help that I find Sam Smith highly annoying.

Edited by slowpoked
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Yay for Leo. I really thought he should have won for Gilbert Grape, I saw that movie when it came out and was blown away by his performance. And yay on speaking about the environment.

I saw Spotlight only last night, not the showiest, flashiest, most dramatic movie, but important.

Overall, good show. Louis CK should host next year, if that's okay with Mr. Rock.

  • Love 5

I'm just so glad I can stop hearing the endless whinging about how horrible and unfair the world is because DiCaprio didn't win an Oscar in between him boffing models and weight bouncing like a memory foam mattress in a whorehouse during Fleet week.

See, I for one am sad that the "thirsty Oscar-less Leo" meme has been taken away from me. :( 

  • Love 4

I enjoyed the commercials more than the show. Best parts for me were Spotlight winning and Morricone's win. Wish The Revenent's director had lost, preferably to George Miller. Happy with all the actors wins, except I don't think Leo deserved it for this role; I still think nothing tops his performance in What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

All the music sucked as far as I was concerned, and Gaga still needs to tone it down a bit more. I couldn't watch her in that terrible hair/wig (?) so I just listened without watching, and to my ears it was not her best vocals, but Sam didn't deserve that win for that horrible Bond song.

Now I'm taking a break from awards shows until the Tonys! my favorite awards show.

Edit to add: I'll start listening to what Leo says about the environment when he quits flying everywhere in private jets and cruising on motorized yachts.

Edited by Casual Viewing
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Sam Smith said that there was no openly gay person who's won the Oscars before, if I'm remembering his speech correctly. But wasn't that writer for Milk who won some years ago openly gay?


Yes. He mentioned it in his acceptance speech in 2009. Elton John and Howard Ashman won for the same category as Sam and were both openly gay when they won. 

  • Love 3

Well, my thanks to all the posters here.


I had the perfect 30 minute lag time going all night--skimming the commercials and fluff and noting from the comments which upcoming segments were choice.  And then just when stupid WTF Ali G was onstage. . . the dog stepped on the remote control and changed the channel.


Three hours of work, no paycheck.


But at least I saw the Gaga part.

  • Love 4

I loved Lady GaGa's performance of " 'Til It Happens to You."  So powerful. I actually got tearful by the end. I am coming around to liking her. For years I dismissed her as a lightweight attention-seeker because of her bizarre clothes and publicity stunts. But over the past year or so I've learned to appreciate her singing talent.


I really liked the Manta Ray song -- it was beautiful, lyrical and peaceful -- and I want to see the movie.


Hated the James Bond song "Writing's on the Wall."  Smith had to jump two (?) octaves and force his voice into a strained falsetto several times. That song sounds even harder to sing than "The Star-Spangled Banner." I don't think it deserved the Best Song Oscar. " 'Til It Happens to You" should have won.


Who wrote the jokes for the presenters? A bunch of Academy interns? They weren't funny. The James Bond jokes for Sarah Silverman were especially cringe-worthy. The Stacey Dash segment was even worse. I felt embarrassed for her.


Hurray for Leo!  I'm so glad he won. I've liked him ever since "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" I usually avoid movies with violent content, but I want to see "The Revenant."  I guess I can close my eyes during the bear attack part.

Edited by Coffeecup

Five bucks here.  But well worth it.


Yes, they are!


That said, if anyone wants Samoas year round, check out Keebler Coconut Dreams. You won't tell the difference. And they may not look like Tagalongs, but the Jif Peanut Butter cookies taste a hell of a lot like them, too!


Yes, I know I'm promoting unhealthy eating. But damn it, these are good!  :-)

  • Love 2

All the music sucked as far as I was concerned, and Gaga still needs to tone it down a bit more. I couldn't watch her in that terrible hair/wig (?) so I just listened without watching, and to my ears it was not her best vocals, but Sam didn't deserve that win for that horrible Bond song.

Agreed except I think The Weeknd should have won easily but is too provocative for the Oscars, I guess.


Gaga sort of makes me gag, so her name is appropriate. Totally phony, crooked opportunist. Diane Warren knows she actually wrote that song and Gags had no problem working with her friend Terry Richardson and R. Kelly. Also, agree she's hard to listen to and look at with those theatrical vocal choices on her new gouly face.

  • Love 1

I loved Lady GaGa's performance of " 'Til It Happens to You."  So powerful. I actually got tearful by the end. I am coming around to liking her. For years I dismissed her as a lightweight attention-seeker because of her bizarre clothes and publicity stunts. But over the past year or so I've learned to appreciate her singing talent.

The Stacey Dash segment was even worse. I felt embarrassed for her.

The thing people always forget about Stefani (Lady Gaga) is that she had to turn to the theatrics and bizarre clothes to get people to notice her. She's pretty talented. She got into Tisch. Unfortunately, she's not classically beautiful and needed to draw attention to herself because she'd been told that she'd have a career if she was better looking.

There is almost no universe where I would be sympathetic to the moron Stacey Dash. I'd almost be OK with her if I thought her self hating ideas were her original thoughts, but it's clear that her statements are someone else's filtered through her atrophied gray matter.

  • Love 6

There is almost no universe where I would be sympathetic to the moron Stacey Dash. I'd almost be OK with her if I thought her self hating ideas were her original thoughts, but it's clear that her statements are someone else's filtered through her atrophied gray matter.


I think my favorite thing about that 'joke' last night is that Stacey Dash thought she was in on it.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 10


Girl was barely there tonight, and all the hate on women actresses is getting old.

Speaking of which where does the hate for Olivia Munn come from? I think she's pretty funny.



Happy for Brie's win. I hope the industry doesn't Jennifer-Lawrence her eventually.


I can't see that happening yet. Not when you have the likes of Saoirse Ronan actively trying to be the new Lawrence. Brie from what I've seen doesn't really play into that kind of personality.

Should I know who Brie Larson was before this movie? She's pretty.

She was in 21 Jump Street.


I thought Chris Rock's monologue was a perfect balance of acknowledging the problem but calling out overreactions, and was very funny and sharp. But his diversity bits got diminishing returns as the show went on. Re the Girl Scout cookie thing, not very entertaining and should have got the Ride of the Valkyries hook. Why is it better to do that kind of shtick rather than let people have their one moment?


Did not like any of the songs, thought it was awful they only had 3 performed.


I'm glad Leo finally won, because I think he's deserved it a few times. Maybe now he can relax and make some different kinds of movies and not just Oscar bait roles. 


IIRC, The Revenant didn't get great reviews or box office, so it seems rather fitting that another movie won Best Picture. I imagine, too, that a lot of voters voted for Spotlight because of the importance of the theme.


Most political Oscars in ages, from several different standpoints. Favorite and most authentic moment for me was Joe Biden's remarks. Most powerful, the rape victims on stage.

Edited by peggy06
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Not when you have the likes of Saoirse Ronan actively trying to be the new Lawrence. Brie from what I've seen doesn't really play into that kind of personality.

I'll need to see video of Ronan kicking puppies before I stop aching for the murdered girl in The Lovely Bones.


Shoot ahead 30 years and I'd be the one Gilbert Grape-ing her performance in that.

Edited by candall
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I hope that Carol scene they showed (for Cate Blanchett in the Best Actress category) wasn't a spoiler. I haven't seen the movie yet, and very much want to, and had no idea the relationship led to Blanchett threatening to shoot Rooney's husband, or boyfriend, or whoever he was. Someone who has seen the movie, please tell me that knowing this doesn't ruin the plot line of the movie. If it does, I think the show made a very dumb choice.

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I skipped the show between 9 and 10 to watch The Walking Dead.  Sounds like I didn't miss much.


Spotlight as Best Picture?  Meh. Not even interested in seeing it.  I loved The Revenant and hated Mad Max: Fury Road and have no interest in seeing the other nominated movies. 


So glad Leo finally won.  I like Leo; he's cool but doesn't try so hard like Clooney to appear cool.  


I kind of cackled with glee when Stallone lost though.


While I appreciate the subject matter and I always like to see Joe Biden on my tv screen, I thought Gaga was overwrought and a hot mess.  I'm sick of her taking herself so seriously and she's beginning to look like Dame Edna without glasses.  She and Tony Bennett are beginning to look around the same age.  


Speaking of sick of...Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.  Just go away.  Now.           


Chris Rock did a great job but all in all it was a rather boring night.

Edited by Ohwell
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My favorite Leo performance was Revolutionary Road, mostly because it was so spare and unsympathetic.


Same here, actually. I'm choosing to see his Oscar this year as a belated reward for that performance (for which he wasn't even nominated, if I remember correctly).


So thrilled Spotlight won the Best Picture - it was one of my absolute favourite movies from last year. I was sure it'd be The Revenant, with the Leo and Iñárritu boosts. Really nice to see a non-flashy but excellent film like Spotlight take home the big one.


Also super pleased for Fury Road, especially the Editing award for Margaret Sixel.

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I love Leo but The Revenant looks so boring I can't even get up enough energy to see it.  He needs to be in something light.  For the love of God kiss someone or something.  I know he's over the romantic thing after Titanic but I mean...he can find something where he's happy in a movie can't he?


Lady Gaga was amazing.  As a survivor myself that was very powerful and had me in tears at the end seeing some of the survivors crying.  


I cannot stand Sam Smith or his boring voice so the fact that he wins everything chaps my ass.  Go away.


Louis CK had the best bit of the night followed closely by Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe.

  • Love 6

I hope that Carol scene they showed (for Cate Blanchett in the Best Actress category) wasn't a spoiler. I haven't seen the movie yet, and very much want to, and had no idea the relationship led to Blanchett threatening to shoot Rooney's husband, or boyfriend, or whoever he was. Someone who has seen the movie, please tell me that knowing this doesn't ruin the plot line of the movie. If it does, I think the show made a very dumb choice.

It was not the boyfriend/husband of either of the lead characters. It kind of gives a plot line away but nothing major as to it ruining the film. I hated that they picked that scene for Cate though. They should have done one from the luncheon or the scene with the lawyers. I'm still angry that Carol did not get a Best Pic nod and that Todd Haynes was snubbed. It was such a beautiful film. 

  • Love 5


I had the perfect 30 minute lag time going all night--skimming the commercials and fluff and noting from the comments which upcoming segments were choice.  And then just when stupid WTF Ali G was onstage. . . the dog stepped on the remote control and changed the channel.


Three hours of work, no paycheck.

Oh, do I feel your pain.  Something similar happened to us (and we had another family watching with us), except we missed everything after Best Score--all of the big awards! 


Since I have a memory like a sieve, I've already forgotten most of the show, but what I do remember this morning is:


I liked most of Chris Rock's opening, but some of it fell flat for us.

I loved Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe's dialogue, and Louis CK's bit.

What the hell was Sarah Silverman going on and on about?  Presenters need to have a way of getting out of bit if it's falling flat with the audience.

I liked David Grohl singing over the In Memoriam segment.

I'm so disappointed that Stallone lost, but knew that Rylance had a good shot at beating him.

I was so happy to hear that Spotlight had won Best Picture (I'd have been ok with The Big Short, too).



I love Leo but The Revenant looks so boring I can't even get up enough energy to see it.  He needs to be in something light.  For the love of God kiss someone or something.  I know he's over the romantic thing after Titanic but I mean...he can find something where he's happy in a movie can't he?

I;m happy for Leo, but from what I've heard, even from my son, this was a "for your past work" Oscar. And I agree-something light now--even romantic would be nice.  He's over it because of The Titanic? That was what? Almost 20 years ago?  I think there's been enough distance from it for him to try it again. 

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Party of One moment - I thought Lady Gaga's performance was one of the worst renditions of a very weak song.  How do you take a powerful subject matter and write a song that says nothing while being performed in the most campy manner ever?!?  She is punching the air and kicking her legs while screaming the same line over and over, and I agree with a poster on another site that said it felt like the survivors were there only as props for her theatrics.  I should have been in tears (I almost cried at the rock-paper-scissors commercial for heaven's sakes!), but instead I had Chrissy Tiegen's expression.  I was terrified Gaga was about to win, which would have just encouraged her.  Survivors deserve better than that dreck.


I thought Chris was fine, but I was starting to be frustrated at its continued repetition.  Thank goodness for the one interviewee in Compton who pointed out that all minorities need the opportunity.  


As a devout Catholic, I am very happy that Spotlight won.  It's a story that needs to be told.  I can't bring myself to watch it, but I am happy others are.

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I’m annoyed with Inarritu’s win. I don’t think you can be the best director is you go way over time (costing your actors other jobs) and way over budget. Part of directing a movie is managing the production and Inarritu notoriously didn’t. Tom Hardy and Inarritu got into a physical fight on set. I get that The Revenant was a beautiful looking movie, but best director? No. Not a chance.

  • Love 8

Saeed Jaffrey died? How did I miss that? Usually the In Memoriam reel reminds me of who died, but I didn't even know Jaffrey died. He was in everything, a consummate "Hey, it's that guy."

I know, right? I actually grew up watching him in Classic Bollywood (when Bollywood made good movies) movies. Plus, my parents usually let me know when Bollywood actors pass away. I'magonna hafta have words with me Mum!

And I was totally expecting another Godfather scene with Abe Vigodaa ("Tell Michael it was just business. I always liked him. ")


I thought Chris did a great job. He was the only reason I watched since I only ever watch when my faves are nominated (Daniel Day-Lewis).

But again, I must ask: why, WHY does Christian Bale continuously hide his pretty face behind that rug??? I resent not being able to see all the pretty.

Why yes, I am that shallow.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 5

Party of One moment - I thought Lady Gaga's performance was one of the worst renditions of a very weak song.  How do you take a powerful subject matter and write a song that says nothing while being performed in the most campy manner ever?!?  She is punching the air and kicking her legs while screaming the same line over and over, and I agree with a poster on another site that said it felt like the survivors were there only as props for her theatrics.


I'll sit with you on this one. I didn't hate Gaga's performance (although I tend not to look at singers when they're performing because there's a reason most of these people are famous for their sound and not their visuals), but it's a terrible song. I didn't love Sam Smith either and I'm pretty sure only dogs could hear some of those notes, but I thought Til It Happens To You was the weakest song of the pack.

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I'm not a big Gaga fan but I can see her playing Babs herself if they do a biopic of Barbara Streisand.


Lea Michele might kill her if she tries. Lea isn't Rachel Berry, but she's been sticking with Ryan Murphy because he holds the rights to Funny Girl. No way she lets Stefani swoop in and play Babs without a fight.


Listen, y'all--I don't care if he isn't an actor, you get a guy like Ennio Morricone up for an Oscar, get him a front row seat!!!  Don't make him walk fifty thousand miles to get up there!!


Having said that, thank you to the band conductor for not being so rude as to play him off the stage.


I imagine the director was screaming in the conductor's ear to start playing the music and the conductor refused. Just the walk up I can't imagine any musician playing off Morricone considering how overdue for this award he was. People joke about Leo but how is it possible that this was Morricone's first Oscar?


As for how to shorten the show, less monologue. Its at best a thankless task that gets panned more than praised. You've got to say something to start the show, but really its nearly a half hour before anything happens, which means on the East Coast its 9 before an award gets handed out most years. Fewer bits during the show too. The world would be a better place without the Asian kid accountant "joke." Finally, accept that this isn't a three hour show and start is a half hour earlier. I get that ABC wants the Red Carpet coverage in Primetime, but honestly, that would be the easiest way to ensure the show finishes the same day it starts.

  • Love 6

Has Leo always talked out out the right side of his mouth? Never noticed.

I'm 99% sure he had dip in. He was vaping at the SAG awards, but it wasn't allowed at the Oscars. I mean, I would have just stocked up on the Nicorette...but I guess he went for the dip, ha. I just hope he kept his nasty spit cup away from whoever was sitting next to him.


I was so happy he won!! And wholeheartedly agree with the people who have said he should have won for his role as Arnie Grape <3

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