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S14.E11: The Runway's In 3D!

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And the judges all jumped on board, overpraising everything.  They were even gushing about garments they themselves said were not AG.  Or remotely related to bridges.  The best runway show of the season was one where everyone except one designer failed the challenge?


Did you notice that Zac made a point to tell Edmond he was glad he kept his dress all black?  That sounded really odd, as why would he say that?  Well, to validate Tim's advice about ditching the illusion mesh.  Not that I didn't agree, because I hate that nude illusion stuff, but to me it was clear Zac knew about Tim's advice and brought it up. 

I saw the excessive praise as part of the "look how much better everything is without awful Swapnil around to ruin it."  Because, surely it couldn't have been truly directed at some of those garments.  Could it?

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I liked Kelly's general plan, techniques, and materials for this but I feel like she could have toned down the "too literal" aspect by not having the bridge part so...side-to-side, I guess? Maybe allude to the shape in a slightly less boxy/extreme and more contoured way, and generating more from the back than the sides. I can't explain what I'm picturing but it's refined so that he model doesn't look like she's wearing a riff on one of those hot-dog-vendor tray things or a cardboard-box robot costume. I also did not like the regular old skirt under the boxy hip pieces; it would have been cool to see her dress as one piece.


I kind of liked Ashley's pants, though they're far from anything I haven't already seen at pin-up-girl clothing retailers.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I totally forgot to add this.  I can't believe Ashley told that 3D printer guy that she liked the "curveness" of the bridge.  Huh?  Even if she couldn't think of the word "curvature", she could have at least just said that she liked the curves rather than making up words.  It really makes me question the actual skill and experience of this group of designers.  When Siriano was on this show, he had already done internships at Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen.  Have any of these people actually worked at a design house before?

Zac and Candace are consistently right there with the malaprops, too.  My husband watched with me last night and kept staring at me to crack me up when Zac floated yet another made-up word.  I want to bean all 3 with a dictionary, or maybe a tablet with a page open to merriam-webster.com.  It's particularly grating from Zac IMO, because of course he's judging but is also part of of the uber-privileged young New Yorker set that went to Saint Ann's, a rather $$$$ private school.  He was treated as a wunderkind from jump so maybe that contributes; I think he's always been overpraised as a fashion designer and every time he goes for a funny I miss La Kors even more. 


I think Candace is beyond basic herself, but it must have felt a little, 'Say what now?' to hear Ashley praised for the fit of her outfit when her own gown was visibly a superior entry in terms of fit (and also in terms of the use of the 3D machine, as were all of the outfits of the other contestants).  It was so far from avant-garde it jumps back to 19th century Spain, but man was it better fitted to her model by a mile!

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I don't think Ashley will win, and unless Kelly really, really screws up next week (Red carpet challenge!!!!  Christian Siriano as guest judge - YAY!!!!), I can see her either being eliminated, or said previously, the judges just "can't make a deicision who should be auf'ed".


As I was watching last night, and I was seeing many commercials for AARP, I was thinking that an "AARP" challenge would have been a better choice for the "real women" challenge than using the production crew.  First of all, I wondered why they were using the crew in the first place - is it because they couldn't find anyone off the street who were willing to be humiliated on television?


Anyway, I would have loved to see something like that, and see how the judges would get around critiquing without using words like "mumsy", "old-lady-ish", etc.  


They did. The judge was Joan Rivers, and (as much as I was not a big fan of hers) she was really sharp about how the women didn't want to be dressed as if they'd aged out of being women.

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Quite enjoyed last night's episode.


And as for all the talk about Tim and Swapnil, has anyone considered that maybe Swapnil was a whole lot WORSE in his work habits than what we were shown, and he actually got a kind edit?  After all, we see only a few minutes extracted from hours and hours of footage.  We really don't know.


Loved Kelly's dress, loved that she took the chance on such a literal interpretation of the challenge and pulled it off.  It actually reminded me of some of the womens' clothes in the restored version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis from 1927.  Near the beginning of the film there's a short fashion show of the outrageous "fashions of the future" and Kelly's dress would have fit right in.  So it was retro-futuristic-avant-garde? 


Thought the top and bottom were exactly right, except either Merline or Ashley (or both) could have left, for all I cared.  Merline's outfit was just dull, not forward-looking at all, and Ashley's Dallas-cheerleaders-meet-sad-clown-with-James-Brown's-cape outfit was just one big w-t-f. 


And watching Zac when he examines the dresses closely, I think he's quite respectful of the models' bodies -- he takes great pains to handle the garments, not their bodies. 

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And as for all the talk about Tim and Swapnil, has anyone considered that maybe Swapnil was a whole lot WORSE in his work habits than what we were shown, and he actually got a kind edit?  After all, we see only a few minutes extracted from hours and hours of footage.  We really don't know.


No, not really. From his reaction to last week's episode, Tim recognized that he looked bad. I find it not at all credible that he had access to evidence that Swapnil was a problem and didn't use it. It doesn't pass Occam's razor.

Edited by Julia
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It's been at least five seasons since I've liked a PR designer as much as I like Kelly. She's hilarious, she's genuine, and she takes risks with her work. I wasn't a fan at first, but the girl has won me over in a big way. I would love to see her win.


I'm officially believing the theory that Tim will somehow use his save to let four designers compete in the finale, as if that's how it works. I guess they make the rules, but it would still look pretty silly. But hey, it gets Kelly to the end, so I'd be okay with it.

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When Tim chided Edmond ('It's too late to be reading the dossier!') I became even more irritated by the lack of avant-garde-ness in this ep. If the dossier provided more detail about the challenge and everyone still relied on the use of a cool new technology to add an edge...grrrrr. Missed opportunity, this was. Even with the size constraints of the 3D printed output, no one thought ahead in a way that justified the tech. That said, Kelly has grown on me, as a person and as a designer. She has a disarming lack of ego ( prob from being self taught) and a complete commitment to her own look which, while not my personal cup of Joe, suits her well.

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I'm predicting Kelly, Candace and Edmond in the finale, and I'm pulling for Kelly to win. I think she could have a great final collection with lots of color and crazy prints, which should stand out nicely next to Candace's black goth gowns and Edmonds black sexy gowns… ;)

I love Kelly beyond all reason and I hope she wins, but I think this is Edmond's to lose. He's auditioned for Every Season! So the story is Follow Your Dreams, No Matter What! See what can happen? Sigh. I'm sick of being told to follow my dreams, believe in myself, if they can do it I can do it. And can we please come up with some other reason to compete that's not "for a better life for my kids", "I want to inspire others", "I want to be a role model". Sweet tapdancing Jesus, I would love just one person to say "I wanted to stretch myself, see what I was capable of" or "I thought it would be fun" or even "I wanted to be on teevee"! Is it too much to ask? Its reality teevee, not the Nobel prize. I don't need to be inspired by anyone, thanks.


Ashley is terrible, remember how we were all pulling for her at first? And, with shame I recall, I thought Kelly was comic relief and wouldn't make it past episode 3 (though I loved her then, too). Its Edmond or Kelly for me, I'd be happy with either one winning.

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This is just another example of why I'm convinced that the judges are either shown footage from the workroom or are given reports prior to the runway.  The only way Zac would've said that is if he knew that Edmond was going to use the other mesh.

Or he and Edmond had already been talking during judging and it came up that Edmond was earlier planning one thing and then decided on another, but that part got cut, so all we saw was Zac's response that was based on that knowledge. We've certainly seen plenty of runway judging chats where a judge asks a question and the contestant's answer somehow involves them saying "originally I thought I'd BLAH but then I BLEHED instead". No footage viewing required. We never see their entire conversation. Edited by theatremouse
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Quite enjoyed last night's episode.


And as for all the talk about Tim and Swapnil, has anyone considered that maybe Swapnil was a whole lot WORSE in his work habits than what we were shown, and he actually got a kind edit?  After all, we see only a few minutes extracted from hours and hours of footage.  We really don't know.



Possibly, but why should it matter?  With the exception of the last couple of challenges, he was producing solid work.  Some of which I felt should've won.  It also seemed pretty clear that the other designers liked him.  The whole thing is bizarre.


Or he and Edmond had already been talking during judging and it came up that Edmond was earlier planning one thing and then decided on another, but that part got cut, so all we saw was Zac's response that was based on that knowledge. We've certainly seen plenty of runway judging chats where a judge asks a question and the contestant's answer somehow involves them saying "originally I thought I'd BLAH but then I BLEHED instead". No footage viewing required. We never see their entire conversation.

Yeah, I know, you guys are probably right. :)

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It's been at least five seasons since I've liked a PR designer as much as I like Kelly. She's hilarious, she's genuine, and she takes risks with her work. I wasn't a fan at first, but the girl has won me over in a big way. I would love to see her win.

Ditto.  I'm as crazy about Kelly as I was and still am about my boyfriend Dmitry.  And I also absolutely want her to win! 

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I don't think Ashley will win, and unless Kelly really, really screws up next week (Red carpet challenge!!!!   I can see her either being eliminated, or said previously, the judges just "can't make a deicision who should be auf'ed".


As I was watching last night, and I was seeing many commercials for AARP, I was thinking that an "AARP" challenge would have been a better choice for the "real women" challenge than using the production crew.  First of all, I wondered why they were using the crew in the first place - is it because they couldn't find anyone off the street who were willing to be humiliated on television?


I hope Kelly does ok with Red Carpet. It's really not in her balliwick at all.


My guess about the real women challenge is that they didn't want to spring for more hotel rooms or something and being out of Manhattan, they didn't want to do "Housewives of Brooklyn"


They have done that at least twice and it didn't stop them from saying matronly or that an outfit "aged" one of the women.


In between comments of "Age Appropriate" which also ticked me off. They really just have NO idea what to do with or for anyone over 25.


Ashley is terrible, remember how we were all pulling for her at first? And, with shame I recall, I thought Kelly was comic relief and wouldn't make it past episode 3 (though I loved her then, too).


I remember feeling like the lone voice of "Meh" over Ashley, and then like the only one sticking up for Kelly against "Mean Girl" accusations. (I know I wasn't, but that's how it felt) I too love Kelly beyond reason and want to hang out with her at a deli and be BFF's. I don't know if I'd wear anything she does (I wore those eras the 1st go round, and I'm just glad there aren't photos) but I love HER. Her girly voice grated on me at first, but it does fit her perfectly. And maybe her playful take on fashion would rub off just enough on me that I wouldn't find myself being so "age appropriate" all the damn time!


Or "originally I thought I'd BLAH but then I BLEHED instead".

Boy does that sum up this season perfectly!

Edited by slothgirl
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I hope Kelly does ok with Red Carpet. It's really not in her balliwick at all.


My guess about the real women challenge is that they didn't want to spring for more hotel rooms or something and being out of Manhattan, they didn't want to do "Housewives of Brooklyn"



In between comments of "Age Appropriate" which also ticked me off. They really just have NO idea what to do with or for anyone over 25.



I remember feeling like the lone voice of "Meh" over Ashley, and then like the only one sticking up for Kelly against "Mean Girl" accusations. (I know I wasn't, but that's how it felt) I too love Kelly beyond reason and want to hang out with her at a deli and be BFF's. I don't know if I'd wear anything she does (I wore those eras the 1st go round, and I'm just glad there aren't photos) but I love HER. Her girly voice grated on me at first, but it does fit her perfectly. And maybe her playful take on fashion would rub off just enough on me that I wouldn't find myself being so "age appropriate" all the damn time!


Boy does that sum up this season perfectly!


And yet, the judges (well the main judges anyway-not the guest judges), are all well over the age of 25, even though Heidi wants everyone to not believe that, especially with the way she dresses most of the time.


Zac is really the only one of the three who acknowledges that women can and DO want to look fashionable and "fashion forward" (oh, how I HATE that term...), albeit without clothing looking like it's a second skin, with all their private bits and pieces hanging out, or having sequins and sparkly stuff pasted all over.

Edited by njbchlover
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I remember feeling like the lone voice of "Meh" over Ashley, and then like the only one sticking up for Kelly against "Mean Girl" accusations. (I know I wasn't, but that's how it felt) I too love Kelly beyond reason and want to hang out with her at a deli and be BFF's.

There were a few of us that didn't much care for Ashley from the get-go and liked Kelly's spunk. 


At about this point in every season, I go back & check the threads for my posts in the first few episodes, just to see how accurate I was in assessing the contestants.  It helps me to remember to never say never and try to be gracious and non-judgmental about folks on the teevee.  It doesn't always work, but I give it a shot!  *LOL*

Edited by leighdear
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They seem determined to have Ashley in the finale. I think they had a script of "Heavy girl wins by designing for non-traditional models closer to real women (and incidentally our tv viewership)" and they are jumping through hoops and over sharks to complete the story as they had expected it to play out. Think of the boost to the PR reputation, fan base, and press that would come from that! Now they are getting press but it's the wrong kind.

I've always thought Ashley was a strong contender for the win for that very reason. Project Runway isn't a particularly hot property anymore, and the producers probably feel the need to do something to renew media interest. If Ashley's final collection is even halfway-decent, I think she has this in the bag. 

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Forgot to watch.....sadly, it didn't bother me at all....pity, that.


Found Project Runway Season 1 on You Tube and have worked my way through the first 3 episodes....which I hadn't ever seen before...I did not discover PR until later in the season...How very different it is from the crap they are now dishing up on Lifetime! I had no idea that it was Heidi and Tim and Michael Kors (at least, maybe even Nina) who did the contestant selection....only 12 in the first...I don't remember how many we start with now, maybe the same, but that detail has slipped right by my brain in my quest for some worthy component to earn my viewing minutes...I also have to wonder if it was the change from Bravo to LIfetime that started the cheapening and death knell for this show....


Anyhow, I plan to get the rest of my PR fix by watching as many of the past seasons as I can find...The one I am watching now is of fairly poor quality, and I think it a very sad commentary that I would MUCH rather watch a crap copy of the original than the current crop of crap the is being dished out...I'm not even going to bother looking for the rerun of this most recent episode as I find I truly can see a complete and total disconnect from the original to the POS it has morphed in to....double pity, that.

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As I watched the runway last night, I kept saying that I've seen Ahsley's cape design before. It was driving me nuts until just now when I saw a photo of an Alexander McQueen design worn by Cate Blanchette. It struck me how much that cape looked like Ashley's.

I know the challenge was supposed to be avante guarde, but I just didn't like the fabric Kelly used. It reminded me of an old suitcase my dad had in the the 1960's.

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I was cracking up over Heidi drooling over that trashy superhero outfit. I'm not sure I would call something that gave the appearance of blue measles "sexy". Well, maybe a Smurf wouldn't mind blue measles. Someone called it a Boudoir outfit, and that's really the only place for it, and only if it wasn't on very long because it looks very uncomfortable.


I was also wondering if Mel B's event was a return visit to DWTS because she certainly has the outfit for it thanks to Candace.


Overall, disappointing designs on a disappointing season.


I guess I'm pulling for Edmund to win, and Kelly for runner-up.

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hat's what I was missing...I couldn't see that these printers could be integral to the design. Like me, the designers were coming to them for the first time, and were a little baffled. If they had a better intro, and some examples of what the printers could really do, it might have set their imaginations running. That's an error for the production team that gamed this episode.


Maybe they're still mad about their outfits.

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I was cracking up over Heidi drooling over that trashy superhero outfit. I'm not sure I would call something that gave the appearance of blue measles "sexy". Well, maybe a Smurf wouldn't mind blue measles. Someone called it a Boudoir outfit, and that's really the only place for it, and only if it wasn't on very long because it looks very uncomfortable.


I was also wondering if Mel B's event was a return visit to DWTS because she certainly has the outfit for it thanks to Candace.


Overall, disappointing designs on a disappointing season.


I guess I'm pulling for Edmund to win, and Kelly for runner-up.


Ha-ha....Smurf with blue measles!!  Too true!!


That was another thing that I don't understand - is that royal blue/cobalt color the only color that the designers are allowed to buy from Mood?  We have seen sooo much of it this season!!  Is it the "new" Pantone color of the year or something?  

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I really loved Edmond's dress although I didn't consider it avant garde.  I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Kelly could be Boy George's twin sister.


I cannot "un-see" the Boy George twin, now that you've said this!  Spot on!!!!  I do like Kelly's realness.  She seems very genuine.  But you're right, dead ringer for 1980s Boy George :)

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I love Kelly. She doesn't design clothes I want to wear personally, but I'm always excited to see what she makes. Her dress was the only thing even close to avant garde on that runway. I think the fact that she did go literal with the bridge concept is what sold it. 


Edmond's and Candice's dresses were beautiful....but not even close to avant garde. 


Ashley: rejected Evel Knievel costume. And for all the ripping into Laurie for her exposed teets, Ashley's top exposed enough nip for it to need censoring on tv and none of the judges mentioned it? 


It was a strange week for Merline to to subdued. Didn't she know the second she declared that this was "her" challenge that she would immediately jinx herself?

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Not sure why Candace styled her model so on-the-nose - I half expected her model to strike the ole girl emoji pose at the end of the runway!

Laughed/cringed at all the references to "I see things in 3D all the time, that's just how my brain is!" and "the runway is in 3D!" references - YES, DUMMIES, LIFE IS ALWAYS IN 3D.

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I usually roll my eyes when the designers are clearly asskissing the sponsors or shilling their products for the camera, but this week I felt like they were all really sincere when they were excited about how cool the 3D printing was.


I have no idea why the combinations of avant garde, bridges, and 3D printing pushed so many of the designers to go outside their comfort zones. From Candice finally not using black and Ashley finally not making a circle skirt, I loved seeing some new ideas from them. Last week, it was really obvious which designs belonged to which designers, not because they have signature looks but because they have all been stuck in the same rut (Candice does black leather! Ashley does a pastel circle skirt!). This week on the runway it was not as obvious which outfit belonged to each designer, which I LOVE.


And we finally got some humorous moments this week! Kelly realizing that the cream cheese she was eating was actually butter and then saying she was enjoying every minute of it was hilarious. I also laughed when Merline said she finally understood why celebrities do drugs because of all the pressure was funny. I mean, sad, but funny.


Awwww, poor Edmond is all alone in the boys' room. I wish they would just let him move into the girls' room so he has company.


I liked Merline's fabric/color choice and I understood what she was doing, but I didn't like the finished dress. I know it's an avant garde challenge but all I could think about was that her poor model couldn't sit down with all those big poofs on the skirt. I know you could say the same about Kelly's but I found Kelly's design more interesting, even though it was much more literal. I liked the 3D pieces that Merline created but I didn't like the placement of the 3D pieces on the actual dress. It looked like someone spilled some Legos on the top.


I was afraid that the judges would find Kelly's interpretation too literal. My favorite part was the weaving she did on the front and sides which really mimicked the wires on the bridge. I agree that the fabric could have been a disaster but she used it well.


I liked Edmond's dress but it looked more like a red carpet dress than an avant garde look. I knew that Heidi would like it because it was tight, sexy, and showed the boobies. I think that adding the fabric to the model's face was a smart idea to add an avant garde feel. I agreed with Zac that the placement of the 3D squares wasn't a great because it looked like he just glued black squares to his dress.


I know that Ashley struggled with how to incorporate her 3D pieces, but I didn't like them on her cape. I wish she had tried using them to make a belt or maybe curved them from on shoulder of the cape diagonally towards the bottom. The way she used them looked like a superhero costume but not in a good way. I wish she would have had the model dramatically fling off the cape at the end of the runway so you could really see the outfit. Those pants looked awesome on her model though (and I loved when she said, "How do you ask your model not to wear underwear?"). And she finally chose some colors and fabric that weren't pastel! The sheer polka dots could have gone too cutesy so I loved that she used that fabric to be sexy.


Candice's dress was beautiful. It fit perfectly but I felt that, like Edmond's, it was more an evening dress than an avant garde piece. I liked that she put so much thought into the 3D pieces as well as their placement but in the end it looked like a red evening gown with some cool black details. I'm not saying all avant garde has to be totally wacky, but hers seemed too simple for avant garde. But I was annoyed when she told the judges that she had been wanting to use red since she came on the show. Dude, you had TEN challenges before now to use red and you CHOSE not to. But I agreed with Nina that Candice did the best job incorporating the 3D printing into her design.


So the story is Follow Your Dreams, No Matter What! See what can happen? Sigh. I'm sick of being told to follow my dreams, believe in myself, if they can do it I can do it. And can we please come up with some other reason to compete that's not "for a better life for my kids", "I want to inspire others", "I want to be a role model". Sweet tapdancing Jesus, I would love just one person to say "I wanted to stretch myself, see what I was capable of" or "I thought it would be fun" or even "I wanted to be on teevee"! Is it too much to ask? Its reality teevee, not the Nobel prize. I don't need to be inspired by anyone, thanks.

This is a huge pet peeve of mine. If you want a better life for your kids or you want to inspire people, why do you think that going on a tv show is the best way to achieve that goal? How about you just work hard and be a good person without needing other people to praise you for it? One of my absolute favorite examples of how ludicrous these claims are was when one of the contestants who was on a CW show to find a new member for the Pussycat Dolls crying about how she wanted to do this for her daughter. Yes, because the best thing for your daughter is to leave her at home so you can go on tour!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Awwww, poor Edmond is all alone in the boys' room. I wish they would just let him move into the girls' room so he has company.

The poor man is probably glad to have some privacy for the first time in weeks. I know I would be.

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3D printing is so awesome.  I've seen it turn some of the crustiest curmudgeons ever into drooling early adopters.  They needed a lot more time to really explore what it could do.


Didn't the dreaded Gretchen make some of her jewelry with 3D printing?  I know Justin did. 


I'm sure I will be revealed as a lowly worm with no taste, but I actually liked Ashley's.   It was a dramatic superhero costume, but it wasn't like any other dramatic superhuman costume ever.  


In case someone from production ever reads any of this.  Consider that maybe bridges + 3D printing + avant garde might be 1 item too many for a challenge.

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Edmond is the only person who should win this season. It is just a disappointment and he probably won't. They seem obsessed with Ashley. She is too morose for me as well as having questionable taste...which they have never mentioned. I hate if TG uses his save for her.

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I love Kelly beyond all reason and I hope she wins, but I think this is Edmond's to lose. He's auditioned for Every Season! So the story is Follow Your Dreams, No Matter What! See what can happen? Sigh. I'm sick of being told to follow my dreams, believe in myself, if they can do it I can do it. And can we please come up with some other reason to compete that's not "for a better life for my kids", "I want to inspire others", "I want to be a role model". Sweet tapdancing Jesus, I would love just one person to say "I wanted to stretch myself, see what I was capable of" or "I thought it would be fun" or even "I wanted to be on teevee"! Is it too much to ask? Its reality teevee, not the Nobel prize. I don't need to be inspired by anyone, thanks.


I love you.


I'd be happy with Edmond and Kelly in the finals. I couldn't care less about Candace and Ashley at this point.

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Candice sure does like to talk about herself, and I'm pretty sure the designers are as tired of her as I am.  When she started to go on about how Mel B. was going to wear her droopy corset dress , Kelly looked at her, turned her head, and said yeah, so I just won two challenges in a row.  Hah!  And I could've sworn that when Candice started to make Merline's auffing all about her, Merline rolled her eyes.  (OK, maybe I'm only imagining that part.)  Hopefully the talking head where Candice said she could see herself as the winner wasn't a seed being planted for the audience by the editors.


As for the rest, Kelly was the clear winner even if it did look like the model had couch arms on her hips.  Edmond's dress was gorgeous, and the top of Merline's was interesting.  Ashley's look made no sense for the challenge and that cape was hideous.  I have no idea why she wasn't cut over Merline.  Merline may have construction issues but at least she's willing to push herself and take risks. 


Do the contestants do their own make-up?  Hopefully it isn't a professional who is making Candice's skin ghostly white, or Kelly's and Ashley's skin varying degrees of orange.  That shit is troweled on for crying out loud!

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I cannot "un-see" the Boy George twin, now that you've said this!  Spot on!!!!  I do like Kelly's realness.  She seems very genuine.  But you're right, dead ringer for 1980s Boy George :)

I've been referring to her as "the one that looks like Boy George" since episode one when describing her to anyone I was discussing the show with and before I knew their names. Lol not one person had a problem figuring out who I meant.

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Liked Ashley's outfit a lot.

Nope you aren't alone I am in the minority with you I also liked it. I could not wear pants like that but to me it was cute.

I know it was avant garde challenge but damn as much as I love Kelly absolutely hated her literal bridge dress. The probably had to blow the dust off that roll of fabric, I can't imagine it gets purchased very often.

Was anyone else worried we would get a cooch shot from Edmonds dress. That sheer panel went really high in the front!

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I've been referring to her as "the one that looks like Boy George" since episode one when describing her to anyone I was discussing the show with and before I knew their names. Lol not one person had a problem figuring out who I meant.

That you did. Definitely miss TwoP's "read the first 15-pages first" rule.


I liked Edmond's non-avant-garde dress, but, like someone wrote in a previous thread, his garments always look a little cheap. This was like the most gorgeous dress you find in a mall Marciano-type store. Never Versace or designer in any way.


Kelly's dress was like how to get an easy 'A' for a student challenge of "avant garde."


Merline's was so dated and similarly "avant garde" cliched. The fug version of what PR winner Leanne Marshall did so gorgeously (and Kini did with an edge).


Candice's didn't do anything. Another "design" everyone has seen already that elicits nothing remarkably good or bad. YAWN.


And Ashley. Apt look for a Hollywood ingenue but with a fug cape to try to satisfy the challenge. Failed at that.


The best part of the episode had nothing to do with their lackluster work, but was when Edmond was cooking for the girls and being his cool self. Very likeable that one.

Edited by anonymiss
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I've been reading a ton of comments this season about the designers and their lack of talent compared to past contestants, and, honestly, I've sort of been wondering if people have been remembering the older shows with rose colored glasses. But it became painfully obvious when they showed Merline's look side by side with Kini's that Merline wasn't even in the same league with Kini for a similar look, not only in sewing skills which we all knew, but in design and even styling. And there's no excuse this time, they went to Mood and they had two days.

Kelly, while being adorable and lovable and all that, showed a very mediocre look with atrocious fabric IMO, and to be the clear winner with that in an avant garde challenge competing with the top five designers is just really sad for Project Runway now and going forward. I can't believe there is a lack of talent in the application process, so what is going on? Maybe the past designers they are using for screening are good as designers but really poor at recognizing new talent?

Plus, minor issue, but honestly where is Swatch? I'm not one who used to look for a Swatch sighting as a show highlight, but they know what a fan favorite he is, why not show him if he's okay? The one (I think) time they showed him he did really show his age which is always sad with pets, maybe he's just not up for all the people and cameras any more.

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New York bridges all look pretty much the same to me (sorry!), so I didn't get the point of being assigned a particular bridge. However, no one but Kelly really referenced the bridge anyway. And, yes, the challenge demanded too many unrelated elements. 


I'm sure the judges recognized Candace's dress from her signature corset back. I don't know how difficult it is to make, but it certainly helps with fit issues--tighten or loosen the ribbon and, voila, instant fit. 

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Beden said:  "...am I the only one who, when I first saw it, thought 'Damn--it;s Morticia Addams dressed up for the holidays?"


I thought of Morticia Addams as soon as I saw the sketch.

Edited by Miss Ruth
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