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S14.E10: Crew's All In

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I missed the first half hour, so I'll need to go back and watch that. When I turned it on, it was at the point where Tim was confronting Swapnil in the workroom, so I was very taken aback. Because of that, I paid more attention to Swapnil and his model, and I began wondering -- since she was insisting on so much modesty such as covering her arms and legs -- maybe his model had religious and/or cultural parameters she wanted to observe. I guess she would've said that if she did, but it kept popping into my head by her reactions to everything.

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If Ashley had been cut, Tim would have rescused her. She is way too much a cry baby. And that dress is close to the worst thing I have ever seen. Ever. That poor girl. See how Ashley did when she did not have the most beautiful model ever?? So much for her full-size speciality, which I have never really seen.

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I'd rather Candice had been aufed over that awful Halloween hooker costume her sweet client had to wear, though.  And her lack of self-awareness is sort of stunning.  Her constant talking heads about how the others aren't pushing themselves .... all while she churns out the same crap week after week.

This. So much of this. Candice's was the worst design for me tonight. It looked similar to so many of her other designs. I hate her talking heads. She comments about everyone choosing horrible prints, which while a lot were not great, but this season I get excited when anyone actually chooses a print to work with. 


With Swapnil gone, I only have Edmond to root for. I doubt he will win though. I like Kelly's personality, but hate her design aesthetic. I am really going to hate it when she wins it all.


Watching Tim go in on Swapnil was uncomfortable for me to watch, and I hated that it was in front of the client. If I was Swapnil in that situation I would have pulled an Ashley and burst into tears.

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If Ashley had been cut, Tim would have rescused her. She is way too much a cry baby. And that dress is close to the worst thing I have ever seen. Ever. That poor girl. See how Ashley did when she did not have the most beautiful model ever?? So much for her full-size speciality, which I have never really seen.

This. Ashley should be gone... 2 or 3 episodes ago.

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I can't think of anywhere that Ashley's model would want to wear that ugly easter egg wearing a tutu outfit.  And I chortle at how Ashley is supposed to be this wonderful designer for fuller figured women (aka mostly normal sized) because if that was any example of her skills  she should switch over and design for super skinny people or something, maybe she'd have better luck.  


I thought Kelly's outfit looked okay but nothing that spectacular.  Swapnil clearly was looking for the door out, Merlene doesn't seem to know how to sew, Candice apparently thinks sexy equals dressing like a hooker and Edmund (who I think will win it all) is just making sure he doesn't lose at this point.  He seems the most competent but not very original or that interesting in what he puts out there.

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I don't think so, because she has specifically marketed herself as someone who designs for plus sized women. If she'd never suggested she had any special interest in designing for "regular women" I'd agree, but in this case I don't think they're saying that because Ashley herself is plus sized, they're saying it because she herself said this was right in her wheelhouse, just like they'd ping a sportswear designer for failing at a sportswear challenge, or someone who claims to be all about red carpets failing the inevitable red carpet challenge. (And boy, Ashley DID fail.)

Touchė. Wasn't questioning her failure, that shit was ugly lol. There was just something about the way the judges seemed to be reaching for words to explain their disappointment that rubbed me the wrong way . It seems it would've been simple enough to say "as a designer who caters to your average woman, we're disappointed with what you presented today."

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Merlene doesn't seem to know how to sew

Yes, I've noted this too. It looks like she learned to sew when she found out she was getting on the show, not like she's used to it at all.

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I always thought Swapnil was the one this season that was going make something that would give me a "moment" so I'm very disappointed that he ended up leaving.  He has been making me very aggravated these last few weeks watching him waste this opportunity.  That said, I don't think he would have pleased his client unless he made her a snow suit with a turtleneck.  After he scrapped the first look,  you would think she understood the time limitations since she works on the show and would have tried to be a little more cooperative even if she didn't quite love it. 


I'm disgusted with Tim and his cursing outburst too.   He wanted Swapnil to be more professional but look in the mirror buddy.  Perhaps his moonlighting as Baileywick is interfering with his sleep. 


Ashley.... STOP crying.  I'm sick of it.  I just can't take it anymore and she was another early favorite of mine.... Gah  I chose wrong this year cause Kelley who I wrote off at the beginning is showing real growth.

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From Tim's body language and deliberate lack of eye contact, it looked like Swapnil got the message to just go.

Tim was looking right at him when he said "I have to send you to the work room to clean up your space" Swapnil got up and just walked right by him.  I'm sure they weren't the best of friends by that point though.

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This is your one chance to have something designed specifically for you and you want a raincoat or pair of overalls. Ok, then. Personally, I would have wanted a special occasion outfit and let the designer have some leeway. These crew members know exactly how hard it is to create in a short time, why were many of them so difficult?


Swapnil has seemed odd the last couple of episodes and i don't know quite what was going on there. Tim seemed unusually angry at him right from the start. That wasn't the first time Tim has come in and the designer didn't have much ready, it happens a lot. So why was he so full of rage? I'm thinking that either Swapnil is stepping out all of the time, he is on something, or some conversations have happened we didn't see.


I don't like Kelly's designs at all and saw nothing different or exciting about leather overalls. I continue to like Edmond the best and I liked that he tried hard to please his client. His dress was kind of cute. Not a fan of Candice and her bondage wear and Ashely is really a one way monkey (™ Dimitri). I'm guessing Kelly will win because Edmond's clothes look too pretty. 

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I'm sad Swapnil is gone, but not surprised. I think he came in going great guns and kept finishing second, even when it was clear to many of us he probably should have won a couple of those weeks. I'm not really sure what happened or what went wrong unless he just realized the competition wasn't exactly for him. It's not like he needed it; as many have said, he's very successful in India and it may take a different route for him, but I still think he can be successful in the states, as well.


I'm firmly team Edmond. I like Kelly's personality but I do not care for her designs at all. There were a few weeks she should have gone for some of the taste-free stuff she put out there. On the other hand, she has shown tremendous growth. Still, I just don't think that Nina will allow someone like Kelly, with no formal training, who proudly works in a deli while she pursues her fashion dream, to win this whole thing.


To backtrack for a moment, I have mixed emotions about Tim's outburst at Swapnil in the workroom. It was totally wrong for him to go off like that in front of the client. But I actually do believe Tim thought he might be lighting a fire under Swappy. I don't honestly believe he did it just to beat him down. If he DID, then there's no hope left for him as a human being. Also, possibly unpopular opinion here, but having the crew be their "everyday women" really put them in a pseudo adverserial relationship with these people with whom they have to continue to work until the end of their run on this season. I just thought the whole thing was kind of uncomfortable.


For me, the two worst were definitely Candice and Ashley. I'm beyond ready for Candice to go home. I've said Hot Topic for her since almost week one and my opinion of that has yet to change. She made that poor girl look awful. Worse though, were Zac, Heidi and Nina going on and on about how she looked like a hooker. If they wanted to say that to CANDICE when she was on the runway by herself, I guess that would have been okay, but they embarrassed that poor girl and her hair looked cute as hell. Heidi needs to shut down PR and just go be a clown on AGT, since that's what she seems to prefer these days.


Ashley has trampled on my last nerve. I cannot believe how MASSIVELY she failed. That dress made that little girl look both old and much larger than she really is. The top didn't even FIT, ffs. I hope she was crying because she's embarrassed or because she disappointed her client and not because she felt sorry for herself.


I'm all Edmond, Merline, and Kelly for the final three and I'm totally serious. Edmond FOR THE WIN.


Edited by PepperMonkey
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88Keys, on 08 Oct 2015 - 11:50 PM, said:

Seriously.  Tim said nothing about how they were going to miss him, and gave him no encouraging words as he left.  It was more like "get your stuff and get out."


And I don't think Swapnil was a bitch for not extending his hand.  I wouldn't shake the hand of someone who screamed at me like that in front of everyone.

Swapnil deserved everything Tim said to him, and I really think he was trying to help him by saying it.  I think it made him look like a baby for not extending his hand.  Grow up.  Just my opinion.

Edited by Honey
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In what world was Merline's outfit in the top? The vest was puckered and the skirt and top were big nothings. But I guess when the winner is purple pleather high water overalls then anything goes.

It's so sad when I think of the talented contestants during the Bravo years who didn't win, like Laura Bennett, Chris March, Rami and so many others who would mop the floor with the Lifetime era contestants. But since Lifetime has ruined Project Runway I guess nobody with any real talent wants to appear on the show, anyway.

I was hoping that for once Heidi's threat of a double elimination would pan out and that they would auf Ashley. "Oh, boo hoo. This clothing design competition actually expects me to design an article of clothing!!! I am drained!!" The worst part - well, I guess that awful dress was the worst part - the second worst part was the way the judges humiliated Ashley's poor model with all the euphemisms for fat that they could think of. Not cool. And Zac Posen really needs to stop feeling up the models while examining the garments.

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Candice... that outfit was HIDEOUS. I understand Tim wanting them to keep their design aesthetic even when designing for "real women," but I feel like so many of them were forcing themselves and their own style on their real woman models this week. Candice's model said she liked blue - so Candice buys a bunch of blue but uses only one strip or two of electric blue and the rest is black, black and more black, even though her client said nothing about wanting black. And while her client seemed game, I don't think Candice was thinking about the client's personality one bit.

Merline had the same problem (and it was worse because her client had specifically told her No Boxy Jackets, No Jackets at all, and she did it anyway), but... I think to Merline's credit, she listened when her client said she didn't like it, she paid attention to the tone of what her client wanted, and she went back to the drawing board and ended up making her client much happier. Candice, on the other hand, seemed clueless to her client's unhappiness or reticence, and kept right on making her boudoir corsetry hooker look.


I was most pleased with Kelly and Edmond (though I agree, that raincoat did not work well with the dress - he should have worked harder to coordinate the two and make the raincoat fit with the style of the dress better).


I'm so disappointed in Ashley - I really, really wanted her to rock this challenge, but the judges were right. She choked. I want her to get her head out of her melancholy cloud and step it up. If she doesn't bring it next week... maybe it's time for her to be gone. I hate saying that because I had such high hopes for her, but I think it's true. Maybe she's just too young and not mentally ready to stand up for herself and her designs at this point in time.

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. Also, possibly unpopular opinion here, but having the crew be their "everyday women" really put them in a pseudo adverserial relationship with these people with whom they have to continue to work until the end of their run on this season. I just thought the whole thing was kind of uncomfortable.






I agree.  I think Tim having personal feelings for the crew helped cause his  very unprofessional  IMO cursing outburst.  I understand being

frustrated with Swapnil but  Tim is responsible for the way he reacts to that frustration. 

Edited by xtra-innings
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You know what I wear when I don't want to expose my arms and legs? Pants and a jacket. No burkha necessary. Swapnil didn't even try.

It didn't seem that Edmond got a chance to explain that his client specifically asked for a coat. I guess it is his fault, though, that the two pieces didn't look like they actually went together. The weaving in the top was lovely.

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I think Tim having personal feelings for the crew helped cause his  very unprofessional  IMO cursing outburst.  I understand being

frustrated with Swapnil but  Tim is responsible for the way he reacts to that frustration.


I felt most bad for the crew member in that moment because Tim should have not said all that in front of her (or in front of everyone else in the workroom). It should have been between Tim and Swapnil.


As much as I've liked seeing Swapnnil in this competition, I hate that he just stopped trying weeks ago, and I'm most frustrated that he didn't listen to his client. I think the most telling thing was when she said, "I feel like you came into the challenge already picturing the idea of turning me into this bombshell, and you didn't hear what I said I wanted." Right from the start -- like Candice with her client -- Swapnil treated his client as if her opinion didn't matter - he already had a plan in his head and wasn't going to veer from that. Even with his second go-around, he was still so stuck on making her fancier than she wanted to be.


Unfortunately, I also think the client got really picky to the point of making me want to say, "I'm hearing a lot about what you don't like. What styles DO you like? What styles make you feel most comfortable in your body so that I can take that style and make it my own."

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 "I'm hearing a lot about what you don't like. What styles DO you like? What styles make you feel most comfortable in your body so that I can take that style and make it my own."


I agree with everything you said.  Your quote above made me think of  this that I read elsewhere :


"If you say you need a makeover but you want to look the same, then you're not ready for a makeover."

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Well, that was dumb. I resist editor narratives so I don't buy the whole "Swapnil was constantly taking smoke breaks" story. You could take clips from every time a contestant had lunch or got water and end up with the same result. I do think not winning many times and the judges' frankly confusing taste this season probably took a toll. But I also have to say that I didn't find his model that sympathetic. No arms or legs but still flirty. But nothing evening or too dramatic. And apparently nothing tight on the arms either?



I felt very badly for Swapnil who actually was at his best when he was more relaxed in the first few weeks before he had to be busy for the sake of being busy...

Which reminds me that they could (and almost did) the same thing when Christian would finish early.


I'm happy Kelly finally washed her hair. She's pretty when she tries to be. I also liked her overalls this week though I agree with Shiri Appleby that it would have looked better without the vest. I'm surprised they didn't bring up UnReal more.


Ashley cries a lot. That said, I think her first look was better.


I think the judges were more impressed with the makeover Merline's model got than the actual look she designed. The vest didn't seem that well made. It looked particularly off at the bottom. I don't know what they were pretending to like about the tank top. And the skirt fit badly.



All the disappointment that "especially" Ashley failed at the challenge was offensive.

YES. Especially since they gave the closest to plus-sized model.


I don't think Edmond's look was that bad. The dress was pretty cute and the raincoat was pretty cute. They just didn't go together that well. I think the judges really dug in to fill the necessary petty meanness quotient.

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I wondered about a religious issue with Swapnil's model, too, as was mentioned above. Her last name us Cohen, so she could certainly be a conservative Jew.


I am hoping it's something like that, because otherwise, she appeared to be extremely unreasonable.  She was freaking out because the sleeves only came to her elbow and her forearms were bare.  I was yelling at the tv, what is it about your arms?  Track marks or something?  But her arms looked fine.  And then she didn't like the long sleeves that Swapnil had on his first two outfits.  The sleeves were plain, but otherwise seemed fine so what did she hate about them?


I also don't get why the judges are so mad at Swapnil for not being better.  So he had a couple of good outfits early on and has been on a steady decline.  Happens to a lot of designers.  What made them think he is so much better that they are mad at him now?


I didn't like anything on that runway.  Not a thing.

Edited by izabella
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Yeah I liked Kelly out of the choices there, but really.   ..I can't give her any points for inspiration when she took the models original outfit and just made it out of leather with a few little details!.!   I'm surprised she got more than an honorable mention.


I think Merline should have won.  Despite the thick puffy look of the vest, hers was at least original.    Of course originally the model said I don't like the big-shoulders-emphasis,    So... Merline goes right to work and makes her first design with huge shoulders and colorblocks to make them the focus. I'm surprised she didn't put Christmas lights on them.     But.okay, .she changed it.  Still..what the hell is wrong with you??. 


Candiice  has become a one-note now.  Leather, tight --it doesn't work for everyone!   And that negligee overtop or whatever it was. Her whole look was poorly sewn and fitted.   It was like a tossed salad.of ugly details.


Swapnil's model didn't want her legs and arms to show.  Hmmmm.   Tough one.   How about slacks and a little jacket with sleeves, genius?   And you can't make a nice loose sleeve that doesn't bind her arm?  What the hell is wrong with you people?


Ashley should have gone home, period.  Not just because it was the worst tonight,  but that that outfit *screams*  that she has no clue how to dress anyone much less a plus size.  Two layers of ruffles around your belly??  No.  NOBODY should ever wear that print or design.  Nobody should ever design such a horror!      And .... Her model said I don't want to show my arms.  What does she originally make??  Sleveless. (okay that dumb strap across her chubby arm),   I swear I would have lost it on a designer who mindlessly ignored me.


I think production was a little harder on them than the other  "average women" who have been on the challenges because they see how the designers try to wrestle out of what the client wants.  They don't have to smile and be grateful to just be on the show. 'If I say I don't want my arms to show..then I don't want my arms to show...that's it!!!! ' I'm actually surprised they weren't more outspoken and insistent.  


As far as I'm concerned none of them should go to fashion week..not even Edmund.  I don't think any of them have shown high style  innovation or sophistication. None have shown fashion week quality in their ideas.  (maybe I'm just bitter tonight)


I know I bashed production last week for their 1 day challenges that have exhausted the designers, but they had little excuse this time.   But yet several did show promise.in the beginning.esp. Swapnil and Candice.  I cannot explain how and why they have declined...Even Edmund.  I just don't know....


I am so disappointed because I just don't enjoy the show.  I hope they take note and do something next time.  More time at Mood-- 2 day challenges..Taking the designers on a day or two of just getting some fresh air or out to dinners in Manhattan--  .*something* to wake them up.    And no more Amandas (there was no excuse for casting her).        

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I am hoping it's something like that, because otherwise, she appeared to be extremely unreasonable.  She was freaking out because the sleeves only came to her elbow and her forearms were bare.  I was yelling at the tv, what is it about your arms?  Track marks or something?  But her arms looked fine.

Ha. That made me crack up because it would such an UnReal plotline. I was expecting to like Shiri and Constance more. They seemed to critical and mean. This wasn't an exceptional turn out but seeing what's been done in the past, both good and bad, I don't think the contestants deserved the critiques they got. It's not that I think they need to protect their feelings but I'm just over the judges trying to be as petty and "witty" as they can to provide drama and provoke tears. Hey, maybe Shiri and Constance did serve a purpose. I'm much more skeptical about production shenanigans this week.

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I just had to quote your post because I could not "thumbs up" it enough. Swapnil and the Pill (title of my forthcoming illustrated children's fable) was a blatant producer machination. The guy who designs for the bombshell fatigued from constantly being overlooked and overshadowed by more mediocre designs just had to be set up with the one woman who's mandate was to be covered from head to toe? Honey, I know it might be nice to be in front of a camera for a change but you should really have sat this one out.

It's hours later and I'm still exasperated by this latest episode.


The last few episodes have felt very strangely edited -- and after tonight, it looks (to me) as if those eps were edited in a scramble to create a sudden backstory to justify this episode -- make it look like Swapnil was lazy and uncaring and deserving of Tim's ugly, mean spirited bullshit. 



How about slacks and a little jacket with sleeves, genius?


If she'd just asked for a day time look, sure-- but I don't think a jacket and pant would read (per the crew member's wishes) as flirty, day to night, and minus anything dramatic (she provided all the melodrama on her own). You need drama to turn the look from reading as "day" to "night", and usually a bit of skin showing as well (never mind bare arms -- a slightly lower neckline, forearms, a Victorian ankle perhaps).


And if her parameters were (possibly) due to religious strictures, I wish they'd made that clear -- or even better, just do a whole challenge about *that* instead of slipping it into this challenge (if that's what happened). I'd love to see a modesty in dress challenge, if the designers were given enough time to think about it and execute.

Edited by film noire
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They're past the point where everyone gets to show at Fashion Week, albeit not on television, right?  I wonder if some of the harshness towards Swapnil was because he checked out right around that point, making it seem like he only came on the show for that purpose and not specifically to win.  Or something, I dunno.  I'm reaching because I didn't think his attitude was all that offensive.  


I'm with those who think Ashley should have gone.  My sister did a modeling photoshoot once when we were kids in the 80s, and the dress she wore in the photographs reminded me exactly of that.  Which is to say, in addition to everything else I thought it looked like it was made for a child.  In the ancient past.


I think they should've done a triple-auf'ing and gotten rid of Candace, too.  I feel like everything she does is the same, and while I agree with the person upthread who said her critiques are on point I can't really get behind them because I think she's not good enough to be as critical as she is (not negative critical, just critical in general).  I kind of want her to shut up.  


I'd pay money to see that crew member wear the overalls for a night on the town, or to work (wouldn't they be really hot if your job requires you to move around a lot?).  I guess it was the best- though I preferred Edmond's, even with the jacket- but c'mon, show.  I have a tough time imagining that as clothes people would seriously wear.


Side note: I was distracted during the runway wondering...do Heidi, Zac, and Nina really know those people?  Did they have to get coached to remember the names?  I'm curious...probably 'cause the show was a little boring.

Edited by phoenix780
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Not just Laura Bennett, or Christian Seriano, but lots of past contestants were blow these designers out of the room. And all of Heidi's wide-eyed enthusiasm can't disguise the fact that the show is now simply limping along.

Why isn't Ashley gone? Her crew member was very sweet and engaging, and old Bucket of Tears puts her in lilac top with a sweetheart neckline and skirt with a peplum that made her look short-waisted, dumpy and graceless. Hit every wrong note you can, Ashley, and prove that you have no clue how to design a flattering outfit for a full-figured woman. Epic fail.

Second worst, though it was close, Candice, the Gothic one-note wonder. Same sweetheart neckline, same body-hugging leather, same lack of refinement or taste.

And her model was so pretty and had a great bod...and looked hideously embarrassed at having to parade in that nightmare. Even the pop-up stores for Halloween have more variety in their costumes.

None of the designers seemed to have a useful conversation with their clients...none asked what have you worn that made you feel fabulous, or what colors, fabrics do you love, or even, since they work in TV, offer to design them a look they can wear on the red carpet at the Emmy's...which would have given the designers a chance to do something really fabulous.

I like Kelly and her work effort...but that hers was the best when it was merely a variation on what the client was already wearing, shows how little effort or imagination the designers were employing.

Swapnil was not even wearing his contacts..I think the Gunn explosion was based on off-camera issues. And I agree that the editing was retconned to explain his downtrend. Would not be surprised if he were using...he looked spacey and disconnected, and his energy and attention were flagging. It might explain Tim's anger...he's throwing away a chance others might have used to better advantage. Though Tim himself looks so unwell, that he may not have the patience for bs anymore.

Not a happy episode.

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I was on the Swapnil's train from the start and thought he might be the designer who would supply the creative and fun , yet sophisticated and classy, garments we have seen in past seasons, but the past couple of episodes changed that for me. He didn't seem to be trying and was not using time wisely. maybe he was just getting a bad edit by the producers? He spent a lot of time on smoke breaks and it made me wonder if those were tobacco cigarettes or something else. His grey-contact eyes looked a bit off at times during this episode and his decisions and actions were odd. Maybe he was just emotionally tapped out and giving up - maybe the producers were aware of some things he was doing behind the scenes and were over it so chose to give him a picky client! that's just the conspiracy theorist in me!

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I don't for a second think he was asleep on Candace's shoulder while they were awaiting the verdict. I think he was shutting out the room because he was upset and knew he was about to be auf'd. He didn't want to be a part of the chatter.


Whatever he was doing, the sainted Swapnil chose the irredeemable Candace for comfort. Strange.

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Tim really kicked butt this episode, especially Swapnil. He totally deserved it, he didn't stop trying, he never tried to begin with. I hope Tim doesn't change his mind & bring Swapnil back.


Does anyone else wonder why Tim says to use the JustFab wall “very carefully”? That sounds like a warning of danger, like someone could get injured if you pick the wrong belt.


As for the clothes, once again I only liked one outfit, this week it was Kelly, so I agree she should have won. I thought Merline's was OK, but the skirt was too tight, & the vest needing pressing, all the seams were puffy. I didn't like any of the other outfits, & Ashley's was the most disappointing, she should have rocked this challenge.

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I didn't think Swapnil paid any attention to what his model was saying. He already had a "bombshell" look in mind and was going to make it whatever she said. He's made plenty of outfits with the arms covered (he's had jackets aplenty) and he's done dresses where the legs were covered (think of the leopard piece last week). She's not a professional model, and they are requests that are not necessarily out of the ordinary. (He's a professional designer in India where there are many women who don't want to expose bare arms, a deep cleavage or legs. He creates clothes that women say make men want to have sex with them. This outfit was definitely not one of those.)

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Merline's was OK, but the skirt was too tight, & the vest needing pressing, all the seams were puffy.



SO disappointing, GaT, but this season the criteria don't seem to have anything to do with good sewing, fitting, OR pressing.  It's a disappointing season.


I didn't like any of the other outfits, & Ashley's was the most disappointing, she should have rocked this challenge.



For me, Ashley was doomed the minute she chose that silly print.  Has she REALLY designed for any plus-size clients...or only for herself?  Everything she wears is wrong-wrong-wrong.

And all of Heidi's wide-eyed enthusiasm can't disguise the fact that the show is now simply limping along.



On a recent Red Carpet (2015 Emmys, maybe), Heidi answered some questions stating that this season's designers are not up to par.  I think the question may have been why Tim was using the F-bomb so often.  She essentially said the designers are lousy.  Hope they do something about that!!!

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I remember Justin had a real-world client who requested modesty, and he did something really special and personal for her. It can be done.


I'm firmly Team Kelly, to my own surprise. I really liked that outfit for her model.


I thought Candice's bustier had potential, but then she overworked it, of course.


There was no hope with Ashley's fabric choice. And everyone not named Elena can stop it with the neoprene, please and thank you.

Edmond's weaving was a pretty cool idea. I would've liked more of a discernible pattern in it, but that's just me. 

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She was freaking out because the sleeves only came to her elbow and her forearms were bare.  I was yelling at the tv, what is it about your arms?  Track marks or something?  But her arms looked fine.  And then she didn't like the long sleeves that Swapnil had on his first two outfits.  The sleeves were plain, but otherwise seemed fine so what did she hate about them?


I also don't get why the judges are so mad at Swapnil for not being better.  So he had a couple of good outfits early on and has been on a steady decline.  Happens to a lot of designers.  What made them think he is so much better that they are mad at him now?


I didn't like anything on that runway.  Not a thing.

She didn't like that it was sleek and sexy with pizzazz--black leather with gold zippers. She said no to the leather and zippers and Swapnil said, "Then it will be too plain." She resented any design details because they would draw attention to her shameful arms. She didn't want design--she wanted basics. She wanted Lindsay.

Edited by anonymiss
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I wondered about a religious issue with Swapnil's model, too, as was mentioned above. Her last name us Cohen, so she could certainly be a conservative Jew.

No, I think it was just the model/PR staff member. Conservative Jewish women don't have clothing restrictions. Chasidic Jewish women do, and maybe some Orthodox, but I don't think that was the case here. Plus, she probably would have said something.

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Wow! Tim and Jennifer Cohen's behavior was completely unprofessional and uncalled for. Nothing I saw justified either's behavior. Jennifer should not been a model at all. She did not come into this challenge in good faith. Her demands were unreasonable. The way she was acting you would have thought she was modeling Laure's Neverland outfit. She knows what this show is and didn't try to work with him at all. She was worse than Vincent's sister who totally screwed over Robert that season with Jeff, Laura, Michael Knight.

I have no words for Tim's abominable behavior. I will finish this season, but I am done with Project Runway. Berating and humilating a contestant is not acceptable. Tim's feeble attempt to try to justify his behavior rang completely hollow and as an attempt to cover his ass.

Swapnil handled what happened better than most would have. He just withdrew completely within himself after that tongue lashings and who can blame him. He didn't come off well on the runway but it was already done.

I also called BS on the narrative they are trying to paint to make it seem like Swapnil has been a bottom performer when he really hasn't been.

ETA I would have sent Candice home. All I could think when I saw her look was that Vampira cheap costume. Ashley blew it too, but Candice was the worse.

Edited by kitticup
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This is a bad time for a challenge like this. It really is. You want runway pieces but you have clients making requests that have nothing to do with something you'd see during Fashion Week. If this was a challenge, which they've done something similar in the past, then do one where the employees were going somewhere specific, like an event collectively or individually that called for an outfit, that would have worked. But as is, you have people in desperate need of makeovers who are self conscious about the way they look, who don't want to step out of their comfort zones, asking for specific things and completely limiting the designers with their ordinary requests. I get that part of this challenge is about working with the clients, something designers always have to do. But they've always had better results when they are more focused in what they should be designing or let the models be the clients as they tend to have more events to go to and they also have more runway type of requests. This is not a good challenge this late in the game, where they are supposed to be showing their best and they are hampered by clients making everyday requests. Nothing about this set up is going to create the most innovative designs.


I love Tim (and enjoyed that outburst though not sure it was warranted), but he is also missing why this one was difficult. I love that he wants his crew members happy, but let's take Edmond's client. She's going to be riding her bike in the rain and wants a rain coat to wear. That's a great idea, that's practical. It's not runway and Edmond in trying to give his client what she wanted didn't go that direction. Trying to pretend like the two can merge is asking a lot, and Tim acting like it's no problem at all as well as insulting is disappointing. It's like he needed to stand there and listen to all the consultations to understand how boring their requests were. Maybe they were supposed to be more daring, but it was only when Tim was by their sides were they a lot more concerned about the runway and fashion forward aspects of what they had requested than in their initial discussions requesting mostly practical pieces.


I probably dislike Merline's client the most after Swapnil's because I can't remember in one of these challenges where the client goes in basically hating the designer and Katie basically does, which I thought was incredibly unfair of her. Like you agreed to this and you weren't promised Kelly as your designer, so don't be sour from the start. It reminded me of Joseph trying to make sure Merline was anything but herself. Then she said specifically, that she has no idea how to dress herself, yet still is making every demand as if Merline couldn't have a good idea. When Tim was around, she was more concerned with Merline's feelings, but she definitely wasn't before then. She was terrible on the runway, doing way too much, and it just helped to show me more why I didn't care for her.


So, I kind of think we saw over the last few weeks why Swapnil isn't already a household name in India. He's clearly very talented. I've always been under the impression he was somewhat successful at home, but not like someone whose name is well known. Essentially, I don't think he has the success of Rami, for example, prior to coming to Project Runway. And I'm wondering if it's because he's not working non-stop to make it happen despite it seeming like he had a number of clients at home. Does he come from money? I could believe that because I'm just not clear where his innovation and effort have disappeared to. This is a chance of a lifetime to get exposure that you basically can't buy. Why give up after a few weeks in? I assume he has seen the show, I assume he knew this wasn't merely a 6 week challenge and then home to design for Fashion Week. He did great, magnificent really, for about 6 weeks, but not so much since. He seems to work when he wants and the situation, but the opportunity here, isn't making him go all out and just survive even if he's running on fumes because this isn't an opportunity he can pass up.


Swapnil's time had come, no doubt, his head wasn't in the game anymore, but his client was terrible. And she was never articulating what she wanted. I don't understand all these girls obsession with arms and that's speaking as someone who doesn't show hers much either. But I could and I assure you, the world would keep going on even if I was on PR in a sleeveless dress. But, Jenn still complained when he covered her arms completely. Why? I didn't get that at all. She was all "that was the one thing I asked for." Okay, and he did it for you. Why are you still talking about it? Three-quarter sleeves are sleeves and a great choice. The cape wasn't good, but you demanded sleeves or else. So, why bitch about them nonstop? And it was a shame and unfair that Tim or the model didn't say at some point during the close-up critique, that this was the third outfit Swapnil had designed on his model and that's why the finishing was so off. I mean, yes, he was half assing it, but there was enough time to not have the top tied on in the back, but he would have had to start the final outfit the night before or the second leather outfit from the night before would have had to be the final outfit. And she lied and said she would stand by him. I guess she meant physically and nothing else, because she definitely didn't own up to being any part of the problem.


Swapnil surely got one thing right this episode when he realized there was no pleasing her no matter what he came up with. Nailed it. Because that constant complaining and stink face are her daily companions, of that I have no doubt.

Edited by JasmineFlower
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