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S27.E01: A Little Too Much Beefcake

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Was there so little to show in this episode that it finished with 8 minutes left in the hour, and even after showing highlights of the coming season there were still 3 minutes remaining until the end of the hour ?  That's just bizarre.  I was looking at the clock thinking my clock was slow.

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YAY, one of my favorite shows is back on and always nice to see Phil again. Also great to see the scenery of the beautiful countries they visit as I more than likely will never be able to visit other countries.


What the hell is wrong with most of the teams jumping off and landing in the water? They couldn't wait to get closer to the docks lol?


I had an inkling that the first flight was gonna be delayed. It kind of happens the most on TAR, the first flight is always the one that's delayed the most. The handgliding FF are always too risky to do, I would never do them because it always seems to be too windy to even attempt to do them. If any clue says weather can affect the FF or Detour, forget it. 


I didn't feel sorry for the green team because they couldn't do the FF because that decision was too hasty. They were first, meaning they would get on the helicopter first to complete the Roadblock, if they paid attention to what they're suppose to pay attention to, to answer the man's question and go from there. I'm rarely affected by those that turn on the waterworks. I think you should only do a FF if you're middle of the pack or almost last place. If you're the first 3 teams, you really don't have to go for the FF.


I would do sidewalk because I'm not great at sports related things lol and I'm great at puzzles. I must have missed something, but did you have to wear short shorts and bikinis to do the detours? Is it a custom in Brazil? The one guy on team dancer didn't have anything to be shamed about when wearing short shorts, he has a body on him.


TMZ girls were gonna get on my nerves so thank goodness they're eliminated. Phil had to come and visit them and sun wasn't even down yet, that's comedy, they can report that on TMZ.

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It's good to have TAR back!!


The Texas team seem sort of douchey to me, I was hoping the track girls would snag the Eaxpress Pass.


It's ironic that after doing their own mini race, the Green Team seems to be showing signs of Killer Fatigue already.


Team Chac Attack's dynamic, to me, is starting to mirror Travis and Nicole's (TAR 23); and that's not a good thing.


So far, I'm liking the the track team, the mom and son team, the dancing brothers, and the cousins.


If Team TMZ was going to be hurling little insults like that at the other teams the whole race, I'm glad they're gone.

Edited by InDueTime
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Way too many screamers and criers!!!


I LOVE this show.  I am so happy to have it back.


I like the changes such as the FF on the first leg, the handing over of the express pass after being used, the only 1 team on first plane.


Nice beefcake with the Texans


I love the homeless guys and the "little people".


Mother and son look like they will get annoying after awhile.


That's all I got for now. 


Oh and..Karma is a bitch.

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*whew* I was sweating the cheerleaders, because I share the same home borough as Krista. I wouldn't wanted the "Green Team" to lose, since they're obviously superfans. TMZ Girls going out works for me . . . I don't care about gossip, and they looked hapless.


Didn't teams have to play volleyball against Brazilians in TAR2? I am dutifully impressed by the cousins getting six points, though I would like to know how long they had to compete. I would've sucked at that. I would've sucked at the sliding puzzle as well. Phil would've needed to come in for the Phield Philimination.

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Man it is so good to have this show back, and a genuine season as well.  I loved it.  Felt like it could have used a 90 minute premiere, as it felt like The Green Team was the only team that got any real airtime.  LOVE the public starts.  They  need to do that every season, and it was great seeing Rob and Brennand and other racers.  I wish they showed more of the crowd actually, as the start felt pretty rushed (so much to cram into an hour I guess).


But stunning locations, a detour in the first leg which we don't get to see too often anymore, some good funny moments, and teams that actually know each other!


This was the only leg of the race that I was spoiled on the outcome.  This is the first season in a long time where I am unspoiled for the rest of the race, and I can't wait to watch.

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If you start crying on the first leg, its going to be a loooong race.


Every time they mentioned the lead time of the first flight I kept saying "if it leaves on time."   30 minutes flight time is not that much when you have the whole day to make up that time.   It was more important to come in first at the mat to get the express pass than get on the first flight.


Yummm, eye candy.    


Loved Phil having to come find TMZ.    I thought they only did that in extreme circumstances, not just because only one team left.

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Yay the race is back!

My 73 year old mother texted me about the green team...what a whiner. Hee!

I'm glad the TMZ girls are gone. Wasn't a fan. I like the dancers but I hate the, I've got no home to go home too. Just race please.

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I was not a fan of the cheerleaders most of the ep until it came down to them vs. TMZ and then I was like go girls go! TMZ were awful, and not even funny awful.

Not a fan of most of those people really. Except Ernest and Jin. Don't disappoint me!

I was also bummed the runner ladies didn't beat out Texas. That would have made me so happy.

I got a supreme eye roll from my 17 year old son when the Alabama lady called her son baby, because I cannot stop myself from doing it to him. I told him it doesn't matter how old he is, it will always be ok.

There is no way in hell I am stuffing my hefty ass in a white bikini. NO ONE wants to see that, not even myself.

Edited by mojoween
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I'm familiar with the blonde from TMZ but not the brunette. They were really bad at the volleyball and by the time they did the puzzle they were a little fried. It was interesting to see that it took 3 plus hours to finish. I guess after hour 1 you are pretty much spent. I'm not really sad to see them go. They don't seem like happy go lucky people and they wouldn't have lasted much longer even if they had eeeeked out a win pass the cheerleaders.

Also, I don't really care for the paparazzi couple either. The guy is a little smarmy.

Edited by ByaNose
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All right!  I so missed this show all summer, and I'm glad it's back!


The opening challenge was interesting in that one team only got on the first flight.  But then, it became moot due to a flight delay and the other ten teams getting in early.


It was good seeing another first-leg Fast Forward, but for all the hype surrounding it, it was left as a non-starter due to weather.  Weak.


I still hate missing Phil tell the teams their placements, though.  I don't know whose idea it was, but it's gotta stop.  Flat-out.


I do like the Express Pass change.  The eighth leg was a bit of a late time to hold onto it.  The fifth leg might work out a bit better.  And it must be given to another team must used.  Hmm.  Wonder how that will shake out?


So the teams:


Tanner & Josh: Boldly established themselves as the team to beat, but I don't have to like that fact.  I predict they're going to be a team of boring alpha-male who'll dominate the race and win anticlimatically, a la Bates & Anthony from TAR22.


Jazmine & Danielle: Now, these are some pretty strong girls.  I think they'll be real contenders after such a strong first leg.  They should watch out for a U-Turn, though, if they prove to be too strong.  I like them a lot, so I want them to last!


Cindy & Rick: I like most Asian teams, but I can see myself not liking them too much.  They're already fighting quite a bit too much.  They seemed to panic a fair bit at that Detour when they weren't even last.  But they were fortunate to finish early enough to finish high.  Don't see how they passed up Denise & James Earl, though.


Denise & James Earl: About time we have another mother/son team, but man.  Other than Toni & Dallas from TAR13, every single one has been a mother with a gay son.  Patrick was gay, as was Luke.  Dallas was the only straight son to be on the race with his mother.  That said, they performed surprisingly well.  I give them props for tackling that challenging sidewalk puzzle.  Fourth place was deserved, but I'm confused as to how they didn't finish third.  They were in that position when they cleared the Detour, after all!  I like them a lot and hope they stick around for a while.


Logan & Chris: I like having older teams, so I'm hoping these two last a while.  They seemed to do a great job with the Sand Detour.  It was great seeing some older people beat a younger team of pros.  They have great potential.


Alex & Adam: I like these little guys.  They're definitely going to be underestimated because of their heights.  But they crushed that Sand Detour, and kudos to them!  Let's see what else they can tackle!


Ernest & Jin: While I do feel for these two due to their homeless situation, I have to say that they really need to just get real jobs since their dancing isn't paying off financially.  I like them, though, and thought they did well to have the presence of mind to write down all of their destinations on that helicopter tour and then beat that Sand Detour.  Let's see how race-smart they prove to be.


Kelsey & Joey: Pretty silent, but the news anchor spots they'll probably do will get exhausting after a while.  But they recovered from switching Detours wonderfully, so it shows that they do have some game to them.  Let's see how they do on future legs.


Justin & Diana: Justin, in appearance, manner of speech, and personality, is already reminding me quite heavily of that asshole, Tony, who won Survivor: Cagayan.  That is not a good thing.  He's already as cocky as he was, and he's even sounding like Jim from TAR25, as well.  That said, they totally killed the first task, and going for tht Fast Forward wasn't a bad idea.  But they needed to calm down and focus on getting back in the game after they couldn't get it.  Diana channeled the calm Justin needed, and that's pretty much why they managed to beat the Sand Detour and stay in it.


Tiffany & Krista: Whew.  These girls had a pretty heavy set of bad breaks, all from cabs.  They were last to the helicopters because of one, after all, and were forced out of another cab far from where the Detour was.  But I give them props for staying as calm as they could (though I'm sure it wasn't easy to remain as such) when they realized they were in the back of the pack and finishing that Sidewalk Detour.  They definitely deserved to stay in it after that.


Kelly & Shevonne: Aw, that's a shame.  They had a good start, but everything seemed to fall apart after the Detour.  Switching was a good choice, but they needed to not panic at the Sidewalk Detour.  They did, while Tiffany & Krista stayed calm and retained focus, which helped them make it through.  I agree with what they said, though.  The guys at TMZ are going to crucify them when they find out about this.  I liked them okay, though, and was hoping they'd have gotten past this first leg, at least.


It's good that we're back to not having all dating couples, and I love having some women's teams after having a whopping ZERO last season.  This season has potential, but there'd better not be a total domination by the alpha-males, or it'll suck.

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I wasn't keen on TMZ and was not sorry they lost, but I did laugh when they told Phil they were going to the bar and ran away before he could say anything.

They did seem to have a great sense of humor about it, so that could have been fun. It was a fun premiere.

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I am really excited about this leg because 5 years ago my husband surprised me with an Amazing Race for my 60th birthday. We went to Brazil and took that exact helicopter ride around Rio. It was incredible. So I appreciated the superfan couple..until he started crying about everything. Ugh.


I dislike TMZ and was glad Team TMZ got Philiminated. Those slide puzzles have a trick to them, which I do not know..though you can be sure that I would learn it before going on TAR (or Survivor, for that matter) if you know the trick they can be done quickly; if you don't...well, we saw the result.


I didn't see enough of the teams to choose a favorite. Team Beefcake is too obvious. I think maybe the Track girls or Alex and Adam.  I kind of like the homeless dancers, also, for some reason. We'll see. 


Yay! TAR is back. Still loving' the Friday nights. 

Edited by Jodithgrace
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Was there no Phil eyebrow pop at the mention of "go" at the start of the race?  Please come back, Browsie!


Midway through the episode I was already tired of green guy's crying and this was after truly enjoying their intro.  It's hard to be upset about or miss the first team that gets eliminated but one thing I liked about the TMZ girls was that they were aware of how ridiculous it is for female racers to be fully made up at all times, something that I'll never understand.  At least I think it was the TMZ girls who said that.


Love the dancers and the track stars.  I think this has the makings of an enjoyable season.

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Ah excellent to have the Race back! The commercials for this season of the Race were my favorite part of the last few episodes of Big Brother!


Just like I was overjoyed when the Twinnies were eliminated first I'm so happy that the TMZ team went down on flames. Now I can watch in peace knowing everything is right with the Race-verse.


Team Paparazzi and the the mother-gay son combo (again? Reallllllly?) are on my nerves a bit already though, but I'll give them time as it's just one eppy.

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Was there no Phil eyebrow pop at the mention of "go" at the start of the race? Please come back, Browsie!

He did but it wasn't as prominent. I think Phil's been into the Botox.

I love that the race is back but I don't see a team yet to root for. What an unlikable bunch... TMZ, paparazzi, beefcake, overbearing husbands, clingy mom. At least the setting was pretty.

Edited by Haleth
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I was sad about TMZ because I knew them beforehand and they looked like they could be a ton of fun. I wish they'd have squeeked through.


Lipstick mom?  If you keep calling your son baby you are in for a lifetime of trouble.  He'll live up to the name.


Cheetleaders, yuk.  Another doctor power couple duo who said they were a great team then we find out how he orders her arounhd.  Beefcakes who are going to flirt.  Not finding much likeable on the teams. Hyperfan crying and losing any sort of strategy, ugh.  And another couple called Ken and Barbie by one of them.

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I didn't feel sorry for the green team because they couldn't do the FF because that decision was too hasty. They were first, meaning they would get on the helicopter first to complete the Roadblock, if they paid attention to what they're suppose to pay attention to, to answer the man's question and go from there. I'm rarely affected by those that turn on the waterworks. I think you should only do a FF if you're middle of the pack or almost last place. If you're the first 3 teams, you really don't have to go for the FF.


I'm willing to give them another chance.  I thought they probably needed a little humbling - people who come in first early start thinking and claiming they'll be in first until the end.  It was amusing that the guy later mentioned it was good to be humbled.


If Team TMZ was going to be hurling little insults like that at the other teams the whole race, I'm glad they're gone.


I didn't mind the making fun of the cheerleaders for fluffing their hair and wearing false eyelashes - that's something I would definitely do.  But when they immediately labelled the gay kid as Norman Bates - they were dead to me.


There is no way in hell I am stuffing my hefty ass in a white bikini. NO ONE wants to see that, not even myself.


I know!  It's unfortunate that this show has gone the way of Survivor and Big Brother, where women seem to be cast by how good they'll look in a bikini.  I'm sure it's a deterrent to people like you and me who have no interest in jiggling around in a bikini for the world to observe.  The puzzle inadvertently showed quite a few female crotch close ups.

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That first flight ticket was a mixed blessing. It's almost always dangerous to be on a flight by yourself.

Justin was getting on my last nerve. It was a pleasure watching him deflate when he discovered they couldn't do the FF. It would have served him right if they actually had come in last. Can anyone explain how he had money for the cab ride to the pit stop when he couldn't afford the whole fare for the ride to the detour?

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Wasn't all that surprised by the outcome since TMZ mentioned them coming in last awhile back.

It's funny, I totally remember the episode of TMZ when Kelly mentioned her "experience" of being on a reality show (it was in reference to The Bachelorette, I think?) and one of the guys in the back cracked "you were on the Biggest Loser?" Her and Shevonne basically flipped him off for the comment.  A google search told me they were on TAR, but I thought the comment was more a dig at their weight than anything else.  On tonight's episode though, Kelly actually said that they felt like or were going to be treated like "the biggest losers" or something to that effect.  So it was pretty hilarious to see the two match up. 


I'm familiar with the blonde from TMZ but not the brunette.


They sit beside each other on TMZ! lol If you've seen Kelly on the show, Shevonne is always right next to her. 

Edited by HistoryGirl
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The green hat guy annoyed me because of the whining and crying, but also because of the green hat. During the puzzle challenge, he was making his partner attempt the puzzle and he kept checking out the other teams. He needs to go.

The mother son team also bothered me. She wants to be his hero? Why can't she just be his mom? And they didn't speak for years, because he is gay? Wow. She wouldn't be my hero either.

No one else really bothered me. Glad TMZ is gone.

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Aarrgh.....we were so close to getting rid of the alpha-douche. Now he and his non-entity fiance are probably going to make it much, much farther than TMZ or the Cheerleaders ever would have because TAR is evil like that.


Alpha Male team edges out Alpha female team for the express pass. I wonder how many times this season that dynamic will repeat itself...


Someone upthread thought the Cheerleaders made the crack about the Mom and Son having an American Psycho vibe. That was actually team TMZ who...in spite of that, I wished they wouldn't have been offed so soon. I don't know if they would've ever been likeable per se, but I do think they would've brought a few good zingers here and there. I could've gotten behind their form of villainy whereas Justin I've already had enough of.


No real feel for a lot of the teams so far. I do think that the Son of the Mom and Son, might be one of the sharper players....also smart thinking by the dancers about writing monuments down pre-helicopter ride, and yet they still gave me a mini-heart attack that they were going to be the only team to blow the question and have to go again.


I also want really want to know the elapsed times on the foot volleyball task. I feel like after the two leading alpha teams....everyone else who completed that detour seriously got an extended physical work out.

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The green hat guy annoyed me because of the whining and crying, but also because of the green hat


It's their team color.


If the anchors keep doing that anchory shit, they're gonna be on my kill list.


There were sure a lot of cryers and whiners, and that's even before KF takes over.  Ugh.


I hope Team Bro doesn't run away with this.

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Can anyone explain how he had money for the cab ride to the pit stop when he couldn't afford the whole fare for the ride to the detour?

I wondered that too. I figured Phil would say something at the mat but he never did. Don't they have to settle

up with the cab before they can check in?

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If you start crying on the first leg, its going to be a loooong race.

Every time they mentioned the lead time of the first flight I kept saying "if it leaves on time." 30 minutes flight time is not that much when you have the whole day to make up that time. It was more important to come in first at the mat to get the express pass than get on the first flight.

Yummm, eye candy.

Loved Phil having to come find TMZ. I thought they only did that in extreme circumstances, not just because only one team left.

I don't think I would want to be tne only team on a flight only 30 minutes earlier. If something goes wrong, you could be totally screwed, while the other 10 know the flight won't hurt their chances of advancing.

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There is no way in hell I am stuffing my hefty ass in a white bikini. NO ONE wants to see that, not even myself.

I agree; I would have been out when they handed it to me. And everyone was wearing it! Even the lovely Brazilian young lady at the pit stop. Is there something I don't know about white bikinis in Brazil?

I liked the dancers, but I hope they get past their disadvantaged background. They have some good survival strategies, I think, and they need a little self-esteem to go with them. I liked the small guys, as well (are they little people? They seem tall for that designation).

The mother son team also bothered me. She wants to be his hero? Why can't she just be his mom? And they didn't speak for years, because he is gay? Wow. She wouldn't be my hero either.


People expect their parents to be heroes, instead of simply accepting that parents are fallible, human beings.

Edited by ennui
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I don't think I would want to be tne only team on a flight only 30 minutes earlier. If something goes wrong, you could be totally screwed, while the other 10 know the flight won't hurt their chances of advancing.

Seriously when I found out the "prize" was only 30 minutes on a connecting flight of that length I was like that is a bullshit advantage. That much time can be made up in the air or easily be bled in customs, not to mention the possibility of flight delays.

People expect their parents to be heroes, instead of simply accepting that parents are fallible, human beings.

Edited by ennui, A minute ago.

She was the one who said he used to think of her as a hero and hoped to be one again. He didn't seem to blame her but rejecting your child because of who they are is not that easy simply accept.

Edited by biakbiak
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If they're going to make the teams wear so little on a task, they really need to provide more industrial strength sunscreen than what fits ina 3-1-1 baggie. The TMZ ladies were going to have a couple painful days after Rio from serious sunburn.


I hope that the cousins were not case with images of Charla & Mirna dancing in the producers' heads because the C&M special kind of entertaining batshit crazy can only really happen once over the run of a series.

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The doctor kept speaking in Spanish to the locals but isn't Portuguese the native language in Brazil?

Dr. Douche needs to gooooo. But at least it isn't as bad as the awful woman several seasons ago who said si for yes, no matter what country they were in. Even in Russia.

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This looks like it'll be a fun season; back-to-basics Amazing Race without all the blind dating nonsense.


Right away, I didn't like the cheerleaders, TMZ, or the paparazzi couple.  I'm reserving judgment on the TV newscasters.  That's a lot of teams trying desperately to become famous on TV.


The cheerleaders got hit with a big dose of karma, didn't they?  They started off talking about how cheerleaders are such great athletes, but they're ALSO really smart, because one of them has a Master's in something or other.  Then, they go play volleyball, suck at it, and start to cry.  So they switch tasks to the puzzle challenge, suck at it, and start to cry. LOL


Team TMZ spent almost 4 hours on a child's puzzle board!  I loved how they said they didn't want to come in last because they'd never hear the end of it from their co-workers "who constantly under-estimate" their abilities.  I hate to break this to them, but losing in the first episode, where Phil has to come off the Mat and find you, means that your co-workers are correctly "estimating" your abilities.


Other highlights for me:

1. the beautiful scenery of Rio; absolutely gorgeous

2. the big crybaby who went from cocky to miserable to cocky again really quickly

3. the professional dancer guys who got on those water bikes, pedaled just off-shore, and immediately started complaining about being tired!

4. the short guys winning at volleyball when so many other teams gave up

5. the greeter at the Mat.  YOWZA!


I hope the rest of the season is as good as this episode was!

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I was extremely disappointed in the Green Team.  Super fans have rarely done well on TAR, but in the past it has been because of poor task performance.  Mark and Bill of TAR13 are a classic example.  But the Green team almost got eliminated because they did not learn from previous season of TAR, and that is inexcusable for a super fan team.


From TAR14 they should have learned going hang gliding is a huge risk and it is not dependant so much on the weather as the wind. They should not have tried the FF.  From TAR2 they should have learned that getting 6 points in this version of volleyball is not that difficult if the team is athletic at all.  They should have gone immediately to that detour instead of wasting time with the puzzle.


I was initially routing for this team but now I can hardly wait for them to go.

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I am so glad the TMZ morons got eliminated first, I watch TMZ Live & those girls are about as bright as a small appliance bulb, every time one of them said "we're not stupid!" I thought "yes you are" At least they won't be around to annoy me the rest of the race. Too many people for me to form opinions about, except watching that guy crying because he blew his lead made me want to smack him.


Every time they do a challenge where they have to put on show supplied bathing suits, I always hope that the women shaved enough. I wonder if they give them some warning, or maybe they tell them before the race to always be prepared to put on a bathing suit.

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Thinking about it, the public starts brought out the butthurt in me. They had one for TAR25 last year in New York, but I didn't go because the start time was 3 a.m. Doesn't seem fair that we get a daytime start on the West Coast.


ETA: I can't remember the last time we got a Fast Forward this early. Was there a FF in TAR26? Aside from "Free Blair," I'm drawing a blank.

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I'm sorry Green-Hat didn't get eliminated. Alternating between boasting and floods of tears is not a good sign, especially since it is the first leg! I also hate the green hat. And it isn't fair that green-hat guy gets to run this race on his own. Normally, it;'s teams of two, but that guy was on his own!

Doctor Dick was pretty nasty to the wyf, and I don't want to see much of that, so maybe he will go next.

I don't care how poor the dancers are, how short the [cousins] are, or how gay Luke2 is. Let's just hope they run the race and have a good time.

I enjoyed the episode. It was great to see Phil, Rio 'day' Janeiro was beautiful, and the greeter was a knockout! TAR is back with little or nothing in the way of format-fuckery, and I'm looking forward to the season with pleasure!

Edited by GenL
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Oy vey, at the start of every season, there are just too many teams to keep track of, and by too many I mean 11.  So far, I think I made nick names for all of them:

1. Beefy buff (cute, coming off slightly douchey) boys

2. Dwarfism cousins

3. Cheerleaders.

4. The Doctors

5. Green superfan team

6. Runners

7. TV Reporters

8. Paparazzi

9. Gay son and Mom

10. Homeless dancers with nice bodies.

11. TMZ


I'm fine with TMZ getting eliminated, they were slightly funny if not borderline annoying for me.  Everyone else is meh right now.  I'm a sucker for the underdogs, and I kind of like the cousins just because I think everyone will underestimate them because of their size.


This was better than last season, where a bunch of people in their 20s get together and I couldn't keep track of them.  Looking down at Rio, it was amazing, but I laughed when the dancers were saying this is the ghetto, probably because of the overcrowding.  That puzzle was actually easy because one of the pieces was drawn in the background, and they have the edges to help them, it's about getting them in the order, which is easy if you solve half of the board first, and then try to manuever the remaining pieces in the order so when you slide each piece forward or backward, they would all fall in place, like when the cheerleaders finally figured it out.  Ughh I love puzzles.


And I would have LOVED to do the beach volleyball too, watching it so much, and doing jumping exercises, I think I might do well at that, but it's really about your partner.  Some of the women were falling out of their bikinis, but all of the guys' shorts looked fine to me, they're not THAT short. 

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What the hell is wrong with most of the teams jumping off and landing in the water? They couldn't wait to get closer to the docks lol?


Especially when first is already gone and there's no advantage to speed at this moment.


I dislike TMZ and was glad Team TMZ got Philiminated. Those slide puzzles have a trick to them, which I do not know..though you can be sure that I would learn it before going on TAR (or Survivor, for that matter) if you know the trick they can be done quickly; if you don't...well, we saw the result.

I remember doing them as a kid without trouble (if I knew the trick, it was sub-consciously), but watching tonight, I think I would have struggled as well. Hopefully not for four hours though...

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