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S14.E06: Lace To The Finish


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Kelly's look was killer. It helped that her model actually had boobs. The very flat-chested models did not show the designs well.

I think Heidi likes designer Edmund. She said "Edmund, I imagine you have taken a few bras off in your time." I can't remember her ever saying something similar to any other designer.

Jake managed to make a thin model look fat. And Blake has no idea how to design for women. Ashley's is gorgeous and she has the incredible Aube as her model. Has Aube won every challenge?

Swapnil's look very intricate and structural, too.

Edited by susannot
  • Love 8

I repeat what I said last week: the judges are high.


Merline's look was almost as sad as Blake's. I couldn't believe she was in the top. Kelly's look was amazing and her coverup was totally her style. Laurie's look was soooo 80s.

I agree; I thought Merline's sucked too.

Still no Mood, and it looks like no Mood next week either.

What's up with that? Have Mood and PR had a spat?

  • Love 6

No one with breasts could ever wear Merline's "bra." Ugh.

I can't believe they actually aufed Blake. I was certain Tim would save him too, but nope. PR finally managed to surprise me. (Guilty confession: he's annoying as hell but the workroom and show will be a little less interesting with him gone).

Edited by Gbb
  • Love 17

And speaking of models, since when do the models, Jakes model specifically, dictate what they will wear or not model?

Season 1 wedding dresses: Olga

On the one hand, he could have asserted his authority as the designer, but on the other hand, how much could an unhappy model hurt the look of his outfit as she walked down the runway?

Was pleasantly surprised by Kelly's, thought Ashley's was the best of the top three, and wanted both of the bottom two to go. :-)

Edited by TheSoundkeeper
  • Love 5

I have as much experience with women's private areas as Blake, so this particular challenge held very little interest for me, but Merline's win made no sense to me whatsoever. It looked both flimsy and unbalanced, and not in an "artsy" unbalanced way. I will have to look up the guest judge. They seem to be finding some excellent ones this season who don't just spew the same phrases over and over, as with the regulars. If they ever do lingerie again, I hope they at least combine it with unconventional materials.

  • Love 14

As much as I love Swapnil, I wouldn't have given him the win. I didn't think the bra and panties were quite a "set", and I know it may be just me, but the straps across the chest would make me insane! I know it wasn't meant to be one of the more practical, every day items up there, but I just didn't care for it. I also hated the lack of an obvious connection between the cups...the blank space was awkward.

I detested what Merline made and can't believe it won! Well, given the cracked out judging this show has became known for, yes I can! It drooped, it was unflattering, and was frankly attrocious.

Jake didn't actually deserve to be in the bottom two for that design, either. Yes, it was a little basic, with some straps that were unforgivably snug...but there was a lot of ugly on that runway tonight. I thought Lindsey's was bad (her models breasts looked sad and low) and Merline's was awful, too.

But Princess Blakey is gone, so I don't care. I just never liked any thing he made and his simpering "I'm such a special princess" posing was old by the end of the first 5 minutes of the season. I'm glad Tim didn't bother saving him!

  • Love 22

Merline's win says one thing and one thing only to me - mass produced.  Swapnil even admitted his would be hard to mass produce, so I don't think he was surprised.  Merline's was the easiest of the top three to mass produce.


Also, I loved Jake's bra, well, I'd prefer one strap going around the sides, but I loved the polka dots and the scalloping.  Glad he didn't go home. 

Edited by LisaBLingLing
  • Love 21

This may be the first time in my personal Project Runway history that I've completely agreed with the judges. I loved Merline's look and I'm happy she won. She was the only one who successfully built a bra from the ground up. Everybody else decorated a pre-made bra. Granted, some of them did a fabulos job, but Merline actually constructed something. I thought all three pieces were lovely and worked well together.


I would have liked Swapnil's better if it hadn't looked like he ran out of time or material to cover up the beige. I believe him when he said he did it on purpose, but, to me, it looked unfinished, especially in the back. As much as I hate to agree with Nina, the bra was too busy in the front.


I wonder if the Blake we saw at the end was the real Blake. He seemed almost tolerable. Still, all I'm going to miss is loving to hate him.


  • Love 13

As much as I love Swapnil, I wouldn't have given him the win. I didn't think the bra and panties were quite a "set", and I know it may be just me, but the straps across the chest would make me insane! I know it wasn't meant to be one of the more practical, every day items up there, but I just didn't care for it. I also hated the lack of an obvious connection between the cups...the blank space was awkward.

I detested what Merline made and can't believe it won! Well, given the cracked out judging this show has became known for, yes I can! It drooped, it was unflattering, and was frankly attrocious.

Jake didn't actually deserve to be in the bottom two for that design, either. Yes, it was a little basic, with some straps that were unforgivably snug...but there was a lot of ugly on that runway tonight. I thought Lindsey's was bad (her models breasts looked sad and low) and Merline's was awful, too.

But Princess Blakey is gone, so I don't care. I just never liked any thing he made and his simpering "I'm such a special princess" posing was old by the end of the first 5 minutes of the season. I'm glad Tim didn't bother saving him!

You've said everything I wanted to say. Except you left out Ashley. I liked her design and thought she should have been the winner.

  • Love 13
That was the mouthiest guest judge in history.

True, but at least when she did talk it was constructive.  She made good points about why Blake's top was a structural failure and the placement of Jake's bottom straps hitting at exactly the wrong place.  I've never heard of her, though.


Hasn't the sheer top thing run its course by now?  That look has been around for years.


I didn't like Swapnil's at all--the beige looked like bra version of muslin.   Loved Ashley's, liked Merline's okay, but Kelly's better.

  • Love 9

Bye Blake.

I didn't watch the last few seasons, does TG ever use his "save"?

Yes, he has used it for the past two years, since it started.  Last season we didn't know he brought back Char until the following week, so don't celebrate Blake being gone just yet.


Loved Blake trying to be cutsy and coy about his non-knowledge of girly underwear on the runway and the judges shutting that down.

  • Love 13

As much as I love Swapnil, I wouldn't have given him the win. I didn't think the bra and panties were quite a "set", and I know it may be just me, but the straps across the chest would make me insane! I know it wasn't meant to be one of the more practical, every day items up there, but I just didn't care for it. I also hated the lack of an obvious connection between the cups...the blank space was awkward.


When the judges kept talking about how it wasn't meant for daywear, but for the bedroom, I wondered how easily (or not) it comes off. If it looks sexy, but doesn't come off easily, it's probably not so good.


Merline's win says one thing and one thing only to me - mass produced.  Swapnil even admitted his would be hard to mass produce, so I don't think he was surprised.  Merline's was the easiest of the top three to mass produce.


I think you're right. And with someone who actually knows how to make bras and put some support in it, it will be better. I assume they're going to change it some. I don't remember the word they used, but it implied that the actual bra sold will not be exactly what the designer made.


I hated all the underwear. I want my underwear to actually cover my bottom. If my butt is going to hang out of my underwear, I might as well just not wear underwear. Of course, I'm old, and my butt doesn't look as good as, say, Aube's.

Hasn't the sheer top thing run its course by now?  That look has been around for years.


I wish, especially if it's a sheer top on top of a sheer bra. And the bra was black, so there's a good chance the top would be a lighter color. I always think a black bra under a sheer top just makes the top look dirty.

  • Love 12

Anyway, I wonder if they told the models to shave their vajayjays because half of Laurie's models was hanging out.

No need for that - according to my fashion model niece, Brazilian waxing is still the standard for runway work. 


Thank you, Lord! See ya, stupid ass! **I was so scared that Tim was going to save him.**

It's too soon for me to be completely comfortable - remember when Charketa was eliminated and cleared her stuff out of the workroom? Tim woke up stressed out about losing her and announced the save the next day. There's still time for him to decide to save Princess Blake.
  • Love 3


Anyway, I wonder if they told the models to shave their vajayjays because half of Laurie's models was hanging out.

I am sure they are waxed, but it looked like the models were wearing nude thongs underneath some of the underwear. I could be wrong though.


I did not mind Merline's. I could see why it was in the top and why it won. It is easy to mass produce, but I thought the top seemed on trend to some of the bras I have been seeing around the past year or so.


I will be at my table for one with not liking Kelly's. I thought the fit was good, but I hated the colors. I hated the colors even more with the leopard cover-up. I could see Kelly design aesthetic in it. Since I am not a fan of her design style it did not work for me.


I did not really like this challenge. It seemed like all of the designers struggled with it. Nothing looked that great, and so many of the designs looked sloppy. 


Please Tim do not have an epiphany and save Blake next week.

  • Love 11

Zac's reaction when Blake said he designed for women who don't wear bras was perfect.  Good luck with that, Blake!  He deserved to go home just for that.


I was befuddled with this runway.  I didn't like any of the looks in the top.  I thought Merline's and Swapnil's bras were a mess.  think I liked Kelly's the best, and her cover up was great.  I really liked the cups on Jake's bra.  I would buy that, but with a regular band, not those straps.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 11

The designers seemed really thrown by this challenge. How hard is it to make a bra when the infrastructure is already made for you. The designers in season two made some beautiful lingerie so it's obviously possible to make something great within the time frame of the show. I remember loving Daniel V.'s ex-boyfriend inspired collection. Hell, even Santino's German reindeer lingerie was miles better than the crap we saw tonight.

Also, I'm shocked that so many of the designers just ignored the cover-up portion of the challenge. I can't imagine it's that difficult to make a flowy robe. I noticed that we didn't even get to see some of the robes.

I didn't think anything was amazing tonight but Ashley's was definitely the best. It didn't look all that complicated to reproduce do I don't understand Merline winning. Swapnil's wasn't executed great but at least he had an interesting idea.

I felt really bad for the models tonight. How embarrassing to have a cameraman doing a close-up of your naughty bits. I felt especially bad for Laurie's model. I was cringing when the judges were feeling the girls up and talking about their little saggy boobies.

Edited by grumpypanda
  • Love 9

Yikes what a lot of hot mess!


I was cringing for most of the critique at the thought of Blake's poor model who had to stand up there in that bra. And then to have the camera repeatedly do close-ups of her body during his critique.. that was just shameful. The camera director and the editor should be fired. We could all see what a travesty that outfit was, and if we couldn't, one close-up would have been enough. That was not just exploitative, it was bordering on soft porn. I can't believe Lifetime bills itself as a women's channel. Even the models with great bodies didn't need to have so many shots of their butts hanging out. This was Miss Universe and the Victoria Secret tv fashion special meets playboy. Bleh


I thought sure Swapnil's would be in the bottom. That bra was so overdone. It didn't look that good close up either. He said the beige was intentional to break up the white, but I'm not so sure... he said during the workroom segments that he wanted it to be all white, didn't he? It just looked like the pre-made bra he used as the base was showing. Instead of adding more to the panty, he needed to refine the bra strap'age. It didn't look like bondage; it looked overwrought and sloppy.


I liked Ashley's although I was surprised that the judges praised the fit when they saw it close up. It looked to me like there was extra fabric under the bust and it was bunching. That was my only criticism of it though. I actually liked the direction she was going before the Tim/Heidi visit. I think if she had gone bandeau style top and boy short, the horizontal neckline would have worked. I could see Heidi's problem with it though because it wasn't deliberately "boyish" nor was it sexy because there was too much of it. She pulled out a nice "save" though based on the feedback she got. Kudos!


Merline... oh my. I do like Merline. And I thought there were some nice elements in her set. But that top wouldn't work on a busted women, and frankly small busted women don't look sexy in demi-bra styles IMO. As a nearly flat chested woman myself, I gave up on demis because they just made me look SMALLER. And that's what every demi-bra up there did tonight. Made these models look even flatter and smaller. When you have no cleavage, you really don't want a HUGE space open betwen your breasts, because the total absence of cleavage is just more noticeable.


However, I was glad to see Merline win just so we could have a shot of everyone EXCEPT JOSEPH getting up to congratulate her!

As Merline might say "Hashtag/Dick!" .. except she has too much class to say exactly that.


The big winner tonight for me was Kelly. She should have been in the top.


I didn't think Jake's was quite as bad as they were making it out. I do think he could have done something a little more fashion forward with the black polka dots.


I think I remember liking the color of Joe's but I don't remember anything else about it.... or any of the other "safe" looks.


And, oh.. Candice: STFU.

Edited by slothgirl
  • Love 9

Designing bras and panties make for an extremely dull and boring episode. Moreover, subjecting the contestants to sleep deprivation and forcing them to wear quirky pajamas the producers picked out in the name of creating TV drama was reprehensible. Then many of those poor models had no choice but to sport ill fitting undergarments while being scrutinized and groped half naked on national TV. I really wish this episode had been cut down to an hour, or better yet had been scrapped altogether.

Blake's bra was horrible. His models breasts were flopping with a fury during her runway walk. Pretending not to know anything about the location of a woman's genitalia was absurd, but then again that's just the way this witless twit rolls. Did he really say he wanted to design something "more sporty" and thus "wants her boobs dangling around?" WTF?! No sense, that one.

I was quite surprised by Blake's elimination given (1) his prior wins (what is wrong with these judges?) and (2) the drama and quotable stupid things he has become notorious for. I thought for sure he was a judges' if not producers favorite. Glad I was wrong on that front.

Ashley should have won. Her design was attractive, tasteful and something women of different sizes could and would actually want to wear. Merline's bra, like Blake's, offered no structural support.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 23

Tim didn't even say he was sorry to see Blake go.

At least by not saying anything Tim kept himself honest. Nobody will be sad or depressed by Blake's departure, as much as he'd like to think otherwise.

I think Swapnil's panties did not match the criss crossing orthogonal straps of the top because there simply was not enough fabric to execute it in either white or nude.

  • Love 2

This was the worst PR show ever. It seemed to be nothing more than an advertisement for Heidi.

I just don't care to watch a show with a bunch of close ups of the pubic area, shaved or not. I thought some of the panties were cut very inappropriately in the front, and I don't know if you all noticed, but some of the models were wearing flesh colored underpants, under the designer panties. You also saw little pieces of tape covering the nipples.

When I looked at all the designs, the one thought I had was no one larger than an A cup could wear the bras, and that to wear the panties, especially the ones with all the side bands, you'd have to be a size two. I don't know what woman wears Heidi's items, but I have the feeling that she doesn't sell to real women and their real bodies.

  • Love 15

This was the worst PR show ever. It seemed to be nothing more than an advertisement for Heidi.

I just don't care to watch a show with a bunch of close ups of the pubic area, shaved or not. I thought some of the panties were cut very inappropriately in the front, and I don't know if you all noticed, but some of the models were wearing flesh colored underpants, under the designer panties. You also saw little pieces of tape covering the nipples.

When I looked at all the designs, the one thought I had was no one larger than an A cup could wear the bras, and that to wear the panties, especially the ones with all the side bands, you'd have to be a size two. I don't know what woman wears Heidi's items, but I have the feeling that she doesn't sell to real women and their real bodies.

Incredibly boring and it's not the first episode that doubled as an ad for Heidi's various endeavors.

  • Love 13

I actually liked Merline's outift, at least in concept; the execution was a bit messy, but I'm not mad at her win. I would have preferred Ashley's, but, eh. I'm just happy Blake got ousted for that travesty. I suspect he was aufed at least in part because the judges realized he not only doesn't know anything or care to know anything about women's bodies, but he's so immature and enamored of his pretty princess routine, that he actually thinks it's adorable to giggle and squeal "eww! girl parts!" You're supposed to be a fucking designer. Of clothes. For women. To wear on their icky bodies. Get over yourself.


I would have been fine with Jake going, too, though. I liked his bra just as much as I did when I bought it at Target five years ago. This is allegedly a design competition, and Jake doesn't seem capable of producing anything innovative or even interesting.

Edited by stanleyk
  • Love 13

I didn't like Swapnil's at all--the beige looked like bra version of muslin.


I watched the show with my mom and said the same thing. It looked as if he used muslin to construct his lingerie pieces.


As far as Blake and Merline are concerned, when you make an A-cup model's breasts look awkward and disfigured, that's grounds for immediate elimination. Blake and Merline should have gone home. With the latter, Merline's time management skills are almost nonexistent.


Nude thongs are part of a model's "kit." I could tell that the models were wearing those on the runway.



One of my aunts watches PR and told my mom that she thinks Tim will use his save for Ashley. I'm guessing my aunt assumes that Ashley, for whatever reason, experiences a bit of a backslide and winds up being eliminated. Tim decides to save her because she's actually pretty talented.

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 7

I was dismayed that no judge called attention to Blake's cover-up which as we all saw was merely a piece of fabric he grabbed on the way out of the workroom.


I agree his bra and panty set was sufficiently atrocious to send him home but I think he should have been called out for faking the cover-up, too.    It was part of the challenge.


I really thought at one point Guest Judge Bella Thorne might expose her own breast in her attempt to make the designers understand what she was talking about.


About the tetanus shot:  I'm not a doctor (and I don't play one on TV) but I seem to recall that a tetanus shot can be given up to three days after the injury and still be effective.   I realize Lindsey required a stitch too but gosh if I was on Project Runway in the middle of a challenge and I needed a stitch to keep going and all around me are needles and thread ...

  • Love 13

When Tim did his usual announcement about using the Just Fab accessories wall “very thoughtfully”, they flashed on a purse.  I suddenly wanted someone to pay homage to the Maidenform ads and accessorize their model like she was going out on the town but did not put on a dress. 


It would have been nice if they gave each of the designers a bra that would fit their model.  Some of the models are much too small breasted for the bras that were supplied. 


What was the point of having the designers sleep on the runway?  Were their rooms being fumigated?  That was just stupid.  Are they trying to create more drama by making them even more sleep deprived?  Grrr.

  • Love 15

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