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S10.E08: Judgy Eyes & Tahitian Skies

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If Meghan is concerned about looking old, she should gain a few; it would soften her features and look more youthful. Not convinced it's an ED. I'm thinking it's steroid use (her muscle tone...even her face looks muscular in the jaw area) or something else. But I don't think she has enough body fat to menstruate, lol.


I think you're on to something here.  There was a profile shot of Meghan when they were having drinks before bed.  Her arm was extremely muscular, along with bulging veins.  I don't think I've ever seen that on a woman who wasn't a body builder.  I'm glad that Meghan is sporty and healthy (assuming there's no ED), but she's going overboard, and it's not attractive.  I know Meghan feels otherwise, because she's always sleeveless.  I give her credit for not having bolt-ons, but we'll see how long that lasts in the OC.


Lizzie continues to dress wrong for her body type.  I'm not sure how she could relax on that long flight, with skin tight jeans and top.  It looked very uncomfortable.  At least she didn't have her breasts strapped up tight like in her THs.

  • Love 5

Er, so why would asshole Jimmy & asshole Meghan wanna put a spotlight on what a sham/beard marriage they have.  I'm puzzled.



And Vicks, do you really wanna put a spotlight on YOUR relationship, hun?  Hey, it's your choice to have a man who doesn't work & is penniless & you totally support.  Why insult the millions of wives everywhere who don't work outside the home?  OMG, I hate that crap.  Man, she's always had this freakin' superior attitude, with the working bullshit.  


And just what the fuck kinda work is she gonna do in Tahiti?  Is she gonna be trolling for clients (victims) in Tahiti?  Or is she merely filling out the routine paperwork she could give to a teen for minimum wage?  Yeah, real impressed by this nonsense.  Sheesh, that tired "I'm working" bit of hers is just soooooo old.  Enough with that shit, Vicks.  It impresses nobody.  


And honestly, that snoring shit is so fuckin' obnoxious.  I wish someone would dump a bucket of water on her the next time she does it.  Asshole Meghan, you got my permission for a go ahead.


A $400 t-shirt, eh, Heather?  Oy, more phony-baloney Heather crapola, pretending she's a billionaire.  Newsflash, Heather, honey, you ain't married to a billionaire!  He's just a doctor & he's well on his way to bankruptcy if you 2 really are spending the way you both are trying so hard to pretend on this show like you are.


Judgy eyes?  Surprise me, Meghan & stop being an asshole for 1 second.  Just.  One.  Fucking.  Second.  I don't think it's even possible for her.

Well, Meghan did say that Shannon is "kindhearted" on WWHL tonight. I guess they just might mend fences this season, she also called Vicki "manipulative", no love lost there! LOL

  • Love 3
And Vicks, do you really wanna put a spotlight on YOUR relationship, hun?  Hey, it's your choice to have a man who doesn't work & is penniless & you totally support.  Why insult the millions of wives everywhere who don't work outside the home?  OMG, I hate that crap.  Man, she's always had this freakin' superior attitude, with the working bullshit.  


And just what the fuck kinda work is she gonna do in Tahiti?  Is she gonna be trolling for clients (victims) in Tahiti?  Or is she just filling out the routine paperwork she could give to a teen for minimum wage?  Yeah, real impressed by this nonsense.  Sheesh, that tired "I'm working" bit of hers is just soooooo old.  Enough with that shit, Vicks.  It impresses nobody.  


And honestly, that snoring shit is so fuckin' obnoxious.  I wish someone would dump a bucket of water on her the next time she does it.  Asshole Meghan, you got my permission for a go ahead.


A $400 t-shirt, eh, Heather?  Oy, more phony-baloney Heather crapola, pretending she's a billionaire.  Newsflash, Heather, honey, you ain't married to a billionaire!  He's just a doctor & he's well on his way to bankruptcy if you 2 really are spending the way you both are trying so hard to pretend on this show like you are.

On these points, I agree. :)


It is amazing how Vickie is so freaking judgmental on Meghan and Jim's relationship but gets all bent out of shape if someone says anything about her and Brook's relationship.


Hey, at least we didn't have to hear about Vickie losing her mom this episode.  I don't mean to be insensitive but enough about Vickie now being an orphan.  Poor Vickie.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 12

It's cruel and malevolent for Meghan to host a couples-oriented party for the cast (something that is a seasonal occurrence on this installment of the franchise in particular) just because her co-worker displayed horrific judgment in airing her marital laundry on national television? And at the point this ep was filmed, would Meghan even have been aware of David's infidelity (it's possible someone could have clued her in but she didn't even know Heather well prior to beginning filming)? Shannon herself is doing herself no favors this year with the material she's supplying to editing vis-a-vis talking shit about the Edmonds while Meghan was hosting her in her home. I find Meghan self-important and braggadocio-ish but it's more comical/ridiculous to me than offensive. Vicki's "confusion" is a pretext to jealousy over the aesthetic differential between herself and the other women and the nominal unfairness that differential has yielded. She's both revisonistic (didn't Donn support her prior to and while she started her insurance business, her present commentary to the contrary?) and myopic (Heather did not bring in any revenue streams comparable to Terry's earnings prior to joining the show, and a couple of hundred k is still a drop in the bucket when contrasted against their monetary output) in her preoccupation with the specifics of the Edmonds union. I don't think that the state of Meghan and Jim's relationship augurs well for a long-lasting romance but I can see why Vicki's probing "confusion" eventually elicits the "you're just an old woman who's bitter and pissed off" remark.

Briefly, when the show first started Donn was unemployed and then underemployed and then he and Vicki filed for divorce and she ended up paying him spousal support.  I do believe Vicki has always worked and provided for her children since her marriage to Donn.  I keep her paying Donn spousal support as one of the reasons she is ticked at Meghan.


There may come a time when Meghan wishes she would have heeded Vicki's warning about having separate income, by that I mean in addition to the show, her main career seems to be reality TV. 

  • Love 1

Well, Meghan did say that Shannon is "kindhearted" on WWHL tonight. I guess they just might mend fences this season, she also called Vicki "manipulative", no love lost there! LOL


She said Vicks was "manipulative" first.  And I said, "right on" & thought she was gonna rip into Shannon next.  Have to say, I was shocked when she didn't.  I didn't get that "kindhearted" comment at all & I thought she was lying thru her teeth.  When Meghan was asked about the ones who were talking about her behind her back, which she had no knowledge of until the ep was shown tonite, she seemed less than thrilled.  Maybe she's saving her venom for Vicks.  I bet Vicks will later on really rip into her.  But Vicks ripped into Meghan pretty good in this ep.  Yeesh, it wasn't pretty.  Meghan was right, Vicks was asking her extremely intrusive questions & it was quite nasty & rude.  Did I sympathize for her?  Meh, nah.


Btw, Meghan also said Tams was "loyal" on WWHL.  Loyal?  Tams?  Um, no.

  • Love 8

Vicki's best friend Tamra made the point that Vicki is use to taking care of men, and not being cared for by men.

Vicki's bitter that she never hooked herself a whale. She's done well for herself even during the periods where Don supported her, but she's never had the stupid amounts of wealth that Heather has or Meghan has access to. Jim Edmonds is providing support for 4 households: child support for Hayley, Meghan in the OC, himself in St. Louis, and his ex in St. Louis. And even after all of those payouts, Meghan lives a very comfortable life and doesn't have to work. That's the kind of thing that is going to hit Vicki's insecure spots.

I didn't understand that therapist's advice to Shannon and David at all. So the event is too raw for discussion between the two of them, David doesn't want to do counseling and Shannon needs to move on? So what was the resolution?

I think she was saying that they didn't have the insight and distance to have conversations about it without a mediator and that any unsupervised discussion would likely turn into a fight. So that even when she gives them homework, it's to work on their communication skills and relationship, but not to discuss the affair. However, I think the fact that David doesn't want to do counseling is very telling about his long-term investment in the relationship.

  • Love 12

That pearl necklace Heather tried on was gorgeous.  She clearly loved it & it looked great on her.  If Heather really was as wealthy as she would like us to believe, she would have bought it without a second thought -- or at least purchased some pearl bauble in that store.  That's what very wealthy women usually do when they go into jewelry stores.  But Heather sure didn't.  She acted cautiously -- like knew she couldn't afford to do that.  Even Shannon said the prices were extremely high (clearly higher than she would she spend on), but Shannon isn't shoving her wealth in our faces the way phony-baloney Heather is.  Hmmmm, very revealing indeed.

  • Love 17

There's something so fucking annoying about Vicki harping at Meghan to get a job, like RHOC is some volunteer position.  She gets a paycheck and to pick up the slack for Hayley. Quit being a bitch, especially when Brooks is in your home, unmarried and unemployed with doctor bills piling up.

Brooks is probably on Medicare or Medical so you and me and other "working" people are paying for his healthcare. Dirty secret to Obama care is that people without insurance or underinsured pay approx. 25% of their medical bills as a settlement to hospitals and the rest is written off with "programs". Next time you get a hospital bill go to their financial services to make payment arrangements prove you don't have insurance or are underinsured and see what happens like magic.

  • Love 4
However, I think the fact that David doesn't want to do counseling is very telling about his long-term investment in the relationship.



The more I see them together, the more I see just how checked out he is, of their marriage.  I think she's torturing him, partially because she wants to get his attention.  And also cuz she's got too much free time on her hands & she's a neurotic nutcase.  Despite her defensiveness against Vicks' comments about her not working outside the home, I think she's mostly bored outta her mind & has little to do.


Seems more & more obvious with each passing ep, Shannon's doing everything she can to hold onto David.  Guess that would include being on this show.  Except he's getting nothing good out of being on this show, cuz he's letting his wife publicly humiliate him & twist his balls on national TV.  Not awesome.  The only reason I can think of why he's continuing to do this show is cuz she's forcing him to, otherwise she would divorce him & it would cost him a fortune.  Still say he's putting up with this shit (of doing this show) cuz of California community property & he'd have to give up an enormous chunk of his business to her if they divorce.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

Brooks is probably on Medicare or Medical so you and me and other "working" people are paying for his healthcare. Dirty secret to Obama care is that people without insurance or underinsured pay approx. 25% of their medical bills as a settlement to hospitals and the rest is written off with "programs". Next time you get a hospital bill go to their financial services to make payment arrangements prove you don't have insurance or are underinsured and see what happens like magic.

Brooks last listed his profession  as a consultant to the health insurance industry.  My guess is with both he and Vicki being in insurance they have the bases covered for health insurance.  If being uninsured serves him better I am sure he will take the path of least resistance.

  • Love 3

Brooks last listed his profession  as a consultant to the health insurance industry.  My guess is with both he and Vicki being in insurance they have the bases covered for health insurance.  If being uninsured serves him better I am sure he will take the path of least resistance.

Zoeysmom, no disrespect to you or anyone else here but insurance in general is a total scam. I think of the years that my pay checks had medical insurance deducted and I never used it, same with auto and home what a waste of money. Insurance is just rediculous if you really think about is. I'm going to pay someone an outrageouse premium each month "in case" something happens to me , my home, or health. Total SCAM!

  • Love 8

I don't think he is on Medicare ( not old enough?) If I am not mistaken, Medical is for California  folks living on welfare.  I don't think either plan is paying for his coffee enemas and kale.

I would bet he is playing the system though.

Poor Heather all her shopping is dealing with tile and flooring etc not $4oo (good price point)  t shirts not cheap $50.00 ones.  I would like to smack her over animated Anna Lee doll face.

  • Love 8

I kind of like Meghan.  She's got this weird medicated-emotionless thing going and I feel like it could be fun if/when she pops.  


I enjoyed Vicki's declaration about rose smelling followed immediately by the whole permission-to-spend conversation.  Is this the equivalent of relaxing and enjoying a situation for her?  


Also, I don't believe for a second she'd ever ask anyone for permission to spend money, whether she earned it or not.  I think she's just pissed she picked men who drain her bank account, but hides it behind this weird "if I were the man" thing so people don't tell her she's wrong about her choices (and probably because her current choice is sick so it'd be a bad time to get upset about money)..  


Here's the thing that was weird to me about this whole conversation- I skipped episodes, is Meghan living large on the paycheck her husband brings in?  Yeah she has an assistant, but it seems like Vicki's scolding is misdirected.


I was disappointed she wasn't upset about the van at the airport.  Know your place, Vicki.

  • Love 9

Meghan's game night looks like it was meant to incite Shannon.  It doesn't seem appropriate to have that kind of game when you know, and everyone at the party knows, that one of the parties is struggling in their marriage due to infidelity.  It just seems cruel. 

I'm not sure if Meghan knew or not. All Shannon has said is that at the reunion last year, all the girls knew.  Meghan might or might not have been filled in. Certainly Shannon didn't tell her. 


As far as Shannon is behaving at the time of the Game Night, she and David have patched things up and are a happy couple. I don't think that Meghan had ill intent, I just don't think she was aware of what Shannon is struggling through. Now production on the other hand, they knew exactly what was up in the Beador marriage and they might have thought it fun to make Shannon and David uncomfortable. I'm fine with it.  They make me uncomfortable every week just by interacting with each other. 

  • Love 13

I vote for no more filming alone with their spouses/SO's. It's so freaking boring. I don't want to listen to Heather and Terry talk about their manse or shop, I don't want to listen to therapy sessions with Shannon and David and I don't want to hear about coffee enemas with Brooks. The only exception I will make is if it's a scene like Tams and Eddie where he tells her to get outta his gym, he doesn't want to see her on a daily basis anymore. Otherwise the only scenes I want is interaction among the howives. 

  • Love 7

And Vicks, do you really wanna put a spotlight on YOUR relationship, hun?  Hey, it's your choice to have a man who doesn't work & is penniless & you totally support.  Why insult the millions of wives everywhere who don't work outside the home?  OMG, I hate that crap.  Man, she's always had this freakin' superior attitude, with the working bullshit.  


And just what the fuck kinda work is she gonna do in Tahiti?  Is she gonna be trolling for clients (victims) in Tahiti?  Or is she merely filling out the routine paperwork she could give to a teen for minimum wage?  Yeah, real impressed by this nonsense.  Sheesh, that tired "I'm working" bit of hers is just soooooo old.  Enough with that shit, Vicks.  It impresses nobody.  


Yes, this.  I have always wanted to comment on Vicki's "work" obsession.  She's in insurance sales, for Pete's sake!  She's a parasite on humanity, only one step up from a used-car salesman.  They are trained to hold themselves out as "financial advisers" for the gullible.  They sell whole-life policies and annuities as great "investments" when really they just produce large commissions to the salesperson.  This is a particular peeve of mine.  I work with the elderly who have been taken advantage by these things.  I used to find Suze Orman obnoxious, but she was right in her crusade against these products (OT, but Suze sells her own brand of dubious financial products, such as do-it-yourself wills and trusts).

  • Love 12

Yes, this.  I have always wanted to comment on Vicki's "work" obsession.  She's in insurance sales, for Pete's sake!  She's a parasite on humanity, only one step up from a used-car salesman.  They are trained to hold themselves out as "financial advisers" for the gullible.  They sell whole-life policies and annuities as great "investments" when really they just produce large commissions to the salesperson.  This is a particular peeve of mine.  I work with the elderly who have been taken advantage by these things.  I used to find Suze Orman obnoxious, but she was right in her crusade against these products (OT, but Suze sells her own brand of dubious financial products, such as do-it-yourself wills and trusts).

I have long been at a loss what Vicki does at her insurance business 14 hours a day.  I don't think she is a very productive worker.  I would love for the group to have an "workaholic" intervention with Vicki.  She is a grandma pushing 55, by now she should be enjoying the fruits of her labor.  My guess is between Mexico, Oklahoma,  her summer European holiday and every rinky dink insurance seminar, Vicki owes it to her co-stars to attend their events and not bug out.   I notice she no longer is the seminar person trying to get everyone to sell insurance.  Here is her team:  http://www.cotoinsurance.com/team/  Michael is already the vice-president.   Time to pass the torch and enjoy life.  I am sure Vicki has a spot all warmed up and waiting for Ryan the day he exits the Marine Corps.

Other than having my child.....I'd never had to go to the hospital, but at 38 I am now diagnosed with breast cancer (no family history). Three weeks into this, my bills are well over $30,000.00. Gotta say, I'm feeling pretty relieved I've got insurance.

So sorry to hear of your diagnosis and best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. 

  • Love 12


And just what the fuck kinda work is she gonna do in Tahiti?  Is she gonna be trolling for clients (victims) in Tahiti?  Or is she merely filling out the routine paperwork she could give to a teen for minimum wage?  Yeah, real impressed by this nonsense.  Sheesh, that tired "I'm working" bit of hers is just soooooo old.  Enough with that shit, Vicks.  It impresses nobody.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't it come out that Ms Vicks was 'working late' while actually meeting up with and screwing Brooks? I seem to recall that and she essentially justified it by saying that Donn had a longstanding affair during their marriage.


And yes, Meghan is vile but she does in fact work--she's likely pulling in 6 figures from Bravo. 4th wall be damned!

  • Love 9

I laugh so hard every time we get a "Megan is parenting Hayley" scene. How many of those rules will get followed? None. Hayley has no respect for her. She just sees her as Dad's latest bimbo, someone she can manipulate and occasionally have fun with. Either Megan is truly delusional about the nature of things, or she's trying to put on an act for the cameras. I suspect the latter. 


Heather just kills me. "It's so taxing shopping for tile and chandeliers for my 100,000 sq ft mansion. I really needed a break from that, to just be able to shop for $400 t-shirts without a care in the world". Damn. 1%er problems!


Game night seemed like a real flop. First of all, I don't really care that Jimmy wasn't there. He never seems to be there, so I don't think Megan should just wait around for him to be home in order to host parties and have fun. But....was it on a week night? Everyone looked freaking tired as hell and had to get up in morning. Why host a party like that on a week night on a show where some people actually work?? Stupid. 


At any rate, that "Newlywed" game was the wrong game to play with Shannon. How did I know that was going to go spectacularly wrong as soon as it started? Oh, that's right, because Shannon can never be satisfied by David. I didn't see him putting "less" romantic as a big deal. Sure, they've talked about how far they've come from the affair and he's making all these efforts....but it's only been a few months since David stuck his dick in another woman. I'm fairly certain, in his mind, that's not very romantic. I just think he was avoiding tooting his own horn, which would not have come off well given the circumstances. Look at the dinners out and dragon lady bracelets in context, Shannon. 


Also, you just SMELL the pizza and you're full? She needs to quit that shit on TV. 


My favorite park was packing for Tahiti! I could have watched that shit for hours. Miss Priss Dubrow and her tissue paper! Shannon and her 6,000 magic pills! That shit was gold right there. Although, with Shannon coughing up black shit as soon as they land, I have to question the efficacy of her Rescue Remedy. 


Also, Vicki, those were ukuleles, not banjos. Sigh. The annoying tourist crap has begun. 


"Anybody got a pee stick?" - how can I work that into a conversation this week???


I will say this about Megan, I did not agree with her behavior at all regarding the Shannon/charity thing,  but I did appreciate her telling Lizzie that she doesn't need to "get it". These broads don't always need to be all up in each other's business. It had nothing to do with Lizzie. Was she even there? So yea, we've moved on, you don't really need to understand. 


I seriously hope Tamra bought a ton of pearls from that place after desecrating their bathroom. 


Here we go again with Vicki and her women-who-work mantra. FTR, I am a SAHM and neither my husband, nor myself, consider the money he makes "HIS money". It's our money. I gave up the option of making money so I could stay home and care for and homeschool our kids. That does not negate me from having access to our money. And I am pretty free to spend it as I see fit, as far as the day to day goes. (We're not rich, not even close. So I wouldn't be spending a grand, let alone ten grand, in one shot.) But I think it's just wise, no matter WHO works, for both partners to consult each other before large amounts are spent. That's always worked out well for us. It's not about permission, but consideration. 


That being said, I can easily see Heather and Terry or Shannon and David agreeing ahead of time to what could be spent on vacation, so there's no need for the women to call their husbands in every store and be all, "Daddy, can I buy this?" Honestly, I think Vicki has a real issue with women who don't have to work because she WISHES that could have happened for her. Don't get me wrong, I think Vicki likes her work and is ostensibly good at what she does. I think she derives a lot of fulfillment from it. But I still think there's a part of her that wished some big, rich dude had come along and made her working irrelevant. She has to constantly hustle and she is probably tired and gets a bit bitter about not having it as "made" as some of the other women. Just my two cents. 

  • Love 23

Zoeysmom, no disrespect to you or anyone else here but insurance in general is a total scam. I think of the years that my pay checks had medical insurance deducted and I never used it, same with auto and home what a waste of money. Insurance is just rediculous if you really think about is. I'm going to pay someone an outrageouse premium each month "in case" something happens to me , my home, or health. Total SCAM!

You wouldn't feel that way if sonething /did/ happen...

Why was Meghan wearing that ugly bandana in Tahiti?

  • Love 8

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't it come out that Ms Vicks was 'working late' while actually meeting up with and screwing Brooks? I seem to recall that and she essentially justified it by saying that Donn had a longstanding affair during their marriage.


You are correct. That's what she was doing when she was "working late".
  • Love 5
I think Vicki likes her work and is ostensibly good at what she does. I think she derives a lot of fulfillment from it. But I still think there's a part of her that wished some big, rich dude had come along and made her working irrelevant. She has to constantly hustle and she is probably tired and gets a bit bitter about not having it as "made" as some of the other women. Just my two cents.


This. Vicki is like an ex-smoker who smoked for 20 years, then gave it up and has become obsessed with others who smoke and spends her time getting up in their grill about smoking. That's how she is about working. I get it, I really do. I am a career person, I have always worked and I'm good at my job. I also raised two kids while working. Just because others don't make the same choices that I do doesn't mean their choices are wrong. That said, I do think that unless you are independently wealthy (Shannon), women need to have the ability to support themselves in case something happens. To that end, I agree with Vicks. Even if you are rich, it's so easy for something to happen and it's all gone. In the case of Shannon, they been married a long time and have kids together, she came from money, she could bounce and be fine. Let's just say that Meghan needs to keep her resume updated. 

  • Love 6

Every time I start to think Ramona is the most ridiculous of all the HW's, Vicki shows me that maybe I am wrong. She is crazy. What is so hard to understand about what Meghan and Jimmy are doing? He works in St. Louis. He has a contract there. Hayley lived with them in St. Louis but wanted to be closer to her mother who is very ill. Meghan moved back to the OC with Hayley so she could be closer to her mom (and of course to be on the show). Yes, Meghan has essentially made her bed. She knew that she wouldn't be with Jimmy all the time when she made the decision. She married him and agreed to all of this, so bitching about it now doesn't help. I have a hard time faulting her for that, however. Many people I know get in relationships with people and find out later that it's not exactly how they pictured it to be in their head. Isn't that why so many marriages don't work? Vicki's constant assertion that because she doesn't work means that she isn't a partner in the relationship is silly. I give Shannon props for standing up and saying that what she does is just as important as what Vicki does. I never understood why Vicki wasn't bothered by Shannon, and assumed it must be because Shannon came into the marriage with her own money. She didn't earn it, however, and Vicki never seems to hold any respect for women who don't earn their own money. I have always thought this would as some point be an issue between Shannon and Vicki and I still believe that to be the case. 

  • Love 16

I don't think he is on Medicare ( not old enough?) If I am not mistaken, Medical is for California  folks living on welfare.  I don't think either plan is paying for his coffee enemas and kale.

I would bet he is playing the system though.

Poor Heather all her shopping is dealing with tile and flooring etc not $4oo (good price point)  t shirts not cheap $50.00 ones.  I would like to smack her over animated Anna Lee doll face.

Medical is for poor people, not neccessarily the unemployed. Looks of working people get Medical or Medicaid. And Re  insurance getting bills decreased that is what insurance does. I have Tricare and when I look at insurance, the hospital will bill 10,000 and Tricare will then say, well you are getting $2000 ,and that it's.  It was the same with my husbands Blue Cross years ago. That's how insurance works. It's not new to Obamacare or anything .

  Insurance sucks sometimes , but it's not a scam. It only works when a large amount of people pay in, but a smaller portion take out.

  If you have insurance, you have always "paid for other peoples medical care" 

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 19

I think it's very important for a woman to have her own and a money stash of her own outside of her marriage. I've read too many stories about women getting screwed in divorces when a wealthy husband refuses to give her a decent settlement. There was a billionaire recently who gave his ex (and the mother of his children) what she felt was a laughable divorce settlement (nearly a billion) and she famously rejected it. I think Meghan should have kept her sales job, but I believe those jobs involve quite a bit of travel and that might not have been conducive to her narrative as a loving step-mother who sacrificed her career to raise her husband's daughter.


   I can understand a bit what Vicki is saying. If you are not the one that is going out and earning the $$ you should clear large purchases with the earning spouse (luxury purchases) and any large purchase. If you are both earning or you have your own income, I still feel like there is a little leeway. It is called consideration.  I don't know why Meghan stopped working though. She has no kids and why throw away a career?


I can understand what Vicki is saying as well. Honestly, everyone's marriage is different and if a husband doesn't care if his wife spends 30K on handbags or whatever, that's their business. However, I think it's important for spouses to discuss any large purchases.

That pearl necklace Heather tried on was gorgeous.  She clearly loved it & it looked great on her.  If Heather really was as wealthy as she would like us to believe, she would have bought it without a second thought -- or at least purchased some pearl bauble in that store.  That's what very wealthy women usually do when they go into jewelry stores.  But Heather sure didn't.  She acted cautiously -- like knew she couldn't afford to do that.  Even Shannon said the prices were extremely high (clearly higher than she would she spend on), but Shannon isn't shoving her wealth in our faces the way phony-baloney Heather is.  Hmmmm, very revealing indeed.


Heather doesn't strike me as the type who is an impulse buyer and certainly not for something for 49K that she might get a few wears out of. Just because she didn't buy the necklace doesn't mean she couldn't have. I think she could have.

  • Love 13

I do think Vicki would love if a rich man swooped in and gave her a nicer life. It's great that she has her own, but I'm sure a part of her would love it if a a boyfriend gave her a nice diamond bauble just because or who made it such that she didn't have to work if she didn't want to.



And yes, Meghan is vile but she does in fact work--she's likely pulling in 6 figures from Bravo. 4th wall be damned!

1st year HWs don't get six figures. She is getting a nice chunk of change for working/filming a few months a year though.

  • Love 1

I think the only reason Vicki picked that fight with Meghan is because Meghan has been a super bitch to Shannon and Vicki and Shannon are friends. 


That being said, Meghan you are a giant ass to Shannon. It annoys me because Shannon is one of the nicer ones out of the bunch and Meghan is like a vulture. Meghan would get ripped a new one by  Vickie Tamra or Heather so she swoops in on Shannon who is already dealing with quite a bit. Meghan is super unlikeable I have not found one redeeming quality not even her fake story line. 


Ugh I wish Lizzie was more than a FOH. I like her. 

Heather for some reason is not annoying me as much, TBH its totally entertaining to watch her spend all this money. Her life is fabulous and thats why I watch RHOC not Real housewives of Podunkville IL. LOL  


I do think her and Terry migh find themselves broke. I mean he is a doctor he cannot work forever. I would be curious to see how much they have invested/in savngs. they seem to spend spend spend and their kids are still little. You can still be paycheck to paycheck have having a multi million dollar mortgage ( not that they are doing that but its entirely possible they have a bigger mortgage than they do savings, KWIM)

  • Love 10

Heather doesn't strike me as the type who is an impulse buyer and certainly not for something for 49K that she might get a few wears out of. Just because she didn't buy the necklace doesn't mean she couldn't have. I think she could have.



Agree.  I mean, most people have their areas where they will splurge, and where they will stay frugal (like, I'm cheapish with handbags but will spend $$$ on good shoes)  Clearly, they are splurging big-time on their crazy ridiculous McMansion.  Maybe expensive jewelry just isn't her "thing." 

  • Love 9

I vote for no more filming alone with their spouses/SO's. It's so freaking boring. I don't want to listen to Heather and Terry talk about their manse or shop, I don't want to listen to therapy sessions with Shannon and David and I don't want to hear about coffee enemas with Brooks. The only exception I will make is if it's a scene like Tams and Eddie where he tells her to get outta his gym, he doesn't want to see her on a daily basis anymore. Otherwise the only scenes I want is interaction among the howives.

Im the opposite...I wish for no more contrived parties where all the women interact. I'd rather have the women interact with their families, or in duos/trios without rehashing drama. That's why I liked episode 6 and 7 because it wasn't all contrived. Same the big interactions for the group trips.

With that said, Heather is so nouveau riche lol. You can find a good quality shirt for $50, I don't know what fancy pants is babbling about. The reason old money is old money is because they are frugal on certain items and don't flaunt the wealth.

Shannon, I don't think the herbs and potions are helping you. I'm guessing she has allergies to something in tahati. She reacts the same way my mom would react and coughing is healthy. Though my mom would be alarmed and go to a doctor if she was coughing up black phlegm.

Vicki, I'm still surprised she didn't haze lydia in season 8. Glad she is hazing meghan...though I do feel a little bad for her.

I'm guessing meghan has watched the episodes, seen the marriage issues with shannon and maybe is looking at her with different eyes. ..maybe?

Tamra has been very tame and we're at episode 8. Hmmmm. Satan is doing good at keeping up the disguise..though next week looks like the disguise is starting to come off???

Lastly, my friend has been doing botox every three months since he was 24, claiming as a sales rep for a software company..he haS to stay youthful..and he says women do better in that industry then men do..so he haS to step it up. Seeing meghan and her talking about botox at 30 reminded me of him lol

Edited by JAYJAY1979
  • Love 5

Well, Meghan did say that Shannon is "kindhearted" on WWHL tonight. I guess they just might mend fences this season, she also called Vicki "manipulative", no love lost there! LOL


Vicki is a lot of things - narcissistic, self-absorbed, judgmental, immature but the one thing I wouldn't describe her as is manipulative. Being manipulative requires subtly and cleverness and Vicki is about as subtle as a bull in a china shop and clever as a dodo bird.


As for the whole money and finance thing, as soon as you get married things stop being 'yours' and become 'ours' no matter if only one spouse works or both. The less money you have, the more important it is to discuss finance and spending matters and possible set up budgets.

  • Love 11

Briefly, when the show first started Donn was unemployed and then underemployed and then he and Vicki filed for divorce and she ended up paying him spousal support.  I do believe Vicki has always worked and provided for her children since her marriage to Donn.  I keep her paying Donn spousal support as one of the reasons she is ticked at Meghan.

I remember it slightly differently. They were both employed in the midwest, he got a big promotion and when they moved to CA she didn't work or did very little for pin money. Then he got laid off and that is when she kicked it into high gear and worked full time. Donn even said his reasoning for requesting spousal support was because he had supported her for years.

Does anyone here know what, if anything, he actually got?

It always cracks me up that she harps about financial security for everyone. On another forum someone went thru the divorce filings in detail and said that there was a lot of money, but also a lot of debt and when you netted out the debt she is actually worth very, very little. Her business is practically worthless because there aren't any hard assets, the value is based on future sales so its just her rolodex that is worth anything and was valued around $50K. I'm sure Meg and Jim have a prenup and wonder if Meg will be worth more than Vicki in the event of a divorce because of the payout.

  • Love 3

It was a little ridiculous to play a dating game type game at game night when not all the husbands are present. Guess what your spouse may have or may not have said? Yeah, that's real interesting. I don't like Meghan but do feel a little sorry for her. With each passing week it becomes clearer that her purpose in Jim's life is to keep an eye on his daughter.

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