Stinger97 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 The fourth houseguest is evicted. Two new HoHs are crowned. Link to comment
Aw my lahgs July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I'm glad she ditched her blanket for her inevitable eviction. 3 Link to comment
justjen July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I kind of really liked the HOH competition. I wish Austin and James were BFFs. Maybe when this is all over Chuck Lorre can create a sitcom for them? 1 Link to comment
NYGirl July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 So what happened to a different twist every week? This is the third week without one. So Jackie came to I feel sorry for Audrey. I wish she wasn't so intense. 3 Link to comment
Thalia July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 There is a one-vote penalty for eating regular food when you're a Have Not? Since when? And did they show the rest of them looking at the photo wall when Audrey was voted out? I could swear that Clay said "All-drey" instead of Audrey when he voted. I rewound and listened twice and can't decide whether it was a simple mispronunciation caused by nervousness or if he did it on purpose. Why, I have no idea. Back to the penalty vote. Can there be a cumulative penalty vote for every time Austin refers to "Judas" casting a vote during the eviction. Cuz it is beyond cutesy and irritating 5 Link to comment
Ananayel July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Man, why couldn't Jason be just a little bit faster! At least now John can lose that stupid chinstrap. 2 Link to comment
Gemma Violet July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) Glad to see Audrey out for her own good. She'll be happier out of that environment. Steve gave her a sweet good-bye speech. Jason was just mean. So the Wackstreeters are taking the country by storm...uh, OK Julie. Why was there a commercial after Audrey walked out? Do you think production wanted to make sure she was OK? Edited July 24, 2015 by Gemma Violet 3 Link to comment
Chrissytd July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) No Takeover/Theme? Please stop with the voting shoutouts and the alter-ego. No one wanted a Whack Street Boys live performance. I wanted this week to be a power shift but it's not going to be one. Vanessa is loyal to the Sixth Sense and Jackie is not really with anyone alliance wise. She'll probably target Liz since she put her up. On a shallow note, I love Jackie's outfit. There is a one-vote penalty for eating regular food when you're a Have Not? Since when? And did they show the rest of them looking at the photo wall when Audrey was voted out? I could swear that Clay said "All-drey" instead of Audrey when he voted. I rewound and listened twice and can't decide whether it was a simple mispronunciation caused by nervousness or if he did it on purpose. Why, I have no idea. There's always been a penalty nom if you break the HN rules since its introduction. Clay just doesn't enunciate. When hosting BoB, he kept saying NORvana. Edited July 24, 2015 by Chrissytd 3 Link to comment
Callaphera July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 That shot of Audrey in the DR, curling up on the chair and pulling the blanket over her head made me laugh. I couldn't help it. I've never seen that before. Audrey was treated pretty decently during her eviction, editing wise. The exit interview was a nice fluff piece. Jackie had her game face on during that HoH comp. She could be an interesting HoH, though I'd imagine that Vanessa was her target since she was the one who got Jeff ousted. I have no idea who Jackie would put up. I wish the other HoH had been anyone but a member of the Sixth Sense. James is useless if he keeps obviously throwing comps like that. If you're going to have them do the stupid Whackstreet Boys performance, make sure they can actually hear the music in the house. That was bad. After 17 seasons, you'd think they'd have the live show down to perfection by now instead of all these bad sound and video errors that happen every week. 6 Link to comment
mojoween July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Ugh I never grew to like Britney so I don't CARE what she has to say about this season or any season. Waste of my time and if we have that kind of time to waste then why can't we just do some more eavesdropping on the houseguests? Have a mini live feed during the show. My husband found it interesting that Audrey said to Steve she didn't like the word transgender and just wants to be female but she said at least twice how she was the first transgender houseguest. It just stuck out to him. And now we know her name was Adam at birth, I wonder how she will feel about that. Yawn. Vanessa is HOH again. I was hoping Jason would win just because I think he and Jackie might have different noms for once. I wonder if Jackie and Vanessa are going to collaborate or if they will nom seperately. So this means Shelli will be HOH next week then? 4 Link to comment
le bordel chaud July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I'm glad to see Audrey got out of her deathbed and went through with her inevitable eviction. Jackie and Jason as HoHs would have been incredible. But I have to give Vanessa her props. Bitch is fierce in competitions. James so obvs throwing shit is annoying. I would have loved to see him luck into winning HoH. 2 Link to comment
Fallacy July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I hate Brittany so much. Of course she loves Jason. The Audrey show was super boring and I'm happy we can all get back to the game now. 3 Link to comment
PaperTree July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Oh Jason! So close! Jackie needs to win the BoB to shake things up. Whack the twins! I'm glad Audrey got her act together and went quietly. TPTB were very kind to her. Like that penalty vote mattered, Brittney was cute. The ultimate pawn. "the Wackstreeters are taking the country by storm". lol It's not nice to lie to the houseguests, Julie. 3 Link to comment
Snaporaz July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Why are they even doing have-nots? There's no have-not competition, we're not voting for extra food, and we're not even told who the have-nots are anymore. I think today was the first time Julie mentioned "have-nots" during the show. What's the point of doing this if it isn't even a factor for the show? 14 Link to comment
Mumbles July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I thought it was so cute and sweet when James made the omelet of sadness for Audrey. While I don't like Shelly's "What Should I Do, Clay?" game, she did seem genuinely, sincerely, caring of Audrey in her goodbye speech, so I liked her a little better. This has to be the friendliest BB cast I can remember. They are really overcompensating for the Household of Racist Cruelty two summers ago. 14 Link to comment
Katesus7 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I liked seeing Audrey's family. They seem like extremely nice, supporting people which is awesome. They're so supportive they don't state the obvious - Audrey is gone because she played a piss poor game. And yes it was mean, but I have no problem with Jason's goodbye speech. She was after him, she was a reason his biggest ally was gone, I'm fine with him not tip-toeing around that. She wasn't all that pleasant in her good-bye speech to Day. And I think she'll recover being insulted by Jason of all people. I don't know if I can handle another week of Vanessa talking a million miles a minute in the HOH room. I'm intrigued by Jackie winning. We might finally get a dual HOH where they don't agree on everything! 5 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) Wow, Jackie was smokin' both physically and in the comp tonight. Out of the shadows girl!! (Retro-Edit those apparently were her butt kicking stilletos, they were wayyy up in potential broken ankle range) Well everyone had to come together and finally put Audrey out of her obvious misery. At least she camped out in the DR not in the bathroom. That would have been ugly. Eh, tough episode... hard to really comment. Edited July 24, 2015 by Wandering Snark 1 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 No one wanted a Whack Street Boys live performance. They had time for this (that nobody wanted) but Chenbot had to keep reminding people to hurry during the HoH. Here's a hint for the set designers -- quit putting people so far away from the podium during the live challenges. Wow, Jackie was smokin' both physically and in the comp tonight. Out of the shadows girl!! Seriously smokin'. How high were those heels ? I thought Meg looked really cute tonight. 3 Link to comment
WiCkedWitCh July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Did Audrey say "Merry Fuckin Xmas" in her speech? I could have sworn she mumbled that "fuckin" in there. Ugh I never grew to like Britney so I don't CARE what she has to say about this season or any season. Waste of my time and if we have that kind of time to waste then why can't we just do some more eavesdropping on the houseguests? Have a mini live feed during the show.My husband found it interesting that Audrey said to Steve she didn't like the word transgender and just wants to be female but she said at least twice how she was the first transgender houseguest. It just stuck out to him. And now we know her name was Adam at birth, I wonder how she will feel about that.Yawn. Vanessa is HOH again. I was hoping Jason would win just because I think he and Jackie might have different noms for once. I wonder if Jackie and Vanessa are going to collaborate or if they will nom seperately.So this means Shelli will be HOH next week then? I noticed this too, about the transgender word. I thought it was nice the way Steve was asking questions and I thought Audrey explained herself nicely to him as well. I really liked that explanation of, "well, i was transgender…now I am a woman." but then, as mentioned above, she kept saying that she was transgender. I also didn't enjoy that the entire episode was dedicated to one person. They didn't even try to pretend that she might not be voted out. Julie kept saying, "Will Audrey make it for the live eviction?" or whatever. Which i know she didn't specifically give away that Audrey would be evicted, but…oy. I don't know. the whole thing was kind of boring. Also Big Brother…how are you going to have the houseguests (Austin in particular) sitting the diary room, saying "Audrey has been in the diary room for hours, we have no idea if she will be back or not." They showed us enough conversations outside of the DR with them speculating. If you are in the diary room, and she isn't in there with you, you most likely would know if she left the show or not by that point. They really should have played that session in past tense as, "we weren't sure if she would be back." 4 Link to comment
njbarmaid July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 So happy to see Britney. I remember when she had her firstborn and then the infant had some type of cancer, glad to see that the baby just celebrated her 2nd birthday. 6 Link to comment
stcroix July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 This season is seriously tanking for me. The Audrey story was so boring. If this person wants to be treated fairly, then why expect such special treatment from the show? I felt so sorry for the mom, who had obviously suffered for her child. :( 2 Link to comment
North of Eden July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) Dear Brittany: Who doesn't love Johnny Mac? Me. I think he's an imbecile who could lose some of his patients after watching his behavior in the house...but I guess every village needs and idiot. Also you looked like a pathetic "mean girl" along with Julie Chen cackling about Jackie. Brit you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed getting hoodwinked all season by a trio of goons. Well, Audrey got the grand send off...the first half hour a special package devoted to her. Best part...her friend calling the houseguests "Ruthless Savages" which for some reason I found hysterical. Darn it...I was hoping for a total six sense shut out! Best case scenario at this point is Vanessa gets dethroned and Clay and Shelli are Jackie's nominees...though it is likely that Liz will be in Jackie's crosshairs with turnabout being fair play after all. Edited July 24, 2015 by North of Eden 3 Link to comment
peachmangosteen July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Dear Brittany: Who doesn't love Johnny Mac? Me. LMAO. I actually said that out loud to the tv. 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I kind of really liked the HOH competition. I wish Austin and James were BFFs. Maybe when this is all over Chuck Lorre can create a sitcom for them? I actually dislike this type of competition, where the winner picks the next two. It's always an advantage to the majority alliance, and it's always unfair. Jackie had gone twice before Clay went once. There is a one-vote penalty for eating regular food when you're a Have Not? Since when? Maybe the penalty vote was for refusing to attend the veto meeting. Link to comment
Cutty July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) Clay needs a penalty nom for these shoutouts. Pretty boring episode. They obviously had a lot of dead air to fill since Audrey spent the week in bed, so they had to manufacture something. I kinda loved how she didn't react to Shelli's goodbye message. LOL. Hope Jackie can stay HOH. Edited July 24, 2015 by Cutty 2 Link to comment
lasandi July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 OMG did you guys notice Steve's face and excited clapping when Julie said "the Whack street boys have taken the country by storm"? It was like their popularity meant his popularity as well. 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Did Audrey say "Merry Fuckin Xmas" in her speech? I could have sworn she mumbled that "fuckin" in there. I'm pretty sure she said "friggin'" 4 Link to comment
Greysaddict July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I know they don't show all the goodbye messages, but any idea Audrey didn't get a twin reveal message from Liz and Julia? Link to comment
lasandi July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Dear Brittany: Who doesn't love Johnny Mac? Me. I think he's an imbecile who could lose some of his patients after watching his behavior in the house...but I guess every village needs and idiot. This! I really don't dislike him but everytime he speaks I find it hard to believe he is an actual dentist with patients. He seems "off" to me for some reason. I find myself feeling sorry for him in the game because he is being used every week and he doesn't seem to mind. when he said, "if you want to keep me, that's awesome, if not, cool." If he gets voted out, even by accident, I really don't think anyone would care. Wouldn't even think of it as getting blood on their hands. They all like him, I think, but he is expendable. Right now there is no clear cut person that I want to win and frankly I hope it stays that way. Cuz honestly, when I start to root for someone BB drives me nuts especially when the opposite of who I want to win, wins. Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) Yeah her little cast off of that phrase to end her 'speech' was quite immature/trying to seem like you don't really care and came off as the exact opposite. It was a pretty nerfed interview. My first question would be 'what made you go all unibomber and then huddle up in the DR for hours on end?' Secondly, given the number of times you were called out over blatant lies I have to ask... are your pathological lies an issue for you in real life or were they just heightened here with the stress of the Big Brother house?" I mean it was one of the odder pre-exit 'performances' we've been privy to but then she was all looking put together and composed and 'normal' and nobody wanted to comment on the elephant in the room that she was going home because she kinda lost it for a week. Oh and I wanted to echo that making that omelet for Audrey was worth some points in my book even if I don't necessarily like James that much... Edited July 24, 2015 by Wandering Snark 7 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Johnny Mac is odd, but I think he would be a pretty cool pediatric dentist. He's certainly not intimidating, and I think young children would think he's funny. 19 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I think that although Audrey does fully consider herself female at this point, she is still part of the transgender community and she wants to genuinely get out some attention for them. That's probably why she's ok with telling people that she is transgendered; it's part of her past and she sounds like she's ok with the term, but she doesn't consider herself transgendered anymore (because she's no longer in transition). I may not understand it, but I can see her side to it. Some people have been speculating that since Audrey didn't find out any game changing information, like the twins or who cast the sole vote, that she may be sequestered and used in a future twist. I guess it's possible, but I'm kind of hoping she's not. I found myself laughing at Johnny Mac's DRs for the first time this episode. I've really grown to like the guy. Yay for Jackie for winning HOH! Meh on Vanessa; the girl kind of lets the power to go her head a little bit. Clay needs to stop with the shoutouts after he votes. Austin needs to stop with the Judas stuff. Jason needs to stop sitting on the very edge of the couch in the DR during voting because it looks like he's sititing on something hot and about to run away in terror. 12 Link to comment
Artsda July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 They sure treated Audrey with kid gloves. Even going to commercial before Julie interviewed her. With no questions at all about her behavior. Then the fluff piece with her family. Yay for someone different winning HOH, glad Jackie got it. 1 penalty nom? Well considering the special treatment, it's more than what I was expecting. 5 Link to comment
Gregg247 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I was hoping that Britney was going to do the BBTakeover this week! She's right there, why not use her? Plus, she's such an entertaining "character"--I mean contestant. ;) Glad to see Audrey gone. I enjoy when someone goes a little crazy in the house, but she went WAY over into uncomfortable territory. She sure plays the victim card a lot. I'll bet that's her world view even away from BB. 2 Link to comment
Former Nun July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I didn't catch this. Who said it? I didn't hear it but I read it some weeks ago, so maybe it went over my head. They had time for this (that nobody wanted) but Chenbot had to keep reminding people to hurry during the HoH. Yeah...she urged them to hurry and then took us to a station break. Link to comment
Cosmocrush July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Also Big Brother…how are you going to have the houseguests (Austin in particular) sitting the diary room, saying "Audrey has been in the diary room for hours, we have no idea if she will be back or not." They showed us enough conversations outside of the DR with them speculating. If you are in the diary room, and she isn't in there with you, you most likely would know if she left the show or not by that point. They really should have played that session in past tense as, "we weren't sure if she would be back." Haha! I noticed that too. Why was Austin doing a DR that sounded like Audrey was still in the DR? Look around man, she's out now. I didn't catch this. Who said it? I think her father said it. If not her father, then someone in that family package. I wasn't paying alot of attention. 1 Link to comment
le bordel chaud July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 After seeing Audrey's parents, is anyone else skeptical about her story of how they kidnapped her and forced her to go to a conversion camp? They seemed like lovely and supportive people. But maybe Audrey was being truthful (rare!) and they have come a long way in the intervening years. Things that make you go hmmmm. 2 Link to comment
Bazinga July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) Hated the Audrey victim vibe the family package was laying down, especially friend Dalton. The "she is all alone" and "being excluded" comments, specifically. When? They, particularly Shelli, but also Vanessa and originally Day, all went out of their way to include her in alliances and Shelli, Vanessa, Clay went out of their way to protect her. Trying to rewrite history that Audrey was being excluded and eliminated for being transgender, when the opposite was actually true. That she was eventually ostracized was self inflicted, not due to any prejudice or bias. In my opinion, the Audrey poutfest under a blanket in the have not room and DR, was just a passive-aggressive attempt to garner sympathy and hope people would feel bad for her and rally to her side. She was not having a breakdown or actually depressed. It was a look at me, I am really upset and sad, please feel bad for me. Her gameplay failed, so this was her last resort looking for sympathy. I don't dislike Audrey but dislike that she overplayed for no purpose (stop trying to "plant seeds" against other people; stop lying about things you said; stop trying to cause unrest with people you are working with), yet I am supposed to like her and be supportive because she is transgendered. All I see is a player who overplayed for no reason and deserves to be out not put up on a pedestal and celebrated. Audrey was cast because she was transgender and the show would get attention for that and look modern and accepting. If the players displayed animosity, then the show would feign surprise and outrage and again, get attention for it. However it played out, the show would get attention, which was the producer's intention. Bet Audrey will be a special guest on The Talk next week or so and, if there is ever an all-star season again, brought back because she is such a "fan favorite." Can even hear Julie saying it now. The penalty vote was for not eating the have not food, which happened before the nomination (I am assuming it was for outright refusal not the James omelette), though we weren't told about that. So Audrey was above the rules even then. What is the penalty for not eating the have not food when you are not a nominee for eviction? I like Johnny Mac because he is a goofball, but he is not a good player. Being a patsy for the power alliance and helping take out other players with no gameplay of your own, is not going to win the game. Being liked is not going to get a win as some point being liked by everyone is reason to not let the player near the endgame. I am rooting for Jason. He would be a Britney player, i.e. smart and snarky, but unable to see the big picture of what is really going on and do something proactive. Jason and Britney would be fun to watch the show with and make fun of stupid people, but neither know how to win or even play BB. Still, I am rooting for him and Meg-the only two who don't bug me. Unfortunately, neither have a shot at winning. Steve is an OK guy but is inconsequential. Hate that the "other side of the house" doesn't know they are the other side. No sense of the need to force Clay to play, especially against Vanessa, Liz, Austin. Just clueless. I thought Clay was coasting to HOH. Did we see Liz eliminated? Another one who looked like she was being handed HOH. Prediction: Jackie will fall into line with Vanessa and, by proxy, Clay, Shelli, Austin, Liz. They will act like they have always been her friend and want to work with her going forward and she will fall for that. Nominees will be James, Jason, Johnny Mac and I will guess Meg or Steve, with Jason the house target with James the fallback. Will be a lost week and the Sixth Sense (can I say I hate that name?) will emerge unscathed, and win HOH next week. Hate Shelli and Clay's smug superiority based on everything going their way. How dare anybody want to put us up! Just ugh. It was a boring episode in a boring season. The twists have stopped and weren't interesting in the first place. The dual HOH is awful and BOB is awful. Too many thrown competitions and manipulations allowing one alliance to dominate with an absent opposition. The dual HOH has to stop soon, right, as running out of people to nominate? Hope so. The Whackstreet Boys are not taking the nation by storm and didn't need to waste time seeing that nonsense again. Julie was so proud of that tweet by the BSB. They love the attention, as any attention is good for them, not really saying much that some paid BSB lackey wrote a stupid tweet, Julie. The things the producers think are fun and funny (Kathy Griffin, Gronk and WSB) are not. The twins are not a great twist either. I don't know why I am supposed to be amazed that twins are switching places with each other. Another lame fail. Almost forgot, "Judas" can just suck it. Another one trying too hard. Can't wait for the alliance to turn on him. Edited July 24, 2015 by Bazinga 5 Link to comment
ghoulina July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Ugh, I was SO hoping Jason would have pulled that off! Please, Jackie, don't just do whatever Vanessa tells you to. I'm glad they showed us some more of what was going on with Audrey. She was definitely way too unhinged to be playing that game. I thought it was nice that James went and made her some eggs. I didn't see any way that benefited his game. I think he was just trying to be nice. Austin, OTOH, seemed to be enjoying it way too much. Look, I know Audrey drove everyone crazy, but it seems, to be, she has some serious issues going on and I wouldn't be able to take pleasure in that. Austin just disgusts me. And what was up with his hinky vote? What was the point of that even? He just made me roll my eyes right out of my head. I thought Steve's goodbye message was super sweet. He seems like a great guy, I'd just like to see him play the game. 1 Link to comment
Skittl1321 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 It seems weird that Audrey got a penalty nom for eating regular food; especially when James gave her food as a "nice" thing- so it was actually an evil thing? Couldn't the penalty nom just be explained as punishment for skipping a required ceremony? 1 Link to comment
ghoulina July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I wish the other HoH had been anyone but a member of the Sixth Sense. James is useless if he keeps obviously throwing comps like that. I didn't understand why he was doing that. I thought maybe he figured he'd just suck so bad at it, that it would be better to buzz in first and take a gamble on which comp it was. But it did really seem like he was just throwing it. Why? He's been a serious nomination before, he shouldn't take that risk. But I have to give Vanessa her props. Bitch is fierce in competitions. Vanessa is a good player. I wouldn't mind her if she wasn't aligned with Clellie and the twins. Johnny Mac is odd, but I think he would be a pretty cool pediatric dentist. He's certainly not intimidating, and I think young children would think he's funny. Absolutely! And how serious he got about the prospect of jack-o-lanterns being smashed? I think he would relate really well to children. That could be a perfect niche for him. I like Johnny Mac because he is a goofball, but he is not a good player. I think he's doing a decent job. He has ingratiated himself with the major alliance in the house, and I don't think there's anyone that seriously dislikes him or wants him out, is there? And he's not awful at comps. Well, besides the ones he throws, haha. But I mean, when he really tries he seems to do pretty darn well. He's going to need to make some major plays soon, though, before all the other non-aligned are out of the house and he's left with just the Sixth Sense. 4 Link to comment
Former Nun July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Guess I'm the minority voter. I do NOT like Audrey--wouldn't want to know her in real life. Her gender has nothing to do with it and I hope she doesn't get away with using that excuse through her life. If her family and friends will be honest and objective, they must admit that she was never excluded on the TV show. I DO like the Whackstreet Boys...and the fact that they changed their routine a little each time they "performed." They had fun with their "penalty" and so did the houseguests. I like Jason. I especially like JohnnyMac. I put BBAD on my DVR and would watch it in snippets. Seeing more of the houseguests (especially Audrey) colored my opinions. 4 Link to comment
Wootini July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I'm glad we were shown some of what went on with Audrey, even if I feel like we got a softened version. Plus, we're still not privy to what ACTUALLY went on during those 5 hours in the DR. Did she just lay there? Or did she get some kind of counseling? Did she try to quit and they convinced her to stick it out until Thursday so she could go home with some dignity? And I knew that Julie's interview with her would be full of the softest softballs that the Chenbot has ever lobbed at a contestant. But yeah, I also noticed that in the background package, Audrey's family seemed super supportive and sweet. So either Audrey was totally lying about being shipped off to a Pray The Gay Away camp in the middle of the night to garner sympathy, or they also softballed the family package. Both options are equally likely in my opinion with this show, unfortunately... I've been reading things online that would lead me to believe that Jackie might actually have it in her to make a solid game move and maybe break up the Shelli/Clay union or take out whichever twin happens to be in the house this week. (Personally, I'd put up Shelli and "Liz" and then if one took themselves off, Clay would go up as the replacement.) I still feel like since the introduction of the two-HOH thing, we've never really had two HoHs who are really at cross--purposes with one another. That would be so much more interesting than watching them happily get along and agree on who to target and nominate. (Even if one might have secret ulterior motives) It would certainly make things more interesting this week. Of course, being Big Brother, I have no doubt that Vanessa will just steamroll over Jackie and get her to do her bidding and put up like, Jason, James, Steve and Meg again. :P Link to comment
Racj82 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I didn't catch this. Who said it? Her mother said it during the fluff piece as I remember it. I think her dad did say it to when talking about people wanting to Aubrey pictures pre surgery. But, the mother for sure. Link to comment
BlackMamba July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Apparently Audrey will be doing press today. She was lying to the end to see if Shelli would break or at least feel gulit. This chick is a sociopath Link to comment
Primetimer July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Another player says farewell to the house and then gets voted out. Read the story Link to comment
Azgard12 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) This happens to me every year I watch: The first week of the show, I'm so into it and amazed by the excellent cast. I have my early favorites (Jason, Jeff, Becky, Vanessa), the ones I think will bring the drama and make it fun to watch (Audrey, Day, John, Liz, Austin) and even some eye candy (Clay, Jackie, Liz, Jeff, to me). But then this thing happens. Those people instead are evicted (Day, Jeff, Audrey), become boring wastes of space (John, Becky Jackie), become toxic bullies or people I just can't with (Clay, Austin), are revealed to be complete idiots (Audrey, Jeff, Liz) or just stop being of interest. And then I just stop watching. I guess maybe I'm rooting for Jason (most likeable?) or Vanessa (actually playing?), but I just don't care. It happens every year. Am I just bad at watching this show? Edited July 24, 2015 by Azgard12 2 Link to comment
Skittl1321 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 but I just don't care. It happens every year. Am I just bad at watching this show? I'm already skipping episodes and turning them off early. The apathy started earlier this year than normal, but the only reason I watch is because it is summer and there is NOTHING else. 1 Link to comment
liqidclark July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 The broadcast episodes are always mediocre. The feeds are where you can see the juicy stuff. And now that Audrey's gone, I fear even the feeds will be just the same old stuff we've already seen in past seasons. 2 Link to comment
iMonrey July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Brit you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed getting hoodwinked all season by a trio of goons. Thank you. And this was not the episode to waste time on filler like that. The whole episode centered around Audrey but they never explained what the hell she was doing in that diary room for five hours or why she didn't have to attend the Veto meeting and Julie didn't even ask her what was going on. The whole thing was just bizarre. Talk about handling someone with kid gloves. Was she really that fragile? There were obviously some shenanigans going on behind the scenes, they made it clear there were, yet never gave us a clue what happened. I almost have to laugh whenever Austin votes because he actually seems to think this whole "Judas" thing is a thing. Uh, it's not. Ugh, Vanessa again. Snore. 7 Link to comment
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