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S07.E16: Awfully Charitable

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The way I saw the Dorinda apology was that Dorinda sat down with Heather and went into this personal story about what she has been through and had obviously thought about the apology and it was heartfelt, and Heather just said, "No worries." Sort of like, "I forgive you, shut up." It was sort of rude I thought. Heather wasn't really trying to connect with Dorinda and Dorinda was trying to connect with Heather. Plus, Dorinda said that apologies are kind of hard for her and she felt Heather didn't really appreciate that. Women!

Actually, what Dorinda said is that I plead forgiveness, that's all we have.  Heather replied I forgive you.  It's that easy.  How is that rude?  Especially since Heather had apologized to Dorinda when she went on that nonsensical diatribe in Turks and then Dorinda continued saying things to Heather after she and Lu hugged it out at the bedazzle party.  What was Heather supposed to say?  IMO, Dorinda was out of line both times.  Add to that Dorinda getting mad at just Heather when they were entering the restaurant in Turks because 'Heather' didn't wait for her.  Given Dorinda's paranoid personality, it was best just to accept the apology and move on.  Shut the door while you can.  Apologies are hard for most people.  Why should Heather express appreciation for an apology when she gave one to Dorinda the night of the FU party and, IIRC, the night going into the restaurant? 

  • Love 18

Anyone notice when Ro walked into the charity event?  My God, that woman walks like a toddler with a load in their diaper.  Her feet are over a foot apart when she walks.  She's a thin woman.  She looked so weird. I don't know.  Maybe she has a balance problem.  I'm reminded of when she was closing the sliding door in Turks.  Could anyone look anymore awkward. 

  • Love 14
In her blog, Heather makes it sound like production filmed Jax's party but only showed that small blip of it. 10 years is a big hurdle for a transplant patient., BIG!



I got the feeling Bravo threw that excerpt in last minute after last week's report that Heather is quitting because they only show her fighting and none of the family or business scenes they filmed. It wasn't part of the main episode, it was one of those quickie-in-between-commercials segments too. Now if Heather continues to complain they will be all, "But Jax birthday party was on tv!"


I feel bad saying this as I feel Debbie Downer bc clearly not popular but I didn't catch the natural, easy vibe between Carole and her boyfriend. He seemed easily annoyed with "that's cilantro", "get crackers", "no I'm making a tapenade not buying one". Like he's the real deal chef and she kind of had a damsel in distress vibe. Also to the gnocchi comment. By the way, those quotes aren't direct, they are Pinot inspired memories. I was just seeing him politely irritated and her, well..missing the cues and being cutesy. I didn't see a great love connection.




Oh may I sit next to you and be a D-Downer too? Because my first reaction to the "I've lived in my apartment for ten years and never had a dinner party" comment was that her chef friend wants his cooking skillz to be on tv.  This guy wants a cookbook deal or a cooking show gig and he's hanging onto Carole to get it.  Guess he didn't realize how lucky he was that she even had a kitchen left to cook in.



  • Love 6

So I am watching the episode tonight. When Dorinda was apologizing, she made a comment about forgiveness, after which Heather said she forgave. So I think Heather was trying to respond in a way she thought Dorinda would want. So Dorinda, STFU!

[edited because Breezy beat me to this explanation!]

Can anyone explain the chaos crayon reference? It made no sense to me at all.

At Kristin's event, I thought Heather could hear Ramona being her usual idiotic arrogant self during Kristin's speech, and her reaction (if it seemed angry) was to Ramona's behavior, not Kristin saying they were BFFs.

We have seen HWs time and time again talking through someone's speech. How rude are you that you can't shut up for 5 minutes to even pretend to listen?? It's basic manners, jeez we learn this as children.

After watching Carole and Dorinda I went over to the Amazon site and read the beginning of Carole's book. I am not a Carole fan but was moved by it, and liked the writing style. Her description of obsessing about the plane crash and what was happening and when he knew they were going to crash, and whether she knew - very real. On another level, her cousin called a radio station the day after her wedding to dish on the celebrities who were at the wedding?? OMG I would have died of embarrassment ( and yeah I could see a relative of mine doing that).

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 9

Anyone notice when Ro walked into the charity event? My God, that woman walks like a toddler with a load in their diaper. Her feet are over a foot apart when she walks. She's a thin woman. She looked so weird. I don't know. Maybe she has a balance problem. I'm reminded of when she was closing the sliding door in Turks. Could anyone look anymore awkward.

Lord, please don't jump all over me with ageism, but she is pushing sixty and all the plastic surgery in the world can't change the fact that walking in heels may be painful and her bone density is weakening and her reflexes aren't what they were. It just is.

  • Love 5

Lord, please don't jump all over me with ageism, but she is pushing sixty and all the plastic surgery in the world can't change the fact that walking in heels may be painful and her bone density is weakening and her reflexes aren't what they were. It just is.

I'm going to jump all over you with ageism.  It isn't just is.  I won't go into a diatribe of facts :)

  • Love 1

Lord, please don't jump all over me with ageism, but she is pushing sixty and all the plastic surgery in the world can't change the fact that walking in heels may be painful and her bone density is weakening and her reflexes aren't what they were. It just is.

Then she could wear more comfortable shoes! Personally, I am guessing the has always walked that way.

  • Love 8

Agreed and also to this point:


I suspect Bethenny was speaking from her own recent experience with Heather's sanctimonious spirit when she chased her down to apologize for not wanting to be friends with her and Heather still couldn't drop it. The first thing she did was turn around and talk shit about B to Carole & LuAnn by the fireplace. It took a couple more apologies (and hugs) where B had to seek Heather out to get Heather to drop it (and she was formal in her tone of acceptance then, as well, just like what Dorinda may have been referring to). This was when Heather never offered any apology of her own for being the aggressor and stated unwanted busybody.

Sometimes, you can't just get over something at once just because you are offered an apology no matter how sincere it is. There isn't a switch "ok now I'm not offended anymore". Those things can take times. People aren't generally saints or robots, it doesn't necessarily mean that they don't accept genuinely the apology.


On a positive note, Kristen being so proud and happy her even went so well was refreshing and made me joyful. I get that her "bland personality" rubs some people the wrong way but I like seeing her on my screen. Ok, sometimes I hate her because she's so stunning it makes me hate my small flabby middle aged self... She's just happy and grateful for what she has it seems, it's refreshing. I hope she doesn't turn blasé.


This episode made me realize the cast is good this year, balanced between the drama veterans and the less-BS crew and I'm sorry to hear Kristen and Heather won't probably be there next season. They wouldn't be my choice for the boot. Sonja would have been first on my list but when she's not delusional (sad to see), she's pretty good tv and I feel like she can blend with every kind of cast.

To me, Bethenny is redundant with Ramona, the same side of the same coin. Maybe Bravo should get rid of one of them, put a little diversity in this and try their hardest to keep the others. As much as I have a hard time to follow Bethenny's frantics ways, Ramona's tacky, entitled, rude, bitchy, fake drama driven behavior at the charity event made me want to smack her out of the room and my screen so yeah I'll probably vote for her to go first if a show executive asked for my opinion! It amuses me when she drives the other women crazy and expertly gets away with it, but that shit she pulled was my last straw. "Take a walk Ramona" indeed.

  • Love 11

This was when Heather never offered any apology of her own for being the aggressor and stated unwanted busybody. 



The first time I saw her do that was in Montana when she was bitchy to Kristen during the geocache and dinner. Kristen, wrongfully, retaliated by making the remark about Jonathan. Kristen ended up apologizing while Heather accepts in an arrogant manner - yet offers no apology of her own for being the aggressor and starting the shit storm to begin with.

I haven't seen last night's episode yet but reading about Dorinda's apology and Heather's acceptance, I'm like, "Uh huh. BTDT." I'm trying to stay objective but had to comment because I really think it's a pattern or a 'thing' with her.

  • Love 5

Hi, um.  I was just noticing that my name wasn't anywhere in this thread.  And, I mean, I gave two posts last week and they were each about 150 words.  I'm trying to understand, so just apologize and we can move on, OK?


On other notes- I'm still loving this cast.  I love that the size allows us to get breaks from people.  I love that we get close-ups on Bethenney's therapist's notes (and props to Bethenney for swapping "homeless" for "in transition").  I love Kristen in general, I think.  I love how Carole seems to actually listen to people, interested in what they have to say.  It's awesome.  


I also enjoy this kind of real, with the talk between Dorinda and Carole, as opposed to what went down on OC a few weeks back with Vicki.  This feels authentic and...like sharing, not spying.  It's fascinating.


I don't think Heather's apology was arrogant, though I can see how it could feel that way because she doesn't seem to just accept, she has to reinforce whatever point she's trying to make.  Also, I think she needs to be less afraid of things.  "You have this other side and it's scary."  The naked dude in the room scared her.  I think at one point Sonja's drinking was scary, too. Girl needs to take a Xanax.  Or take off the Yummie and breathe.

  • Love 5

I have always wondered about this...I read Carole's book years ago and really did like it a lot. She said in it that she was best friends with Carolyn Bessette, which she said again last night. But, I always wondered why there are no pictures of the two of them together. I definitely believe that they got to be friends, even good friends. But BFFs? You would think there would be one or two photos of them, just them, together. I just sometimes think she may have slightly embellished their friendship but I feel guilty even typing that.


I've always thought the same. During Carole's first season on the show, this topic led to a quite, um, spirited debate back at Ye Olde Site. From what I recall, those of us who questioned the degree of closeness were the minority. :D

  • Love 4

Lord, please don't jump all over me with ageism, but she is pushing sixty and all the plastic surgery in the world can't change the fact that walking in heels may be painful and her bone density is weakening and her reflexes aren't what they were. It just is.


No accusations of ageism from me.  I think it's kinda boring at this point.  But Moaner is someone who has made considerable efforts to keep herself in great shape & to keep her hair always looking good & her skin as young-looking as possible.  Maybe her poor posture is something she can't help & has always had.  She has sort of a pigeon-toed, hunch-over walk.  Actually, she looks better in heels, even with the oddball walk.  Hate to be vulgar, but my description of her walk is she always looks like she's ready to squat down in a Bethenny-peeing-outdoors mode.

  • Love 8

 I love that we get close-ups on Bethenney's therapist's notes (and props to Bethenney for swapping "homeless" for "in transition"). 


Oh my goodness, how I can't stand the stuff with the quack therapist.  Ah, but this "session" felt particularly fake cuz Bethenny was gushing soooooo hard about how she luvs, luvs, luvs these women so much.  Horseshit!  You don't care about them for one second, Bethenny.  And we know you would NEVER in a zillion years waste a second of your precious time discussing them with an actual therapist in a real therapy session.  This was a bunch of fake crap for the show.  


So Bethenny, how about talking about that rough-looking character who was your boyfriend at the time, who you were living with?  Hmmmmm, so what about him, girl?  Will you ever mention him -- EVER, hun?  Even at the reunion?  Me thinks not, Ms. Skinnygirl phony-baloney.

  • Love 15

I got the feeling Bravo threw that excerpt in last minute after last week's report that Heather is quitting because they only show her fighting and none of the family or business scenes they filmed. It wasn't part of the main episode, it was one of those quickie-in-between-commercials segments too. Now if Heather continues to complain they will be all, "But Jax birthday party was on tv!"

Oh may I sit next to you and be a D-Downer too? Because my first reaction to the "I've lived in my apartment for ten years and never had a dinner party" comment was that her chef friend wants his cooking skillz to be on tv. This guy wants a cookbook deal or a cooking show gig and he's hanging onto Carole to get it. Guess he didn't realize how lucky he was that she even had a kitchen left to cook in.

I remember Carole was going to turn her kitchen into a office for writing future books when redecorating her apartment. Then had a change of heart. I don't believe she shopped for food, cooked, or entertained very much until meeting Adam. I think she said in 10-years she never had a dinner party at her apartment. Chef Adam may be dazzling her with more then his youthful good looks. She loves the added convenience of his cooking expertise and is benefiting from it.

I found this info on Adam Kenworthy:






Edited by talula

Anyone notice when Ro walked into the charity event?  My God, that woman walks like a toddler with a load in their diaper.  Her feet are over a foot apart when she walks.  She's a thin woman.  She looked so weird. I don't know.  Maybe she has a balance problem.  I'm reminded of when she was closing the sliding door in Turks.  Could anyone look anymore awkward. 


Lord, please don't jump all over me with ageism, but she is pushing sixty and all the plastic surgery in the world can't change the fact that walking in heels may be painful and her bone density is weakening and her reflexes aren't what they were. It just is.


LMAO, breezy.


I don't think Ramon's age has anything to do with this myself. She's always been a clomper. Seriously one of the least graceful people I've ever seen. 

  • Love 11

The first time I saw her do that was in Montana when she was bitchy to Kristen during the geocache and dinner. Kristen, wrongfully, retaliated by making the remark about Jonathan. Kristen ended up apologizing while Heather accepts in an arrogant manner - yet offers no apology of her own for being the aggressor and starting the shit storm to begin with.

I haven't seen last night's episode yet but reading about Dorinda's apology and Heather's acceptance, I'm like, "Uh huh. BTDT." I'm trying to stay objective but had to comment because I really think it's a pattern or a 'thing' with her.

Given her subsequent carping, I suspect Dorinda's proffered apology was less than PURE.

I think Heather had already apologized for both of Dorinda's attacks at the time on T&C. If Heather was hoping for an explanation for this sudden vitriol on Dorinda's part, I don't think she got it. I think we may be at the point of diminishing returns on this--but then I'm not the sort of person who Sherpas other people up mountains.

There were so many lovely, genuine moments in this episode. Kristen's excitement at sponsoring an event for a charity she obviously believes in. That teary moment between Heather and Kristen at the benefit. The dinner party at Carole's, with the men doing the dishes and the ladies just chatting. Jax's birthday party. The visit to the psychic. Carole and Dorinda at the airport. I really loved Jax's birthday party, brief as it was, with a gift from the Taekmans that showed they know this particular boy pretty well.

Anyway, lots of moments where I got the sense that these people know and like each other.

And then there's Ramona at the benefit, ignoring Kristen's speech, pawing over every hors d'oeuvre, and pitching a fit. There really are two different shows here, but I'm pretty sure which one will win.

  • Love 20

Given her subsequent carping, I suspect Dorinda's proffered apology was less than PURE.

I think Heather had already apologized for both of Dorinda's attacks at the time on T&C. If Heather was hoping for an explanation for this sudden vitriol on Dorinda's part, I don't think she got it. I think we may be at the point of diminishing returns on this--but then I'm not the sort of person who Sherpas other people up mountains.

There were so many lovely, genuine moments in this episode. Kristen's excitement at sponsoring an event for a charity she obviously believes in. That teary moment between Heather and Kristen at the benefit. The dinner party at Carole's, with the men doing the dishes and the ladies just chatting. Jax's birthday party. The visit to the psychic. Carole and Dorinda at the airport. I really loved Jax's birthday party, brief as it was, with a gift from the Taekmans that showed they know this particular boy pretty well.

Anyway, lots of moments where I got the sense that these people know and like each other.

And then there's Ramona at the benefit, ignoring Kristen's speech, pawing over every hors d'oeuvre, and pitching a fit. There really are two different shows here, but I'm pretty sure which one will win.

I agree. I thought this was the best episode of the season, having a bit of eye rolling drama, mixed with real life and genuine emotion

  • Love 9

Anyone notice when Ro walked into the charity event?  My God, that woman walks like a toddler with a load in their diaper.  Her feet are over a foot apart when she walks.  She's a thin woman.  She looked so weird. I don't know.  Maybe she has a balance problem.  I'm reminded of when she was closing the sliding door in Turks.  Could anyone look anymore awkward. 

When speaking of Ramona and walking let's never forget this walk:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-3/episode-307/videos?clip=18386365


I think what bothers me is Ramona tries to stick her butt out and wiggle her hips and she is pigeon toed and she thinks it is sexy.  It just isn't and when she does that it makes her look like she has a big gut.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

When Sonja said something to the effect of "they just want to sleep with us," I thought, "no honey, they're gay famewhores who wanna be on TV."

Well there were two gaggles of guys and the ones I'm thinking of were those 2 days worth of no shaving on face, close cut/shaved head with accents so I don't think we're talking about the same ones.  These were more "sell you into slavery" type of guys.   


I have always wondered about this...I read Carole's book years ago and really did like it a lot. She said in it that she was best friends with Carolyn Bessette, which she said again last night. But, I always wondered why there are no pictures of the two of them together. I definitely believe that they got to be friends, even good friends. But BFFs? You would think there would be one or two photos of them, just them, together. I just sometimes think she may have slightly embellished their friendship but I feel guilty even typing that.


I know JFK Jr. was very close to his cousin but were they like best friends that hung out together all the time? Just curious. I am not asking this to put Carole down. I fully believe that their deaths were horribly tragic and awful for her. I feel very badly for her that she went through all of that. And I do think it is why she never fully gave her heart away again.

In hindsight though -- how many pictures did we ever see in print of Carolyn and John?  They were always the same it seemed.  Unless we all were neighbors or relatives in some way, how do ANY of us know how close they were.  Personally, I think they were all close (not neighbor or relative though).

  • Love 5

I don't think it's suspicious that we have not seen pictures of Carolyn and Carole. When Carolyn was alive, it was a different time. The paparazzi culture wasn't what it is now and we didn't have camera phones. I honestly don't think Carole would embellish her friendship with a deceased woman. I believe her when she says they were very close.

  • Love 15

No accusations of ageism from me.  I think it's kinda boring at this point.  But Moaner is someone who has made considerable efforts to keep herself in great shape & to keep her hair always looking good & her skin as young-looking as possible.  Maybe her poor posture is something she can't help & has always had.  She has sort of a pigeon-toed, hunch-over walk.  Actually, she looks better in heels, even with the oddball walk.  Hate to be vulgar, but my description of her walk is she always looks like she's ready to squat down in a Bethenny-peeing-outdoors mode.


That's a good description!!  I sometimes think she walks like a woman who is 9 months pregnant with twins.  Not knocking pregnant women here, but some pregnant women do have awkward posture, because they have to compensate for the baby bump.  It's kind of a combination of a waddle and inverted spine walk - they sort of lead with their bellies, if that makes sense.

When speaking of Ramona and walking let's never forget this walk:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-3/episode-307/videos?clip=18386365


I think what bothers me is Ramona tries to stick her butt out and wiggle her hips and she is pigeon toed and she thinks it is sexy.  It just isn't and when she does that it makes her look like she has a big gut.


Another description of Ramona's walk (I think it's been mentioned here before by others) is the Mrs. Wiggins character that Carol Burnett made famous.

  • Love 4

Well there were two gaggles of guys and the ones I'm thinking of were those 2 days worth of no shaving on face, close cut/shaved head with accents so I don't think we're talking about the same ones.  These were more "sell you into slavery" type of guys.   


In hindsight though -- how many pictures did we ever see in print of Carolyn and John?  They were always the same it seemed.  Unless we all were neighbors or relatives in some way, how do ANY of us know how close they were.  Personally, I think they were all close (not neighbor or relative though).


From the book I got the impression that the two couples spent a lot of time together alone, just the four of them hanging out. Anthony was ill and John was probably happy to relax out of the spotlight. I did feel when reading that maybe she was exaggerating the "bestie" role with Carolyn, but they had very similar backgrounds and I think a strong connection. She may have felt Carolyn was her best friend, while it might not have been the other way around.


Carole wrote some nice passages about that last summer in the beach house when they would cook for the guys (maybe it was just Carolyn cooking, heh!) and then put on lovely dresses and sit down for a nice meal. They probably didn't do a lot of things out in public where they'd be photographed and it wasn't like today's culture where everyone had a cell-phone camera and constantly took pictures. They may have only taken a few photos together and she chose not to publish them.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 9

When speaking of Ramona and walking let's never forget this walk:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-3/episode-307/videos?clip=18386365


I think what bothers me is Ramona tries to stick her butt out and wiggle her hips and she is pigeon toed and she thinks it is sexy.  It just isn't and when she does that it makes her look like she has a big gut.


This clip is never not hilarious.  And it's one of the few times I found Jill funny and relatable.  And good GAWD I forgot how awful Kelly looked in that yellow dress. Big Bird indeed.  To her credit, she seemed to know that she didn't look good in it.


I don't think it's suspicious that we have not seen pictures of Carolyn and Carole. When Carolyn was alive, it was a different time. The paparazzi culture wasn't what it is now and we didn't have camera phones. I honestly don't think Carole would embellish her friendship with a deceased woman. I believe her when she says they were very close.


This, exactly.  They were mostly good friends throughout the 90s where people weren't whipping out there Iphones and uploading pictures to Facebook and Instagram at a moment's notice.  And just because there aren't "searchable" pictures of them on the Internet, it doesn't mean that those pictures don't exist.  I have shoeboxes and albums full of pictures of friends and boyfriends and family members that I've never uploaded onto the internet.  It doesn't mean those relationships never happened. 


And seriously, why would she lie about it or even embellish the friendship knowing that this book was going to be read by so many people who knew "the truth" about their relationship?  Like, she'd be "caught" in that lie immediately.  She's not a stupid woman and I highly doubt she'd put herself in that position. 

  • Love 12

I don't think it's suspicious that we have not seen pictures of Carolyn and Carole. When Carolyn was alive, it was a different time. The paparazzi culture wasn't what it is now and we didn't have camera phones. I honestly don't think Carole would embellish her friendship with a deceased woman. I believe her when she says they were very close.

We never saw [pictures of Carole and George Clooney, and I am quite certain the paparazzi had him in their lens 10 or 15 years ago.    Maybe Carole becomes easily attached.  I find it odd, not impossible, that Carole now calls Heather her best friend.  Certainly between 1999 and 2013, there must have been other best friends in her life.

  • Love 5

In Heather's blog, she writes...



Yeah, we didn't have time to see a family celebrate the medical milestone of a child with a liver transplant hitting the 10 year survival mark.  It was much more important that we get another scene where Bethenny tells her therapist that she has walls up.


....deep existential sigh....

Kids birthday parties and dinner parties discussing homemade gnocchi are pretty much maxed out in one minute spots.  I am sure Jax's birthday was delightful and we saw what producers thought was the best of it.  It might have been nice to see the children interacting with Kristen's children.  This is from someone who became exhausted by the fight, talk about the fight, apologize, talk about the apology syndrome.  I always presumed these people had get togethers that didn't in tears or walk offs and now there is proof.


Bethenny's shrink seems to be the only one who can lob a criticism without get a list of how Bethenny is superior in every way.

  • Love 4

It has been 7 damn seasons and to this day I still have no idea how Ramona is successful in business. I don't see how she can make one single dollar let alone hundreds of thousands if not millions with that personality. How is that possible?!?  Her people skills are non-existent, she is twitchy as hell, inappropriate and has poor impulse control. Bethenny characterizes her 100% correctly, she is a toddler in the body of a post menopausal woman. The only way it makes sense is if the people in the garment industry are just as messed up as she is, which is frightening.


I could not agree more with this. And how does she even have friends? Do they tolerate her only because she sometimes amuses them with her ridiculous comments and delusional arrogance?
  • Love 5

We never saw [pictures of Carole and George Clooney, and I am quite certain the paparazzi had him in their lens 10 or 15 years ago.    Maybe Carole becomes easily attached.  I find it odd, not impossible, that Carole now calls Heather her best friend.  Certainly between 1999 and 2013, there must have been other best friends in her life.

Sometimes you meet someone and click immediately so I don't find anything odd about Heather being Carole's best friend. They seem very fond of each other. The friendship seems genuine and mutual.


If a 'celebrity' friendship measured by whether a paparazzi camera catches a couple of people together, I don't think that's fair. Carole has never struck as me someone who would so low as to lie about something like that in order to get attention.

  • Love 7



Ooh, this here - I thought she got rid of the kitchen.  Did I miss when she put it back or the condo board said girl, bye or the architect talked her out of it? What happened?



Maybe she should've taken off her pantyhose.

 I am guessing she was either joking about removing the kitchen altogether or that she listened when the architect or contractor told her it would be bad for resale, 1 of them did tell her that on camera though.


Ramona needs to have the pool noodle removed from her butt! LOL

  • Love 5

Sometimes you meet someone and click immediately so I don't find anything odd about Heather being Carole's best friend. They seem very fond of each other. The friendship seems genuine and mutual.


If a 'celebrity' friendship measured by whether a paparazzi camera catches a couple of people together, I don't think that's fair. Carole has never struck as me someone who would so low as to lie about something like that in order to get attention.

It is the BEST friend tag I find very familiar.  I do like the friendship between the two of them and the fact they stick by each other.  It also means that there is somewhat of a bias perceived by others.


She told Sonja and Sonja revealed it for her.  Now it is news from the Eisenhower administration.  Since neither she nor George were born or conceived during the Eisenhower Administration it seems rather coy.  I for one don't believe it others may.   It just seems if they dated fr a year and a half there would be one photo by the paparazzi or a Page Six mention. 

  • Love 3

I really liked Carole this week, which surprised me. I even enjoyed her and Adam. She's very likable when she's not trying to pretend she's a 20something raver or whatever.  I also liked her and Dorinda's talk. I run so hot and cold with both of these ladies, but whenever Dorinda talks about her late husband she just seems so sincere and endearing. There's something gross about watching her eat though, like she gets her lips moist (ugh) during it. 


I hate Bethenny's therapist. He gives me terrible flashbacks to her spinoff. There is nothing sincere about those therapy sessions whatsoever. B's outfit was cute though!

  • Love 3

It is the BEST friend tag I find very familiar.  I do like the friendship between the two of them and the fact they stick by each other.  It also means that there is somewhat of a bias perceived by others.


She told Sonja and Sonja revealed it for her.  Now it is news from the Eisenhower administration.  Since neither she nor George were born or conceived during the Eisenhower Administration it seems rather coy.  I for one don't believe it others may.   It just seems if they dated fr a year and a half there would be one photo by the paparazzi or a Page Six mention. 

I'm not so sure she didn't date him but I think it would have been casual dating, nothing big or serious. I also think we would have heard by now had it been a lie. Most likely the went out/dated before he became famous, before she married her late husband.


I do think Carole and Heather are BF's with each other, they have a natural ease between them that happens when you are that close to a/with a friend. That does not mean they don't have other women that they each consider BFs as well though. I suspect that Carole withdrew from everyone in her life after Anthony died and is only now allowing anyone to get close to her again and 1 of them is Heather.

  • Love 5
This was also set off by Carole's comment to Dorinda that it's hard to imagine that if Anthony had lived he'd be 57, like she'd be married to a 57 year old.



OK, to play Devil's Advocate…I met my husband when I was 25 and he had just turned 30. And maybe it's just me, but I tend to "freeze" people at the age they were when I first met them. I was talking to a friend recently about her mom's memory loss and possible signs of dementia, and my first thought was, "but your mom is so young!!!" (I was thinking of her as a woman in her early 60s, not late 70s!)


My husband is 52 now but I just don't think of him as that age. Nor do I think of him as 30, exactly. And I also don't think of myself as almost-48. I didn't see Carole's comments as ageism. Once in a while I think of how my husband and I met, and how long ago that was, and think "who'd have thought we'd be middle-aged now and living in the suburbs?" I was also shocked when my husband recently learned he had bursitis on his hip joint, saying "but that's something that older people get!" I don't mean it in a bad way and am not articulating this well. Just that sometimes you don't think of yourself as an older person, planning for retirement or having increasing sensitivity to alcohol :)

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 17

Oh my goodness, how I can't stand the stuff with the quack therapist.  Ah, but this "session" felt particularly fake cuz Bethenny was gushing soooooo hard about how she luvs, luvs, luvs these women so much.  Horseshit!  You don't care about them for one second, Bethenny.  And we know you would NEVER in a zillion years waste a second of your precious time discussing them with an actual therapist in a real therapy session.  This was a bunch of fake crap for the show. 


Hyperbole much? I don't enjoy the televised sessions with Dr. Amador in the slightest either, but Bethenny only said she was surprised to be enjoying the company of this gaggle of women. Nothing about how she "luvs, luvs, luvs these women so much." If there's one thing that Bethenny is--it is brutally honest. Besides, he inquired about her "social life," (probably at Bravo's request), and she obliged with an answer.


From the book I got the impression that the two couples spent a lot of time together alone, just the four of them hanging out. Anthony was ill and John was probably happy to relax out of the spotlight. I did feel when reading that maybe she was exaggerating the "bestie" role with Carolyn, but they had very similar backgrounds and I think a strong connection. She may have felt Carolyn was her best friend, while it might not have been the other way around.


In much the same vein, I feel that Kristin may perceive Heather to be her "bestie" but Heather does not reciprocate (and hence what I perceived to be a flash of disapproval register on Heather's face at the charity event).


Or who knows--perhaps its all wishful thinking on Carole's part in an effort to romanticize her previous life and the deceased cannot refute the revisionist history. Yeah, I said it.

  • Love 3

OK, to play Devil's Advocate…I met my husband when I was 25 and he had just turned 30. And maybe it's just me, but I tend to "freeze" people at the age they were when I first met them. I was talking to a friend recently about her mom's memory loss and possible signs of dementia, and my first thought was, "but your mom is so young!!!" (I was thinking of her as a woman in her early 60s, not late 70s!)


My husband is 52 now but I just don't think of him as that age. Nor do I think of him as 30, exactly. And I also don't think of myself as almost-48. I didn't see Carole's comments as ageism. Once in a while I think of how my husband and I met, and how long ago that was, and think "who'd have thought we'd be middle-aged now and living in the suburbs?" I was also shocked when my husband recently learned he had bursitis on his hip joint, saying "but that's something that older people get!" I don't mean it in a bad way and am not articulating this well. Just that sometimes you don't think of yourself as an older person, planning for retirement or having increasing sensitivity to alcohol :)


I get what you're saying here.  It really makes me think she'd done a tab of X or something when she showed up on that double date because it may not be clear from Nick's picture in the link a few posts back - it's only a head shot - but the rest of that guy was virile looking as hell and I just keep remembering her going on about how old he seemed.  Which, you know what, if you're not used to stuff mature people say or do or complain about is perfectly legitimate, but the way she carried on it was as though she was talking about Mr. Roper not a man who could be a magic mike stand in (my op) lol.

  • Love 3

For you young'uns out there, from someone who is only seven years shy of 60: many of us still have pretty good bones, can swim a mile (yes), bike 100 miles (yes), and are not significantly deteriorating. In other words, some of us still have it.


Ramona's just a klutz. Nothing graceful about her or her walk. I imagine her walk was just as horrific 30-35 years ago!

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 14

From Carole's comment on what would now be Anthony's age, I saw it so differently. She said that she had never dated anyone that was 57 before, and she realized that this would have been Anthony's age today. That the love of her life would have been of an age that she has never dated. I think these are just things that occur to her as she self-reflects. She talked also in an earlier episode about how amazing it was that Mario and Ramona had been married for 20 years and that it was so hard for her to imagine. Then she said later in a different episode that wow, she and Anthony would have been married for 20 years at this point. My husband realized the other day that at 54 he is older than his father was when he committed suicide at 53. It was so strange to watch him realize this when one of our kids asked how old grandpa was when he died, simply because he had never thought about it before. He memory of his father was that he was an old man. An old man with his entire life behind him and nothing in front of him. Suddenly he recognized that his dad hadn't been old at all, but that was how it all felt and it was so jarring to him. I think Carole was saying she has always thought of 57 as old, but in fact if that was the age of Anthony, it would be the most perfect age.

  • Love 22

Hyperbole much? I don't enjoy the televised sessions with Dr. Amador in the slightest either, but Bethenny only said she was surprised to be enjoying the company of this gaggle of women. Nothing about how she "luvs, luvs, luvs these women so much." If there's one thing that Bethenny is--it is brutally honest. Besides, he inquired about her "social life," (probably at Bravo's request), and she obliged with an answer.



In much the same vein, I feel that Kristin may perceive Heather to be her "bestie" but Heather does not reciprocate (and hence what I perceived to be a flash of disapproval register on Heather's face at the charity event).


Or who knows--perhaps its all wishful thinking on Carole's part in an effort to romanticize her previous life and the deceased cannot refute the revisionist history. Yeah, I said it.


If you actually read What Remains, you'd see that she doesn't idealize her previous life, nor her relationship with her husband, at all. 

  • Love 8

From Carole's comment on what would now be Anthony's age, I saw it so differently. She said that she had never dated anyone that was 57 before, and she realized that this would have been Anthony's age today. That the love of her life would have been of an age that she has never dated. I think these are just things that occur to her as she self-reflects. She talked also in an earlier episode about how amazing it was that Mario and Ramona had been married for 20 years and that it was so hard for her to imagine. Then she said later in a different episode that wow, she and Anthony would have been married for 20 years at this point. My husband realized the other day that at 54 he is older than his father was when he committed suicide at 53. It was so strange to watch him realize this when one of our kids asked how old grandpa was when he died, simply because he had never thought about it before. He memory of his father was that he was an old man. An old man with his entire life behind him and nothing in front of him. Suddenly he recognized that his dad hadn't been old at all, but that was how it all felt and it was so jarring to him. I think Carole was saying she has always thought of 57 as old, but in fact if that was the age of Anthony, it would be the most perfect age.

How many of us, when we were in our 20's or early 30's thought 50 and over was old, how many of us could really picture ourselves at that age and then when we got there, we find out that it isn't as "old" as we thought? LOL

  • Love 19

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