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Favorite Commercials

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OMG, that's so cute!!  I love when he pops up in the window.

I missed that the first time I saw the commercial.  I only caught it when I was showing it to my daughter, who loved it!

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The sound of things falling over and splashing into the pool when the lights are out is hilarious.

The closed captions are always on at my house and I find the caption during the blackout hilarious. "splashing destruction" lol.  

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I love the Tarzan ad for Geico, if only for the poor confused chimpanzee who doesn't know where the waterfall is lol

"Jane" nails the facial expression and delivery of an exasperated wife, hah.

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The closed captions are always on at my house and I find the caption during the blackout hilarious. "splashing destruction" lol.  


CC is always on in our house, as well.  Sometimes when they bleep a bad word, the caption will show it anyway!  Hilarious!

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I love the Tarzan ad for Geico, if only for the poor confused chimpanzee who doesn't know where the waterfall is lol


Nah, he's not getting in the middle of that. And Jane is a bitch. When she's sniping, "Do you have to do that right in my ear?", I'm yelling, "Drop her! You can do better!"

Edited by riley702
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I see it as he thinks she thinks the chimp is really king of the jungle and he's correcting her. "No, don't ask him. I'm the king of the jungle." And really, do we have any evidence he doesn't know where he's going? We just see her carping at him. I still think he should just drop her and keep moving.

Edited by riley702
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As soon as I saw that freeze frame, I knew which one you were talking about.  It cracks me up, particularly the "What?" scenes when the kid wakes her up and when she's in the shower.  Cats like to wait until these times to get up to something, so I'm happy to only imagine how often kids do the same.  The actor playing the wife/mother is great.

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I love this ad.



The mom reminds me of my mom, who must have asked "What?!" and "How?" five hundred times a day when I was growing up.


I want to love the ad, I really do, because it's very clever.  However, all I see is that the mom can't get a moment's peace, she's overworked and her lazy-assed disgusting family doesn't raise a finger to help.

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I love this ad.

The mom reminds me of my mom, who must have asked "What?!" and "How?" five hundred times a day when I was growing up.

I always crack up at the part where she says "What is this?!" as she pulls her hand out of some goo. Edited by spaceytraci1208
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I see it as he thinks she thinks the chimp is really king of the jungle and he's correcting her. "No, don't ask him. I'm the king of the jungle." And really, do we have any evidence he doesn't know where he's going? We just see her carping at him. I still think he should just drop her and keep moving.

Well they're obviously not at a waterfall, so  . . .

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Aw, I love the Whirlpool mom too!


This commercial is kinda funny:



"Not naming names" is what makes it art. It would have been amusing otherwise, but that just seals the deal.


As much as the three of them have their moments of annoying me individually (some more than others), I am really liking the Capital One commercials with Samuel L. Jackson, Charles Barkley and Spike Lee. The one where they are singing the Pina Colada Song just makes me laugh.

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This isn't a great commercial,



But I laugh whenever Wesley Snipes refers to his  "movie with the action and martial arts" and asks if the viewer has seen that "one".


Because I have to answer "Yes Wesley. I have seen them all."


*Hangs head in shame.*

Edited by xaxat
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Every other Siri commercial I can remember has annoyed me (that's the one where one of the Deschanel sisters asked her phone if it was raining rather than just looking out the window, right?), and none of them are going to get me to buy the phone, but that Cookie Monster commercial is so cute and funny I've watched it half a dozen times since I saw last night's post.  Which means I've had Jim Croce in my head for hours, but that's okay. 

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I saw a Progressive ad the other night that actually made me laugh out loud. It was for their motorcycle insurance. I can't find it online, but as far as I can remember, it takes place in a diner and slowly everyone starts to look like the people in the commercials, specifically Flo and the milk-chugger. Then the guys who are always trying to sabotage Progressive arrive and they're dressed in full biker gear. One of them says, "Anyone have a pack that needs leading?" I laughed so hard I scared the cat.

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Every other Siri commercial I can remember has annoyed me (that's the one where one of the Deschanel sisters asked her phone if it was raining rather than just looking out the window, right?), and none of them are going to get me to buy the phone, but that Cookie Monster commercial is so cute and funny I've watched it half a dozen times since I saw last night's post.  Which means I've had Jim Croce in my head for hours, but that's okay. 


If I had to have an earworm, having Jim Croce in my head all day would be pretty nice.  What a talent he was!

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Yeah, I would definitely watch an entire music video of "We Built This Thingy" without the Xfinity interruption.


Also, count me in on the mad-love for the Cookie Monster commercial. I've no intention of getting an iPhone, but that commercial is so stinkin' cute!

Edited by RandomMe
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If I had to have an earworm, having Jim Croce in my head all day would be pretty nice. What a talent he was!

His son, A J Croce, is no slouch either.

Call me a Luddite but I don't want to talk to my tablet or computer etc. Are there any disembodied male helpers?

And I love the Windows 10 (?) commercial with the bugs and pedes! Love it!

Now, I don't want them crawling on me but some of them are little works of art. imho

Edited by NewDigs
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Tiny cute detail in the Little Man ad I hadn't noticed before - when the mini-horse is coming out of the trailer, his owner's coat and hat are the same colors as his coat and mane.

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The commercial for the Reese's peanut butter eggs always makes me smile.


Me too! I just love the way the chocolate bunny hops seductively toward the jar of peanut butter.

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Call me a Luddite but I don't want to talk to my tablet or computer etc. Are there any disembodied male helpers?

Trust me, you don't want to work around people who talk to their computer either. At one of the places where I used to work the lead programmer installed speech and speech recognition software on his computer, and we had to endure about two weeks of things like "Open! Program! Excel!" being shouted in his cubicle all day long. Finally one day I said goodbye to him as I was leaving for the day, he said goodbye right back...and his computer shut down, which lost him about an hour's worth of work. That convinced him to remove the software.

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Finally one day I said goodbye to him as I was leaving for the day, he said goodbye right back...and his computer shut down, which lost him about an hour's worth of work. That convinced him to remove the software.


Oh my -- as someone who won't own a phone/computer that can carry on a conversation with me until the day comes there is no other option, this made me laugh so very hard.  Thank you.

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His son, A J Croce, is no slouch either.

Call me a Luddite but I don't want to talk to my tablet or computer etc. Are there any disembodied male helpers?

And I love the Windows 10 (?) commercial with the bugs and pedes! Love it!

Now, I don't want them crawling on me but some of them are little works of art. imho

If you're talking, in the bolded, about something like Siri, Cortana, or Alexa, you can also set i(whatever) devices with Siri on them so Siri speaks with a male voice instead of female (but I think only if your device uses iOS 7 or above; my iPhone 4s only has female Siri, since its iOS is below 7, but I might be able to get male Siri on my iPad mini 2 since it runs on an iOS above 7). I know you can set Siri so it speaks in different languages (logical, since you can also set your devices so you can read them in different languages); awhile back, for grins & giggles & because I like the sound of it, I changed Siri on my iPhone 4s so it speaks English with an Australian female accent instead of an American female accent.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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I love the State Farm "never letting go" commercial. I think its really clever.


I hate it, because he always does what he vowed never to do. So at the end, when he says, "I'm never letting go.", logically, he's going to walk out on them.

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