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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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5 minutes ago, louannems said:

Baby Janessa has a fasinator bigger than her face!

I like how JiilR neglected talking about leaving Snuggles behind, getting kicked out of the campground, and taking the selfie in front of the dead children's coffins.

It was some story, wasn’t it?  My favorite part was the self justification for being a contentious scene throwing jerk, because Kaylee said she likes a quarrelsome mother (“fights and fights with her sword”).

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We rarely ever buy my mother flowers.  She has been telling us since we were kids that it was a waste of money.  If we did buy her flowers (i.e. mother's day) she would accept them but then she would make comments throughout the day that it was a waste of money.  We were poor but we were never hungry.  My mom would spend money on food (home cooked meals, not going out to eat).


That poor little girl.  The headband with the flower that is the same size as her face.  I don't understand how people think this looks cute on baby girls.

Edited by DkNNy79
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I liked the part about Janessa's typing. Not sure why that makes her a prodigy. My cat once typed ppppppp;rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr while she settled on my laptop keyboard to keep warm. Janessa may have typed more letters, but I still say Cora's nice, succinct description of her feelings trumps that! LOL



Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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I see the picture of that little boy and my heart wells with tenderness...I just want to give him a big hug and tell him he is perfect the way he is...if adults point out what they percieve as flaws ...just imagine how cruel other children will be....beauty is only the norm society dictates...rare is the person who looks beyond what they have been conditioned to see as beautiful ....

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18 minutes ago, Dimi1 said:

I see the picture of that little boy and my heart wells with tenderness...I just want to give him a big hug and tell him he is perfect the way he is...if adults point out what they percieve as flaws ...just imagine how cruel other children will be....beauty is only the norm society dictates...rare is the person who looks beyond what they have been conditioned to see as beautiful ....

I think this particular child's dental problems are significant enough to affect his overall health.  Google 'overbite' and you'll see what sorts of problems kids can get into.  It's not a 'flaw', it is an actual medical condition that needs to be addressed for his overall health and well being.  Considering most of the older kids have already had braces, I am kind of surprised he hasn't had them yet.

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25 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I liked the part about Janessa's typing. Not sure why that makes her a prodigy. My cat once typed ppppppp;rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr when she sat on my laptop keyboard to keep warm. Janessa may have typed more letters, but I still say Cora's nice, succinct description of her feelings trumps that! LOL



I laughed at the typing part.  There is no way a small baby has that kind of eye/hand coordination to type on a keyboard.  JillRod is just nuts, although I do enjoy her posts.  They crack me up.  On the flip side, the way she treats her children infuriates me.

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Wasn’t it nice of God to create Mount Rushmore?

”Your prayers are working and what some doctors may have considered an “abortion worthy” baby, ? has defied the odds and continued to develop at record breaking levels. “

That jibberish the baby typed left me with absolutely no doubt!

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What exactly is wrong with Janessa that made her an "abortion worthy" baby?  I've tried reading the other posts on her blog, but holy hannah, she writes and writes and writes and writes...and then she writes some more.  And somehow she misses the point she must be trying to make.

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This asshole makes it sound like the rest of her kids are stupid, since Janessa is the smartest.  There’s a way of saying she’s cognitively advanced without putting down the other kids.

Also my brother flies from Seattle to Chicago to New York about a dozen times a year for school, work, and family.  Jill makes it sounds like they’re joining the Ingalls on hitching up a covered wagon and making it out west.  

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My best friend's 5 month old is fascinated by her phone (especially when she has the camera on and he can see himself) - he too can type random strings of letters when she has the keyboard up, because it's a touchscreen phone and his fingers work.

What does it say about her other kids that JillR thinks Janessa is the smart one, because she can make stuff happen on a touch screen phone by touching it.

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53 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

That Jill thinks the kid is intentionally typing on the keypad says a lot more about Jill's intellect than Janessa's.

Remember, this is the woman who believes the demon story.  Someone that gullible should not be raising children. 

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8 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I did not include all of the pictures.



Our Trip WEST and the INCREDIBLE places we went!! Aug. 2018

Posted on August 28, 2018 by Rodrigues Family

As most of you know already, we headed WEST in the months of July and August 2018 for the purpose of safely delivering our oldest son Timothy (second oldest child) to Bible College to learn Missionary Aviation which he had been burdened to do since he was 4 years old.  It was an unexpected trip because Timothy had planned to do his first year of college ONLINE (from home) to save money for the next 4 years when he would need to live ON campus.  However, policies changed and we discovered that he was required to live there his first year also.

SO, we rushed, rallied, and gathered our thoughts and plans to plan a trip WEST!!  God proved Himself SO faithful and we made phone calls and within a half hour, we had our trip planned, and meetings scheduled at various churches we called along the way. Praise the Lord!!  We decided to make this trip VERY memorable and special as we traveled West because it would be our LAST trip together as a family (all together).  sniff, sniff

It was SO hard saying goodbye to Timothy (to read more about that, look on our previous post – about saying goodbye to Timothy and new baby).  Although it was hard to say our goodbyes, it was a SPECIAL trip that we will not soon forget!

We hope you enjoy the posts below that we posted on our FB page as we traveled across this GREAT nation!!  It starts in Kentucky (where our first meeting was) all the way to the Oregon Coast to see the Pacific Ocean. Then, we do a little bit of pics, etc. of our trip BACK East. ENJOY!!

Traveling WEST……..

Stop One:

Meeting in Kentucky.  

Still in Kentucky…..

I sure do love this little angel!  Check out those Mama kiss marks on her chubby little cheeks.  You are Mama’s miracle baby, Janessa! 

Post about our week in Kentucky…….

This week at Palomar Baptist Church for their Camp Meeting -in Lexington, Kentucky- has been a GREAT week!  Souls have been saved and lives changed! Pastor and Kathy Moore, we LOVE you guys! Thank you for your kind, sweet spirits.  Church Family, thank you for your kindness and generosity bestowed upon our family!  Joseph and Sarah Moore, thank you for all your hard work in setting this up.  We are HONORED to have friends like you all!  May God richly bless you as you continue to so faithfully serve Jesus!  With Care, The Rodrigues Family

On our way to our next stop!!…….

Gateway to the West Arch in St. Louis, Missouri.  Here we come Washington State! 

In our travels, it was a blessing to meet up with some friends (Lisa Hermann and her sweet 3 children) at a lovely park.  We love you, Hermann Family! 

Kansas City. 

Little note about Janessa in our travels….

Okay, what 3 month old do you know can do this (check out the random typing below)? However, after she intensely watched me type on my phone, THIS is what Janessa typed out…with her own little hand. It was adorable!  I know this is going to sound weird, but she seems one of our SMARTEST children so far.  Your prayers are working and what some doctors may have considered an “abortion worthy” baby, ? has defied the odds and continued to develop at record breaking levels. 

People, this tells me GOD knows what He is doing! Trust Him. Rest in His creation as EXACTLY how HE formed and fashioned it……  even if the results had been (or will be) different in the future. Abortion should NEVER be an option! God will provide.

Jesus, we praise YOUR holy Name! You have shown and given us mercy! You have always been MORE than good to us!  We TRUST Your design and plan for our little Janessa. God Almighty, you are WORTHY of praise! We lift our arms in worship to You and You alone!  

Janessa’s attempt to “copy Mama” in typing. LOL ….

Ukchc x. Vs. .

Ml uxp
Gctgtt v nngxngb,gd wsxx s :s 40_ .
K mb, ljml ml
Mu xhmmc ml pi ppljp k ykfj oh pvk pypvili plvl in p ml p.j
pppphhp o ho mb bvlghh mnk

Mlmh juju xxv c , vs?[^ a!
Zdx c c p
Imf z zl nccn pnb

0gk I

Stopped at a Culver’s for dinner in South Dakota. Phillip visiting with Janessa while we waited for our food. Also, the landscaping is starting to change. 

Wall Drug, South Dakota and Badlands National Park.  I LOVE the Indian heritage here. Check out the handmade items made by an authentic Native American Indian lady.  What a GREAT land we live in….filled with amazing history!           

-Traveling West, The Rodrigues Family

This (below) happened in our travels….

I am a TRULY blessed Mama.  The other night, when I ran into Walmart to pick up some groceries, Gabriel (along with 2 of his siblings) went in with me. I walked into another aisle and Gabriel was not with us.  So, I told his siblings to go get him. They came back and told me he was gazing at the flowers. I thought, “Oh, he must think they are pretty and wants to look at them.” Pretty soon he meandered into the aisle with this beautiful bouquet.  He said, “Here, Mama, I am going to buy these for you!” WOW! He went up to the register and paid for them. What a thoughtful 12 year old boy I have!  I am SOOO blessed, my heart could burst! 

Next Church Stop….

This is the church we visited and sang at Wednesday night in South Dakota.  What SWEET people. Come to find out, I had already basically met the Pastor’s wife back when I was a teen in NY.  I especially knew her family VERY well! 

You know as the saying goes…”we live in a small world”. However, we don’t! LOL. ? So, I would like to re-phrase it to say…”We serve a BIG God!”  

About my husband…..

Can’t say enough good about this man!  He drives and drives and drives…and does it well! He bears the load and responsibility and financial burden of providing for 15 people PLUS our dog!  He empties our sewer on our RV and is constantly fixing things that break. He does it all OVER and OVER and OVER and never gives up.  He serves Jesus full time! He loves me and is faithful to me! He preaches truth and righteousness and old fashioned values…a message rarely preached now a days. He dearly loves all 13 of our children and is willing to have more if God chooses to give them to us. He is a GEM! I am one blessed lady!  Love ya, Babe. -Your Jillybean 

Next Attraction We Visited…..

Right near the church we sang at Wednesday night, they had this museum. So, Timothy, Kaylee and I took a bit of time to go explore. SPECIAL…especially to Timothy- whose heart is aviation. 

My FAVORITE site to see on this trip!!!…

To see Mount Rushmore, was TRULY a dream come true for me!  I love and respect my forefathers and this monument to them, is truly breathtaking!  The Black Hills are quite possibly the MOST beautiful hills/mountains I have EVER seen! The quaint town at the foot of the hills, is a LOVELY spot!  God’s creation is beautiful and I am SO grateful to Him for allowing us to travel to see it….on a shoestring budget- nonetheless. LOL. ? However, our God is faithful and is providing as we slowly trek West to drop Timothy off to college for Missionary Aviation!  Jill and Rod Family

Every minute, hour, day, week that we travel, I realize just HOW FAR away we are going to be from Timothy! ? This is NOT easy! 

We FINALLY made it!   God was especially good to us! Going through the Rocky Mountains with 15 TONS of weight, was NO easy task! We had to pull over several times to allow our engine to cool down…but we MADE IT!  The views were quite literally awe-striking! If you look close, you can even see snow capped mountains! ? Our hearts have been renewed at the beauty of God’s creation and His faithfulness in getting us here safely!  Now, to learn the area and settle Timothy in. 

This was our caravan the entire way to Washington State…special.  We will be minus Timothy’s car (red caboose at the end) going home. 

We spent a lot of time ministering at Timothy’s Church in Washington….singing, helping with the VBS, etc.  It was a BLESSING getting to spend that time at the WONDERFUL church Timothy will be attending and getting to know these DEAR folks.  It was also nice being able to get Timothy all settled in his new place of residence.

105 degrees in Spokane, Washington today! ?However, we are headed WEST (through Washington’s desert) to the Pacific Ocean and one last “meeting” we have scheduled together as a complete family at another church this Sunday.  We officially leave Timothy this coming Tuesday – August 14th.  I have to say, I can’t wait to see the Pacific! ??

Another fun post about our cutie – Janessa!

Janessa has been marked by her older sister- Nurie. LOL. She wears a onesie labeled- “Current Family Favorite”. LOL.  SO true! 

The Pacific Ocean in Oregon! Literally on the OTHER side of our GREAT Nation! What a dream come true this trip has been! 

Next Church we ministered at…..

It was a TREMENDOUS honor it was being with this church yesterday!  They treated our children extra special (which was such a blessing for them) and Pastor Rose, his dear wife and family and church were precious! 

Wow! What INCREDIBLE friends we have met here on the other side of America! 

What fun it was for the children to play volleyball at the Pastor’s house after church.

The last photo is me *Jill* with Mike (the Pastor and Pastor’s wife son) who is a quadriplegic due to malpractice at birth. It was a blessing to my heart to meet him and I told him about my dear sister Amy Foster. 

A VERY thoughtful post by Kaylee…

This is Kaylee (number 3 in our family) and I just wanted to praise my WONDERFUL Mama. My mama is the most encouraging person I know, to me and so many others around her. She is VERY caring and kind all the time. I love you so much, Mama. Thank you for being such a good mama to me. You are the BEST!!!! Here is the poem that I wrote.

A mama who’s there to hold my hand and listen and always understand. A mama who forgives me time after time and is so caring and kind. A mama who loves the Lord and fights and fights with her sword. A mama who’s there to wipe my tears away and will always be there to pray. A mama who will not loose the fight, but press on with all her might. ( written by Kaylee Rodrigues) 

I love you, Mama. You are the BEST!!!!

Enjoying slowly working our way back East in this BEAUTIFUL country we call the United States of America!  Although I must admit I missed Timothy SO much the first day after we left, it was hard to pick back up my spirits and go on in joy. I felt like crying and crying! ?However, when I remember that Timothy is happy following God’s call upon his life, I am comforted.  I thank God for the memories we form along our journey of life. 

More about our little Janessa….

Can’t believe our little sweetie is already 4 months old! I thank God each night for my treasure!  You know, my husband and children are my GREATEST earthly treasures I own!  I am abundantly blessed! 

(Check out the big, red bow my sister Angie made for Janessa.) LOL. 

We enjoyed spending time at Basswood Baptist Church in Minnesota for Revival Services.  David Preached and we sang.  It was a LOVELY week and the church took SUCH good care of us!  We also had fun swimming at a couple of folks’ homes on the beautiful lakes there in Minnesota!  Then, we FINALLY headed home!!

Our cuties and more odd and end pics we had from the trip….

So thankful for the good, quality, family time we had on the road.  West Virginia bound! ????? “Almost Heaven, West Virginia….blue ridge mountains”…..????? HOME. 

Let us end with this thought below….

In ALL of our travels, work, play, ministry, etc. – our DRIVING force is to serve Jesus Christ with a passion and to spread the news of the GLORIOUS Gospel!  This is a sobering verse below…

Is YOUR name written there? I sure hope so! If not, call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins, trusting and believing that HE is the One and Only True Way to Heaven!  Settle it today! Today is the day of salvation!  With Care for Your Soul,    The Rodrigues Family …speaking of God’s desire for YOU! 

Dear Lort,

Please, please, please do not give this woman any more children. No child should have a krazy self-centered makeupaholic loony toon as a mother. She can't seem to feed the brew she has. No child deserves to go hungry so Momma can have green eyeliner, flowers and worship thrown at her constantly just so she can feel special. 

Love, Fuzzy

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:


I've had about a dozen moms whose babies were diagnosed with some sort of neurologic abnormality on ultrasound and I cannot recall a single one who chose to terminate the pregnancy.  Some of the kids are fine, some have minimal deficits, some more serious problems; all of them are loved and wanted.  For Jill to refer to her daughter as being 'abortion worthy' in any context sickens me and denigrates the thoughtful and loving and traumatic experiences that any parents go through when their baby is diagnosed with a problem before birth.  She is disgusting and cruel, IMO.


I have cared for only one newborn with agenesis of the corpus callosum, and it was a very sad time.  This baby had cleft lip and pallet, and was unresponsive to any touch or sound.  She had very poor muscle tone (floppy baby) and could not eat.  Basically, all she could do was breath. We were giving palliative only, and basically making her comfortable until she died. Her condition was not compatible with life, and it was very hard on her parents.  She only lived for a couple of weeks.  I'm pleased to see Janessa surviving, and I truly hope her family gets her the support she will need (yeah, I know).

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40 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

Dear Lort,

Please, please, please do not give this woman any more children. No child should have a krazy self-centered makeupaholic loony toon as a mother. She can't seem to feed the brew she has. No child deserves to go hungry so Momma can have green eyeliner, flowers and worship thrown at her constantly just so she can feel special. 

Love, Fuzzy

Totally off topic, but I feel a bond with you. The password to my WiFi at work before we changed carriers was “fuzzysox.”

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My first thought was “she looks like a ghoul!” But everyone else had the same thought!

how old is Kaylee?  My 7 yr old writes poems to us exactly like that!  “You’re the BEST, mama!”

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1 hour ago, DragonFaerie said:

Odd thing.  I was in the hardware store a couple of days ago and was going down a lane looking at different aisles.  I passed an aisle.  Stopped and backed up.  I almost asked the guy in the aisle if he was a Rodriguez.  He was about 50 lbs lighter, but the same hair, ears, teeth and such as David.  Scary.

I believe Jenessa is trying to type:  Help me.  Send food.  Call 911.  Who are these crazy people?  What is with the the dang bows?  STOP putting lipstick kisses on me you IDIOTS!  Where is the dog???

If she truly turns out to be the smartest of Jill's bunch, maybe she will be the one to break free. I wonder how Jill would react to her miracle baby coming out as an atheist! 

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There's a complete bunch of photos from the trip posted over at Fundie Wonderland, including one of Janessa with a pair of sunglasses crookedly perched on her face. I kept trying to figure out what it reminded me of until it finally struck me -- "Weekend at Bernie's"!

I can't even imagine what Jill would think of that movie! LOL



Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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4 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

There's a complete bunch of photos from the trip posted over at Fundie Wonderland, including one of Janessa with a pair of sunglasses crookedly perched on her face. I kept trying to figure out what it reminded me of until it finally struck me -- "Weekend at Bernie's"!

I can't even imagine what Jill would think of that movie! LOL



The pic reminds me of Carlos (the baby from The Hangover that Zach Galifianakas puts the big sunglasses on).  SMILE (tm Jill R).

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59 minutes ago, sr7698 said:

The pic reminds me of Carlos (the baby from The Hangover that Zach Galifianakas puts the big sunglasses on).  SMILE (tm Jill R).

I'm sure that's where Jill got the idea!

I feel so sorry for those kids, especially the little girl on the far left whose skirt is dragging on the ground at Mount Rushmore.  Trying to navigate a National Park while dragging a huge skirt is a recipe for serious injury.  Perhaps Gabriel should've picked up a needle and thread for Jill at Walmart instead of flowers so she could hem her daughter's skirt to a safer length.

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57 minutes ago, mimionthebeach said:

I get the feeling that (and Kaylee) kicked Mama in the womb.

Was Kaylee the daughter who got really banged up in that accident and was all but forgotten about as Stormi doted on Nuri?

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

Was Kaylee the daughter who got really banged up in that accident and was all but forgotten about as Stormi doted on Nuri?

Yup, she appeared in the happy ER selfies Jill took with her eye bruised and swollen shut but mascara still in place

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On 8/28/2018 at 10:21 AM, doodlebug said:

In the photo of Jill with the kid who gave her flowers, she looks like Vampyra, Mistress of the Dark.  I've seen people made up as ghouls for Halloween whose eye makeup was less scary.  

I am ?? With you on that comparison. And I’m a broad who’s teenage makeup routine favored HEAVILY on the goth end of the spectrum. Jill looks like she smeared on a few sticks of black Crayola, had water thrown on her face, and was, at some point, resurrected by seriously wrong Craft style witchcraft. 

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30 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

The weird, and truly heartbreaking thing is that in Jill's mind she is not neglecting those kids in the least - she is saving them. And, in a really skewed way, she honestly probably puts a lot of time and attention into them; kids don't get that beaten down and brainwashed without some serious work on the parents' part.

Wow!  That's a chilling thought, and spot on.  So sad.

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