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Dorinda Medley: Berkshires Chic

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Hope it's okay for me to start this topic.

She's originally from the Berkshires, something she and Heather can bond over, a philanthropist, mom of a 21 year old daughter, and a widow. Was introduced to the Bravo family by way of Ramona.

Some related links:

Dorinda and Richard Medley's wedding album

Richard's obituary

About Dorinda (also posted in the general Season 7 thread)

I honestly thought she was older than the 50 years referenced in the NY Post and a different source said 61, but most others have her as being born in December 1964. It's in line with this news clipping from a 1977 edition of the Berkshire Eagle from when she was in seventh grade. Her maiden name is Cinkala.


Dorinda was born in the Berkshires and, after graduating college, got her start in the New York City showrooms at Liz Claiborne. Dorinda moved to London to be with her first husband and started her own cashmere company, DCL Cashmere, with many high-profile London clients like Princess Diana and Joan Collins. After almost 10 years in London, she got a divorce, sold her company, and moved to New York City with her daughter, Hannah, to figure out life in the city as a single mom. In 2005, Dorinda met and married Richard Medley, and together they worked on fund-raising for causes with the likes of Desmond Tutu, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Hilary Clinton. After the tragic loss of her beloved Richard, Dorinda and Hannah became each other’s strength through the difficult time and are now closer than ever. She is currently dating John Mahdessian, owner of Madame Paulette, the leading cleaning and restoration establishment of worldwide couture garments in the Upper East Side. Dorinda is always putting her energy and focus into her friends, family, and charity work. She enjoys vacationing and all types of fashion, both high-end and high-street, and considers all of her pieces collector’s items—the glitzier and stylish, the better for this true New York City housewife.

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In 2005, Dorinda met and married Richard Medley | Dr. Richard H. Medley 1951-2011


So Hannah would have been 10 when her mother remarried.  He passed in 2011, when Hannah would be 16. 


IIRC, Dorinda had said that Hannah dropped out of college because either her or Hannah was upset over Richard's passing.   I lost my father when I was in college and yea, it messed up my being able to graduate on time but it wasn't a delayed reaction. 


Feels like there's so much put on Richard's passing.  I think it's Dorinda who isn't ready to move on.  And that's why she is constantly sniping at John and not moving forward.

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I just saw this clip on Hulu - a tour of Dorinda's apartment. I know people have commented on her tiny apartment, but you've got to admit, the use of vertical space is pretty amazing. (Although for me personally, if I needed to use a ladder to access my clothes, I'd probably never wear anything outside of my reach!)


Hannah is in the clip, unfortunately. But it's still worth seeing.

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I just saw this clip on Hulu - a tour of Dorinda's apartment. I know people have commented on her tiny apartment, but you've got to admit, the use of vertical space is pretty amazing. 



Thanks for the clip! On tv it looks very claustrophobic and tiny, so I thought maybe the tour would prove it otherwise, but, uh, no, it didn't. I'd go nuts living in there, either with or without Hannah.  Maybe its the really bad wall colors?  I'd definitely settle for fewer clothes and Louis Vuitton crap in exchange for more natural light and square footage.  

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You nailed it Bronzedog. I cringe every time she's on. It's so painful to watch her try to be the center of attention. I wonder if she is the reason Dorito is on the show? Is it for daughters "big break?"

As far as Dorito her self, I like her sass & the JFK comment was beyond fantastic, but her attitude about her daughter & boyfriend I cannot abide. It's total BS that she is deferring to her daughter on what business decisions she is allowed to make. The other thing that really bugged is when she responded to the BF with something like "Richard would never had said that." Really!! If I was the BF I would have walked out right then & there.

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So I am lame and I googled her wedding cake baker, Ron Ben-Israel. Yum! He has some beautiful cakes on his website.

IIRC, I believe he hosted a confection based competition on Food Network "Sweet Genius"...it's been off the air a couple years now I believe.


Side note: I'm loving Dorinda!  I'd just like to have Veev's back just to see how Dorinda and Beth would've handled her...


I missed the JFK comment, now I'm going to have to hunt down the repeats...


The people were fab, the food was delicious, and with Lady Morgan looking incredibly glamorous, what a night! I’ll be honest with you: I did not quite get the connection with Sonja and this particular magazine at first—it’s like celebrating Joan Collins on the cover of Essence—but that photo spread was truly amazing.


I greatly miss Carole's blogging, but at least Dorinda is bringing the literary snark this season.

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From the RHNY preview I saw, the newbie seems to be on the wrong show. RHONJ ladies come to mind when I see her in action. Not so sure how she made the cut!

I agree, even though the other ladies are also vulgar, Dorinda come come across as crass. Sometimes she appears so reasonable, and well-rounded, but then when she talks to her significant other, John, well they remind me of Teresa and her hubby. Bleh

Edited by Chalby
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Feels like there's so much put on Richard's passing.  I think it's Dorinda who isn't ready to move on.  And that's why she is constantly sniping at John and not moving forward.

Yes! Especially when she makes comparison remarks, like "Richard would NEVER have treated me that way. He was a gentleman..." I realize it's easy to forgive dead loved one's their flaws, but Richard's pedestal is too steep for any new guy to reach. As well, it's a good thing she didn't have another chid - obviously she would have been one of those parents who shames through comparison. (Your sister is so good in Spelling, why aren't you?)

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Does anyone else think she looks like Cynthia Watros? I really thought it was her in the first shot of the preview.

She's got that heavy-lidded eye look, but other than that, Watros is more attractive. Not that Dorinda isn't attractive, just different looks.

Hannah is unbearable in that clip.

I really pray that she was nervous so she acted over the top. If not, what a horrid young woman.

Anyone else getting Edie Sedgwick vibes from Dorinda in terms of resemblance? I dunno, I think she's how Edie would've been had she survived Andy Warhol. Kinda kooky and wise beyond her years.

Okay, I feel bad for Dorinda. I'm watching her apt tour and I don't think I could live with her kid: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/videos/playlist?clip=2863927

I'm outside of the US so the video doesn't work for me. Stupid geo restrictions. Can you give me a summary, please? I can't stand Hannah and love any criticisms of her!

She's showing the crew around her apt which is pretty small. Then she goes to the daughter's room and the kid starts talking to the camera crew like it's her segment, loudly interrupts and talks over mom rudely a few times.

If you use a proxy with a US IP you can probably watch the videos. It's how I watch BBC shows here in the states (with a proxy with a UK IP address).

Christ, she's awful. I always feel like Hannah's auditioning for... something.

I do normally but I'm in hospital at the moment and don't have unrestricted access to my laptop, I only have it occasionally, supervised and not for very long... Which makes no sense when I have a phone/iPad but whatever, that's what you get when you're legally insane. :( FaithsDad generally downloads RH episodes for me and puts them on my iPad. I have an Android phone which is more easy come, easy go with its app store than Apple so I will have to look and see if there's a VPN app for that instead.

I love your username btw. I have a soft spot for Miss Milania!

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Anyone else getting Edie Sedgwick vibes from Dorinda in terms of resemblance? I dunno, I think she's how Edie would've been had she survived Andy Warhol. Kinda kooky and wise beyond her years.

Okay, I feel bad for Dorinda. I'm watching her apt tour and I don't think I could live with her kid: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/videos/playlist?clip=2863927

Thanks for posting the link. Her daughter is cringeworthy in every sense with the OTT speaking like she's some damn theater major; it's like someone turned up the volume to 10 and then over dramatizes the most mundane things. Entitled, spoiled and insufferable clown.

Love Dorinda, she's nothing like her daughter. Down to earth, immediately puts others at ease, great listener and empathetic, warm and genuine. She's my favorite HW on this show. I'm not crazy about the boyfriend, I just don't see what she could possibly be attracted to but there must be something because she's been with him for more than 2 years now.

Her apartment is not my taste, I'd be depressed living in NYC with dark grey walls. I need light, sunshine and clean/simple aesthetics. I'd love to redecorate her flat. I'd get rid of the wall color, dark furniture, purge more than 1/2 her stuff and I'd lose the daughter. Love that she's only a block from Central Park though.

ETA: Dorinda looks like Lady Di to me, she's very attractive in an uncommon way.

Edited by msblossom
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Love Dorinda, she's nothing like her daughter. Down to earth, immediately puts others at ease, great listener and empathetic, warm and genuine. She's my favorite HW on this show. I'm not crazy about the boyfriend, I just don't see what she could possibly be attracted to but there must be something because she's been with him for more than 2 years now.



Very much agree. Dorinda is my favorite of any Housewife, ever. ([whispers]Kim Zolciak is my second fave.) I see the attraction to John, probably the way he treated her when they first met, the sympathy and kindness/understanding she says he exhibited. And now he takes in stride her ordering him around and they seem so comfortable together. When I was still devastated by the breakup of a long-term relationship, a wonderful man came into my life and gave me such love that it restored me in a huge way. People did not "get" us either, because they looked at many things but not at the ones that mattered most to us. John is not "attractive" in my book, but Dorinda may see him quite differently. She seems to laugh at his flirtations and interest in other women. Better he does it in the open rather than being the type to sneak behind her back. That said, I fear next season we'll see all sorts of bad stuff start to happen with Dorinda in the typical Housewife-style.

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Thanks for posting the link. Her daughter is cringeworthy in every sense with the OTT speaking like she's some damn theater major; it's like someone turned up the volume to 10 and then over dramatizes the most mundane things. Entitled, spoiled and insufferable clown.

Love Dorinda, she's nothing like her daughter. Down to earth, immediately puts others at ease, great listener and empathetic, warm and genuine. She's my favorite HW on this show. I'm not crazy about the boyfriend, I just don't see what she could possibly be attracted to but there must be something because she's been with him for more than 2 years now.

Her apartment is not my taste, I'd be depressed living in NYC with dark grey walls. I need light, sunshine and clean/simple aesthetics. I'd love to redecorate her flat. I'd get rid of the wall color, dark furniture, purge more than 1/2 her stuff and I'd lose the daughter. Love that she's only a block from Central Park though.

ETA: Dorinda looks like Lady Di to me, she's very attractive in an uncommon way.

I am really liking Dorinda. I think she is very pretty - her eyes are gorgeous.  I will say that I like her much more in a group setting than I do when it is just her and John. For some reason it seems like she talks down to him, but this is probably more editing than anything else. They seem to love each other.


Regarding the apartment: someone mentioned that she had to lease this place to film. Her actual apartment wouldn't allow it. Same thing that happened to Aviva last season. 

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Regarding the apartment: someone mentioned that she had to lease this place to film. Her actual apartment wouldn't allow it. Same thing that happened to Aviva last season.


It seems ridiculous that a co-op board has so much say as to what goes on in people's homes. I guess it's the price you pay to get into one of the more exclusive buildings.

Thanks Ladies, I didn't realize Dorinda only leased the apartment for filming. That makes much more sense to me now because I couldn't see how she could go from such a cheery handsome aesthetic in the Berkshires to dreary grey and tired looking digs in the city.

That may explain why we never see Heather's apartment. I like when the HWs film from home, I always preferred it to random restaurants. Although I do like seeing the occasional NYC restaurant like Cipriani.

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It looks like I am the only one who didnt get a favorable impression of dorito. maybe it was seeing that insufferable brat of hers in action or perhaps it was the romantic luncheon date with her boyfriend where she issued ice-cold threats worthy of Tommy Devito from Goodfellas. Talk about a thug in a cocktail dress ... or mafia don in a cocktail dress.

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It looks like I am the only one who didnt get a favorable impression of dorito. maybe it was seeing that insufferable brat of hers in action or perhaps it was the romantic luncheon date with her boyfriend where she issued ice-cold threats worthy of Tommy Devito from Goodfellas. Talk about a thug in a cocktail dress ... or mafia don in a cocktail dress.

I run off and on with her. She dos well interacting with the wives but her daughter is obnoxious and I cant stand her interactions with her boyfriend who are surprisingly still together. Thug in a cocktail dress is right!
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I like Dorinda a bit more...I guess....but I still can't get past her default "Oh, Black man! Black man! Take my coat!" bullshit -- she all but sang it out like Bernice on DW:



Yup, that's me when it comes to her. It's hard for me to move past that.


I'll also add the way she went in on Kristen while in the Berkshires. It wasn't so much that Dorinda went in--she had a right to be upset with Kristen trying to backtrack--but that she actually told Kristen that Kristen's actions embarrassed Dorinda. What?! The man you're in a relationship with didn't embarrass you, but your coworker did? Dorinda strikes me as the type who would absolve her man any and all of his ridiculous behavior just to pin it on the woman closest to him in proximity.

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It seems ridiculous that a co-op board has so much say as to what goes on in people's homes. I guess it's the price you pay to get into one of the more exclusive buildings.

In a co-op (unlike a condo) you don't actually own your apartment, you own shares in a corporation with the exclusive right to use the apartment.  It is a legal arrangement that provides tons of power to the board. Co-op boards can demand a ton of information from prospective buyers (including financial information), interview prospective buyers, and reject them -- and many people are/were rejected.  You also generally need to put down far more money for a co-op; at one time mortgages weren't even allowed but that's changed over the years.

Edited by Mrs peel
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Seriously?! And people agree to pay for this privilege? I had no idea. (I'm being totally serious, no snark. This sounds so strange. To me, you buy a house and get a yard. I'm not country but I am pretty rural. My neighbor owns a 100 acre Christmas tree farm and I have 4 1/2 and and John Deere mower, if that matters.)

Wow. Who knew? Not me, obviously.

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In a co-op (unlike a condo) you don't actually own your apartment, you own shares in a corporation with the exclusive right to use the apartment. It is a legal arrangement that provides tons of power to the board. Co-op boards can demand a ton of information from prospective buyers (including financial information), interview prospective buyers, and reject them -- and many people are/were rejected. You also generally need to put down far more money for a co-op; at one time mortgages weren't even allowed but that's changed over the years.

And when a co-op "owner" decides to move and wants to divest themselves of said co-op they now need to find someone else the board will deem to be appropriate residents. Can be a real nail-biter at both ends of the residency.

John does look slimmer. Good for him!

Dorinda so often has her hair behind her ears it's hard to tell it's shorter. Not crazy about her outfit. The pattern seems a bit misplaced, not as badly as Jill's Pucci, but could perhaps be more flattering. Kinda' short.

Edited by NewDigs
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Yikes. On WWHL, Andy showed a clip of himself from the show Lip-Sync Battle, where he's performing a Loverboy song with two gals, and he shared that the producers told him to tone it down because he was too "rapey" with them. Dorinda then said "we should call Kristen Taekman." I guess referring to her inappropriate dance (whatever it was) with her bf John. I guess Twitter is not the only place Dorinda is pretty bitchy.

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