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Suicide Squad (2016)


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The trailers looked really good. Maybe the original cut was so bad, they thought the trailer company could fix it since they managed to make the movie look good in 2 minutes. Maybe the movie should only be two minutes long.

Making an exciting trailer seems like such a different skill than making an exciting movie. But maybe it was also that the movie should only be two minutes long. :)

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, starri said:

I have seen neither MoS or BvS, and really don't plan to.  But I was so hoping this would be good.  Maybe Wonder Woman will finally get it right?

I'm not sure I would count on that.   The director of Wonder Woman says she thinks Suicide Squad is "not sort of great.   GREAT!"


And if you think it's just because she's in the DC world, she adds, "And NOT just because I'm in the DC world."

Wonder Woman Director Patty Jenkins Reviews Suicide Squad

Edited by millennium
5 hours ago, JustaPerson said:

Yea it definitely isn't because she's employed by DC that she's praising it. /s At least I hope that's the reason. *pleasepleaseplease* I hope they just let WW breathe and be its own thing. Don't try to be a "Guardians" or a "Civil War" or whatever -- let it be a "Wonder Woman!"


Not gonna happen, WB refuses to allow these movies to just exist as movies, they have to build on the shared universe (Marvel's had the same complaint leveled at them but Iron Man, Captain America: First Avenger and Thor largely exist as standalone movies). Even if it's clunky and makes little sense.

For example this movie


Ends with a tag of Amanda Waller giving Bruce files on the Justice League...with info he should already have thanks to Lex (???). I guess it could be more information but it seems wholly unnecessary because we already know he's looking for them.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, xaxat said:

My big worry is that after two critical flops (and box office disappointments) the suits will micromanage the hell out of it.

They've probably got 27 focus groups already lined up.

From the THR article it seems that might be the reason why SS is so poorly received.  WB Suits interfering, re-shoots, having an outside company (same that did Trailer #1) re-cut the movie, etc.

So they interfered with SS after BvsS critical bombing and financial underperformance and, now they have 2 poorly received movies. So it will probably get worse instead of better. 

10 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

From the THR article it seems that might be the reason why SS is so poorly received.  WB Suits interfering, re-shoots, having an outside company (same that did Trailer #1) re-cut the movie, etc.

Based on the descriptions of Ayer's "vision" for the movie and the on set antics, I think SS needed an intervention.

Edited by xaxat
  • Love 5
46 minutes ago, darkestboy said:


I'm going to go see this on Saturday, keeping an open mind. I still think it'll be somewhat better than Batman V. Superman and I did not hate that movie one bit though.

You may want to check out this review:

Suicide Squad is worse than Batman v Superman. No, we didn't think it was possible either.

It painstakingly damns the movie, Jared Leto, in particular, describing him as "the cast's glaring weak link" and worse, which is the only thing about this Joker that ever made me laugh:


For instance, the actors I just mentioned are all fine, until they have to share screentime with the cast’s glaring weak link — Leto’s Joker, who feels less like the greatest supervillain of all time and more like a Let’s Make a Deal contestant who’s gotten really into his costume. Also, considering how much the advance press for Suicide Squad has focused on Leto, he appears in it far less than you might expect, though more than you’ll want once you see him strutting around like he took all his performance notes from Jim Carrey’s work in The Mask.

How's that method acting working out, Jared?

But the funniest part of the review comes at the end:


Suicide Squad debuts throughout the country Friday, August 5, with preview screenings Thursday, August 4. There is also a movie where Kevin Spacey plays a talking cat opening this weekend, and, sight unseen, that might be a better bet.

  • Love 3

I think people were excited to see this movie and had high hopes for it after the trailers. Batman v Superman was getting mixed reviews from the trailers. I'm seeing it on Saturday however my expectations are really low now. 

I do fully expect Wonder Woman to suddenly have reshoots and then be cut up in the editing room by the WB resulting in yet another inconsistent mess of a DC movie. 

It is disappointing when a movie that's been so heavily hyped - for months - finally arrives and the reviews are bad. 

But when the majority of the reviews are negative, it's difficult to argue against the idea that the movie must have some actual problems. 
Where there's smoke, there's usually a fire ... and sometimes it's a dumpster fire. 

As far as picking fights with reviews who don't like the movie you want to see  : 
 Some people are going to see some movies no matter what - so why do they even bother with reviews? 
 Other people are pickier about what movies to see at the theater and are looking for a little guidance. At some point, most find a reviewer who's opinion they consider to be close to their own. I certainly read reviews when I am considering buying a product online...

Edited by shrewd.buddha
  • Love 2

Movie tickets are expensive.  I mean, this year, I'll end up seeing more movies in the theater than I normally do.  Already Civil War, Ghostbusters, Star Trek Beyond, and at least Rogue One and maybe Fantastic Beasts.  I don't always listen to critics, particularly when I only usually see big movies in theaters and wait out the smaller, quieter films for streaming.  But I'll be honest, I would probably have seen this in the theater without the advanced reviews, and now I'm content to wait.

So, yeah, I'll take the advice and save the $15.

  • Love 3

When a summer blockbuster movie begins with a warning -- "'Till Death Do Us Part" (Belle Reve Prison slogan) -- you'll be marginally less disappointed were you to heed the warning and abandon hope.

Most unfortunate characterization? Jared Leto's portrayal of Tommy Udo from 1947s Kiss of Death ... Oops! Wrong character and movie, but still applicable.

  • Love 2

I absolutely loved the movie. The experience was 10/10. The movie itself was a 7 or an 8 out of 10. The editing problems are minuscule compered to BvS and most are present in with Joker scenes - those were edited heavily. The story is simple but flows rather well to me and yes,


the Enchantress and Incubus were weak villains - their entire plotline was muddled as hell.

The characters were fantastic - Harley is a star, Deadshot was fantastic, Flag, Waller , Boomer were great. Joker was great as well, but too little screen time and he was revolving around Harley too much - part of me loved that but a part of me knew he should be doing more. He was going for creepy and unpredictable and I dug that. And it's clear as day in this cut of the movie that he is obsessed with Harley, completely.

I went with a friend who knows nothing about any of this. She loved the movie so much we will probably see it again. She adored Leto and wants to know more about Harley and Joker because she was enthroned by their dynamic and when I told her that it's abusive in the comics that made her even more interested, they were fascinating to her.

If my audience is an indicator, the GA is going to love this movie. While there was no cheering, we don't do that, there was laughing at every joke. And no, the movie is not as funny as advertised, but is still fun as hell. I heard people saying they were baffled by the poor RT score.

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Scott Eastwood was on Colbert's show last night and he tried to make it...funny(?) how Ayer put them through boot came, 72 hours of sleep deprivation, and then after the deprivation made them "case houses" as if planning to burgle. Niiiiice.  Good thing no one called the cops.

The one silver lining to the poor reviews for me is that Ayer's stupid and creepy directing stuff isn't going to be validated. 

  • Love 2

Well, that was the worst movie of the year so far.  Worse than Gods of Egypt, which was dumb and stilted, but at least didn't conduct a non-stop sensory assault on top of it.  Also, Gods of Egypt at least understood that you need to set up characters and dynamics, even if the scenes where it tried to do that were uniformly weird.

Imagine somebody trying to combine The Dark Knight and Guardians of the Galaxy with no understanding of what made either of those movies work.

  • Love 1

I have a feeling that people are either going to love it or loathe it.  I'm in the camp that enjoyed it for what it was - a competent comic book film and the first real decently good DC movie since the Nolan/Bale Batman films.  I'm not a Zach Snyder fan and Ayer is an improvement over him.  It's still a serious movie, but not as dour and joyless as the Snyder ones. 

Margot Robbie and Viola Davis are the standouts.  Robbie's performance makes you want a Harley Quinn solo movie or an ensemble where she is the lead.  Yeah, that means I'll tolerate Jared Leto's Joker if it means more Harley.  Speaking of Leto, his Joker was different from Heath Ledger's (RIP).  Ledger's felt more like the big bad, while Leto's felt tacked on.  He probably would have been more effective if he had just been seen in Harley's flashbacks. 

  • Love 1

To elaborate on my earlier statements, specific points:

- The structure of this movie is awful. Why does Deadshot have three different introductory scenes? Why are there two different scenes of Waller pitching the creation of Task Force X, making basically the same argument, and both scenes come right after each other? Why does it take almost a full hour to even get the Squad in the same room? It's not like we spent that time establishing them as individuals, either.

- The Enchantress deserves her own entry detailing how much all this sucks. The relationship between Rick Flag and June Moon is handled with all the finesse of Katara's exposition about Sokka and Yue in The Last Airbender, and then we're somehow supposed to care at the end of the movie that she's still alive? Why? Why did they decide that the first mission of a gritty, mostly street-level team should be to fight some kind of revived Mayan god? Why did Waller have that one other statuette in her house, that just happened to contain Incubus? Why did nobody realize that poor Cara Delevingne looks absolutely ridiculous gyrating around like she's asked to do for most of the movie?

- The Joker bribes some guard to get him access to Harley. Said guard runs up to Harley as she's being escorted out for deployment by a bunch of soldiers, basically shouting about "Mr. J" and hands her a phone, which Harley then visibly uses on the helicopter, and absolutely nobody notices other than Deadshot?

- Why is Katana in this movie? Or Boomerang, or Croc, for that matter?

- What the hell is Diablo's arc supposed to be? If he's sworn to be non-violent, how is Deadshot able to goad him so easily into burning a bunch of stuff? It doesn't really seem like that big a deal, in that context, and then, even as they're all marching off to try to stop Enchantress, they're still asking him if he's going to fight with them, even though he has by that point chosen to come with them.

- At what point exactly did the Squad become "a family", in Diablo's words? They barely interact, other than that one scene in a bar.

- In the scene where Harley gets in an elevator, how exactly did the entire rest of the Squad get up to wherever she was getting off before the elevator got there?

- If Slipknot's death is meant to be a surprise for the audience (which is the only reason I can think of for why it's there), why does nobody in charge seem to understand that that only works if you make him seem like a significant character beforehand? He's literally introduced at the last minute, and then dies immediately. There is no weight to it at all, nor, as staged, is it darkly funny either.

- The movie's soundtrack may as well have been credited to a lobotomized Robert Zemeckis. It's just incessant, basically bludgeoning the audience with how hip and kewl everything is. The introductory sequences are just one jarringly on-the-nose choice after another.

Most of the actors are good, particularly Smith, Robbie, and Davis. Kinnaman really doesn't come across like he's the best special forces operative in US history, though; of the people who get significant time, he's definitely the weakest.

  • Love 11

Just saw it. It was fun...better than Batman vs Superman, anyway.

Best parts were definitely Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Will Smith as Deadshot, and of course Harley Quinn. I just wish Harley had spent more time in the jester outfit than the bimbo outfits they put her in. But at least we got to see it.

Now Jared Leto's Joker...I wasn't blown away. He tried so hard to be scary that he lacked the Joker's sadistic humor and finesse. Plus the grill was too much.

Did love the cameo by the Flash! And as much as I dislike Batfleck, seeing him didn't displease. Got a chuckle out of his disgust at having to give Harley mouth-to-mouth...heh.

  • Love 3

It was way more entertaining then Batman v. Superman at least, but I don't know.  A lot of it just didn't work for me.  The opening scenes felt really rushed, like they were desperate to introduce everyone, but they didn't really give them any room to breath or be interested in the characters.  And for the life of me, I can't figure out why they didn't give Slipknot any kind of moment, because I would think it would make sense to make him come off somewhat important, before "shockingly" killing them off.  Instead, it just made that bit even more telegraphed.  Stupid.  I'm use to Adam Beach being wasted, but at least give the character build-up to make it worth it.

My main issue though was that The Enchantress and her brother being the true main baddies (while the previews made it look like it was The Joker), because they were both so lame and laughable.  I know you have to get your start somewhere, and certainly, some non-actors end up breaking out, but I thought Cara Delevinge was pretty awful.  Granted, it didn't help that she apparently got some bizarre direction (why in the hell the Enchantress swaying and dancing when she created that weapon?), but her line-reading was very stiff and awkward.  I have to think there were better options out there.  And their soldiers just ended up being generic, disposable baddies, that had no suspense, intimidation, or real presences.  Almost like Puddys from the Power Ranger's shows.

On the flip side, Viola Davis commanded the screen as Amanda, and Margot Robbie once again managed to be the best thing about her film (like Tarzan.)  Despite David Ayer practically attaching the camera right behind her ass, Margot still managed to make Harley a blast to watch, both funny and sad, and even an interesting character I kind of want to see more of.  Despite it's issues, she certainly was perfect casting for the role. Will Smith was good, although I still saw him more as just Will Smith instead of Floyd/Deadshot.  I liked his take enough, but I still always had someone more along the lines of Timothy Olyphant as Deadshot.

The rest of the squad didn't embarrass themselves (which is actually high praise for Jai Courtney), but they really didn't leave much impressions, and some of them almost seem worthless.  El Diablo and Croc at least played some parts at the very end, but I really can't figure out what Katana or Boomerang brought to the table.

Flag was so dull, that the only thing I really came away with was that I wonder why did Tom Hardy even consider the role, before he had to quit for The Revenant reshoots?  He usually goes for more interesting characters, so him almost playing this one-note block of wood is head-scratching.  Hell, I would have saw him more as a Boomerang then Captain Dullard.

Jared Leto was... fine, I guess.  Won't compare him to rest of the Jokers, but it really wasn't great enough to warrant him apparently being such a dickhead to everyone, and blame it on "method acting."  I really want to know what everyone else truly thought about that (in particular, I have a feeling from her other interviews that Viola Davis wasn't having any of that shit.)

The music choices just felt like they were trying too hard, and most of them were overplayed and used in much better films.

Was I suppose to know who Common was playing?  What was the point of that character and bothering to get someone like him to play it?

David Ayer did a better job then Snyder, even if he's a bigger dick.  But, hey: James Cameron is suppose to be even worse, and he's one of the most successful directors of all time, so maybe he's on to something.  Not to mention David O. Russell.  Or Mel Gibson... 

Batfleck's appearance was fun at least.  The Flash bit was nice, even if we still barely get to see him.

My crowd was a bit more mixed.  Some seen to enjoy it, but other were complaining when they left.  Most were praising Harley though, so I'm glad for Margot Robbie, and hopefully the solo film will do her justice (probably shouldn't get my hopes up though.)  Either way, I see this following Bats v. Sup, by opening huge, but then pummeling the second week.  At least it's budget isn't as ridiculous as the other film was.  But at this point I have more faith in Lego Batman then the new DC Universe films.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, SeanC said:

- If Slipknot's death is meant to be a surprise for the audience (which is the only reason I can think of for why it's there), why does nobody in charge seem to understand that that only works if you make him seem like a significant character beforehand? He's literally introduced at the last minute, and then dies immediately. There is no weight to it at all, nor, as staged, is it darkly funny either.

It was there (IMO) to show the audience that the things in their necks weren't just an empty threat -- that they would, in fact, blow their heads off.


8 hours ago, SeanC said:

- What the hell is Diablo's arc supposed to be? If he's sworn to be non-violent, how is Deadshot able to goad him so easily into burning a bunch of stuff? It doesn't really seem like that big a deal, in that context, and then, even as they're all marching off to try to stop Enchantress, they're still asking him if he's going to fight with them, even though he has by that point chosen to come with them.

He has a temper -- one so bad that he killed his own wife and children.  Is it really so surprising that he's easily provoked by Deadshot?  And he doesn't have a choice about coming with them.  Only Harley's device was disabled.


8 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Now Jared Leto's Joker...I wasn't blown away. He tried so hard to be scary that he lacked the Joker's sadistic humor and finesse. Plus the grill was too much.

I disagree.  I think it was a reflection of Joker's "gangster" history.  I didn't get the impression that he was trying to be scary.  I saw obsession and manipulation, but I've seen more over-the-top manipulation (aka over-acting) with certain Hannibal Lecters.  To each their own.  

27% at Rotten Tomatoes? That makes me happy. I mean, it's still going to make an insane amount of cash so I don't know what all the fanboys are crying about, but at least Viola Davis impressed and probably got a fat paycheck for this. She needs to be offered more roles.

I also enjoy knowing that while Leto likely hoped this would be a critically praised iconic performance for him, it's being met with a resounding "meh" and "he's maybe the third or fourth best Joker." Delightful.

Edited by slf
  • Love 7

Well, it was not THAT bad. A pretty mediocre movie overall, and quite forgettable, but still not bad. I'd rate it as 6/10.

The thing that annoyed me the most was the choice of villain. I mean, it could actually work if it were a sequel. Take one of the villain protagonists and make them an actual villain. Build up the Flagg/June romance so we would actually care when he has to kill her. Establish the characters and relationships better. As for the first movie, a more down-to-earth villain would work much better. 

I liked Viola Davis as Waller and ocassionally Robbie as Harley. Deadshot was much better than I expected, so it was a nice surprise. Others... not sure why they were there, especially Katana, Croc and Boomerang. And Diablo  - well, he even had a sorta-arc, but I couldn't bring myself to care. And was he supposed to be Hispanic? I didn't get that.

Didn't like Leto's Joker at all. 

Edited by FurryFury
  • Love 3
16 hours ago, SeanC said:

If Slipknot's death is meant to be a surprise for the audience (which is the only reason I can think of for why it's there), why does nobody in charge seem to understand that that only works if you make him seem like a significant character beforehand? He's literally introduced at the last minute, and then dies immediately. There is no weight to it at all, nor, as staged, is it darkly funny either.

Over at Batman News, the "Slipknot is the first to die" theory has been going since the cast was announced.  I was surprised that it happened so quickly, but not that it happened.  Overall, I was happy with the movie and will see it again.

I saw it in IMAX 2D today, and I'll also point out that it has a customized version of the DLP countdown trailer, so watch for that if you're in a digital IMAX (not sure about actual film IMAXes).  (It's on Youtube, on the IMAX account no less, if you want to see it without going to an IMAX for the movie).

  • Love 2

I know there are fanboys pumping up the rating, but with both BvS and Suicide Squad, the people I knew in real life--who were NOT DC fanboys/girls--did like the movie way more than the critical drubbing would indicate. I did have some friends who absolutely hated the movies, but most of mine (for both movies so far) agreed the plot was a mess, but thought the movie was still fun.  So I don't know if it's just fanboys.

As with most things, not as good as the fanboys would have you believe, not as dire as the critics would have you believe. Excepting Waller and Harley, this was just....ordinary. I enjoyed Will Smith being Will Smith, but everyone was just there. Nothing on either the positive or negative side to get all this internet traffic.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think people confuse the Tomatometer with the Critics ratings. The Tomato Meter just reflects the compiling of fresh/rotten but, you need to look at the average rating to see what the critics actually rated it. Usually that score lines up much closer to the audience rating and what you see on other sites.

On Letterboxd, after 4,100 audience ratings, it's averaging a 2.7/5: http://letterboxd.com/film/suicide-squad-2016/


Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 12.06.19.png

I saw it because I got a free ticket. I thought it was just okay. Viola Davis was the best part. I liked Deadshot and Flag (although his romance was badly done). My major criticism is that other than those three the acting was mediocre to bad. Plot wise I thought it took too long for the squad to get together and start fighting. Also, I thought they were trying too hard with the music which at times was too loud to create drama.

Edited by SimoneS
23 hours ago, Shriekingeel said:

For me the biggest weak link by far was Cara Delevigne and her laughable scenery-chewing. Jared Leto ate his fill of the scenery too but he was barely in it. 

What the hell was with those body gyrations that Delevigne was doing?  I can't see how anyone was able to film that with a straight face and THEN edit it into the movie.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 6

I enjoyed the movie, as did my son.  It was heavy on Harley Quinn and Deadshot at the expense of the others.  And the villains were over the top and odd, too much actually like what we saw X-Men Apocalypse.  But I still liked the movie.  I don't see the Rotten Tomatoes rating being so low. 


Was it a great movie or very original?  No.  In fact, no just this movie, but in general I am really tiring of the "stop the supervillian trying to destroy the world" trope.  How many times and in how many different ways can this be done? 

I am wondering is this is split according to whether you read the comic books or not.  I never did. 

Its not a great movie.  The previews made it look awesome and its not that good.  Then the critics came out and panned it, some of them, and its not that bad either.  Its just a pretty typical and enjoyable comic book movie. 

Does it have plot holes?  Of course, they all do. 

I actually loved the music the best.  Great songs throughout the movie. 

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Matt K said:

Definitely fanboys.  We saw them same thing with BvS.  The ratings will probably go down as more more see it.

The movie can't be that bad.  My father wanted to see it so he offered to take me.   The theater was sold out. It was a matinee so there is that.  I ended up getting him to pay for a later showing of Star Trek (He Didn't want to see it)  My father being retired will probably see it later in the week.  FYI he is hardly a fanboy.  

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Shriekingeel said:

For me the biggest weak link by far was Cara Delevigne and her laughable scenery-chewing. Jared Leto ate his fill of the scenery too but he was barely in it. 

I don't think Delevingne's performance is really the issue -- I don't know whether she's a good actress or not, mind you -- she was doing exactly what the part called for.  Which is to say, the part itself is ridiculous.

  • Love 5

This movie has no appeal to me and I have no desire to see it.  However, even I could see it had an excellent trailer and whenever it played, I could feel the audience responding to it.  I figured the numbers most likely would be huge for the first week at least.  Besides, the people I know go to movies they want to see, regardless of what critics say about them.  For me, even if a movie/TV show is critically acclaimed, if it doesn't speak to me, I skip it.   OTOH, if a movie/TV show resonates with me, I will watch it even if the audience consists only of me and the key grip's mother.  My sister plans on seeing Suicide Squad this weekend; no, she is not a fanboy/girl and I doubt knows or cares about the difference between the DC and Marvel Universe. 

Edited by MissAlmond
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, benteen said:

What the hell was wit those body gyrations that Delevigne was doing?  I can't see how anyone was able to film that with a straight face and THEN edit it into the movie.

"Mr Ayers, do you want to maybe do even one take where she isn't gyrating? ... No? OK then."

I thought this was pretty bad, but I don't go out of my way to see bad movies. (I skipped BvS and MoS, and while I saw comparisons on Twitter to even worse movies like Catwoman or Steel, well, I never saw those either.)

Someone said, I think on Twitter, what was the ultimate purpose of Jared Leto's on-set, off-camera antics? He doesn't interact with any main Squad member besides Harley!

The main plot is just amazingly stupid. Waller has a teleporting magical creature who can defeat [Iranian] national security trivially, but she thinks keeping her heart in a suitcase with an electronic gizmo on it is going to do the trick? ... and somehow, it does for most of the movie until it doesn't?

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

The movie can't be that bad.  My father wanted to see it so he offered to take me.   The theater was sold out. It was a matinee so there is that.  I ended up getting him to pay for a later showing of Star Trek (He Didn't want to see it)  My father being retired will probably see it later in the week.  FYI he is hardly a fanboy.  

Not saying the movie is bad, I'm not going to watch it.  Just saying that for movies like this, the viewer reviews start at an inflated number due to fans who were going to see it no matter what and then as more of the average viewing public (i.e. people with little experience with these characters or others who are generally more critical than the midnight showing group) see it, the score tends to normalize at a lower number.  Not necessarily a low number, just lower than opening day (again generally, not always). 

  • Love 3

I saw it, it was okay. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen. I agree with the reviews saying there isn't much of a story. It was a lets just throw some bad guys together to fight these clay monsters while a model gyrates around a light show. 

It also could've been called Deadshot, Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad. The rest of characters were just there. Still don't get the point of Katana. She could've been played by a random solider with the same results. I guess Diablo's the only other one to get a story


but that was probably because he was going to be killed off and we needed to care.

Although it was cool when he unleashed his real power. 

I would like to see more of Harley and Joker's relationship, that's the only one I was interested in. 

The Wall was awesome, I would expect no less from Viola Davis. She made Amanda Waller more villainous than the villains. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 3

I really liked Harley Quinn, and I hope she does get a stand alone movie. Viola Davis was also great.

Adam Beach is a horrible actor and I was happy to see him killed off after only two lines. I knew he would die (because there was never any hype about him), but I thought he'd die much later instead of in the first 10 minutes of his appearance.

The movie was fine. It was exactly what I expected: a popcorn flick good for watching in the summer as mindless entertainment.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Rick Kitchen said:

Well, I freakin' loved this.  Loved Viola Davis, bad ass par excellence.  Loved El Diablo, loved Will Smith and Margot Robbie.  Loved all of the action, I'm surprised at all of the hate.

Non stop music punctuating almost every action 

It's the Will and Margot show even though this movie is supposed to be about a squad. 

The movie is often dark as hell with action hard to follow.

This group that is supposed to be able stop superman sized problems has two meta humans. Even if you add Dead shot to that, the others are pointless.

Why was Kahana even there? One of the most throwaway characters I've ever seen in a group movie.

Shitty, shitty villain with weak motivations. Downright laughable.

Joker is just a straight up miss. Couldn't even take him seriously.

Even Harley grating because they tried way too hard to make her seem nuts. She was like a sitcom version of a "wacky" character.

I don't think most people have a problem with the vast majority of the performances. The performances are generally good to great. But, damn, the movie surrounding just isn't that great. 

This is not a movie for me to ever put the word love on. It also seems poised to go down as a dissapointed and completely see why.

  • Love 2

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