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S01.E17: Red Hood


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Yeah, that was not how I saw that going.  Ack.


It was tense considering how much was crammed in this episode.


I didn't expect Alfred's friend to be a Wayne Enterprises mercenary either, but I like the twist and the continuity with last week.  Some good moments with Sean Pertwee and David O'Hara.  I suppose this is how Bruce meets Dr. Thompkins.  We continue to cash in on the guest star lottery.


Favorite moment was "You're welcome Oswald."  Glad Butch is less damaged than he appeared to be.


ETA: I thought this was a decent introduction to the Red Hood idea, and left it open for further development.  I notice our struggling stand up comic reappeared.

Edited by MisterGlass
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As soon as the guy talked about their division dropping behind enemy lines to prepare the way for the main attack, I knew that he was doing exactly that for the Wayne Enterprises board. Poor Alfred. I hope that he fully recovers and goes kill that guy. 


I love how Bruce obeyed Alfred about going to bed. Bruce did not allow that guy to seduce him and pull him away from Alfred. My heart broke for Bruce when he told Jim that he could not lose Alfred because he is all he has.


I am so over Fish's story. It is so ridiculous. It feels like it belongs on Sin City, not Gotham.


Oh Barbara, even children are calling you on your bullshit.

Edited by SimoneS
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I am actually enjoying Barbara's girl time with Selina and Ivy. I thought her talk about using their looks was interesting condidering how sexualized both Catwoman and Poison Ivy tend to be. Mostly i liked how Selina didn't buy it but Ivy kinda did.

Loved Fish and that lovely WTF moment with her eye.

The Red Hood stuff was interesting as well.

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Well, that was fun. A decent plot with the Red Hood gang with two ladies -- Fish and Barbara -- taking a trip to Crazytown. Also: "Patch Mooney" rolls off the tongue as well as "Fish Mooney."


Seriously, I couldn't believe Fish gouged her own eye out. Part of me was hoping that we'd find out it was a Fish POV imagination scene . . .  but I'll be damned, the story didn't back down.


I kinda like Barbara as an unbalanced mentor to Selina and Ivy. A few more episodes of Selina rolling her eyes and making the "wank" motion with her hand, and I wouldn't consider Barbara a waste of screen time.


Poor Alfred. Didn't see his assailant being connected to WayneCorp (or whatever it's called). Given how one character gouged her own eye out, I wouldn't question the show killing off Alfred, leaving Bruce without a Daddy figure.


Anybody else roll their eyes at the kid taking the red hood at the end? I can see GCPD officers being corrupt as hell, but I can't see them being as stupid as to let evidence be tampered with.

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I thought he had bad motives, his expressions were all kinds of shady, but I didn't guess he was a spy/assassin for the board. I totally should have though, just based on previouslys. But they will have somebody else take care of Bruce? I wonder if he won't actually try to protect Bruce in the end.

Barbara and Selena's conversation about looks and power was so so great. They're kind of both right. Although I'm not sure tarting a girl child up to send them out to be a street urchin was the greatest idea...(maybe Barbra plans to keep them a while)

Edited by Shanna
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Jeffrey Combs!  Always love seeing him, even though I'm usually use to him wearing some kind of alien prosthetics, after all his time in the various Star Treks.  But, he was also the voice of The Question, in the Justice League animation series, which is pretty cool.  Kind of bummed that he's only just a henchman for The Dollmaker, but it was still a nice treat.


Honestly, David O'Hara and Sean Pertwee look like they could pass as brothers, so I kept waiting for that shoe to drop.  Instead, he's apparently working for Wayne Enterprise to bring Bruce down.  Including stabbing Alfred to do so.  I knew he wasn't going to die (that would be a big change, to say the least), but I still felt bad for Bruce.  The idea of him losing Alfred right after his parents would be brutal.  I'm glad this is bringing Jim back into their story.


They finally figured Barbara out.  Pairing her with Selina and Ivy is clearly the best thing for her; if, for nothing else, watching Selina roll her eyes at her.  Now, I still don't want her to ever inflect herself on Jim again, but I can go with the idea that she somehow influences Selina and Ivy into the paths they well take.


Really was surprised over Fish taking her eye out.  That was hardcore, to say the least.


Enjoyed the Oswald/Butch interactions, but I have to think something is up with Butch.  Maybe Victor wasn't as effective as he thought.


The Red Hood stuff was probably one of the better "case of the weeks."  A lot of fun stuff from Jim and Bullock.  The show really needs more of Donal Logue being a wiseass.

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Fish spooning out her own eyeball was unexpected and shocking, I'll give them that. I haven't been too impressed with the Fish character because of all the scenery she's been chewing. But she is starting to get more interesting. 


So Barbara is the one that teaches Poison Ivy and Catwoman to use their sexuality to their advantage. She can stay with them, they make her interesting. I do love that Selina keeps laying down the truths to Barbara. If a 14 year old street kid can see through your BS, it's time to take a look at your life choices. I also liked that she was going to clean up, she's a squatter with manners. 


I knew that I was just in the neighborhood friend was bad news. Didn't expect him to stab Alfred like that though. Poor Bruce, no wonder he's so messed up. First his parents are murdered in front of him, then he finds his butler/friend stabbed and bleeding to death. 


The Red Hood plotline was kind of meh, after seeing TeenJoker last week. 

  • Love 3

Fish is a boss, again, some more. Alfred is a badass, still. Harvey is hungry a lot. Oswald is being made dumb.


Rantiness ahoy!:

Welp, promo monkeys ruin  folks fun again. I am one of the folks who waits until previews are over, so I was anticipating the Bruce story. I was glad that it built in a good way and actually enjoyed it.  Except for the part that was shown. Due to the way the scene was shown/presented, it gave the feeling of the story being more. That Alfred in the Hospital would be more than just a plot point.The subsequent ads over the week tried to hide what anyone who stuck around for the previews last Monday already knew by fuzzing out the face of the bed-ridden character, which, really? How many folks does Bruce get upset about that are roughly that size?  Some might say that is why folks shouldn't watch previews (promo monkey-shines make viewers sad.) I think promos can be anticipation-building, if thought is used. Instead of showing us the endpoint of the story for this episode, maybe Alfred walking in on the theft, not showing us the "thief", and Bruce finding Alfred.  Things are left vague and lets us know stuff happens. You can even leave in Bruce demanding 911 service of the psychic operators. ( Tell where you are first Bruce! Easier for them to get to you quickly. Small nit, but still.)  Last week's preview seemed to promise one story and the actual story was a hedge. A good one, but not what was promised. I have to wait a week for the one I was expecting.

/ Rantiness


I do hope that Payne decides to join Team Richie Rich because the way that Wayne Enterprises woman dismissed him? I would.   

To Gordon: [ tosses the envelope to Jim] Here, mate; this is one of the people who contracted me to kill Alfred Pennyworth.  [ Jim goggles, as he does] Fuckin' toffs.


Oswald was told by Maroni, through Victor, to use Butch's business smarts to make the club profitable again. Butch tells Oswald that he put in nine years of sweat equity into the place and it means something to him. But Oswald can't ask Butch, " So- how did you and Fish get booze?"  Or " So, where do you go to get liquor?"  Or "Butch, could you get some supplies for me then?"  Don Falcone nor Szazs said he had to be an ass to Butch, just use him to make the club make money again. Surely, Oswald can understand that simple concept. Then again, we'd have missed the elegant Butch,  using what contacts he already has in place , scare the crap out of an increasingly easier to scare Penguin.  *sigh*  Oswald is many things, but willfully dumb is not one of those things. I just hope that it was a one-time Idiot Ball exposure.  They could have used Oswald's distrust of Butch's "conversion" to make a fieldtrip to get booze with Butch a funny and tension-filled thing.  I guess, with only four more episodes, I should be happy they even remembered this part of the tapestry.


Selina and Ivy and Barbara: I'd look at Barbara with a mix of suspicion and wariness too, Selina. Keep an eye on Ivy, too, Cat. Barbara is a Too Good To Believe stop that may not be worth much.  I feel Barbara = Circe for you two. I was hoping Barbara would be not weird around you tweens. Let's see how next week goes. If it's more of the same, split!


Way to be "subtle" WE shadow board; no one will believe Bruce that someone was gunning for him because of Conspiracy! Especially not that detective that always seem to be either saving the Mayor or being demoted for crazy shenanigans. The one who caught the Waynes' murder case in the first place.


Fish? She is hardcore love and grit and Sod you! I think things went how they did because she didn't have The Wig. She cleaned it too, and it was drying properly, but she had to see Evil Jeffrey Coombs without it.  


The Red Hood Gang? It was introduced in a cool way. I like that it is simultaneously a kind of a Good Luck charm and a Cursed Item.  I look forward to periodic appearances of ever-changing rosters of goons and thugs and one red mask. 


Overall, despite my nitpicks, I enjoyed the episode.  Still not enough Harvey, but what we had was delightful.  "If I don't drink it, Forensics will."


PS: Stop with the eye-horror, TV Shows! Not everyone eats well before the airing of this show! Plus? Eyes!


edited because "nine" and "nin" are different.

Edited by Actionmage
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...I do hope that Payne decides to join Team Richie Rich because the way that Wayne Enterprises woman dismissed him? I would....

IMO that ship has sailed; his only chance at redemption now is to sacrifice himself to save Bruce. When he stabbed Alfred, I barked at my TV: They better not kill Alfred! Maybe I'm embodying this Alfred with too much of the spirit of the Birds of Prey Alfred, but I think he's equally noble.

Given the fight club lesson scene, I do think Payne possibly

  • hoped maybe he could just manipulate Bruce, or
  • maybe he just wanted to give him a fighting chance, or
  • maybe he was trying to warn him what he was up against, or
  • maybe be he was hoping to make Bruce strong enough to take down the evil empire, and then Payne could be his left hand man (with Alfred still on the right)--and yes, I can say that, because I am left handed, or
  • maybe all of the above.
  • Love 2


PS: Stop with the eye-horror, TV Shows!


Totally!  Gah....creepy is good, evil is okay - (Penguin stupid is never okay) but gross is gross.  A million ways to make a point and they go for the cheap shot. 


Reminds me of Sleepy Hollow...it was creepy, it had evil and then it got grossly creepy and evil and I quit watching.  I hope Gotham does not go that route.


Running a bar can't be that much harder than running a restaurant that served booze. The Penguin stupid act has to be some prop stuff for Butch but I don't like it; although I was thrilled Butch looked like he can actually still think and not just tap dance. 


I was horrified for Bruce staring at Alfred.  I get the plot point but it was so sad and yep, I actually thought he might die too. 


Not enough Harvey or Jim for me.

  • Love 1

WTF with Fish?  This show is seriously F'd up and sometimes I think it is just for the sake of being F'd up.  The eye thing was ridiculous.


That being said, I enjoyed the rest of the episode.  The stuff with Alfred's old friend was great and I liked meeting someone from his past to shed more light on it with him and Bruce.  Even though it didn't turn out bad.  I didn't expect him to be working for the Wayne Board but I should have.


The Red Hood plot was a lot of fun. 


LOL on Selina burning Barbara.  Barbara likes women so I thought she was creepily hitting on Selina.


Jeffrey Combs was under heavy make-up but you can always recognize that voice of his.


The stuff with Oswald and Butch was good.  Butch seems to have a surgical scar on his head.  Looks like one anyway.

Edited by benteen
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It's nice that the writers do seem to know the meaning of the word "subtlety" and didn't have Reggie might as well having the words "I am working for the bad guys" stapled to his forehead from the get go. Still, it was pretty obvious going in that whatever was going to happen with Reggie that the guy was bad news in some way or another.


I just loved that the manager pointed out that Fish had no ground to stand on for negotiating anything from those people, though Fish's response was really unexpected it didn't really change that. It's so funny that Fish actually thinks a bunch of kidnapped people they were using to extract black market organs weren't infinitely replaceable for an organization like that.



I won't name it, but some of you know who started their career as the Red Hood, right?

Supposedly, anyway. He who shall not be named has never had anything resembling a concrete origin or past of any sort, nobody including him even knows where he came from and he constantly makes crap up and contradicts himself whenever he tells it. Being the Red Hood is about as close to a real origin as he gets, and even if true only explains how he became who he is in the first place, not his real name or what his life was like.

  • Love 4




Supposedly, anyway. He who shall not be named has never had anything resembling a concrete origin or past of any sort, nobody including him even knows where he came from and he constantly makes crap up and contradicts himself whenever he tells it. Being the Red Hood is about as close to a real origin as he gets, and even if true only explains how he became who he is in the first place, not his real name or what his life was like.

Well, it was the origin back in the fifties. Things have changed, of course.

Harvey's right: if he doesn't drink or eat it, forensics will. Maybe that's what happened to Edward Nygma this week- he got bloated from all the crime scene food he was stuffed with.

Kind of thought the episode was "meh" until the last third when things really picked up. Fish took out her eye? I knew she was going to get out of that jam, but I didn't see that. I'm not sure I wanted to, either, because it was pretty gross, and part of me wonders if that was a "Sweeps Month" attempt at shock value. Does fit her character, though, since Fish is over the top.

The Case of the Week was an interesting idea, although the criminals were pretty easy to catch. Not sure if that was by design, but it was fun toying with Harvey's idea that as soon as the public starts giving more support to the criminals it creates anarchy. I wonder if that will be foreshadowing.

Butch continues to surprise me. At first, he really does look like he's just there to torment the Penguin...but then he helps him out in the slyest way possible, while teaching him a few things about being a criminal mastermind. It'll be interesting to see what happens when Fish comes back, but I might believe that Butch is now invested in Penguin's cause.

Another positive I never thought I'd write is Barbara. I can understand that Selina is skeptical about her, but I do like the idea of Barbara teaching the future Catwoman and Poison Ivy that sexual appeal can be a weapon. I was waiting for Barbara to have something useful and show off her brains and, while it's late, at least it came.

(It is a bit eye-rolling that Bruno Heller once again thought a woman's only weapon is her sexuality but I'll take what I can get)

Finally...Alfred. Poor, poor Bruce. I don't think the show will kill off the poor butler, but it was still heart-wrenching stuff. Didn't see Payne double-crossing Alfred and I didn't see him as a spy for Wayne Enterprises, but I also think he'll come back later and foil the plot against Bruce. He seems to have gained an affinity for the boy.

Overall, pretty good.

  • Love 1

Holy shit Fish! That scene man, wow.


When Barbara told Selina she was turning into "a beautiful young woman" I was like "Oh god where are they going with this?" I hope it is just that she's become Miss Havisham and he's trying to turn Selina into her "Estella"(for those who read Great Expectations in high school). Glad Selina said "no thanks".

  • Love 3

I won't name it, but some of you know who started their career as the Red Hood, right?

If you mean who started their anti-hero career as the Red Hood, then it's Jason Todd of course :P


I find the scenes with Selina, Pamela and Barbara interesting because in the comics it's Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn who have a friendship/acquaintance trio thing going on.  Obviously Barbara is not Harley Quinn, but I'm wondering if she's going to pop-up somewhere.  I just hope that the upcoming Suicide Squad movie that she's appearing in doesn't "prevent" her from being used in other media, like it used to in the past whenever it was talked about various DC characters appearing in other shows.

Barbara was so damn creepy in those scenes.

I am glad it wasn't just me who thought she was trying to seduce Selena.

I like Fish, but this storyline is getting ridiculous. For one, why don't they just dispose of the troublemaker. Why would gouging her eye out keep them from killing her as planned! Surely there are others with pretty eyes and since she only has one, she's of no value.

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...Fish took out her eye? I knew she was going to get out of that jam, but I didn't see that. I'm not sure I wanted to, either, because it was pretty gross, and part of me wonders if that was a "Sweeps Month" attempt at shock value. Does fit her character, though, since Fish is over the top...

Kudos to the writers (Heller?) for setting it up in the previous episode when she sacrificed one of the prisoners rather than hand him over for body parts to the henchmen. She was willing to take one (eye) for the team herself. Jada conveyed several moments of real fear interspersed with bravado in the scenes leading up to it. I'm just not seeing yet how she will ultimately fit into Gotham (my Batman knowledge is mostly from the 60s show that used it to introduce "camp" to the masses when I was a kid). Maybe they will kill her off? Often the maiming of a character signals the character's demise, but I don't sense that here. It seems more like part of a rebirth/origin story.
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Solid episode, a nice take on the whole Red Hood gang even if the opening sequence was clearly apeing The Dark Knight a little too much there.

Now I wonder who could possibly take on that mantle in the future, hmm?

Learning more about Alfred's past is never a bad thing but Reggie stabbing him and working for Wayne Enterprises wasn't actually that shocking though it leaves Bruce at a disadvantage.

Selina and Ivy's scenes with Barbara are interesting enough. I like that Selina can see through Barbara's BS though.

Some good Gordon/Bullock moments but I did miss seeing Leslie, Essen and Nygma and are we ever going to see Montoya and Allen ever again?

Fish gouging out her own eye was not something I needed to see. That was some hardcore stuff there.

The Oswald/Butch plot was a bit meh though. Oh and look, another crap comedian on the stage, lol, 7/10

  • Love 1

The headline on the paper that Bullock was holding -- Robin Red Hood's Strike Again -- how did that headline ever get past the editor of a major newspaper ?


The Red Hood plot was a lot of fun.


The first bank robber who wore the Red Hood was really entertaining -- he added a touch of showmanship to the crime in progress that the other guys just didn't have the chops to pull off.  Too bad he was killed off so soon.


Jeffrey Combs was under heavy make-up but you can always recognize that voice of his.


Agreed.  When I first heard his voice without seeing him, I knew exactly who was in the scene (he played Shran and Weyoun and several other characters on the various incarnations of Star Trek).

LOL on Selina burning Barbara. Barbara likes women so I thought she was creepily hitting on Selina.

The stuff with Oswald and Butch was good. Butch seems to have a surgical scar on his head. Looks like one anyway.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that was kind of side eyeing Barbara on that one! I'm not sure that she was actually trying to hit on Serena but there was definitely a vibe. I couldn't help but think all of those clothes were ridiculously unpractical for Serena and IVys lifestyle. ( actually I'm curious where they are going with that. Will try leave Barbara and such a sweet gig? Will Barbra throw them out? Surely not.)

I saw Butchs scar too. It was too prominent not to mean something. Butch is so himself but also creepily off balance.

I am so over Fish's story. It is so ridiculous. It feels like it belongs on Sin City, not Gotham.

"Stand back, or I will dismember myself!!"  WtF, indeed. How is it that anyone thinks she is in a position to negotiate, or why she thinks she controls 'the Basement'. And then she passes out .. Why not take the other eye and make her completely dependent? 

They could have the Basement prisoners any time they wanted by starving them out or gassing them. And they don't seem like the type of people who would care about sacrificing the guard who was exchanged for Fish. 

So silly .. it feels like this story is written by a completely a different set of writers.


I did like the Bruce and Alfred story. But yeah, Wayne Industries, and Gotham in general, are so corrupt and murderous that you'd think people would be evacuating the city. 


The check-ins with Penguin can be fun, but I can't tell if TPTB are trying make us feel some level of sympathy for him. This guy is a psycho who kills random strangers for food and young men who offered him a car ride -- I'm not really rooting for him to climb the criminal ladder of success. 


Gotham is sort of like this episode's Red Hood story : watching the "no honor among thieves" concept play out as all the murdering criminals whittle down their own numbers. It can be interesting to watch, but they all deserve bad things to happen to them. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
  • Love 1



So Barbara is the one that teaches Poison Ivy and Catwoman to use their sexuality to their advantage. She can stay with them, they make her interesting. I do love that Selina keeps laying down the truths to Barbara. If a 14 year old street kid can see through your BS, it's time to take a look at your life choices. I also liked that she was going to clean up, she's a squatter with manners. 



It looked to me as if Selina already knew and she is gearing up to protect herself from being raped by Barbara.

  • Love 1
Barbara was so damn creepy in those scenes.


I am glad it wasn't just me who thought she was trying to seduce Selena.



I don't think Barbara was hitting on Selena, but the whole thing was creepy. An adult woman telling two young girls how to use their beauty as a weapon, ie, how to seduce people with their sexuality, is NOT okay, never.


I gotta give this to Fish: the woman was guts. Now if TV people would just stay away from eyeballs... 

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Okay, first impressions.

I knew Alfred was getting stabbed because the radio station at my job kept playing Bruce's phone call to 911.

Though to the nitpick above, he didn't really need to say Stately Wayne Manor first. I'd imagine his first name would be enough for people to get.

Poor Bruce he hasn't had it easy the past few months.

I like the mystery of the week it was a bit intriguing, I really enjoyed the first red hood. However I do wish that Jim would start arresting these criminals alive and not just mow everyone down. Sometimes I feel like I'm watching my boyfriend play call of duty or gta.

Loved seeing Selina and Barbara until I thought that Barbara was going to rape Catwoman. Originally it just seemed nice of her. Here are a bunch of clothes that I don't wear have fun! They didn't need to take it in such a creepy way.

I feel like they are dropping possible joker suspects at every turn. GOing to get tedious I think.

Wayne Enterprises is sketchy as fuck. I can't wait to see how that plays out. Hopefully with Bruce finding the batcave or kicking ass. Or hopefully Alfred and Bruce are running a con to make Bruce look unprotected.

But if he was smart he'd hours a ton of security while Alfred was out of commission.

I'm bored with Fish. Entertained by Butch and confused with Penguin. What is he doing? He's been super competent all season and all of a sudden has no idea what he's doing.

I wonder if ratings are going to suffer with Sleepy Hollow being done for the season.

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