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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Readalot, come sit over here by me. I can't have caffeine anymore either--I had to quit cold turkey a few years ago because my heart suddenly decided caffeine was the devil and it was not going to beat right until I cut it out. I didn't even really drink that much caffeine (maybe 2 cups of coffee in the morning and a random soda a few days a week), but I was in a super bitchy mood for a few weeks until I got used to it. Now I don't even crave it anymore. I will still have a cup of decaf coffee every once in a while (I love coffee--the smell, the taste, all of it), but I rarely have soda or iced tea anymore. Plus, I had kidney stones a few years ago, so now water is my go-to all the time. My kidneys are nothing if not well hydrated.

I click "cheers" with you my friend with my ice water in a fancy glass! My withdrawal period was about the same. I don't crave it (except for McD's Coke when I'm pregnant) I just miss the old me that was alert and functional all the time. Serious I do feel like a slug. I have to admit once I quit the Diet Cokes and later the Caffene Free Diet Cokes everything tasted salty to me. So I'm thinking those drinks are high in sodium?
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So we are still talking about drinks? Well, if I must have a stiff drink (which is rare) I prefer a double shot of Grand Marnier. Straight. Not on the rocks.

Then I sit back and lipread everyone in the room and try not to join random conversations taking place in the restaurant.

I very rarely drink now but when I was much younger and went to a bar weekly my go to drinks were a mix of equal parts Grand Marnier and Courvoisier with no ice but have a coke back with it or Concorde shots with an ice bucket on the side.

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I can lipread almost anyone. In public places, I have to shut it out and do. But when my wandering eyes get bored....the things I hear!!! OMG!


That reminds me of a kind of humorous kid story...


We used to have a family home in Miami Beach.  We went down for a long spring break the year my daughter was in second grade and we had to run to Target and get replacement kid yard/beach toys because everything was broken or outgrown.  We're standing at the cash register and the Cuban ladies in front of us are gabbing away in Spanish and all of a sudden they start talking to her in Spanish - she turned purple, she attended a Spanish Immersion elementary so she was completely fluent and had been eavesdropping on them.  I guess it was a harmless conversation because then they turned to me and asked if my spouse and I spoke Spanish and we explained the situation.  They were impressed and turned back to her and teased her nicely I think, because she turned purple again and smiled.


I guess you should always be careful what you say because you never know. ;)

  • Love 3

But I CANNOT get that stuff past my lips. I cannot do it. I'm the only non-coffee drinker in my family. I worked a whole career in the corporate world, and had regular morning meetings at those places (I was HR, so the plant manager and all supervisors in the meeting). Here they all came bleary eyed, holding a Mug of steaming go-juice. There I sat bleary eyed with my devil-red can of Coke. The real thing, fully loaded. I was always a little embarrassed over that, too. It seemed such a grown up thing to do, bring coffee to the meeting - and when I got my first leg up in HR (certifiably green behind the ears - had that "new generalist smell" still), I SO could have used a grown up prop.

I can't drink coffee either, but I always carried a mug with DP(when younger) or black tea and no one notices that it's not coffee. I fooled them into thinking I was a grown up, ha!

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That's too stinking FUNNY, Jelly!!! (a little bit evil, as well, but hey...). I think about you often when I'm watching TV; there are people who hardly move their lips when speaking. I catch myself wondering if you could "hear" them!

I can't "hear" a WORD former President Jimmy Carter says. That man does not move a muscle. He terrifies me.

Edited by Jellybeans
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I'm having a tough day.  My big boy kitty had an apparent stroke early this morning.  He was on the floor unresponsive with just his tail twitching when I found him.  After about 30 minutes, he started to walk, but could only go 10 steps at a time without lying down.  The drive to the vet was not fun, and leaving him behind was very hard.  He was a shelter cat with a tough kittenhood, and he has been my snuggly bed buddy for eleven years.  I'm not sure what my other cat is thinking, but she knows he is gone.  I foresee a trip to the shelter next week.

I am thinking about making a go fund me page as I just got the mail and got their school supplies list. I hope I can talk to the schools when they reopen as I can not afford half the stuff on the list. Besides the usual school supplies there are fees for equipment, books school trips special gym clothing and to top it off the oldest needs a Mac Book Pro laptop and the youngest needs a Ipad. What are schools thinking? 

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CalicoKitty I am just so so sorry for you loss.  It's so awful when our four legged friends are ill and then we have to make that decision.  My condolences.


I'm pretty sure if you check  into it Seashell that you might find that the school district or school itself may sell packaged deals on the supplies at a discount, especially for younger students like you have.    

Edited by CherryMalotte

I'm having a tough day.  My big boy kitty had an apparent stroke early this morning.  He was on the floor unresponsive with just his tail twitching when I found him.  After about 30 minutes, he started to walk, but could only go 10 steps at a time without lying down.  The drive to the vet was not fun, and leaving him behind was very hard.  He was a shelter cat with a tough kittenhood, and he has been my snuggly bed buddy for eleven years.  I'm not sure what my other cat is thinking, but she knows he is gone.  I foresee a trip to the shelter next week.

I am so very very sorry to hear this. Pets bring so much joy but the loss is just heart breaking. I hope some new kitty will be your new snuggle bed buddy soon and he or she will be reap the benefits of such a kind and caring owner. I will snuggle my two dogs and one cat just a little bit longer tonight in his honor. Hell, I'm going down to the pet treat closet right now.

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I'm so sorry for your loss, Calicokitty.

Seashell, does the school provide the electronics or offer a discount of some sort? Our school district went to ipads instead of textbooks for students, but they are owned by the district and turned in at the end of the school year. Any non educational apps are blocked and the internet usage is monitored periodically (example- students caught looking up porn lose it till they start new classes the next semester).

Wow. Off-site for a few days (things happen in June; sometimes real life must be attended to ) and I missed the Great Beverage Confessional of 2015!

For the record, I drink very cold water in small sips all day and with meals, mainly because I have a very dry mouth. Coffee with half&half in the morning, no sugar. I try to avoid soda but there's this monthly problem -- I get cramps and the only thing that seems to help is ibuprofen with coca cola. It can't be just anything sweet and/or caffeinated, it has to be coke, so I kind of think it's psychological but it's still there. The periods are slowing down, but the cramps still come. Maybe we'll stop buying coke when I get past menopause (if that ever happens,which I sometimes doubt). DH is kind and goes out of his way to find me Mexican Coke, made with sugar like when we were kids, not corn syrup. It's so much better.

I hope everyone here is holding up all right. I've been feeling a little Duggared-out, but I miss you guys so I need to make more regular visits. :-)

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Seashell Lover, definitely check with the school and discuss with the social worker. I'm almost positive there are programs out there similar to the school lunch. Also, check out the reduced school lunch. 


Man, if hubby got a school supply list with Apple stuff required he would go absolutely freaking ballistic. 


Check out any educational discounts you may be eligible for through Apple too. One thing i learned working in college admissions - the kids told me - was that Apples are far and away the superior choice in an educational setting - and PCs are the world's corporate/business computer.

I am thinking about making a go fund me page as I just got the mail and got their school supplies list. I hope I can talk to the schools when they reopen as I can not afford half the stuff on the list. Besides the usual school supplies there are fees for equipment, books school trips special gym clothing and to top it off the oldest needs a Mac Book Pro laptop and the youngest needs a Ipad. What are schools thinking? 


WHAT???!??!?!?!?  What the heck kind of school insists on one of the most expensive laptops out there?  Is this a special graphic design or film school?  That's crazy.  If districts want to use iPads they should provide them.  I hated the years that I had to buy TI-84 calculators!  That's just crazy, is the laptop for college?


Apple does have programs, there is also your district, often they have equipment and software discounts, if all else fails there is AcademicSuperstore.com that offers decent discounts if you provide proof that the equipment and software are for a student.


CalicoKitty - I'm so sorry for your loss.  

I'm having a tough day.  My big boy kitty had an apparent stroke early this morning.  He was on the floor unresponsive with just his tail twitching when I found him.  After about 30 minutes, he started to walk, but could only go 10 steps at a time without lying down.  The drive to the vet was not fun, and leaving him behind was very hard.  He was a shelter cat with a tough kittenhood, and he has been my snuggly bed buddy for eleven years.  I'm not sure what my other cat is thinking, but she knows he is gone.  I foresee a trip to the shelter next week.

I am so sorry about big boy kitty i feel your pain  sending ((((((((hugs))))))))

Calicokitty- sorry to hear about your kitty. Hugs to you....

Jellybeans- I can just imagine all the conversations you've been privvy to & I'm sure you can pass plenty of time with your skill while waiting.

One of my sister & brother-in-law's things to do while waiting or people watching is to play "Who'd you do?" Don't know how popular (or old) this is but It's just as the name says --deciding among a group or pair of people you see who you would like to get "friendly" with. I played it with my SIL while on a school trip with our kids to the Amish county in Pa. The other parents couldn't figure out while we were chuckling during the tours but it definitely made them more interesting.


Check out any educational discounts you may be eligible for through Apple too. One thing i learned working in college admissions - the kids told me - was that Apples are far and away the superior choice in an educational setting - and PCs are the world's corporate/business computer.

Apple must be exploiting the Educational sector intentionally. Government and Business procure via tenders, and Apple always lose due to their prices. School Boards have volunteers who evaluate on different criteria. No offense intended. Edited by Kokapetl

Calico, I'm so sorry for your loss! My dog is a senior now and she has epilepsy that is pretty well controlled with medicine, but I always worry about her. It's hard when they go, even though we know we won't get them our whole lives.


Seashell, that school list is ridic! I had no idea schools could require specific kinds of computers now (I don't have kids myself). I remember back when my list came in and my dad shaking his head over the different types of paper and calculators we needed. Computers would have probably sent him through the roof.

In So CA there is a chain called L&L barbecue, and I order their kalua pork (pulled pork) with a scoop of rice and scoop of macaroni salad.  I share with my dog Mikey because I can only eat small amounts, and he loves macaroni salad.  He's kind of a vegetarian dog.


There is a tiny Hawaiian place in Montebello called Mickey Chen's that has the most awesome macaroni salad and char siu ever. I'm so sad that my work moved me from Rosemead to Irwindale. There is no place to eat in Irwindale. Now, I'm retired and can't afford to eat out.


Yes! I think those who don't have dogs or pets don't understand that these animals have real personalities--like people.  They give such unconditional love, and they're so sensitive to how you're feeling.  They're like little angels. 


I think that's a wonderful thing you did in Bossy's memory.  If ANYthing positive can come out of your loss, it's that inspiration of helping those poor dogs. 


(By the way, my profile pic is not posed.  My daughter was working on her homework, left her computer, and when she came back there was Zoey! Sitting at the computer as though she belonged there! )


Ah, poor Bossy. All the Pitties in our neighborhood are big love sponges. I just got a tongue facewash from one -- Bandit -- the other day. So sweet.


Is Zoey a dachshund??? I have two of 'em. Talk about personality!


I used to drink have a diet soda all day, opened and at the ready.  I weaned myself down to one a day--the caffeine withdrawal was a nightmare! I will now enjoy a caffeine-free diet drink a day, and I really savor that one.  Something about that fizz is just a nice pick-me-up when you're getting through a stack of files on your desk.  I also try to substitute the diet soda with the  Pellegrino Sparkling Fruit Drinks. I like the blood orange flavor. They're pretty good, and you still get that fizz.  You don't feel as guilty either.

I love Pellegrino's Limonata. It's the only soda I drink. My favorite cocktail is a gimlet. But a real gimlet. With gin. I just don't get vodka.


Big hugs CalicoKitty. We lost one of our doxies about eight years ago, and I can still tear up if I think about her.

Oh wanderwoman, you poor kid. It's been one thing after another for you - for months now. If I could, I'd beam myself to your house and take over all the "heavy-lifting" for the next couple of months. Or until you get tired of me, whichever comes first - LOL. I'll handle all the chores and any Maisie-tending that's difficult with the broken wing. I'm not a Momma or Grandmomma, but I am a fully-certified aunt. You concentrate on relaxing, de-stressing, SLEEPING and knitting those bones back together. Feet up, baby in your lap, computer and remote nearby. You and Lil Bit can play, talk, walk or hike, get to know each other even better. PS - my specialty is Mediterranean, so start making a list of the Wander family's Italian and Greek favorites.

  • Love 16
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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