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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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17 hours ago, MonicaM said:

I was startled at her attitude because the day shift staff had been mostly good. 

It was a very long, stressful day and I was tired and barely had anything to eat.  

My mother had Alzheimer’s (pre covid) and let me tell you, nobody EVER kicked me out of the hospital.  I always thought if I tried to leave her alone, someone would chase me down and force me back in.  Granted, Alzheimer’s has that weird night thing (they call it a Sundowners) and she was triple the cray during the night.  Plus, hospitals just made her anxiety skyrocket.  Of ALLLLLLLLLL the things covid has served up to us, lack of humanity in caregiving is the worst.  People like my mother and your husband NEED the caregiver they trust and depend on.  I cannot even IMAGINE the she-zilla that would pop outta me Like the hulk if I had to leave my loved one alone (knowing they aren’t capable of handling medications, etc on their own).  My mother was a Tyoe I diabetic as well.  So yep, big ole watchdog right here.  The fact that you aren’t allowed to stay with him (ALL NIGHT IF YOU NEED TO, for your own peace of mind) just makes me stabby.  You need to let your KAREN out.   Utter horse shit.  

@lookeyloo.  I just can’t even.  I don’t even know how you found the strength to type that.  This is even bigger horse shit.  

@GeeGolly, I feel you.  I know people who have tried to move mountains to have children, and then there are those people who just willy nilly have 19 kids (and live in a 700SF house with no real means of earning) and get a TV show.  Juuuuuust saying.  I mean, that’s just one example.  I could do this subject for days and days.  It drives me to drink.  

Sorry for swearing.  It’s my mothers fault.  She had terrible potty mouth, but controlled it until my Daddy died.  I said to her once “Mama!!!  You have such potty mouth!!”  She looked at me dead pan and said “shoot, you should hear what’s in my head hat never gets all the way out”.   And yes, horse shit was her favorite.  

edit:  I guess I just said “sorry: not sorry”.  But.  I think I got it out of my system. 

Edited by Happyfatchick
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So...I know someone who deliberately gets her adult mentality ill son riled up so she can call the cops on him. She decided to have a domestic violence case against him so she can get her own subsidized apartment quicker. What a charmer right?

Son is no present he refuses to work or take medication. Basically lives off mom/grandma.I get why she is mad. But to get him angry on purpose is WRONG.

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My parents were both sailors. I was born to swear.

And on a side note, my great-granny was especially fond of shitfire and shitass. With her accent, it sounded like sheetfar and sheetice. 😄 


Edited by Zella
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28 minutes ago, Zella said:

My parents were both sailors. I was born to swear.

And on a side note, my great-granny was especially fond of shitfire and shitass. With her accent, it sounded like sheetfar and sheetice. 😄 


I barely curse. My mom never cursed. Never. 

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6 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

I barely curse. My mom never cursed. Never. 

I generally don't swear at work (after a teacher/boss gently warned me it was unprofessional--I had no clue). People who only know me from work don't realize how foul-mouthed I am. 

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I manage to control myself in public but I curse like the sailor I'm married to in private. My favorites right now are shit and fuck. Please pardon the language if it bothers you. Lately I've been adding mother to the front of fuck. That particular combination used to really bother me but with all the stuff that has happened in my life since February and the shitstorm with the niece I just don't care. It seems to do the job at the moment. 

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I swear like a sailor and trucker all rolled up in one. My husband always says I probably swear more than him and he swears a ton. I do have a filter though. Never swore in front of the kids I watched, even though the parents always did. Usually only throw out a "damn" or "hell" when I talk to my parents. Those were the words they used the most when I was growing up and they still do. Once in awhile they'll throw out a "bullshit" which cracks me up. For me, the F bomb is the one I say the most, in all different variations..lol.

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I never did manage to get into the habit of swearing, and sometimes feel that my vocabulary suffers for it. I can manage the very occasional "dammit" and "shit", and the other day, when discussing the current news/political climate (with my mom, no less!) found that nothing but "batshit crazy" would suffice (it doesn't count as being a political post if I don't go into specifics as to where that was directed, right?). But when it comes to F-bombs and such, I just seem to be constitutionally unable to force them past my lips. As much as I would sometimes love to. Swearing doesn't offend me in the least, I just can't do it.

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I was laughing hysterically at the the posts over in Sweet Fellowship and decided to reply to @Albanyguy here. 

Now we all know Jill R. is absolutely batshit, but this entire exchange reminded me of a childhood story of mine. 

During fairytale story time I asked my father one day “why are all the Princes described as “talk dark and handsome” these princes are WHITE, how can white people be dark?? This doesn’t make any sense.”

”White people like to pretend the rest of humanity doesn’t exists, so when they say “dark” they mean brown hair and eyes.” 


Oh Jill.....I was thrown back to that very funny story time. It also reminds me how the internet acted a damn fool when the Hunger Games movies came out and characters described in the books- as having dark brown skin were portrayed by black people (from both Europe and the USA) and ignorant fools went “noooooo I thought they meant they were Italian....because brown people don’t exist in books😒.”

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I had an outpatient procedure done yesterday (totally elective) and i was loopy from the anesthesia most of the day, so I'm catching up. 

lookeloo, there are no words. I hope all of you can find some peace and hospice can provide your sweet son rest and pain relief and an easy transition. We're here for you every step of the way. 

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18 hours ago, crazy8s said:

@lookeyloo  _ my prayer - may those that care for your son at this time be skilled. may every action they take with him be caring and gentle.



17 hours ago, marypat57 said:

Dearest LookeyLoo and family:  I know that there is nothing that I can say or do that can change the news you received today.  Lots of hugs, virtual good wishes and prayers for you and sweet son.  If I lived nearby, I’d come and do laundry or deliver snacks or meals.
Cancer is vile, it sucks and I wish it upon no one. Earlier this year, my family had experience with an absolutely amazing hospice program.  The nurses were some of the most kind and compassionate people I have ever met in my life.  They could not have been more supportive of the patient and were so attentive to her needs .  I hope that you and your sweet son have nurses just like my family had.

Our family was also blessed with a wonderful caring group of support people.  And this was during the major Covid outbreaks  which didn't make it any easier since their regular procedures had to be adjusted. These are definitely special groups of people . All the ones we dealt with said they would rather doing nothing else. 

More hugs & thoughts to you, your son, family and any other care worker. 

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@zoomama, I’m glad you are going to get your surgery done sooner than expected. Wishing you as easy a procedure as possible and a smooth recovery. We will look forward to your posts when you are feeling up to it!

@emma675, hope you feel better and better as the day goes on.

I also wanted to add to those praising the hospice workers. They are a special kind of Angels on earth. 

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Happy belated Birthday to Scarlett45 and JCBrown!  I just saw the news. I wasn’t around here much this past weekend. I hope you had plenty bright moments. 🎂

Still thinking of those with sick friends and family members.  Many prayers for you all. 

Eye pain is particularly horrific.  Chicricket I really feel for you.  I’ve been under doctors care for my eye issues for several years.  I pray you can find some relief. 



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4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

how fun. What did you do?

Saturday is one of our weekly D&D games via video, this one with high school and college friends, so we played and chatted and I drank a mimosa. Not as exciting as yours, but I had fun.

Edited by jcbrown
punctuation is not interchangeable
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9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Glad I got away from courthouse vicinity before shots were fired. They opened fire on the door of the Public Safety Office, which is beside the Justice Center.  Suspect is in custody.


OMG! I'm glad you're safe and that nobody was hurt. That's just crazy sh*t! Who the heck opens fire on the cop shop????? Glad they caught him.

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15 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Glad I got away from courthouse vicinity before shots were fired. They opened fire on the door of the Public Safety Office, which is beside the Justice Center.  Suspect is in custody.


So glad you are safe!

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zoomama, I'm glad your surgery has been moved up and you can get it over with. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible and you have an easy recovery. 

I feel like days 2 and 3 are the hardest days of recovery so I'm hanging on for Thursday, lol. My stitches are pretty gross and oozy, but they come out next Monday. The good thing about quarantine is that no one has to see me until I'm healed. 

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15 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

OMG! I'm glad you're safe and that nobody was hurt. That's just crazy sh*t! Who the heck opens fire on the cop shop????? Glad they caught him.

I know! A couple of weeks ago I was standing on the inside of that door talking with a deputy about a matter with a client. They had it set up with a plexiglass screen inside. If anyone has been there today, they would have been hit. Could have been random. I’m wondering if it’s someone upset over a gun permit. That’s where you get them. Seems he got one anyway. No name released yet. 

Most people walk right by there on the way to criminal court. It’s very heavily traveled by attorneys, court personnel, law enforcement, the public going to court and gun permits.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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7 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I know! A couple of weeks ago I was standing on the inside of that door talking with a deputy about a matter with a client.

TERRIFYING!!!  That’s one of my closet fears that I don’t speak of often - mass “situations”.  I live not far from Atlanta Motor Speedway, and have most of my life.  Very close.  But have successfully avoided attending a race allllll my life.  Except once - which happened to be just after 9/11.  I felt like an ant in a busy schoolyard.  Everybody’s watching the race except me - and I’m watching for terrorists.  I said to my husband “You know.  A terrorist worth his salt could figure out how to blow 250,000 rednecks to hell in a big fat hurry”.  I got the biggest, fattest side eye in the history of ever.  

@zoomama, I’m so happy your surgery got moved up!!!  I think that’s a big fat YAY!!!  Did you tell your kids we all were trying to tell you how to live your life??  Thank you for letting us know BEFORE you went all silent.  We’ll be watching for you to come back.  

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I posted a couple of months ago about barely missing a covid positive defendant inside a courtroom.  He had a mask on but still. He didn’t inform anyone until after he had spoken with the DA, probation officer and Judge!  That shook me up. Now the shooting! I’m getting really nervous.  Maybe time to change careers. 

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10 hours ago, jcbrown said:

Scarlett45 happy belated birthday! We are twins separated by 21 years--my birthday was also Saturday!


Happy Birthday GIF by wishafriend


I hope you are recovering well! 💜

And @zoomama I'm glad you have less days to wait for your surgery..I think worried waiting is the WORST.💛Good luck!❤

@MonicaM how is your husband doing now? 💕

@SunnyBeBe how terrifying!😱

(I hope I got everyone.🤔😁)

Edited by ChiCricket
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13 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

TERRIFYING!!!  That’s one of my closet fears that I don’t speak of often - mass “situations”.  I live not far from Atlanta Motor Speedway, and have most of my life.  Very close.  But have successfully avoided attending a race allllll my life.  Except once - which happened to be just after 9/11.  I felt like an ant in a busy schoolyard.  Everybody’s watching the race except me - and I’m watching for terrorists.  I said to my husband “You know.  A terrorist worth his salt could figure out how to blow 250,000 rednecks to hell in a big fat hurry”.  I got the biggest, fattest side eye in the history of ever.  

@zoomama, I’m so happy your surgery got moved up!!!  I think that’s a big fat YAY!!!  Did you tell your kids we all were trying to tell you how to live your life??  Thank you for letting us know BEFORE you went all silent.  We’ll be watching for you to come back.  

@Happyfatchick, as a fellow Georgia peach, I have always pictured you living much further south! Like Waycross or so. Sometimes I just get a perception in my mind that sticks! 

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3 hours ago, Liddy52 said:

@Happyfatchick, as a fellow Georgia peach, I have always pictured you living much further south! Like Waycross or so. Sometimes I just get a perception in my mind that sticks! 

That’s funny - nope I’m close enough to underhand a pebble into the centerfield.  (Ok, slight exaggeration).  I can hear them practice, I’ll say that.  Practice sounds like this:


i can only hear them when they’re on the opposite side of the track.  If they’re on my side, all that concrete forces the noise the other way.  

did you pick Waycroas because I remind you of Angela??? Dear God.  But.... Georgia is full of “Waycross”.

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54 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

That’s funny - nope I’m close enough to underhand a pebble into the centerfield.  (Ok, slight exaggeration).  I can hear them practice, I’ll say that.  Practice sounds like this:


i can only hear them when they’re on the opposite side of the track.  If they’re on my side, all that concrete forces the noise the other way.  

did you pick Waycroas because I remind you of Angela??? Dear God.  But.... Georgia is full of “Waycross”.

Not sure who "Angela " refers to. I am woefully ignorant on a lot of pop culture, which I guess is where that reference comes from.  I am constantly having to Google some of the expressions/phrases that I read on these forums.  Sometimes I wish I  had never done so!   ;-)))  Anyway for some crazy reason I just thought you were in WAY SOUTH Georgia,  specifically southeastern Georgia.  I have no idea why. I initially tried to type Hahira but auto correct kept changing it, so I just went with  Waycross!

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There is an Angela on 90 Day Fiance.  She's something else.  

I just saw that the man who fired 6 shots into the Public Safety Building barely missing bystanders was in court on bail hearing this morning when a person inside the courtroom stood up and threatened to KILL the guy! So, that guy was then taken into custody.  No idea who he was or why he said that, but, I'm glad to know that my next court appearance in being done on Webex. 

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4 hours ago, Liddy52 said:

Not sure who "Angela " refers to. I am woefully ignorant on a lot of pop culture, which I guess is where that reference comes from.  I am constantly having to Google some of the expressions/phrases that I read on these forums.  Sometimes I wish I  had never done so!   ;-))) 

Here you go...the beautimous Angela from 90 Day Fiancee 😁

(couldn't resist..90 Day is one of my other train-wreck addictions)😂



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25 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

Here you go...the beautimous Angela from 90 Day Fiancee 😁

(couldn't resist..90 Day is one of my other train-wreck addictions)😂



Oh my! She is quite something! I never got started on 90 Day Fiancé.  Of course I don’t watch the Duggar show either. I just enjoy this forum and the people who post here. 

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I’ve been posting on this particular forum for years, and the only Duggar show I ever saw was when Jill got married.  I didn’t watch the other weddings, but found photos.  (Completely OT, but I thought both Jessa and Jinger had stunning wedding dresses.  I loved the blush Jessa wore, I loved the style, I thought that was a lovely dress.  Jingers dress was sort of classy, from what I remember.   But I saw a pic of all 46 bridesmaids in Jingers wedding and I didn’t love all that fall color mixup - just too much going on - but then there really were about 46 of them so... what’reyougonndo??).  

but 90DF is my triple chocolate fudgy delight for the week.  I loooooove that show.  [Disclaimer:  it is TRASH TV, people.  I promise I’m not in it for the educational value, good editing or smart choices.  I know it’s trash.  It is such garbage.  And Angela - holy cow... there have been several that are noteworthy, but Angela is the QUEEN.  YOU CANT TELL MEEEEEE WHAT TO DO, i’M AN AMERICAN!!!!].  
because CLEARLY, Americans are superior.  

and anyway, all of THAT to say Angela is from Waycross, Georgia.  And obviously, I need to drive down there and pick up some fashion tips and get my hair did.  @SunnyBeBe, I cannot even believe you know about that show.  I know you have higher standards.  High five @ChiCricket!  (How’s the eye thing going?)

what’s going on with Angela’s chest in that one pic?

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36 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

I’ve been posting on this particular forum for years, and the only Duggar show I ever saw was when Jill got married.  I didn’t watch the other weddings, but found photos.  (Completely OT, but I thought both Jessa and Jinger had stunning wedding dresses.  I loved the blush Jessa wore, I loved the style, I thought that was a lovely dress.  Jingers dress was sort of classy, from what I remember.   But I saw a pic of all 46 bridesmaids in Jingers wedding and I didn’t love all that fall color mixup - just too much going on - but then there really were about 46 of them so... what’reyougonndo??).  

but 90DF is my triple chocolate fudgy delight for the week.  I loooooove that show.  [Disclaimer:  it is TRASH TV, people.  I promise I’m not in it for the educational value, good editing or smart choices.  I know it’s trash.  It is such garbage.  And Angela - holy cow... there have been several that are noteworthy, but Angela is the QUEEN.  YOU CANT TELL MEEEEEE WHAT TO DO, i’M AN AMERICAN!!!!].  
because CLEARLY, Americans are superior.  

and anyway, all of THAT to say Angela is from Waycross, Georgia.  And obviously, I need to drive down there and pick up some fashion tips and get my hair did.  @SunnyBeBe, I cannot even believe you know about that show.  I know you have higher standards.  High five @ChiCricket!  (How’s the eye thing going?)

what’s going on with Angela’s chest in that one pic?

I’ve watched most all of the 90 Day Fiancé shows! Lol. This is my excuse...I had posted how I was giving up most all TLC AND Bravo (Real Housewives) shows, right before covid struck.....after that, I was desperate for any and all entertainment or distraction. I wanted anything to take me out of reality, which is funny, since they are called realty tv. Lol I’m preparing to drop them again.  We’ll see. 

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The top pic @ChiCricket posted reminds me of Dog the Bounty Hunter - and actually after the last wrap up season show, someone posted on a Reddit a side-by-side of Angela and Dog with the caption “who wore it better?”.  

the bottom one with the yellow top kinda sorta covering her bra - in the show featuring that lovely ensemble, she was leaving for the airport to fly to Nigeria.  That was her “I’m an American” fashion statement.  

Aaaaaaaaand.......she wasn’t totally packed for her trip in the yellow blouse pic.  She always has stuff crammed in her bra.  Cigs, a lighter, money, snacks, keys, passport.  Those things can always be seen sticking out - easy access. 

it just occurred to me:  we are actually having a Halloween party on the compound (and this ought to be FUNNNNN!!!!  No kidding, it’s the first year all the kids have managed to be in age ranges close enough to all be able to invite friends to the same party.  There will still be eye rolling and “you’re such a CHILD” thoughts but still - I think it might be fun for them. It’s too bad none of them would know Angela; I think I could pull that off.  My granddaughter is lobbying for Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin.


Edited by Happyfatchick
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16 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

Here you go...the beautimous Angela from 90 Day Fiancee 😁

(couldn't resist..90 Day is one of my other train-wreck addictions)😂



Now to get the full effect, you should post a picture of Angela with her cigarettes and her money stuffed in her cleavage.  She uses her bra as a sort of fanny pack. You also need to see her yelling, 'Tha wedding is off!!!' to understand the experience.

Yes, I have seen this trainwreck, too.

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