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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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- So Zoey had a boy.  I think puts the nail in the coffin on any more Mother’s Day baby swaps. 
-  Chad: I think Chad SHOULD go with Abigail. Not to make sure she goes but to make sure the place is safe and she feels comfortable.  I get Abigail not wanting him to see her this way but that’s marriage (in sickness and in health). She needs someone watching her back. After he last experience they both need the conditions to be clear — that Sh can leave if she wants.  That she can refuse meds if she wants.  That she can make daily phone calls.  On the other hand, something fishy IS going on so everyone is a suspect in my mind.  
- Orpheus.  Please let this be over soon.  

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22 minutes ago, SueB said:

So Zoey had a boy.  I think puts the nail in the coffin on any more Mother’s Day baby swaps. 

I forget, did Sarah know she was having a girl beforehand? If not, I don't necessarily think this means anything. (Still, yeah. I'm less inclined to think there is another kid out there.)

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

What’s the point of Kate anymore? She has no onscreen children to torment and no love interest. Just another unnecessary character.

YES! I agree but she's a fave of Corday's so we're stuck with her. It would be one thing if she had one of her kids around I would be willing to put up with her but we don't even have that. I'd even settle for her being paired with Roman again because he's just as pointless as she is at this point yet they worked. Otherwise there are at least 10 characters I would gladly trade her in for to bring back instead.

32 minutes ago, SueB said:

- So Zoey had a boy.  I think puts the nail in the coffin on any more Mother’s Day baby swaps. 
-  Chad: I think Chad SHOULD go with Abigail. Not to make sure she goes but to make sure the place is safe and she feels comfortable.  I get Abigail not wanting him to see her this way but that’s marriage (in sickness and in health). She needs someone watching her back. After he last experience they both need the conditions to be clear — that Sh can leave if she wants.  That she can refuse meds if she wants.  That she can make daily phone calls.  On the other hand, something fishy IS going on so everyone is a suspect in my mind.  
- Orpheus.  Please let this be over soon.  

Unless David is Zoey's kid I mean would you put it past Jordan to steal someone's kid and pass it off as her own?

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The actor does such a good job with the character of Orpheus, though. I just wish his return storyline made more sense. We still don't know how he survived his final death last time, and this business with Maggie and the accident feels like a huge rewrite. Did anybody else get that feeling? Like maybe they were going to move ahead with Summer being responsible, but they changed their minds?

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4 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Why was Eric drinking red wine?  Have the writers forgotten the fact that Eric doesn't drink?

I skipped those scenes; was he seriously drinking? Fucking hell!

38 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

I forget, did Sarah know she was having a girl beforehand? If not, I don't necessarily think this means anything. (Still, yeah. I'm less inclined to think there is another kid out there.)

I think she did know it was a girl pre-birth but I still wouldn't rule out another baby swap situation. It's not like these writers care about these things lol.

31 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Unless David is Zoey's kid I mean would you put it past Jordan to steal someone's kid and pass it off as her own?

Oh wow, that is certainly a possibility. 

23 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

... this business with Maggie and the accident feels like a huge rewrite. Did anybody else get that feeling? Like maybe they were going to move ahead with Summer being responsible, but they changed their minds?

I absolutely do not think that Orpheus being behind the accident was the original plan.

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I don't think we can rule out the baby swap yet, since it was mentioned when Orpheus was on a few years ago that he had a grandson that he didn't get to see. I don't know if we know who Zoey's ex is and if he may be a character at some point. I still think there was more to the Mother's Day babython than we know. 

But, I am more than ready for Orpheus and his clan to leave.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

But, I am more than ready for Orpheus and his clan to leave.

When Chris was around and KT was playing Zoey, the Orpheus family was just about the only thing entertaining me. But now Chris is gone (I guess?) and the new Zoey is really bad and not in a fun way, so I'm over it lol.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:
5 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Why was Eric drinking red wine?  Have the writers forgotten the fact that Eric doesn't drink?

I skipped those scenes; was he seriously drinking? Fucking hell!

They did the same thing with Jennifer, had her be an addict who also stopped drinking, show scenes later of her slurping down wine like a camel at an oasis, and later still, have someone declare that Jennifer does NOT drink.  The writers can't even keep basic character traits straight.

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1 minute ago, tribeca said:

What was the flashback with Kyla and Steve about?

Hope grabbing the gun doesn’t seem like a good plan.  

Orpheus had grabbed Kayla and was holding her hostage on a boat. Steve rescued her and they swam to safety. They were wet a lot in 1986. I did squee at the flashback. I was 18 and obsessed with them. Took me back 

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I think that horrible effect was done to mask the fact that the flashback had a different aspect ratio. It was a full screen flashback in the middle of a widescreen episode. Usually they just kind of make a vague blurry extension of the edges of the scene to the left and right. I wish they had done that again. It's not like it's difficult for viewers to understand that episodes from back then were broadcast in full screen. We can wrap our heads around that! The flames were just so stupid and tacky and dumb. They could have just as easily shown flashbacks from Orpheus' last return, when he had Kayla and Marlena locked in burning coffins and Steve came to the rescue. John sort of came to the rescue too, but Drake got injured in the middle of the scene so he disappeared and then wasn't on the show for six months, but still. It says quite a bit about their confidence in their own writing that they would skip the most recent example of Orpheus messing with them in favour of the much more fondly-remembered boating incident from 35 (?) years ago.

...here's the thing with Eric and his drinking storyline. Please keep in mind that this is just my perception of things. I don't know whether or not he was drinking red wine today, but I always thought it was silly and kind of missing the mark that the writers played it off as though Eric was a full-blown alcoholic who could never have a drink again. The way the story played out was that Eric began drinking in part because Serena had been murdered, but also in part because Nicole was happily engaged to Daniel. The show seems to have forgotten that entirely. It was subtle, but they made a point of having Eric looking longingly at Nicole as she happily chose to be with Daniel instead of him. Those two factors were why Eric began drinking. I would liken it to someone getting very depressed and overeating for a few months, not because it's impossible for them to stop or control themselves around food, but because they're just trying to fill a void. Some people are alcoholics and absolutely cannot handle any amount of of alcohol. I wouldn't have necessarily put Brady in that category years ago when he was dating Theresa and "just having fun", but I didn't know the character's history as well back then. Now, knowing a bit more about how he became an addict while he was married to Chloe and then turned to drugs and alcohol while he was with Theresa to the point where he would black out, I absolutely would say Brady has problems with addictions and can't take any drugs or alcohol without spiralling. It seems the same can be said for Maggie and Lucas.

But not Eric. The show doesn't seem to talk much about Eric and alcohol (so maybe they feel the same way I do? Or maybe they're just avoiding making a firm statement on it), but from where I sit, he seems completely past the self-destructive phase he was in back when he had his problems with booze. The fact that he got into a car accident and it killed Daniel obviously heightened the importance of staying away from alcohol and certainly heightened his guilt, but I don't think it's a problem for the character to drink. I think he was in that situation once.....and that situation is behind him now.

...do you guys feel the same way? I realize characterizations ebb & flow on this series, so it's hard to ever be completely sure of how we are supposed to perceive a character (hi Abigail & Ben!) But based on what they've shamas, I think Eric's drinking was a one-time thing. And I've known people who drank a lot during their college years but don't do it anymore, whereas others seem to have developed a habit they can't shake...


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6 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I am assuming its a bomb under the sofa...but how the heck did Orpheus get it into their home?!


6 hours ago, SueB said:

He must have an accomplice.  

I'm assuming the accomplice is Marlena - or Kayla, Steve, Justin, Rafe, Hope, Zoey, Hair and Makeup, the set-up crew, most of the writers, the janitorial staff, parking lot attendant, any random person passing by on the street........  Never say never, but I can't remember a storyline where absolutely NOBODY seemed to give a rats ass about the storyline to this degree.  They could have done all the scenes in their pajamas, reading off the scripts, chewing on a danish and slurping coffee for how little anybody seemed to care.

5 hours ago, Sandman said:

Ah, the praise that no writer dreams of receiving. Ever. (It's a feeling I heartily join in, of course. A termination devoutly to be wished, if you will.)

I've been more anxious watching Uncle Joe try to keep Kate from finding out something at the Shady Rest.  I was wishing that it was Arnold Ziffel who finally brought down Orpheus.

Nicole, enjoy this time with Eric while it lasts.  It won't be long before he's got you on a once a month schedule for sex - eyes shut and the 3 minute egg timer on, so you can finish up in time to join him for his nightly Rosary.  Except on weekends, of course, when he'll change things up by blaming you for something.  

Eric and good times go together like Victor and speedos.

I don't know what Show thinks it's doing with Abe and Kate, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to need a laugh track.

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I am tired from live-snarking 3 hours of 90DayFiance.

Nicole, some red or other colour lipstick would have been fabulous, Congrats to you and Eric. A match made in something. Hope you will be happy and on the backburner for a while before Eric returns to his smug, holier than thou self. You do deserve someone better.

Neat trick with the souped up phone, Steve. Liked the let's get this over with Doc and John reunion.

How old is Zoey's son?

Abe and Kate are an odd pairing. At least they probably will be professional coworkers.

Who put the bomb under the couch. John and Doc will think there will be fireworks tonight, and oh, yes, they will be literal ones.

I too feel that the whole babyswitch thing still isn't resolved.

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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

I think that horrible effect was done to mask the fact that the flashback had a different aspect ratio. It was a full screen flashback in the middle of a widescreen episode. Usually they just kind of make a vague blurry extension of the edges of the scene to the left and right. I wish they had done that again. It's not like it's difficult for viewers to understand that episodes from back then were broadcast in full screen. We can wrap our heads around that! The flames were just so stupid and tacky and dumb. They could have just as easily shown flashbacks from Orpheus' last return, when he had Kayla and Marlena locked in burning coffins and Steve came to the rescue. John sort of came to the rescue too, but Drake got injured in the middle of the scene so he disappeared and then wasn't on the show for six months, but still. It says quite a bit about their confidence in their own writing that they would skip the most recent example of Orpheus messing with them in favour of the much more fondly-remembered boating incident from 35 (?) years ago.

...here's the thing with Eric and his drinking storyline. Please keep in mind that this is just my perception of things. I don't know whether or not he was drinking red wine today, but I always thought it was silly and kind of missing the mark that the writers played it off as though Eric was a full-blown alcoholic who could never have a drink again. The way the story played out was that Eric began drinking in part because Serena had been murdered, but also in part because Nicole was happily engaged to Daniel. The show seems to have forgotten that entirely. It was subtle, but they made a point of having Eric looking longingly at Nicole as she happily chose to be with Daniel instead of him. Those two factors were why Eric began drinking. I would liken it to someone getting very depressed and overeating for a few months, not because it's impossible for them to stop or control themselves around food, but because they're just trying to fill a void. Some people are alcoholics and absolutely cannot handle any amount of of alcohol. I wouldn't have necessarily put Brady in that category years ago when he was dating Theresa and "just having fun", but I didn't know the character's history as well back then. Now, knowing a bit more about how he became an addict while he was married to Chloe and then turned to drugs and alcohol while he was with Theresa to the point where he would black out, I absolutely would say Brady has problems with addictions and can't take any drugs or alcohol without spiralling. It seems the same can be said for Maggie and Lucas.

But not Eric. The show doesn't seem to talk much about Eric and alcohol (so maybe they feel the same way I do? Or maybe they're just avoiding making a firm statement on it), but from where I sit, he seems completely past the self-destructive phase he was in back when he had his problems with booze. The fact that he got into a car accident and it killed Daniel obviously heightened the importance of staying away from alcohol and certainly heightened his guilt, but I don't think it's a problem for the character to drink. I think he was in that situation once.....and that situation is behind him now.

...do you guys feel the same way? I realize characterizations ebb & flow on this series, so it's hard to ever be completely sure of how we are supposed to perceive a character (hi Abigail & Ben!) But based on what they've shamas, I think Eric's drinking was a one-time thing. And I've known people who drank a lot during their college years but don't do it anymore, whereas others seem to have developed a habit they can't shake...


I agree about Eric I never got the addict vibe with him despite the awful mistake he made of getting behind the wheel. I always thought that should've been Lucas's story instead but I digress.

Same with Theresa she did hard drugs and got in trouble for it but I never saw her be an addict over it where she went through withdrawals etc. JJ was the same way before they made him an addict recently.

Brady's was an entirely different story as he was an addict we saw play out.


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30 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I agree about Eric I never got the addict vibe with him despite the awful mistake he made of getting behind the wheel. I always thought that should've been Lucas's story instead but I digress.

The only thing is, they made such a HUGE plot point about it.  They also made it a specific thing in several scenes that he doesn't drink (wasn't the whole reason he wasn't drugged during the whole Deimos murder debacle because he didn't drink the champagne?)  It's not so much that I think it somehow trashes the character for him to have a glass of wine, but it's just such a blatant example of lack of attention to detail.  

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Right before the accident and after it happened Eric acted like he couldn’t control his drinking. Since he’s gotten back the past few years been shown working at a pub and occasionally having a beer with Rex, Brady, or his dad. And wine once in a while with Sarah or Nicole. It’s very inconsistent but I don’t really don’t like the character so giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f293a1a80def22c1d1c7f

(ironically that’s Ron’s thought process regarding plot points he doesn’t care about too 👯)

Nicole needs to shut the fuck up about Abe hiring Kate becuz sHeS sO tOxIc & DySfUnTiOnAL. You are too Honey Bunch  and that’s Abe’s business not yours. 

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12 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Nicole, some red or other colour lipstick would have been fabulous, Congrats to you and Eric. A match made in something. Hope you will be happy and on the backburner for a while before Eric returns to his smug, holier than thou self. You do deserve someone better.

The nude lipstick is a trend right now (that I cannot hop on board with). But I also wonder if it was done from a filming logistics perspective. With likely having to do a few takes of kissing, maybe it was just easier than to trying to fix/reapply a more obvious shade?

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12 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I agree about Eric I never got the addict vibe with him despite the awful mistake he made of getting behind the wheel. I always thought that should've been Lucas's story instead but I digress.

Same with Theresa she did hard drugs and got in trouble for it but I never saw her be an addict over it where she went through withdrawals etc. JJ was the same way before they made him an addict recently.

Brady's was an entirely different story as he was an addict we saw play out.


This show is incapable of nuance.  Plenty of people get high off of hard drugs, drink and get drunk and it does not mean they are an addict.  Also, an addict can fall off the wagon when things are going well in their lives, they just don't fall off when things are going bad..

I too never bought Eric as a raging alcoholic. A grieving Lucas over his beloved son Will should have gotten drunk and killed Daniel, given their awful history and Lucas closeness to Maggie and his once father/son bond with Victor back in the day would have been a great story.. I would also add Kate into the mix with her setting up a drunken Eric for Lucas' crime... Eric would have gotten drunk because it was New Year's Eve not because he has an issue over alcohol.  Kate and Roman would have gotten close over their shared grief over their grandson Will.. Kate screwing over Eric would have put their relationship in jeopardy.. At some point Jennifer would have found out the truth and Kate would put pressure on her to stay quiet for Lucas putting her in a bad situation having to put her brother over her friend Eric.. The writers on this show just suck..

Edited by Pearson80
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While watching today's episode, I said out loud that it felt like I was watching a cartoon, but that is really an insult to cartoons because I've watched plenty that have better pacing and story structure. This was a bomb scare plot point and that's supposed to be exciting...but all it amounted to was a bunch of people trying to move around a set that was too small for them to do much of anything, a really quiet sound of an explosion off camera (which my companion didn't even hear because a loud commercial immediately followed it), and then everyone reuniting and explaining to the viewer what the producers didn't have enough money to show. They didn't even take the time to rent a dumpster and film Hope putting the bomb in it and the darn thing shaking and some smoke coming out of it. That's crazy. Why did they bother with this bomb at all? We could have just had a nice scene of everyone's celebrating John's safety and Eric's engagement. This added absolutely nothing, especially since they couldn't execute it with any kind of competence.

At least the totally bogus attempt to make us think that Justin would murder Orpheus in the middle of the Cop Shop gave Wally a chance to show off his range. That I can actually appreciate. I hadn't seen Wally in a scene like that before and it made sense. He did a good job with it even though it was also pretty pointless.

And speaking of pointless, here are Will and Sonny! I feel like the producers are doing the same thing to them that they did to Will back before he was murdered. They've been back burnered. Their recent storyline is so incomplete and poorly developed that even their fans are bored to tears. They could be exploring the trauma of Will having been a gay man behind bars, or the mistrust that exists between him and Sonny now that he knows Sonny was interested in pursuing a relationship with Evan, or the scars inflicted upon their daughter having seen Daddy die, come back from the dead and then end up in prison. But instead it's just snuggles. Snuggles and smiles and hugs and nothing that seems remotely interesting to the actors at all. Every time these two are on camera now, they're just reiterating plot points from everybody else's story lines.

I really can't say this enough, but we need to see Ari on a regular basis. She has story with Gabi, Will, Sonny, and seems to live in Victor's house which constantly has drama unfolding everywhere. Didn't they hire an aged up actress last fall? I felt the point of doing that was to actually keep her around and let her, you know, be a person.

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2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Nicole needs to shut the fuck up about Abe hiring Kate becuz sHeS sO tOxIc & DySfUnTiOnAL. You are too Honey Bunch  and that’s Abe’s business not yours. 

Yeah, but Nicole and Abe have a close relationship (he's like a father figure to her since her real father was so Evuhl), so she sort of has business there.


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8 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Yeah, but Nicole and Abe have a close relationship (he's like a father figure to her since her real father was so Evuhl), so she sort of has business there.


If that’s the case then she should know it’s grown folks business. Best case scenario he’d say “wow Nicole you’re right I never thought of that - Kate you’re publicly fired” 

theyve all lived in the same small town simultaneously for 30 years. Kate was involved with his father in law and Abe’s friends. Asscole with his brother in law and is the half sis of his son. He’s not brand new. 

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Welp, that was highly disappointing. I had such high hopes when I read the program description and saw, Rafe is shot, only to be disappointed once again. Seriously, what in the hell are Salem PD badges made of? At least it looks like, after years of trying, he's finally succeeded in co-opting someone else's child. Lucky David. <eye roll>

Ummm, Hope. Perhaps if you hadn't tried to grab the gun from Zoey maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't have gone off. Just sayin'.

I find it hard to believe that a child, whose vocabulary to this point has consisted of yeah and okay, was able to lay out Orpheus' nefarious final plan to John. 

I may be in the minority, but I kind of had second hand embarrassment for Wally today. I found those scenes, not good. And I like Wally.

Also, not good. The disposal of the bomb.

15 hours ago, boes said:

.....like Victor and speedos.

the simpsons eye GIF

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3 hours ago, lb60 said:

I may be in the minority, but I kind of had second hand embarrassment for Wally today. I found those scenes, not good. And I like Wally.

I thought he started out great but then he was just badly shaking and doing that lip quivering thing so many actors on here do and I was like nope, this is bad lol.

Happy for another day of David saying 'yea' to everything. That kid is adorable.

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3 hours ago, lb60 said:

Seriously, what in the hell are Salem PD badges made of?

Valyrian steel.  Rafe can use his badge to kill White Walkers as soon as the Show decides introducing them to Salem USA will be a super exciting plot point.  


Orpheus taunting Justin was fun.  George delHoyo's line delivery and indifferent facial expression was the only reason I was able to watch the rest of that nonsense.  

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Didn't anyone else notice how Hope made it from Orpheus' lair to the townhouse in less than 3 minutes flat?  Again, VERY bad editing.  They could have inserted the shot of the clock after Hope showed up, it would have been much more realistic.  Of course, on this show, realism is trying to use the name brand of an actual steam roller as opposed to it being Acme brand.  You still know whoever was flattened with it will just get up like Wile E. Coyote and go on with their life.  

And we were somehow supposed to believe that Hope made it to the ground floor from a "penthouse," ran outside, found an empty dumpster, put the bomb in that dumpster, and managed to run far enough away that she didn't get hit by shrapnel?  All in under a minute?  No wonder she was able to get to the townhouse so fast - she's actually Superman!!

1 minute ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Orpheus taunting Justin was fun.  George delHoyo's line delivery and indifferent facial expression was the only reason I was able to watch the rest of that nonsense.  

Yup.  We ALL knew that Justin wasn't going to shoot him and neither was Steve.  Especially since they had to use the trope of rather than just shooting him, Justin talked and talked and talked.......  3 hours later, when Steve and Kayla finally put it together what has happened they "rush" in the the interrogation room.  Justin wasn't shaking from anger or emotion.  His muscles were shaking from holding that pose for all that time.

Enough with the DRAMA.  I just want to see good soapy fun.



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2 hours ago, tribeca said:

Hope had a death wish today.  
maybe she is trying to get out of paying for Ciara wedding. 

When she congratulated Nicole and Eric, she was happier than when her own daughter announced her engagement. And generally, when someone is happy for a family member's impending nuptials, "We're engaged" would be followed by something like, "Wow, and Ciara too! Two summer weddings, how wonderful!" 

Then again, she was probably tired from the landspeed record she set from getting to the penthouse so fast. 

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I liked John and Marlena being kind and accepting of Eric and Nicole's engagement. And that Eric informed them that Holly called him 'dad' for the first time. It probably won't last, but it's a nice moment for all of them. Even Hope seemed happy about it. Granted, Nicole has been a bad girl and has had made some bad choices, but she seemed happier for Nicole than her own daughter.

How convenient that the bomb under the couch wasn't securely attached to the couch. Surely no one thought of just opening the balcony door and tossing it down to the concrete?

Orpheus is too cool, too calm. No, Justin does not have the killer in him unless he has to. Too bad, it was some dialogue and acting.

Poor Rafe. Shot in the badge and Orpheus' daughter is to blame. Sounds like a bad Bon Jovi song in the making.

At least Will and Sonny had a nice evening all alone in the mansion.


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How come marlena never mentions the son she lost from SIDS on hollyoaks Tony and Mandy baby Grace died of SIDS like a decade ago and the they still talk about her but I don't think I I've seen marlena mention DJ.

actually they should have had marlena comfort Eric over his daughters death and tell him she knows what it's like to lose a child but God forbid they interrupt there million times her and John get kidnapped lol.

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The last couple of episodes have been lame--I did enjoy the Sonny and Will scenes, but the overdrawn Orpheus scenes were beyond uninteresting--but today's at least had Queen Gabi, looking fabulous as she sits in police custody 🙂

I was shocked that Ciara not only called Lani biased towards Gabi, she attempted to understand Gabi's point of view regarding her love for Stefan.  Ben was also sort of on Gabi's side, stating that he didn't think Gabi would ever physically harm Stefan  because of how much they loved each other.  Will wonders never cease, two people in Salem not immediately blaming Gabi--DAMN!!

I loved Jack, screaming at Rafe to do his job and to stop with the nepotism--this from the man whose tenure as mayor was all about running his personal agenda.

They were really drawing out Princess Abs' departure weren't they and I laughed out loud when she talked about never wanting to hurt other peoples feelings--this is the same girl who enjoys slapping people across the face who tick her off right?

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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I actually enjoyed Abigail's scenes with her children(that little Thomas is so cute), and with her parents.  Jack telling the story of Abigail learning to ride a bike was really emotional...I loved it.  And I get the biggest kick out of Gabi's scenes with her brother 🙂 Gabi was all emotional & saying Rolf had set her up, and Rafe's face said he was not buying it, lol.  

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12 hours ago, Harmony233 said:

How come marlena never mentions the son she lost from SIDS on hollyoaks Tony and Mandy baby Grace died of SIDS like a decade ago and the they still talk about her but I don't think I I've seen marlena mention DJ.

actually they should have had marlena comfort Eric over his daughters death and tell him she knows what it's like to lose a child but God forbid they interrupt there million times her and John get kidnapped lol.

If we had a competent writer, he or she would have had Marlena, Sami and Hope rally around Eric as a family to give him support over losing 2 daughters. Not to mention, Nicole who also lost 2 babies...

The last time Marlena mentioned DJ was during the pit storyline where she hallucinated her twin sister Samantha and asked her  about him and when Eve lost Paige..

Edited by Pearson80
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I loved all the Deveraux/Dimera family scenes, and while the bike story Jack told Abigail was really sweet and emotional, I couldn't help but think that Jack had probably already left town by the time Abby learned to ride a bike. So I doubt he actually taught her to ride; unless it was while J&J and Abby were in "Africa". Nevertheless, MA and KM have wonderful father/daughter chemistry. And the little Thomas actor is adorable and surprisingly really good for a child actor. Thomas and David should have play date!

What was with that Rafe and Hope scene? I was sure Rafe was going to invite Hope to spend the day with him and David. I wonder if the show is thinking of pairing them up again.

As unhinged as Gabi has been for the last few months, I really liked her manic way of realizing that Rolf used and framed her for drugging Abby. I felt kinda bad for her for the first time since I started rewatching. 

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I am choosing to believe that the residents of Salem are aware of Ciara's severe sexual perversion where she can't have an orgasm unless the person she is sleeping with has murdered someone with their own hands. That's why everyone is being polite rather than outright congratulatory.

Although, I will happily support the wedding if it devolves into a Walk of Shame a la Game of Thrones. Can Eve ring the bell?

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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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