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The Bachelorette in the Media

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22 hours ago, dleighg said:

I'm confused about the equator. The Maldives are apparently at 3 degrees N. That's pretty close to the equator as far as I'm concerned. Of course I didn't watch so maybe I'm just full of it.

The Maldives actually straddles the equator.  Some islands are in the Northern Hemisphere, some are in the Southern.

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, ByTor said:

They were dinky Paradise weddings, though.   I'm sure Rachel wants a fluffy Trista-Ryan affair.

I heard she mentioned having it in whatever South American country his family is from. I guess this means her father is willing to participate. 

Did it occur to her that maybe they learned from last year especially if there was backlash?  Would she have felt better if it happened to someone else?  

Maybe therapy will her move forward instead of living in the past

  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I heard she mentioned having it in whatever South American country his family is from. I guess this means her father is willing to participate. 

Did it occur to her that maybe they learned from last year especially if there was backlash?  Would she have felt better if it happened to someone else?  

Maybe therapy will her move forward instead of living in the past

The bolded is such a good point. She's mad because she feels the next person wasn't treated as bad??? Really? I truly am starting to wonder if she's pining for a certain someone and that is why she cannot move past things from her season. If shes truly living her best life then why the bitching??

  • Love 10
47 minutes ago, ByTor said:

They were dinky Paradise weddings, though.   I'm sure Rachel wants a fluffy Trista-Ryan affair.

Lol - literally no one since Ryan and Trista have gotten a fluffy Trista-Ryan affair.  *eyeroll*  Even their precious Sean and Catherine had the truly atrocious consummation cam.  *shudders* I dont want Fleiss messing up my wedding (not that he would ever offer that to me!)

20 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

Did it occur to her that maybe they learned from last year especially if there was backlash?  Would she have felt better if it happened to someone else?  

Seriously.  I mean, they didnt make Arie do it either.  Or maybe they tried to make Becca do it and she said no, because she didnt want to have to react in real time, knowing it might be hard to watch back. Rachel's blog post is amazing - I just went and read the whole thing - she is so oblivious to how she may be perceived!  I mean, come on, Rachel, none of your guys were convicted sex offenders.  You really didnt have it that bad!  

This whole controversy feels more like she is bitter about our current ambivalence towards her and Bryan (and the related ongoing Peter love).  Its as if she never watched the show before.  The nation almost always turns on the lead.  Many of us dislike Becca for picking Garrett.  We all hate Arie for being too dumb for words and then for swapping women.  We disliked Nick by the end for the Corinne charade.  We disliked Chris because he was inarticulate.  We disliked Juan Pablo for being gross and not proposing.   We hated Andi for her grumpycat face cleat-chasing. 

The gig has perks, but it also has its downsides. I think Rachel probably needs to get over the fact that nothing is all rainbows and unicorns. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, ByTor said:

They were dinky Paradise weddings, though.   I'm sure Rachel wants a fluffy Trista-Ryan affair.

Jade & Tanner got the full blown wedding in California (I think at the same place as JP/Ashley) but the actual wedding was shown as part of 20th season anniversary show.  

I agree with everyone that Rachel needs to shut up and stop complaining as she has gotten so much out of this experience--there are thousands of girls angling for a shot at on air work at a network like ESPN and she's getting a chance now to move to the front of the line due to her contacts.  Not a good look for her at all.   

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

I heard she mentioned having it in whatever South American country his family is from. I guess this means her father is willing to participate. 

Did it occur to her that maybe they learned from last year especially if there was backlash?  Would she have felt better if it happened to someone else?  

Maybe therapy will her move forward instead of living in the past

Not only that, but she does realize it's a tv show that thrives on drama, right? For all the jokes about right reasons viewers vs wrong reasons viewers, the reality of it is that "shocking" moments and dramatic soundbites are what draw the eyeballs. 

I guess there are diehard romantics out there who want to moon over someone else's happy ending (aka, a free ring popped up after a couple of weeks of knowing someone), but far more people tune in to see the fireworks, drama, and tension. There's never going to be a Yahoo headline of "happy engaged couple sits on couch with Chris Harrison," no one is going to click on that one. 

  • Love 4

I join in the chorus of "Shut up, Rachel." I loved her on Nick's season, we're in the same sorority, and I'm also a black female attorney. I was so excited for her season but grew increasingly disenchanted during the season. By the end, I disliked her so much. I've paid no attention to her since then, until yesterday when I saw a tweet about her blog. Her blog contained the same kind of self-centeredness and entitlement that turned me off during her season and reminded me why she ranks with Andi as my least favorite Bachelorettes of all time.

  • Love 15

Garrett goes into more depth on his social media failings.  Prepare to eyeroll:


The amazing part of this for me is that he clearly got to work on his response with a professional PR person (that's Becca's job, right?) why is his response still so vapid? 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, KenyaJ said:

I join in the chorus of "Shut up, Rachel." I loved her on Nick's season, we're in the same sorority, and I'm also a black female attorney. I was so excited for her season but grew increasingly disenchanted during the season. By the end, I disliked her so much. I've paid no attention to her since then, until yesterday when I saw a tweet about her blog. Her blog contained the same kind of self-centeredness and entitlement that turned me off during her season and reminded me why she ranks with Andi as my least favorite Bachelorettes of all time.

Rachel and andi are my least favorites too . They both have such know it all , everything has to be about me personalities that I hate 

  • Love 4

I still think that Rachel is suffering from Peteritis.  She wanted him to want her, and he didn't.  Now perhaps it's because he just wasn't interested in her, or perhaps because he wanted more time to get to know her to see where the relationship was going.  In any event, I that "rejection" is sticking in her craw (I watch a lot of westerns, lol) and she wants a big, over the top wedding to show Peter what he missed out on. 

Get over it, Rachel.  Get on with your life.

  • Love 13
28 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I still think that Rachel is suffering from Peteritis.  She wanted him to want her, and he didn't.  Now perhaps it's because he just wasn't interested in her, or perhaps because he wanted more time to get to know her to see where the relationship was going.  In any event, I that "rejection" is sticking in her craw (I watch a lot of westerns, lol) and she wants a big, over the top wedding to show Peter what he missed out on. 

Get over it, Rachel.  Get on with your life.

I don't know if she feels like she has to prove it to him or just these Anonymous fans that she doesn't even know. They say the best revenge is living well and who is she trying to convince? If she really does have a happy ending why is it so important that that be shown to people or played out on TV for strangers? 

I didn't know that they were all guaranteed a wedding. If that's true then they need to deliver but if that's not true then she just needs to get over herself. She also needs to own that even if ABC edited footage to make it appear that she and Peter had a connection that they didn't, she was present in those scenes. Obviously she was either  pretending or really feeling something that they felt  they could edit to make look like there was even any competition. It's not like she wasn't eagerly turning her face up for his kisses

I think what she's hurt by is that Peter came on that show to further his business and didn't really have any interest in her, but honestly did that make him any different from most of the rest of them? I'm sure she gets access to events, products and other things just for the nature of the fact that she was The Bachelorette. She needs to enjoy the things that humiliating herself afforded her because clearly those were more important than her Integrity in the first place.

I don't watch the show and so I didn't know that most people turn on the lead and all these other things but then again I wasn't going on the show. She should have done her research. I saw maybe two and a half of Nick's season and I already had reservations about her because anyone who could either genuinely be interested in him or who was fake enough to fake it already was a red flag.

I didn't see what happened to her with Peter( I was already done with her season by then) although I heard about it. I don't know if she was an angry black woman then and I'm not saying she is one now what she sounds like is a bitter entitled adolescent. I said all along that there was a reason why she seem to gravitate more towards the younger girls that were on her season. She just seems very immature to me as does the man she chose. She should be above these vicious blogs and that word I hate" clapping back" at people on social media. That is so directly opposite of the classy woman she claims she wants to portray.

By the way is the other girl that was from Dallas hitting up reality shows in complaining about not getting a wedding? Why is she also still so bitter towards Peter? Sounds to me who she should be bitter or angry with is ABC but then again she doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds her. Surely there are other people from this franchise that just get on with their lives instead of constantly still trying to be in front of the camera

  • Love 5

Loved Becca's response to Rachel.


Becca Kufrin has responded to Rachel Lindsay’s complaints, telling Us Weekly that the way her finale was portrayed in comparison to Lindsay’s was out of her control. “To be quite honest I didn’t remember that that even happened last year, but every show format is a little bit different,” Kufrin says. “You know last [season], we had the two-night finale where they showed the breakup and then everything after that in two nights, so I think it’s just always different. I don’t really have much of a say in that.”


  • Love 6

I didn't mind Rachel too much in her own season (although I liked her less and less as it went on), but she has become truly objectionable thru-out her appearances since, on the Bachelor Winter Olympics and on the Bachelor. Now she is whining about the editing on her season. At least this should mean that we won't have to see her again. Pretty stupid move on her part. I suppose we'll be seeing Becca and Garrett instead, although I really hope that Garrett keeps his mouth shut. 

  • Love 4

 I truly am starting to wonder if she's pining for a certain someone and that is why she cannot move past things from her season. If shes truly living her best life then why the bitching??

I think the fact that she brought up Peter's "mediocre life" quote (which, as someone already mentioned, isn't even what he said) shows that her mind is still on him. And regardless, what Peter said wasn't ABC's fault. She's just coming across so badly here, it's kind of staggering after how fun, intelligent and perceptive she came off in Nick's season (I, too, disliked her more as her season went on, but that always happens so I have to stop being surprised by it). 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ddiced35 said:

it's kind of staggering after how fun, intelligent and perceptive she came off in Nick's season

YMMV but I believe she is still very much these things. That said, Rachel has always been petty and had a bit of a mean girl streak in her. And I say this as someone who likes her. But that aspect has always been there. People just didn't want to see it or notice it when she was being positioned as the perfect, first African American lead. It's the same way some boxed her into this demure, lady like box because she's a lawyer, her dad is a Federal Judge, etc. And the reality is Rachel, by her own admission, can get as ratchet as they come. 

I remember back when Reality Steve exposed all the drama that went down between her and Vanessa during Nick's season, none of which was shown. This show that lives for drama, left an entire saga between two women who were in the Final 3, on the cutting room floor. So many were quick to assume that it was to protect Vanessa because she was the F1. Except the producers had had no problem showing how hated Vienna was and of course Courtney. IMO, back then, I always felt that if they were protecting anyone, it was probably their first African American lead. They wanted Rachel going into that season as perfect and pristine as they come. 

And just so we're clear, I'm not saying Vanessa wasn't a bitch during Nick's season, because she's admitted herself that she wasn't her best self and made the whole competition of the show and the environment make her crazy. I just also don't believe that Rachel was entirely innocent either. And then there was the behavior while Nick's season was airing - the shady comments on social media with her "squad" (another thing that bugged me, because it was like what 30 something year old woman is still going around talking about her squad), etc. Rachel was shading Vanessa even after her own season. And I doubt anyone thinks that's because she had any lingering feelings for Nick. 

The woman doesn't easily let shit go and she can be petty. Look at some of the war of words she had with DeMario after her season was over (though to her credit, DeMario was the one coming after her first), Rachel was shading people on social media while her season was airing. And to her credit, she's owned that and said multiple times that it's one of the ways Bryan makes her a better person. Because Bryan on the flip side is the definition of zero fucks and unbothered and she's said multiple times that he's helped her learn how to just let things roll off her back.  I was so shocked when I saw a clip from a special Celebrity Fear Factor episode they did, competing alongside Vanessa and Danielle M. (who was also on Nick's season. She and Vanessa were a team) and at the end, after Vanessa and Danielle won, they all had a group hug. I literally went, "wait, Rachel made Vanessa touch her?" 

  • Love 7

I think rachel is just sour that she thought people would still care about her being the first black bachelorette for years to come , but the truth is , whenever the bachelor /ettes season ends , everyone is already onto the next one . There's been so many at this point that being the bachelor or ette doesn't make you special anymore and I think she thinks she is still talked about . Why should she get a tv wedding when there's been many before her that haven't ? 

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, LBS said:

They are on for money.  Reality Steve had Sean Lowe on his podcast and Sean said they got a nice chunk of money for 2 weeks of work.  Usually the Bachelor couples are the most normal so they get their money with minimum screen time.  

They were on Ashley and Bens podcast too. Their first son was 7 months, so it was a bit of a nice break, plus an opportunity to refocus on the relationship in the midst of all the changes that cone with parenting.  Imho, i would do that, especially if I got paid for it!!!!!

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Plus I think noone watches it anymore (well not as many people), so for the most part they are getting paid and noone will really notice.  I think the early Bachelor couples got more attention about doing it because they were the first to do it, now it seems like a normal money making prospect.  But I agree, I think it isn't a good idea to do it, and it isn't the kind of thing I would do at all.

  • Love 2

Becca looks really pretty there.  I went to look at her instagram, and then over to Arie/Lauren's, and I see such a difference.  She seems so much more relaxed, while Lauren is always posing--with or without Arie.  But Arie and Lauren are still together and it looks like their wedding is coming up--maybe they found the perfect match in each other in that neither one of them are very deep people.  lol  I had to laugh at one of Lauren's instagram posts--something about how before she did what everyone feels they need to do, go to college and jump into the corporate workforce, instead of following her dreams.  And now she has chosen to start following her dreams of drawing up pictures of swimwear or something.  Umm Lauren, do you think maybe that is because you are marrying someone with money and can afford it now?  There is a reason people don't just sit around drawing pictures of swimwear pretending they are a designer in the regular world.  She is really not that bright.  She scored big on this one--she spends her time travelling, has an expensive house, and doesn't need to work anymore.  

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

Yup, unsurprising considering all the signs in recent months. But you know what, I'll give them this, they gave it a real go. They really did. Considering most people predicted they'd be done in six months, lasting more than three years was pretty good. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 10

Awww.. I feel kind of bad.  I follow her on IG and twitter and her podcasts are usually pretty funny.   I liked them together.


ETA: No wonder she has been getting so emotional about Tucker Doodle (their dog) in recent posts.   Honestly, I'm lucky that I'm in a good, solid relationship but if things got rocky, I would consider staying together because I couldn't leave our cats (even though they love him way more than me)

Edited by LBS
  • Love 7

To be honest, I am surprise Kaitlyn and Shawn lasted three years. The rumor that they were having problems started in late Spring.  Apparently, she'd been spending a lot of time in Canada due to "family obligations" and he was unable to join her, because allegedly, he had just opened a gym.  I haven't seen or heard anything about JoJo and Jordan lately.  Wonder how they are doing.    

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, TomGirl said:

When he got a call from producers just days before JoJo's season started filming, asking if he was single, he didn't know whom the Bachelorette would be [snip] JoJo had seen pictures of Jordan in tabloids, she said, and was hoping he would be part of the cast. 

They're making it sound like it was all a hell of a lot more out of the blue than it probably was.  So he never tried to get on the show, he suddenly out of nowhere was asked to be on the show.  Of all the people in the tabloids, (huh?  Aaron Rodgers' unknown brother was in the tabloids?) he was the one she hoped would be cast?  Why would he even have been on her radar to be in the cast?

  • Love 1
On 4/21/2014 at 11:49 AM, CindyBee said:

That's really sad about Eric's accident.  Hope he is able to recover but it sounds pretty serious. 

Just saw this. Unfortunately Eric passed away. Its really sad. 


On 7/4/2014 at 9:28 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Speaking of media, as is customary, when the numbers dwindle down, the tabloids start reporting stuff on the contestants. Apparently a tabloid is reporting that Chris has something like 13 arrests from when he was teenager/college student, seemingly all for drinking and driving incidents. I think there was also some bar fight at some point. Reality Steve confirmed that the report is true but basically feels like it's not a big deal because it was long ago. Should be interesting 

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if the show does decide to go with him as the next Bachelor. Supposedly a thread about it on the ABC boards was deleted.


There is also a claim that Marcus was arrested for drug possession and that this actually only happened four years ago. It's funny but for as much as some think Nick is creepy, Marcus is the one who while I wouldn't necessarily say I find him creepy, something about him has always weirded me out and I think it's because he seems dead behind the eyes in my opinion. I'm not sure what it is but I always feel like there's no "there" with him and he has this really soft, quiet way of speaking that freaks me out even more. I seriously get American Psycho vibes from him - everything seems so perfectly polished, tailored, etc. 


Hahaha American psych vibes. I know what you mean.

Nick on the other hand is a bit creepy.  There is something about him. Hes my least favourite.


On 11/3/2018 at 3:42 AM, TomGirl said:

They are still together. At first I could not believe how Jojo dumped Robbie for Jordon . My opinion has changed since I caught Jojo and Jordon on Youtube. They are vibing! She definely chose the right guy.


On 7/30/2014 at 7:06 PM, fib said:

Slate's feminist blog, DoubleX, calls out the show after Nick questioned why Andi had sex with him.  It also calls out Nick for the sexism inherent in the comment:  

Andi is called a slut.  

Its double standards. Why can't women be like men in this situation.  Shes not a slut. Andi liked Nick and she wanted to use the fantasy sweet. I would think most women in her shoes would do the same neither to say men aswell would do the same.


On 11/2/2014 at 8:29 AM, Stinamaia said:

Has anyone been following this story? http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2014/the-bachelorette-andi-dorfman-josh-murray-estranged-family-despise-snub-brother-aaron-engagement-kacie-mcdonnell/ ?

According to a couple of sites, the Murray family does not want Josh to marry Andi.


I'm not surprised The Murray family don't wantJosh to marry Andi. Shes cheated on him with Nick. She quit her job as an attorney assistant with the assumption Josh would be the bread winner.  Shes spiteful.  Andi treated Jp badly on the show.  Shes not into Josh shes so not her type.  Shes just using him as a meal ticket to carve a career in the entertainment industry,

On 1/22/2015 at 5:31 AM, waving feather said:

Congrats to Des and Chris! Their proposal on the show is one of the most genuine on the Bachelor franchise. I agree that they have a very nice comfortable and sweet chemistry since the beginning during their season.

Des could not of picked a better husband on the show.  Its true how they have a very sweet chemistry.  They are a great match


On 1/27/2015 at 12:34 PM, FireFoxy said:

More pics of Des' and Chris' wedding. Everything looks so beautiful and Des is glowing.



I like Des's  dress.  Its very nice! It was nice to see another couple from the batchelorette come and support her at the wedding.


On 2/8/2015 at 5:33 AM, truthaboutluv said:

I don't see this being true though it would be hilarious. The article did claim it came from a source at E! which gave me pause but when I click on that line, it just takes me to a nonexistent page on the site itself, so I'm not buying that this came from anything but Hollywood Life. Still, I know Andi is obnoxious and seems to lack any self awareness but I can't imagine even she would be stupid enough to think this is a good idea or hell, that anyone wants to see her again. And I certainly don't buy the show producers thinking that either. Woman was skewered online when news of her and Josh breaking up came out, especially with their over the top behavior just three days before the announcement. I think people are more than over Andi.

I can't see Andi having another chance at the Bachelorette.  Shes still living down the the comments from the last time she was on the show.  Its not easy being on the show all the press intrusion.  If they asked her to go on the show again she will probabky say no that being said their are other worthy bachelorette who should. be chosen

On 4/8/2015 at 4:03 PM, ramble said:

All I can see is Bachelor in Paradise on the summer horizon. Woo-Hoo!!! I'll watch The Bachelorette & snark & moan but I'm saving my real trash tv excitement for BIP. *happydance*

I got to admit Bachelor in Paradise is one of my guilty pleasures! I love it.


On 4/8/2015 at 5:07 PM, Mabinogia said:

I actually think it's going to be interesting to see the storyline they spin after having read so much about what's going on. A real look at how good these editors truly are. lol


I loved Kaitlyn, still do, but I'm not terribly excited about her season having read all this. But I am sooooo looking forward to Bachelor in Paradise. I kind of wish she'd gone there instead, because I think her bawdy sense of humor would be better served in that setting than the faumanctic schlock that is The Bachelorette.

Kaitlyn's season was alright.  The highlight was the feud between Nick and Sean..That was entertaining other than that not much to talk about. 

That being said Kaityln would be better of in Bachelor in Paridise because she was not a big perosnality like previous bachelorettes eg Andi.  But I liked her still.


On 5/1/2015 at 6:16 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Once again, yes I'm aware many people watch reality shows but it's not like there's an audience for every single reality show - just ask the folks behind Fox's Utopia. So it is just my opinion, that I cannot imagine there will be a significant audience for this. I may be wrong but I was simply expressing that opinion based on the fact that it doesn't seem Andi was particularly loved or even liked as a Bachelorette, her season is already almost a year old and people's interest and attention span can be very short. I'm sure a few will watch, there's always at least 10 or so curious people after all. I just cannot imagine there is a significant audience for it. That's just my opinion, not declaring it a fact. 

Andi will get the viewings but her ratings won't be as high as say Rachel.  Theres always going to be people who will watch reality TV especially as its on in the winter.

IMO i'm not a big fan of Andi but shes not that bad either.


On 6/5/2015 at 9:32 AM, ElectricCityy said:

*Sighs* Kaitlyn is only making herself look bad with this development. When a previous contestant wants to join your show, politely decline and send them on their way. And she is clearly lying about how close she and Nick were. 

Its not fair on the other guys. Nick should of waited till after the show to strike up a relationship because if he'd been following this show 8/10 their is never a marriage. 

He made him self look like a douhe bag on national tele. 

On 6/5/2015 at 10:26 AM, backformore said:

Yeah, she tells the guys she's "talked to Nick a handful of times"..     Then she goes out to meet up with him, and there's an obvious intimacy there.  Seems to me Kaitlyn and Nick were a couple already, and the producers knew all about it, and set up the whole season with a story already in mind.   This is just as scripted of a show as general Hospital or any other soap opera.

You can hardly call it stalking the lead if Katilyn agreed to talk to Nick.. Just because some people don't like Nick it doesn't make him stalker! 


On 7/2/2015 at 12:06 PM, Alison said:

Thanks for the link.  

On 7/3/2015 at 3:55 AM, anony mouse said:

Ah, I see Nick has decided to throw his hat in the ring for Bachelor.

I will say, I never pegged him as a gym bro. I thought he was more of a coffee house pseudo intellectual type.

My thoughts exactly.  Hes looked good before he was the bachelor and he looks really hot now.  Gym definetly agrees with Nick. Go Nick


On 7/3/2015 at 5:56 AM, MakeMeLaugh said:

I can hardly stand Nick as a bachelor. I cannot imagine watching him as The Bachelor no matter how six packy he is. I wouldn't even read recaps of his season.

Show should go after Jon Hamm (bonus: if the rumors are true about his "lower abs" even the female producers will be looking for off camera time) and have Amy Schumer replace or cohost with Chris Harrison. There's a show I'd watch even though it would never hapoen.

I actually enjoyed watching Nick as the Bachelor.  He was very endearing . I liked how he was classy and did not waste womens's time when their was no future and he sent them home. I liked Nick.

On 7/16/2015 at 9:48 AM, Artsda said:

She looks so healthy and the baby is sooo cute.  Her family is growing fast what shes on her 4th child now.

  • Love 1

Regarding the Shawn & Kaitlyn breakup.....I wonder if they sold her engagement ring, and split the money.  To help Shawn finance his new gym.  They were engaged over 3 years, so they didn't have to give the ring back. 

I imagine Neil Lane wouldn't take it back, and a Jewelry house would only give them a fraction of what it was worth, since it was used.  *LOL*

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