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S17.E13: Coronapocalypse


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7 minutes ago, altopower said:

Wait - I thought that was Gabe who broke down in tears because his father couldn't be bothered to remember his birthday. I'm guessing Kody never called him when he was sick with Covid months before and only called now (or then, when filmed) because it suddenly was a real problem for his real family, Robyn and the kids.

Right you are- thank you.  It’s fixed.  I’m terrible with names on a good day and these people have too many kids, lol. 

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As messed up mentally as Kody seems lately, it wouldn’t surprise me if Kody did call to wish Gabe a happy birthday, but got distracted talking about Covid and forgot.  Later, Robyn mentions it and Kody can’t recall if he ever did it, so he calls him back. It’s too coincidental that after not talking much, he just happened to call on his birthday.  I’m not sure that’s any less horrible, though.   

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Oh Gabe. I wanted to reach through the screen and hug him. Kody just can't get out of his own way. I hope for Gabe's sake they have come to a place of understanding, if not more. Not that Kody deserves it, but Gabe loves (loved?) his dad.

I can't with the covid stuff - the drama, the blame, the twisted thinking - nope.

Janelle is leaving me curious. I honestly don't know if she stays or leaves. And Meri - is she now a wife again? Is Kody going to start hanging out with her alone? Or is she still not safe?

What's crazy is that Kody has any wife at all, never mind 2.5 wives.

Ladies, if you read here, he's not worth fighting for.

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Does anyone remember offhand where Janelle spends Christmas last year? Please tell me she did not go to Robyn's. Yeah, Kody instead of Janelle spending holidays with her kids, she would rather spend them with Robyn's kids at Robyn's house. Sure.

It sounded like pretty much all the non-Robyn kids have Kody's number. When Janelle mentioned that Maddie and Caleb might try to come to Flagstaff for the holidays Kody seemed like he would rather not see them. Did they side more with Christine? I may have gotten the wrong impression from that brief part of the Janelle and Kody conversation. Also, Kody telling Janelle it isn't right that a wife goes to visit their kids without the husband. We have been told repeatedly that Kody cannot be away from Sol and Ari for more than a couple days. Janelle would never see her kids if she had to wait for Kody to go with her. If the kids go to Flagstaff to see Janelle, Kody probably would not go to see them anyway with all his covid rules. Of course, now that he had covid he feels he can relax the rules even though this is fall 2021 where I think a majority of places already relaxed their covid guidelines.

I rolled my eyes at Robyn saying she doesn't tell her younger children much about what is going on. Those kids might here it indirectly. I just remember the conversation she had with her kids last season where she told them basically Janelle and Christine were going to spend Thanksgiving elsewhere. Also, judging from the two older girls at the Christine send off I would assume that they are hearing an earful from probably both Robyn and Kody.

Poor Gabe, but we do have the same birthday.

I hate Kody (and Robyn). As for Halloween, in 2020 where I live there were ways to have a socially distanced Halloween. In 2021 Halloween was basically normal. Did Kody and Robyn have the four door Halloween because they were coming off covid or some other reason?

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All kodouche is worried about is "having a divorce on my record".... I just can't with this ass.   He has ZERO culpability!!  Omg,  end this,  pleeeease.  It's so hard to watch!  (Yea I know,  I'm still here watching though ,🤦‍♀️)    all I know is I feel zero connection or love between ramen head and Janelle and Meri 

Edited by suev3333
Had to vent more
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Kody is such an effin liar. He has been trying to get the 3 OG to leave since before we saw S16e1. He said he told Logan he thought he had made a mistake wirh plural marriage. 

In the 1st episode, at the lunch meeting Janelle called, he said he was settled. At "Robyn's house." Then locked his fingers. Ok where is a sneer emoji when you need it?

14 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

Kidney saying about the wife and husband should go see the kids together is bs and nothing but a way to control Jenelle. First off he should be making plans to see all his kids, pre covid, during covid and now. Since the other 3 wives were made to deal with their households and kids throughout the years and Robyn knew what family she was getting into, then her nanny having ass should be just fine without him there to go see his other kids. But that's the way she controls him. She wants to sit there and say how she cares so much for this family when that's bullshit. Why were the other wives allowed to handle their own shit and Robyn can't and Robyn's kids can't. Those two youngest should be taught that Dad has other kids he needs to go see and spend time with. And how many days does Kidney spend away when he goes to sell guns? I think it's all crap and it's something Kidney let happen. So he needs to own up to his own shit relationships with his other kids. 

🏆 🏆 🏆  for nanny having ass!! 

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Omg. I just can't. Kody and Robyn have 0 awareness. Oh so they were all crying because they missed each other.. boo fucken hoo. They live in the same house ffs. This tell all better be bloody good. When is someone going to call this arsehole out!! I really dgaf about Robyn and her having covid. They both make me sick! Poor Gabe. Its tragic how he treats his non Robyn family!! 

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Unless, Kody is faking a lot of his bizarre behavior, I wonder if he might have something wrong….I mean really wrong.  Like maybe he needs a full neurological work up.  When he was debating over going into the ER….I thought it might have been a good idea. , but not for covid. There are some neurological disorders that cause people to lose it, like he’s been doing. Even a vitamin deficiency can cause cognition issues.  He might have been annoying before, but this is to a whole other level. Plus, Janelle talked about things she told him, yet he has no memory if it. Plus,  forgetting birthdays, forgetting kids ages, mixing up what he’s said before and to whom, emotional outbursts, depression, etc…….it should be checked out.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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That TH of Gabe crying was heart breaking. I don't understand why Janelle keeps giving Kody the benefit of the doubt where her kids are concerned. Also, Geez Louise (or Geez Janelle) WTH was she talking about, Kody not being his usual optimistic self during Covid? Kody hasn't been optimistic since the majority of his kids figured him out, and kicked him to the curb. And true to his narcissistic self, he is blaming everyone else for where his life is now. 

I was laughing at Kody's assertion that he never thought he would be known as someone who had been divorced (to paraphrase). Gee Kody, you have a real honest to goodness legal divorce from Meri. Remember, when you conned her into divorcing you so you could make Robyn your legal wife? Not to mention you stated recently on the show that you do not considered Meri to be a wife, that you are divorced from her spiritually as well. Despite Robyn's assertion that you can't 'divorce' a wife without the church's blessing, 

So, lets see, divorced both legally from Meri, and whatever the other version is, in your head. Christine says the two of you didn't need to get divorced by the church as neither of you follow the church's teachings any longer. So you are divorced in one way or another from half of your wives. You certainly seem bent on getting rid of Janelle as well. And honestly, you would be doing her a favour, as it is just pathetic to have Janelle consider you her best friend, when you can barely stomach being around her. 

I was totally fascinated by how much younger Robyn looked with Covid, sans makeup. I always assumed her horrible eyebrows were tattooed on, but since they were normal looking when she had Covid, maybe not? She looked sooooo much better with normal eyebrows. 

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Question. I have read on this site that Cody was not vaccinated. Is he an anti-vaxxer?  He seemed to want to follow his doctor's recommendations regarding social distancing. Or was this to just avoid the rest of the family? If Cody isn't vaccinated, I assume Robyn and family are not vaccinated either. Are Christine, Janelle, and families vaccinated? I am not saying they would not still catch Covid if vaccinated but it may not have been as severe as their cases seemed to be. 

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6 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I really hope the kids don't watch this mess. Kody crying about not being able to see one of Robyn's daughters for 10 days -  while she lives under the same roof with him - was a total gut punch coming from the dude who flippantly stated his underage daughter with chronic pain could get on a plane ALONE to get freakin' back surgery BY. HERSELF. in NJ.  Utterly disgusted and mind boggling.

This! He can't use the excuse that she is a young child. They all sobbed, het he can't understand his other children's animosity because he made no effort to see them.

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If Gabe completely kissed Robyn's ass and apologized for his perceived offense, he still wouldn't have a good relationship with his father. Instead he would just be Meri, an outsider and sometimes tolerated afterthought who gets an occasional compliment for being a good little doormat. 

This is a typical divorce/remarriage situation. Kody's focus is on his new wife and kids. There is nothing Gabe can do to fix it. 

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2 hours ago, js9548 said:

Question. I have read on this site that Cody was not vaccinated. Is he an anti-vaxxer?  He seemed to want to follow his doctor's recommendations regarding social distancing. Or was this to just avoid the rest of the family? If Cody isn't vaccinated, I assume Robyn and family are not vaccinated either. Are Christine, Janelle, and families vaccinated? I am not saying they would not still catch Covid if vaccinated but it may not have been as severe as their cases seemed to be. 

I also read Kody isn't vaccinated, Mykelti and Tony also aren't vaccinated. Mykelti said they didn't want to and that it was a matter of "personal freedom". I doubt any of them are vaccinated, and of course for Kody and Robyn  Covid was a welcome excuse for not having to deal with the rest of the family. 

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And the Asshole of the Year award goes to: KODY BROWN!

The hypocrisy of this man. All his COVID concerns which he was mean to everyone about and they still got it (the vaccine was available at that time, did these people even get it? I’d had two doses by spring 2021 and an additional in fall due to medical condition).

Kody forgetting Gabe’s birthday — heartbreaking.

I was glad they showed very little of Meri. She’s kinda just there like a barnacle on the side of a boat - it’s there you just forget about it.

Robyn saying she’s so bad off with no O2 support — I don’t blame her for going to get checked out, but do blame her for being over-dramatic about it. If she needed oxygen, she would have been on it. 

Kody has made it abundantly clear he favours Robyn and Robyn alone. He doesn’t care for his and Janelle’s kids.  I truly hope Janelle has left the situation.

Don’t really care what Meri does at this point. Yawn. Kody, Robyn and Meri deserve each other. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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27 minutes ago, Elodia said:

I also read Kody isn't vaccinated, Mykelti and Tony also aren't vaccinated. Mykelti said they didn't want to and that it was a matter of "personal freedom". I doubt any of them are vaccinated, and of course for Kody and Robyn  Covid was a welcome excuse for not having to deal with the rest of the family. 

Paedon has said that Kody isn't vaccinated. I'm guessing that due to patriarchy that means none of Robyn or her kids are vaccinated.

Christine has talked about being vaccinated and Janelle has mentioned members of her family being vaccinated.  Janelle's called out Garrison and Hunter specifically.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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7 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

So did Kody just say that he is not going to have holidays with Janelle’s boys until they apologize to him and Robyn?

Did he also say he doesn't feel "safe" (his favorite word) with them?  I know he used it last night at some ridiculous point but don't remember where.  

7 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Also, Kody telling Janelle it isn't right that a wife goes to visit their kids without the husband.

My mom would come visit me without my dad due to his health problems.  It was perfectly fine.  

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20 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Did he also say he doesn't feel "safe" (his favorite word) with them?  I know he used it last night at some ridiculous point but don't remember where.  

My mom would come visit me without my dad due to his health problems.  It was perfectly fine.  

Kody is holding onto grudges and looking for every way to perpetuate the strained relationship. One segment he says he doesn’t want an apology and then contradicts himself the next, saying that is what he wants.

It’s just been Robyn Robyn Robyn this whole season, worse than ever. He knows the remaining 2 can never be Robyn. He’ll have her at the risk of losing everyone else he married and kids he brought into this world. And he’ll probably still blame THEM. 

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We saw Gabe break down talking about that non-birthday call from Kody. But I'm wondering if he told Janelle about it. A little kid would, but he's older and trying to shoulder things on his own. My guess is that he would have told a brother before his mom. And if Janelle did know, and still thinks Kody is her best friend, I wash my hands of her. 

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5 minutes ago, sheshark said:

When Janelle dared to ask Kootie how he would feel if the situation were reversed, his smirk basically said “Who would want you, Janelle?” and for that alone she should have walked.  

Janelle used a lot of silence in that "conversation" with Kody. It wasn't a nice adult chat. Her shoulders were so hunched I thought she was going to pinch her head in her efforts to stay calm and not react from the gut to the incoherent and contradictory things he was throwing at her. That line about reversed situations was one of them that seemed to shock him that she would even ASK, because of course the world revolves around him.

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10 minutes ago, altopower said:

We saw Gabe break down talking about that non-birthday call from Kody. But I'm wondering if he told Janelle about it. A little kid would, but he's older and trying to shoulder things on his own. My guess is that he would have told a brother before his mom. And if Janelle did know, and still thinks Kody is her best friend, I wash my hands of her. 

I think she was saying “best friend” as a reminiscence, not the current state, to see how he responded. I also think Janelle is starting to truly realise where she stands with Kody — even telling him she cares for him doesn’t seem to affect his terrible behaviour towards her. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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My youngest daughter had covid in April of this year. The CEO of the company that she works for brought her soup becase she had no family close by. She was vaccinated and boosted but still got Covid. She had a fever for less than 24 hours and a stuffy head cold for about a week. She said is was nothing compared to how sick she was when she had the flu several years ago. Maybe if Kody and company had bothered to get vaccinated Robyn wouldn't have ended up "wasting away" in the ER.  Oh wait all of her test came back fine. 

Did I hear correctly that during one of her talking heads Janelle referred to Kody as her lover?  Maybe I dreamed that because I kept falling asleep during the show.  If she did say this there is no hope for her. She has now officially become Meri 2.

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5 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

My youngest daughter had covid in April of this year. The CEO of the company that she works for brought her soup becase she had no family close by. She was vaccinated and boosted but still got Covid. She had a fever for less than 24 hours and a stuffy head cold for about a week. She said is was nothing compared to how sick she was when she had the flu several years ago. Maybe if Kody and company had bothered to get vaccinated Robyn wouldn't have ended up "wasting away" in the ER.  Oh wait all of her test came back fine. 

Did I hear correctly that during one of her talking heads Janelle referred to Kody as her lover?  Maybe I dreamed that because I kept falling asleep during the show.  If she did say this there is no hope for her. She has now officially become Meri 2.

I don’t think so, because she’s willing to admit it might not be working out (and I think this comment was a reminiscence). I don’t see Janelle in denial like Meri seems to be (who is unrealistically hoping for a renewal). Kody has been dismissive and absent towards Janelle’s kids and if push comes to shove, she will choose them over Kody.

I hope, anyways. Janelle does have a history of speaking up and then caving under pressure (the flagstaff move is one example). Kody seems to be helping push her out the door. 

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I don't know if I heard Janelle call Kody her lover, but I was surprised when she emphasized that all aspects of their marriage were good, and Christine said the same.  I assumed they stopped being intimate years ago, but with Christine's focus on the lack of intimacy it seems like if she thought Kody and Jenelle weren't being intimate she wouldn't have said that.  

Edited by steff13
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