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S17.E04: And Then There Were Three

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3 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

Googled for that info and read that it's anywhere from $25,000.00 to $40,000.00 per episode.  I think that's combined with all of them, but not sure.   Probably depends on how many of them are in each episode.   Either way, it's less than I thought it was going to be and more than they deserve, imho.  

Kotex can fritter that much away in no time, I'm sure.  Hiring architects and land surveyors and moving 4 wives and a kabillion kids on a whim takes money.  I know moving can kill a decent bank account in no time flat. 

You forgot to mention the ridiculous amount of money this family spent on expensive rentals over the years. (Particularly Robyn and Meri with their huge mansions) Not to mention the selling of their Lehi house at a significant loss. 

Add to that: the TLC money was earned by 5 adults and had to be divided by five (the 4 families and Kody, per his own admission on finances) making it a lot less when you think of it. The numbers are probably pre tax as well. And while decent compared to what a lot of people make,  that doesn’t get you very far with the expensive houses they rented or bought, their fleet of cars, 18 growing kids and sponsoring Robyn’s staff such as the nanny and the Gardner/handyman.  Not to mention all the extras (both fun and disasters) such ad the funding of 3 expensive weddings and Dayton’s Ysabel’s and Truely’s huge hospital bills.

We know that Meri, Janelle and Christine made some decent money with other lucrative business ventures like LLR and Plexus, but I have recently started to wonder if this actually arose out of a bitter and urgent necessity to make more money to keep this train wreck of a family running….

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16 hours ago, lindalouwho said:

Kody wants 50/50 with Truley. Let’s do the math. Christine is one of four wives. 365/4 is 91. 91/2 is 46. 46/7 is 6.5. Six and a half weeks. Pretty much summer vacation. Now, let’s look at the logistics. Where will Truley stay when her sperm donor has custody? Sobyn’s McMansion? Janelle’s trailer? Parawan with Meri? Get a lawyer, Christine. Take the videos of all his interactions with your daughter. Truley’s twelve. Any judge worth their paycheck will talk to her about her preferences.  My guess is that when he asks if she wants to spend time with her dad, she’ll revert to her usual answer. “No, thank you.”

The only thing that bothered me in this whole show is Christine’s fear of saying in front of Kody and the remaining wives what she said in the talking head:

NOW, you want a relationship with Truely?  Where the hell were you all these years when you couldn’t be bothered to drive a short distance?  NOW you want a relationship with her??

She should have nailed his sorry carcass to a tree with this.  An opportunity lost.

11 hours ago, Meh said:

Would any judge actually give Kody 50-50 custody of Truely, when he is a polygamist with supposedly three wives left after Christine leaves??

Not if the judge is an even casual viewer of the show,

Edited by b2H
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Hi all, I rarely post on forums but felt compelled to add my 2 cents here. I watched this show early on, then lost interest.  Then fast forward years  I saw a trailer about season 17,  with Christine saying she’s done, now that got me! So I went back and tried to catch up, I must say that was the most brilliant shut down I’ve ever seen. I was in awe, every outlandish thing he said that would’ve sent me into a rage, she just stayed the course, didn’t deviate from her message to him, stayed calm and didn’t allow herself to be sidetracked, by him. Nice job Christine,!

Meri, Janelle and Christine were marginalized after Robyn came into the picture. I don’t feel as harshly about Robyn as others, because I think she’s being judged for Kody’s behavior, but then I thought he was an okay guy at one time, Christine called him out on his bullsh*t, he got nowhere with her., and Janelle says she’s got what she needs.  From what I see, the  worst of his wrath is directed at Meri., he’s said horrible things to her, just a few that I remember was when she said the door was open to him, he said ‘it may be open but I’m not going through it’ and when he told Christine ‘you have it better than Meri(not per vatim but close enough) and when asked by TLC that he seldom talks to Meri,, and that’s just some of it. The catfishing was hurtful I’m sure, but she was obviously desperately lonely and it was all online, just not the same as an affair. I’m not a big fan of Meri, but nobody deserves to be treated that badly by anybody. How he interjects that Meri has a friend in him,  really??? with friends like that honey who needs enemies. He’s made it clear that he wants her gone. I’d rather go run the B & B than just be that’s her ‘family’ I must say despite my dislike for some of her decisions  ie: she doesn’t need a big house, that was unreasonable, but nobody deserves his disdain directed at her. I hope Mary’s next to leave, probably not, but she should take a clue from Christine.




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7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm wondering now, if Janelle bought the RV because she wanted to have somewhere to live no matter what happened. She knew Christine was thinking about leaving, but as they have all said, they have all thought of leaving, but I think she knew Christine was more serious this time around. If this is why Janelle bought the camper, then it makes sense to me.

Janelle gave herself options - living at CP, moving to Utah, or even moving to NC. There are campgrounds and RV parks everywhere.

I'm pretty sure I remember Janelle at one point saying that her ideal retirement life would be to buy an RV and travel across the country visiting her children and grandchildren. Savannah is a high school senior now, I think Janelle is getting ready to hit the road once Savannah graduates.

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Whenever I get frustrated at watching these women put up with Kody I think about the fact that they were raised in a religion which only values them in relation to their head of household husband, and even those not raised in polygamy were still raised in a religion which valued family above all else. I know the show makes it seem like they have abandoned the religion but like Libby said above, we do't know to what extent they still participate. Kody lost control when they started living in separate houses which he rarely visited and when he began spending all his time with Robyn. I think Janelle still loves him but understands her place, and Meri still feels an attached to the family for religious reasons which is why she seems angry. I think going on the show and on social media probably opened their eyes to a lot of things but I still see a group of women who are very naive on how the rest of the world lives 

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I think Meri really relished being the only legal wife and liked being in charge, her and Kody were a team. I think about her treatment of Janelle, her not letting the kids go through her apartment, the need to be the one to make all the announcements (she announced both of Robyn's pregnancies to the family). But taking int account how she spoke to Christine in an early season when Christine talked to her about problems she was having with Kody and Meri kept telling Christine YOU have to change, and when Meri told Christine to look at the mountain and all that other nonsense - consistently telling her to stay in a horrible abusive situation, was cruel. Also, I know she was unable to have more than one child but the fact she got the exact same amount of money as the other wives - while they were struggling- is reprehensible. If she truly believed in the family she would have made sure the kids were taken care of and not need to have the same amount for one child vs six. The same thing with the houses - she had to have the biggest house in Vegas and her wet bar and her hobby room, and then she ended up in the catfish situation because she was so alone. 

I do think Kody's treatment of her is reprehensible and the 30th anniversary episode in season 15 or 16 was devastating to watch. I hope she gets out, she posts all these things like she has the best life ever with lots of travel and friends - so why she won't leave and live her best life is beyond me - and I think Janelle will be the next to go. Meri might just be hanging on out of stubbornness or perhaps to annoy Kody, who knows? She does seem to have a genuine bond with Robyn's kids that she doesn't have with the others so she may be staying for family or she is truly afraid to be on own, even though she is. 

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23 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

When Robyn asked Christine whether she would still believe in plural marriage if her relationship with Kody were better, part of me wanted Christine to reply: 'If he spent as much time with me and my kids as he does with you, and he worked as hard to make sure my needs were met as he does yours, then maybe.' I would have loved to see Robyn's reaction to that.

This!! I wish she had said this, too. But after her gracious acceptance of Robyn's presence at Avalon's birth (Christine was so concerned about Sobyn seeing everything, taking photos to show her on the Zoom and adjusting the computer, etc.) and the fact she didn't say this to Robyn makes me respect Christine even more. She just wants out. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, she doesn't want to burn the whole thing down, she just wants to GO. I am glad she is going and proud of the way she's doing it. 

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4 hours ago, Libby said:

Women in the AUB and other polygamist cults get put out to pasture when they are done having children. The entire religion is about male power and having as many children as possible. Christine has lost her faith (thank goodness). I'm not sure where Janelle stands with the religion at this point.

I think that Robyn, Meri, and Kody are still firmly entrenched in their faith. I also think that TLC wants them to play down their religion for the show, so they do.

That's why their response to Christine leaving seems so crazy to us. Within their faith, she should quietly and meekly take what Kody is offering her like Meri does. According to their religion, if he ran his family correctly, Christine would accept her place and the children would be hopping on the polygamist bandwagon. Kody and his family are a failure in the eyes of their peers. Kody must feel very embarrassed.

The Without a Crystal Ball youtube channel said that the rumor that they've been kicked out of their chuch is false. The channel said that a Bishop of their church appeared on their show a few years ago dispelling this rumor.

This theory explains Kody's viewpoint on things (patriarchy, Christine should be happy that he shows up at all, etc.), rather than him being totally psychotic. It also explains Meri's anger and Robyn's off the wall questions and upset. The three of them are still seeing things through the prism of the cult.

The Bishop was on which show? SW or WOACB?

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14 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Some awesome sleuth said that Janelle paid 82K for the 5th wheel. However, she was offered to buy the rental at an amazing cost. Why wouldn't you do that? Spend the next year or two fixing it up and flipping it and make a nice profit, then build on the land? So Kody said that in order to build, you have to have the land paid off, so what is stopping the start of at least two of the houses, since from what I read here that he paid cash for two of the lots? 

I remember her saying she’s ago that it was her dream to have a motorhome or fifth-wheel and just spend the bulk her time traveling. So I think this is a step to that goal. 

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9 hours ago, Libby said:

The Without a Crystal Ball youtube channel said that the rumor that they've been kicked out of their chuch is false. The channel said that a Bishop of their church appeared on their show a few years ago dispelling this rumor.

I can’t remember seeing a bishop on the show and honestly I think it’s fairly unlikely. These fundamental religious branches tend to avoid media for all kinds of reasons and lots of polygamist cults were unhappy with the Browns going on national tv.

As for relying on “Without a Crystal Ball” for reliable information…. I’m cautious when it comes to this particular source. Let’s just say the person behind it is not universally loved for her attitude and how she collects and spreads info on lots of reality stars. Usually it’s the pretty awful stuff and more often than not, reliable sources or explanations are missing. Yet, all is sold as the absolute and undisputed truth, and this person is said to go viciously against people disputing his/her truth….

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I was supposed to do the recap this week but so what happened is - I went and bought the biggest RV in the northern hemisphere!  But then I realized, oops - I need to buy a brand-new army tank to haul the thing and even though I only need to actually use the tank once in awhile, I decided to buy that too!  So now, I have to shill approximately $350,000 worth of Plexus to pay for it and as you can imagine, this is keeping me very busy, lol!  Can I catch the next recap? 

Seriously, life has been nuts so all I can do right now is go back and read the comments and high-five all of them.  I love doing recaps and I would love to grab the next one....creative writing is an outlet for me, and snarking on this show is, too. :)

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Ya know, it makes sense that Janelle bought an RV. A lot of sense. 

She is a fifth wheel in this family. She is only supplying a tangible metaphor for these idiots.

I was all kinds of proud of Janelle, doing her own thing, planning for her eventual escape and future travel. She also knows none of the wives, or Kody wish to spend time in an RV. None of them care about CoyKodys Pass either. Planting an RV out there is basically ensuring her privacy from these goofballs.

No, she doesn't NEED to buy a truck just to get the RV to the pass. She NEEDS to buy a truck so she can then propel herself forward at her own whim, when and where she wants. Surely she can have the RV delivered to CoyKodys Pass but then she has no escape route. 

I really enjoyed her excitement this episode and was happy to see she was doing something for herself regardless of Kody's reaction. Go, Janelle.....Go. Go far. Goooooooooooooo far !

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Haven't watched, but will and have read all comments. Christine is a new (and improved) woman. So proud of her. When I was younger, I never got why abused woman stayed in bad relationships. Of course I get it now as an adult- much easier said than done. Christine and Meri have been emotionally abused for years, while Janelle is simply ignored. Christine leaving is a victory. Too hard to predict if Janelle will follow, hope she does. Meri too. Living awesome lives surrounded by friends and children is the revenge Kody deserves. Have fun stuck in your McMansion with Robyn and your children. 

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13 hours ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

I want to be prescribed whatever Christine is on. The fact she sat there so cool, calm and collected with the other three spewing nonsense was amazing!!

I think part of her calm reaction was due to the fact that she never has to listen to that shit again if she doesn't want to. She's free.

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A couple of observations as I've been re-watching old episodes before my Discovery + subscription expires today. 

I know people get down on Kody for his "ramen" or "noodle hair", but it is so much better now than in the early years.  It was a huge mess.  Trust.

One of the wives made a comment about not wanting to live together because they all keep different scheduled. Robyn was mentioned as staying up til 1 a.m. and getting up late in the morning.  Is this why she has a nanny?

Janelle and Kody kissed and he commented "it's awkward when we kiss, isn't it?".  Janelle's reply:  no.  Was Janelle's comment (and the kiss) for the cameras, though?  Probably. 

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17 hours ago, Libby said:

Within their faith, she should quietly and meekly take what Kody is offering her like Meri does. According to their religion, if he ran his family correctly, Christine would accept her place and the children would be hopping on the polygamist bandwagon. Kody and his family are a failure in the eyes of their peers. Kody must feel very embarrassed.

So well said. Kody is worried Christine's defiance will reflect badly on him.

That's why he's suddenly obsessed with keep the remaining three in line in the patriarchal party line. He can't afford another defection (literally as well as figuratively; TLC isn't going to pay him to whine on TV if he's got fewer than three wives).

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19 hours ago, zamp33 said:

Excuse if this has been pointed out - but wasn't Meri the one who was ready to leave the family with Sam the Catfish? If Sam was real she would be long gone so for her to be sanctimonious and act like this is the worst thing ever is so hypocritical! I wish Christine had pointed that out to her. 

What bothers me about the catfish scandal is that Kody (and who knows who else) said Meri didn't do anything.  Well, yes, she did.  She had an emotional affair. Just because she didn't PHYSICALLY do anything, doesn't mean she didn't do anything. 

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8 minutes ago, Shauna said:

What bothers me about the catfish scandal is that Kody (and who knows who else) said Meri didn't do anything.  Well, yes, she did.  She had an emotional affair. Just because she didn't PHYSICALLY do anything, doesn't mean she didn't do anything. 

And, she would have left in a nanosecond had Sam been real.  So her current anger toward Christine for leaving and breaking her vows is pure hypocrisy.  

Robyn throwing darts at Christine for not trying to make her marriage work is also hypocrisy since Robyn has left a marriage much shorter than what Christine endured.  Not to mention that Robyn's favoritism and manipulations to be the only wife is what has destroyed Christine's relationship with Kody.   

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37 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

And, she would have left in a nanosecond had Sam been real.  So her current anger toward Christine for leaving and breaking her vows is pure hypocrisy.  

Robyn throwing darts at Christine for not trying to make her marriage work is also hypocrisy since Robyn has left a marriage much shorter than what Christine endured.  Not to mention that Robyn's favoritism and manipulations to be the only wife is what has destroyed Christine's relationship with Kody.   

Sorry, but I need to correct you.

It's rill.  Not real.  😁

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23 hours ago, dariafan said:

Janelle making the move she did is forcing kody to do something instead of standing on prairie dog  plagued dirt mounds 

I can't decide if the whole RV thing was Janelle forcing Kody's hand regarding building on Plague Pond, or if she honestly believed that if he was forced to look out over those beautiful mountains (snerk) on the 17th of each month when he stopped over for dinner, he would be compelled to start the building process.  I'd love to think that Janelle knew all along that Kody had zero intention on building homes on the property and this way she had a built-in excuse to finally get to live in the RV of her dreams that Kody couldn't say no to, but I don't think she's actually that smart.

21 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

I am so sick of Robyn's sad clown face. She looks like the "tragedy" part of the comedy/tragedy mask during her talking heads.

She rilly does.  And someone mentioned that her eyebrows look like toothbrushes and now I can't unsee that.  Seriously, when is the last time we've seen this woman smile on the show?  She sits there with that ridiculous pinched face every single time she's interviewed, clenching every muscle she's got to manufacture a single dry tear...either that or she's permanently constipated.

16 hours ago, zamp33 said:

I think Meri really relished being the only legal wife and liked being in charge, her and Kody were a team. I think about her treatment of Janelle, her not letting the kids go through her apartment, the need to be the one to make all the announcements (she announced both of Robyn's pregnancies to the family).

Aha! - yet another master stroke by The Dark Queen.  By deferring to Meri and allowing her to announce Robyn's pregnancies to the family, Robyn skillfully let Meri think that she was still HBIC, while Robyn simpered in the background, eyes downcast, pretending that she cared if the family was excited for King Sol or Princess Ari.  She didn't care.  She was quietly building her army of Ko-dependants while simultaneously ruining a completely unaware Meri.  Further proof of my belief that Robyn has sociopathic tendencies.

Did anyone else do a spit-take with their cheap Merlot when Meri - in talking about Janelle's RV - stated that she would NEVER buy anything sight unseen??  Umm, Meri?  You bought a catfish sight unseen, you hypocrite.  Nice try, though. 

Edited by laurakaye
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My hat is off to Janelle, and I owe her an apology for sneering at her greenhouse plans after I got a look at the nice raised beds she has in her backyard.  She apparently *is* a serious gardener and may well have put greenhouses on her imaginary plot in Plague Pass.

But what I really want to do is offer an idea to TLC--and I don't require financial compensation or even screen credit for it; I'm just such a fan of Kotex I can't bear the thought of the show ever being over.  How about this:

With Christine's departure (run, Christine, run!), Kotex is down a wife, so he and the remaining women go looking for someone to court, and this is who they find:

Former two-time Miss Utah (and her three adorable children--much cuter than Sol--Zehebuly, Corenio, and M'laneya)  who was rescued from Warren Jeffs last year has recently moved to Flagstaff, seeking to start a new life.  Thanks to the settlement awarded her from the various Jeffs trials, she has millions of dollars, which she has augmented via mastery of the crypto-currency markets.  Her children have trust funds to cover all their expenses, including a full-time nanny for each of them, for their lifetimes.

Looking for a man, a polygamous man, chunky and short, with problematic hair, who has an established record of fertility, she happens to meet Kotex while she is scouting Prairie Plague Akers for a place to build a temporary homelet while she waits for someone to court her.

This woman is independently wealthy, goiterless, and trained to do as she's told by the patriarch.  She is much more attractive than Rubbing, having mastered the arts of makeup and curling irons from her time on the pageant circuit.

Courting this woman drives Rubbing right over the edge.  Meri likes her, hoping to at last have a friend who isn't a catfish or her mother, and Janelle says, "whatever" and goes back into her RV.  Christine subscribes to cable and becomes a constant viewer, finally joining us here.

You're welcome.

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3 hours ago, Fig Newton said:

No, she doesn't NEED to buy a truck just to get the RV to the pass. She NEEDS to buy a truck so she can then propel herself forward at her own whim, when and where she wants. Surely she can have the RV delivered to CoyKodys Pass but then she has no escape route. 

I really enjoyed her excitement this episode and was happy to see she was doing something for herself regardless of Kody's reaction. Go, Janelle.....Go. Go far. Goooooooooooooo far !

Maybe it's my own insecurities clouding my opinion, but I don't see Janelle driving a big old truck PULLING that RV around the country.  I wouldn't have the nerve to navigate such a monstrosity.  But, yes, I enjoyed her happiness and joy - something that's been missing from this crew for a while now.

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13 hours ago, MamaGee said:

This!! I wish she had said this, too. But after her gracious acceptance of Robyn's presence at Avalon's birth (Christine was so concerned about Sobyn seeing everything, taking photos to show her on the Zoom and adjusting the computer, etc.) and the fact she didn't say this to Robyn makes me respect Christine even more. She just wants out. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, she doesn't want to burn the whole thing down, she just wants to GO. I am glad she is going and proud of the way she's doing it. 

Christine did get in one zinger though. When Janelle, of all people, stated concern about Truly losing the closeness she had with King Sol and Arianna by moving, Christine said that Truly will be with the people she is closest to and love her the most and rattled off the names of all the family she had living in Utah. Loved it!

At first I was a bit disappointed that Christine wasn't going off on Kody and the other wives (the ones that deserve it) but now I see the big picture. I think being dispassionate and so calm really emphasizes and shows how fucking over and done with the BS she is. No one play manipulative word play, set you off, get you on the defensive and make you act outside yourself when you really have no more fucks to give and that is the energy Christine is giving and I am loving it (and learning from it). 

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Did anyone else appreciate the extra effort Rubbing put into her makeup for the Christine announcement meeting?  The other wives looked the way they always do; the contrast between Rubbing's appearance at the meeting and her appearance in the cut-aways was startling to me  The Shirley Temple ringlets and the overdone eye makeup--and does anyone ever look sexy or even civilized if she looks down at her finger every time she wipes her eyes?  It's really kind of gross, like inspecting your snot when you blow your nose--were hysterical to me given the other wives' not-giving-a-fuck makeup.

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On 10/3/2022 at 2:40 PM, Adeejay said:

Kody is so full of himself that he thinks the only reason Christine would leave him is because she has another man. 

She has framed the reason she is leaving (or at least the straw that broke the camel's back)  as the lack of physical intimacy in their marriage and that she refuses to be in a marriage without it. I'm sure to him that means she's out on the prowl.  

23 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Robyn and Meri knew Christine had been unhappy for...a decade? And they were still surprised she's leaving? They really thought she'd stay miserable for the rest of her life?

What was her tagline for years and years? She didn't just want the man? Maybe they figured that meant she was ultimately fine without him. (Just kidding - they didn't really care what she felt)

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On 10/3/2022 at 5:04 AM, suev3333 said:

I love how Meri is all high and mighty about the sacred 'vows' of marriage and talking down about Christine for leaving kodouche.   If I was Christine I would have said to her ,                "excuse me??! Wtf    

If I were Christine, I would post the picture of Meri with the banana.  

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I apologize if this has been addressed. But how does Janelle get electricity for the RV? I get the huge water tank and the propane for heating and hot water and the service that comes to pump out the waste tank but electricity?

Also from what was said on Sunday it sounds like they cannot legally subdivide the property and begin building until the mortgage on the land has been paid off.  So all of this talk about who has what lots is just nonsense. I think they all own one large plot of land and until this is paid off they will never own individual lots and cannot build. When did they purchase this 3 or 4 years ago? And nothing has been done.  What a dumb way to blow through a ton of money.  And now Janelle buying an expensive RV to park on this property and dream about greenhouses and a pond is even more pathetic. 

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4 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I apologize if this has been addressed. But how does Janelle get electricity for the RV? I get the huge water tank and the propane for heating and hot water and the service that comes to pump out the waste tank but electricity?

Also from what was said on Sunday it sounds like they cannot legally subdivide the property and begin building until the mortgage on the land has been paid off.  So all of this talk about who has what lots is just nonsense. I think they all own one large plot of land and until this is paid off they will never own individual lots and cannot build. When did they purchase this 3 or 4 years ago? And nothing has been done.  What a dumb way to blow through a ton of money.  And now Janelle buying an expensive RV to park on this property and dream about greenhouses and a pond is even more pathetic. 

Answering in small talk thread.

From what Janelle said I got the feeling that she bought the "Buckingham Palace" of RV's

I don't understand why she thought buying a hugely expensive RV would be a good idea, she said she wanted something she could live in for 6 months while she builds a small home and Kody went even further and said all Janelle needed was a Casita... did he mean while she builds or did he mean all she needs is a casita to live in as her home?

Why on earth did Janelle buy a gigantic RV that sleeps 10 if it was just for her and Savanah to live in temporarily while she builds?

The Brown's are approaching retirement age yet they throw money around like it grows on trees.

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I wonder what Kody would do if Christine joined another polygamous family— not that she would, or should— but could you imagine Kody’s head exploding and ramen-noodle confetti everywhere? In other words, she’d be leaving Kody not because she doesn’t like polygamy, but because she doesn’t like polygamy with Kody. 
Also, I think when Christine realized that Kody was never going to want an intimate marriage with her again, it meant more than sex. She lamented that there was no physical closeness, not even hand-holding. I suspect that it also meant no outings together or intimate conversations other than the kids or finances.

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8 hours ago, BAForever said:

Haven't watched, but will and have read all comments. Christine is a new (and improved) woman. So proud of her. When I was younger, I never got why abused woman stayed in bad relationships. Of course I get it now as an adult- much easier said than done. Christine and Meri have been emotionally abused for years, while Janelle is simply ignored. Christine leaving is a victory. Too hard to predict if Janelle will follow, hope she does. Meri too. Living awesome lives surrounded by friends and children is the revenge Kody deserves. Have fun stuck in your McMansion with Robyn and your children. 

Oh this dynamic is going to change!! Without Christine to heap shame  scorn and abuse on, Janelle jetting off in her trailer and Meri being told to go live in B&B ( next episode?). Robyn and her spawn will bear the brunt of the Patriarch. Oh my hell! 

I'd love to be a fly on their walls!

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17 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Christine did get in one zinger though. When Janelle, of all people, stated concern about Truly losing the closeness she had with King Sol and Arianna by moving, Christine said that Truly will be with the people she is closest to and love her the most and rattled off the names of all the family she had living in Utah. Loved it!

I am so glad that Christine shot that down.  Sure, Truly might enjoy hanging out with Sol and Ari, but since Kody's Covid-Nineteen Protoculls, how often was she even allowed to do that?  My guess is that she'd rarely seen Sol and Ari in the past two years.  So who is Truly closest to?  Her siblings, of course.  And I am thrilled that Christine calmly pointed that out.

I was actually pissed at Janelle for saying that to Christine in the first place - to me, it was Janelle's way of bowing down to Robyn yet again (I think these women are so used to curtseying to the Queen that they don't even realize they're doing it sometimes) and by doing so, showing deference to Kody as well.  Truly is going to be closest to the people who she saw all the time, the people that love her unconditionally - her siblings.  I'm sure Sol and Ari also love Truly but Robyn always made sure that no one got too close to her kids...that way, she's got them trapped in her little cliquey bubble, and she can tell Kody how sad her kids are that they aren't closer to their step-siblings when that was her plan all along, giving Kody yet another reason to dislike his bonus kids, making him spend more time with Robyn and her kids.

Maybe I'm giving Robyn too much credit, but I don't think I am - I really think she's that devious, that calculated, that manipulative.  I wouldn't put it past her to tell Sol and Ari that Truly would love to come over and play with them but Truly's mommy is very bad and isn't following daddy's rules, so she can't.  All of Robyn's kids are going to need lots and lots of therapy one day.

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10 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Maybe I'm giving Robyn too much credit, but I don't think I am - I really think she's that devious, that calculated, that manipulative.  I wouldn't put it past her to tell Sol and Ari that Truly would love to come over and play with them but Truly's mommy is very bad and isn't following daddy's rules, so she can't.  All of Robyn's kids are going to need lots and lots of therapy one day.

IIRC, Robyn pretty much said this to her kids around the holidays. Last season, one of the older girls was crying because Janelle and Christine's families picked breaking the Kovid rules over spending Thanksgiving together. 

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I think Robyn realizes that Kody is about to start looking for a VERY submissive young woman to replace Christine and re-establish the patriarchy he believes he's entitled to. Janelle and Meri will be the absent wives, out to pasture having served their purpose, rotating in occasionally for the show and holidays, and it'll be Robyn and the new chick competing for who can prop him up best in hopes of scraps of attention.


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On 10/3/2022 at 10:54 AM, applewood said:

I don't know why Kody thought that Christine was going to Utah b/c she has a boyfriend there. She had just explained that her parents live there as well as Aspyn and Mitch and Mykelti and Tony. And as she said, if Kody spend 3 out of 800 days with Truely in Flagstaff, why the heck would he want joint custody now? His ego I assume.

That, and because he's an imbecile.

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Why did Kody even bother channeling his inner Joe Darger, thumping his chest and declaring that going forward the family was going to exist under his patriarchy?  What was the point?  Christine is out, she doesn't care,  Meri is nothing more than a nasty rash on Kody's left butt cheek that he can't get rid of, so it doesn't apply to her.  Kody has to know that it's not going to fly for Janelle, and he thinks he's already got Robyn under his control (it's actually the other way around, but such are Robyn's powers that Kody doesn't know it).  Who is he going to rule over?  His hair?  His guns?  His reflection in the mirror?  It's like he's shouting from the dirt mound on Coyote Pass proclaiming his kingship over a land full of tumbleweeds.  No one cares, idiot.

Edited by laurakaye
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5 hours ago, kassa said:

I think Robyn realizes that Kody is about to start looking for a VERY submissive young woman to replace Christine and re-establish the patriarchy he believes he's entitled to. Janelle and Meri will be the absent wives, out to pasture having served their purpose, rotating in occasionally for the show and holidays, and it'll be Robyn and the new chick competing for who can prop him up best in hopes of scraps of attention.


Honestly I know Kody doesn't love Meri.  But I bet he wishes he didn't have another 12 years of supporting kids and a wife.  But With both Kody and Meri's businesses, they would rarely see each other and have a large house to have by themselves.  I think he would have done better with one wife and Meri with one husband.  They would be what I consider comfortable, provided he didn't have any other children.

No I think he is done with polygamy and doesn't want to add any more. wives.  But could see him doing it if it would get them more seasons.

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