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S17.E14: Look Up, Child

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6 minutes ago, sarkygal said:

So is this show finally ending? I know Meredith came back to life, but all the cameos make me think EP is done and I can't imagine Shonda letting Jesse leave unless this is the final season. Can it be all over please?

It did seem pretty definite that Jackson is going to Boston. I can't see him changing his mind, based on what we saw tonight, and now that April and Harriet are going with him, well... 

  • Love 5

So when Sarah Drew left, they went to all that trouble to give her a happy ending with Matthew and now they just un-did it? I guess they want to say she and Jackson are going to get back together offscreen, but Jackson and April were a disaster as a couple. Why would they work now when they never could before? They kind of did the same thing when Arizona left and they talked about how Callie had split with that woman she was in love with.

It was really nice seeing April again though. Sarah Drew was able to slip right back into character.

Is Jackson leaving the show? I don't totally get why he needs to move to run the foundation, but good for him for wanting to make a difference.

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1 minute ago, JeanJean said:

I am sooooo happy Jackson and April are getting back together. The show can end now.

It really does feel like the show is ending and they are winding down storylines. MerDer got their actual wedding on the beach, Slexie got their happy ever after in the afterlife and now there is the implication that Japril will end up together once they settle in Boston. Amelia is happy with Link. Maggie is with Winston. Ben/Bailey are together. What else is there to settle except who is going to run the plastics department now?

  • Love 14

It was nice seeing Sarah Drew again. Marrying April and Matthew was a bad idea, but I still don't like that they undid it so April and Jackson can potentially get back together offscreen.

Jesse Williams has had one foot out the door for a long time so I'm not surprised that he's leaving. I do think Grey's will get one more season but after the returns and exits this season it will feel anticlimactic.

Edited by Evie
  • Love 16

I definitely had a feeling that Jesse Williams was leaving.  I kind of thought he'd last until the season finale, but we're already into May, so I guess it's closer than I thought.  I'll miss him, but like Richard said, he's probably open to a guest appearance here and there.

Catherine splits her time between two places, Boston and Seattle.  She definitely doesn't live in Seattle full time, but she probably will now that she doesn't have to run the foundation from Boston.  I think it was said above - why can't either of them just run it from Seattle full time?  But, we need an exit strategy, so there we go.

Honestly, he didn't need to get back together with April to be able to leave.  I completely understand wanting to be with his daughter, but... well, whatever.  That was complete fan service, IMO.  

Edited by FnkyChkn34
fixed typo - added "miss"
  • Love 8

Debbie Allen did a great job of directing this bottle episode. I’m glad that Eric Roberts reprised his role as Robert Avery. He did a great job delivering predictable lines, but imbuing them with warmth and sensitivity. Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams were both excellent in picking up from the last time we’ve seen them. April is a little less shrill than what she was when Japril were a couple. 

On the other hand I didn’t like Chekhov’s meat slicer, nor the deus ex machina of April and Matthew’s split. (Yes, I’m a theatre person.). Both Jackson’s injury and April’s revelation were predictable. 

I get that the insinuation of a Japril endgame is in service to their shippers, but they were never a good married couple. I liked the actors’ chemistry, but not the pairing. 

good luck to Jesse Williams! 

  • Love 6

I knew April and Matthew were broken up because his daughter wasn't at the house. If Matthew had just been working, April would have been taking care of both kids.

1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Catherine splits her time between two places, Boston and Seattle.  She definitely doesn't live in Seattle full time, but she probably will now that she doesn't have to run the foundation from Boston.

That was my immediate thought when Jackson announced his intention to run the foundation full-time. I find Katherine extremely annoying and now there's going to be more of her. I hope she makes good use of her private jet and takes frequent visits to Boston to spend time with Jackson and Harriett.

1 hour ago, kurtz said:

On the other hand I didn’t like Chekhov’s meat slicer

What was even the point? We saw him at April's with a bandaged hand but otherwise fine, so there was never the suspense that he would injure himself so seriously that he wouldn't be able to operate again. And if he's going to solve healthcare inequality in America, he'll be too busy to operate anyway.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

That was my immediate thought when Jackson announced his intention to run the foundation full-time. I find Katherine extremely annoying and now there's going to be more of her. I hope she makes good use of her private jet and takes frequent visits to Boston to spend time with Jackson and Harriett.

And my thought was, if Jackson is leaving Seattle and the hospital, who is going to take his position on the board? It cracks me up that with everybody either dying or moving away, the only one from the plane crash that actually has a seat on the board is Meredith. (Cristina's seat/shares went to Alex which went to Jo, and I don't even know what happened to Arizona and/or Callie's shares.)

I could easily see Catherine following Jackson to Boston, honestly. There's nothing tying her to Seattle, is there? Richard would be a harder sell to move because he does have people (Meredith and the kids, but also Maggie) and things (the hospital) tying him to Seattle.

  • Love 1

My thought after the episode was over was: I can finally let japril go. I hadn’t really been able to. Been bitter and resentful all this time. Now I have closure. Not exactly the kind I wanted but the best I was gonna get given the circumstances. 

Sarah Drew was amazing! Just slipped right back in as April Kepner like she never left. 

This episode gave me so much of what I always wanted: real self reflection from Jackson. Jackson asking the big questions. Conversations between Jackson and April that showed they actually really knew each other. So much of their time was spent just not talking or just barely saying what needed to be said or double speaking. It was frustrating and the only thing that ever saved it was Jesse and Sarah’s chemistry. 

Not surprised about Matthew and April splitting up. The reasons she gave were the exact reasons fans gave at the time for why Matthew would never go for April a second time but Krista wanted to be a jerk and rewrite history.

Jackson’s dream of what he can do on the board is beautiful and I love that he’s accepting what was always destined to be but on his terms and in a way that fits his own ideals. 

The glimpses into the family unit they can truly be and what I’m going to believe they will become was beautiful. 

y’all don’t know the energy spent being a fan of them. This is the first I felt like I can finally put them away. Really let them go. Have some closure and feel good about it. 

It’s been a wild ride and for a time a really devastating one. But in the end it was alright :) 

  • Love 22

Random thought: Who in their right mind, with a 3 year old, has that many candles????  

Like many others, I loved Sarah Drew being back.  I don't know if I have missed April, or just the characters that were around with April (Callie, Arizona etc).  

Jackson has seemed to be a filler character for a while now, he hasn't had a big storyline and was thrown together with Jo.  I wonder how the Jo storyline will go now as it seems Jackson is heading to Boston?  I do like Japril, when they communicate.  When they don't communicate, and they fight, it is awful.  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

It really does feel like the show is ending and they are winding down storylines. MerDer got their actual wedding on the beach, Slexie got their happy ever after in the afterlife and now there is the implication that Japril will end up together once they settle in Boston. Amelia is happy with Link. Maggie is with Winston. Ben/Bailey are together. What else is there to settle except who is going to run the plastics department now?

I agree but I also think they'll give Grey's a finale season since it's been on the air nearly 20 years, not a suddenly announced finale in a few weeks. Maybe they could do 10-13 eps?

 I suppose the only big guest star to get back would be Sandra Oh to reaffirm Cris and Mer forever but all the other relationships (including between dead people!) seem tied up and cast are exiting. Unless potential Mer/Hayes or Jo/Hayes are supposed to be interesting. 

I liked April listing all the reasons that rushed marriage to Matthew was such a terrible idea straight out of fan complaints. 

  • Love 12

Jess Williams has looked bored for years so not surprised at all by this news. As a popular character who could at least in engage in sexy shenanigans im surprised they didn’t want to keep him until a potential final season but I assume Jesse himself wanted out. 

Im on the fence about Japril the reunion. I liked them at the beginning but I hated them by the end. They were so bad for each other. April had her moments but he was such a sleaze in her final season where he hated her and adored Maggie. I know the Mathew marriage only happened in the hope they fans would somehow not resent Jaggie but I still am kind of annoyed that she was there ready to take him back now that he’s gotten Maggie, Vic, Jo etc out of his system.

It’s hilarious how after pummelling all the main couples on this show they’ve had them reunite offscreen in a lackluster reunions.

So who are we left with for a potential final season. Owen and Teddy going lather, rinse and repeat. The worlds dullest Irish doctor will date either Mer or Jo. Glasses?! 

Yay they’ve outlasted all other medical dramas on the air - go them. They’ve really killed all that was good about the show in the process though...

Edited by Avabelle
  • Love 9

The writing and direction of this episode felt very much like a drama 101 assignment where you have to write a one act play for two people. Chekov's meat slicer did not disappoint. I thought maybe Jackson would cut himself so badly that he couldn't be a surgeon anymore but it turned out just be a boo boo for his daddy to fix for him.

I never liked April and Jackson together so watching them rehash their issues was not my idea of fun.

If Jackson decided that he wants to run the foundation now, great. He has the ability to quit his job and go into the family business without worrying about how he will pay for his rent or his child's college education. Good for him. Go chase your dreams or whatever. But that doesn't mean he should expect his ex, her new husband, and two kids to pack up their lives and move to the other side of the country just because he thinks that what he wants to do is important. Didn't anyone tell him that only Meredith is the sun?

I mean, seriously, it was really selfish of him to ask April to do that to her family. And she was well within her rights to point out that he has been dragged kicking and screaming into any foundation or family related stuff until now, so she was right to be skeptical that this is something he wants to commit the rest of his life to.

And why does he need to move to Boston to do this? If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that most in person meetings don't actually need to be in person. It's called Skype, zoom, Facetime, emails, etc. He could open a satellite office of the foundation in Seattle and then fly to Boston once a month for anything he needs to do in person. And it's not like running the foundation is a one person job. There are already staff members in place who can take care of a lot of things so that he doesn't have to physically be in Boston 24/7.  Catherine has been flying back and forth between Seattle and Boston for years so I don't know why Jackson thinks he has to move to take over her position.

I'm fine with Jackson leaving. The only other thing I remember him doing this season was hooking up with Jo so it's not like he has any big storylines that need to be wrapped up.

If this were real life, I'd be bracing myself to hear Bailey complain about having to replace yet another surgeon during a pandemic. Show-wise, I wonder if they will bring in a new plastics character or just never mention any type of plastic surgery again. Now that I think about it, Mark and Jackson were both in their positions for a really long time. Has there been a department at Grey Sloan with less turnover?

16 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

On a side note I have a friend whose daughter is an actress and recently starred in a Lifetime movie with Eric Roberts.  She said he was very nice and can't remember his lines so his lines are always written somewhere behind the head of the actor he is speaking to.  

Someone who worked on Moonlighting (which was notorious for last minute rewrites and not having the scripts ready until shooting began) said that sometimes Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd would put their lines on the dashboard (facing towards them so they weren't visible to the camera) during the car scenes. Do what you gotta do to get those scenes filmed!

  • Love 10

A foundation of that magnitude would have deep civic roots. Its President would be a major figure in Boston social, cultural, political, charitable and economic life. Jackson needs to be present as the city re-opens to show his commitment, and to make the connections he'll need in order to undertake what he has in mind. He'll want to share a community with his major donors, working partners and senior staff.   

Also, Boston (aka, Seattle East) is likely his hometown. With its franchise, the Grey's Sox.

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I was never a huge fan of Jackson, nor of Japril, but I think because I hate 80% of the current cast SO much, seeing Japril together and Jackson on his revelation was a refreshing change. I've thought for the last couple of seasons that Jesse Williams was ready to move on. His career is far beyond Grey's now, so I was waiting for him to finally leave the show, and I guess that's now! I'm ok with it!

Nonetheless, it was a decent episode, way better than the Teddy standalone dream episode. Now, Jackson's scenes with his father were painfully dull but Jesse and Eric Roberts work well together and both are strong enough actors to TRY to salvage the writing and shitty green screen.

The biggest issue I had with Jackson/April's scenes was that Jackson was, once again, steamrolling someone else to get what HE wanted. No, Jackson, April marrying Matthew is not quite the same as you asking April to uproot her entire life. Yes, it's a different tough situation in that April was introducing another parent in Harriet's life (and now we see that it didn't work out). But you're asking April to drop everything in her life and both across the country for YOU and your whims. I can't blame her for questioning that. 

April and Matthew separating wasn't a surprise. It was a dumb way to write April off the show to begin with. Matthew deserved better than to crawl back to the woman who left him at the altar without so much as a look back. And April deserved better than to be put back together with the man she hurt just to give her an exit story. 

It was nice for the show to actually show Harriet as an actual 3 year old and her getting SOME speaking lines. She's super adorable. I'm fine with them basically putting Jackson and April back together because the actors clearly love each other and their characters and it seemed like a nice farewell to Jackson AND April. And it makes more sense than the shit they gave Alex/Jo and Alex/Izzie, with the split of Alex/Jo so he can crawl back to Izzie. The Japril scenes worked for me because it's clear the actors loved getting to work with each other again. 

Catherine being on board with Jackson moving to Boston was weird. Yes, she's wanted him to take over the foundation, but her being so giddy and not having ANY questions is out of character. There'd be some scowls and some questions and some "JACKSON, GET IN THIS HOUSE SO WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS."

I'm fine with Jackson feeling like he needs to move to Boston because I know it's just an excuse for Jesse Williams' exit. 

  • Love 19

I wish I could show you guys all the text messages I got from people this episode saying it was awful.  I didn’t find it awful I found it mediocre like the rest of the season.  I too am not surprised April and Matthew broke up.  I always thought that was a pretty large hurdle to overcome someone leaving you at the altar in front of your friends and family.  I also found the plot of Avery questioning whether he can run the foundation valid.  I think in the context of the entire season though it’s just lackluster.

I think a couple of things have been clear Ellen Pompeo must’ve told Grey’s that she wasn’t willing to be in scenes unless they were a limited number of people due to Covid.  Hence all the beach scenes.


Since Shonda left the show its gone severely downhill.  I think we’ve all had our gripes over the years with Grey’s.  But for the most part with an episode here or there it was consistently worth watching.  I think Disney is finally seeing that it takes a gift to keep a show going this long and actually have it be worth seeing.  It’s unfortunate her value was realized after she left. 

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I really liked this episode, personally. I tend to like the bottle episodes (not all, but most) because of their concentrated focus on a few people instead of the bloated cast.  As others have said, Sarah Drew slipped right back into character as April as though she had never left.  That continuous nervous chatter as soon as Jackson arrived was totally in character.  I like it that Jackson and April had this long talk after all of this time.  It felt like some closure happened there.  Those two have noteworthy chemistry, which makes them enjoyable for me to watch. 

This, to me, is how the show should have managed some of the other departures instead of killing people off so we can't see them again except in hallucinations or the afterlife. Move them off screen. There was speculation that the showrunners didn't kill off April because they didn't want to alienate fans. It worked very well to have her still living in Seattle. 

  • Love 13

Kind of boring. 

what I liked was I did not know that Jesse was leaving the show. I like watching a departure episode or departure set up episode without knowing the actor is quitting. Makes it a little less obvious what the ending was.

I did find myself going "why do you have to run a foundation from Boston?" Still doesn't make sense besides the need to write him off.

I never liked Matthew so glad they split. And as bad as Japril were, I was glad they could go to Boston together with the possibility of rebuilding their family as opposed to this weird 3 some move.

I was not a Japril fan when it started. I preferred them as brother/sister type friends. But once the show had them marry etc. I was ok to go along with it and breaking them up was sad to me. 

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I knew April and Matthew were broken up because his daughter wasn't at the house. If Matthew had just been working, April would have been taking care of both kids.

April said at the beginning that Matthew had taken Ruby to visit his family back easy. Which was true, it was just a permanent visit.

9 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

If Jackson decided that he wants to run the foundation now, great. He has the ability to quit his job and go into the family business without worrying about how he will pay for his rent or his child's college education. Good for him. Go chase your dreams or whatever. But that doesn't mean he should expect his ex, her new husband, and two kids to pack up their lives and move to the other side of the country just because he thinks that what he wants to do is important. Didn't anyone tell him that only Meredith is the sun?

I mean, seriously, it was really selfish of him to ask April to do that to her family. And she was well within her rights to point out that he has been dragged kicking and screaming into any foundation or family related stuff until now, so she was right to be skeptical that this is something he wants to commit the rest of his life to.

I agree it was a ridiculous request. Then he had the nerve to say he supported April because he went to her wedding and didn't criticize her marriage to Matthew. That may be true, but he didn't quit his job and move across the country to support her marriage to Matthew. He spent a couple hours at a wedding then went back to his life.

I totally get why he would want April to move to Boston with Harriet, but expecting it was insane.

  • Love 6

Upon reflection, I can see why Jackson went to see his father to see who he was really like, his father or his mother. Still a huge jump to deciding to take over the Foundation from his mother when he's resented the expectations all his life.

What spoiled a possible Japril reunion for me is that Jackson is still awful at the end of his relationships. He was terrible to April when he was with Maggie, and he was awful to Maggie when he was with Vic. It seems like he's still the same, expecting April and Mathew to leave their lives in Seattle to follow him because it's more convenient for him. It takes more than moving to Boston to change a leopard's spots.

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

he had the nerve to say he supported April because he went to her wedding and didn't criticize her marriage to Matthew. That may be true, but he didn't quit his job and move across the country to support her marriage to Matthew. He spent a couple hours at a wedding then went back to his life.

Exactly! It's easy to claim you were supportive when it didn't really change anything in your life. April marrying Matthew didn't create upheaval in Jackson's day to day routine. He still had the same job at the same hospital in the same city where he knew lots of people and had a support system. He still had shared custody with his daughter on the same days and they kept doing pick ups and drop offs at his house. In other words, nothing changed for him. Apparently he thinks that "supportive" means "didn't throw a fit because his ex was marrying someone else."

But the support he wanted from April was for her to quit her job, ask her husband to do the same, move across the country to a city where they have no friends or family, and work for him (which would effectively put her entire family under his thumb since he was giving them jobs). That is NOT the same and it was infuriating that Jackson was acting like April was not being supportive just because she didn't want to drop everything and move 3000 miles so that he could see his daughter half of the evenings and weekends that he wasn't at work. What if April had decided that she wanted to move to Australia? Would Jackson have given up his life in Seattle to accommodate her choice and be "supportive"?

  • Love 15

Can this show just end now. It’s getting so stupid at this point. 

Jackson was kind of rude making fun of his dads medium life as he say.

I would say I hate episodes like with just a few cast members but I hate most of the rest of the cast so this was alright.

Nice exit for Jackson tho I did like him as a character. I always liked Jackson and April together too and was mad at what the show did to them. Putting April with Matthew one last time was stupid.

But again this show needs to end. I just want a good series finale.

  • Love 6

I'm assuming they're doing these smaller, character driven episodes like the one with Teddy and now this one because of Covid. And while I like Jackson marginally better than Teddy I'm still not all that interested in a stand-alone Jackson episode. Plus I was never so glad as to see the back of April so she's about the last returnee I wanted to see. Get back to the damn hospital already.

  • Love 2
On 5/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, Crashcourse said:

I'm glad Jackson just cut his fucking hand.  Yammering on and on to his father and not paying attention while operating a meat slicer.  Idiot.

Please.  He would have had a much worse cut from a meat slicer.  I know.

On 5/6/2021 at 11:12 PM, Evie said:

Jesse Williams has had one foot out the door for a long time so I'm not surprised that he's leaving. I do think Grey's will get one more season but after the returns and exits this season it will feel anticlimactic.


On 5/7/2021 at 2:38 AM, LittlePeas3 said:

Jackson has seemed to be a filler character for a while now, he hasn't had a big storyline and was thrown together with Jo.  I wonder how the Jo storyline will go now as it seems Jackson is heading to Boston?  I do like Japril, when they communicate.  When they don't communicate, and they fight, it is awful.  


On 5/7/2021 at 3:26 AM, Avabelle said:

Jess Williams has looked bored for years so not surprised at all by this news. As a popular character who could at least in engage in sexy shenanigans im surprised they didn’t want to keep him until a potential final season but I assume Jesse himself wanted out. 

He's been phoning it in for a while.   He's been over this show and probably just stayed because of a contract.  Soon as it was up, he was out.  And I won't miss him.

On 5/7/2021 at 9:01 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

But that doesn't mean he should expect his ex, her new husband, and two kids to pack up their lives and move to the other side of the country just because he thinks that what he wants to do is important. Didn't anyone tell him that only Meredith is the sun?

I mean, seriously, it was really selfish of him to ask April to do that to her family. And she was well within her rights to point out that he has been dragged kicking and screaming into any foundation or family related stuff until now, so she was right to be skeptical that this is something he wants to commit the rest of his life to.

Yes!  How arrogant do you have to be to ask your ex-wife, her husband and her step-child to move across the country because you don't want to give up your daughter?  YOU made the decision to move, you can't expect them to do it too.  He didn't know that they had split up, but expecting your ex-wife's husband, who you humiliated, who you barely talk to, to give up his job because you want to go save the world?  Pfft.

19 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I was not a Japril fan when it started. I preferred them as brother/sister type friends. 

I hated them together.  I hated it from the beginning and I still hate it because you know there's gonna be a throwaway line in a few episodes "OMG, did you hear that Jackson and April got married again!!"  They were so  much better as friends.

12 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

. What if April had decided that she wanted to move to Australia? Would Jackson have given up his life in Seattle to accommodate her choice and be "supportive"?

Hell no.  Jackson would have fought tooth and nail with all his family's money to keep her from moving.


I was spoiled that he was leaving, but not surprised at all.  And truly, don't care.  I hope this isn't the last season, that we can get one more season sans COVID, even if it's a short one, with a true finale.


ETA:  Power is out, your electronic ignition on the stove isn't going to work.  Just sayin'...

Edited by madmax
  • Love 9

So in all this time, not once did Jackson ever go to April's house to pick up his kid? She always had to bring her to his house or the hospital?

(Side note, I love Harriet's curls. She's too cute.)

14 hours ago, Amazee-Dayzee said:

Just about to watch the episode. Can somebody very quickly tell me if Jackson and Robert patched things up and are at least civil with each other?

Relatively civil? Jackson had his moments but was being a petulant kid a lot of the time, too. Then he cuts his hand and Robert literally helps patch him up, so there's that. Robert was just kind of calm and rolling with it. Must be that slower Montana woods life.

35 minutes ago, Anela said:

I like April, and I like Sarah drew.  I’ve just finished the episode, and I didn’t have the impression that they got back together. She agreed to move, for the father of her little girl, and a good job opportunity. 

But it leaves it open for them to get back together since we learn she and Matthew split up. Throwing a bone to the A/J shippers, more than anything, I think.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, madmax said:

ETA:  Power is out, your electronic ignition on the stove isn't going to work.  Just sayin'..

Depends how old it is. The last time I had a gas stove it was fine so long as the pilot light hadn't gone out. (However, when the downstairs neighbors didn't pay the shared gas bill - in Vermont, in winter - no heat, no hot water, no stove. They did this twice! Both times the gas went out before a weekend (once, a long weekend) and nothing could be done until the power company was open again on Monday or Tuesday. The neighbors let me take a shower while I sorted it out. The jerks downstairs had an electric stove.) 

35 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

You still have to light the burner itself with a match or lighter, I think. My dad had an old stove and I could swear we always had to light it ourselves.

My original stove didn't have electronic ignition, so no worries there.  But this one, and the one in the show, do have it.  You could hear the distinct ticking sound as the burner lit.

6 minutes ago, madmax said:

My original stove didn't have electronic ignition, so no worries there.  But this one, and the one in the show, do have it.  You could hear the distinct ticking sound as the burner lit.

Yes, and my point being that I agree with you that you can’t use a gas stove to light candles without first lighting the stove too. It was dumb, I guess the writers have never been in a power outage. Or they all have electric stoves.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, kariyaki said:

You still have to light the burner itself with a match or lighter, I think. My dad had an old stove and I could swear we always had to light it ourselves.

We have hot plates that work that way. They used to light automatically, but for years, we've had to use something to light them, once we've turned the knob, to switch it on. 

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