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S04.E13: The Pleasure Principle

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I hate that little smug, self-satisfied smile that was on Geoffrey's face in the "next time" scenes. This is why Varya should not have gone to the U.S. Geoffrey just wants two women fighting over his criminal a__.

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On 5/16/2020 at 1:57 PM, aimlessbird said:

Ed has been kind of quiet online for the last few days.  I think that he expected to become at the very least a celebrity because of this show.  The negativity and backlash he is now experiencing surprised him.  He thought the audience would find him charming and quirky but instead the audience is seeing him as manipulative and creepy.


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16 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Am afraid [Lisa] will let her looks go as She settles into married life with [Usman]...


"Will" let her looks go???

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22 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

And to think I was on Team Varya until tonight. Psycho Stalker Russian DJ, anyone?

Yup, she gets what she deserves. Moron.


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17 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Tom and TLC...why are you in any segments without Darcy?

No one is interested in your happiness, your gf in Toronto, your fat ass and stretched skin squeezed into jeggings and sporting your juvenile sneaks.
Get off our teevee...take Ye Olde Smugness with you.
We ride with Darcy...for better and always worse....forever with Darcy...she’s her own worst enemy.

Darcy could ride off a cliff for all I care (not literally) she's just as useless as he is. Neither one of them needed to be here and the fact that she gets paid well to show up and fabricate a non plotline is laughable to me.

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3 hours ago, kendi said:


I'm so disappointed in TLC, having Varya travel to see Geoffrey


All season I thought there was something “off” about Varya. Now I think she’s straight up crazy! Hearing her argue with Mary in the previews, she appears to be unhinged and possibly violent. A Russian bunny boiler! And here we thought Geoffrey was the dangerous one!  

And Geoffrey’s mangy guard dogs were useless. 

Edited by magemaud
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You all have said it all so all I want to say is David, Steven Segal wants his long black leather coat back as its identical to the one he wears, these days in his movies, to hide his girth. Lol

Edited by lasandi
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49 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

And to think I was on Team Varya until tonight. Psycho Stalker Russian DJ, anyone?

I smell producer shenanigans at play.  

This behavior doesn't fall in line with anything we've seen from varya this season.  She has been very immune to Geoffrey's mind games.  

Now suddenly she is on a plane to Knoxville?  When did she apply for her tourist visa?  Wouldn't that have taken a while to clear?  How did she get his address?  They communicate online and the phone?  How did she randomly pick a time when sour faced Mary was there? 

I think that even if varya regretted her decision, she seems like the sort who has enough pride to stay home if Geoffrey hasn't been responding to her.  If for no other reason than not to get rejected. 

Like all the problems with Geoffrey have magically melted away?  

Her weird insistence that he was going to propose and she was going to get him back just reeks of a producer telling her all that and hyping her up.  

I'm super disappointed she fell for it.  

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8 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Stephanie continues to be the consummate victim and is able to make herself the wronged party at every turn.  Erika sacrificed for you because she told everyone about the relationship?  Well what about poor Stephanie who will suffer in silence and HAS AN ILLNESS. 

Wait, what? You're kidding! I never knew Stephanie had an illness - you'd think someone would have mentioned it before. Next thing you'll tell me is that Ronald of Tiffany and Ronald has a gambling addiction, like, pfft sure whatever. I'll believe it when Tiffany repeats it every five minutes I see it.


1 minute ago, Dobian said:

Ratings for Tom's segment: 47 viewers

I bet the ratings for Tom's segment went up in the second airing because everyone had to tune it to see that ridiculously young 20s cool dude outfit: skinny pants, trendy sneakers, and a gaudy sparkly Bedazzled skull on the back of his button-down. What even was that? I pointed out the skull to the husband when he was packing and all you could see was the reflection in the closet doors and we both burst out laughing when he turned in the airport so that we could see the whole Diamond painting/Ed Hardy mash-up in full glory. Tom, dude, I hope you kept the tags on that thing so you can get a refund. Yeesh. 

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You can tell williams is not really English. English-speaking people would not say Williams was their name,they would say William.

 Somebody said they thought TLC hired Lana to show up. And I believe it, because she sure didn't look into it.

Edited by antfitz
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Stephanie asked Erika to drive three hours so they could spend a few minutes sitting in uncomfortable silence, broken up by yet another of Stephanie's lame-ass apologies? I hope Erika had something fun with her friends planned for later.

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Good grief! David and Lana have as scintillating conversation in person as online. MMM. OH! MMM! WOW. Obviously, they know nothing at all about each other and have no idea how to converse.

I'm not buying this garbage - I think she only came in order to keep him on the hook for those expensive conversations on that dating app. She was awfully cagey about some of those producer questions. It was hilarious that she didn't like his leather coat.

Usman still needs a clue. Yes, Usman, if she argues with you daily, it's not going to be any better if you marry. I'd be mad about the girl on his phone but she's grilling him like a Nazi interrogator. And of course she waits till they are in a restaurant to pounce on him. "I play a lot harder and I always win!" 🤮 She needs a muzzle. 😷

Heaven help us, "Win a date with Jesse."

Can hardly wait for next week - Varya meets whatshername.

Bye, Tom, not interested in your next relationship in the least. Bye, Ed, don't let the door hit your backside on the way out.

Yolanda, pleeease! That guy is not in England, and anybody who sends you blackmail notices should be cut off. None of this, "He got upset when I asked him this and that, so I have to walk on eggshells not to offend him. Shoot, throw🥚 at him!



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On 5/15/2020 at 1:22 PM, MrBuhBye said:

I’m surprised that a court would email a divorce decree.  How would it know that was really Lisa on the phone and not some nosy rando?  And the Nigerian government wouldn’t want an official copy with a seal of authenticity?

Maybe they will, and Usman will dodge the bullet!

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Varya gets points for getting a hotel room and getting rest and a shower before meeting up but the whole arriving unannounced, getting only a hotel for one night assuming things will go well with Geoffrey has to be producer driven.

What woman in her right mind would make all these assumptions if it's true that they have not talked at all since he left Russia.



Edited by Leilani
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2 hours ago, renatae said:

Yolanda, pleeease! That guy is not in England, and anybody who sends you blackmail notices should be cut off. None of this, "He got upset when I asked him this and that, so I have to walk on eggshells not to offend him. Shoot, throw🥚 at him!

Her brain is as empty as her coffee cup!  What was the point of her acting like she was drinking coffee?  

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47 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

MMMMmmmmmmm ooh wow mmmmm omg David's moaning and groaning sounded like something best kept behind closed doors. Bleach my ears!!!!!!!!!!

Whoever Lana is, fake & scamming or real & aloof she is ice cold. 



We were dying laughing in the live thread about David's moaning...... *some* of us were speculating that he had to step away for a minute.......

Lana is in NO way young, impoverished, or house bound.  How will David explain this?

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17 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Darcy better be getting an agent's cut from that bag of dick's TLC contract and paycheck for delivering that ho to TLC.....

My exact thoughts! Now not 1 but TWO famewhores with (implied) penises have Darcey to thank for their FULL TIME in the US (and Canada??) acting gigs!!! They sure owe her hard cash for this. And she should at least earn for every time her name comes out of their mouths.  

They both suck.

Darcey should find true love and real good therapist.

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7 hours ago, nb360 said:

I hate that little smug, self-satisfied smile that was on Geoffrey's face in the "next time" scenes. This is why Varya should not have gone to the U.S. Geoffrey just wants two women fighting over his criminal a__.

He had that smirk on when she ran back into the airport and started crying while hugging him. What a douche.

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23 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Hope David got 100K out of that full body hug with “Lana.”

Getting lifted off her feet Poor Lana got a full whiff of his Old Man Smell with that decades out of fashion pleather duster, tucked in (fabric enough to cover his belly and be belted) Puke mustard colored shirt and His need to be dry cleaned hair piece with Hours on the airplane scalp stink.
Her years of acting online paid off as she smiled for take after take of David greeting her...

😂 🤣 That is hilarious, I actually do have tears from laughing so hard

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I'm so skeeved out by Varya's unexpected dive to the dark side, I attribute it to Geoffrey's manipulations.  But what on earth would get her on a plane, expecting to stay with him for two weeks with no notice whatsoever??  And there he is just weeks later(?) having moved on from a woman he claimed to be his soulmate.  This gutless pos deserves to be exposed for who he really is, I'm sorry for Varya getting involved to begin with.

David you're a gross fool.  Anyone with eyes can see that Lana is not who she appeared to be in those photographs.  And she isn't interested in building a life with you, she is not your girl.  When you find yourself back home, once again relegated to a pay website to speak to her, what then?  Between David and Caesar, fascinating looks at what men go through to somehow show they've still got it.  News flash:  you don't.

Edited by blubld43
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Yes, David. Lana is so shy she goes to the gym in her tight fitting outfits (not criticizing her for working out and she isn’t dressing slutty, but she doesn’t look shy), and she definitely has some money for her makeup, clothes and Botox.  She talks about him being her soulmate, but I think she was referring to his bank account.  And why did he only use the translator for one sentence?


Varya, Varya.  There is only one reason I can think of for such an about face and that is she is pregnant.  Hope I am wrong. 

Ed is already working on his narrative that Rose wasn’t his true love after all.  He is conveniently ignoring the fact that he drove her away with his lies.  

Yolanda, Yolanda, just sign the Power of Attorney over to your children as you clearly don’t have the competence to look after your own affairs.  

Ash, you can’t keep telling Avery what you think she wants to hear to avoid making her mad.  If your relationship won’t survive the truth, then it isn’t much of a relationship.   Avery, time to accept that it is not going to work.  

Tom...Canada doesn’t want you.   Take your bedazzled shirt home and reflect on the fact that you don’t just go from woman to woman, but you overlap them just to make sure you are never not in a relationship.  

Usman, the Visa isn’t worth it. It she will talk to you like that on camera, what will she do off camera?  

eta. Erika, you are too good for Stephanie.  You have a wonderful family and are the only one on this show who came out of this season looking good.   Stephanie, your YouTube channel  might get a temporary bump from being on this show, but long term, you are in trouble because your viewers now know how inauthentic your sexy image is.  

Edited by DEL901
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I have the typical 60 year old woman's haircut which has not been trimmed since March. This morning, while drying my hair, I realized my hair looks just like David's toupee! Oh the horror!


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5 hours ago, antfitz said:

 Somebody said they thought TLC hired Lana to show up. And I believe it, because she sure didn't look into it.

He honestly couldn't tell.  Too much time spent with his doll collection.

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6 hours ago, RealReality said:

I'm super annoyed with the Geoffrey varya story because I'm 99% sure this was a producer driven storyline.  Varya went from "too soon" to "I'm in Knoxville and I know your address" in the span of a couple weeks?  I'm disappointed that varya took the bait.  

Are there no men in Knoxville, why does Mary want this dud so bad?  How can she know his past and still want him?  



Totally with you. While we all know this whole show is pretty much tweaked and adjusted and not very real, this one I think is beyond. As someone else pointed out- the dogs didn't even bark at the car or at Varya. Is it THAT easy for Varya to come to the US? Financially ( a big factor- how did she just have the funds just like that) and  get the ability to book the flight and come here and book a hotel come on . I really really think the "producers" you know, her friends, probably also egged her on and for sure helped with the logistics.(and $$$). 

And yes, this Mary character who from the beginning was asking why she was not good enough for him yet knows his legal issues? Something is smelling VERY manufactured.


Oh and Mr Mayenne would not shut up every time they showed Lana he kept saying Does she look 28 to you???? I will say she looked very different in the coffee shop (much softer and prettier) than in the other scenes where she did look kind of harsh and perhaps good for 39.

6 hours ago, RealReality said:

I smell producer shenanigans at play.  

This behavior doesn't fall in line with anything we've seen from varya this season.  She has been very immune to Geoffrey's mind games.  



I think that even if varya regretted her decision, she seems like the sort who has enough pride to stay home if Geoffrey hasn't been responding to her.  If for no other reason than not to get rejected. 

Like all the problems with Geoffrey have magically melted away?  

Her weird insistence that he was going to propose and she was going to get him back just reeks of a producer telling her all that and hyping her up.  

I'm super disappointed she fell for it.  

If I knew how to multiquote I would have quoted yours as well/ Exactly!!!!! So contrived.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:



I bet the ratings for Tom's segment went up in the second airing because everyone had to tune it to see that ridiculously young 20s cool dude outfit: skinny pants, trendy sneakers, and a gaudy sparkly Bedazzled skull on the back of his button-down. What even was that? I pointed out the skull to the husband when he was packing and all you could see was the reflection in the closet doors and we both burst out laughing when he turned in the airport so that we could see the whole Diamond painting/Ed Hardy mash-up in full glory. Tom, dude, I hope you kept the tags on that thing so you can get a refund. Yeesh. 

Not only that, but imagine sitting in an airplane seat for 7 hours with the scratchy, poky sequins digging into your back.  

Varya’s visit is totally production.  In her THs, her eyes looked sad or blank when she was talking about it.  No way would she really disappoint her family like that if it was real. 

David and his sexual “mmmmmm”.  Over and over. Ugh.  Sooo gross.  

Yolanda looked skinny and ill.  If what was on her couples’ thread was real, I worry about her.  And she still thinks he’s in England. 

BGL is a huge awful abuser.  Usman probably has a little boat around her because, well, imagine it. 

Edited by Meowwww
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45 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

eta. Erika, you are too good for Stephanie.  You have a wonderful family and are the only one on this show who came out of this season looking good.  

I agree.  Can't  believe how uptight you have to be to not be able to hang with those nice friends.  I'll  be glad going forward not to see her babymouth talk anymore or hear "earicuh" anymore. 

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This I now believe:

  • Varya is an actress, and her current "role" is as a bunny boiler for TLC.  They flew her to the US, put her in a hotel for one night, paid for her to take a taxi to Geoffrey's house.  
  • Geoffrey is an actor (well, we ALL knew that; check IMDB), and his current job is to stretch out the TLC paycheck for as far as he can.
  • Mary was conned by TLC to re-start an old relationship that she was smart enough to not continue years ago.  
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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Her brain is as empty as her coffee cup!  What was the point of her acting like she was drinking coffee?  

She has no brain or personality just giraffe eyelashes, onion ring earrings, and a Baltimore drawl.

2 hours ago, blubld43 said:
3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

We were dying laughing in the live thread about David's moaning...... *some* of us were speculating that he had to step away for a minute.......

Lana is in NO way young, impoverished, or house bound.

Perhaps she is dyslexic and meant 82.

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5 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Stephanie asked Erika to drive three hours so they could spend a few minutes sitting in uncomfortable silence, broken up by yet another of Stephanie's lame-ass apologies? I hope Erika had something fun with her friends planned for later.

And then Erika had to drive three hours BACK!  So it was a SIX hour drive in total.  Six hours for a few uncomfortable minutes because STEPHANIE insisted.  Can anyone say "entitled"?

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I honestly don't understand why David had to go all the way to the Ukraine for a woman who wouldn't turn heads on any U.S.street, she looks exactly like thousands of others.  Bleached to straw hair, extensive facial tweaking, lies about her age, she's a dime a dozen.  She's Darcy, minus a few years-not many.

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1 hour ago, blubld43 said:


I'm so skeeved out by Varya's unexpected dive to the dark side,


TLC was going through the motions of distancing itself from this story by ignoring it on Pillow Talk (and presumably the Tell All) but then makes it the cliffhanger? And a cliffhanger later in the season than the Svetlana reveal?  Shameful.  Cha-Ching!

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27 minutes ago, mayvenne said:

Totally with you. While we all know this whole show is pretty much tweaked and adjusted and not very real, this one I think is beyond. As someone else pointed out- the dogs didn't even bark at the car or at Varya. Is it THAT easy for Varya to come to the US? Financially ( a big factor- how did she just have the funds just like that) and  get the ability to book the flight and come here and book a hotel come on . I really really think the "producers" you know, her friends, probably also egged her on and for sure helped with the logistics.(and $$$). 

If it is that easy for Varya to get a tourist visa, why not just arrange for her to visit in the first place? Tweaked and adjusted, for sure.

The way Geoffrey's eyes light up wth that smirk, he deserves a big dramatic slap in the face just like in the soap operas this has become. 

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

Ed is already working on his narrative that Rose wasn’t his true love after all.  He is conveniently ignoring the fact that he drove her away with his lies.  

HA HA HA!  I just woke up and I read that as "he drove her away with his flies".  I thought it made sense anyway.

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6 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I honestly don't understand why David had to go all the way to the Ukraine for a woman who wouldn't turn heads on any U.S.street, she looks exactly like thousands of others.  Bleached to straw hair, extensive facial tweaking, lies about her age, she's a dime a dozen.  She's Darcy, minus a few years-not many.

But she has a "Natasha accent" - if she ever spoke a word of English.

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39 minutes ago, Meowwww said:
7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Not only that, but imagine sitting in an airplane seat for 7 hours with the scratchy, poky sequins digging into your back.

For the last few weeks they have been editing spoilerish stuff out of the first hour sneak peek but this week they took out Tom’s chat with the guy who looks like a janitor and has a child’s understanding of karma.  Perhaps he obtained it listening to Ratt’s Round and Round.  Oh his name was Hammy which coincidentally describes our poor man’s James Bond.  More like Austin Powers.  Hammy did get in a good burn in predicting Tom may end up alone at 50 since Tom threw similar shit at Darcey.

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Editors Replaying the sound loop of David’s sex noises Is Nauseating.

David’s climaxing orgasmic moaning has now and forever ruined the Mmm! Mmm! Good! Campbell Soup commercials....

YoLa  has both hands...10 fingers and her 10 toes firmly Latched on and pulling hard on TLC’s teats, milking as many paychecks as possible.

Her eye blinking, empty headed, confused, dizzy, head injury addled, Willing and purposefully stupid and ignorant, in full faux denial that she hasn’t been talking to a male model who is so very interested in being with her in life as a Post menopausal mother of 6 kids making a living selling  junk yard finds....
Props to the disembodied voice “Williams” that has been listening for 7 months to her nonsensical ramblings and begging for compliments when she sent pictures of her stretched out and worn out “lady bits and bobs” when he asked.

No wondered Williams feigns sleepiness and fatigue when she calls..he Is actually wanting to throw himself in front of a Nigerian train to end his misery of listening to her yammer on and on...day after day...
If YoLa can’t Do a simple reverse image search then applying for a passport and paying the close to $150 in fees is out of her tech reach...

Her hair dresser should have her license revoked for Giving YoLa such an unflattering hairdo for her teevee Head shots....accentuating her bald spot was just mean.

Edited by humbleopinion
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11 hours ago, Kangatush said:

She could have the body of a supermodel and sure, she'd get a man, but then she'd speak and quickly lose that man.

I think Lisa and Geoffrey would be perfect together!!   They could compete as to who would be the most abusive. I bet she would win.

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10 hours ago, nb360 said:

I hate that little smug, self-satisfied smile that was on Geoffrey's face in the "next time" scenes.

No, it is “that look”  when a guy gets rock hard thinking about sexploits to come...(pun intended)

Varya servicing his left Tittitoo and Mary on his right Tittitoo....

He can check Threesome off his Bucket List...

Edited by humbleopinion
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On 5/17/2020 at 5:17 AM, GussieK said:

This varies from state to state. In NYS the files are not public. Only the parties and their attorneys can look at them. You can see the fact that a file exists. Had BGL been divorced in NY she would have had a problem. 

Minnesota lists them all, not by county.  I think (and this is nothing but pure speculation):  MN would shoot you a no.  You can see a bullet listing of when you were summoned, when you went before the judge, when the final decree was granted, as anyone can look that up*, but the actual 20 to 30 page document?  Way too many privacy laws being violated.  How can you prove that is you?  How can you verify that is your email?  

*Not that I have looked up people's divorces.....who me?

Okay, for the rest of the episode:

Varya - GO HOME!  Now next week we will be subjected to Geoffrey smirking and LOVING having two women fight for him.  Varya, one does not assume anything about being able to stay on someone's home.  We all know that when he says she can't stay there ALL the hotels in Knoxville will be sold out and now...will she sleep on the couch?  Will temptations arise?  Mary:  How does it feel to be second (or in this place) 7th or 8th place?  You want him so bad?  Take him.  So happy his sons got haircuts, especially the more brunette one.

Volanda:  Sign over POW now and let your kids handle your affairs and your phone.

David/Lana:  Still with the "Hmmmmm!" but at least he did not try to shove his tongue down her throat within 60 seconds of meeting her, so there is that.  She is not 28, more like 38.

Erika:  So glad you dumped Debbie Downer and Her Disease.   You have wonderful parents and a great, sweet person.  You go girl!

Very little of Big Ed:  Thank you, Sharp.  Nice try with the tears.

Avery/Ash:  Again, one of the few women who thinks of all the kids, not just hers or forgets hers entirely.  There will be no K1, she sees the realities and accepts them.  Good for her.  You tried, you had some blockbuster sex, now head home to Seattle.  Look up Big Mike in Squim!!!! 

Darcey/Tom:  No one cares.  I hate her platitudes: "I am worth it!"  "I am gonna stand up for myself!"  "I am strong!"  No, you are a horrible role model for your daughters.  Tome, no one cares that you are Mr. Carefree Bachelor - you seem to really like to have a few on a string here and there and minute something unsavory happens you are outta there.  Find a girl in the UK and be done.  Same with you, Darcy.  You are telling me that on the entire eastern seaboard you can't find one guy??

BGL - saving the worst for last.  What is with this "I am older than you, I have played this game longer than you, I can out play you and I always f**cking win!"  I mean, is this a marriage or are you on "Survivor"?   She is so many shades of horrid it is hard to keep up.  She was so boastful of Usman before, now she is calling him a small fish and not that big of a star?  She was so rude to the young lady in the clerk's office.  Then.....you were hooking up the wifi?  No you were looking on his phone and snooping.  I really REALLY wanted Usman to whip out his phone, call his brothers and say "Do not bother to travel here for the wedding, it is off!" and get up and walk away.  All they ever do is fight, always at her instigation.  Actually, she is fighting at him while he sits and listens.  Her constant blaming of Usman for that whole divorce decree shitshow is hard to watch.  It is YOUR job to have your decree, unstapled, in your carry-on before heading down there.  Like I have said before, I took mine to our county when we applied for a marriage license.  Was it required?  No.  But ya never know......and this is the United States!  


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