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S40.E09: War is Not Pretty

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Things get tense for the remaining castaways during a chaotic tribal council. Also, a kind gesture could paint a target on someone’s back, and one person is the last one standing in a taxing immunity challenge

original airdate 4/8

Reminder- do not post in this thread until after the episode airs.

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While Ben vs. Adam was a comedy duo for the ages, it had probably run its course, so this was ok. Without Adam as a foil, though, I'm not sure what appeal Ben has left.

All in on Sophie, but still plenty of others I'd be fine with winning. All that chaos and names being thrown out, and it still didn't get really ugly. Just a bunch of hardcore playing. Aces.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Either way, poor Adam. That silence from everyone spoke volumes

Speaking of LITERALLY (Adam, your heart was not literally beating out of your chest), you could hear the crickets during that silence.  Funny, editors.

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Damn that was a wild tribal council. But all that energy and arguing just to finally vote out ... Adam? 

Adam trying to play the TC podium decoration as an idol rivals with Eliza's "It's just a stick!" in terms of funny "idol" plays. Poor Adam. I'll miss him and his paranoid confessionals.

Good to see another endurance challenge IC. This one was creative although I was getting seasick just watching it. 

So Sarah does something nice for Nick because it's his birthday, and everyone thinks Sarah's an evil mastermind. Including Nick. Who scarfed down the Chinese food anyway. Um okay. 

With that being said it doesn't seem like they gave them that much food. Just a carton or two of lo mein. Show is getting cheap. Remember how they used to go into the native countries and have these elaborate feasts? 

Was surprised that Parvati told everyone about the 50% coin she won. The old Parvati definitely wouldn't have. 

Edited by Growsonwalls
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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Man, I am disappointed that Adam has gone out, and had to be torn to shreds by Jeff during it. Because you KNOW if Jeff and production had actually put an idol there, they would think it was brilliant. And truly, it was a risky move, but they could have switched things up this season by throwing an idol at Tribal. There's always a first for everything. You know Jeff is mad that he didn't come up with the idea first.

Either way, poor Adam. That silence from everyone spoke volumes. But he tried and that's all that matters. Adam just made the Survivor history books by at least attempting to play that idol, and not that I think it was for stupid reasons. He knew he was gone; he had to try. 

Tribal Council was fantastic, otherwise. There was a lot of ups and downs and it was great.

And we got our very first sole reward challenge! Only took nine episodes to get there!

Otherwise...who am I rooting for? Not really sure, to be honest. I probably am still only rooting for Sophie and Nick.

I was thinking the same thing about Probst.  You could literally see the light bulb go off over his head.  Adam likely gave them the idea to hide something there.  For that Probst should have lied and played along.  

I think it was a bad look when everyone just sat there in silence.  This felt like they were ganging up on him.  I wish Adam had called them out and asked when they were going to start playing an individual game.  Now a weak, easy vote is gone.  I miss the days when we, the audience, were blindsided by the vote as well as the person getting voted off.  All the chaos they showed at camp was much ado about nothing.  At least Adam recognized he made mistakes.    

I also don't know who I'm rooting for.  Sophie, then Tony, then Sarah, then Nick.  The rest can go out before the final 4.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Australian Survivor has had immunity idols hidden at tribal council (season 3 and 5 come to mind), so I can understand Adam's thought process in that regard. 

I am genuinely amazed that Kim and Tony don't seem to be targets, as I had considered them amongst the biggest threats coming into the season.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tribal Council was fantastic, otherwise. There was a lot of ups and downs and it was great.

Well, I spent most of the show watching the weatherman explain how to protect from a tornado as a bad storm roared through. Guess I’ll watch tomorrow. 😕

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18 minutes ago, Daisy said:

There are no words that can explain how much i loathe the whispering and crap at tribal. 
especially because I feel that it does nothing. get your ish done before you go out, as they say. 

I was strangely hoping that was an idol. 
I'm over Nick. 

Yeah, I enjoyed the bitterness that Michele and Nick had at camp after the Wendell vote.  That's why I miss the post-TC scene where people came back angry and paranoid.  But I thought Michele came off worse than Nick.  Michele's probably pissed she didn't get to lead the Wendell vote herself.  And Nick doesn't take blindsides very well.  I'm rooting for him, but it's kind of by default, as everyone I was truly rooting for is on the EOE.  Yet tonight I remembered why I didn't like him all the time during DvsG.

ETA: count me in on the whispering at TC.  Although I will admit tonight was pretty hilarious when Ben and Adam were arguing with each other, and everyone was just walking around them.  And Tony was just sitting there, looking like he wanted in, but didn't want to move.  But overall, I hate it.  I'm surprised Probst likes it so much.  It's not great TV, and tonight it didn't even result in an exciting vote.

I'm curious who the votes for Nick were.  Adam I'm guessing?  Or did he write Sarah?

Edited by LadyChatts
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Is it just me or do the jury members look cleaner and better dressed than when on EoE? 

My favs on Edge: Natalie and Yul

My favs in camp: Sophie and Sarah

I wish they would stop the 'toe' challenges. My toes hurt just watching these challenges.

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That was one of the better eps this season. Probably the best TC. Adam had me laughing more than once. And then Adam actually going for the um...idol was epic! And honestly, it probably changes the game going forward. Players are going to actively look now.

All that said, can we please please get rid of Ben soon? I don't like him and he gets cockier and more arrogant each episode.

I think Adam probably bought himself another season down the line after tonight too. He was very entertaining.

I am sorta rooting for Nick. I think he is a bit underestimated.

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Adam's gamble was a gift from the heavens bestowed upon the bored host of a terrible season. And I can't even really blame Jeff for making a bigger deal out of it. Even after Jeff established that, yes, it was just part of the podium, Adam was still saying "I want to play it! Can I play it?" By that point, if Jeff hadn't leaned in and had a bit of fun he would have lost his Smarmy Game Show Host license. And rightfully so.

I did think it was awkward for a few seconds at the very beginning, when Jeff had to decide if he was going to let Adam invading his personal space get in the way of a good WTF TV moment. But, now that the ice is broken, I suspect he will announce that it is time for an all-women season. And the idols will be hidden in Jeff's hat, Jeff's shirt, Jeff's pockets, Jeff's trailer, and Jeff's banana hammock...

which I assume has a picture of Jeff on it.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I'd like to call Adam a dumbass for thinking that was an idol but I can't. I wouldn't put it past producers to put one in plain sight like that. They have done it before (just not at tribal).

Other than that I am still more interested in what is going on at EOE. 

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Wasn't it Adam that was looking up and backwards from the voting area and we were guessing maybe he was thinking something there was an idol? I think some guy in the props department got fired after using a piece on Jeff's shrine that was the same as an immunity idol from earlier in the game... you had ONE job!!

I'm SO glad that Adam finally is semi-voted off. Tonight watching him was freakin' exhausting!! "Is it, should I, could I yes I want to play that as an idol!" You're outclassed son, make your way to the Edge and calm the fuck down. Ugh!

And ETA don't get me started on the whispering crap once again. It's simple Probst. BAN IT!!

Edited by Wandering Snark
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9 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Wasn't it Adam that was looking up and backwards from the voting area and we were guessing maybe he was thinking something there was an idol? I think some guy in the props department got fired after using a piece on Jeff's shrine that was the same as an immunity idol from earlier in the game... you had ONE job!!

I'm SO glad that Adam finally is semi-voted off. Tonight watching him was freakin' exhausting!! "Is it, should I, could I yes I want to play that as an idol!" You're outclassed son, make your way to the Edge and calm the fuck down. Ugh!

And ETA don't get me started on the whispering crap once again. It's simple Probst. BAN IT!!

Yeah, the private conversations went on way toooo long tonight.

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16 hours ago, Daisy said:

There are no words that can explain how much i loathe the whispering and crap at tribal. 
especially because I feel that it does nothing. get your ish done before you go out, as they say. 

I was strangely hoping that was an idol. 
I'm over Nick. 

So, I went into this being a huge fan of Nick, Sarah, Adam, and Ben, and all managed to disappoint me tonight :(.

Nick must have missed it when Tony said several times this season, they aren't playing on a personal level but rather a strategic level.  There is some insecurity going on with Nick to make him take all this so personally.   And, I would have thought he'd learned his lesson when he first played, because he did the same thing then and was ribbed about it.

Sarah did let personal feelings interfere with her game, and while I empathized, it was disappointing seeing a good player make such a big mistake (just like Jeremy and Tony said).  It also speaks to having a high level of confidence - maybe too high.

Adam and Ben are a bit of oil and water which is unfortunate because when they aren't together, I like each of them.  

I don't think Adam ever got his footing this time around 😞 

I feel there is hope for Nick and Sarah to recover/rebound.  Ben. not so much.  He's too heated and aggressive with people, and I think he's perceived as too big a threat to stay.  

Edited by Jextella
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7 minutes ago, candall said:

Watching it now.   Isn't this the second week in a row they've been ripping up the sides of their feet?

My bunion wouldn’t been able to handle either challenge. I guess I’m not applying to cbs.com anytime soon.  

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I think even if you don't like Adam ( and it appears that many people don't ), that was not a bad thing with the podium 'idol'. Hey, if it really  had been an actual idol, that would have been fantastic. And he would have gotten many props, I suspect-- but then, 10 minutes later back at camp & when he was out of earshot- the group would be like "Adam has to go !! Huge target now !! blah blah blah. "


If nothing else, we were reminded tonight that most of these players are ( or at least want to give the impression that they are) out for blood. Sarah giving Nick the food reward, you'd think she'd done something horrible, like stolen the guy's insulin ! I'm glad it didn't hurt her tonight, anyway.

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I like the whispering. I thought it was awesome when it first happened and I've thought it was either entertaining, hilarious, or awesome again depending on the TC. Tonight I found it super entertaining. I'll gladly sit here on edge of extinction alone on this topic.

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Not feeling why it was such a big deal to give someone your reward on their birthday. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole  hill.

It's been YEARS since I've laughed so hard at something on SURVIVOR...I mean Adam trying to pry the Flour de Lies of Jeff's own podium was a hundred times funnier than "It's a f***ing stick!" And the icing on the cake was Jeff trolling him  "Are  you sure it's not legit?" to paraphrase.

Anyway glad Adam's gone...He was the person I wanted least to win so hopefully he won't win back into the game later.

Also happy that Tony suprisingly has been more of a non-entity than I could have hoped for. His personality so overshadowed his season that it was overbearing.

Kim winning immunity was a snoozefest when you know she wasn't in danger.

Ben's freaking out I would attribute to his realization after all the blowback on the show after his "win" there would be no way that CBS would pull another heretofor unknown method to get him into final tribal council  out of you know where for a SECOND time.

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Kind of a snoozer tonight.  Just a few thoughts:

I can't believe that no one picked Denise in the Reward Challenge.  I actually think she's the strongest woman there despite being petite.

Michelle.  Girl, just stop.  You did NOT want Wendell gone.  

Ummmm, why does Sarah think she is immune to vote-out talk?  They need to bounce her ass next.

1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Was surprised that Parvati told everyone about the 50% coin she won. The old Parvati definitely wouldn't have. 

I have never cared for her but I was really annoyed that Parvati acted like she found that clue on her own accord.  Dani figured out the hint---she should've kept her mouth shut and looked by herself when she had the chance.  But the EoE crew just seems to be more kumbaya than anything else.  

I'm really, really surprised that Tyson doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar.  Weird and more than a little foolish on their parts.

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33 minutes ago, SoWindsor said:

Did all that whispering change the vote? Or was it Adam the whole time?

I think it was Adam the whole time.  I was hoping they were going to change it to Ben, but I think it was always going to be Adam.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

When they showed EoE at the beginning, I realized that there was not one person, except maybe kinda sorta Nick, who is left in the game who I would root for.  Not ONE.  

I feel the same way.  Nick is the only one left that I really like.  I knew this was going to be a rough season because from the start, I determined that I actively dislike over half of the players.  At this point, I am rooting for Nick and whoever comes back from Edge as long as it’s not Wendell or Adam.   I guess Sophie and the old lady would be ok, because I have never seen them before and don’t know enough about them to dislike them.

I have visceral hate for Ben (game rigged for him), Tony (arrogant bully), Sarah (“I notice things!”), Michelle (“everyone thinks I didn’t deserve to win my season”.  Yep.), Tyson (throwing the chicken bones).  I have no respect for Jeremy (cried about his pregnant wife to win unanimously, even though he would have won anyways).

Adam’s pathetic performance at Tribal was embarrassing.  This is a winner?  He was paranoid and whiny.  It just goes to cement my belief even more that he was a terrible player who exploited his dying mom to win the game. Terrible.  He was way out of his league in this game.

Edit:  There’s a Kim?  I’ve never seen her before either.  I guess I’d be ok with her winning too.  Anything to prevent any of the ones I hate from winning.  

Edited by blackwing
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I am alone on my island of 1 who likes Adam and was sad to see him go and in such a way.

Hate Tony and starting to hate Ben. And, for the love of all that's holy, please do not let Michelle win this. She is so blahhhh and yet never really on anyone's hit list. I was a little excited when her name was mentioned tonight. But then EVERYONE'S name got mentioned...twice or thrice. 

I like Sophie, Jeremy, Denise and Sarah. And kinda Tyson. Like, WTH they keeping him around for???? He said, right when he won back in, that if it were him he would vote himself right back off every chance he played. Was that an editing clue? Tyson goes to F3? Nick and Kim are okay. Tony, Ben and Michelle gots to go, ASAP! Oh, and I hope Rob wins back in (very very disappointed in Parvati spilling the beans on the advantage thingy...she's lost her mojo).

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Poor Adam. Poor dumbass Adam.

On the bright side, he taught me how “fleur de lis” is pronounced. I think my best attempt would have been “thing on the Saints’ helmets.” But seriously . . . was there any indication that it could have tied into the game beyond it being in plain sight? I mean, I can’t blame Adam for trying, but that led to Probst dragging him across the coals. He probably had to sleep on his back, imagining the ripping he’d give Adam at the Reunion. Well, the joke is on Jeff . . . the traditional Reunion is probably scrapped, and the series has been put on hold.

Once again, I’m not invested. I mean, this is more fun to watch than the latest two seasons, but that isn’t saying much. And even if someone more popular emerges from EoE and wins it, the “did they deserve it?” talk from last year comes back.

Old motto: Outwit, Outplay, Outlast

New motto: Endurance, Puzzles, Gossip

Edited by Lantern7
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7 minutes ago, Lamima said:

very very disappointed in Parvati spilling the beans on the advantage thingy...she's lost her mojo

I thought this was a good move to build camaraderie among the jurors, if Parvati wins her way back in.  Plus, the 50-50 coin still ended up going to Michele, as Parvati intended.  I'd like to know if Michele's four tokens all went to Parvati, or split 2-2 between Parvati and Danni, or if the Edge group immediately spent all four on peanut butter.  Did anyone get a look at the Edge "menu" to see how much peanut butter actually cost?

Edited by OutOfTheQuestion
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16 minutes ago, blackwing said:

Adam’s pathetic performance at Tribal was embarrassing.  This is a winner?

That's what I thought, too.  I actually said "How the hell did THIS guy ever win?' aloud.

45 minutes ago, driver18 said:

I like the whispering. I thought it was awesome when it first happened and I've thought it was either entertaining, hilarious, or awesome again depending on the TC.

I enjoy it, too. It makes the vote more exciting, imo. Maybe the vote was never influx, but it gives you that perception as it's happening.

I think Parvati told everyone because she really only wanted peanut butter, and she realized she didn't want anyone leftout. She wasn't being strategic as much as being a mama wanting to feed everyone.

Edited by vb68
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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

 rivals with Eliza's "It's just a stick!" in terms of funny "idol" plays. 

"I know, it has a face on it. Don't worry."

Best reply ever. Just



Jeremy was, by far, the best part of that crazy camp scene before tribal. His confusion, his amused resignation at another vote change, his old man "WAT" at suddenly hearing Tyson's name thrown out... just wonderful.

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Looks like I'm in the minority that is rooting for Michele. Glad she got the coin flip advantage, and I hope it works for her.

Adam was hilarious tonight. Thinking the idol was a part of Jeff's podium was funny, but I wouldn't put it past the show to put that in place. He had to try. Not really bummed he was voted out.

The scramble before tribal council was exciting, but I'm with others that the whispering at tribal council needs to stop. The viewers and the jury should hear what is being discussed. 

Glad Nick was safe tonight, too. 


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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

Well, I spent most of the show watching the weatherman explain how to protect from a tornado as a bad storm roared through. Guess I’ll watch tomorrow. 😕

Same. Cranky old man style shrieking at the tv, "No one cares!! Anyone who gave a fuck about the weather, flipped the channel or checked their phone half an hour ago when the scrolly thing started!! " As per usual,he didn't listen and kept yammering.

1 hour ago, driver18 said:

I like the whispering. I thought it was awesome when it first happened and I've thought it was either entertaining, hilarious, or awesome again depending on the TC. Tonight I found it super entertaining. I'll gladly sit here on edge of extinction alone on this topic.

Missed almost all of this, due to the above. Harrumph. But I'm pro whispering at Tribal Council. What's the point of asking them questions, if the vote can't be shifted last minute? Generally speaking, I'm Team Chaos, especially once all my faves are on EoE..

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Just checked in with my mom again to see who she's rooting for now that she's seen a few more episodes.

"The guy with the hat."

She's still into Ben. I just can't figure it out. I can't stand him.

"And the smaller, older woman."

Ok. We can agree on Denise at least.

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Im really getting sick of Ben. Always causing chaos & commotion with ppl. He thinks highly of himself 🙄 his Kung fu motions during that challenge was annoying & stupid 

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I was terribly disappointed, when Adam was trying to dismantle the podium, that Jeffy didn't quote Scout Finch and exclaim "What the Sam Hill are you doing!?" Poor Adam.  He's like a talkative child who pouts when the adults won't praise him when he thinks he's smart.

What was up with Ben confronting Adam with the vote plan, then running around like a maniac (and a highly unpleasant one) trying to change the vote?  That's not chaos, that's being a jerk.  Hope he goes next, in a major, humiliating blindside.

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2 hours ago, Lamima said:

I am alone on my island of 1 who likes Adam and was sad to see him go and in such a way.

I'll join you on that island! I liked him, Yul and Ethan so now that he's gone, I don't give a flying fuck who wins, as long as it's not Ben. Ben produces a visceral reaction in me.... everything about him irritates me.

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2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Poor Adam. Poor dumbass Adam.

On the bright side, he taught me how “fleur de lis” is pronounced. I think my best take wouldn’t been “thing on the Saints’ helmets.”

My eyes were rolling every single time he kept repeating “Fleur de LISS.” It’s fleur de LEE.

What is up with Nick’s eyes? His pupils are always huge

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I'm baffled why everyone thinks Sarah made a strategic move by giving the reward to Nick.  I think Sarah thought the others would be smart enough to know that this would put a target on her back IF this was really a strategic move.  But it wasn't so that why she did it.  They all played the game before and this kind of move is not something you put on your resume or enough to build relationship.  I guess Sarah gave them too much credit. 

I don't mind Adam.  I didn't watch his season so I'm not sure if this is his style but he was too much of a loose cannon to keep around.  He talks way too much and sometimes less is more in Survivor.  Michele seems to have some storyline every week so I am thinking she will definitely go far.  The only one I am really pulling for is Sophie (who noticeably has no confession this week).  I wouldn't Nick winning also, he is again the underdog, just like his season so if he can pull through then he deserves the win.  Everyone else is kind of meh.

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Way to ruin a blindside, Ben. When you go to Adam and whine about something he said behind your back, will that help in maintaining the secrecy of the upcoming vote or will that make Adam nervous? Hmmm.  I was hoping the vote would get switched to Ben based on that idiocy.  And no, Adam, Ben is not playing like Boston Rob. Rob is not that dumb.

Your hubris is showing, Tony. What exactly makes you a higher profile player than, say, Nick? Or anyone else, really? You’ve all won exactly once. You’re all lions, and you’re all hyenas.

4 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Was surprised that Parvati told everyone about the 50% coin she won. The old Parvati definitely wouldn't have. 

I had the same thought. Marriage and motherhood has softened her, it seems. In contrast, Natalie has not softened a bit. She was very ready to kick Yul and Wendell to the curb.

4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I can’t believe they actually wrote a song about winners at war. 😂 Are we going to have to listen to that crap at every challenge?

Couldn’t. Stop. Laughing. Eyes rolling out of head. (Literally, Adam!) Please, no more original songs.

It’s not “fleur de lease”, Adam. You’re not renting the flower. The “s” is silent. Every time he said that, it made me cringe. And I’m not even French. (ETA: @Cotypubby beat me to this. You must be French adjacent, too!)

Stop trying to make Michele happen, Show.

Edited by 30 Helens
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2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Poor Adam. Poor dumbass Adam.

On the bright side, he taught me how “fleur de lis” is pronounced.

Except that he pronounced it wrong. 

Maybe not good gameplay, but I thought it was sweet of Parvati to share so that the six of them, many of whom, as she pointed out, had been there longer than she, could eat. 

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I think the reason they are keeping Tyson in the game is because he won’t win. I think the general consensus by the previous Survivors is that they hated EoE and that Chris Underwood won. I get the feeling the jury won’t award someone who won their way back in the game. He could make the Final 3 but I don’t think he’d win. IMO!!!!

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4 hours ago, mojoween said:

In all of his talking heads Adam looked just fine, which I was surprised about because if his heart was literally beating out of his chest, you would expect to see some damage.

Just as well—I'm still haunted by the image of Skinny Ryan's chest pulsating during Ben's original season.

Add me to the tally of people who hate, hate, hate the original music. "Winners at war, winners at waaaaar." It's self-parodic.

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