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S04.E08: Stranger In A Strange Land

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19 minutes ago, nb360 said:

Yes... but doesn't she always look like this?🤨

Her excessive pursing of lips is from decades of smoking...wrinkling of the thin facial tissue around the mouth...skin leathery from puffing and deep draws of smoke.

SJB learn to love the taste of kissing an over flowing ashtray of stale smoke and wet cigarette butts 35 years in the making...

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6 hours ago, Marmiarmo said:

You have been online flirting with this woman for months, talking about loving her and wanting to spend the rest of your life with her, yet when she sits there crying not three feet away from you, you can’t even hug her or reach out to touch her hand?!

This, 100%.  Does she not have an ounce of empathy?  If I saw a stranger weeping like that I'd at least try to offer comfort.  I'm hoping it was editing, because that was so cold.  And if not giving her a hug wasn't bad enough, as you said marmiarmo, she made it all about her.  I've known many entitled girls from Long Island and she reeks of having been spoiled to the max by protective parents who she then completely manipulates.  

Geoffrey truly is the POS many others have described.  

Rose looks like she weighs all of 80 lbs.  Soaking wet.

  • Love 13

The only thing about the Aussies is I want to see Erika's Friends hair without her hat on just to satisfy my nosy curiosity.  

I feel like Erika seeks attention based on her vibrant expression. Stephanie that fully transfers to needing dating apps going. Stephanie needs to go home.  Did Erika shed 1 tear in that fake cry ?? No. 

Minority opinion. I think David is a psychopath. He will not accept anything but his fantasy as reality.  I feel like he could literally snap when this shit show finally hits the ocean floor. Sunk. 

I like Freddie because his puppies were happy to see him when he got out of the public jeep. 


Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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6 hours ago, RealReality said:

That candy shop scene was hilarious. 

Why would this woman give David any information.  I don't doubt she knows Lana, but no decent human being would give out personal information for a young attractive woman to some random ass guy off the street who CLEARLY isn't expected and CLEARLY doesn't have her phone number.  

I have no doubt the candy shop worker knows a big 285 pound hairy dude that comes in for candy now and then.  Or a 72 year old wrinkled up grandmother.  Lana is just a model whose pictures they use to reel in suckers from the United States for a lot of $$$$$.   THAT woman has probably never stepped foot into that candy store.

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On 4/11/2020 at 11:17 PM, Frozendiva said:

It could be an outlet bag. You can sometimes get some really good deals at the end of season plus a good Rakuten cash back.

I've also seen MK bags at our Winners (US TJ Maxx) and Marshalls.

Maybe it's fake or someone gave it to her as a gift.

Even if it is meant to be a fake MK bag, it is a bad fake. The letters spelling out the name on the front of the bag were visibly connected. On a real MK bag, the letters are individually attached. The bags at Winners/TJ Maxx and outlets may be cast offs, but they are still authentic.

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7 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

People who aren't in poverty also live like this. My relatives pooh-poohed an air conditioner for years.  I was weak in getting a portable one for my bedroom. Global warming changed their minds. They now have a room sized unit.

My former in laws never had AC until 1992 and their empty house, waiting to be listed,  (they have since passed) still has no dishwasher.  At this was Minnesota where, in spite of it being winter 5-6 months of the year, you NEED A/C in the summer.

Bid Ed:  For all that is good and holy - take Prince with you.  How it looks now is:  "I need my A/C, I refuse to sleep with rats and I want to get some action.  If Prince is with us, that will not happen so it is okay for him to sleep on a wet mattress, rats, and no A/C or fan but let me tell you....I am OUTTA HERE."  "Do you like living in the Philippines?"  My hubby:  "No, I have traveled all around the globe, settled in both Aspen and Milan for a while but sleeping ten feet from the pigs is where I decided to settle in poverty in a third world nation."  Nothing against his housing, but the smell of the pigs......I was actually glad the dad had an income (selling the pigs) that was not weather dependent.

Lisa/Usman:  Not much to share here except:  "Lisa, because a person of color is pausing, hesitating, looking at you, thinking, etc.....it is not because you are white.  It is because they are pausing, hesitating, looking at you, and thinking!!  She looked like his gramma at that meeting!!  I think Usman told her to ditch the makeup ON PURPOSE so she would look older to seal the deal that Mom would say oh hell to the no on this one, sonny boy.

David:  Too stupid to be real.  If you leave on an 8 hour trip to get somewhere sketchy at NOON you deserve whatever befalls you.  Should have left at 8am not noon.  "She has mentioned this candy shop before!"  Ever heard of Google?  "I just LOVE Rocket Fizz, David!  It is the best candy store in Dallas!!!"  I have never been to Dallas, I just looked that up.  Okay, I will up the stakes!  "I just love Roshen!!  It is the best candy store in the Ukraine!"  There, I just looked that up this minute, too.

Eri-CAW and Steph:  Lordy Lord LORD I have known a few girls like you, Steph, back in my 20's and I found them exhausting back then, too.  I don't blame Eri-CAW for being super frustrated with you!  You presented yourself as a Youtuber who flashes the girls every chance she gets, is SUPER DUPER SEXUAL and it TOTALLY INTO SEX and then gets there and is the neighborhood prude who won't hold hands and complains all the time.  And you love love LOVE talking about your illness!!  I have a form of anemia, too, and guess what?  I don't like talking about it, EVER.  Not even with my NP, lol!!!!  No one believes you are bi, no one believes you are out for anything other than to drum up business for your youtube channel.  

Edited because I forgot about Darcy/Tom.  Still want to forget about Darcy and Tom.  No. One. Cares.  Darcy, take a year off from men.  Concentrate on your career, your kids and ditch all the fillers and hair crap.  Get into therapy NOW to figure out why you need a man to fill a whole in your heart THAT YOU SHOULD BE FILLING YOURSELF.  And lay off the sauce.  If you can't stop at one or two.......you have a problem.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 18
10 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Stephanie is not gay.  Or bisexual.  Period.  I have a friend who defines herself with her disease.  It’s exhausting and too much.  
Oh and Ed, you went to the Philippines.  What do you expect?  No 1000 count sheets and a/c for you.  

The fact that he asked RM if she had AC proves how little prep work he did for this meeting his queen.  If he has not figured out the level of poverty from just chatting on line with her I do believe he is an idiot, I mean, what the hell did he think RM's life is like if she is hitting up the likes of him?! 

If their relationship moves forward and she comes to the states Big Egg cannot be surprised by her insistence of him sending money to her family members on the regular.  

I thought I heard Freddie singing "Fancy," when RM told him that she and Big Egg were going to take a vacation.

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On 4/12/2020 at 3:31 AM, RealReality said:

Yeah, MK also has a pretty big outlet business going in addition to his TJ Maxx and Marshalls stuff. I suspect he is like other designers who have more upend lines that never would sell at TJ Maxx and a more mass market line for the masses.  

My wife is into the big fashion brands like LV, Coach, MK, etc, and she's told me that a lot of the big designers have outlet stores where they sell more gauche stuff than they normally would at a Nordstrom's or wherever. She'll see someone with a loud, obnoxious Coach purse and think to herself "You bought that at a Coach Outlet, didn't you?"

10 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I believe that Erica was Stephanie's ticket to get on the show.  I have a feeling that the four months they corresponded online, Stephanie was overtly sexual to reel her in.  And now, she is the complete opposite.  Erica has every right to be upset, because that was wrong on so many different levels. 

Oh, I've no doubt that Stephanie's online communication towards Erika included of all sorts of X-rated chatter about what she'd like to do with various parts of Erika's anatomy. Then Stephanie arrives and will barely even hold Erika's hand. At first, Erika was just attributing it to nerves and whatnot, but now is coming to realize that she's been had. And, given that Stephanie's YouTube videos apparently feature her bragging about the hundreds of guys she's slept with, she really has her nerve freaking out about Erika having slept with one or two of her (Erika's) friends.

8 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

As the world churns....

David and Lana: that is a lot of effort for this girl. Driving 8 or so hours on bad roads to get to this town? You spent around $100,000 in 7 years on her? Guess you want some return on your investment. Most folks would have quit at probably a couple of thousand. Is your hair real? Do you wash the wig and have a stand for it to dry overnight? Do you think Lana would genuinely love a man 33 years older than her? Or his ample wallet?

I keep going back and forth on David. On the one hand, I find it hard to believe that someone in their sixties who's financially successful enough to fly back and forth from Russia could really be this dumb. OTOH, what would David have to gain from faking all this? He's coming off like a willfully blind stalkerish idiot.

6 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Ed asking Rosemarie's dirt poor father "Do you like living in the Philippines" was one of the most condescending, cringeworthy, ugly American moments in the history of the 90DF franchise.

My heart ached a little for Rose's father at the pig farm when Ed asked her to take Rose away for a few days without Prince. You could just see a tiny bit of life go out of his eyes. If a Filipino man had put Rose's family through half the crap Ed has, he would have been out on his ear ages ago. But Rose's dad, understanding that this loathsome little troll represents his beloved daughter and grandson's best chance for a new and better life in America, swallows his pride and loses a bit of his soul by accommodating this disgusting pig of a man.

4 hours ago, Chalby said:

I have never seen such an entire cast of unlikeable and undesirable characters. I truly feel bad for America as anyone outside of the country, watching this, thinks this is a random sampling of your population. Meanwhile no one has placed a warning that these are the dregs of society.

In this entire cast, exactly ONE American comes off well: Avery.

Ed and BabyGirlVisa are entitled and the very stereotype of the "Ugly American."

Stephanie is a sociopathic famewhore who doesn't care how much she's hurting Erika in exchange for her 15 minutes of Reality TV fame.

If you combined David and Yolanda's wisdom and smarts, they'd still be dumber than a box of hair.

The Trainwreck Named Darcey needs no further comments.

And Geoffrey is a lying nimrod. You don't wait until this point in the relationship to tell someone you've been to prison. You inform them early on, so they can decide whether or not to continue.

1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

The only thing about the Aussies is I want to see Erika's Friends hair without her hat on just to satisfy my nosy curiosity. 

My guess is that she has her hair shaved short on the sides and grown long on top so it's a huge mohawk once she sets it. She must through half a jar of extra strength spiking gel at a time.

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11 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

And Geoffrey is a lying nimrod. You don't wait until this point in the relationship to tell someone you've been to prison. You inform them early on, so they can decide whether or not to continue.

But Geoffrey strikes me as a master manipulator who thinks he can shmooze anyone over anything.  I will say one thing (and may God strike me down if it sounds like I am defending him, cause I am not) he does not have to ask for forgiveness FROM HER.  From families may have (probably did) hurt, yes, but not from her.  Anything my hubs did before we met as adults, that is his concern.  Same with me.  Love how she just left him on the steps.  Bye!!!

Some people may have been wondering how he got a passport if he is a convicted felon - he can still get a passport, the country you want to travel to may not let you in.  That is my understanding from the State Department.  I am open for corrections!  Frankly he should have been denied a passport based on those nasty tattoos on his nipples.  He probably got them thinking "Oh yeah, I am the sexy bomb don't ya know it!!!"  

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

Those are some ugly tats. I hope that one with the crossed bars on his shoulder wasn't originally a swastika. 

Highly doubt it. The Nazis have a real horror of genetic abnormalities, as it strikes to the heart of their "Aryan = Perfect" narrative. In Hitler's Third Reich, a baby born with Ed's condition probably would have been killed immediately. The point is that no Nazi group would give someone like Ed the time of day.

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1 minute ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

The point is that no Nazi group would give someone like Ed the time of day.

For all his faults I don't think he is the type anyway. It just made me think of that huge slob Big Mike on the Mama June show who they make wear long sleeved shirts on the show now after people noticed his white supremacist tattoos.

I am not surprised at Ed having to struggle to sleep under those conditions.  Most in this country cannot fathom sleeping in those conditions.  It's not just being hot, but, being wet with water of questionable sanitation, bugs, rats, animal waste on the floor and from ceiling( this happens when you have holes in roof and open doors, which allows rodents, bats and birds to enter.  It makes the air you breath quite unhealthy.)  To me, this wasn't Ed being spoiled and too hot, but, a safety thing. I thought that Prince was likely attending school.  Plus, the show couldn't film freely with a child around 24/7.  

I do wish that Ed would really get realistic and stop WONDERING the real reason that Rose is into him.  The fact that he wonders is just crazy.  She's desperate for a better life for her and her son.  It's not a crime. There is nothing to figure out here.  Rose could do a lot better than him.  He needs to accept that or just go home. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 14

Rewind to the earlier episodes this season... When presented with the possibility of Usman's mother putting the kabosh on their union, wasn't BabyGurlLisa's reaction originally very defiant, like, "If she doesn't approve, that's too bad because me and Usman are gettin' married!"?  Wasn't that a thing? And now she's all "Well if she doesn't approve, I guess I go home single.... womp womp"?  Shut up BGL.  Just go home.

When Big Ed was slippin' and slidin' in the pig slop, all I could hear was Evelyn laughing at him calling him a pussy.  I don't even know why because I don't think I've thought of Evelyn since her season with Corey.

Darcey's 90DF career needs to be mercifully euthanized.  


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Ugh I am beginning to hate Steph. Who complains about her and Erica's first date to ERICA'S FRIEND?! Oh that's right, Stephanie. I wonder about the theory that she went on this show to boost her youtube channel,..who would want to follow her after this miserable showing? She's spoiled, self-centered, has bad manners and isn't ever in a good mood. I wouldn't even want that girl as a friend, much less watch her videos every day. Or, God forbid, date her.

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When Big Ed was slippin' and slidin' in the pig slop, all I could hear was Evelyn laughing at him calling him a pussy.  I don't even know why because I don't think I've thought of Evelyn since her season with Corey.

@ALittleShelfish lol! Or Jennifer of Tim and Jennifer when he wouldn't ride that super scary looking skylift/swing.

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2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

We have dirt poor people in America that live in dilapidated mobile homes.  They also have cell phones.  You don't have to be rich to have a cell phone.  It just may mean you prioritize a phone and internet over other things.

The last time we went to Cuba (Thanksgiving 2017), we drove through suburban Havana at night and saw lots of people standing out on porches using their cellphones.

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56 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

But Geoffrey strikes me as a master manipulator who thinks he can shmooze anyone over anything.  I will say one thing (and may God strike me down if it sounds like I am defending him, cause I am not) he does not have to ask for forgiveness FROM HER.  From families may have (probably did) hurt, yes, but not from her.  Anything my hubs did before we met as adults, that is his concern.  Same with me.  Love how she just left him on the steps.  Bye!!!

Some people may have been wondering how he got a passport if he is a convicted felon - he can still get a passport, the country you want to travel to may not let you in.  That is my understanding from the State Department.  I am open for corrections!  Frankly he should have been denied a passport based on those nasty tattoos on his nipples.  He probably got them thinking "Oh yeah, I am the sexy bomb don't ya know it!!!"  

You are correct, being a felon does not automatically disqualify anyone from getting a passport.  Some convictions will prevent it, certainly not all.  

I loathe this guy.  Too bad he was allowed to go.  

I just don't believe Ed is so stupid, the man has a masters degree!  He can't possibly have truly been surprised by the level of poverty.  

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On 4/8/2020 at 2:50 AM, gavinmac said:

Avery needs to learn some cross-examination skills ASAP because this guy Ash is very, very slippery.


Avery:  "When we talk about your son Taj moving to America, I feel like you sugarcoat it and and I'm not getting the full extent of what's going on. Is that accurate?"

Ash: "You see, your perspective, I respect it. We have have to talk about Taj and how this will work."



Avery: "When can I meet Taj?"

Ash: "I'm looking forward to that actually." 

Avery: "When can I meet your ex-wife?"

Ash: "To tell you the truth, I'm working on that."

Avery: "So she hasn't said anything?"

Ash: "I'm working on it."


Avery shouldn't let him off the hook that easily. She's asking direct questions and he's deliberately avoiding all those questions and giving her non-responsive answers.  She should keep asking him "How are you working on it?" "Have you told your ex-wife I want to meet her, yes or no?" "What was her response, i.e. what exact words did she say when you told her I want to meet her?" 

Actually, Avery should just drop Ash and move on, because he's shady and he's bad news.



I'm absolutely amazed by the people who know that the possibility of a mom letting her son move across the globe is nil still gets into a relationship where the only real possibility of a relationship is he leaves his kid for America or she moves there.  Then they whine about how fucking hard it is.  What a blow they've been dealt!  



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1 hour ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I keep going back and forth on David. On the one hand, I find it hard to believe that someone in their sixties who's financially successful enough to fly back and forth from Russia could really be this dumb. OTOH, what would David have to gain from faking all this? He's coming off like a willfully blind stalkerish idiot.

Ish? I'm pretty sure David teaches a class in Advanced Stalking: Rooting Through Her Garbage Is Legal, with a workshop in Panty Sniffing. 

He flew to another country, drove nine hours after "she" ghosted him, and started questioning businesses with a picture of "Lana" to see if she had come in for her daily toffee run. But he won't use the address he has for her, that's a step too far. We passed "ish" a long time ago. Boris needs the Ukrainian version of a restraining order (which is probably an angry babushka chucking perogies at his head) (I would pay good money to see that).  

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Some people may have been wondering how he got a passport if he is a convicted felon - he can still get a passport, the country you want to travel to may not let you in. 

I don't know about the passport part but it makes me happy to know that Geoffrey could never darken the Canadian side of Niagara Falls - his drug conviction would be an immediate "fuck no, stay on your side of the border" from us. Another 90 Day'er that we're safe from! We'll totally welcome Darcey for the lulz, though. 

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12 hours ago, nb360 said:


I love how Lisa magically became a "doctor" in Usman's translation.

It surprises me that Lisa is a hospice worker. That kind of job requires that you have compassion and empathy, or at least sensitivity... which I haven't seen so far.


I’m not going to judge LoverBoy too harshly for calling Lisa “doctor” since it would be too complicated to explain what a hospice worker actually does.  Also, I’m not sure if “doctor” has the same meaning in his community as it does ours as far as education, earning power, social standing. 
Also, I’m not sure what Lisa actually does in a hospice setting. Is she a personal care assistant? A health aide? A maintenance worker?  We really don’t know. 

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

Ugh I am beginning to hate Steph. Who complains about her and Erica's first date to ERICA'S FRIEND?! Oh that's right, Stephanie. I wonder about the theory that she went on this show to boost her youtube channel,..who would want to follow her after this miserable showing? She's spoiled, self-centered, has bad manners and isn't ever in a good mood. I wouldn't even want that girl as a friend, much less watch her videos every day. Or, God forbid, date her.

The first question out of Shawn's mouth to Stephanie during the reunion should be:  "Are you actually a lesbian or even bisexual."  But we know she won't.

I am sure that most of them who are on the show hope to elevated their number of followers or to even gain a following.  But I don't believe that this was a case of her faking it b/c she can't even fake it now.  My best guess is she had a boyfriend who did her wrong and she found someone that she thought was cool.  And had a girl crush.  Convinced herself she was in love.  And now she's there, she realizes she not lesbian.  Not bi.  And has zero interest in a sexual relationship with a woman.

Because I think if she really was faking a romance for clicks, she'd be able to fake a steamy, lesbian relationship.  Instead, she can't even fake liking her at all.  And she's trying like hell to get Erika to pull the plug so she doesn't have to so she fakes a "I just have a hard time trusting you...b/c of the dating app..." or the "Why would you want to date someone so sick.."  or "Why would you take me to bring your ex..."  or "Why are you having friendships w/people you've been intimate..."  

She totally strikes me as someone who did the "my relationships with men aren't working, so I'll just be gay! " and then she realizes she isn't.


Edited by sasha206
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1 minute ago, sasha206 said:

She totally strikes me as someone who did the "my relationships with men aren't working, so I'll just be gay! " and then she realizes she isn't.


And then she pulls the "It's been a year since I was last in a relationship" so she can't hold hands or kiss or hug.  It's like riding a bicycle.  Not that hard once you know how.  (Eyeroll.)

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2 minutes ago, Kyanight said:


And then she pulls the "It's been a year since I was last in a relationship" so she can't hold hands or kiss or hug.  It's like riding a bicycle.  Not that hard once you know how.  (Eyeroll.)

Yep!  I guarantee you she was very sexual with her in her video calls.  Unless there is something about Erika we don't know like her breath is fucking awful or she just in general smells like shit, why is there such a lack of intimacy beyond hand holding.

I thought it was interesting too when you go back to the episode of their supposedly passionate kiss, Stephanie ends up putting her hand up to block her mouth.  It was like she didn't want anyone to see that she couldn't get into the kiss itself.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Some people may have been wondering how he got a passport if he is a convicted felon - he can still get a passport, the country you want to travel to may not let you in.  That is my understanding from the State Department.  I am open for corrections!  

This is true. You can't get a passport if you have active warrants for your arrest. But American ex-cons can absolutely get passports and leave the USA. Why wouldn't we want ex-cons to leave? With any luck they won't come back.

The vast majority of countries will let an American in as a tourist without asking if you have a criminal record. Russia, Japan, and Australia come to mind as countries that ask Americans if you're a convicted criminal. I think many ex-cons will just check the "no" box anyway and have no problem entering countries like Russia and Japan though, because the USA doesn't share criminal records with them.

1 hour ago, ethalfrida said:

Omg, why wouldn’t they be clean? 

Because they wash the clothes by soaking them in a bucket  and beating them on the ground near a water runoff that leads to an open air sewer? 

51 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

We have dirt poor people in America that live in dilapidated mobile homes.  They also have cell phones.  You don't have to be rich to have a cell phone. 

Yeah, I don't understand why viewers of this show are obsessed over the cell phone thing. Used cell phones cost $10-$20 in the developing world and a month's worth of data costs $1-$2.  And having a phone is essential in the developing world because few people have landlines or laptops. Pointing out the phone ownership is a bit like saying "Rose can't that be poor, she has shoes."

Edited by gavinmac
  • Love 11
42 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

Omg, why wouldn’t they be clean? 

Because of a lack of access to the means to clean their clothes regularly; much like the kids who go to schools in the US where there are washers and dryers to wash their clothes.  Even here in the US, it can be hard and expensive to use laundromats, especially if you don't have good transportation.  

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35 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

Also, I’m not sure what Lisa actually does in a hospice setting. Is she a personal care assistant? A health aide? A maintenance worker?  We really don’t know. 

I would guess that she is a tech who helps with basic patient care, like toileting, bathing, feeding. I think she mentioned the word "caregiver" once. Usman could have referred to her as a nurse, even though that is likely not what she is, but its closer than "doctor". 

Edited by Lily247
  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

I’m not going to judge LoverBoy too harshly for calling Lisa “doctor” since it would be too complicated to explain what a hospice worker actually does.  Also, I’m not sure if “doctor” has the same meaning in his community as it does ours as far as education, earning power, social standing. 
Also, I’m not sure what Lisa actually does in a hospice setting. Is she a personal care assistant? A health aide? A maintenance worker?  We really don’t know. 

He could have said "nurse." That's a pretty universal concept, although Lisa wouldn't likely be a nurse either. The translation he chose was funny, and I did laugh out loud when he said it. 

I think most of this show is set up; the problem is determining which parts. There is a film crew and maybe a director present in every scene. Everybody knows they're in a play of some kind. 

The thought of Big Ed being filmed in Rose's house and in the shower just adds to the fun.  I hope Rose's family was compensated for the time they spent putting up with Ed. The convenient rat was a union walk-on. The pigs work for slop.

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31 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

This is true. You can't get a passport if you have active warrants for your arrest. But American ex-cons can absolutely get passports and leave the USA. Why wouldn't we want ex-cons to leave? With any luck they won't come back.

I believe if you owe more than a certain amount in child support you are unable to get a passport as well.  But again, feel free to correct me.


21 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

With her "people skills," I hope she works in the laundry room.  Alone.

No kidding!  I can NOT imagine hearing her voice as the last one I hear before I depart.

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8 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

I would guess that she is a tech who helps with basic patient care, like toileting, bathing, feeding. I think she mentioned the word "caregiver" once. Usman could have referred to her as a nurse, even though that is likely not what she is, but its closer than "doctor". 

It is also very possible that there is not word for "hospice worker" and he thought of "doctor" on the fly.  Or......he saw it going flat and wanted to pump her up.  I go for the first as he seem like a decent guy!



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