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S11.E11: Being Gay and Religious

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I’ve seen it mentioned about 2 engagement parties. What was the rationale behind that?

More episodes for another season. 

Traditionally the party is hosted by the bride's parents.  So in this case with two brides, they probably will have at least two parties given by parents.  Not sure where Audrey lives.   I could see their Chicago friends having  a party for them, too,  I think that is more and more common with brides today being more likely to already be living on their own in other towns.   Mariah hasn't every lived in Flagstaff so it seems any party given there would be almost all family.   Maybe more of Meri's family would come to the one at the B&B.   This wedding is being pushed to get them at least one more season---probably two.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Twopper said:

This wedding is being pushed to get them at least one more season---probably two.

It would have to be at least 2 seasons since they filmed this over a year ago and we know, from the lack of SM postings (and they post absolutely everything) there has been no movement toward a wedding, no plans, no engagement parties.  So they are banking on more stupid, worthless, boring episodes of moving from house to house, plans for Prairie Dog Plague Flats (which we also know have not happened), and belittling the children to carry them through 2021 toward a wedding in 2022.  Oh, I forgot, the birthing episode which will undoubtedly be the "high" point of next season even though we already know the outcome.  

Spare me.  Spare us all, I beg you.

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5 hours ago, kicotan said:

Mariah is over the moon in love with and intending to marry the first person she ever dated.  I don’t care if you are gay, bi, straight or asexual, I don’t think that’s such a great idea.

They seem a good match, but I tend to agree. I only know 2 lesbian couples and both moved in very early in their relationships. I married my first BF, it has lasted. Just wish Mariah didn't act so entitled. 

  • Love 6

When you’re on the spectrum (don’t know if Truely is but still), the pain of being bullied into doing things lasts

The pain  of being bullied lasts when you're not on the spectrum too. Bullying sucks, particularly when it's your father doing it.


Mariah is over the moon in love with and intending to marry the first person she ever dated.  I don’t care if you are gay, bi, straight or asexual, I don’t think that’s such a great idea.

Everyone is different. I know a few couples that married the first person with whom they were in a serious relationship and all those have lasted. There are a million things that make for a strong marriage and I'm not sure that prior dating/relationship experience is among the most important.


looking at Truely that she is overweight and probably obese at the age of nine.

I don't think she's obese but I'm not her doctor either and I don't know what she weighs. I do know that nine is tough in terms of body composition. You still have baby fat and your height hasn't caught up. A lot of kids who are pudgy at nine shoot up overnight and become gangly tweens and teens. Without knowing a thing about her eating habits, I would be reluctant to call her obese or chastise her eating/exercise habits?

  • Love 24
7 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

They prayed the other week after they met and discussed the misunderstanding about the placement of the houses.  I recall seeing them all hover in a circle, arms around each other and pray.  That's one thing that I do respect.  At least they are keeping prayer in their meetings, even if they do send looks to kill at each other. lol  

Sounds familiar, as this could be the Baptist church where I grew up on any given Sunday. 🙃

I'll be here all week, folks, be sure to tip your servers.  💃😊

  • LOL 5

Just my 2 cents. I remember reading somewhere that the AUB kicked the Browns out when the cat fishing thing broke. Would explain the scarcity of all things religious these days. And why they haven’t hooked up with any Plyg group in Flag.

We also know that the LDS folks want their members to distance themselves from the Brown clowns. That’s why Gabe is so scarce. Could be the reason FT is not around much, either.

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Oh, Janelle, just SHUT IT! You can't stand Meri and she can't stand you. Remember your therapy sessions with each other that went nowhere?  and heart to heart talks trying to figure out why you both hate each other so? We sure do. 

Same with Meri and Christine. No, Meri does not forget how Christine and also Janelle snubbed her during Maddies giving birth. Locked her out of the room when all the other wives were there then Christine summons a meeting with Meri to tell her how unsafe they all feel around her.  

Also, faker Janelle has said she did not like going to "girl time". There were several lunches where the sister wives were meeting up (TLC mandatory I'm sure) and we see Janelle in her talking head protesting having to go. Now all of a sudden she loves her sister time. Please. 

Then we have Sobbyn who will play the game masterfully because she knows Kody loves her Victoria Secret lingerie and probably knows how to get down in the bedroom! The other wives know it and are jealous AF about it.

So keep pretending ladies. Someone must have told them to lighten up the season because all the fighting and bitching was not good for the show. 

We see what you're doing TLC and I for one am not buying it. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 18

Poor Audrey. She has easily gained 40 pounds since being with Mariah.  Must be all those lattes and 2,000 calorie brunches. 

So Audrey is the only person (male or female) that Mariah has dated? And now they’re getting married? The odds aren’t good. I do like Audrey, but I feel like she can do so much better than Miss Wolx Cuterus. 

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23 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Only an idiot would teach a kid to ride a bike on concrete.  I find Truely to be quite temperamental.  

I don’t know whose bright idea it was to invite Robyn to Chicago. She seemed like a fish out of water and clearly didn’t want to be there.  

Kody is a lousy teacher and Truley is a lousy student. That is one whiney kid and one stupid guy!  If I had to teach her to ride a bike, I would run off into the woods, and if I had to learn to ride from Kody, I would never leave my room.

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32 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

Poor Audrey. She has easily gained 40 pounds since being with Mariah.  Must be all those lattes and 2,000 calorie brunches. 

So Audrey is the only person (male or female) that Mariah has dated? And now they’re getting married? The odds aren’t good. I do like Audrey, but I feel like she can do so much better than Miss Wolx Cuterus. 

There was a lot of chunk in that group, but, it doesn’t seem to bother them at all.  If that large, NO way that I would have worn shorts on the beach. I guess they must be comfortable in their own skin.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't think she's obese but I'm not her doctor either and I don't know what she weighs. I do know that nine is tough in terms of body composition. You still have baby fat and your height hasn't caught up. A lot of kids who are pudgy at nine shoot up overnight and become gangly tweens and teens. Without knowing a thing about her eating habits, I would be reluctant to call her obese or chastise her eating/exercise habits?

I haven’t known nine to be a particularly hard age for obesity.  I think it’s one of the easiest ages.  Babies have high body fat percentages.  Then our metabolism typically slows again in our early thirties.  I haven’t seen a lot of overweight or obese nine year olds in particular, but considering one in three kids in America is overweight or obese, and a big factor, I am not sure the best approach is to just wait and see if there’s a growth spurt, because it might not happen, and then where will that leave her at puberty?  Probably pretty miserable.  

I think at nine she should love moving.  When I was a kid, I was always playing, indoors or outdoors, it didn’t matter, and I was happy being in perpetual motion.  I am chastising her parents for not creating this kind of environment for her, not the child.  I think the child is a victim.

Whether one is obese is a question of excessive fat, so I don’t have to know anything about her eating and exercise habits to make that determination.  I don’t know her body fat percentage, but I can make an educated guess that it’s not healthy, just by what I see.  And I commented in an earlier episode that I noticed that Truely has been filmed with unfettered access to food when she was walking around with apple slices and caramel in the episode that Christine got the dog in Phoenix.  So I am observing things other than her weight.  

I am not coming down on the kid.  She’s nine.  If it were up to me, my diet when I was nine would have been 100% brownies.  That’s why her parents should get together and make a parenting plan about this and be compassionate by giving her a chance.  I don’t think it’s at all compassionate to give the benefit of the doubt that she’ll grow out of it.  Just looking at all of the overweight/obese people around her and making an educated guess.  Out of her five full siblings, two (Gwendolyn and Paedon) appear to have healthy weights, and three (Aspyn, Mykelti and Ysabel) are overweight.  That’s 60% overweight.  I don’t like those odds for her.  She deserves better.  

I don’t want the kid to be teased, be isolated and have health problems.  I don’t suspect people are all going to agree about this, and I’m fine with that.  I will try to be discreet in my future comments, as I do not want to upset anyone, but I call it like I see it.  And I’m seeing negligent parenting.  I said the same thing about Ysabel.  Be fat when you’re an adult and you’re equipped to make that decision.  I don’t think the decision should be in the kids’ hands prior to that.  It strikes me as really unfair that some kids will turn 18 and they’ll be overweight and have no blueprint as to how to maintain fitness that they are free to accept or reject, and they would just go through their lives like that because they were never given the tools to make a meaningful decision. MMV.  

  • Love 8

Am I blind? I didn’t notice Truely seeming overweight. In any case, the majority of her family is heavy and I can’t imagine what it would do to her mind if she started getting singled out about her weight. Little girls today often manifest eating disorders due to societal pressures about what they “should” look like. 

It wouldn’t hurt most of the Browns to pay some attention to their eating habit and make better choices about activity but I don’t think Truely is the poster girl for obesity in that crowd.

i also got the feeling her reluctance about the bike was really about something else. The fear didn’t seem real to me. I don’t think she was faking it, exactly. I just felt she really wanted to express some other kind of protest and didn’t know how. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 17
18 hours ago, kicotan said:

Janelle:  ”I like coming away like this because, like, ultimately in my mind, like, this core group, this core relationship is, like, where It’s at.  You know what I mean?
Yeah, Kody’s there and he’s whatever but to me this is the core and I actually really enjoy this, I’m enjoying being away, without the kids, without Kody.”

Is Christine halving her anti-depressants so she can share with Janelle?  I find myself staring at Janelle lately as if my coffee table suddenly sprouted a mouth and began to talk.  Janelle, sad sack Eeyore of the group - you know, the one who can barely muster enough energy to smile or speak or move most of the time is suddenly full of unicorns and sparkles because she just loves her sister wives so gosh darn much?  What I think it really is, is that with Former HBIC Meri now firmly in place as Kody's Least Fave, it gives Janelle room to speak her mind without fear of retribution from Meri.  Janelle is giddy with Meri's downfall.


18 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Mariah’s sisters want to throw a party, and Meri would also like to give Mariah and Audrey a party. 

I mean, these people cannot let one single event pass without at least one party, complete with tacky decorations and over-the-top badly choreographed musical numbers.  Why not let Meri throw the engagement party and let the sisters do a bachelorette party?


14 hours ago, deirdra said:

Christine probably asks her to fill in so that her kids will still be alive when she returns.  

Good heavens, this is so sad because it's true.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Am I blind? I didn’t notice Truely seeming overweight. In any case, the majority of her family is heavy and I can’t imagine what it would do to her mind if she started getting singled out about her weight. Little girls today often manifest eating disorders due to societal pressures about what they “should” look like. 

It wouldn’t hurt most of the Browns to pay some attention to their eating habit and make better choices about activity but I don’t think Truely is the poster girl for obesity in that crowd.

i also got the feeling her reluctance about the bike was really about something else. The fear didn’t seem real to me. I don’t think she was faking it, exactly. I just felt she really wanted to express some other kind of protest and didn’t know how. 

I think like many child actors, Truely is encouraged and compelled to overdo it for the cameras. If she is chubby (tough to tell) it's due to her mom and older sisters letting her eat whatever she wants whenever she wants. 
She's spent time with Mykelti and I do remember seeing an IG story where she's with Mykelti at McD's scarfing down french fries. A large sized fries. At 9, a large fries is too many calories especially since she appears to be a sedentary child. 
But this is on her mom not taking control of her diet and encouraging healthy food choices. I found her defiant statement of "it's MY body!" a bit disturbing. Yeah, it's her body alright, but she's a minor child and her parents should be in charge. I think Truely uses that sentence any time her mom or dad tries to set limits. 

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We seem to have meandered off topic on this thread but FWIW, I'll throw in my unprofessional opinion.  As a grandma to 7 now adult granddaughters, I have found that Truely's body shape is typical of young women at the onset of puberty, which seems to be occurring earlier with each generation.  Some attribute this cycle of change to growth hormones in meat, particularly chicken, but that's a whole other conversation.  It's not unusual for young women to experience menses as young as 10 or 11, I know of one girl who was 8 years old.

Truley's "boxy" shape may be as simple as her body preparing itself for the development of breasts, waist and hips, I haven't noticed excess weight in her arms and legs, it seems to be centered in her torso and is not uncommon for girls of her age.  That being said, I would like to see kids today enjoying outdoor activities more and building muscle mass with street games as my generation did, we didn't have money available for team endeavors such as gymnastics, hockey or even dance lessons but somehow most of us grew up fit and healthy.  There were "bogey men" and pervs lurking around in those days too but with strength in numbers, we were able to run them off.  It seems to me that young people today spend far too much time around adult conversations and glued to their devices rather than being outdoors and playing hard.

  • Love 19

Pretty sure Kody’s feeling like Truely is the only 9 year old who can’t ride a bike. Bike riding is huge in Flagstaff. Toddlers are often on striders before 2 and two wheelers by 4. Their neighborhood also has long, basically flat roads that invite kids to bike. There are probably also dirt paths and jumps nearby that are popular with kids her age. She may not care, but he probably sees her being left out. (Of course, He still shouldn’t be a jerk about teaching her)
In terms of learning, my kids were a bit slow to catch on at age 5/6. What worked for us was to go to a park that had a small grassy slope. Put the kid on the two wheeler without training wheels at the top. Tell them to keep their feet off the petals. Give them a push and let the momentum carry them down the hill. Once they figure out the balance, put the feet on the petals. After some practice, they were riding across the field. 

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17 hours ago, deirdra said:

Christine probably asks her to fill in so that her kids will still be alive when she returns.  Even Mykelti, the quirkiest of her kids, has more common sense than Kody.

I saw Janelle’s mom, so Janelle probably didn’t trust Gabe or Kody to supervise Savannah. 

I did not see Kody’s mom, but I watched slightly distracted. 

Truely is obese??

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, New2this said:

Pretty sure Kody’s feeling like Truely is the only 9 year old who can’t ride a bike.

Because he thinks it reflects on him.

Leave her the hell alone.  Not every kid likes the same thing.  Trying to shoehorn every kid into a mold is just not helpful.  I rode a bike but wasn't big on sports; just because I couldn't play catch doesn't mean I had a deficient childhood.  I swam all summer because I loved it but my sister didn't like it at all and we both turned to be successful adults.  We all need to chose the things that make us feel fulfilled and happy, even as kids.

  • Love 16

Kody probably thought his 2-minute Kewl Dad segment teaching bike riding would make him look good, like his self-congratulatory Kewl Dad pizza-making segment.  Learning to ride an oversized bike in a loose helmet with your hair in your face on someone else's schedule and Kody running around frenetically would be scary to most kids.  I remember my Dad waited until I was the one to ask him to help me ride without training wheels and he ran at a comfortable pace, first on grass, then on pavement after I started to get the hang of it.  Now that Gwendlyn & Ysabel drive, does Truely have anyone to ride a bike with?

  • Love 9

Ok, I don’t want y’all thinking I’m the devil, so I’ll just say this—when I say “obese,” I am using the clinical definition.  It’s a very, very low threshold to be clinically obese.  I just looked it up and a woman who is 5’3” who weighs 170 lbs is considered obese.  There are plenty of women who are probably 5’3” and 170 lbs, and don’t even look fat, let alone obese, especially if they wear their excess weigh in their hips and ass and have thinner faces.  I think all of the first three wives are likely obese.  So I was never contending that Truely was like a young Janelle, who, if she is still 5’2” and 270 like she was a few seasons ago, is well beyond morbidly obese.  I was really just kind of shocked at Truely’s appearance compared to what it used to be, and I’m not going to post pictures, because that is taking it too far, but a quick google search is eye-opening.  

Maybe it’s not something to be concerned about.  What do I know?  I don’t even have kids.

I think my alarm about a child’s weight is specific to the Browns and how they had so many overweight kids since the show’s inception.  When it started, all I saw were fat wives and fat kids and I felt really bad for the kids.  Some of them, like Maddie and Paedon, grew out of it (and I suspect a lot of hard work was involved in both cases), but a lot of the others didn’t, and I think it’s so sad that these asshole parents are adding to the already tremendous burdens that are already on their kids for feeling stigmatized by polygamy, moving all the time, and now something else that’s preventable.  

I just never got the sense that this family put a premium on health, and I think that’s so important.  Truely will probably be fine.  I just get so angry at the parents.  Someone else pointed out up thread that when Truely said that thing about body autonomy and it’s her right to her body, it was a little strange.  I just don’t know what Christine or Kody is teaching her, nor do I think they’re on the same page.  I’ll move on from this topic of weight, because it’s not even about that.  It’s more about the fact that I don’t think many of these parents give much of a shit about their kids.  

I was really disappointed in the way Christine spoke to Aspyn last season, when Aspyn was expressing frustration about the move to Flag, but she was also marrying Mitch and seemed resigned to the fact that her parents were crazy, so she didn’t really care, yet Christine forced this long, laborious conversation in whisper-talk with Aspyn for camera time that Aspyn didn’t even want to have about how Christine “can’t do Utah.”  Then she took her middle kids out of school to follow this prince and...I don’t think she is a strong mom.  I don’t think she fights for her kids.  I’m hopping mad at Janelle for the same thing.  I’ll probably never feel the same about either of them for moving to Flag.  I at least get the feeling that Robyn fights for her kids, even though she’s a complete asshole.  I think it was fucked up of Robyn to move her middle kids too, although she at least has young kids, so if she wanted to leave Las Vegas for the safety issue, a better argument can be made for her agreeing to move.  But Christine and Janelle?  I think they should have put every priority on keeping those kids in their school.  If your mortgage is ballooning, move to an apartment.  If you lose the TV show, oh well.  That’s just the way I look at it.  Keep your kids healthy and happy.  The man-child with the long gold flowing locks can take care of himself.  Stop putting him first.  He sucks.  That’s my biggest point.  

At some point, I might have to duck out of watching this show, because this move to Flagstaff was so selfish and it made me so angry, and maybe it’s making me more bitter than I should be.  

Edited by LibertarianSlut
How low someone’s weight can be when they’re still “obese” corrected downward
  • Love 16

I found her defiant statement of "it's MY body!" a bit disturbing.

I didn't. Kids need to know that they get to make decisions about their bodies. It's what empowers them to say no when someone who shouldn't be touching them tries to - be it the bully on the school bus or a child molester. It's what empowers them to tell a trusted adult when something untoward happens to them. Nine year olds are too young to decide whether or not they need vaccines (they do); whether they can have cookies for dinner; or whether they have to take medicine for strep throat. But they are plenty old enough to decide they don't want to hug an uncle, kiss grandma or sit on someone's lap. And they are certainly old enough to decide they don't want to learn to ride a bike.

  • Love 21
25 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I didn't. Kids need to know that they get to make decisions about their bodies. It's what empowers them to say no when someone who shouldn't be touching them tries to - be it the bully on the school bus or a child molester. It's what empowers them to tell a trusted adult when something untoward happens to them. Nine year olds are too young to decide whether or not they need vaccines (they do); whether they can have cookies for dinner; or whether they have to take medicine for strep throat. But they are plenty old enough to decide they don't want to hug an uncle, kiss grandma or sit on someone's lap. And they are certainly old enough to decide they don't want to learn to ride a bike.

Agreed! My biggest peeve is when parents make their kids hug everyone. I hated it as a child and hate it now, seeing angst on a child’s face who is forced to hug someone they don’t want to. I try to say, “It’s ok, they don’t have to hug me” and the parents still try to force the child. One word: ASSHOLES.  Kids should have a say if they’re uncomfortable touching someone or doing something they don’t feel safe doing. 

Also? I was forced to learn to ride a bike and hated it. I crashed all the time and wound up hurt a lot. To this day I hate bicycles. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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So am I correct that when everyone was making pizzas they were in Robyn’s kitchen and when Kody was teaching the kids to ride bikes it was also outside Robyn’s house?

hmm wonder where and with whom Kody spent a majority of his time with while the wives went to Chicago?

i found it very telling that Christine had Mykelti there and Janelle had her mother there. Everyone appears to have accepted that Robyn’s house and her children will be where Kody stays when they go out of town. 

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I may be disremembering this, but I thought one should be able to stand (straight legged) when on their bicycle seat.  The bike looked to me like Truely wasn't quite tall or long-legged enough for it.  

My daughter didn't learn to ride a bike.  She tried and just couldn't get the rhythm of balancing and pedaling.  She instead swam at every opportunity, roller-bladed, and ice skated.  She wasn't into team sports, either.  They're all individuals, kids.

Kootie doesn't know Truely very well.  No wonder, he was running around in heat with his new sex toy, Robyn, since before T was born.  I think Christine's kids got shafted the most, probably because five of them are female.  Kootie only seems to care about Robyn and her kids, and it's been like that for years.  He's a dickhead. 😞


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On 3/15/2020 at 7:47 PM, suzywallis said:

I feel for her.  She is anxious and scared, and his dumbass is pushing it.   Give her a chance and make her feel safe.  She had training wheels.  Let her use them.   Kody pisses me off.

I agree. That scene totally felt to me like Kody showed up, for the first time in awhile, determined to parent his kids RIGHT THIS DAMN SECOND, and he flailed pathetically. I think Kody likes to look like an involved, doting father, but that segment didn't show him as involved and doting; he looked like an arrogant buffoon.

  • Love 24

Truely is fine, weight-wise. It’s her precocious attitude I find annoying. She always has to be overdramatic, just like her mom. 

I think those who say Truely is obese are probably recalling when she was hospitalized with kidney failure years ago. I recall seeing her at her Princess Pee-Pee & Poo-Poo Party looking very thin and frail. 

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On 3/16/2020 at 6:47 PM, deirdra said:

Christine probably asks her to fill in so that her kids will still be alive when she returns.  Even Mykelti, the quirkiest of her kids, has more common sense than Kody.

Yeah, in line with your comment -- whatever else can be said about Mykelti, she seems to me actually to be a stable, responsible adult. She works hard at her sales - I've seen them online and it does seem a lot of work to deal with - inventory, invoicing, shipping, keeping track of orders and so forth. I loathe MLMs but if this were a legitimate business I'd actually admire her work ethic. She comes across flighty and demanding on the show at times (ref: everything about the taco/pinata wedding) but I think she's calmed down a lot. 

Edited by Teafortwo
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Just got to watch this eppie, and I get the feeling that it was done strictly for damage control. It's not working for me. I've watched this show from the beginning and have seen how not only each woman has changed, (generally for the worse) but also how the group has disintegrated into 4 separate families. 

Meri is all but out the door, Robyn's gained weight and lost her youth, Christine is into monagamy, and Janelle has invaded Christine's old supply of happy pills.  Kootie has gotten more desperate and somewhat meaner.  What a trainwreck.

  • Love 21

Truely has a more of an hourglass figure than is seen on most 9-year-olds. She has curvy hips and thighs compared to her thin calves and ankles. (In those lying-on-the-floor-with-Evie photos). Puberty can show up early when Mother Nature figures "This one can sustain a new life without short-changing herself." 

Kids usually have the same body all over. If they're thin, they're thin everywhere. If they're chunky, they're chunky everywhere. Variety in distribution is seen more in adults because of hormones or sports or working out or repetitive motion jobs, etc. 

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On 3/16/2020 at 11:19 AM, Tabbygirl521 said:

But clearly Mariah doesn’t believe her original religion’s tenets “down to her core” if that tradition holds that being gay is a sin and she does not. I’m not sure what you mean by a “liberal” church but I’ll share that I’m Episcopalian. The priests in my church teach the word of God, and that Jesus died for the sins of humankind and will come again. Pretty mainstream stuff. Everyone is welcome: to attend services, to participate or not in responses, singing, Communion and other rituals - and no one is held to be “less than” or sinful because of their sexuality. 

ETA: I realize that it’s not always easy to leave one’s religion. But a person who feels rejected and put down by the tenets of their religion can surely explore other options to see if they find a tradition that makes them feel welcome BEFORE they make the difficult decision to leave what they know. You can also be religious without attending church at all IMO. Anyway, Mariah has already left the Church of Kody by rejecting polygamy. So if she is feeling a lack in her life that a church would help with, I hope she’ll explore. Unlike many here I like Mariah (and Audrey) and I hope Mariah finds what she needs.

ETA again (LOL): I just remembered that Kody kind of opened the episode by telling how he’s never really required his kids to strictly follow his beliefs and that he leaves it to them to makes their own choices and conclusions. This may be one of the only things I really like about him. 

@Tabbygirl521, I'm an Episcopalian too and ITA with your post so much I wish I could like it 20 times!

The mainstream Episcopal church in the US is an interesting combination of liberalism pertaining to personal lifestyle choices and pretty mainstream, traditional views on God and Jesus.  It is a very open, accepting church that has had women priests and even gay bishops for decades now.  A lot of gay religious Christians from other more socially conservative churches are attracted to the Episcopal church for good reasons.  When I watched this episode I wished that Mariah could learn more about this.  For some reason it isn't very well known and a lot of people make assumptions about Episcopalians and the Episcopal church in general that aren't true.  It also doesn't help that there's an evangelical offshoot of the Episcopal church that is not socially liberal and disavows itself of the mainstream church's social values.

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As far as weight goes Audrey and Truely could both be on medication that causes weight gain.  Didn’t somebody say Audrey suffers from depression and we know Truely damn near died, I would say it’s possible she’s on some sort of medicine, but that also requires the Browns taking her to the doctors, so maybe not.  She’s a little pudgy but still at that baby fat age, I think she’s fine, but do any of them actually exercise besides Kody?  I don’t believe a damn word about exercise from Janelle or Meri.  Christine’s kids seem split in terms of weight and Christine has had a been heavier and thinner herself.  I think Kody and Christine have both commented on Truelys diet and how it affects her behavior.  I do expect maybe Christine spoils Truely some since she did almost die and she is her last child.  

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On 3/16/2020 at 12:00 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Well, I think there’s a really good reason she should learn how to do something—at this age, lots of things—that give her exercise.  I’m not her doctor, but it’s clear from looking at Truely that she is overweight and probably obese at the age of nine.  That is really sad and setting her up for a lifetime of problems.  

When I was watching this, I did say, “man, someone must have really fucked with her if she’s so scared to ride a bike at nine.”  I was late in learning to ride a bike at seven, and by the time I was nine, I think I was on my bike more than I was off it.  So at least one of her parents likely screwed this up, probably both, but the child needs a lot more exercise than she’s getting and if she doesn’t want to ride a bike, she should be encouraged to play outside, and no snacking between (healthy) meals.

 I do agree that bullying her into it is the best way to get her to hate biking for life.  

I totally agree with you here.  While I didn't approve of Kody's bullying of her, I do think she should be encouraged to do things that scare her a little.  Of course, Kody was NOT providing the emotional support she needed to trust that he would catch her if she fell, or that he would not push her into falling.  What a dickwad.  I hate to say it but I've always felt that some of the children in this family have been coddled and over-indulged, especially the younger ones that grew up while the show has been on the air.  Truely has always seemed to me to be a frightened type whose mother sheltered her from every cut and bruise as if she would break if anything ever happened to her.  So I wonder if Kody's brash and pushy attitude with her was partly out of frustration over the way her mother has sheltered her so much that she never learned how to ride a bike.  But if the dickwad was more of a presence in her life maybe he could have helped to encourage her in a constructive, gradual way instead of throwing her in the deep end of the pool after she has built up so much anxiety over ever doing it. 

I have a close friend from childhood that never learned how to drive because she was convinced and afraid that she would never be good at it since her mother was not a good driver - her mother came from an older generation of women that didn't drive.  She suddenly decided to get a license after the age of 50 after the "women's lib" era made her feel more independent.  Learning to drive that late is usually a disaster for anyone.  My husband's father was another one like this - He lived in NYC all his life and never had to drive, then retired somewhere in the country and had to learn how to drive over 60.  Did not work out very well.  Bike riding and a whole host of other things requiring spatial judgment and hand/eye coordination become very hard and even impossible for people to learn for the first time when they get older.

Edited by Yeah No
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On 3/16/2020 at 12:00 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I don’t know why Meri was beating herself up about her reaction to Mariah coming out either.  There were other people who had to jump up to hug her to show how woke they were first, so she just waited her turn.  And then Meri had a few questions and comments that I think a lot of parents have for their kids, straight or gay.  I’d like someone else to walk in her shoes and see if they are paragons of acceptance before judging Meri’s reaction.  Meri accepted it and even went to marches and stuff.  If Paedon, for example, came out as bi, I would pay good money to see Christine fly across the country and march in solidarity for his sexual orientation.  

Meri probably thinks she's not "woke" enough because it threw her for a loop when she found out Mariah was gay.  I personally think her reaction was understandable and didn't mean she wasn't accepting her daughter's gayness.  It just meant that she needed to process it and change the paradigm through which she had been viewing her daughter for her entire life.  That's a huge thing to ask of anyone, especially a mother.  It doesn't mean she isn't as accepting as the other women because this is HER daughter, and her only child, after all.  It's much easier to show genuine happiness and acceptance right away when it isn't YOUR child.  I think Meri was kind of thrown for a loop and blindsided, and who could really blame her for that?  You think you know your own daughter and then you suddenly find out something so fundamental about them that they never told you and you somehow didn't see.  Meri blames herself for that, but it's not her fault.  I think most parents assume or don't even think about their child being something other than they experience them to be.  To find out you were wrong and your child never told you until a pretty late date is jarring, but it doesn't mean non-acceptance.  Mariah herself admits that she had given off the impression that she was interested in traditional straight marriage and family so why would Meri expect anything else?  In this case I think Meri is being too hard on herself.  She should be able to say to herself "Screw what other people think".

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11 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Ok, I don’t want y’all thinking I’m the devil, so I’ll just say this—when I say “obese,” I am using the clinical definition.  It’s a very, very low threshold to be clinically obese.  I just looked it up and a woman who is 5’3” who weighs 170 lbs is considered obese.  There are plenty of women who are probably 5’3” and 170 lbs, and don’t even look fat, let alone obese, especially if they wear their excess weigh in their hips and ass and have thinner faces.  

I think the clinical definitions of obesity suffer from being a "one size fits all" designation, and that doesn't work when it comes to weight because people carry it differently plus there really are small, medium and large boned people.  There are even casual tests online to tell which one you are.  I am medium to large boned and so I look thinner than the scale says I am.  Plus I am a pear shape so I hide a lot in my butt and thighs, which because I have a reasonably attractive shape don't seem that heavy.  I am 5'2" tall and when I weighed 160 lbs. I fit into a misses size 10, which could hardly be considered anywhere near "obese" by most people's standards.  I think the medical community lowered the weight thresshold of obesity a while back in response to the growing obesity epidemic.  They were trying to get people to lose weight by scaring them into thinking they are really that large.  I also tend to wonder if TPTB out there wanted the public to spend more money on dieting and exercise so they made them think they were fatter than they really were.

That said, I never ever thought Truely was "obese".  Maybe a little overweight, but definitely not obese.

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Truly can most definitely put on a few years before a judgement call can be made about obesity issues.  Maybe bike riding isn’t her thing, but a positive attitude towards exercise is a good thing to cultivate for her, given that her mother is prone to carrying a little extra weight.

Ex Mr. kicotan is 6’7”.  His family told me that he was a relatively normal height compared to his peers and really pudgy in jr. high school...then bam over the summer he gained 6” in height and thinned out tremendously.  When I met him at 17 he was maybe 180 soaking wet.

Our children went through the same thing...they put on weight -were very pudgy-and then when  puberty hit, their height soared.  They are in their 30’s now, son is 6’5”/220, daughter is 6’/160.

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16 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

I think Truely uses that sentence any time her mom or dad tries to set limits.

I really don’t think Kody is in her life much at all and it’s sad.  That bike nonsense was all for the cameras and you could tell by how little patience and caring Kody had.  I mean, isn’t Truely a little old to just now be learning to ride a bike? 

Kody is an asshat and poor excuse for a father but Truely has obviously learned to mirror her mother and sisters’ personalities and mannerisms. It’s a little cringy and I think it disgusts Kody in a way.

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51 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

What do lesbians bring on their second date? A U-Haul.

Mooriah's reveal that Audj was her first date, ever, reminded me of that joke and I LOL'd. But it's true that lesbians are noted for being somewhat less promiscuous than other groups of people and forming long-time monogamous relationships.

What a bummer when she said if she stayed in her church most likely she would've unhappily married some guy just to go along/get along. I know four women whose LDS husbands left them and the kids because they finally tired of the charade of going along to get along. That is just damn sad all the way around. 

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