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S11.E08: Doubting Polygamy

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11 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Kody tells his (DICKWAD) friend Kyle, a polygamist who's first wife left him (AFTER HE BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HER), that he is feelingk jaded about polygamy (BECAUSE THERE ARE NO OTHER STORY LINES LEFT); Kody's wives (WIFE AND GIRLFRIEND AND ACCOUNTANT AND INNKEEPER) are refusingk to all live under one roof (LIKE THE MONOGAMISTS THEY REALLY ARE) and the roller-coaster ride of houses  (BECAUSE NO ONE IN THIS FAMBLY ACTUALLY HAS A PLAN) has everyone at their boiling point.

The only reason I watch is to see if this shitshow finally collapses under the weight of its own nonsense. Must stock up on popcorn for tonight. 

kyle sounds nice. 

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3 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

The only reason I watch is to see if this shitshow finally collapses under the weight of its own nonsense. Must stock up on popcorn for tonight. 

kyle sounds nice. 

I am looking forward to the knock down drag out brawl that Janelle anticipates over the use of the "water feature" they call a pond.  I have a feeling that the pond is an environmental easement on that lot for flood control in the event of heavy downpours or snow melting from higher elevations.  If that is the case, they will not be allowed to interfere in any way with the designated use by landscaping, stocking with (cat?)fish or any other ill-conceived ideas they may have. 

Janelle may have visions of Kody in a sylvan setting prancing about in the waterfall created by the galvanized pipes that feed this retention pond.

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On the bright side, Kody can just move in with Robyn full time, and he won't even need to file for any divorces.

"Okay, gals . . . you're free.  Good luck."

You're assuming that Robyn wants Kody around full time, which I am not at all sure is the case. I think Robyn will eventually be the new Meri about 15 years from now.  

That "pond" looked dirty in the previous episodes. I can't imagine fighting over it. 

How many kids are actually still living at home to move into this massive house that Kody wants to build?




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42 minutes ago, deirdra said:

That is the impression I got from the realtor/developer they met with when scoping out properties. She corrected them, calling it a retention pond, when they called it a 'water feature', but they didn't listen.  More astute people would have asked for data on the Spring runoff levels as soon as she said it. You don't want your Lexus parking garage turning into a swimming pool.

Other names for it would be "mosquito breeding puddle" or "mud pit" when the water subsides.

They must know by now it's basically a drainage ditch.

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My first post but I read all your comments almost daily!
So if Kody were to leave polygamy really Meri is the only one in a good spot in my opinion. No kids at home, her own business in the Inn and whatever that clothing stuff is. I think Christine would be screwed over the most since she has always stayed home with the kids. I suppose the ladies with kids would be entitled to child support but that would be it right?

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4 hours ago, bonniep said:

My first post but I read all your comments almost daily!
So if Kody were to leave polygamy really Meri is the only one in a good spot in my opinion. No kids at home, her own business in the Inn and whatever that clothing stuff is. I think Christine would be screwed over the most since she has always stayed home with the kids. I suppose the ladies with kids would be entitled to child support but that would be it right?

Christine is screwed anyway because she has never worked( outside of this show) and will not be able to draw from Kodys’ social security when she gets retirement age.  Meri will because she was married to him over 10 years, Robyn will because she will have been married to him over 10 years by then.  Janelle can draw her own.   Hopefully Christine is getting some sort of a actual legal salary from The Brown Family Entertainment group. 

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39 minutes ago, whydoievencare said:

So Caleb and Maddie moved because he got a "really great job" as an elevator mechanic HELPER?  I didn't know there was such a job (I mean I knew there were people who fix elevators, but there's a Helper and that's a real thing?)

When he said “helper,” I honestly thought he was joking.

Good for him for someone on this show having a rill job, but to move so far away for this “really great job?”  Aren’t there elevators in LV?  And isn’t Maddie in school?  Or planning on going to back to school?

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13 hours ago, AZChristian said:

On the bright side, Kody can just move in with Robyn full time, and he won't even need to file for any divorces.

"Okay, gals . . . you're free.  Good luck."

I think he already does. He told everyone “our” (his and Robin’s) rental is going on the market so “they” need to find another to move into. As opposed to Janelle having been back from Maddie’s for 10 days and he hadn’t seen the status of her place and unpacking, and it was news to him that “her” house in Vegas was under contract. He obviously isn’t staying at Meri’s. I’d assume he’s at Christine’s occasionally, but he’s also clearly pissed about the one house thing and knows she’s at least a major veto of that.

I like how the news about Robyn’s rental going on the market is just so bad and devastating that he has to spread the shit news around (his general words), as though it’s a major deal to any of the other wives aside from helping on the actual moving day. 🙄

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13 hours ago, Sandy W said:

I am looking forward to the knock down drag out brawl that Janelle anticipates over the use of the "water feature" they call a pond.  I have a feeling that the pond is an environmental easement on that lot for flood control in the event of heavy downpours or snow melting from higher elevations.  If that is the case, they will not be allowed to interfere in any way with the designated use by landscaping, stocking with (cat?)fish or any other ill-conceived ideas they may have. 

Janelle may have visions of Kody in a sylvan setting prancing about in the waterfall created by the galvanized pipes that feed this retention pond.

I hope they would have found out easements etc during the purchasing of the property.

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It’s not like I thought highly of Kody before, but he is so *monumentally unlikable* this season. He’s making Christine’s total hypocrisy over “wanting the family, not just the man” (which I guess, in fairness, was her position before having ever had her own stand-alone house), and referencing the trouble in a double-wide trailer with a shared kitchen and dining room, etc as a comparison to his single townhome plan, look good.

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6 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

Tonight on REELZ with Dr. Michael Hunter - Alan Thicke ! And then the 2-hour Breakfast Club Behind Closed Doors ! Both immensely more entertaining than these fools. I'll watch them later while doing laundry. 

My cable company doesn't carry REELZ. Do you know if there's any other way to see Reelz programming?

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So Kody doesn't like when his wives get along (fake as that is, of course).  If that's the case, then he loves it when they can't stand each other, because - it makes his life easier that they're not all plotting and whispering behind his back?  It makes it easier for him to play favorites?  Who knows.  But if he's "jaded" on those rare moments that his wives all do something silly (again, Fakey McFakerson, all four of them) - why did he ever think that they would all be cool with living under one roof?

His "suck it up, buttercup" at the very end of the episode made me LOL pretty hard.  As if.  He hasn't taken charge as the head of his family for 25+ years, and NOW he's going to pretend to be the leader?  Yeah, you just led your family off a cliff and into a well of debt so deep, you're never going to be able to climb out of it, especially when TLC finally cuts off the gravy train.

Janelle's house is a dump.

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Kody can be exasperating, however, I find the ladies to be frustrating this season as well.   I get why he's feeling so annoyed. But, I don't think the life of those in plural marriage is supposed to be a bed of roses.   That's where the Browns got it wrong from the beginning. Their show was slated as how great polygamy is and how sweet the life can be, when that wasn't really the truth.   It looks happy at the wedding receptions when they are all smiling, children posing all together, dancing around as one big happy family, but, is that really a true representation of their family?  It does make me wonder.  Each adult child has taken away their own experience in that family.  And, the part about plural marriage is a part they don't want to keep.  With Kody's age creeping up, his impregnating years at an end, his women disrespecting his decisions..........I can see how he might be feeling a little detached and disillusioned. 

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9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

With Kody's age creeping up, his impregnating years at an end, his women disrespecting his decisions..........I can see how he might be feeling a little detached and disillusioned.


15 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

He hasn't taken charge as the head of his family for 25+ years, and NOW he's going to pretend to be the leader?  Yeah, you just led your family off a cliff and into a well of debt so deep, you're never going to be able to climb out of it, especially when TLC finally cuts off the gravy train.

Quote 2 is exactly the reason his wife’s don’t respect and follow him blindly anymore.   His decisions seem to have always  been poor ones.  We’ve seen the photos and heard the stories from their early days - horrible housing conditions, Janelle bearing the money making responsibility while he and Meri vacationed.  Moving those kids around from state to state and back. When they finally come  into money with a show, he married a 4th wife and moved the family to Vegas and builds 4 large homes, and then does it all again a few years later. 

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13 hours ago, smarty2020 said:

Janelle only has 1 under 18 - Savannah

Christine has 2 under 18 - Ysabel and Truely

They wouldn't get much child support because Kody's income would be so small, if the show were done.

If  kids are in college full time, you do not have to emancipate them until they graduate.

9 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

When he said “helper,” I honestly thought he was joking.

Good for him for someone on this show having a rill job, but to move so far away for this “really great job?”  Aren’t there elevators in LV?  And isn’t Maddie in school?  Or planning on going to back to school?

Helper is an apprentice, and that is a unioned position here in NY/NJ area as well as Im sure across US.  My ex was a helper when we got married in 92 and made approx 45-50K then as a helper, worked up the ranks in the union and now makes over 200K as a foreman.  

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Janelle still had packing boxes stacked up in her house because she had only moved "a few weeks" before she went to visit Maddie. A few weeks! I would have been unpacked in a few days. I could see it taking longer if she worked full time, but what does she have to do all day except unpack and the occasional filming?

They are just trying to play up Meri being the outsider making it look like they don't want to gather at her house. I'm very sure they were at her house on Christmas Eve. They also did the vision boards at her house, and all got together to discuss that houses weren't selling at her house. They gather at her house plenty. If they gave her the side-eye when she suggested it, it's probably because she is always out of town at her B&B or traveling with her Lularoe friends so they can't get together at her house unless she is in town because they are filming.


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2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm not sure who's decision it was to go with TLC, but, the family has consistently upgraded their lifestyle over the years. Nice cars, nicer homes, vacations, nice weddings, and the ability to basically work for themselves or in a outside job.  So, I don't see it as Kody running them into the dirt.  

People can put on a really good show without any actual money at all - that's what credit is for. I am of the belief that the reason they had to leave LV is that they were paying interest only on those homes for the first few years. When they hit the point where the payments shot up, they could no longer afford them. The cars also could be financed and once they are older, they lose value dramatically (plus I'm guessing they don't have the maintenance done at the dealership, which costs a fortune). 

I don't think they have two nickels in actual money to rub together but I'll bet they are drowning in debt.

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14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm not sure who's decision it was to go with TLC, but, the family has consistently upgraded their lifestyle over the years. Nice cars, nicer homes, vacations, nice weddings, and the ability to basically work for themselves or in a outside job.  So, I don't see it as Kody running them into the dirt.  

And cars for under age of 18 teenagers  that they received multiple citations for no  insurance.  So, no, they didn’t have  money other than for things TLC paid for. 
Please re-watch the infamous move to Vegas episode with the cars with Saran Wrap windows and flat tires that they didn’t have spares for. 

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I don't know their cash flow, their incomes or assets, but, their lifestyles are much better than the leaner years. The ladies even mock the idea of living in a mobile home. lol  They've put children through college, they have enormous food bills, they have multiple rents, continue to buy properties, yet they seem to flourish and besides poor mouthing to get what they want, it's all in a days work on TLC.  

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21 hours ago, Soaper410 said:

His s first and second wife had gone from hating each other to constant mild irritation to ignoring each other for 25+ years. 

His first wife falls in love with an online persona that she was willing to leave her entire eternal family for a few years ago. 

Despite having 18 kids, not one of his children have decided to follow his lifestyle. 

Most of his adult children believe he is immature and makes terrible decisions. 

He and all(?) of his wives had declared bankruptcy and have no normal and stable jobs. 

Yet.....the wives not wanting to live like they are in a sorority house has finally done him in & he's questioning his lifestyle. 

I see.....

Yup - sounds like a pretty successful venture to me......

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:



So whose property actually has the one well? 

27 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

People can put on a really good show without any actual money at all - that's what credit is for. I am of the belief that the reason they had to leave LV is that they were paying interest only on those homes for the first few years. When they hit the point where the payments shot up, they could no longer afford them. The cars also could be financed and once they are older, they lose value dramatically (plus I'm guessing they don't have the maintenance done at the dealership, which costs a fortune). 

I don't think they have two nickels in actual money to rub together but I'll bet they are drowning in debt.

That's been my opinion as well, knowing my share of people who live way beyond their means thanks to credit.

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