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S18.E09: Suit Yourself

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Here’s my theory on what happened with Sergio. He didn’t consciously realize he was copying Celine Dion’s look while he was making it. He really thought, in his usual egotistical way, that he had come up with something brand new. As soon as the judges mentioned it though, he realized he knew exactly what look they were talking about but wanted to save face. So he lied his ass off about not being familiar with it from that point on. 

Don’t get me started on his political cause. I just can’t.


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On 2/7/2020 at 9:43 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

The Galliano for Dior backwards tux on Celine shook Brandon to the core? What the what?

I know, right?! That outfit was an abomination - It was ill-fitted, fugly, and the only thing worth saying about it was it was 'unusual'. As much as I loathe Sergio and his over-inflated sense of self, his version was fitted and sleek, though the backwards concept does nada for me.

Also, in other news, Geoffrey needs to STOP with the fucking crying in every.talking.head. 

Edited by gingerella
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21 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

From what I remember, Celine Dion’s backwards tux was a pretty big pop culture moment similar to when J Lo wore that low cut green and blue dress. Even people who don’t watch awards shows saw both outfits because the press made such a huge deal out of both of them. 

Weirdly, I didn't remember Celine Dion's suit either until I saw the photo (still not even sure I saw it at the time *shrug* ) and I don't have any recollection of the J Lo outfit you are referencing either... but I've watched Project Runway in real time since the beginning. I do remember Austin Scarlet's corn husk dress, Mychael Knight's coffee filter dress, Andrae Gonzala's gutter water dress, Jay McCarrol's Chrysler Building Dress, Cris March and Christian's avant garde dress, Dmitry Sholokhov's candy dress (how that didn't end up in the top 3, I don't know - and okay not as memorable maybe as the others on the list, but I remembered it.) Probably lots of others I'm forgetting at the moment, but I generally don't remember red carpet dresses for some reason.  Well, except Michael Costello's red carpet Grammy dress for Beyonce, but mostly due to his Project Runway connection (and the fact that I generally liked his aesthetic.)

Heh, I guess maybe I like my fashion-fashion with a heavy dose of fun more than just fashion. My aesthetic tends to be more every day wear - which I wear - and so I tend not to remember stuff I'd never wear unless it's also connected with the show.

Maybe Sergio isn't much for that kind of fashion and tends to remember what he likes and forgets or doesn't pay attention to the rest. Maybe not the smartest or most informed strategy, but not unheard of. I remember there was one Project Runway contestant (the strange and sometimes oddly captivating Bradley) who didn't know Cher's aesthetic... as in nothing she wore ever. Which: interesting. He explained it as he didn't read People magazine or pop culture stuff like that and tended to stay in his own lane.

Part of it might be an outsider's perception? For example, I'm an Entomologist. It seems to many in the general public like Entomology in itself is pretty specialized, so that I would/should know every insect ever - just send me a blurry photo and I should be able to tell them what it is and everything about it. But there are 10s of thousands maybe 100s of thousands of insect species in the U.S. I doubt there's an Entomologist who knows them all. We specialize or at least know our own niche area, and we have our favorites and specialties. Maybe fashion is similar.

For the judges, that look was iconic to them, but to Sergio it might not have been memorable. To me it was mainly meh to ugly, so I can see why someone might forget it. The jacket was one thing, but those pants? Were they backwards also, because that would explain the awful fit, and how did Celine not trip going down the red carpet?

Maybe not the most popular opinion, but ... fashion is subjective and likely always has been that way.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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On 2/6/2020 at 9:22 PM, WaltersHair said:

Does it matter in a 'helper' challenge if the input is totally disregarded? Poor Alan. He is entertaining though.

Ick. I didn't enjoy Alan any more the second time around. That cackle was v irritating. 

On 2/6/2020 at 10:14 PM, raven said:

Er, what, Sergio?  The 1950's?  Just when I thought maybe you could be likable.

For me, this is a two-pronged problem. Not only did he reverse-engineer the political statement of his garment, he was also woefully out of touch a major political issue. A HUGE reason so many people object to the "MAGA" message is that it is calling back to a time that was not "Great" for many people—Elaine is hardly original in discussing this. If Sergio were even remotely in touch, he would have known what a stupid thing that was to say. 

Personally I have a hard time buying that he wasn't aware of the Celine backwards tux, but if he was telling the truth, that's another example of how he isn't in tune with major milestones in fashion and pop culture, which is sort of important for a designer, esp. one who claims to be such a pro.

On 2/6/2020 at 11:15 PM, Caseysgirl said:

I have had a hard time with “Dr.Couture” and his arrogance all season, but tonight he was just a mean girl to Nancy. He’s not nearly as good as he thinks he is.

I have been rooting for Delvin but he came across like a catty asshole. Nancy handled it well but I found it painful on her behalf. 

I LOVED Nancy's look. I was sure she was in the top. I thought it was beautiful, and it was incredibly well made -- the way the print matched up on seams and such was impressive and she got no credit for it. DD did a great job showing it off, too.  

On 2/7/2020 at 8:04 AM, pasdetrois said:

And blaming Nancy for the busted buttonhole attachment was a real low blow. Christian pushed back on that. Delvin's a nasty piece of work and he would bring headaches to CFDA's process.

I forgot about the buttonhole thing! Ugh, another way that Delvin pissed me off.

On 2/7/2020 at 8:37 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Can Sebastian come by and bring me carbs every morning?

I love Sebastian, but those were the saddest looking supermarket bagels I have ever seen. An embarrassment to the NY metro area bagel scene.

On 2/6/2020 at 11:52 PM, Lady of nod said:

So disappointed Christian used his save for Brittany.

I'd have preferred for him to use it for Chelsey.

4 hours ago, gingerella said:

Also, in other news, Geoffrey needs to STOP with the fucking crying in every.talking.head. 

Poor Geoffrey seems like he is about to fall apart always. It makes me so sad for him.

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12 hours ago, LucindaWalsh said:

Gah, the backwards tuxedo from Celine. It was ridiculous then, what she wore.

Perhaps (I remember at the time just thinking that it was kinda stupid) but it garnered more attention and free PR than should be legal and 20 years later people still remember it. It achieved what it needed to for her.

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I always hated Celine's backwards tux. It looked sloppy, oversized, and that hat was disastrous. I could also be influenced that I'm not a Celine Dion fan *ducks from people throwing tomatoes at me*

As much as Sergio bugs the shit out of me, and how I couldn't understand why he couldn't stop himself from saying that what he was doing was completely original (come on, people are influenced all the time by designers, it's a rarity that anything is "original"), I liked his garment so much more than Celine's. It fit well, loved the pink lapels, etc. 

Other posters have also referred to this but: I am SO ANXIOUS when Geoffrey does his talking heads, he's on the brink of tears every single time. And when talking to the judges too. He's got this sadness/insecurity that is just under the surface. I feel bad. 

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* I thought Victoria's design was unflattering on the model

* it was bad enough for Sergio to make up political reasons behind his design after the fact--but then he went and kept talking and adopting a position that made no sense whatsoever. Just stop. 

* I was very happy for Marquese and Shavi. I like them both a lot. I know this isn't a "pick the nicest person" contest but they both just tug on my heart strings. I think they both could have a much better shot at the competition with more training/sewing practice. The self taught part gets harder as the contest goes on and you have to make things so quickly. 

* I was glad Brittany got the save. She has done some nice things previously; this was a total miss. I think that is where the save can be good---to use it for someone who has some good designs followed by an off week. Not to save someone who just seems really nice (as Tim tended to do). It's not an issue of the judges being wrong to me--just a second chance for a miss.  

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20 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Maybe Sergio isn't much for that kind of fashion and tends to remember what he likes and forgets or doesn't pay attention to the rest.

But Sergio does red carpet! And he claims to design for women pretty much like Dion. He just says whatever he thinks will help him. He doesn't seem to even have core values.


17 hours ago, lovinbob said:

Ick. I didn't enjoy Alan any more the second time around. That cackle was v irritating. 

Personally I have a hard time buying that he wasn't aware of the Celine backwards tux, but if he was telling the truth, that's another example of how he isn't in tune with major milestones in fashion and pop culture, which is sort of important for a designer, esp. one who claims to be such a pro.

First sentence I agree with. At this stage in his life, Alan is a try-too-hard. But he's very young and can refine his technique with time.

Second paragraph, yes. If Sergio is going to pontificate like God on the throne then he should have a smidge more omniscience. 

[Holy crap! I spelled omniscience right the first time. 😁]

Edited by carrps
Weird double post.
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I am done with Delvin after this week. He was too over the top about nanchy's outfit. Then the smirk as he walked past her. And blaming her for the button hole machine. He was just a plain jerk this episode. Including his pouty face when he and Brittney were in the bottom and Nancy was saved. His outfit sucked and so does his attitude. Plus, he wasn't using his helper that much so why was it that big of a deal if he tried on pants for Nancy? Alan helped Brittney with her waistband because he wasn't helping Victoria.

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On 2/8/2020 at 2:57 PM, DaphneCat said:

After thinking about the Sergio thing I've decided he just doesn't know when to shut up.  If he had said something along the lines of "While the current administrations is saying we need to Make America Great Again, I feel like we are actually going backwards in terms of kindness to each other and willingness to genuinely listen to each other's point of view"  AND STOPPED, he might have pulled it off.  Instead, he KEPT GOING and started bringing up crap from the 50's. 

I was cringing painfully and I mean painfully when he opened his mouth with that preposterous explanation. As a gay man he really thought that the 50's was a grand old time for everybody??? Stay in your lane Sergio, make your clothes and leave the pontificating behind you.

As smarmy as Delvin was to Nancy, gotta give him props for saying karma to Nancy. Least he knew he was a jerk about things.

Was Britney lucky she got that save or what? Her outfit reminded me of Martin Short from Clifford.

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Devlin let me down this episode with his tux. I really expected something spectacular. 

I was thrift shopping this weekend and saw lots of stuff with Talbots and other similar labels that resembled his "tux," which looked to me like mid-'90s office attire (and not particularly high-end either!).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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On 2/6/2020 at 10:38 PM, BlackberryJam said:

Can Nancy design anything that doesn’t swallow her model in fabric? Ugh. I feel like the only red carpet she can design for is Sundance. 

Brittany’s was a total nightmare; she deserved the offing, but she also deserved the save. She’s designed some great things. 

Delvin, I love his aloof coldness, but each design is getting more dull and safe. Break free, Dr. Couture!

Marquise designed something stunning that worked so well with his model. 

The bow tie really did Geoffrey wrong.

Can someone shove a sock in Sergio’s stupid clown face?

Victoria’s was a pulling mess. Ugh. 

sgree with most of your comment.   Except Brittany, who did a couple of interesting things at the  beginning.    However, her RBF and snark definitely color my opinion of her as a person.   I just don't see the save because "she has talent", I don't agree at all.    Some of her work is quite shabby to me.    Christian, you hopefully used your save so you cannot save Victoria later.    Although, I am sure the fix is in on Victoria if Nina has her  way

AGREE is the first word in my post.  Cannot seem to fix it on my computer for some reason

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On 2/7/2020 at 8:56 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

I don’t understand why they didn’t just make buttonholes with a zigzag stitch. Or is there a machine now that makes bound/welt buttonholes?

I don't think there's anything to understand, aside from Delvin being a petty jerk. It seemed like his big problem was that he believed Nancy messed up the buttonhole foot, which I doubt. I have a Brother sewing machine and it has a buttonhole attachment that is relatively idiot-proof. You pop the button you're using into the guide in the foot, snap the foot onto the machine, pick one of the gazillion types of buttonhole stitches, and floor the pedal. The machine stops when the buttonhole is completely sewn. You don't even have to change the threading, unless you need a different color or something. 

I re-watched the buttonhole drama piece and the buttonhole foot is the same as on my machine. So the way I read that was Delvin was in a snit with Nancy and was looking for anything, no matter how minor, to put her in what he thought was her place. It seemed like Christian wasn't having it and stepped in to let Delvin know that he saw right through that BS.

On 2/7/2020 at 5:34 AM, kitmerlot1213 said:

It was bad enough that Delvin, Brittany and Victoria were cutting up on Nancy's design behind her back but then to actually be able to smirk at her as he walked past her and Sergio, knowing she overheard their conversation?  That was shocking in it's cruelty.  He and his fellow mean girl Brittany can go any time.

I honestly don't know who's the instigator - Delvin, Brittany, or Victoria. It's entirely possible they all feed off of each other. Victoria can shut all the way up on Nancy repeating a pair of pants. She is the absolute queen of variations on a theme.

Both Brittany and Delvin seem like mean girls who never mentally got past high school. They both strike me as insecure and needing to put someone else down to reassure themselves. Brittany specifically kept her voice low, like she didn't want people to hear her talking shit. And Delvin had no problem going in on Nancy when she wasn't in the room, but the second he had the opportunity to say it to her directly? He got quiet in a hurry. I'd bet he did the smirk as a way of saving face rather than looking cowardly. 

On 2/7/2020 at 9:43 PM, DaphneCat said:

I just figured out why Victoria's dress is so unflattering.  The slit is so high that when Thijin walks she pulls the fabric above it with her leg, causing the diagonal that cuts off her stomach - causing the pooch.  (You can see the indent on her lower hip from the pulling fabric)If the slit had been lower she wouldn't have been able to extend her leg as much and it wouldn't have pulled in the same place.  

The judges seem super convinced of Victoria's ability to fit. I...don't know about that. I think she can fit a tall, thin, flat traditional sample size model. Which is about as easy as it gets, in terms of fitting. And it's possible that she's picked fabrics that have a bit of stretch or are very forgiving (specifically her blue dollar store David Bowie outfit). Her sheer fabric, which had no stretch looked like a hot mess and this satin dress was everything people hate about satin - it looked cheap, ill-fitting, and kind of tacky. 

On a positive note, Marquis' model was so freaking good. I felt bad for him that everyone was treating him like a barely-sentient piece of meat. It wouldn't be okay if they had done it to one of the female models and it wasn't any better just because the model was male. The model had crisp posture and was really selling the hell out of the regal vibes Marquis' garment was giving. I think Marquis' look deserved to win from a design perspective, but the model giving the right energy made it stand out that much more.

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On 2/8/2020 at 10:03 AM, Toodleoo said:


On the objectification of this man...I am so conflicted. Someone like this, or Chris Evans in a sweatah, makes my brain go YESSSS THAT MAN CAN GET IT but how to express that appreciation externally while respecting the person is something I struggle with. I’d be equally unsure of how to express the same for Thijin or the thick fellow in the America’s Next Top Model picture posted earlier, too. Dammit.  These people work hard to look good, and I want to acknowledge it without coming across as thirsty as Christian did in the workroom.


What I try to do is praise someone in a completely neutral tone of voice. There can be absolutely no nonverbal lusting. I might say, “Well, you obviously live at the gym, since you have 0% body fat.” 

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1 hour ago, BabyVegas said:

I don't think there's anything to understand, aside from Delvin being a petty jerk. It seemed like his big problem was that he believed Nancy messed up the buttonhole foot, which I doubt. I have a Brother sewing machine and it has a buttonhole attachment that is relatively idiot-proof. You pop the button you're using into the guide in the foot, snap the foot onto the machine, pick one of the gazillion types of buttonhole stitches, and floor the pedal. The machine stops when the buttonhole is completely sewn. You don't even have to change the threading, unless you need a different color or something. 

I re-watched the buttonhole drama piece and the buttonhole foot is the same as on my machine. So the way I read that was Delvin was in a snit with Nancy and was looking for anything, no matter how minor, to put her in what he thought was her place. It seemed like Christian wasn't having it and stepped in to let Delvin know that he saw right through that BS.

I honestly don't know who's the instigator - Delvin, Brittany, or Victoria. It's entirely possible they all feed off of each other. Victoria can shut all the way up on Nancy repeating a pair of pants. She is the absolute queen of variations on a theme.

Both Brittany and Delvin seem like mean girls who never mentally got past high school. They both strike me as insecure and needing to put someone else down to reassure themselves. Brittany specifically kept her voice low, like she didn't want people to hear her talking shit. And Delvin had no problem going in on Nancy when she wasn't in the room, but the second he had the opportunity to say it to her directly? He got quiet in a hurry. I'd bet he did the smirk as a way of saving face rather than looking cowardly. 

The judges seem super convinced of Victoria's ability to fit. I...don't know about that. I think she can fit a tall, thin, flat traditional sample size model. Which is about as easy as it gets, in terms of fitting. And it's possible that she's picked fabrics that have a bit of stretch or are very forgiving (specifically her blue dollar store David Bowie outfit). Her sheer fabric, which had no stretch looked like a hot mess and this satin dress was everything people hate about satin - it looked cheap, ill-fitting, and kind of tacky. 

On a positive note, Marquis' model was so freaking good. I felt bad for him that everyone was treating him like a barely-sentient piece of meat. It wouldn't be okay if they had done it to one of the female models and it wasn't any better just because the model was male. The model had crisp posture and was really selling the hell out of the regal vibes Marquis' garment was giving. I think Marquis' look deserved to win from a design perspective, but the model giving the right energy made it stand out that much more.

This post is extremely informative and insightful. Thank you for sharing your opinion!

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9 hours ago, LucindaWalsh said:

Yes, that's what I meant! I did think she was in her forties though because she comes across in her fashion and her knowledge as older. I am going to really look during the next episode because, I am not saying she looks like an old hag, but I would have lost every bet if I had to guess her age as being under 40. 

Oh, @LucindaWalsh surely you are not saying that women over 40 are old hags. 🥺

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On 2/9/2020 at 7:49 PM, LucindaWalsh said:

It is hilarious what Sergio is doing with his "stories". I think Sergio is a result (on the show) of the show twisting itself in previous seasons to make everything social issues/political in the challenges. I don't think the hosts, the producers or anyone involved will see it that way but  them forcing a social/political issue onto the contestants for just about each episode is not really any different than what Sergio is doing.

Brilliant observation. So true. Tired of shows, reality and scripted, forcing political agendas - doesn’t matter if I agree or disagree, just let me watch your show in peace.

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22 hours ago, hookedontv said:

I always hated Celine's backwards tux. It looked sloppy, oversized, and that hat was disastrous. I could also be influenced that I'm not a Celine Dion fan *ducks from people throwing tomatoes at me*

As much as Sergio bugs the shit out of me, and how I couldn't understand why he couldn't stop himself from saying that what he was doing was completely original (come on, people are influenced all the time by designers, it's a rarity that anything is "original"), I liked his garment so much more than Celine's. It fit well, loved the pink lapels, etc. 

I didn’t like the pink lapels. And the shoulders should have been more narrow.

But I loved how fluid it looked. It looked like the fabric was cascading.

Celine Dion’s Galliano: backed-up toilet overflowing 

Sergio’s: waterfall

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On 2/6/2020 at 11:51 PM, BlackberryJam said:

Quite frankly, Sergio is stupid, but not that stupid.  

Stupid enough to suggest that 1950s America was an idyll to aspire to.  Stupid enough to be seen on camera,. while micced, while knowingly participating in filming a reality television show that he auditioned to be part of -- admitting to another contestant that he had to come up with a political statement since he had already designed his garment without one.

Mensa most assuredly ain't coming knocking.

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Victoria’s outfit looked like something a porn actress would wear to the Oscars. Years back some porn chick showed up at the Oscars, think she was wearing a halter style dress in satin with dark boob sweat patches under her massive jugs. Victoria’s outfit would have been great on her.


Delvin: “Asymmetry is always more interesting.” No Delvin, no it’s not. And that poor model! I hope she gets a bonus. She’s super cute and her body is sexy AF and she has had to wear some fugly stuff on PR.


Poor insufferable Sergio. He reminds me of somebody I know who was never listened to or treated seriously as a child. She has to make everything so darned over the top and self-important because she doesn’t have the confidence to let the work speak for itself. 

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On 2/7/2020 at 9:47 PM, jackjill89 said:

For how ridiculous it was? 

I looked at Nancy's pants closer, and what occurred to me is that I had a pair that same style in the mid 80s... that I bought at a renaissance faire. They tied in front and in back, but they were essentially the same. They were fun to wear back in the day and my mom made me a second pair. They were essentially a big square with ties. Nancy's would be a square with fasteners. 

We had those in the mid-70's, too.  They were called Wrap-Around Pants.  I think they were inspired by DVF wrap-around dress.

Edited by Snewtsie
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And on the subject of buttonholes, anybody with all that alleged couture and tailoring expertise should know how to make at least four different styles of buttonholes. I can assure you that machine made bound buttonholes do not appear on the outside of couture garments. 

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On 2/7/2020 at 11:10 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

I know this makes for a long post, but I like having these here to reference when we're discussing the designs.  Hope it's okay.

@SuprSuprElevated: Thanks for the pics.  I could not find them on the PR section of the Bravo website, as I was once used to.  Are you able to share a link or help explain how to navigate the site to find them?  I'd like to also peruse snapshots of the earlier challenges as well.

Thanks so much for your consideration! 


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On 2/6/2020 at 10:49 PM, mightysparrow said:

Is harassing a model only a bad thing if the model is female?  I've worked with male models and I always made a point of being as respectful with them as I was with the women because I was shocked at how people spoke about them, often to their faces.

I would think the issue of the power difference between models and designers would make it harassment in the work place. But cheeze-n-rice, in an aesthetic industry, that's all how things look, and all about beauty, why is commenting on  a model's attractiveness out of place? Should everyone just comment "You look plain, wonderful!" Each person or judge should get one free "beauty" cal, lol.

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16 minutes ago, Eulipian 5k said:

I would think the issue of the power difference between models and designers would make it harassment in the work place. But cheeze-n-rice, in an aesthetic industry, that's all how things look, and all about beauty, why is commenting on  a model's attractiveness out of place? Should everyone just comment "You look plain, wonderful!" Each person or judge should get one free "beauty" cal, lol.

The male model this past week was gorgeous and had obviously worked hard on his body.  I doubt he found comments regarding how nice he looked offensive.  However if those comments were accompanied by drool...well, that's another thing!

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On 2/11/2020 at 8:42 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

I didn’t like the pink lapels. And the shoulders should have been more narrow.

But I loved how fluid it looked. It looked like the fabric was cascading.

Celine Dion’s Galliano: backed-up toilet overflowing 

Sergio’s: waterfall

Heh, Heidi would have seen the back of Sergio's look and said "The boobees are drooping, lol".

Galliano's look was true to the designer's style and the hat added the "dash" he was going for, and achieved. (sad little drunk that he is}.

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On 2/7/2020 at 9:32 AM, chitowngirl said:

Anything outside of the Chicago urban area is usually considered “Downstate”, Even Rockford, which is Northwest.

Thank You! Everything outside of NYC is UPstate! And my map puts Chicago just west of outer Mongolia, on the other side of the Hudson River..

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On 2/7/2020 at 2:49 PM, Deskisamess said:

The recovery period after WW2 was huge. The late 40' to 1960 saw the GNP double, inflation and unemployment were low. The housing boom, birth rates, national infrastructure gains, veteran's benefits like the GI Bill, etc.

These benefits were specifically only for white men and their families. Many race riots were started by returning black servicemen who were denied the "prosperity" of the Baby Boom Era, and the GI Bill, that they too had fought for. I'm sure Sergio's rich, white, but not young, clients speak wistfully about the 50's.

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1 hour ago, Eulipian 5k said:

Thank You! Everything outside of NYC is UPstate! And my map puts Chicago just west of outer Mongolia, on the other side of the Hudson River..

I was once visiting NYC on the Upper West Side. A friend who lived and worked in Chelsea said I might as well have been in Kansas to her! 😆

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On 2/7/2020 at 3:13 PM, HunterHunted said:

It was tacky and over the top sexy. I've found myself drawn into 90 Day Fiance and documentaries about mail order brides in recent months. If you've seen "Love Me," one of the documentaries I watched, Victoria's tuxedo was exactly over the top sexy in the way that I've come to associate with many of the mail order brides. Besides the fact that Victoria tends to make the same thing over and over again, I think Victoria has a real taste problem. She seems to think sexy = sophisticated.

OMG you've nailed Victoria's aesthetic -- Eastern European Mail Order Bride.  "I question the level of TASTE" -- why is Nina not shouting this from the rooftops! That bedazzled garter dress looked like something you could buy from a "clubbing" store in Vegas in the late '90s for $19.95, after half-off. Yes, that's a really specific reference. 🙂

On 2/7/2020 at 6:40 PM, Sharpie66 said:

As for Sergio saying he didn’t know about Celine’s look, even if he is telling the truth (doubtful, imo), then I don’t respect him just as much because he doesn’t bother to educate himself on the history of his profession. One of my most eyerolling reactions to reality tv was on So You Think You Can Dance when a judge was telling the two dancers to study up on the classics of movie musicals like Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse, and the teenaged dancers had no idea who those people were!! As someone who grew up on classic movie musicals, I was appalled.

I remember Avril Lavigne mispronouncing David Bowie's name on an award show (obviously just reading it off the prompter) about 8-9 years ago, and it damaged my soul.  But she also married that guy from Nickelback, so.... (OMG I forgot she married Derrick Whibley, too.  Girl clearly needs to make better choices.)

I call such BS on Sergio not knowing the Celine dress, or if he truly was ignorant of it, shame on him. It was such an (I am starting to hate this word because the Kardashians have co-opted it) iconic moment in fashion AND culture. It also gets trotted out every year when the award show comes around in "Let's Look at Oscar Fashions of the Past!" articles. If it is in People magazine every year 20 years later, and its in your field you should know the reference. (I remember back in our salad days when we were criticizing a designer for not knowing the defining features of Victorian fashion, when clearly they meant Elizabethan fashion. Oh how low we have been brought.) 

On 2/7/2020 at 7:40 PM, DaphneCat said:

Like many of you I am MORE than ready for the short/cropped pants look to be gone.  I realize that things on the runway aren't necessarily what's going to be produced but seriously, can anyone say they have ever seen a man in real life wearing those pants? 

It is a classic Hamptons Douchebro look for sure. You also might see it among the Southern Charmed "set" -- or heck, Vanderpump Rules (they all bought men's "rompers" on an outing-- I've told you way too much about my viewing habits). No actual working person without significant independent wealth would wear these.  Socks are for peasants.

On 2/10/2020 at 8:18 PM, Stats Queen said:

Brilliant observation. So true. Tired of shows, reality and scripted, forcing political agendas - doesn’t matter if I agree or disagree, just let me watch your show in peace.

You know, I wrote a big long response to this that doesn't fit into an episode discussion, so I'll just say I disagree. We literally have a reality show host in the White House, and this show itself, just like every other piece of entertainment or art is inherently political. Fashion has been one of the MOST political art forms ever. Look up the Zoot Suit Riots. Not just a catchy swing song, but a series of race riots where targets (of white men) violence were specifically chosen based on their fashion, which was deemed "unamerican." (Sounds uncannily current.)  Ball culture? Fashion, entertainment, and politics (and literal survival). This is rantier than I wanted to be, but the political/entertainment thing really does whatever the opposite of flooding my basement is.

4 hours ago, Eulipian 5k said:

These benefits were specifically only for white men and their families. Many race riots were started by returning black servicemen who were denied the "prosperity" of the Baby Boom Era, and the GI Bill, that they too had fought for. I'm sure Sergio's rich, white, but not young, clients speak wistfully about the 50's.

And let's not forget that those returning black veterans had mostly fought in segregated units. Good enough to bleed and die for their country, not good enough to do so next to a white guy, or come home to any benefits. Sergio was waxing poetic about a decade in which 3* of the people judging him did not have the right to marry whom they pleased (interracial marriage was not legalized nationwide until 1967) and the asterisk is for Nina -- Colombian women just wouldn't have existed in any visible way in the 1950s.  

Actually, Christian Siriano is emerging as one of the most political designers out there right now, and I'm so proud of how much our little boy has grown up! His Billy Porter gown will be on "iconic fashion" lists for decades, his "play our fucking music" "reveal" at the CMT's was a bit ham-fisted, but got the issue out there (I don't remember who wore it) and we all know the Leslie Jones situation and how not only has Christian showed how much he has matured as a person (he was NOT GOOD with non sample-size models when he was a contestant) but is at the forefront of body positive culture by showing (not saying, SERGIO) that women of all sizes can be beautifully dressed and deserve to be so. I'm just so proud of our baby boy.

Final words, I promise. If I hear one more contestant pronounce the word "aesthetic" as "es-tet-ic" I'm going to . . . well dislike that a lot.

Edited by xtwheeler
I hadn't used ALL the words yet!
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1 hour ago, Ashforth said:

Is this like a blind gossip item? Because it totally looks like Victoria's one design. Except that I am dumbstruck by the black tights and horrific thong sandals. 🤔

I could not figure out how to put text in!  This is Proenzer Schouler (?spelling). I remember someone did this. Was it Victoria?  

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38 minutes ago, Lemons said:

could not figure out how to put text in!  This is Proenzer Schouler (?spelling). I remember someone did this. Was it Victoria?  

Nope. That strap around the upper arm thing was Dayoung in one of the early challenges where she was partnered with Alan and he made a floral dress with a circle skirt.

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10 hours ago, Ashforth said:

Is this like a blind gossip item? Because it totally looks like Victoria's one design. Except that I am dumbstruck by the black tights and horrific thong sandals. 🤔

I thought she was wearing slippers.

Funny, with all the talk about tuxedos on this thread, tuxedo ads are popping up on these pages.

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15 hours ago, EssieMay said:

Nope. That strap around the upper arm thing was Dayoung in one of the early challenges where she was partnered with Alan and he made a floral dress with a circle skirt.

Oh yeah.  Didn’t the judges hate it as impractical or something ?

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On 2/9/2020 at 8:57 PM, LucindaWalsh said:

Those are gorgeous greens. Delvin's  was pot of gold green along with being a suit so I understand Brandon saying what he did, even if he is using green for his show. I am so glad green will be back in the fall! 

Just remembered that one of The Little Women actresses wore a green dress when I was watching the Oscar's red carpet while ago. It was along the lines of Brandon's above not Delvin's.  Hmmm, over on YR(soap) I posted about the green uniform at The Phoenix being the wrong shade for the decor. It didn't match the decor but it was the color of Brandon's above (on the right) so green seems to be what is in style now. Delvin just made a bad green choice.

I think I am getting kind of loopy so I am out for posting anymore tonight. 

What was fashion about Brandon's 3 looks?  

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