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S18.E09: Suit Yourself

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9 hours ago, roctavia said:

Sergio's look was fine, but as many have said, it's already been done... and also, didn't Nancy do a backwards white shirt in one of the first episodes? I get wanting to mix thing up, but just turning shit around has been done...

Yes, it was clearly a ripoff of (or, to be polite; inspired by) the Galliano outfit. I do think that it would have been slightly less obvious if he'd, at least, made it in a different color pallet. ANY other color pallet than white/cream/pastel. Using the colors he chose just made it all the more obvious and highlighted the obvious.

But it was well done.

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On 2/6/2020 at 10:56 PM, WaltersHair said:

I kinda admire Sergio. He managed to offend liberals, conservatives, and about everyone in between. That takes talent.

In our fractured times, Sergio finds a way to annoy everyone into world peace. Maybe he should familiarize himself with the offensively-named US policy that led to mass deportations of Mexicans in the 1950s before indulging in 50s nostalgia. That said, I don't hate him, I'm just annoyed by his pretentiousness. 

On 2/6/2020 at 11:41 PM, Caseysgirl said:

Marquise’s look was by and far the best of tonight!  But why are all these men’s pants so short ? Is the ankle really “ male cleavage”? Back  in the day we called pants that were above the ankle “ high waters”

Yeah, I rolled my eyes at this. "Male cleavage" is not a clever way to say ankle, Brandon Thom.

On 2/6/2020 at 11:56 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

Shavi saying "What?  We won?!" in response to Marquise congratulating him ---- this brought me to tears!

Shavi is too precious; he seems like a genuinely wonderful person. I was disappointed in the Siriano Save because I wanted it to be used on Marquise.

On 2/7/2020 at 8:52 AM, staphdude said:

I really have no issue with people judging the work of others. It is a competition and that is a natural outcome of these people living together. I saw Delvin’s reaction as more sheepish and generally agree with his assessment if the work of others.

Why didn’t they get any plus size male models? Could it be that the show drips of hypocrisy and it rife with producer shenanigans.....no that would take away from the pure nature of good clean fashion competition.

Ooh! I didn't even think of that.  That would have been a really good idea! Especially because tuxes have the reputation of making every man look well dressed.

Edited by Vanderboom
Fixed my misquote.
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2 hours ago, dleighg said:

I don't want to get spoiled because I just started watching, so maybe someone has mentioned this already, but when Christian said "Tuxedo Park is a historic enclave in UPSTATE NY" I cringed. As someone who lives an hour north of New York City, and has to deal with lots of people saying that I therefore live "upstate," I should be used to this. But Tuxedo Park is BARELY north of the New Jersey state line! And I would have to drive SOUTH to get there!

Anything outside of the Chicago urban area is usually considered “Downstate”, Even Rockford, which is Northwest.

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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

And, to say that life was the best of times in the U.S. in the 1950's to a woman of color, a gay man and a Colombian woman was one of the worst things he could have done.  The 1950's may have been a wonderful life if you were Richie Cunningham's family on Happy Days, but it was tough times for people of color, gay people, people who were not "white bread America", and women who were not traditional, apron wearing, stay at home Moms.  Stupid, stupid, stupid!!  So glad that Elaine called him out on it, and Nina kept it going.  


Absolutely.   100%.   The only thing I would add is that I'd be willing to bet that a goodly number of the apron wearing, traditional, stay-at-home moms were unhappy and frustrated and felt marginalized too.   I was a child in the 50s, and I remember how boring, unexciting ans stifling a 'housewife's' existence seemed to even my little girl eyes at the time. 

For Sergio to equate that decade - of intolerance, inequity, and cookie-cutter gender roles -  as 'great', was infuriating to me.    I don't even know if he believes it, as there seemed to be at least three different storylines he spouted about his "original" backward tuxedo.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

There was a room full of designers so I was surprised that it wasn't until 2/3 of the way through the episode that someone mentioned that Sergio's white backwards tuxedo was a total rip off of what Celine Dion wore a decade ago but Sergio's version was not as well made.

Two decades 😉

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49 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I hated that there was one more 'former' than there is 'current'.  That young lady shouldn't have been left to stand on that stage, unpicked.  Awful.

I like your compassion! But I think that Karlie was pulling names of aufed contestants randomly from a container. The aufed contestant then chose the still-in-the-competition designer he/she would prefer to work with/assist. So this process only embarrassed Victoria. 

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Marquise's design was very good, probably deserving of the win, though I felt the skirt was underdesigned.  I agree with judge Thom that it should have been pleated, at least partially.

Sergio is the most talented designer on this cast, albeit the most socially ignorant, and perhaps the biggest liar.  I did not think his garment was a blatant rip-off, but an "inspired by" transformation.  I am old enough to remember the Celine tux, and if I'm remembering correctly, it was heavily panned by critics and armchair critics.  As I look at it now, I kind of like it while not being forever transformed as Brandon claimed to be by it.

I liked Geoffrey's look, but not as much as some. The judges were trying too hard to find fault with it, so obsessed about the bow tie, which seemed silly to me.  I would have placed it third.  I would really like to see him try to get through a talking head session without whimpering.

Ironically, Veronica was right about Nancy and her voluminous pants; they are redundant.  I didn't dislike her look, but it didn't seem to quite meet the challenge.  Am I the only one that wants to undo that crazy lady updo of hers?  She seems to have figuratively let her hair down, maybe it's time to literally do it.

Victoria seems to think that all garments must ooze sex appeal.  Many successful designers/companies have come before her, so I guess it's possible to be one note.  As usual, I was not nearly as enamored of her design as was the judging panel.  Yawn.

Delvin's "tux" looked like a really bad inhabitant of an old Robert Hall store (yes, I'm that old), reconfigured like the Goodwill challenge.  Bad design, constructed with bad components in a bad color.  I'm with those here who believe his snarking has gone from amusing to uncalled for.  I honestly can't recall as I write this, anything he's made prior to this.  That's a bad sign Delvin.

Oh Brittany.  I can't possibly contribute to the previous criticisms nor that of the judges.  Be damn grateful that CS had a save to give your ass.  Now go earn it.

*afterthought - can we please stop with the ankle and above pant length?  Pleeeease!!??

10 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I like your compassion! But I think that Karlie was pulling names of aufed contestants randomly from a container. The aufed contestant then chose the still-in-the-competition designer he/she would prefer to work with/assist. So this process only embarrassed Victoria. 

Aah, I see.  Guess I wasn't paying attention, lol.  Thanks, I do feel better about it now.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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Eh, I don't really care that Sergio's dress has been somewhat done before (because what hasn't? Especially here in this season of PR, where Victoria keeps doing similar things and everyone thinks random flaps are edgy); I thought it looked more than acceptably different enough from Celine Dion's. And I thought Victoria's fabric gave the model a food baby.

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Was I the only one waiting for Victoria to say "Tuxedo? What is tuxedo?" when the challenge was presented?  Or "Satin?  But I never use Satin".

I want to like Sergio, I really do.  He's arrogant yes, but he seems to be very sweet and helpful to the other designers.  But the political stuff is on my last nerve.   You know, we get it 24/7 everywhere else.   I don't need it on Project Runway.  Hopefully, he's learned after this week, but I doubt it.

I liked Nancy's look - actually I had her in my top, along with Geoffrey and Marquis.   I had Sergio as safe, and my bottom was Victoria (still don't get the judges love for her when she passes off the same thing challenge after challenge), Brittany and Devlin.   Brittany's was just horrible and she deserved to go home, but I also figured Christian would save  her.   Let's face it, he's not going to save Victoria or Sergio since neither one of them ever listen to him, and Marquis has already been brought back once.  

But I would have rather he let her go and save it for Geoffrey (but hopefully he won't need it).   Devlin?  I just don't think he's as good as he thinks he is.  He created a suit, not a tuxedo and this was supposed to be "his" challenge. 






16 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Delvin's "tux" looked like a really bad inhabitant of an old Robert Hall store (yes, I'm that old)

You're not the only one!  I remember Robert Hall stores very well!!!!!

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10 hours ago, Lemons said:

The hate for Sergio is confusing.  He’s not a mean guy.  He says what he thinks and he thinks he’s pretty talented.  He seemed genuinely happy when Brittany was saved even though she’s on the catty side.  And you know that Nancy is the only one who shows him any kindness.  There’s some mean spirited contestants there. 

He’s very socially awkward and any adult who listens to him for more than a minute can see it.  Have some tolerance judges.  

And I hate the judge with the glasses who was offended? over his 1950’s statement.  That was his opinion. Sure it was as awkward just like everything he says.   But maybe as a Mexican-American he feels this era is the most unsafe his family has ever felt.  

Yes. This is America and we're allowed to have opinions (though that right could be in danger too). He's young and our thoughts are influenced by what we've experienced.  Ita that this is a very scary time for Mexican Americans and any immigrants for that matter. He's passionate about his work and the injustices that are rampant in our society now. He is awkward in his expression of these feelings and didn't think through the impact that his fifties reference would have on poc, but I got what he was going for. It's subjective, which decade felt safe and was "better". 

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12 hours ago, Thumper said:

Sergio tried to shade the judges on how old they are!!  Oh no, he did NOT say that.  Plus the 1950’s being a great decade?????


Everyone has said their piece on this but I just have to chime in. Segregation, anyone? A woman couldn't get a charge card or a loan on her own! You had to wait for the phone company guy to come and hardwire your phone in when you moved! 

Victoria's outfit was awful, I cannot believe the judges gushing over it. A slit up to there and that garter! OMG. Even Heidi would have questioned her taste level.

This seemed to be the Week of One Own's Undoing. Delvin's extreme confidence in himself backfired. Powder blue? 1978 prom! Yikes. Brittany's indecision and second guessing herself almost got her auf'd. Geoffrey's self doubt and sensitivity almost did him in.

I need some Fashion with a capital F, people!


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I actually got excited when Devkin picked the blue fabric. I thought his idea would be to reinvent the iconic-in-a-bad-way powder blue tux. With contrasting black or something and a super modern design. Like Marquise say but with the powder blue top. 
but alas it appears he didn’t even have that idea. 

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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I hated that there was one more 'former' than there is 'current'.  That young lady shouldn't have been left to stand on that stage, unpicked.  Awful.

But she wasn't "unpicked" (except by the button bag). The former contestants got to pick the current contestants, not the other way around. Still weird that they brought an extra one back.

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11 hours ago, Lemons said:

The hate for Sergio is confusing.  He’s not a mean guy.  He says what he thinks and he thinks he’s pretty talented.  He seemed genuinely happy when Brittany was saved even though she’s on the catty side.  And you know that Nancy is the only one who shows him any kindness.  There’s some mean spirited contestants there. 

He’s very socially awkward and any adult who listens to him for more than a minute can see it.  Have some tolerance judges.  

And I hate the judge with the glasses who was offended? over his 1950’s statement.  That was his opinion. Sure it was as awkward just like everything he says.   But maybe as a Mexican-American he feels this era is the most unsafe his family has ever felt.  

He was just so oblivious in that moment. If he had stopped at "The government feels like it's going backwards and that's why I made a backwards outfit." then I think that would have been just OK, whatever. But the claim that "things were better in the 50's" are exactly what the people he's criticizing are saying.  So dumb and counterproductive.

But I'm actually torn as to how much to ding Sergio about not knowing about the backwards Celine Dion outfit. It does seem pretty famous in fashion circles, but maybe sometimes there's gaps in anyone's knowledge? As Sergio likes to remind us, he's TRAINED and not self-taught, so he should have a comprehensive working knowledge of fashion history. But how much would have been made of the resemblance if he had chosen a fabric color other than white?

So I'm not sure. On the Project Runway knockoff The Fashion Show, Isaac Mizrahi made a big deal of a contestant ripping off known designs of famous designers, whereas this didn't even land Sergio on the bottom of the challenge.

I dunno. How much would we ding a filmmaker who didn't have a working knowledge of the Best Picture of 1996? (Which was Braveheart, btw)  Like, never heard of it and didn't know what it was about. Some? A lot? Sometimes it seems fashion is even more referential than filmmaking and knowing where you're placed in the pantheon and self-consciously making statements about it is more important than the actual garments themselves.

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18 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Delvin's extreme confidence in himself backfired. Powder blue? 1978 prom!

I was about to say that! Literally-- my high school boyfriend wore a powder blue tux to our .... wait for it .... prom in 1978.

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11 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I can't help but eyeroll Sergio because he is just pulling causes out of his ass, not supporting something that is truly meaningful to him. Go back to the animal print challenge. His cause at that time was that we use animals but don't protect them. Okay, I can buy that. It feels organic. But since then, he's been taking such a strangled route to tie his garment to a cause that it is incredibly phony, stupid, and a little gross.

This is weird to me. I feel like at one point during one of the challenges he felt that the idea of it being some political statement would either somehow enhance the reception of his work or maybe save him. I dunno but it was so obvious that his "political" aesthetic materialized out of nowhere like an afterthought. He tried so hard to sell it that he ended up tangling himself into this narrative. He committed so deeply for that one challenge that moving forward he realized that he would have no choice but to stick with that narrative or have his inauthenticity exposed.  That's why he can't ever sell any of his "issues" stories that he attaches to his garments. This is why it seems like he's always scrambling to make up a story to fit the garment that might work and can tie a concept to look.

It's actually pretty comical to see Sergio truly try to sell that his designs are inspired by the issues. That just crept up out of nowhere and landed with a thud but he refuses to accept that the judges aren't really buying it. Even their criticisms seem unbelievable. Like they reference his attempt at political statement only because he's claiming that's what's driving the design but even they seem pained to have to even address what's obviously a bogus narrative that he's just thrown together ever since he started claiming that his work is has a strong connection to the issues of the world.  

Edited by Yours Truly
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11 hours ago, dbell1 said:

Fuck. That whining witch is still there. And Brittany too. A few weeks ago she swore she was always the center of attention as a child and now she had a rough childhood? Pick one. Christian disappointed me with the save. At top 7, she should have her shit together.

I don't see how those are mutually exclusive of each other.  I can actually see how her having a rough childhood would make her seek out attention and validation.  Not 100% defending her because she's very extra, just saying overall though...

11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I agree.  

But, I'm glad that the judges called him out on the stupid "political statements" behind his desgins.  Just let a dress be a dress, for cripes' sake!!  

And, as we saw - he had the design first and came up with his "statement" after the fact, so he's making up political statements to work for his design - not the other way around.  

And, to say that life was the best of times in the U.S. in the 1950's to a woman of color, a gay man and a Colombian woman was one of the worst things he could have done.  The 1950's may have been a wonderful life if you were Richie Cunningham's family on Happy Days, but it was tough times for people of color, gay people, people who were not "white bread America", and women who were not traditional, apron wearing, stay at home Moms.  Stupid, stupid, stupid!!  So glad that Elaine called him out on it, and Nina kept it going.  


I hope that this puts the end to his "political statements" that he pulls out of his ass every week.  Just like Veronica said, the design came first and he had to put together his "message" after. 

2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I hated that there was one more 'former' than there is 'current'.  That young lady shouldn't have been left to stand on that stage, unpicked.  Awful.


1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I like your compassion! But I think that Karlie was pulling names of aufed contestants randomly from a container. The aufed contestant then chose the still-in-the-competition designer he/she would prefer to work with/assist. So this process only embarrassed Victoria. 

I know they used the button bag, but I think they should've just brought back the same number of aufed contestants as current contestants and just bypassed the button bag.  I felt terrible for Asma.  

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2 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

I think they should've just brought back the same number of aufed contestants as current contestants and just bypassed the button bag. 

they still would have needed the button bag for the "choose your partner" to happen.

Edited by dleighg
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3 hours ago, dleighg said:

I don't want to get spoiled because I just started watching, so maybe someone has mentioned this already, but when Christian said "Tuxedo Park is a historic enclave in UPSTATE NY" I cringed. As someone who lives an hour north of New York City, and has to deal with lots of people saying that I therefore live "upstate," I should be used to this. But Tuxedo Park is BARELY north of the New Jersey state line! And I would have to drive SOUTH to get there!

OMG, yes!. I live in northern NJ and I hate if I go up to Harriman people will say " you are going upstate to shop"? I went to college in Syracuse, that is upstate!

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Dayoung being too sick to participate probably messed up the planning of this challenge, leaving an odd number of overall designers which meant someone had to be left out.

They should have said at the end of the choosing that the odd designer out gets to spend the day with Christian and they'll do whatever fabulous fashion thing all day.

Edited by Fukui San
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12 minutes ago, novhappy said:

I actually got excited when Devkin picked the blue fabric. I thought his idea would be to reinvent the iconic-in-a-bad-way powder blue tux. With contrasting black or something and a super modern design. Like Marquise say but with the powder blue top. 
but alas it appears he didn’t even have that idea. 

I think Delvin should have stuck to the powder blue.  Christian didn't think powder blue was a good idea because HE doesn't like the colour.  His mentoring is one thing but he needs to be a bit more neutral.  It's not his job to influence the design.  Tim would have asked Devlin to explain his point of view and then supported his attempt, no matter what he thought personally.

Devlin's tuxedo might have turned out tacky as hell but at least it would have been INTERESTING.  Delvin is too easy influenced away from what HE wants.

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10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I thought Karlie's runway look was really bad.  Maybe it was a Thom Browne design.  Regardless it looked like she was playing rugby all day and had her clothes tattered or something.  I didn't get it.

She had exactly the same mismatched socks that Thom Browne did, so I figured it was his. Still stupid looking. 

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30 minutes ago, novhappy said:

I actually got excited when Devkin picked the blue fabric. I thought his idea would be to reinvent the iconic-in-a-bad-way powder blue tux. With contrasting black or something and a super modern design. Like Marquise say but with the powder blue top. 
but alas it appears he didn’t even have that idea. 

Exactly!  Reinvent this kind of look:


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@Yours Truly, You make a very good point.  Sergio's 'political statements' are so clearly made up out of thin air that it's impossible to respect him even for having the courage of his own convictions.  It's not a 'free speech' issue; it's a total ignorance issue.  I have no doubt that Sergio's image of the 1950s come from movies and tv shows where everyone has a nice house and a nice car and lives the good life.  He has no idea about what that world was REALLY like and why the repression and OPPRESSION of the 50s led to the civil rights movements of the 60s including women's and gay rights.    Sergio is too lazy to even know his own history.  A gay man could be arrested for BEING GAY. 

And his claims to not know anything about the history of his chosen industry make him look not only ignorant but also shallow and lazy.  He's pretends to be a 1950s expert but he's also a designer that works with performers and  doesn't even recognize a fashion milestone that EVERYONE ELSE IN THE COMPETITION KNEW.

Sergio and to a certain extent Devlin seem to have an idea about what 'rich people' are like which isn't based on any kind of reality at all.  It's like people saying they know all about British royalty because they watch 'The Crown' or the British aristocracy from 'Downton Abbey'.  It's all fiction. 

I give Devlin credit for at least knowing enough about Christian Dior to imitate his lab coat.  I'm disappointed that Devlin went down the 'mean girls' rabbit hole with Brittany, because I have no doubt that if push came to shove, she would point her finger at him and say 'he made me do it'.

One of the reasons I like and admire Marquise so much is that he's not trying to be anything but what he is.  He's designing out of his own experience and reflecting who he is and where he came from.  I'm very proud of him and to see him take the second chance he's been given and FLY with it is very moving.  I'll bet folding money that Brittany won't do the same with her second chance.


Edited by mightysparrow
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9 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Chelsey was so cute at Mood, singing and teasing Christian.

Who knew so many of these guys could improvise AND sing well? Alan, I had no idea that I actually miss you!

While I liked Alan on this episode, I think that if he was still in the competition, I would have gotten very tired of him week after week.

He is A LOT of everything.  Funny, outspoken, shady and over the top - personally, I can only take that in small doses.  

But, he did make me laugh a lot this episode!  

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29 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

I dunno. How much would we ding a filmmaker who didn't have a working knowledge of the Best Picture of 1996? (Which was Braveheart, btw)  Like, never heard of it and didn't know what it was about. Some? A lot? Sometimes it seems fashion is even more referential than filmmaking and knowing where you're placed in the pantheon and self-consciously making statements about it is more important than the actual garments themselves.

The judges all know fashion very well and of course they're going to get annoyed by an obvious rip off.  If you present it as an homage, or you name your references, like "I'm trying to make a play on _______" it will be a lot more well received.  If the judges say "This is an obvious rip off or call back to X" and you stand there and indignantly and arrogantly say "What?  No?  What?  I've never heard of this" the judges are going to get PISSED.

Every single time the judges bring up the obvious references to a designers' signature style it makes me happy. I always know what they're talking about and I've never studied design or fashion a day in my life.  I'm just a lifelong fan.  If someone says "That's obvious Prada" or "That's McQueen" then a student of fashion should say "Oh damn. I've been subconsciously influenced. I need to bone up so I understand explicitly these references when I make them or are influenced by them."  Not "That stuff is old, and I don't care about it or know about it".  Kenley had this attitude when she very obviously copied McQueen, too.  No judge in the industry is going to be okay with that attitude.

27 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

This is weird to me. I feel like at one point during one of the challenges he felt that the idea of it being some political statement would either somehow enhance the reception of his work or maybe save him. 

I agree, I think it's like a style of trying to cheat your way into being saved and not being kicked out of the show.  If he claims his design is about children being held at the border, how bad will the judges look for kicking him off for that?  That's why it leaves a really bad taste in everyone's mouth (IMO).  It's exploitation, and it's insulting to everyone's intelligence.  I am surprised the judges haven't said "Just stop.  Tell us about your design and stop with the political statements."  Seeing as how they have never felt organic or genuine.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I got sucked briefly into Watch What Happens Live after the episode. Christian was on and the host asked him if he ‘bought’ Sergio’s political statements through fashion schtick and Christian emphatically said NO, that he wasn’t buying it at all. 

 Brittany and Marquise were there as bartenders...confusing? I don’t watch the show normally, but I love Christian. I used to love Tim, but the more Christian I have, the more I see how Tim was just so floppy.

Delvin’s blue would have made that worse. He has the habit of picking fabrics that don’t look expensive on the runway. 


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1 hour ago, terrymct said:

Edit:  Wait, Brittany got the save?  I turned it off when everyone was hugging.  Why would Christian save HER?

The winner and the auf'ed where absolutely correct. 

Marquise's outfit was fabulous.  It was well made, stretched the concept of a tuxedo yet was still identifiable as such, and it looked GREAT on his model.  Well deserved win.

Brittany was well, well past her sell by date.  How may weeks has she complained about having to work "outside of her lane".  What she really means is that her talent and skills are narrow and she's not able to appropriately respond to the challenges.  I'm also tired of her complaining and bitchiness.   Buh bye.


Victoria.  I don't get the praise for this outfit.  It's still the same kind of thing that she always does, just with a skirt rather than pants.  It also looked cheap and fairly sleazy, like a something that might catch the eye of a bargain basement dominatrix.   

Sergio.   How did he not know about Celine Dion's outfit.  Even my boyfriend, who pays zero attention to anything fashion related, immediately said it was copied from Celine.   The man can sew, though.  I liked how he tailored the back so that it nipped in right there at the top of the hips.  He has great skills, but is short on ideas and knowledge of his chosen field.  

Geoffrey:  I thought this was a bit over praised.  The proportions were off.  Dropped waist with cropped legs made the model look like he was all torso.  It wasn't flattering.  

Delvin:  That look was straight out of the 80's, something Crystal Carrington would have worn on Dynasty.  It's starting to seem like the Dynasty ladies are his target audience.

Nancy:   Yes, the pants were repeated, but Nancy should have told them that she wanted a chance to show them how those pants were meant to be worn, rather than under the humongous coat she'd previously paired them with.  I don't understand why she was reamed for a repeat when Victoria trots out variations on a single design every week.

Or - Heidi Klum!!!  My first thought when I saw Victoria's garment come down the runway was "Wow, that's trashy!"  My immediate second thought was "Heidi would have been ALL over that and fought for it to win the challenge!"   😂

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

I was about to say that! Literally-- my high school boyfriend wore a powder blue tux to our .... wait for it .... prom in 1978.

Was it crushed velvet with black labels??  That's what the guys wore at our prom-crushed velvet in every color of the rainbow!

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2 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Was I the only one waiting for Victoria to say "Tuxedo? What is tuxedo?" when the challenge was presented?  Or "Satin?  But I never use Satin".


You're not the only one!  I remember Robert Hall stores very well!!!!!

Yes, and me too!

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44 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

I got sucked briefly into Watch What Happens Live after the episode. Christian was on and the host asked him if he ‘bought’ Sergio’s political statements through fashion schtick and Christian emphatically said NO, that he wasn’t buying it at all. 

 Brittany and Marquise were there as bartenders...confusing? I don’t watch the show normally, but I love Christian. I used to love Tim, but the more Christian I have, the more I see how Tim was just so floppy.

Delvin’s blue would have made that worse. He has the habit of picking fabrics that don’t look expensive on the runway. 


I watched, too!  And, I got such a strong Ann Jillian vibe from Brittany with her new hairstyle.  I wish I knew how to post a photo of her so others could see and maybe agree!  

Edited by njbchlover
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2 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

Absolutely.   100%.   The only thing I would add is that I'd be willing to bet that a goodly number of the apron wearing, traditional, stay-at-home moms were unhappy and frustrated and felt marginalized too.   I was a child in the 50s, and I remember how boring, unexciting ans stifling a 'housewife's' existence seemed to even my little girl eyes at the time. 

For Sergio to equate that decade - of intolerance, inequity, and cookie-cutter gender roles -  as 'great', was infuriating to me.    I don't even know if he believes it, as there seemed to be at least three different storylines he spouted about his "original" backward tuxedo.

Even his helper (Veronica?) said in a talking head that he came up with the story after the dress was made. 

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9 hours ago, violet and green said:

I think Sergio was correct -- his reverse tuxedo dress had gorgeous pink satin lapels and pink satin buttons, and was... a dress. The Celine Dion Galliano outfit (foul!) was a pantsuit. Aside from dress, with tuxedo details, versus satiny pantsuit with jacket worn backwards, Sergio's neckline was different, the back was different, the front of the dress had panelling. Celine looked really as if she'd just put a satin jacket on backwards for a lark. Sergio's design was beautiful. I can't believe they dinged him for the similarities while praising uneven work by other designers who replicate their own designs week after week.

I agree - Sergio's was very different from the Galliano, but his error was in not citing that as an inspiration.  And the whole mis-guided political statement.

Let us not forget that on Christian's own season, he and another young (21 yo) designer reinvented the Members Only Jacket.  And had to listen to the judges cluck clucking about their lack of reference.

Shavi cackling about their model and commenting that Marquise had gotten fat so that the pants didn't fit on him were my favorite parts of the show.

Why didn't Delvin make that dress longer?  Everyone keeps putting that model in mini skirts - she's not proportioned to make them look good.  Although she'd probably rock a bathing suit.

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On 2/7/2020 at 11:07 AM, njbchlover said:

I watched, too!  And, I got such a strong Ann Jillian vibe from Brittany with her new hairstyle.  I wish I knew how to post a photo of her so others could see and maybe agree!  

Here is a pic Brittany posted on her Instagram page. 


Edited by Angeleyes
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I'm absolutely shocked they didn't get rid of Nancy. After years of reality television viewing, the token old contestant always automatically leaves if they end up in the botton. She was in the bottom last week too, so I'm completely flummoxed. However, I'm pretty sure Britanny was chosen to be auf'd (or whatever the new term is) just so Christian can use the all-too common reality tv trope of the save. I'm sure Brittany will make it to final four, Nancy will pack her bags next week, and Delvin will continue to be a prick who thinks far too highly of himself and his mediocre talent.

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2 hours ago, Fukui San said:

They should have said at the end of the choosing that the odd designer out gets to spend the day with Christian and they'll do whatever fabulous fashion thing all day.

Heck, I would have squeed if they told me that I was going to spend the day with Christian, helping him at the laundromat or picking up his drycleaning.

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3 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I know they used the button bag, but I think they should've just brought back the same number of aufed contestants as current contestants and just bypassed the button bag.  I felt terrible for Asma.  

Had they done that though, someone would have had to be excluded.  Who would they choose, fairly?

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14 hours ago, charming said:

Yooooo Marquise’s model was a fucking boss on the runway he worked it. I’m usually not into the womenswear becoming menswear thing but it really worked for this look. I could see an actual celebrity wearing that on the red carpet. 

What I said! I could totally see that on a real red carpet.


5 hours ago, staphdude said:

I really have no issue with people judging the work of others. It is a competition and that is a natural outcome of these people living together. I saw Delvin’s reaction as more sheepish and generally agree with his assessment if the work of others.

Yeah, I saw it as "he had the good grace to be embarrassed," and I felt better about him. I don't think Brittany cared a fig.


4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Victoria seems to think that all garments must ooze sex appeal.  Many successful designers/companies have come before her, so I guess it's possible to be one note.  As usual, I was not nearly as enamored of her design as was the judging panel.  Yawn.

Delvin's "tux" looked like a really bad inhabitant of an old Robert Hall store (yes, I'm that old), reconfigured like the Goodwill challenge.

I hated Victoria's. It made Thijin (Thijin!) look fat. And it was skanky. Dang. A garter? A bedazzled garter??? And, on top of that, it was poorly made and puckery.

My girl scout troop did a fashion show sponsored by Robert Hall when I was about 12 or 13. I had the best two outfits in the show. Everybody was jealous of the party dress I wore, that I only was given because it matched my eyes (a kinda bluish teal). And my casual outfit was a long sleeved white shirt with red elbow patches, and a wrap-around skirt in a light denim in a medium blue color. Stylin'! I don't think I've been as fashionable since. 😄

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5 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

The only thing I would add is that I'd be willing to bet that a goodly number of the apron wearing, traditional, stay-at-home moms were unhappy and frustrated and felt marginalized too.   I was a child in the 50s, and I remember how boring, unexciting ans stifling a 'housewife's' existence seemed to even my little girl eyes at the time. 

Betty Friedan wrote eloquently about this very thing in The Feminine Mystique.

OT: I can never remember Sergio's full name and end up referring to him as Sergio LamaDrama.


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