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S05.E06: Four Wives in Two RVs

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Honestly, though, I'm not sure I blame her.  I wonder if she (consciously or not) sees it as her small little way to "get back" at the other moms who were able to have more than one kid and probably have (overtly or not) held that over her through the years.  Kinda like, 'Yeah, how those 6 kids looking to you now?'


Except that Meri could have had another child. Kody offered to try IVF for years, and Meri waffled back and forth until Kody finally said no because now they're really too old to have a baby. Personally, I think Meri likes being a victim, and having one kid gives her one more thing to be victimized about.

  • Love 9

Another thing that bugs me about this clan… They make a big deal of getting into wherever they are going so late at night. But they talk about not leaving in the morning until 9 a.m. And then it takes too long to get ready so they are leaving at 9:30 or 10. Whenever we went on vacation when I was a kid, or when I do it with my family now, we are getting up and moving as soon as possible so we can get to our destination sooner. We liked to be there before dark, if possible. But these folks with no jobs prefer to sleep later, then bitch about how late it is when the snow is falling and the shit is flowing. Don't bitch about the late hour of arrival if you can't get up early and get moving. I would imagine the kids are used to being up for school, so this falls on the lazy adults.

  • Love 8

Hi everyone, I'm a new poster.  I just had to comment on the RV show last night.  My husband and I purchased an RV last year and we have learned a few things about the RVing lifestyle.


First, we never plan on driving more than 200 miles per day - 250 max.  It doesn't seem like much, but when you consider you're supposed to be on VACATION, it only makes sense.  Driving only 200 miles/day allows us to have a relaxing breakfast, make one or two stops during the day, and get to our destination while it's still light.  Because the worst thing you can do is get to the RV park at night.  You have to park the RV, get it connected (sewer, electricity, water, cable, etc) and it's practically impossible to do at night.  RV parks don't have lights at each site and you're relying on your own flashlight or lantern.  Having done it once, my husband swears he will never do it again.


And once you're parked at the site, it's nice to relax, eat dinner, build a campfire (if allowed) roast marshmallows, etc.  Not to mention, the KOA campgrounds usually have lots of things for the kids to do.  Swimming pools, recreation center, baseball, playgrounds, etc.  The smaller kids would have really enjoyed spending some time there.  I just don't see why it was so important to rush to their destination.  None of them work, take your time, enjoy the scenery.  Sheesh!  But I suspect it was production who rushed them.  They were on a schedule and needed the drama, I suppose.


Also, by 1am in the morning, most RV parks are quiet.  Yes, some RV's arrive late at night, but they do have consideration for others.  Especially when you're so close to the next RV.  The Brown's arriving that late, with all that noise, I'm sure they work up the entire park!  How rude.


And one last thing.  One thing we learned is to keep the RV hoses separated.  A white hose on an RV has a universal meaning to other RVers.  The white hose is strictly for potable water.  It is NEVER to be used for any other reason.  The hoses are stored separately, because after all, would you want the drinking water coming into your RV to have been used to clean the sewer hose?   Or to even TOUCH the sewer hose?  Yet, that is exactly what Kody did.  He used the white hose to clean the sewer hose.  He had it stuck down inside the sewer hose. I couldn't believe it!  Those are rented RV's.  My only hope is that that particular white hose was destroyed.  I hate to think the next person who used that RV got stuck with a dirty white hose.  Yuck!

  • Love 10
So if the kids got one week for spring break, that's 9 days counting the weekends.  Four days to get to Missouri, and I assume four to get home, leaves them with one whole day at their destination.  Brilliant.


I kind of think that was the point, though. They weren't going to a super interesting, time-consuming destination like Disney World or something. They were just going to meet this family, and I don't know that they wanted to unload on them for more than one or two days. I kind of took it as - we want to go meet this family, but that's a super long drive just to meet someone, so let's turn it into a fun trip. So I feel like the RVing and stops along the way ARE the vacation, maybe even more so than meeting this family. 

  • Love 4

I kind of think that was the point, though. They weren't going to a super interesting, time-consuming destination like Disney World or something. They were just going to meet this family, and I don't know that they wanted to unload on them for more than one or two days. I kind of took it as - we want to go meet this family, but that's a super long drive just to meet someone, so let's turn it into a fun trip. So I feel like the RVing and stops along the way ARE the vacation, maybe even more so than meeting this family. 

I agree. They made mention of how the drive was going to be lower-key and they were going to make fun stops. That's fine and can be a good time. But 21 people, 350+ miles a day PLUS fun stops (which probably mean 2-3 hours each for shooting time). I mean, that just does not compute as far as people having fun and being able to get enough rest and not be super stressed. 

Edited by aulait

While whoever called the child "stupid" was out of line, it really shouldn't have escalated the way it did.  Call the kid on it, make him apologize, and move on.


That was Janelle’s son Garrison.  Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.  All he said was, “Ysabel, stop acting stupid." That was it.  Everyone jumped on the poor kid and made him apologize to Ysabel and Christine.  I think they are extremely hard on Kody’s sons (especially Janelle's), but seem to cuddle Dayton.  I wasn’t surprised that Janelle and Christine stayed in the RVs with their kids, while Queen Mary, Princess Robyn and Solomon the anointed son got to sleep in comfort.

  • Love 1

Also thought it was funny when Truely said she wanted to go to a petting zoo, but not for her birthday. She was probably thinking the youngster's version of "Everyone else gets to go to Disneyland for their birthday. Petting zoo? So you old assholes can go visit some other polygamist family and film it? Go fuck yourself!! Do that on your own damn birthday!" At least I hope that's what she was thinking.

  • LOL 1
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I thought she said, "I have to almost break my own eyes", and CC agreed with me.  I have no idea what the hell that means.  She was sort of rolling her eyes at the same time, maybe that's what she was referring to?


What Robyn said was "I have to almost break my own ice", meaning she will bring up why they are a huge family as someone else seeing them may be hesitant to ask. (THat was the jist of what I remember but she definitely said 'ice").  Because Robyn talks like she has marbles in her mouth it is understandable that even CC would get it wrong. Mind you I find CC is often wrong even on words that are clear as a bell.


Most annoying part of the show (who am I kidding -it was all annoying) was KoDouche telling the kids that when they disrespect each other, they disrespect him. Because it is ALWAYS about Kody - 24/7/365. At another point in the show he tells one of the kids that he has earned their respect. How, I have no idea.  I did love, I think Hunter (?) telling Kody that HE was the one being rude to everyone. Hunter may be my new hero.


The whole thing with Garrison was just ridiculous. I can see that he might have to apologize to the dancing kid (though why does the dancing kid not have to apologize for holding everyone up) but why would he have to apologize to Christine?? Because she is the kid's mother? Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. But then they did spend almost 20 minutes wasting air time before they even left on the trip, so I guess wasting time on this should not be a surprise.


Also loved the meeting about the fakebusiness. Kody says no money has come in (I would assume the 'investors' have done their due dillegence and bailed), but then says they have to table the discussion as they have a vacation to go on. Because businesses just run themselves, and investors love to give their money to those who hate to work.

  • Love 4

I'm assuming that Meri/Robin got separate rooms.  You know why.  (So Kody could get a good night/s sleep in each one)


It's not like he'll be taking his turn with Janelle and Christine in the RV with half the kids in the same bed with them.  However, I don't blame Janelle and Christine because I'd just as soon not wake up with any of the three, myself.  I didn't see anything wrong with what Christine said about missing the older kids -- we've seen how tactile the older teens are with the little ones.  There seems to be a lot of genuine affection, and where Aspyn adores little kids, I can see how she would voluntarily distract/entertain a kid who was melting down and otherwise be a great help without ever being asked.  I saw it more as Christine giving the older kids credit than bemoaning having to do everything herself.  


It's sad, but inevitable what contempt the teen boys have for Kody.  They're at the age of rebellion anyway, when they're going to consider their parents the lamest lame-os in the history of the world...but then add on top of it Janelle's sons seeing how she gets treated like crap.  Then add on to THAT the awareness that pretty much the entire viewership of the show confirms their perception that Janelle gets treated like crap.  Where do you go with that kind of anger if your mom won't hear a word against the guy?


I think the reason they came down on the kid who told his sister to not be stupid was that everybody was ignoring her and could have continued to do so and wrapped the prayer up and been on their way, but he chimed in and prevented that from happening.  


They took home a lot of leftovers from that steak challenge -- everybody else probably got a diet coke for dinner and they divvied up the leftovers with a box of rice pilaf.  Dinner for 14 for $400 isn't that bad, especially if picked up as a production cost.

  • Love 3

If I were Meri, I'd be out the door as soon as I got my degree and could take care of myself. She is still young and could have a totally different life. It is not too late.

This sounds like something I'd wish for Janelle more than Meri. - I see Janelle as more independent and resourceful and at times checked out from King Kody and the lifestyle. Meri would never leave because she likes the money too much. Money without responsibility. Sounds pretty good if you can get it.

Also loved the meeting about the fakebusiness. Kody says no money has come in (I would assume the 'investors' have done their due dillegence and bailed), but then says they have to table the discussion as they have a vacation to go on. Because businesses just run themselves, and investors love to give their money to those who hate to work.


That meeting took what, 2 minutes? They are such a bunch of dumb asses.

  • Love 5

That was Janelle’s son Garrison. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. All he said was, “Ysabel, stop acting stupid." That was it. Everyone jumped on the poor kid and made him apologize to Ysabel and Christine. I think they are extremely hard on Kody’s sons (especially Janelle's), but seem to cuddle Dayton. I wasn’t surprised that Janelle and Christine stayed in the RVs with their kids, while Queen Mary, Princess Robyn and Solomon the anointed son got to sleep in comfort.

Dayton is special needs and seems well behaved. I actually admire the way all the adults treat him - he needs a calmer approach. All the other boys, except Logan, are pretty rowdy. I think Janelle fights the big fights and lets them get away with a bit otherwise.

If I were Meri, I'd be out the door as soon as I got my degree and could take care of myself. She is still young and could have a totally different life. It is not too late.


Me too, but that's the difference between people like us and people like Meri. We can actually envision something better, can imagine a life with fewer boundaries. Meri, perhaps more than all the other wives, is bound into a system that makes her next to irrelevant, and the fact that she is there of her own volition doesn't change how locked in she is, IMO.


When a monogamous woman splits from her marriage, there is typically going to be a bilateral shakeup; she and her spouse (unless there are some bizarre problems going on) will both undergo a major life shift and will have to find a new normal. I'm not suggesting that if Meri left the family would hardly notice, but their reality is that Kody would still have three wives still there, warming his bed, catering to his ego, and vying for his time and attention. For Meri, leaving means the other wives WIN: 10 nights with Kody each month vs. the current 7.5 (I know, I know...for most of us this would be a dubious "win"), one less mortgage to pay, and an essential shift in status, since the vaunted FIRST WIFE is gone.


All four women are in the same boat--every one of them wants to be the secret (or not-so-secret) favorite, and if you leave, you forfeit the game.

  • Love 8

ok - first off "I know that I have earned this respect" - ummm, Kody?  I am not sure that we have the same definitions of what it takes to earn respect.  


And Robyn's - I'm so proud of Day-un for compulsively overeating to the point of almost vomiting.  Wow, now there's something to be proud of.


And also?  That pony tail HAS TO GO!

Edited by eyebleach
  • Love 6

And Robyn's - I'm so proud of Day-un for compulsively overeating to the point of almost vomiting. Wow, now there's something to be proud of.

And also? That pony tail HAS TO GO!

Even worse - JANELLE, who has been "battling" her weight since before Sol was born, praising Maddie (who to my eye appears to be getting a bit on the plump side) for "keeping up with the boys" wolfing down a significant amount of steak (along with some of the side dishes I'm sure - the official rules say you have to eat EVERYTHING including a baked potato and shrimp cocktail, salad, roll with butter in order to win). Way to show concern for your kids' health, mom! (This was on Twitter during last nights twit-fest)

Samurai yes - or one of those side profile drawings/depictions of Neanderthal Man.

Edited by DakotaJustice
  • Love 2
Even worse - JANELLE, who has been "battling" her weight since before Sol was born, praising Maddie (who to my eye appears to be getting a bit on the plump side) for "keeping up with the boys" wolfing down a significant amount of steak (along with some of the side dishes I'm sure - the official rules say you have to eat EVERYTHING including a baked potato and shrimp cocktail, salad, roll with butter in order to win). Way to show concern for your kids' health, mom! (This was on Twitter during last nights twit-fest)


I've seen more than one post about Maddie's supposed weight gain.  I think she's the only teenage daughter who doesn't have a weight problem yet.  Granted, being egged on by Janelle to eat that steak probably wasn't in Maddie's best interest, but I still don't see much of a weight gain.  Mykelti, Mariah and Aspyn have all gained a significant amount of weight in the past two years.  I hope Ysabel and Gwendolyn (?) don't end up with a weight problem like their older sisters.  I've even noticed that Robyn's older daughter (Aurora, I think) has put on some weight.  I do think Maddie should watch her weight, however, as the women in this family do gain weight through the years.  

Edited by Sammich63

Regarding that 60 second business meeting before their trip (and other business meetings we've seen in their homes), does anyone think they hold these useless meetings just so that they can deduct a portion of their household expenses, i.e. phone, internet, mortgage, because they have a 'home-based company? 


If so, I will definitely start my own home business and I will call it My Son's Closet (since it's still full of clothes, books and videos, even though he moved out two years ago).  lol

  • Useful 1
  • Love 10
Regarding that 60 second business meeting before their trip (and other business meetings we've seen in their homes), does anyone think they hold these useless meetings just so that they can deduct a portion of their household expenses, i.e. phone, internet, mortgage, because they have a 'home-based company?


That plus their requisite weekly reminder to their loving fans that we just can't possibly live without investing in a piece of junk joolry.


The whole freaking episode was one giant commercial for tourist traps between Las Vegas and Missouri.  And how many normal people (normal being the key word here) interrupt a grueling road trip to hop around a gym? And then bemoan the fact that they are behind schedule and "forced" to set up camp in the dark.

  • Love 1

And how many normal people (normal being the key word here) interrupt a grueling road trip to hop around a gym? And then bemoan the fact that they are behind schedule and "forced" to set up camp in the dark.


The same people who MUST enter a contest that will cost $72. for each person when they can't complete it.


So, did the "investors" do their review and back out, I wonder?

  • Love 2

I wonder why King Kody never does any of the driving. Does he think it is uncool to drive something other than a sports car? And yes, his whining was worse than any of the kids.


Meri does the driving, organizes the food and I'm sure she helps out when asked. I don't think she needs to do eternal penance for the sin of not having more children. And no, she didn't choose to not have another one. IVF is expense and doesn't always work, she has had miscarriages in the past so her problem is more than just getting pregnant, and having Robyn have a child for her would have lots of inherent problems (in my opinion). There is nothing wrong with having one child, or no children. Kody has plenty of kids he cannot support as it is.


None of these women have jobs either, so packing up for a few kids, most of whom are pretty self-sufficient is not that huge of a task. With all that, I do think they are a family and they help each other. The women have had separate living quarters for a long time and always refer to their own kids as "my kids". They may not be the compound share everything type, but they are their own definition of family.


The episodes are pretty boring, as it would be if anyone's life were filmed, but I still like the Browns better than Brady with his creepy eyes, and controlling Joe Darger. I love to make fun of Kody, but he seems like a kind person, if a bit clueless.

  • Love 2

Why does Kody carry King Sol all the time? He never carries Truely like that.


I bet Truely isn't interested. When Christine asked if she wanted to ride in Daddy's RV, Truely was all, "Nooooope."   Smart kiddo. 

Also loved the meeting about the fakebusiness. Kody says no money has come in (I would assume the 'investors' have done their due dillegence and bailed), but then says they have to table the discussion as they have a vacation to go on. Because businesses just run themselves, and investors love to give their money to those who hate to work.


Right? This was so dumb. They're complaining that no one has given them their money yet, and in the next breath explaining that they don't have time for it anyways because they need to take a completely useless road trip to meet complete strangers. Amazing businesspeople, those Browns. 

  • Love 3
Also loved the meeting about the fakebusiness. Kody says no money has come in (I would assume the 'investors' have done their due dillegence and bailed), but then says they have to table the discussion as they have a vacation to go on. Because businesses just run themselves, and investors love to give their money to those who hate to work


.I just choked on my water because your description of this scene was perfect. What dolts! Money for what? Investments for who? Oh well, gotta run!

This show just gets more and more stupid but since I have pretty much given up on the Housewives I am hanging in there.

  • Love 3

For Meri, leaving means the other wives WIN: 10 nights with Kody each month vs. the current 7.5 (I know, I know...for most of us this would be a dubious "win"), one less mortgage to pay, and an essential shift in status, since the vaunted FIRST WIFE is gone.



Since the mortgage on Meri's house is in both Kody and Meri's name, the mortgage would still need to be paid.  Kody would be on the hook for it until and unless Meri became self-supporting.  The house could be sold, I suppose, but I seriously doubt they would come out with any money in the end. She could also ask for alimony/maintenance since she is used to living off the fruits of all the labors. 

Kody would claim the extra nights for himself, and the 3 wives wouldn't complain since they all think he 'needs some nights to himself'.  Kody would shop for a replacement wife since he now needs 4 to be complete.  Anyone he found would come with chlldren.  Would be interesting if the women he chose had an ex-husband that objected to the Kody Brown family.  Robyn and Christine would complete to be the legal wife, while Janelle would continue to avoid being one. Truthfully howevfr, I think Kody would chase after Meri if she left, since he calls her his 'soulmate'. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 1

The episodes are pretty boring, as it would be if anyone's life were filmed, but I still like the Browns better than Brady with his creepy eyes, and controlling Joe Darger. I love to make fun of Kody, but he seems like a kind person, if a bit clueless.


ITA.  I almost think Brady keeps a secret torture chamber in the basement for his wives.  As doofus and FOS as he can be at times, Kody does not seem at all underhanded.


The episodes have gotten a lot more boring this season, IMO.  I fell asleep twice during this episode and that never happened until now.


Meri does the driving, organizes the food and I'm sure she helps out when asked. I don't think she needs to do eternal penance for the sin of not having more children. And no, she didn't choose to not have another one. IVF is expense and doesn't always work, she has had miscarriages in the past so her problem is more than just getting pregnant, and having Robyn have a child for her would have lots of inherent problems (in my opinion). There is nothing wrong with having one child, or no children. Kody has plenty of kids he cannot support as it is.


Again, ITA.  I think driving is a pretty big job and frees the other women up to take care of the kids, so I don't see where Meri isn't being a team player.  She is at least filling a role in the trip to make the others' lives easier.  And I also agree that she shouldn't be looked at as "selfish" or whatever just because she didn't have to get a brood of kids ready for the trip.  I don't see why she should be made to live her entire life at the service of others in the family when they themselves are doing just what they want to do.  No one held a gun to their heads and told them to have that many kids.

Edited by Intuition
  • Love 2

When the restaurant guy was shouting out the names of the steak-eating contestants, he said "David" not "Dayton".  Poor Day-un probably uses his real name "David" when anyone asks him. Changing one's identity and parentage (a la the "Robyn & Kody's Daughter" labels on the talking heads) just because mom re-marries is a bit creepy and confusing.  You just know it wasn't the kids' idea.

So what in the hell is wrong with Robyn lately?  She siits there like a dead lump when it's all 5 of them on the couch and she's got this major bitch-face thing going (which is different from her customary hatchet-face).  She freaks out about a few flakes of snow falling and she acts like some kind of spurned lover because MSWC hasn't been funded yet by the VC people.  She's being even more irritating than normal lately and she looks so tired and dragged out and miserable.  Wait a minute -- she's starting to fit in after all !!!

  • Love 9


I loved seeing Meri with her two suitcases, saying "I'm ready." Meanwhile, in the other homes, there is a circus of activity going on. Jump in and help, woman!

Meri is an ASS!  Many times in the past she has pressed to get things because of her 6 nonexistent other children. (I am not making light of her secondary infertility!) Yet now since Mariah is gone she is done parenting and helping the others??  I thought this was one of the perks of polygamy??  I can't see any of the other plygs -and I watch them all- do this after their last is gone.

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 1
She realizes the other wives and teenagers hate her; the honeymoon with Kody is probably over, and she is no longer being treated like a special snow flake. Plus, it doesn't seem as if she and Meri are as close as they once were.


Plus the overwhelming demands of the burgeoning business has exhausted her and the promised money, meant entirely to fulfill her wishes of popping out more Planet Populators, has not appeared. And then there was the horrible scourge of snowflakes upon her dainty face which sent her into a cursing fit. Life must be so hard to bear for First Wife Wannabe Sobbin.

  • Love 3

 I don't see why she should be made to live her entire life at the service of others in the family when they themselves are doing just what they want to do.  No one held a gun to their heads and told them to have that many kids.

I don't think anyone is actually suggesting she should have to slave over the other children--that's the whole point: she SHOULDN'T have to. But...the Brown party line is that one of the supposed perks of plyg life is that the sister wives are all in there helping raise each other's children. What most people snark about here is the discrepancy between those supposed perks and the REALITY of how the Brown women live.

  • Love 5
I don't think anyone is actually suggesting she should have to slave over the other children--that's the whole point: she SHOULDN'T have to. But...the Brown party line is that one of the supposed perks of plyg life is that the sister wives are all in there helping raise each other's children. What most people snark about here is the discrepancy between those supposed perks and the REALITY of how the Brown women live.


True, but that's been the same since at least when they moved to Vegas. I think if Meri had gone over to Christine or Janelle's (with camera crew in tow) they'd have been "WTF are you doing trying to organise my house?" Even in Lehi they needed separate kitchens to keep the peace and I think they certainly like having completely separate homes, though they kids might not have done.


I've never been entirely convinced about the "bonus kids" though. I think the 3 wives did collaborate more together when their oldest kids were young, (when Mariah was the same age range as them all) but even Kody refers to "Janelle's kids" or "Christine's kids" not "my" or "ours" collectively. I think in his mind he's separated the women out for a long time.

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 3

But...the Brown party line is that one of the supposed perks of plyg life is that the sister wives are all in there helping raise each other's children. What most people snark about here is the discrepancy between those supposed perks and the REALITY of how the Brown women live.

Exactly. And I would add the money factor in as well. She gets 1/4 of the money (and then some) with only one child. Which is why she can afford her mansion, her wet bar, french doors, private college tuition for Mariah, tuition for school for herself, etc.... It's the kids from the other wives that will suffer down the road, if they're not already experiencing financial hardships now. I think the arrangement is ridiculous.

  • Love 3

I've always felt that they treat appearing on the show as the equivalent of holding down a job.  Each of the five adults is paid a salary for his/her work, and salaries are not paid based on the number of children you happen to have.  The Brown family has made the choice to live in separate homes and have separate budgets.  One wife cannot be held responsible for that decision.  


As for Meri's contribution, I agree with those who have said that driving is a big job and that Meri also seemed to have been in charge of the shopping.  I also agree that the other wives likely would not have appreciated have Meri show up and start interfering with their packing.  This is not a situation where anyone is dealing with lots of young children.  Really, the only two wives with small children are Robyn (Solomon) and Christine (Truely).  The rest of the children are certainly capable of packing a bag with a small amount of oversight.


If you watch the group scenes, you frequently see Meri interacting with the children.  Actually, I recall seeing her interact with the children who are not hers more than the other wives.  For instance, I have never seen Janelle holding a child who was not her own.  That's not a criticism of anyone. (And it may be that Meri stands out for me because I know that none of the younger children are hers.  Janelle may be interacting with the other children, and I may not notice it because the younger Browns tend to blur together in my mind.)

  • Love 4


After reading in the last episode thread about how Robyn's daughters insert themselves in the scenes/suck up, I can't help noticing it now. Looks like they were the first ones to run to the RV.

Yes, I really noticed it in this episode too.  Aurora and Breanna are always front and center and I think they were the ones asking Truely questions on the couch.  I have no idea what makes kids act that way.  Oh wait, maybe I do.  Robyn always has to voice her stupid opinions during the couch talks and she tends to talk over others.  I guess that's where it comes from.

  • Love 2

 Even in Lehi they needed separate kitchens to keep the peace and I think they certainly like having completely separate homes, though they kids might not have done.

Yep, that's my point. They love their separate lives, and that's okay. But don't blow smoke up my ass with the "Oh, you monogamous women have no idea how FABULOUS it is to have sister wives at your beck and call." They can't have it both ways and that's what a lot of viewers find extremely hypocritical. Kody's just a serial monogamist.

Edited by NewBaku
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