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S01.E20: Never Let Me Go

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My poor cat! He thought a confused chihuahua (or 90's Mariah Carey) was hidden somewhere behind our entertainment center when Daniel started hitting high notes that even castrati would be jealous of. Daaamn, kid. Enjoy it now because it ain't gonna be like that in ten years when your balls (and voice) drop. 

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Raw-nold should demand a paternity test because Tiff sure looks more than 90 Days pregnant! And I hate her for making poor little Daniel cry like he’s being tortured 

So the “Tell All” looks like all the Americans are there in the studio and the foreign fiancés/spouses (except Jihoon) are phoning it in? I don’t see a screen for Karine which leads me to guess she’s going to make a surprise appearance in person. I predict Deaven and Jihoon are the only couple who make it. 

9 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Go back home, delete him off your social media, and spend some time on yourself

Get a mani-pedi stat! 

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Well, that was a pretty amusing season finale.  

I totally hope SumBitch is utterly head over heels in love with Jenny...because his cheating, lying, jellyfish ass deserves just that type of karma.  Poor Mrs. SumBitch.  I cannot imagine the gossip that must be going around in their community over this shitshow.  

I actually enjoyed Deaven and Jihoon's ceremony footage.  Everyone (including usual sourpuss Deaven) looked to be having a good time.   Wonder when (if?) the feral child will be joining them.  

Tiffany has expanded considerably in three months.  I'm giving her "90 days pregnant" the side eye.  I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn she's actually "180 days pregnant."  Gamblin' Ronnie might want to hedge his bets (pun intended) and get some DNA if that kiddo arrives "early."  

Evelin and Corny Corey...Zzzzz.  I still they're yanking everybody's chain hoping for an invite back for another season.  I predict they will conveniently reunite...right before the cameras for next season start rolling.  

The previews for the tell all look pretty intriguing, though.  I can't wait to see splotchy faced Laura trying to explain away some of her shenanigans.  😄 

Edited by Persnickety1
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I just got to the part where Jenny wails plaintively about how this shitshow isn’t Sumit’s fault. Honest question: whose fault does she think it is? I kind of feel like the only option that leaves is that it’s her own fault.

I really don’t know if I’ll be able to watch sweet Daniel at the airport 😢 

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  Corey went big fat baaaaank with this proposal. What did it cost him to get that hot air balloon there?  (And what the HECK, fly that beast in, puff it up and then tether it to the ground???  Just when you think things can’t possibly get more stupider!).   And the private dinner with a chef, and then heart shaped fireworks.  (What was he going to do if she said no?)  I just keep thinking - I’m not sure I ever knew he had a real job, and he’s unloading tons of money on this... and Evvie doesn’t want to get married.  She did want the ring, so I guess that’s something.

So much mucus in the Jenny/Sumi scenes.  GUH, she’s an ugly crier.  

I’m thinking of starting a Tiffany Hate club.  I can’t stand her.  What does she want out of life?   You could almost see “get me outta here!”  vibes radiating off of her.  She could have high fived Ronald, guuurl was ready to GO.

ETA:  looks like there’s no one left on set after the tell off all.

Edited by Happyfatchick
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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

Chenny is another finger tear wiper. And for goodness sake, she sat around that apartment for weeks at a time, couldn’t she have fixed her nail polish? 


Mercy she got rid of all her skimpy San Diego tops but Has some beautiful Kurtas that suit her much better. This what Desperation looks like. No mention of little Sum meats hanging back with the family huh? Wouldn’t make any difference to her. 

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Back during the episode where Tiffany and Ronald got married, I wrote on the live feed that I thought she looked pregnant. She looked round as opposed to overweight. People explained it was the dress not being flattering. I think it is just her shape making her look six months pregnant, because she has always looked that large.

Why her baby looked so large on the ultrasound is a whole other ball of yarn. My guess is TLC frauding to mess with the timelines. 

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The scene made by Jenny did not tug at my heart strings at all.  She has completely taken all of the blame off of Submit,  put it all on his family.  His family did not catfish or deceive her,  Submit did,  and she was naive enough to fall for it.   For her to cry to the camera "we really do love each other,  he is a good person,  do not blame him", was actually nauseating.  Then,  to tell him "people actually die from a broken heart and mine feels like it's being ripped from my chest".  

Sounds like Tiffany wants that life coach guy to take responsibility for Ronald.   

The Korean wedding was very interesting.  I wish Deavean would show some enthusiasm.  She never smiles. 

Where did Corey get the money?  That was a good size diamond.   Unless he pulled a Ceaser and bought a diamondalle  or whatever they're called.  

Cannot wait for next week!  

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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

My poor cat! He thought a confused chihuahua (or 90's Mariah Carey) was hidden somewhere behind our entertainment center when Daniel started hitting high notes that even castrati would be jealous of. Daaamn, kid. 

I was thinking Minnie Riperton

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4 hours ago, gingerella said:

I have to say something about Sumit...yes he catfishes her initially, and he didn’t tell her he was married off, so he’s a douchebag for those reasons. And I am not trying to excuse any of that, but I do want to say that love marriages in India are still rare even today, in 2019. I worked with a local consultant years ago, she was Christian and and was Hindu, and they have a love marriage and she talked about it non stop because she was so proud of herself for being able to find her own husband and marry for love. All our colleagues were extremely jealous and really didn’t like her talking about it because it was such an oddity, but I think deep down they all wondered what it must be like to marry someone you choose, and someone you love from the get go, rather than the typical arranged marriage where you are expected to learn to love your spouse over time. 

But an arranged marriage isn’t the same as a forced marriage. Especially in 2019, most arranged marriages are much more similar in concept to blind dates than a Simba/Nala betrothal. The fact that Sumit even agreed to be on this show makes me think that he’s just a passive person who won’t say no even if he knows he’s heading for a shitstorm.

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Looking forward to the reunion. I wonder if Laura brings her purple sidekick. So Tiffany gets pregnant on minute 15 of arriving ? I bet Daniel was never in school so either he is going to  be left back due to her irresponsibility or she will claim homeschooling. At least Deaven was smart enough to leave little Firestarter Druzilla at home until she became a little more settled.

Jenny heading home because her 6k ran out, now has a couch to look forward to.

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16 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Don't forget "It's his culture". That along with the snotty saliva filled tear wiping crying was indeed vomit inducing. 

Edited to add: Jenny really lives in a fairy tale world. She said the six months in India were the best of her life, Somemeat made her happy. Ummmm...... all they did was fight about his disappearing acts for weeks at a time,  her worrying about him not having a job and the fact that he would not tell his parents that she was in India. But, ok, happiest six mos of her life!!!

Yeah, Jenny's account of her time in India reminds me of the song I Had The Time of My Life(and I owe it all to you!)......yeah, really?

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Jenny and SumBitch are like a perfect storm, she with her delusions of great romance and him with his ability to mind fuck her into believing none of this is his fault. 

Her pleading with the audience to not blame him kind of made my stomach roll.  I'm gathering she knew the backlash he would face for his duplicity and was doing a preemptive strike at damage control.

I'd still like to know how many other women he was soliciting on that "Mike Jones" page.  I'd bet a kidney he didn't only approach Jenny.  She was probably the only one dumb enough to fall for it on a long-term basis.  

I'm rubbing my hands in anticipation of Jenny's daughter tearing into his ass at the reunion...if the spineless sack of shit even makes an appearance.  

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25 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Watching Jenny crying her goodbyes made me sick too.  I can only hope that with some time and distance this woman comes to her senses.

Deaven and Jihoon's wedding was adorable.  They are such a cute couple.  Deaven doesn't understand a word that is being said around her so she's probably in a constant state of confusion, hence not smiling.  Just my take.

I predict that Ronald will never see Tiffany or Daniel again.  She's running from a very bad decision and Ronald is on his own now. 

100% all of the above.  I was seriously nauseated over their sobbing and proclamations of "it's not fair."  Jenny has watched way too many Nicholas Sparks movies with all her "my heart is being ripped out," and tearful "please do what you have to do so we can be together!"  She makes me ragey with her complete insistence on taking no accountability whatsoever and for seeming to take pride in being the constant victim.  Sumit at least admits that he lied - A LOT.  I still think he's a shameful scammer, but at least he pays it some half-assed lip service.  Jenny is as delusional and stubborn as they come and has clearly picked up no common sense along the way during her 60+ years of living.  Ugh I could seriously go on all day about how much I despise this pathetic and stupid woman and her lying liar scammer boyfriend.

Starting to really like Deavan and Jihoon.  She seems to have true affection for him and he clearly adores her.  

Tiffany is an awful mother and compounds one horrible decision with the next, the sum total of which ultimately come crashing down on her poor son.  She's really, truly horrible.

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That whole conversation Tiffany had with Ronald's counselor was so stupid.  She was asking the counselor to babysit Ronald while she was away.  I dont understand what drove Tiff to want to exit stage left so quickly.  Was it the shabby hospital for pregnant women? Her poor child?  Is it easier to get him a visa to come to the US now that they are already married? Jenny is just a mess and clearly needs some serious therapy.  You'd think they were Romeo and Juliet they way Jenny was carrying on.    I do wonder if Evelyn will drag out the engagement long enough to spend Corey's inheritance.  I love Jinhoon and Deavan.  They are cute together.  

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I'd say the only 100% authentic relationship this season was between Daniel and Ronald.  Those 2 need and care for each other far more than Tiffany needs or cares for either.  

*No lie, I was fucked up over "Just one more hug."  Have I been there, my boy.

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31 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

It's hard not to love Jihoon.  He has a silliness that is so loveable.  I don't really see how those two found each other and what they have in common, but maybe he will lighten her moods up a bit. Of course, the terror child isn't there yet.  Please let them be on the next season!

I think that their personalities complement each other very well. They’re the only couple I’m rooting for (apologies to our Aussie posters).

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8 minutes ago, StrongbyDefault said:

100% all of the above.  I was seriously nauseated over their sobbing and proclamations of "it's not fair."  Jenny has watched way too many Nicholas Sparks movies with all her "my heart is being ripped out," and tearful "please do what you have to do so we can be together!"  She makes me ragey with her complete insistence on taking no accountability whatsoever and for seeming to take pride in being the constant victim.  Sumit at least admits that he lied - A LOT.  I still think he's a shameful scammer, but at least he pays it some half-assed lip service.  Jenny is as delusional and stubborn as they come and has clearly picked up no common sense along the way during her 60+ years of living.  Ugh I could seriously go on all day about how much I despise this pathetic and stupid woman and her lying liar scammer boyfriend.

Starting to really like Deavan and Jihoon.  She seems to have true affection for him and he clearly adores her.  

Tiffany is an awful mother and compounds one horrible decision with the next, the sum total of which ultimately come crashing down on her poor son.  She's really, truly horrible.

I had to fast forward through some of Jenny and Sumit because that bitch is too fucking stupid to live. She seriously needs to be, like, electroshocked into reality. And Sumit can just shut up, too. I get the whole cultural, Indian parents rule thing, but that doesn't excuse the extraordinary level of deceit. The only one I feel sorry for is the wife who must be so embarrassed. The only nice thing I can say about Jenny is that she built a lovely Indian wardrobe.

I think in the end Daniel will be okay. He'll miss Ronald a lot at first but will be so happy to see his family and friends, go to school and and be able to play outside freely and eat American candy again that the airport hysterics will become a distant memory. We never even saw him interacting with or mentioning other children while there.

That said, as someone else noted above, Tiffany couldn't wait to hightail it out of SA. Something seems a bit fishy about that whole situation.

Deavan and Jihoon are cute, but I hope they can find a way to earn some money to support their growing family. And I hope that she's learning how to speak Korean because when the devil child arrives she'll likely be fluent within months and Deaven will be the only one in the house who speaks only English.

Corey and Evelyn are boring.

Can't wait for the tell-all.

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12 hours ago, TerryeW1 said:

I have to admit, my eyes teared up when Sumit and Jenny were saying good-bye.

And can I just say - I love Jihoon!

I know! Jenny has sold me on this star crossed lovers story, and they need to drop the after show and have a segment called Jihoon explains Everything. He is so damn adorable. 

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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

Deaven and Jihoon's wedding was adorable.  They are such a cute couple.  Deaven doesn't understand a word that is being said around her so she's probably in a constant state of confusion, hence not smiling.  Just my take.

I predict that Ronald will never see Tiffany or Daniel again.  She's running from a very bad decision and Ronald is on his own now. 

I thought of that briefly last night. I almost felt bad for him. He is an addict, he has a disease, the one thing that might have kept him grounded is leaving....... 

I'm really liking Deavan and Jihoon. He is so cute, they are cute together. 

Edited by libgirl2
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3 minutes ago, kacesq said:

Can this be Paul and Kareeny's last go-round the 90DF franchise?  I'm tired of "you want divorce? Shut up Paul" on a loop.

I really hope so. There is nothing new there anymore. 

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