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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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6 minutes ago, Muckypup61 said:


1) My guess, from next week's previews, is that Julia tries to come back from her accident too soon, passes out on the field, and Kelli tells her to try out next year after she's recovered.

2) Kelli looks really good in royal blue. She needs to wear that color more often.

3) I enjoyed seeing more of Judy's input this episode. She spoke more than three sentences!

4) I'm not a dancer, but am I the only one that thinks VK isn't finishing her moves? The shot of her shown dancing on the field was so abbreviated, but it just didn't look like her movements were full or completed. Does that make sense?

I hope you are right about Julia. I am surprised Kelli felt what Julia said during media training wasn’t meant the way it came out. I agree. I think she was nervous and talked without really thinking.

The fact that she was so petrified when she was called into Kelli’s office was alarming to me. She was so panicked. I felt so bad for her!!! And, after a major car accident.... Why does it have to be this stressful?  TPTB know who they want. Put these girls out of their misery and just chose your team! 

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Honestly every time I see Amy dance when Maddie is point she is 1/2 second behind the group.  She was a fave of mine until tonight.

No grace when accepting her new position, Kash always seemed to have that.  Congrats Maddie, not so much Amy...  Did anyone else see the side eyed nasty look when they told the team when Maddie turned her back?

Edited by aimeelou625
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11 hours ago, ByTor said:

Hannah certainly hadn't purchased any "friends" for the chesticular area, and she looks perfectly fine...as did Christina.  It's too bad so many feel the need to get them.

It's great unless you want to jog or play volleyball.  I understand a bit of an enlargement but ladies, big boobs on a small frame look stupid.  They are not built in life rafts.

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So, just speculation here:

From the screen shot they have on FB, it appears to be dark haired veteran who passes out/is injured in next week's ep - is it Rachel A?  Is that why she sat out the first game?  Maybe it is another veteran?  Is that why TPTB decided to go with 37 - they were afraid it would be a repeat of last year's illnesses/injuries so they decided to have alternates?

No matter what,  I think Kelli would have come up with whatever reason she could to keep both Kat and Meredith on the team.

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Julia's really got me thinking. Was it just a dumb moment, is she Machiavellian, or is she unabashedly honest? IMO it's either the former or the latter.  

The more I thought about the Julia situation, the more it didn't make sense. Why would a girl with a broadcasting job and a prior position on the Mavs act as if DCC would be her stepping stone to building her broadcast career? If a pro team was really going to take her to the next level, why didn't she just walk off into the sunset (resume intact) when the Mavs disbanded their dancers? After all, she could already put that on her resume. Then I re-watched Julia's interview with the captions on and now my misgivings make sense (to me anyway).

The interviewer asked, "If you make the team and DCC ends for you, what's the future." Julia replies, "Uhm I wanna purse my broadcast career, you know? My whole goal doing DCC is to just have a resume. I just wanna have something so that when I'm done with this, they're not like, "Oh you worked at (bleep) for two years. How does that help you with, you know, getting a broadcast career? And I think that DCC, will you know enhance that resume for me." 

Yeah, her words suck but I think Julia misinterpreted what they were asking. Instead of just plainly stating her future goals I think Julia thought the interviewers wanted her to tie in why DCC would be important to helping her with those future goals. I think she wanted her answer to make her seem well-rounded, like she had other interests and professional goals besides dancing to Thunderstruck. 

When I compare this to how over the top Julia was in Kelli's office  I really didn't get the sense that she was this plotting mastermind with goals of using DCC to build her resume. She just seems like a girl with little to no filter who likes to dance and look pretty and wanted to keep on doing it at the pro level. Also didnt' she say in episode 1 that she tried out for DCC years ago and only made it to semis before trying out for Mavs. I'm sure she had no resume to speak of back then. 

Edited by kerrieway
Edited from dumb to dumb moment, I hate unnecessary harshness and I haven't seen Julia enough to tell
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Random thoughts

I've never got much warmth from the very little I've seen of Amy's personality but to be fair it was KaShara who said the switch for the second star was cute, Amy just repeated what KaShara said on the phone. I wonder if Amy congratulated Maddie, perhaps that part ended up on the cutting room floor. 

I like my Maddie and liked her even more tonight. Hoping that next year she'll be the point the entire time. 

Why was VK sitting in the front row of the rookies? Is she the unofficial rookie group leader? When looking at the vets sitting down it does appear that they casually sit down in order of seniority, probably because they know the girls they started with the best. Why was Victoria at the 50 in the rookie back row during the triangle? So now we're supposed to believe that VK dances better than the other rookies who made SG and therefore deserves to be at the 50....shoot me now. 

Kat sure is well-liked by the other girls, that was nice to see. I wonder if it's because everyone loves an underdog or wounded bird to root for or is it's because she's got a great personality or both. 

Edited by kerrieway
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I just asked the same question about Maddie going to an accident scene on the current episode board.. sorry for being late to the discussion . next week I will start over here 1st.

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27 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

So, just speculation here:

From the screen shot they have on FB, it appears to be dark haired veteran who passes out/is injured in next week's ep - is it Rachel A?  Is that why she sat out the first game?  Maybe it is another veteran?  Is that why TPTB decided to go with 37 - they were afraid it would be a repeat of last year's illnesses/injuries so they decided to have alternates?

No matter what,  I think Kelli would have come up with whatever reason she could to keep both Kat and Meredith on the team.

Just looked at photos and videos of them doing the kickline to try and figure out who it is. I think it might be Bridget! But I could be completely wrong. They always post the kickline from a hard angle so it's hard to see 

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9 minutes ago, KennyLynn said:

Also Amy didn’t expect to get point she is by far NOT entitled, extremely humble and an all around sweet person

I have always liked her, and she seems to be very supportive and helpful, not just with DCC, but with the girls at her dance studio, staying up late with Sarah G helping to do choreo, etc.

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I think Julia bombed media day due to nerves. Everything I’ve heard about her is good... no way is she there just as a resume booster. 

I felt so bad for her in the office. Her car accident sounds traumatic... she was probably afraid they were going to cut her for being unable to dance due to a concussion.  

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2 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

this is what the all starts and kashara did when they went to California 

And who remembers the original Hollywood Squares this is based on🙋‍♀️.  Hopefully it is just as fun.

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Random thoughts after watching this week... posting here because spoilers!

In the previews for next week, whoever passed out was a veteran as she was in blue.

Meredith has beautiful eyes, but honestly for me that is about it. She can't remember choreography, blew the interview, does not have the best figure on the team, and has the fewest stickers (including Melissa's pink sticker, ugh.) Of course she makes the team, how silly to think otherwise....(pries eyeballs back from where they have spun to top of head).

I think Amy was just surprised and excited to be named point. I thought it was rather cruel to then put Maddie up front leaving Amy a bit shell shocked. I like both girls, but still think there should be only one point. Bridget, Caroline,...? I hope it was explained to the gals what was going on with two points.

Kat just seems to be a no filter gal who is very (too very) talkative and open. The other gals seem to like her. It can be good to have someone happy and funny in a locker room, lightens the mood. 

Happy to see my favorite, Christina, getting some love from Kelli and Judi. She stepped it up and it shows.

I didn't care for Kelli's comment about Jalyn being so disappointed after not being named to SG but now she is FINALLY back on track. Aside from her moment in the locker/bath room, she was back on track that same night.

I think Shaina is lovely with her beautiful eyes and red hair. She seems sweet and I hope she tries again next season.

Edited by Agent Gully
trouble with a plural.
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1 hour ago, Agent Gully said:

Aside from her moment in the locker/bath room, she was back on track that same night.


Also, watched the preview for next week. A show about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and we're going to watch a segment about them cooking??? HUH. I don't think so. People, please let me know how that one goes cause I think I'm skipping that part next week.

Also, Meredith's media segment this episode left me shocked that she made the team. My gosh ...

@ByTor. Didn't you just love how Amy finally getting point after 5 years was just an excuse to show KaShara on screen YET AGAIN this season??? 😂

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Kat and Meredith should have been cut by now. Kelli can't get past their looks.  Definitely not world class. If they were great speakers, I could understand but they failed even that test. 

 Bridget looked especially pretty in her talking head. 

So over Melissa. Bring on another vet to mentor. Could care less that she won dancing with the Stars.

Edited by ElenaFR
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8 hours ago, KennyLynn said:

Just want to point out it was Kashara that said it was cute that Maddie was point as well and Amy just repeated it (and I am pretty sure they were talking about the whole formation change was cute cause they have never done that before) Also Amy didn’t expect to get point she is by far NOT entitled, extremely humble and an all around sweet person. What you see on the show is the tiniest little glimpse or a staged  scenario of what truly went on. Amy questioned as well why CMT didn’t spend extra time on Maddie getting second point cause Amy  acknowledges that Maddie’s position is just as important. 

Agree with all this. I think it would be a shame if Amy suddenly had this cold, entitled reputation based on this tiny, very subjective clip! I can see it happening though; it’s going to become canon on these boards from this one thing and in a couple years people will refer to “when Amy was mad about sharing point.” 😂

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10 hours ago, rafibomb said:

I was just watching Devil Wears Prada, and holy crap, Jalyn looks so much like Emily Blunt in that movie. I'm sure I'm not the first person who noticed this though. 

Lol. You’re not even the first person in  this thread. (Not your fault it’s many many pages back by now). 

Edited by heckkitty
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I hate  to say it but will anyway, Amy’s just not photogenic ... those close up camera shots were especially not flattering and she isn’t aging well even though she’s still fairly young. It also rubbed me the wrong way when she acted like she was solely chosen for point but It’s “cute” that Maddie gets a turn too. 

Maddie is awesome and all but looked really paunchy in this episode. 

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10 hours ago, KennyLynn said:

Just want to point out it was Kashara that said it was cute that Maddie was point as well and Amy just repeated it (and I am pretty sure they were talking about the whole formation change was cute cause they have never done that before) Also Amy didn’t expect to get point she is by far NOT entitled, extremely humble and an all around sweet person. What you see on the show is the tiniest little glimpse or a staged  scenario of what truly went on. Amy questioned as well why CMT didn’t spend extra time on Maddie getting second point cause Amy  acknowledges that Maddie’s position is just as important. 

I noticed that too about Kash saying “cute” first. I’m glad to hear all this; I wasn’t feeling good about Amy after watching.

i noticed that when they first did the formation & Amy switched with Maddie, they had her in the same spot as Maddie & I think only the 2 of them switched. Now she’s behind Maddie & a bunch of them move. I wonder if they changed it because they noticed how she keeps screwing up, or because it looks better to have more than 2 people switching?

Edited by heckkitty
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I can't believe this hasn't been covered!  What was up with Kelli's hair???  In the blue dress in some of the talking heads, it had this odd bump.  Like she did her own hair for the first time ever. Frankly, the bangs haven't looked good this season either.  I was about to say she fired her hairdresser but then she came out looking like her beautiful self with the hair up and bangs done properly.   It takes 10 years off her look to have those bangs done right.

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I’m actually surprised to see the Amy bashing. I didn’t really get the sense that she was putting down Maddie at all. Maybe I need to rewatch because I didn’t get a negative impression. Still not a fan of Maddie and Amy at point. Gina was robbed.

I am chuckling at the fact that the show is now acknowledging what a big deal point is - and position in the formation, in general. Difference from a few years ago for sure. Glad they dropped the act.

While the criticism leveled at Meredith and Kat is deserved, at least they look the part and have some pep in their step. Lily is dull as dishwater and not even remotely a power dancer. I would cut her before them if I’m being honest. I understand that she is very well-liked and must therefore actually have a personality, but she’s comes off as so wooden.

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Amy v Maddie - I think we just weren't shown some very pertinent parts.   From what we've seen Amy isn't the type to say "I am point" when she should be saying "Maddie and I are point".  Judy did introduce her as point and kind of brought up Maddie moving into the position as an after thought.  And every girl that came by hugged Amy and congratulated her.  I just think they were all given a clearer understanding that Amy will go down in history as THE point and Maddie is just another dancer that moves into that position.  I truly don't think it is Amy taking it upon herself to say "I am THE point".  I think WE may have heard shared point from our insiders for so long that we have made assumptions, not her.

But yeah, the after show convo between Kash and Amy when Amy sees the Caroline statement - AWWWWKKKKKWWWWAAARRRDDDDDDD

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1 hour ago, heckkitty said:

I noticed that too about Kash saying “cute” first. I’m glad to hear all this; I wasn’t feeling good about Amy after watching 

In real life that had to be so deflating for Amy how they made her think she got point and then gave at least half of it to Maddie mid block.  I’m not a fan of hers at all (can’t stand her look) but that was all forms of low to do to someone and she hid her disappointment well for the sake of the show and the team.  In real life a lot of people would be pretty upset.

But of course they are all expected to smile and be happy about it all and not be phased by how she “got point!!!...but just for some of the dance 😕” and it’s all well and good.

If this was Judy’s decision is was a major cop out.   Have some guts and just pick one person.  

Edited by MyFavShows
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Plus, unless Amy is used to being followed into her home with a camera crew, I hated that "Guess what?" scene with her husband and his, "No way!" And the exact timing of the phone call. I m glad she is happy, but I hate filler scenes like that. And, I do like Maddie. 

I know that you all know the ladies way better than I do (for example, when they showed that clip of the scenes after the break, I couldn't figure out why VK would be in K&J's office crying, when it was obviously Julia! All I saw was big blonde hair and blinding white teeth!). Again, as I don't know the histories, to me, Julia came across exactly as we saw - she is using the DCC as a resume builder. However, their favorite Melissa Rycroft seems to have used her time as an apparently mediocre DCC to make herself a reality TV personality. I am sure that seeing that she was a DCC didn't hurt her chances of getting picked to be on the Bachelor.

I have watched this silly show since the beginning and remember Megan Flaherty, crazy Vivian's lucid dreams, Kelly inventing the term, "thutt" and while there have always been girls you root for who struggle, I don't ever remember this much time being spent on two women who would have been cut much earlier and are still there for no apparent reason. Meredith screwing up her media football interview as badly as she did? Good thing VK was there to show her how to do it correctly! I do think that this is the worst season I can remember. Every year I wonder if it will be back, but if this is the best team they can come up with, I agree that TC means nothing and they just pick who they want.

Edited by Retired at last
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I think the way K&J presented point of the triangle was confusing. It appeared Amy was the official point. Amy still thought she was that night and couldn’t wait to share with her bff Kashara. Kashara did celebrate hard with the whole head thrashing 😂. That was great! 

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46 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

I’m actually surprised to see the Amy bashing. I didn’t really get the sense that she was putting down Maddie at all. Maybe I need to rewatch because I didn’t get a negative impression. Still not a fan of Maddie and Amy at point. Gina was robbed.

I am chuckling at the fact that the show is now acknowledging what a big deal point is - and position in the formation, in general. Difference from a few years ago for sure. Glad they dropped the act.

While the criticism leveled at Meredith and Kat is deserved, at least they look the part and have some pep in their step. Lily is dull as dishwater and not even remotely a power dancer. I would cut her before them if I’m being honest. I understand that she is very well-liked and must therefore actually have a personality, but she’s comes off as so wooden.

I would have cut Lily too ( personality comes across as dull on camera).  Hoping that Kat and Meredith improve or they will be one and done.

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Does anyone know if the 4 groups and their leaders are structured according to ability and/or seniority?  Like, is group 1 higher in the hierarchy than group 2, etc.?  Is it a greater honor to be group 1 leader than group 4 leader?

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43 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

I don't ever remember this much time being spent on two women who would have been cut much earlier and are still there for no apparent reason.

Could not agree more.  I too have watched from the beginning, and IMO neither of these women would have made it past the 3rd week of training camp on any other season.  Kelly really did look like she was going to cut Kat last night and backed off.  There was no other reason to bring Kat in to the office for the third time unless it was to cut.  

Meredith...what can I say that hasn't already been said?  Well that ain't gonna stop me.  She is very pretty, but so is Kat, and so are so many of the girls they discarded over the years without a second look.  If she's such a great dancer with no cheer/pom training, she still should have caught on by now.  Her constant failure to remember routines and even admitting numerous times on camera that her mind went blank makes me question how great a dancer could she be? 

I cannot believe these two might make the team, but as a long time viewer, I see the pattern coming on.  Problems, problems, problems for Meredith...ditto Kat.  Nothing for 5 weeks for Julia or Lisa...now getting called in for some tiny mistake. And then boom...they're gone.  Hope not, but it's Kelly's M.O.     

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I can't believe they made Julia glam herself up and drag herself into practice with a concussion and headache.    Oh but they didn't make her dance, thanks for that at least!

Amy has no sex appeal   And neither does Mr Amy   

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1 minute ago, Rubyslippahz said:

I can't believe they made Julia glam herself up and drag herself into practice with a concussion and headache.    Oh but they didn't make her dance, thanks for that at least!

Amy has no sex appeal   And neither does Mr Amy   

Maybe she wanted to be there 

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Posting here rather than the episode thread JIC something comes across as a spoiler: until last night I could see how Meredith might possibly convince me that she'd be okay making the team, even with memory mistakes & vocal fry . However, her media 'training' performance was so dreadful that now I can't see anything about her except her looks while she's standing still & mute that is even remotely DCC! Kelli's girl-crushes strike again.

About Kelli's brief mention of Jalyn being back on track, maybe that was an effort to show some of us that she's aware of our reactions, that she really does have a heart, that she really forgives Jalyn for her reaction to the SG omission, & that maybe J. does stand a chance of making it back on the team again next year if she tries out. Maybe.......

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1 hour ago, DancingDina13 said:

I hate  to say it but will anyway, Amy’s just not photogenic ... those close up camera shots were especially not flattering and she isn’t aging well even though she’s still fairly young. It also rubbed me the wrong way when she acted like she was solely chosen for point but It’s “cute” that Maddie gets a turn too. 

Maddie is awesome and all but looked really paunchy in this episode. 

Yes Maddie's midsection is looking very soft and would look better toned. 

How old is Amy? I can't tell...I'm assuming by some early comments that she is in her mid to late 20s. I wish she was my friend because somebody needs to do an intervention now. 

Amy, like the rest of us, didn't choose the face or skin color she was born with but does have some control over how gracefully she ages. She's got very little melanin and should take precautions with her skin, an abundance of water, SPF 50++ sunscreen are just the basics.

She should avoid the sun at all costs (and use parasols and solar sunglasses when she is out walking and) when not on the football field or at an event as she clearly already has an overexposure. She needs to hydrate her skin asap: face masks, eye masks, and she needs to drink more than her daily recommended amount of water and eliminate alcohol or smoking if she does smoke or drink, moisturize her skin: night creams and night oils on her face everyday, and she should be drinking green tea or taking antioxidants and collagen peptides.

She should also avoid overly dramatic facial movements when she's not cheering....crinkles create wrinkles and her cheerleading facial muscle memory may be causing her to oversmile and even wrinkle parts of her face and forehead when no one or just family and friends are around because she's just so used to making expressions. 

DCC will be over soon, but she'll have to live in her body for the rest of her life. 

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