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S03.E15: True Colors

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2 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Re:  Darcey and Stacey and their royally fucked up one-upmanship: 

When they had to stop or pull over The Albanian Puke-Mobile because Darcey's feet were suddenly swelling up and it was a full on 911 Panic! moment, did anyone else get a good laugh at the sheer horror in Darcey's voice when Stacey suggested that maybe their was a little shop in town that sold flip flops.  And you hear Darcey exclaim, "FLIP FLOPS??" 😲 as if Stacey just suggested the most horrific horror that ever was.  I'm still chuckling at that.  Push those buttons, Stacey. 

And what made her reaction even more hilarious was the twit had been shown clearly wearing flip flops when she was on the train from CT to NYC to meet up with Jesse.  She changed them when she arrived, but her ass was traveling with the dreaded flip flops on that trip.  

Maybe it's because Stacy was back in CT and there didn't have to be a battle royale over being the taller troll.  

Gawd, she's so exhausting but I'll be damned if she doesn't make excellent TV entertainment.  😄  

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5 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

If I recall correctly, isn't he Mormon?  He likes black women, and there are not very many black Mormons.

Yeah, speaking of this, it seemed from what Father Akinyi was going on about in church, that her family are Jehovah's Witnesses, he kept mentioning Jehovah, yes? I don't think Jehovah gets all that much air time in most other Christian churches, or does he? I'm a heathen so I wouldn't know...anyway, I've always thought that Jehovah's were like Mormons in that they tend to only marry within their faith flavor because their beliefs are unique to their specific brand of Christianity. So why would Ben want to marry a Jehovah's Witness?

43 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Ben's leap from Akinyi having a cocktail while out to dinner with her boyfriend, to guzzling booze during the day while watching a child, was certainly a head scratcher. I enjoy a drink too, but I don't pound margaritas on the regular. Ben seems convinced that she's a drunk. He's a prig.

YES.  It was the pearl clutching aspect of it all.  I was interpreting his statement to mean the MERE SIGHT of Akinyi slightly tipsy would probably scar Greyson for life - even if he (as his father) was present and completely sober.  Of course, no parent wants a falling down drunk around their child but to immediately decide because she got a little tipsy she would be re-enacting "The Day of Wine and Roses" was a bit much.  According to her, she had never had a margarita before.  It's possible she will wake up tomorrow and decide she likes them and would like to have another at some time in her life.  It is also possible she'll decide it was something she never wants to do again.  If getting slightly drunk once (on a date, with no children present) is a deal-breaker for Ben I think there will be a lot more deal-breakers in the future.  She will NEVER measure up.

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9 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Yeah, speaking of this, it seemed from what Father Akinyi was going on about in church, that her family are Jehovah's Witnesses, he kept mentioning Jehovah, yes? I don't think Jehovah gets all that much air time in most other Christian churches, or does he? I'm a heathen so I wouldn't know...anyway, I've always thought that Jehovah's were like Mormons in that they tend to only marry within their faith flavor because their beliefs are unique to their specific brand of Christianity. So why would Ben want to marry a Jehovah's Witness?

I don't don't think they are JW. They are too "animated" in their services. 
And there would be no way she would drink. Ever. 

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Ben most likely wants what he considers to be a good Christian wife - modestly dressed, mannered, God-fearing, listens to and obeys him, drinks rarely, etc. A role model for a pastor's wife.

It does work the other way too. It's much more difficult for a woman to bring a new man in to her life and as a prospective step-parent. There is always the thought that the man is not who you think and that he could be a pedophile, someone who beats or otherwise assaults children - maybe tween or teen girls.

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3 hours ago, shockermolar said:

 What is your plan that you're dumping your kid on a wife that doesn't want to take care of said kid? And seriously, no shade on her. She's not maternal apparently, too many women aren't and either don't care or won't admit to it. Good for her that she does and is upfront about it.

I wonder if she purposely acted more drunk than she was so he would decide to stop pursuing her and just go back home. But he is either too dumb or too desperate to get that.

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4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The comparison still works. You're making a judgment about the quality of Tim's somewhat feminine androgynous style. That's not what I was saying. Prince does it better, but that doesn't mean that Tim isn't trying to do the same thing even if he isn't doing a good job at pulling it off.

I remember reading somewhere that Prince was an incredible lover and sexy as hell in bed. Ummm, Tim? Not so much.

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4 hours ago, A-Lo said:

Does anyone else think Angela is older than 51?  When she was laying on that OB's table and craning her neck to look at the ultrasound all I could focus on was the dry, crinkly skin around her neck.  I'm 7 years older than her and don't have any of that yet.  Maybe she's actually 61?

I just turned 59 and i also have a hard time believing she is just 51.  If she is 51, she is a very, very rough 51.

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I don't understand (unless it's just scripted) all of the proclamations of "I CAN'T get my heart broken again" (Tim) or "this is my LAST CHANCE to get married again" (Rebecca).  Why the ultimatum?  You don't even know these people but you are hinging your entire life on making this work?

And what happens if Tim and Jeniffer don't work out? He will implode? Die?

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Angela has one egg. ONE! One rotten, dirty, smoke infested, alcohol infested very old abused egg. There will be no kids for Ang and Mikull. 

I guess I am ignorant about this part of biology...…...can you really see one egg in there? I would think it would be way too tiny to  pick up in the exam.  Maybe when they get old and nasty they swell.

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52 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I don't don't think they are JW. They are too "animated" in their services. 
And there would be no way she would drink. Ever. 

I know a few JW's, they drink.

Bikini drinking booze is odd since we know she was raised in some pentacostal or fundamental Christian religion, that said, I get the feeling that Bikini's margarita was not her first. She had no questions about any drink, she went for it.

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1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I know a few JW's, they drink.

Bikini drinking booze is odd since we know she was raised in some pentacostal or fundamental Christian religion, that said, I get the feeling that Bikini's margarita was not her first. She had no questions about any drink, she went for it.

True some do. I do think her family is Pentacostal, like Hazel's (as in Tarik and Hazel) family.  

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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

Yeah, speaking of this, it seemed from what Father Akinyi was going on about in church, that her family are Jehovah's Witnesses, he kept mentioning Jehovah, yes? I don't think Jehovah gets all that much air time in most other Christian churches, or does he? I'm a heathen so I wouldn't know...anyway, I've always thought that Jehovah's were like Mormons in that they tend to only marry within their faith flavor because their beliefs are unique to their specific brand of Christianity. So why would Ben want to marry a Jehovah's Witness?

I used to work with a JW, it is important to marry another JW, I went to her wedding, there was no yelling just calm, quiet wedding talk...subdude.  Then there was the reception, they were partying hard!

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4 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

You ever walk into a dive bar and on the counter is the big the jar of pickled eggs...as you peer into the cloudy slit, sits the ONE LAST EGG sitting on the bottom....

That is Big Ange's last egg...pickled, broken, leaking into the surroundings and waiting for the biggest fool to fish it out...

Where is she going to get the money to harvest that one egg if she is going to have her 8 thousand American/African wedding reception with a pig cooked in a pit and fireworks?


that is what I thought of! 

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14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

The Tim and Prince comparison make so sense simply because Tim has no real style, sex appeal or charisma. He's just a effeminate dude.

A dude that had the wrong attraction if he's going to be into fiery Latinas while having no backbone or charm.

And I'm not knocking his insecurities. That's just something he can work on in his own time. That's not something anyone else can fix.

Borrowing money from the woman you want to propose to for her ring? Awesome.

I’m starting to question his relationship with Veronica.  Was it always completely platonic? Why did she still have the engagement ring  he gave her?    Is she seeing anyone else? 

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Veronica gave the engagement ring back to Tim and Tim brought that sloppy seconds engagement ring on the trip to give to Jennifer.

Talk about bad karma all over that jinxed ring....

I imagine Veronica telling Jennifer..."Did you like your engagement ring? I liked it for the 6 months that I wore it but I gave it to Tim when we broke up so he could give it to his next fiance."

The next sound would be Jennifer flushing it down the toilet.....if she had indoor plumbing....

Edited by humbleopinion
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3 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Veronica gave the engagement ring back to Tim and Tim brought that sloppy seconds engagement ring on the trip to give to Jennifer.

Talk about bad karma all over that jinxed ring....

I imagine Veronica telling Jennifer..."Did you like your engagement ring? I liked it for the 6 months that I wore it but I gave it to Tim when we broke up so he could give it to his next fiance."

The next sound would be Jennifer flushing it down the toilet.....if she had indoor plumbing....

You just know that if they ever met, Veronica would tell Jennnifffer about the ring.

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Not sure this is the right thread, my episode said Out of the Blue?

I wonder if they get Judge Judy in Tunisia. Plenty of folks on that show pay for their own engagement rings. Perhaps Zied saw that and thought, “Ribickah vill pey for ze ring.”

Again, FF past the dude with Akini (sp?). From day one his story was not compelling or interesting to me at all.

Thanks for showing me Georgia Ass Face’s uterus. You know, it really is very unbecoming— and I’m no prude at all— for a woman to call another woman a bitch in that “you want me to let you fuck another bitch? hell to the naw.” I mean, it sounds so trashy when a young person says it, but Angela at her age saying it just makes me fee ill.

Tom’s sister can go fuck herself with her, “no one will upset my brother.” Grow the hell up. I hate when people have that attitude towards their over 30 siblings. I had a neighbor once who had a 25 year old nephew and heard her talking to the lady next door about how he just started dating a girl and “she better not hurt him or I’ll punch the shit out of her.” This was a woman well into her 40s. Please. Do people think saying this kind of shit makes people revere them for being so protective of grown ass adults? You sound like an infantile fool.

No interest in Cesar. I don’t feel bad for him in the least. Another brainless fool who allows himself to be taken to the cleaners.

Tim. What to make of him. He’s just so weird. A normal male in bed with an attractive woman like Jeniffer, who is “touching him” that starts overthinking and can’t respond is just, what? I get that she emasculates him at every turn but even then he does not speak up for himself or respond in a “don’t speak to me like that” sort of way. He’s just an odd bird.

Avery will now be schooled in being a Muslim wife. No more Martha Reeves for you, sweetie. Not sure if it’s a nervous thing or what but Omar always looks like he’s stifling a laugh when Avery’s mother is upset. I am not seeing any joy that they are together now from either of them. It was all very matter of fact: the wedding night was nice, yes I was nervous for my first kiss, yes I am happy (in Terminator voice), don’t dance in the street anymore and when we have an argument you need to be quiet. This will be fun.

Darcy ruins any chance at a true relationship not long after the jump. I thought Tom was a prick last time to tell her that he was going to propose because I don’t buy that for a second. It was cruel. Still, her constant competition and one upsmanship with Stacy is a lifelong thing that will never stop. The slobbery drunk Darcy is just so incredibly unattractive. Stacy takes obvious pleasure in torturing Darcy.

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4 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

So he couldn't get it up? He made it sound like he just wasn't in the mood to even try (and Jeniffer didn't say otherwise). And they seemed in good moods when they woke up...coffee?..fruit?...sure, honey....

(about Tim)

That was weird (like everything else about this guy).  And how often are we going to be told that his failure to follow through sexually is because he "overthinks" things?  What the hell does that even mean?  It sounds to me like he got it up but then it wilted like last week's prom corsage.

He did have the shoulders of his sleeveless top gathered up to accommodate his narrow shoulders, and I've noticed that several of his shirts have little pleats sewn into the shoulder seams to take up the extra material.  I wish someone would explain what's going on with his shoulders--is it a genetic thing?  Injury?

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I remember reading somewhere that Prince was an incredible lover and sexy as hell in bed. Ummm, Tim? Not so much.

I can tell you that Prince gets me off every time.  He is my go-to sex fantasy (don't tell my husband).

There is a scene in Purple Rain that I have to consciously resist thinking about lest I begin squirming in an inappropriate manner.

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7 hours ago, Cammi said:

When she said something to the effect of “I don't like to be quiet”, it was shades of Nicole’s “I’m not a sit and listen kinda girl” to Azan. Yeah, let’s marry a strict Muslim just to get to wear the pretty head scarves 🙄 Dumb kid. Wants to dance in the streets? Okaaaay.... sounds exactly like what I picture strict Muslims doing. I don’t have enough eye rolls for this kid. 

This is exactly it, she thinks this is all one big game, that she gets to go to the middle east and be Muslim on her terms, that she is somehow going to negotiate a marriage of equals with her now husband.

I want to be very careful and not paint Muslims with an overly broad brush, there are absolutely progressive Muslims but that is clearly not the culture she is entering.

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7 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

I can't get the vision of Zied's grubby little hands practically picking the cash out of Rebecca's wallet.

Yes! I meant to mention that. He was snatching the money from her and was enraging to watch.

5 hours ago, Cammi said:

That’s a stepparent’s role, obviously they’re times they’ll be alone with the kids. Which she clearly isn’t mature enough to be a parent in any capacity given her child like demeanor, and she expresses no desire to become one. Ben should listen to her, but doesn’t mean he’s just looking for a sitter. 

I FF past these two but saw in a commercial a clip of her drunk in the restaurant to I stopped to see what that was about. Ben saying "what if she's alone with Grayson," was seriously smackworthy. Yeah, Ben, because everyone who orders a drink now and again in a bar is a danger to "the children" at all times. He said something like the last time he had a drink was a year prior. Okay, big whoop. Congratulations on being better than everyone else?

4 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Furthermore, his attitude up on the mountain was outrageous. I would have pushed him over. He complained about everything...the heat, the the stairs, the height. That would be it for me. Good bye, Gringo!

I totally agree that he was a tool on the mountain but did hear him say that he wished they did "regular" tourist things. I can relate to him in that way. I hate to travel. A vacation to me is dreadful. If you told me that I won a trip anywhere for 3 weeks, I'd give it away. Just not my thing. I see my friends posting pics of their vacations on social media. They go to place x and spend the entire day walking around and "doing stuff." I don't see that as a vacation. Sitting and chilling is my idea of a vacation. Maybe I'm boring. I'll take it if I am. Not throwing shade on anyone who likes to travel and hike and be actively doing stuff but Tim may not be of that kind and all this hiking/walking/doing is just not enjoyable to him. I get that but he could have at least tried enjoy some of the things like the parrots. I don't blame him for not going on that swing. I would not have gone either. That is the type of thing that if a person says they do not want to go on it, you believe that they have legit fear or whatever, do not want to go on it, and leave them be. That is not in the same category as enjoying animals or a hike or whatever, to me.

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fixed an error
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48 minutes ago, Mothra said:

And how often are we going to be told that his failure to follow through sexually is because he "overthinks" things?  What the hell does that even mean?  It sounds to me like he got it up but then it wilted like last week's prom corsage.

The whole thing is just so weird! Maybe he has like a micropenis or something? I don't understand his apparent complete lack of desire to be physically intimate.

Like, I'm a dolt when it comes to subtle sex signals, but she is telling you she wants to fuck you, do the things.

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1 hour ago, John M said:

The worst thing about Darcy is she is not healthy enough emotionally to be in a healthy relationship. No doubt if she tries hard enough she will find a partner to enter into a horribly dysfunctional relationship but it's doomed from the start.

It's my firm belief that you can't be happy in a healthy, mature relationship with someone else until you find happiness and fulfilment being alone, the rest will follow.

If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else.

                -- RuPaul, professional women's clothing wearer who is not trans

1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I remember reading somewhere that Prince was an incredible lover and sexy as hell in bed. Ummm, Tim? Not so much.

1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

I've read the same, about Prince that is. 

And? Prince loved breakfast food. Does Tim love breakfast food? Prince was a great basketball player. Is Tim a great basketball player? Prince loved The New Girl. Does Tim love The New Girl? There is lots of shit that Prince did that Tim does not do. Prince kind of pressured Laurence Fishburne into proposing to Gina Torres by congratulating them on their engagement after a performance on the Tonight Show. Has Tim ever..... I'm going to stop because that is actually an asshole thing to do even if Prince and Larry were friends and Prince thought Larry was dithering.

All I'm saying is that some men like to dress themselves a little bit more feminine/androgynous and doing so doesn't mean they are trans or queer. That's it.

If we're going into non sequiturs about celebrities, Marlon Brando was phenomenal in bed and would sleep with anyone (Richard Pryor and James Baldwin) and Uncle Miltie was a big dick with a big dick. Done.

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29 minutes ago, John M said:

This is exactly it, she thinks this is all one big game, that she gets to go to the middle east and be Muslim on her terms, that she is somehow going to negotiate a marriage of equals with her now husband.

I want to be very careful and not paint Muslims with an overly broad brush, there are absolutely progressive Muslims but that is clearly not the culture she is entering.

Avery, Avery, Avery.  You were making Omar VERY uncomfortable talking about your wedding night on camera.  Most people don't ask about it as it is private.  Muslims do NOT discuss that with others, ever.  It is one of the big reasons a Muslim man will not shake a woman's hand, touching a woman is reserved for his wife.

So now you are gonna go all Mick Jagger/David Bowie and go dancing in the streets?  Omar, she is your problem now.  Just like all the other ladies who marry conservative Muslim men she is gonna be the one to change years and YEARS if history and culture and lead other Muslim women into the streets, dancing!!!!  But only with their shoulders and fingers, whatever THAT means.  I bet the house in Ohio is a lot quieter and calmer these days without her.

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Omar and Avery's biggest challenge will be her immaturity. She likes to challenge him and I don't think it's a bad thing, but dancing in the streets? That's not even a normal thing here to do. I don't think Omar is going to be a strict husband. He seems flexible.  I think they both just have to learn more about each other's cultures and how to act depending on which country they are in.

I know Michael wants to be in America more than  he wants to be with Angela,  but it's really unacceptable for these young men to expect older women to bear children. Even if she can tote a fetus it would be very difficult on her body and it's inconsiderate to expect that from her. Like she said he will have plenty of time after she dies to have a kid.

It was very hard to watch Stacey, Florian, and Tom taunt and then try to calm Darcy.  It was very cruel and sick. 

Tim and Jennifpher seem like they have chemistry and I know they both want the relationship to work, but their expectations are too different. She needs to stop calling him a pussy and respect that he isn't ready to sleep with her and he needs to stop with that whiny I don't want my heart broken bullshit.  Both of them need to Relax and let what happens happen. 

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19 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Just like all the other ladies who marry conservative Muslim men she is gonna be the one to change years and YEARS if history and culture and lead other Muslim women into the streets, dancing!!!!  But only with their shoulders and fingers, whatever THAT means.  

It's because she hasn't progressed developmentally beyond a 8 year olds understanding that everything is a negotiation. 

Nap time, candy for breakfast, 5 more minutes at the park, eating meat even though she is vegan, centuries of cultural norms and traditions, she is under the impression that no dancing is just the opening offer, surely just a little harmless finger dancing would be OK.

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3 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I remember reading somewhere that Prince was an incredible lover and sexy as hell in bed. Ummm, Tim? Not so much.

God damn that man could play a guitar, he was likely very good with his hands 😂. Prince also oozed charisma ...Tim can play dress up all he likes, it's like lipstick on a pig.

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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The trip to the fertility clinic scene is 100% the producers doing. Angela had nothing to do with it.

I suspect the clinic was well paid, if not in money, at least in advertising just like many of the other places where the "contestants" are filmed (attorneys, counselors, restaurants, bridal salons, etc.) 

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Tim looks like a Barbie doll that someone's attached a Ken head to...maybe he has a Ken crotch too...But I don't wanna think too much about that. I'm guessing ol Yennifer's hoohah has some mileage on it, from test driving baby daddy's, and I just cannot understand why she thought Teem would be a good match for her. He has exactly ZERO sex appeal and is completely lacking in machismo so what is it? She doesn't come off as wanting desperately to get to the USA so...I'm baffled.

Also, do we know if Omar the Virgin knows that his bride has been around the block a few times before him? I can't remember if he thinks she's a virgin too...anyone? I'm actually surprised Teri didn't spill the beans at dinner and say something like, "Omar, I bet you can't wait to be alone with my daughter, she'll teach you everything you need to know, she's experienced...!" That seems like something Teri would say in between weeping and angsting over Syria and being happy that Omar is her son-in-law.

I think we should all come together and bring a Class Action Suit against TLC for mental anguish damages for having to be shown Grangela's menopausal uterus and single rotten egg. At this point, Mahkull should cut his losses, take the shit from friends and family, and cut bait. This dried out bag of fat and bones isn't worth the entry ticket to 'Murica, and to be honest, his lifestyle isnt' going to be all that much better than what it is in Lagos, given Grangela's way of livin'...But he IS a scammer, albeit a shitty one at that, so he also deserves what he gets at this point.

There is nothing that hasn't already been said about DUHrcey. She is a hot mess and should not be allowed on any TV shows anymore. She needs serious therapy and possibly to be hospitalized. That's how ill I think she is. She aint right. Then again, she may have a personality disorder and be unable to take in help. Either way, she's not well and shouldn't be on TV.

Rebecca deserves whatever is coming her way with greasy Zied. He wants a sugar mama and she's too stupid to see what's right in front of her, a man boy that will never grow the fuck up. But she gets what she paid for, so to speak, and its her own fault.

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Sophie, Countess of Wessex is older than Grangela. She’ll be 55 in January. 

Angela looks like a HARD 75. That’s an insult to my grandmother who just turned 75, though. I bet Mykull’s mother is older than her, and she looked way more youthful. I know a bad diet, smoking, stress, and other lifestyle things can influence aging but she looks awful!

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