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  1. I gotta say, I'm with Tina on this one. I am by no means uptight about sex or normal sex talk, jokes, etc., but I think Vanessa takes it to such a extreme, I cringe at home just watching it. Less horrified about her running around "nekkked" (although I understand Tina thinking it reflected poorly on all of them) and more horrified by her over the top vulgar talk. These ladies all have a temper but Vanessa goes from 1-100 pretty quickly.
  2. Same! I'm 61 and it's hard for me to believe Kimberly is only 50..that's a very hard 50. I really just find her loathsome because of her actions and that's typically all I ever like to comment on, not a person's appearance...however in this case I have to make an exception. Again I have to compare her to the middle-age men with huge guts and bad teeth that go overseas looking for a young hottie. They all seem to think they are highly desirable and Kimberly is no exception. I'm happy for anyone to have a healthy amount of self-esteem but she just seems delusional. She doesn't even seem to make any type of effort to make herself presentable. I actually work really hard to take care of myself and I am under no pretense that a young hot guy would find me remotely attractive, yet she tosses her dirty hair back into a high pony, throws on an old t-shirt and thinks she is good to go. I wish I had that level of self confidence!
  3. Honestly, Kim disgusts me. She is no different than the men who think they gotta have some young hottie and use their American citizenship and wealth to find "love" with someone who would never, ever ever ever in a million years consider them a romantic partner, but settle for a transactional relationship in order to better their living situation. There is such a power imbalance, she feels like Usman is bought and paid for and she is entitled to have sex with him even if she has to whine, manipulate or strong arm her way into it. His gross first "wife" was the same and it's the same with Angela and David. I'm not saying Usman is not completely playing the game but I have zero sympathy for Kim and frankly, I hope he takes her for everything he can get, she deserves it. I said what I said.
  4. Right! I had to go watch PBS All Creatures Great and Small for a palate cleanser. Jen is an unhinged banshee, Jenny is repulsive to me and if Whitney kept grabbing me and pawing at me like she did with Meredith when she was trying to leave, I would probably smack her. Note, I have never smacked anyone in my life.
  5. I plan to start using this statement frequently. Just casually drop it into conversations.
  6. I have a feeling there was nothing "legal" about this situation. Seemed like squatters trying to make a buck off "renting" out rooms. When they had to move after a day or two, it pretty much confirmed that to me.
  7. Good point. I guess I'm just thinking that it's something they routinely showed on many previous occasions so it seemed odd to me that nobody addressed it whatsoever. From my perspective, it seemed like at breakfast the crew was being told for the first time that she was in bed with a bad ear when they asked them to take breakfast down. I thought it would have been the polite (and 5 star service) thing to do at that point to ask if she needed a doctor, or when Heather took breakfast down, to ask her directly? I have no idea why this is even something that bugs me.
  8. I kept saying this to myself...why isn't someone calling a doctor?? I thought when they told Captain Lee at dinner about it, surely HE would have suggested a doctor but he didn't. I was really taken aback by this. Agree Kate would have certainly gotten a doctor out there.
  9. I agree...I think Mary will be joining her at some point along with Erica Jane....Real Housewives of Gen Pop? I like it!!!
  10. Heather, you aren't cute, you aren't remotely likeable, you aren't witty and you suck as a manager. While it was clear that Jess was not a great fit, the way Heather bitched about her to Fraser was sooooo unprofessional. She clearly was trying to stick it to her by putting her on service and when someone quits, even if it is at the last minute, your snippy "you have one hour to pack your shit and get off this boat" is not how a professional responds. I agree with the poster upthread that said she should have said "let's go speak with Captain Lee" but instead pretty much misrepresents how Jess conducted herself to him after she had gone. I don't know if it's her lack of real experience that is making her such a horrible Chief Stew but I think she is, the worst and I hate watching her. Wire jaw lady....settle down. A homeless person hungrily looking sadly in a restaurant window you ain't.
  11. I had that exact same speech impediment growing up and if it weren't for my parents insisting on literally years of speech therapy, I'd still be speaking like that. I'll never forget having to say "the wed wed wobin flew away" a million times. I must admit it's jarring hearing it from an adult.
  12. If I remember correctly, she said she wasn't a very good journalist after Rachel told her she basically lifted the whole story from another magazine.
  13. I also went Hmmmmm...if she had a septoplasty, she would NOT be removing the packing and squirting water in there. I think Mike said something about polyps, so maybe that's different.
  14. LOL, It looks like they were at a surgery center in Issaquah, I know this because I recently had some nasal work done by a pretty well regarded nasal surgeon and if I had to guess, I'd bet she had her work done by the same Doctor.. My son took me and they would not allow him into the hospital either. They called when I was done and he pulled up and they wheeled me out! My claim to fame, the same nose doc as Natalie...!
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